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Erin Burnett Outfront

Obama Making Calls To Persuade Allies of Iran Deal; New Image Shows Tunnel Drug Lord Used To Break Free; Netanyahu: Agreement is "Stunning Historic Mistake." Aired 7-8:00p ET

Aired July 14, 2015 - 19:00   ET


[19:00:10] ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: OUTFRONT tonight, President Obama making a major bet on Iran, but will Iran cheat its way to a nuclear weapon?

Plus, number one, we're talking about Donald Trump, the latest poll is out and the Donald is leading the bag.

And sole survivor, a teenage girl walks away from a plane crash that likely killed everyone else on board. She has an incredible story of survival and we have it for you, let's go OUTFRONT.

Good evening, I'm Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight a major day in American history. A nuclear deal with Iran. President Obama staking his legacy on the Ayatollah not cheating his way to a nuclear bomb. At this hour, the President making calls to allies around the world trying to persuade them that this is a good deal.

(audio gap)

In Tehran, massive celebrations on the streets. The reaction has been swift. Some supporters but others not so much from members of Congress to presidential candidates.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: They are laughing at us back in Iran.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've locked in a pathway for a bomb. That's exactly what we've done.


BURNETT: Hillary Clinton was broadly supportive but even she raised a crucial, crucial reservation.


HILLARY CLINTON (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: But we still have a lot of concern about the bad behavior and the actions by Iran, which remains the largest state sponsor of terrorism, which does go after and undermine governments in the region.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BURNETT: Largest state sponsor of terror in the world, according

to the U.S. but still, the U.S. did a deal with Iran.

And our chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto is OUTFRONT. I mean, Jim, this is a big day in American history and world history. The biggest deal for the United States in foreign policy in more than 30 years and the President is desperately trying to get allies to buy in.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Listen, he's going to have a tough sale. On the positive side, when you think where we were 22 months go when you have that iconic phone call between President Obama and President Rouhani of Tehran, tremendous progress. But listen, the bottom-line is, this is an arm's control agreement, it was not a dis-armament agreement and Iran is left with a whole host of nuclear capabilities that really would have been unthinkable at the start of these negotiations and that the plans critics, Republicans and Democrats are going to be loathed to accept.


SCIUTTO (voice-over): Today President Obama claimed a diplomatic victory.

PRES. BARACK OBAMA (D), UNITED STATES: This deal is not built on trust. It's built on verification.

SCIUTTO: And in Vienna, western and Iranian diplomats smiled to mark the historic agreement nearly two years in the making and ending more than three decades of hostility.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is the good deal that we have sought.

MOHAMMAD JAVAD ZARIF, IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: Today could have been the end of hope on this issue, but now we are starting a new chapter of hope.

SCIUTTO: Here is the breakdown, the deal curtails Iran's nuclear program by cutting the number of centrifuges operating to make highly enriched uranium. And limiting not eliminating researched on more advanced centrifuges capable of enriching uranium much faster. In theory, this extends the estimated minimum time needed for Iran to assemble a nuclear weapon to at least one year from the current two to three months. To help prevent cheating, the deal also provides for more intrusive inspections of the entire nuclear supply chain, even tracking uranium from the time it leaves the mine. The International Atomic Energy Agency in-charge of the inspections signing an agreement with Iran today.

JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: To be able to have a covert path, Iran would actually need far more than one covert facility, it would need an entire covert supply chain.

SCIUTTO: Still, the deal does not dismantle any of Iran's nuclear facilities, including the once secret underground military facility at Fordow. And it eventually lifts a U.N.'s arm's embargo that have prevented Iran from acquiring intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the U.S. Fears and opposition to the deal was immediate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What a stunning historic mistake.

SCIUTTO: And the deal faces a challenge in Congress, as well.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R), HOUSE SPEAKER: It's going to hand a dangerous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief while paving the way for a nuclear Iran.


SCIUTTO: This leaves some open questions still, one of which is, will the west be able to interview Iranian scientists who may have worked on a weaponization program in the past but it's the things that are written into this deal that will cause their own controversies for instance lifting of a ban on arm sales to Iran and also, lifting of this entire deal in 15 years' time. This deal has a time limit on it. Now the President just spoke a short time ago with The New York Times Tom Freedman answering some of those doubts and said that listen, you know, during that time period, at least the west will have the ability to dial this program back, but Erin, it does leave a lot of open questions here, sets limits, but those limits don't last forever.

[19:05:38] BURNETT: No, no, and as you point out, they get money from sanctions relief, they can use that for weapons, for funding wars and of course they on the opposite side of the U.S. on many conflicts in the Middle East right now.

