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Authorities Release Details on the Quadruple Murder; Senator Marco Rubio Tops Recent Republican Presidential Poll. Aired 3:30p- 4:00p ET.

Aired June 12, 2015 - 15:30   ET


[15:30:00] CEDRIC ALEXANDER, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST (via phone): -- that as this search continues, it's going to intensify with more and more personnel, if need. But nothing is going to let up on this search. They've got the best technology that's known to the policing that is out there. You just heard a piece of it from my guys there. And you're also going to find as well, too, the officers that are out there, they are working diligently around the hours to get these guys into custody. So, it's just a matter of time before they are brought in. But they are going to stay with it.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN HOST: They are -- I mean, we're getting emails on all of these potential leads. I've talked to people who are living in the area. They are reporting seeing, you know, a flurry of activity here or choppers over some of the else's people's homes. I mean, there's a heck of a lot of people, you know, wanting to find these two guys. How do you know when a lead is credible?

ALEXANDER: Well, you know, some of them you're going to have to -- they will on the ground at their command center, they are going to work through each and every one of those leads. Some of them are going to make sense to you and some may be, you know, a little far- reaching. But that's a decision that they will make at their command center and they are going to follow up with each and every one of those leads that appear to have some credit to it to make sure the subjects are brought into custody as soon as possible.

It's going to be a very challenging job but no one is going to let up on these guys. It's just a matter of days before the environment out there wears them down and they are going to find them. I am more than confident seeing (INAUDIBLE) moving closer to closer to find them.

BALDWIN: Cedric Alexander, CNN law enforcement analyst, thank you, sir, for hopping on the phone, and Luca Vullo, DeKalb County police aerial support division, thank you so much.


BALDWIN: Coming up, the investigation into the brutal murders at a mansion in Washington, D.C., we are breaking down all of the specifics of this case, the suspects, the evidence thus far. Stay here.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [15:36:22] BALDWIN: This story started out just absolutely horrific and it continues to worsen. We're talking about the murders of a Washington, D.C., family and their housekeeper and the fire that investigators believe was started to cover up what happened inside this home before the victims were killed.

Back on May 14th, the bodies of the husband, the wife, this 10-year- old son and their housekeeper were discovered inside this burn remains of this mansion. A week later, police arrested this man by the name of Darron Wint and charged him with first-degree murder. But prosecutors said then they did not believe he acted alone. Until now, we've really learned little about what happened inside the home during those terrible hours last month. A newly released police affidavit reveals more from what police found.

So let me just bring in our justice correspondent Pamela Brown because you have more today. And we want to just, you know, remind our viewers just where we are as of arriving here, as far as evidence, et cetera, where shall we begin?

PAMELA BROWN, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well Brooke, I've been covering this story since the very beginning, about a month ago when the fire happened, when the bodies were discovered. And the more that I learn about this, the more it shows just how savage the killer or killers were.

So this was a prominent D.C. family. People I spoke to who knew them say they were well respected, they gave back to the community. The little boy, Philip, the 10-year-old boy was an avid go cart racer. He went to the procedure (INAUDIBLE) in D.C. And one month ago, his body was found in the bedroom of the mansion where the fire was started.

It started in his bedroom, Brooke. We're told he was stabbed and burned beyond recognition. The bodies of his parents, Savvas and Amy Savopoulos, they were found in a separate upstairs bedroom along with their housekeeper Vera Figueroa. The three of them, according to authorities were killed with blood force and stubby wounds. And a law enforcement official I spoke, Brooke, tells me that Savvas Savopoulos, the father here, was also strangled on top of all of that. And his wife, Amy, had lacerations on her face and throat. The housekeeper apparently was alive when first responders arrived at the home and then later died at a D.C. hospital.

But Brooke, all of that for just $40,000 that was dropped off at the home. It just doesn't make any sense. This still such a mystery.

BALDWIN: No, it doesn't. It doesn't make sense. And then we have this Daron Wint. I mean, what is it that ties him -- reminds us what ties him. What evidence the police have tie him to the home -- to the crime.

BROWN: So what ties him, that we know about right now is the fact that he worked for the Savopoulos-owned company, American Ironworks, more than ten years ago. Fairly worked there where I was told by people, he wasn't a very good employee and, you know, left. And his cousin worked there as well around the same time. But beyond that, we don't know what his connection is.

But here is what we do know, according to authorities, Brooke. The first major clue linking him to these murders was the fact that his DNA was allegedly found on a piece of pizza that was ordered to the home while these victims were being held. Two pieces were ordered during all of this. Then we learned through sources, Brooke, that blood from one of the victims was recovered on a shoe that he was wearing when he was arrested in D.C. And we also learned in his car with more than $40,000 as well as money orders. Other pieces of important information, Brooke, that could show whether there was more than one killer includes a bloody baseball bat found in that home, strands of hair, finger prints, as well as shoe prints. In fact, Brooke, and we can see it right here, there is a shoe print found on the home on the French doors of the home showing that there was forced entry - Brooke.

