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Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown Season 5 Prime Cuts. Aired 8-9p ET

Aired September 27, 2015 - 08:00   ET


ANTHONY BOURDAIN, CNN HOST: I'm pretty sure God is against this. Oh, yeah. Definitely.

I was the bad one.


BOURDAIN: After a few drinks I notice that I don't understand anyone. They could be making various threats of violence to me at the bar. And I could just be smiling nodding.

I'm just going to slump to the ground and go to sleep. Would that be okay?

Little social experiment here.

Dick jokes coming. Stand by for dick jokes.

I do like a good sausage.

Nine years as a vegetarian? That's unthinkable to me.

That doesn't sound anywhere close to endless suffering.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, that's my personal story.

BOURDAIN: I was thinking more along the lines of like electric nipple clamps and then I drive over them and not killing, by the way, they slowly

bled to death from femoral artery wounds.

Oh, okay.

This is Anthony Bourdain. CNN. Good night and eat more Spam.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, Tony, we're going to begin off with some viewer questions.

BOURDAIN: Let me ask you, though, first, does Wolf Blitzer have to do clip shows? I'm sure Sanjay Gupta doesn't do clip shows.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Okay. Let me just read these.

Have you ever felt in danger while on location? If so, where?

BOURDAIN: Have I ever felt in danger on location? I feel in danger now. Can I just -- why don't I just take the cards and I'll read through them.

They're in the original handwriting, too. That's useful.

Oh, god. I hate that question. This one, obviously disturbed. Contact Homeland Security over this one.

Ah, so you're the one guy on TV that we look at and say, hey, I love to have a beer with that guy, although now you seem to be spending a good deal of time at the gym working out which is good for you, I guess, but all this getting in shape seems to have gotten in the way of your ability to party. Come on, man. Thanks, Brad."

Well listen, Brad, I know it would be much more fun, entertaining and satisfying for you for me to die at age 61 with a cigarette in my mouth, my gut billowing out over my boxers. I'm a father of a little girl. I became a father late in life. I feel that one of the responsibilities of parenthood is at least making a good faith effort to be alive long enough to reach the all-important eye rolling phase of a little girl's life.

I have to admit there is a little part of me that's a little offended or, you know, "you're not keeping it real, man, you were much to fine when you were drinking too much." You know, what can I tell you?

What is this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, I'm not sure it's put been put in front of us.

BOURDAIN: We should probably drink to figure it out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let's do it. Why not.



Now that? Now we're talking.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do we toast to this time?

BOURDAIN: To a triumphant return to Korea.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's a professional.

BOURDAIN: This being Korea, beer is a must as is apparently Soju. I had forgotten that part.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We need to cheer for our older brother.

BOURDAIN: Yeah, pour you more alcohol. UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Tony, you are the older brother.

BOURDAIN: Older brother, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is no older brother, no.

CROWD (through ranslatorr): To our older brother.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): This is only the beginning.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You ever played any Korean drinking games?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No? Well, they have a lot of them.

Tony, we're going to let you start the festivities. Just got to use a chopstick. Hit everything forward. It's going to splash up.

BOURDAIN: What? A strike or a push?


This game is called the bottlecap game. We're going to pass this around in a circle. We're going to flick it as hard as you can.



That's all right.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No one wins or loses. We all get drunk.

BOURDAIN: that is grotesque.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is chopstick game.

BOURDAIN: Don't play this game with engineers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got to go somewhere else.

BOURDAIN: Yeah, we're going.

Let's hit the street guys.

All roads led here. No escape. Only embrace.

UNIDENITIFIED MALE (through translator): Don't worry about me. I can go all night.

BOURDAIN: Seemed like a good idea. Back at the office.


BOURDAIN: Next I'll be performing a medley from "Mama Mia."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got to go somewhere else. We got to go somewhere else. We're not finished here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We are models. Only models.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): What is this. Korean people all drunk?

This is not right.

BOURDAIN: I feel like a boy band.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We should walk straight and enunciate.

And talk slowly.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator: Why do you hate me?

BOURDAIN: Johnny Cash.


BOURDAIN: Merriam from Colorado Springs. Great work. Love the series. Yours is the only show our family watches as a group.

Really? You let your children watch this filth? Unbelievable.

"Do you still get excited about all the travel? Do you still learn stuff?"

Yes, I still get excited about all the travel and I learn stuff every day.

You know, I like to say that the show has an educational component or inspirational component or that I'm an advocate for something. I'm not really. It's ultimately it's -- I'm a selfish person. I'm having fun. When I stop having fun, I won't do it anymore.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The thing about knife defense is there's no magic bullet, any technique can fail, any technique can go wrong. Yeah, that's the other thing, yeah.