Jim Sciutto, thank you very much. And you just saw in Jim's piece briefly, the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, America's closest ally in the Middle East, slamming this deal today.

Erin McLaughlin is in Jerusalem tonight. And Erin, the prime minister did not mince words.

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That's right, Erin. And for months the Israeli Prime Minister has been one of these deal's most vocal critics and today, he didn't back down.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: What a stunning, historic mistake. Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran, and Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran because Iran continues to seek our destruction. We will always defend ourselves.


MCLAUGHLIN: Israel's cabinet also unanimously rejected this deal and it's not justice rail we're hearing from voices inside Saudi Arabia calling this a historic miscalculations, the source telling CNN that the agreement will be reached, be received with hostility in the region saying that this is quite simply a mistake. So we're hearing some ominous rhetoric, some ominous words coming from key U.S. allies in the region -- Erin.

BURNETT: All right. Erin McLaughlin, thank you very much. And as Erin points out, you have Israel and Saudi Arabia now on the same side with deep disdain for this deal. Thank you, Erin McLaughlin.

And OUTFRONT now, President Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes. And Ben, I really appreciate you're being with us tonight.

I want to show our viewers this video. This was actually just the other day. Just on Friday. There was a massive parade in Iran, this was an annual parade, people are chanting carrying signs that say, "Down with the USA, Death to Israel." You know, I've been in Tehran. I've been at a rally like this when people chant this. Burning of American flags. Burning of effigies of President Obama. The Iranian President Rouhani was there at the event. At this "Death to America" event. Is this really a man that who is going to keep his words to the United States?

BEN RHODES, DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, Erin, let's be very clear, you don't make deals like this as the President said with you friends, you do it with adversities. And frankly it's the Iranians who were making important concessions to accept very strict limitations on the nuclear program, getting rid of their stockpile, taking out two-thirds of their centrifuges. And the fact of the matter is, it's not build on trust. We don't trust the Iranians. That's why there is a very comprehensive verification regime that will allow 24/7 inspections of their nuclear sites looking at their entire nuclear supply chain, their uranium mines and mills, their conversion facilities where they produce centrifuges and the ability to inspect sites if we have suspicions around the country. So it's built on verification, not trust.

BURNETT: And when you talk about this being built on verification, at least one democratic Senator Bob Menendez is very skeptical of that. It doesn't believe this provides full verification. Here is what he said on CNN today.

RHODES: The deal doesn't provide for anytime, anywhere inspections which is something I thought was one of our red lines.

BURNETT: And you know, I understand you're saying that they can go 24/7 but there is a process. Right? You can't just say we're suspicious of this site. We're walking on tomorrow. Walking in in an hour. It's not that any time anywhere. How can you know if Iran is cheating, if they have any time to prepare for an inspection?

RHODES: Well, first of all, it is 24/7 continuous monitoring of their nuclear facilities so we can see what they are doing in the facilities where they enrich uranium, again where they operate centrifuges, where they have a reactor, they will no longer be able to develop weapons great plutonium. We never sought in this negotiation the capacity for so-called anytime, anywhere where you can basically go anywhere in the country, look at whatever you wanted to do, even if it had nothing to do with the nuclear program. What we did seek is beyond this comprehensive verification of the nuclear sights, if we have a suspicion about a site, we have the ability to go to the IAEA, the organization that conducts inspections and to say, we need to inspect that site. If the Iranians object to that inspection going forward, we can overrule them with our European partners and say no, that inspection has to go forward and if they don't permit it then, they violate the deal and the sanctions snap back in place.

BURNETT: But the bottom-line then is, you're saying you never went for any time anywhere. Because as you're well aware, critics of this deal seem to think that is really the core thing. If you don't have any time, anywhere, what do you really have?

[19:10:18] RHODES: This has the most robust inspections and verification regime that we've ever had in this type of agreement that we've negotiated, this types of arm controls agreement. Not only does it have again, this full monitoring of the nuclear supply chain. But again, if we want to see something, if we have a suspicion, we can get access to that site. Even if it's on a military facility, we can overrule the Iranians that they object. And let's be very clear, if we see something that is suspicious in Iran, there is a time bound procedure where we can overrule the Iranians. We'll be watching the site very carefully. We have the ability to see what is going on. To see if there's any suspicious activity where it looks like they are trying to take things out of the site. And then secondly, when we're talking about nuclear sites, we're talking about physiometry (ph), that's not something you can hide in the closet. If we can get in there and do atmosphere testing, test the soil around these facilities, it is very easy to detect radioactive material.