[15:39:56] BALDWIN: And again, the notion that, you know, prosecutors saying there's no way this guy could have acted alone, there's so many questions, right, Pamela Brown? Thank you so much. I really appreciate it here. All for $40,000, it's just hard to really kind of comprehend.

Coming up next, Bill Clinton, he is speaking candidly about his wife's campaign and he tells CNN, Hillary is his rock. He's opening up about what his family went through when he ran for president and what they are going through right now, now that his wife is up for the top job. That's up next with Jake Tapper.


[15:43:51] BALDWIN: Anthony Bourdain, don't we want his job? He gets to explore the island of paradise of Hawaii and how this surprising take away. Here's a look.


ANTHONY BOURDAIN, CNN HOST, PARTS UNKNOWN: So, Hawaii, I'm conflicted about what I should tell you about Hawaii because, really, of almost all the places that I have been, this, surprisingly, is the least screwed up. All right. So I'm not sure what I should tell you about this amazing, multi-flavored, multi-culture awesome match-up of cool stuff.

We haven't even talked about spam. In a spectacular environment, I think what I should tell you is this. Hawaii, it's awesome. Don't come here.


BALDWIN: New "PARTS UNKNOWN" airs Sunday night at 9:00 eastern and Pacific right here on CNN.


[15:46:25] BALDWIN: This Sunday marks the debut of Mr. Jake Tapper as the new anchor of CNN's "STATE OF THE UNION." And his first guest, the 42nd president of the United States.

Jake Tapper joins me live. So, congrats, again, my friend, first of all for the show, and secondly, I don't know how long you got with Mr. Clinton but I understand he really opened up about his relationship with his wife.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN CHIEF WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: We talked a lot. I mean, it was supposed to be a specific time and, you know, this is --

BALDWIN: You went over?

TAPPER: He has a lot on his mind. We met him in Denver at the Clinton global initiative American and part of the deal with the interview is that I would ask about some of the topics CGI America is working on such as veterans issues and the economy and the inner city, things that I probably would have asked about in all likelihood anyway.

But, of course, some of the things I really wanted to talk about had to do with the Clinton foundation, donations to the foundation and how that might be in some ways undermining his wife's presidential campaign. Take a listen.


TAPPER: There are polls that show that fewer and fewer Americans think that your wife is honest and trustworthy. This has happened at the same time of these questions about the foundation, questions about her e-mail. And that must really bother you.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Yes. But, I mean, we're used to it. And the only thing I would say about this is, number one, I'm glad it's happening now because I trust the American people and I trust her with my life and have on more than one occasion. She was always -- whenever I had trouble, she was the rock in our family.

I was the youngest former governor in American history in 1980 on election night. I got killed in the Reagan landslide. And people I had appointed to office would walk across the street they were so afraid of the new regime in Arkansas to not shake hands with me. My career prospects were not particularly bright. And she never blinked. She just said, hey, it will turn around. I believe in you. You've got to. And we built a life together based on, you know, the things we cared about, the things that we loved and we were blessed with a daughter who turned out pretty well, I'd say.


TAPPER: You know what's interesting, Brooke, is quite often the spouse of a candidate is brought out to try to humanize the candidate, soften some of the rough edges.


TAPPER: And even though the genders are reversed in this presidential contest.


TAPPER: You still see the same kind of dynamic, him talking about her character, talking about who she means -- who she is to him as a person, what she means to him. And it was very interesting to hear him talk that way. Obviously we got into a lot of the controversies as well and we'll talk about that on Sunday morning.

BALDWIN: We'll look for that on Sunday. But I know you asked him, you know, to size up the Republicans for 2016. Was he generous? What did he say?

TAPPER: Well, we were out of time for the question. And, you know, I was being told in my ear like, that's it, no more, no more.


TAPPER: But I'm like, I can't not ask him like some really nakedly.

BALDWIN: Of course.

TAPPER: You know, everyone in the audience wanted to hear him on politics and, boy, he was champing at the bit to talk about it. When we met backstage, he started talking about some election from 2010. I mean, he's back in the game. And like when I interviewed him five years ago, he was rather sickly and his hand was shaking. He's back. But in any case, I asked him to size up the Republican field. I didn't think it would be fair to size up the democratic field, and he talked for ten minutes.

[15:50:26] BALDWIN: No way.