UNIDENTENTIFIED MALE: So if we've got a knife held up close, okay, yeah. So, I'm going to clock, pull, hit. Now I'm force this thing back into your sternum repeatedly. What we call the woodpecker.


UNIDENITIFIED MALE: Two hands-on. Hit first. Brute, back and forth, charge. That's it. Charge.

So at ATM mugging. Okay. I'm going to pin your hand to me so I own the weapon and I'm going slap backwards into the groin. So, I'm going hit, come up, grab. Now I'm going to introduce point "A" with point "B."

BOURDAIN: Yeah, that sucks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, when I do that a few times, it's like like taking a baked potato out of the microwave. It's going to be very hot. You're going to let go. So bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Again, it's a little bit more close in and surreptitious and everybody doesn't see it. Yeah. So, we clear the weapon. You shift, knee him in the balls. Straight under. Wham. Return to sender.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you thinking about the audience when you're making this stuff or is it purely self-centered?

BOURDAIN: You know, people are saying, well, we'd like more shows about this or we really liked it when you -- I wish I could say that that guides

my decision-making but it really doesn't. I mean, if you start thinking about what the audience wants, that's the road to madness, and trying to be everything to everybody and shooting for an average or, like, a -- you start talking about yourself in the third person if you start thinking about what people want.


BOURDAIN: And so our time in Scotland investigating the rugged beauty of the Highlands comes to an end. Land of enchantment, land of contrast. I think we've learned something today.

All right, cut.

All right, let's load the boat. Let's get the hell out of here and get rid of that thing. Jesus.

The hacksaw. Get the hacksaw.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, guys, it's really starting to stink a little bit, so I think we got to...

BOURDAIN: I told them. I said steel-cut oatmeal. Steel cut. How (EXPLETIVE DELETED )hard is that to remember?

Is that thing on?

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) BOURDAIN: Everybody who works on this show likes movies. All of us love films. It's a prerequisite to work on the show. If you're not excited about films, if you're not a film wonk, I don't know that I can even talk to


So, it has been, you know, it's been really exciting to be able to work with people like Vilmos Zsigmond, one of the great cinematographers in the history of film. But it's also great to look at a place through somebody else's eyes and it is a particular privilege when you're able to look at a place through someone's eyes like a Vilmos Zsigmond who has a famously individual point of view, an incredible story, their own sensibility.

VILMOS ZSIGMOND, CINEMATOGRAPHER: I've been in film since I remember I was living basically. The right moment you have to capture. And that's the difficult part, the exact moment for the story.

For Hungarians, there is this need to excel. My father said, "son, whatever you do, you have to be the best at first, not second, you have to be

first. Otherwise it's not worth it."

BOURDAIN: You know these images. You grew up with them. They're iconic sequences, framed and lit and seen through the lens in ways that changed film making forever, all made by the same man. Vilmos Zsigmond, legendary cinematographer. If for some reason you don't know the name you sure as hell know his work.

The Oscar winning Close Encounters. The Deer Hunter. His absolutely revolutionary work on McCabe and Mrs. Miller. The Long Good-Bye. Deliverance.

He created a whole new palette, took crazy risks, changed film language in ways people still try to imitate. And he's making our camera crew very nervous, I can tell you.

So fun. You taught yourself to shoot.

ZSIGMOND: Basically, I always tried to use my father's little Kodak camera.

My luck was, actually, that I became sick with some kidney disease. I was in bed for a month. And an uncle of mine gave me a book about Eugene Lubovich, who was a great photographer. I bought a camera for myself and started to take amateur pictures.

BOURDAIN: When you first moved here to go to film school, what was your average day like other than your studies?

ZSIGMOND: We were very, very poor. Very little money. It was good enough to have breakfast and lunch, or breakfast and dinner. I had to skip lunch if I wanted to buy socks -- a pair of socks.

But, it was for me, the happiest part of my life under Communism, because I was learning cinematography. So I fell in love, immediately.

BOURDAIN: In fact, some of Vilmos' most powerful and world changing footage occurred around this time before leaving Hungary as a film student during the outbreak of revolution.

ZSIGMOND: I didn't even think about, about death. But shooting actually those Russian tanks, you know, going through there. They can shoot me.

Anybody who had a camera was shot immediately by a Russian soldier.

At that time, I didn't think about that. But I felt I had to photograph them.

BOURDAIN: You were alive and holding a camera at a very important time in history. You had to think you were doing something important.

ZSIGMOND: It's very easy to make beautiful pictures. But pictures wjhich mean something with what's in it, that's a totally different story.