BURNETT: So, Iran is going to get a lot of money as the sanctions go away and I spoke to a company today Ben, called Windward and basically what they do is track oil. So, they track oil that Iran is storing offshore in tankers. So they say that Iran right now has about 54 million barrels of oil sitting in tankers right off the coast. So, at today's prices where oil is close today, that's about just shy of $3 billion. And it's the money they can get pretty much immediately, right? It's already on the tanker, you can ship to China, you can get the money. The question for you Iran is funding multiple wars in the Middle East and to be clear funding the opposite side of the United States of America. It's a country today that Hillary Rodham Clinton refer to us the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. And thanks to this deal, they're going to have more money to fund those wars.

RHODES: First of all, Erin, before they get any sanctions relief under this deal, they have to take out their centrifuges, two-thirds of them, get rid of 98 percent of their stockpile, convert their reactors so they cannot produce weapons great plutonium. They have a lot of commitments that they have to fulfill before they get tanks relief. And then, yes, they will receive sanctions relief but the reason we're doing this is because we want to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon. We put these sanctions in place over the last several years for the express purpose of pressuring them to the table and getting them to make these concessions.

BURNETT: Uh-mm. RHODES: They do engage in a lot of destabilizing activity in the

region. That would be far worse if they had a nuclear weapon, a nuclear umbrella for those destabilizing activities. This way, we take that off the table, the most dangerous threat of nuclear weapons even as we continue to counter their activities to support terrorism and to engage in other destabilizing behavior in the Middle East.

BURNETT: All right. Ben Rhodes, thank you so much for your time tonight.

RHODES: Thanks, Erin.

BURNETT: All right. And next, brand-new images we just have in and what you're going to see is how the dangerous drug lord El Chapo escaped. Mile long escape tunnel and the get-away motorcycle. We're going to show you. All of this. That is next. The first time you'll going to see these images OUTFRONT.

And an amazing story of survival. A girl walking away from a plane crash that likely killed everyone else on board that plane. You'll going to hear her story OUTFRONT this hour. And we are awaiting the latest images from Pluto. A spacecraft free billion miles out in space is sending fax and stunning pictures to earth tonight.


[19:17:12] BURNETT: A stunning new image tonight of "El Chapo's "great escape, all right? We have this for the first time and we're going to show it to you. This is the tunnel. The carefully crafted tunnel that the drug lord El Chapo, also known as Joaquin Guzman used to break out of Mexico's most secured prison. So, you can actually see, this is the tunnel. This is not a picture of a similar tunnel, this is the actual tunnel. Now, it's a mile long, which we had told you about and there is a bike, this motorcycle is the one that Guzman is believed to have used during his escape.

So, you can actually see, well, first of all, the speed with which theoretically he needed to go. You can see the tracks below which authorities say, were used to cart out dirt as they were building it and at the top you see the pipe? They say that was a ventilation pipe. So, a pretty sophisticated tunnel here we're talking about with full ventilation. In another image, we'll show you, you can see how narrow and deep it was. Thirty two feet underground, this is a ladder. So our understanding is there was this a ladder that went up into, right up to the hole that he created at the edge of the shower and then on the other end.

Nick Valencia is OUTFRONT not far from the prison. Nick, I just briefly, I was explaining these new images that we just have. They are incredible. What do you, what are you able to tell us about these new images that we've just gotten?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: By all accounts, Erin, it shows us this magnificent feat of engineering complete with a ventilation system, a lighting system and as we are showing our viewers, a modified motorcycle that was presumably used while that tunnel was being dug. Yesterday, Secretary Osorio Chong (ph) which is the equivalent of the interior minister mentioned that there is absolutely no way that El Chapo could have escaped from the Altiplano Prison without help of prison officials. It seems that that's a narrative overwhelmingly that people we've spoken to believe. Thirty plus prison guards are currently in custody being questioned as a result of this investigation and this escape, $3.8 million reward being offered for the world's most notorious drug trafficker -- Erin.

BURNETT: I mean, Nick, it's incredible, I mean, just when you see this latter going down and then you see the ventilation pipe, I mean, just to your point, the sophistication, the engineering with which this was constructed. You actually today for the first time you were able to drive up to the prison where Guzman escaped. There's been so many questions, about, I mean, this is supposed to be the most secure prison there is. This is as good as it gets. All right. You videod, you drove up, you took pictures, what did you experience?