TAPPER: And it wasn't all just like insults. He was complimentary. He was insightful. He had some -- I mean, he was really -- and then he started analyzing whom the Republicans had nominated in 2012, in 2008, in 2004.

BALDWIN: He's in it.

TAPPER: He likes to talk, and he's fun to listen to.

BALDWIN: I can't wait to watch. I can't wait to see you on Sundays. I can't wait for the cartoons, all of the above, Jake Tapper, six days a week. I mean, I don't know how to contain myself.

"STATE OF THE UNION" with Jake Tapper airs this Sunday 9:00 a.m., noon eastern time here on CNN. Thank you, my friend.

TAPPER: I don't know what the wink meant, but, OK, thank you.

BALDWIN: You know, you're welcome.

BALDWIN: I like to wink Jake Tapper.

Let's switch gears now and talk Republicans that are with CNN/ORC poll. For the senator Marco Rubio taking a lead at 14 percent, you see all these names here on your screen, and neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson really taking a tumble of his latest poll. But just two weeks ago he won this other leadership conference straw poll.

And I have now CNN political commentator S.E. Cupp with some ideas on the doctor's downfall. This is the S.E. Cupp outrage of the week. S.E., go!

S.E. CUPP, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: So, the latest attempt at political brilliant from Dr. Ben Carson came this week when he told a roomful of Iowa Republicans that as president he would create a covert division of government workers who would spy other government workers, because if there's two things conservatives are totally cool with is government spying and adding to the size of the government.

Now, this isn't the first time Carson has said something that would make conservative recoil. Back in 2013, he told Glen Beck that you should only be allowed to own certain kinds of guns if you live in the country somewhere by yourself. That sounds well thought out. He also lamented that Israel's parliamentary system was too complicated and so they should just adopt ours.

Now, these are not things a Republican running for president says, but more than failing to sound believable as a president is his failure to sound believable as a doctor. Remember when he told Chris Cuomo that going to prison makes you gay or when he said that President Obama was obviously a psychopath because he dressed well? I'm pretty sure that's not how doctors are supposed to talk.

So to my fellow conservatives, tell me what is so appealing about this guy? Is it just that he called out the president one time? Look, my dad does that every day from his living room, and my dad is awesome, but he's in no way qualified to run the country, and neither is Ben Carson. He's embarrassing, conservatives, set your standards higher. We can do much, much better.

BALDWIN: I would like to meet Mr. Cupp.

Hang on, because what if no one listens to you and you see, you know, Dr. Ben Carson show --

CUPP: That's every day, Brooke.

BALDWIN: What if he shows up, he's in the top ten, I know he is luring in the most recent poll and come debate time, you know, he's threat on the stage. I mean, are you worried it could take more S.E.- friendly candidate, you know, out of the limelight?

CUPP: No, I'm not worried for any of our candidates. I think he will make our candidates look serious and qualified. I'm just annoyed frankly at the is it oxygen that he is taking in among conservative voters who seemed to be enthralled with the guy just because he called out the president, and I think we should be asking tougher questions and being a lot more skeptical of the things that he says.

BALDWIN: S.E. Cupp and her outrage of the week. Thank you, my friend.

We'll be right back.


[15:58:02] BALDWIN: There are only 900 mountain gorillas left in the wild. Today's CNN hero was shocked to learn that poachers in Rwanda killed these gorillas to feed their children. Here is what he did to change that.


EDWIN SABUHORO, CNN HERO (voice-over): The first time I saw the gorilla, it was magical. I came in the park, immediately I saw a silver back. He sat right there and looked straight in my eye, I felt something that I couldn't define.

At the time I was finishes my law degree, but I felt I needed to get much closer to nature. I came to work the ranger. I was in charge of protecting the mountain gorillas. We had a lot of cases of poachers in the park. I went to talk to the families, and asked them, why are they killing gorillas? The old man looked at me and said your kids are starving to death. Would you poach to feed your family? People are trying to look for way to survive. It was an eye opening for me. So I thought of an idea of turning poaches to farmer and after that I thought I could do more here. How do we use tourism to help communities improve their livelihood?

So we built a cultural village. We can sell with tourists our local food, our traditional culture, our ways of living, Tourists can go back to the community then the communities will have an incentive to conserve the park.

I trained them how to do crafts products that can be put on the market. And that money, they take back to their families. They able to send their kids to school, buy food, start businesses. They see why they need to protect the gorillas. Now poaches were working with rangers on how to protect the park better.

The village became my life. We can't afford to fail the wildlife. We have to make sure that we have to pass it on to the next generation.


BALDWIN: And if you like to nominate a CNN hero, go to

That does it for me. I'm Brooke Baldwin. Have a wonderful weekend. Keep it here.

"The LEAD" with Jake Tapper starts now.