VALENCIA: This is said to be the most maximum security prison in all Mexico. We were able to gain access into it, easily. We and our crew has showed up, they're saying that we wanted to do an interview. We were there to do a report. We were taken from one check point to another where we were able to turn over all our belongings. They asked us for all of our belongings. We were taken through a rotunda and an x-ray machine and transfer from a perimeter one to a perimeter two. Via federal police van, we believe that perimeter two is where the inside a jail, the prison cells are, and in that process when we got there, the director of this prison, he was furious that we were able to get to that point, this rarely speaks to the communication breakdown between the left hand and the right hand that we were even able to get that far Erin, into the facility.

We were escorted out by federal police, heavily armed federal police and military, as well. Another embarrassing moment or so it seems at least for the director and his body language and his frustration with us and his colleagues that we were able to even get that far into the prison. You know, it really as I've mentioned, these speaks to the communication break down inside and you can imagine with somebody with influence and money like El Chapo could have done, and the ease that he could have gotten out of that prison -- Erin.

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, Nick Valencia with that, on the ground reporting.

OUTFRONT now, Mike Braun, former chief of operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration. He spent years tracking El Chapo. Mike, let me get straight to these new pictures that we have. I mean, they are stunning. The tunnel itself, very narrow but we'll put up the image right now so people can see it. It has the pipe at the top. Right? So, there is ventilation pipe, you can see how that, would have been the motorcycle fitting in it as he went through it. I mean, at the same time as you see, oh my gosh, this is dark and narrow, you have to marvel at the engineering that went into it.

[19:22:35] MIKE BRAUN, FORMER DEA OFFICIAL INVESTIGATED EL CHAPO: Yes. Well, no doubt about it. You know, it's an extremely sophisticated tunnel. I would agree with you, Erin. But the reality is El Chapo Guzman and the Sinaloa cartel has been responsible for building far more complex longer, deeper, wider, taller, bigger tunnels that, you know, basically resulted in his ability to surreptitiously ferry not hundreds but thousands of kilo grams of, you know, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine from Mexico into the United States. So, you know, it's sophisticated but not nearly as sophisticated as others.

BURNETT: And what do you make of that motorcycle? I mean, does that say something about the speed with which, I mean, it was a mile long, right? And he could have walked it and obviously, there was people aware this was happening that he would have paid off, but he still wanted to have this motorcycle, not easy to maneuver in this space. What do you make of that?

BRAUN: Well, as I've said last night. You know, you can't make this stuff up. Its speed is of the essence. I mean, once he committed to this operation, once his cartel committed to this operation. You know, once that, you know, that first hammer blow to the wall that opened up the 24-inch hole that he had ultimately escaped through. Listen, he was not going to waste any time whatsoever in closing that one-mile distance to the home where all of this tunnel construction started and he knew at that point he was for all intents and purposes a freeman. Exactly.

BURNETT: And what do you make of Nick Valencia, our reporter just got into the prison, with able to get in there. This is the most maximum-security prison in Mexico, he videotaped it. We'll show people again. Able to get right through perimeter one, perimeter two, how does that happen?

BRAUN: Well, listen, that's a great question and I'm sure that, you know, there are, you know, probably millions of hard-working tax paying Mexican citizens that are asking that same question right now.


BRAUN: How it happens, I'm not sure but obviously, it's a very terrible break down in security.

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much. Mike, good to talk to you again.

BRAUN: Thank you.

BURNETT: As we have those new images tonight. And tonight, Chicago naming "El Chapo," quote, "public enemy number one." What has authorities fuming in Chicago? Is the U.S. government has been asking to have the drug lord extradited because they were concerned that he would escape. Well, Mexico told the U.S. to take a hike and he escaped.

Ryan Young is OUTFRONT.


manhunt continues for one of the most dangerous drug lords. Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, one of America's largest cities, Chicago wants the king pen brought to justice identifying him today as public enemy number one. The Chicago crime commission says, El Chapo's drug empire and brutal tactics are a main reason why Chicago remains plagued with drug-related gang violence.

JEFF JOHNSON, CHICAGO CRIME COMMISSION: This is the underground UPS that we've seen here and don't kid ourselves, that's why we have used the label as public enemy number one in this instance of the havoc that this organization and he is the head and leader has wrecked on the streets to the citizens of Chicago.

YOUNG: Ten years ago, El Chapo stablished a relationship with Chicago born brothers Pedro and Margarito Flores and flooded the street with heroin and cocaine. A drug pipeline that many believe is still flowing.

JOHNSON: As much as 40 to 60 percent of the drugs that were on the streets of Chicago, I think that's a real impact to the city.

YOUNG: Peter Bensinger is a former DEA administrator who also worked as director of Illinois Department of Corrections.

PETER BENSINGER, FORMER DEA ADMINISTRATOR: This is a U.S. problem. It's a worldwide problem. What he's doing is effecting the kids in this city.

YOUNG: The Flores twins are currently serving 14 years in a secret location after wearing a wire and helping put "El Chapo" behind bars. But authorities say, El Chapo's cartel is still wreaking havoc.

BENSINGER: In Chicago, you have shootings, maybe seven, ten a day. It's terrible. And a lot of those shootings are about drugs.

YOUNG: Now as the all-out manhunt continues to find El Chapo, those here in Chicago wait to see if the blood on the streets is about to get worse.


YOUNG: Now, a lot of people talked about the impact this has with gangs as they fight for territory and all the kids that are affected, they're hoping Erin that someone can put a stop to the reign here, stop the flow of drugs before he can get his hands back on his cartel once again.

BURNETT: All right. And of course, some have told us. He's probably already in charge, back at the top. Right. Thanks so much to you Ryan Young.

And OUTFRONT next, number one, now I'm talking about Donald Trump, he is now leading the republican race for president in a new poll. I'm going to speak to the man who is supposedly managing that candidate, and running the campaign. And a young woman walking off a plane that crashed and burned

everyone else on board feared dead, lost in the mountains, how did she survive? Her story ahead.


[19:30:37] BURNETT: Tonight, Donald Trump number one. That is right, the billionaire topping the GOP field according to a brand-new poll from Suffolk University and "USA Today". Jeb Bush is three points behind. It is within the margin of error.

But nonetheless, this has been a stunning rise for Trump and today, in an interview with CNN at a new Trump winery, Trump took on the Iran deal, Hillary Clinton and the attacks from GOP rivals.

Dana Bash is OUTFRONT.


DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Overlooking a winery he owns, Donald Trump trashed President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

(on camera): The president said that it's not built on trust, it's built on verification.

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It's not true. It's absolutely not true.

BASH: How do you know that?

TRUMP: They can do whatever they want to do. Because I know many of the people involved in the negotiations. The Iranians are very good negotiators. The Persians are always great negotiators. They are laughing at us back in Iran.

BASH (voice-over): A new poll says nearly 40 percent of Republican voters believe Trump is only running for president for the publicity. Trump, who landed here on a helicopter with his name emblazoned on the side, dismissed doing this for the attention.

TRUMP: They think I'm doing it for publicity. The fact is, that was one I was very surprised at. I hope that's right 40 percent think I'm doing it, because a lot of those people are voters for Trump but they won't be in the polls if they think I'm doing it for publicity.

Why would I do this? I take abuse from everybody and I'm doing this for fun? This isn't fun. I want to make American great again.

BASH: Trump's candidacy is turning the GOP field upside down. His strident tone even drawing new criticism from Jeb Bush.

JEB BUSH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He's going to run, that's fine. But I don't want to be associated with the kind of vitriol that he's spewing out these days.

BASH: They are concerned about the way you're taking the conversation within the Republican primary process.

TRUMP: Well, I don't know about that. I'll be honest, I want to save our country. Our country is going to hell. We have a problem.

I want to make America great again. And to do that, you have to be bold, you have to be strong, you have to use the same abilities that I use. You need a certain ability. We don't have that in office right now. We have people that are incompetent and as far as the Republican Party, I mean, they are big people. They ask stick up for themselves.

BASH (on camera): You put out a harshly-worded statement about Hillary Clinton today. Why the gloves come off?

TRUMP: She did it with me. She talked about my tone. I said, basically, it's not about my tone. We're too worried about tone in this country, and that's why we're getting beaten by everybody. It's about results.

BASH (voice-over): Trump's comments about Mexicans may have elicited a threat over Twitter from escaped Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, which Trump reported to the FBI.

(on camera): Do you have any evidence or any real concern that there is a real threat from him in particular?

TRUMP: Law enforcement has it very well in hand. We'll see. Maybe they do, maybe they don't.


BASH: Now, Trump does actually have brand-new data to back his bravado on the campaign trail. Today, a brand new poll came out, Erin, that actually has him leading the GOP field for the first time. It's within the margin of error but it is a lead nonetheless.

BURNETT: It is a lead and it's 17 percent, which is, you know, higher than anyone had gotten before. Thank you very much, Dana Bash.

And OUTFRONT now, our exclusive interview with Donald Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.

And, Corey, thank you very much for being with us.

All right. So, this poll number one for Donald Trump, that's something obviously you have to be celebrating. In the same poll, though, Hillary Clinton trounces him in the general, and in fact, in the poll, Donald Trump is the weakest in the top seven Republican when it comes to running against Hillary Clinton.

So, what do you tell voters? You may want them in the primary, but how do you vote for a guy in a primary that you don't think can win the general?

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, DONALD TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Look, I think most voters have not made up their minds about who they're going to vote for in the general election. We're not even sure Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee. She has problems with her own party. Bernie Sanders is drawing massive rallies much like Trump is, and it's not a forgone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee.

But let's say this -- we need to run the race that we're in. And that race right now is within the Republican nomination for president of the United States, and Donald Trump is number one.

BURNETT: I mean, he is number one USA, Suffolk poll, the one as we said, "USA Today".

Let me just play, though, what is giving some people heart burn about Donald Trump, OK? Here he is in his own words.


TRUMP: We have losers. We have people that don't have it.

Our country is going to hell.

We don't have our best and our brightest negotiating for us.

[19:35:03] We have a bunch of losers. We have a bunch of political hacks.

I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields.

We're like the big, dumb bully. We have incompetent people running us. We're the big, stupid fools.

BURNETT: All right. He portrays this, you'll probably portray it as saying it like it is. Some people say, but that's not the way a president talks. The president doesn't call people hacks and losers.

LEWANDOWSKI: So, what do we want to have? We want a president who says nice things but gets nothing done? I mean, that's not our country wants anymore. Our country wants someone that will stand up for our country, put our country first, make America great again, that they can be proud of, that isn't apologizing for the success we had and brings jobs to the country.

Why do we want a president that's a typical politician who stands up and has the opportunity to get things done, but don't actually do anything, but sounds really nice while doing it?

BURNETT: So, he's not going to change his tone. If you want to sit down with him as his campaign manager and say, Donald, you know, maybe you shouldn't call people losers, use a different word. Would he listen to you?

LEWANDOWSKI: I wouldn't -- I would never recommend to him. There is no way. See, what people see in Mr. Trump is a person that tells it like it is, that has built his business on success of getting it done. We saw Mr. Trump's success in Phoenix over the weekend where thousands upon thousands of people came out at the rally to see him in short order to hear what he has to say straight talk for America.

BURNETT: Before we go, the image today that he tweeted out, of course, his face super imposed on the flag, we circled the bottom of he flag, those images it turns out, they are Nazi soldiers, not American soldiers. It was an avoidable error, the company that sold that photo had it labeled under German culture and World War II. How can a mistake like that happen?

LEWANDOWSKI: So, here is what happened. We asked a graphic artist to put together an art -- a rendition for us. It was vetted through an intern. She didn't recognize that and she was fully apologetic of it. It was put. It was a very small piece in a faded flag there, and the intern took full responsibility and will be much more careful moving forward.

BURNETT: All right. Corey, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. Thank you for coming on the show.

LEWANDOWSKI: Thanks for having me.

BURNETT: And OUTFRONT next, a teen surviving a plane crash in the mountains. It's an amazing story of survival and we have it for you next.

And those first images of Pluto, we'll show you.


[19:41:10] BURNETT: And OUTFRONT now, an incredible story of survival. Police say this 16-year-old girl survived a fiery plane crash and a dangerous trek through the mountains to find help. Tonight, rescuers are searching for that missing plane and its other passengers.

Dan Simon is OUTFRONT.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A small plane carrying 16-year-old Autumn Veatch of Bellingham, Washington, crashed into the side of a mountain. The young woman survived and somehow found the strength to make her way out of the wilderness to safety.

Dazed and confused, she spoke to a 911 dispatcher.

DISPATCHER: So, tell me exactly what happened.

AUTUMN VEATCH: Well, I don't know where but we crashed and I was the only one that made it out.

SIMON: Autumn's step grandparents Leland and Sharon Bowman apparently died at the scene. The three took off Saturday afternoon from Kalispell, Montana, about two and a half hours into the flight, the plane emerged from heavy cloud cover. When she says the sky suddenly opened up into a mountain range, her grandfather tried to pull up, too late the plane slammed into the trees and burst into flames.

VEATCH: Yes, I have a lot of burns on my hands and I'm like kind of covered in bruises and scratches and stuff.

SIMON: Autumn says she spent a day sitting by the wreck rating for help to arrive. When it didn't, she started to make her way down the mountain, a hazardous journey in the best of environments.

RICK DELUC, STORE OWNER: Trailless area so she had to fight through brush and whatever as she worked her way downstream. It's amazing she was able to accomplish what she did.

SIMON: Rick DeLuc owns the general store where Autumn eventually arrived after being dropped off by Good Samaritans who found her on the highway.

DISPATCH: OK. Made it out from the collision or --

VEATCH: From the plane --

DISPATCH: -- or survived?

VEATCH: Yes, the only one that survived.

SIMON: Autumn was taken to a near by hospital where she was reunited with her dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These people were really playing the part of grandparent to her and that's really hitting her hard. She's had to deal with a lot of loss. I believe in God.


SIMON: And I just spoke to Autumn's father David a short time ago. He says he would like to bring her home tonight. He's hoping to be able to do so, but it's going to be up to the doctors. He says she was very tired after talking to authorities and telling them what had happened, as you can imagine, Erin, that would definitely take some kind of toll on you -- Erin.

BURNETT: It sure would.

Dan Simon, thank you very much. It's an incredible story and, you know, they are still looking for the plane. It's such a remote area, searching a rough, mountainous area of Washington state for any sign of wreckage and any sign of the other people in the plane, Autumn's grandparents. They have helicopters, planes searching in the middle of the cascade mountain range. She walked out of the woods on Monday and they still haven't found it.

I mean, you may say this is incredible, but this is that's how remote this is, right, in the United States of America.

OUTFRONT tonight, Sheriff Frank Rogers, who spoke with Autumn just this morning about her ordeal.

Sheriff, you have called this 16-year-old kind of a super hero. What did she tell you happened?

SHERIFF FRANK ROGERS, OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON: Well, basically, like the first part of the report she said they were flying when they were flying along they got into a bunch of clouds and as they came out of the clouds, she said all she saw was trees and she said they hit the trees and then the plane went down.

She said she was able to get out. Her grandparents, she knew they were dead and then she began making the trek to get out. She said she basically what she did was finding a creek and she started following the creek and the smaller it, you know, at first she was nervous she said and she was scared. She said the creek started to get bigger so she decided to stay with the creek and she followed it out for two days spending the night along the river there once and she walked out around 2:00 on Monday afternoon.

[19:45:08] BURNETT: I mean that's incredible, she's that resourceful, able to think of those things when you think about what happened to her being in a plane crash, being alone, grandparents dying beside you.

We just heard the 911 call in Dan's report, which is incredible because autumn sounds so calm, so calm. How was she when she spoke to you?

ROGERS: The same way. I'll be honest with you, I'm highly impressed with this young lady. I mean, we've been talking to her the day she came out and we've talked to her, God, last night I talked to her at midnight. We were talking to her again today.

Every time you talk to her, she's real open. She's very, you know, conscious of what happened. She's very, you know, deliberate on her story and how it happened and you got to listen to her sometimes. She can tell a story and it's impressive to listen to her. She is a super hero to us, I'll tell you that.

BURNETT: It's incredible her story and incredible that she was able to survive and find her way out and I know now we're just hoping they are able to find out the plane and find out exactly what went wrong.

Thank you so much, Sheriff.

ROGERS: Thank you.

BURNETT: And OUTFRONT next, nine years, 3 billion miles, a spacecraft flying by Pluto and we have the amazing new image. Talk about never seen before. I don't know, I find this stuff to be so thrilling and inspiring.

And Jeanne Moos with the latest in cat videos. This one is called Trump Your Cat.


[19:50:33] BURNETT: And now, the true meaning of OUTFRONT -- imagine this. A mission to the limits of our solar system, a fly-by of Pluto.

All right. This is a stunning picture. There's just something so, I don't know, elegant and peaceful about it, although it's probably anything but.

Anyway, this is Pluto as seen from the spacecraft called the New Horizon. And any minute, we're going to get even better pictures, because it's literally going around now and we're getting them feeding back. I mean, there's something so incredible about that.

Nine years ago, NASA sent the spacecraft out. It's a tiny little thing. The size of a baby grand piano. That's it. Flying along, and it got there. And the world is watching.

NASA's picture on Instagram got 300,000 likes in a few hours. Top trend on Twitter, Facebook and Google.

Mike Massimino is a former NASA astronaut, a professor of mechanical engineering at Columbia University now.

I mean, there is something just -- you know, you have to take a pause and say, as an adult, there are moments to appreciate wonder. This is one of them.

MIKE MASSIMINO, FORMER NASA ASTRONAUT: I think so, I agree. It's pretty cool. We're going to the edge of the solar system and taking a look.

BURNETT: The last picture we had of Pluto was from the Hubble telescope. And this was pretty cool. I remember when this was the coolest thing going.

All right. Now if you zoom in, you got today's image.

MASSIMINO: It's a lot closer.

BURNETT: You can actually see things. What are we looking at?

MASSIMINO: So, what they're seeing, that white stuff looks like a frozen sort of crusty frozen surface. So they think it is some kind of frozen gas, most likely nitrogen. That's what they think that is.

BURNETT: What does that mean? I know we're learning a lot about earth from this.


BURNETT: So, Pluto is covered in frozen nitrogen. What do you take from that?

MASSIMINO: The basic elements of our solar system and how did it form? We've never been this close to Pluto before. Pluto is in a different orbit. It is not the same plane as the rest of the planet. So, we haven't been able to get a chance to get close to it. This is the first time on get close to it. Seeing what it is made of, the chemical composition and learning more about how it's formed and what's out there, it will give us more clues about how earth was formed.

BURNETT: How we came from.


BURNETT: All right. So, you mentioned this problem with Pluto, right?

MASSIMINO: Plus, it's a cool picture.

BURNETT: It's on a different plane, and these people, they denigrated poor little Pluto. It got demoted. It was a planet and then them it was probably an asteroid that kind of stuck, that it shouldn't be here. It's on the wrong plane and it's on the wrong ellipse, and the whole business.

Any chance these pictures will promote Pluto again?

MASSIMINO: I don't know if the pictures will do it but I think it is bringing up the debate again. When we were kid -- when I was a kid, I guess you as well, we learn there were nine planets. Everyone after 2006, your kids are going to learn, I don't know, they'll come home and start saying, Pluto is not a planet anymore. It's a dwarf planet. So, it's kind of a generational thing.

But I think what's happening is that it's going to bring up that debate. Why was Pluto downgraded, you know? Why is it?

It orbits the sun. It is spherical. It orbits a bunch of other stuff. It is not like the earth that has the moon around it. It is not the big boss in this one area. There's still other things around it. So, that's why it lost its planet status.

I think we can bring it back. I think it is a healthy debate and a great discussion.

BURNETT: Right. It sure is. All right. So, what's next then?

MASSIMINO: What's next with the spaceship or for NASA or for --

BURNETT: For the spaceship.

MASSIMINO: Well, I think -- well, the spaceship, it is kind of flying by. It won't go into orbit around the planet. It is getting really close and getting thought data but it is taking big chunk of data, and they're going to be bringing it back little by little. It is far away and there's a certain amount of transmission rate. There's going to be these clues, these magnificent photos and these clues about what Pluto is made out of. And then that spaceship will be on its way leaving our solar system and see what else it might find.

BURNETT: Wow, that's a big question. What else it might find.


BURNETT: All right. Mike, thank you so much.

MASSIMINO: Thanks for having me.

BURNETT: And OUTFRONT next, Jeanne Moos with further proof of how the Trump campaign has taken hold of America's imaginations. Now, trumping their dogs, cats and even their husbands?


[19:58:02] BURNETT: Donald Trump wouldn't be Trump without his hair do. Now, the due is inspiring copycats.

Here's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The treatment Donald Trump is getting is beyond catty. Actually it is called Trump Your Cat, giving the feline the Donald hairline.

ADAM MYATT, CREATOR, #TRUMPYOURCAT: So, you brush your cat. You take that hair brush that you just used and you take the hair out of it. You put that hair toupee on top of your cat.

MOOS: Adam Myatt is getting hundreds of cat hairdo submissions. His girlfriend's cat Ida renamed Donald Purrump, started the ball rolling. Now there are calicos, hairless cat, cats with coloring similar to the Donald's.

Adam then takes quotes from Trump.

TRUMP: I would bomb the hell out of those oilfields.

MOOS: And juxtaposes the quotes with a Trump Your Cat photo.

TRUMP: I really am very smart.

MOOS: Adam operates a cat rescue called Cat Town Cafe in Oakland, California.

Did you look at the cat hair and think Trump? Or you looked at Trump and thought cat hair?

MYATT: I definitely looked at the cat hair and thought Trump.

MOOS: The Donald is used to hair jokes. Letterman did bits like Trump or Monkey for years? With contestants guessing based on photos showing only the tops of heads.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we've settled on number one is the monkey.

MOOS: Homer Simpson recently found himself dragged into Trump's scalp.

HOMER SIMPSON: It's a gravity defying comb-over. TRUMP: Maybe they don't like my hair, which is real, by the way.

MOOS: He has repeatedly invited people to touch it to prove its authenticity.

TRUMP: Is that sucker rule?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's thin but it's real.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, I see. There's no receding hairline.

MOOS: Trump Your Cat isn't receding either. It's expanding to trump your bassett, your bunny, trump your guinea pig, trump your rock, trump your husband.

But nothing Trumps this bee hive except Trump himself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Run your fingers through his hair.

TRUMP: Come here.

MOOS: Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


BURNETT: Thanks so much for joining us.

Anderson is next.