BOURDAIN: What you wanted to shoot and what you were unable to shoot, or decided is less important to shoot, it's a reminder that storytelling is a manipulative process. You know, we don't look to deceive, but I want you to feel a certain way when you watch my show.

The Madagascar show is an example of if I were to lose that control briefly and hand it over to somebody else, in this case Darren Aronofsky, it ain't always pretty. Capturing images around the world can have unintended consequences. It can be a destructive process, whatever your intentions and however pure your heart. I wanted to show that.

The camera is alive. It shows everything. It shows nothing. It reveals only what we want. Often what we see is seen only from a window, moving past then gone. One window, my window.

If you'd been here, chances are you would have seen things differently.

This is it. This is the food stop. I am starving.


Look at this kid's wearing a banana like a yamaka.

Little did I know there would be a feeding frenzy. There's no papaya salad, everything's gone, dude. Here are some bananas.

BOURDAIN: Yeah, two of those.

ARONOFSKY: Two of those. Merci.

BOURDAIN: We get what we can.

Man, it's quite a scene.

ARONOFSKY: It's pretty insane.

BOURDAIN: It's hard to complain about the lack of food options if you look around.

AORONOFSKY: Lots of kids.

You want that?

Yeah, it's hard.

BOURDAIN: You live it now. Looking back, if you were editing this show, how would you tell this story?

This is it. This is the food stop. I am starving.

ARONOFSKY: I am so with you.

BOURDAIN: Man, it's quite a scene.

ARONOFSKY: Lots of kids.

BOURDAIN: Want that?

This is really puffy.

ARONOFSKY: You always want a simple answer to everything to make it all make sense, and it seems to, I don't know, it's just constantly surprising.


UNIDENITIFIED MALE: After all these years of traveling, when you look back, what resonates?

BOURDAIN: I see a lot of poverty, I see a lot of cruelty. I have reason to feel angry, or frustrated, or heartbroken frequently. It angers me to see a place like, you know, Detroit, a great American city that's failed, or has been allowed to fail. To see New Orleans post-Katrina makes me angry. To see Camden, New Jersey, in my own state that I grew up in, it makes me angry.

Yes, there's a lot of scary, ugly stuff in it, but there is much more, I still think, beauty and kindness and humor and people doing the best they can in often very, very difficult situations.

It is a magnificent planet filled with fascinating and more often than not beautiful people.

There are few American cities, places where things have gone as disastrously wrong as Camden, New Jersey.

Once a manufacturing powerhouse, home to the New York Shipbuilding Corporation, the Campbell's Soup Company and RCA Victor Records.

About 80,000 people live here today, that's the same number of people who were employed during its heyday. More than 1/3 of city residents live below the poverty line. If there's any place one can be forgiven for just throwing your hands up in the air and giving up, it's here.

But no. Cities with serious problems need extraordinary people. And Towanda Jones is clearly an extraordinary person.

TOWANDA JONES, CAMDEN: When you give to someone who is really in need, it makes me feel complete.

BOURDAIN: Her late grandfather, Walter Green Jr., believed in being part of the community. When Towanda was 15, she was asked to lead a local drill team. Unfortunately, it soon lost its funding. Walter purchased 80 uniforms and 3 drums to give them a start.

Today, the Camden Sophisticated Sisters Drill Team, which includes the Brothers in Taps, the almighty percussion sound, have over 320 participants.

JONES: Good job, baby. Good job. Clap it up for yourself. Clap it up.

BOURDAIN: What was Camden like back in the good old days?

JONES: Oh my god, it was so different coming up when I was younger. I didn't have to worry about, you know, my life being threatened coming outside.

BOURDAIN: The conventional wisdom seemed to be it's time to get out of Camden. Why are you still here?

JONES: Because the need is in Camden. It's every decent person in Camden leaves Camden, then we never have a chance.

In order to be part of the program they have to maintain a "C" average or better.


JONES: It's about the academics, it's all about nurturing these kids.

What's right, what's wrong? You know, the drill team does that. They have different sayings that they go with every day, it's a start without a finish, it is possible.

And they believe this. They say it so much until it's embedded.

BOURDAIN: A lot of your practice is done outdoors.

JONES: It's been a blessing and a curse, because you'll have the corner boys come up to you and ask you, Ms. Wawa (ph) are you having practice outside today? And I'll say, yeah. And they're like, today is not a good day. And I'm like okay, all right, thank you very much.

BOURDAIN: That's nice.

JONES: Right.

BOURDAIN: How do you keep these kids off the corner?

JONES: I just try to show them an alternative route saying that there's so much more out there than this.

Some of them call me Major Pain, but it's out of love. You know, they need that structure and discipline in life, period. To go to work, to go to school.

BOURDAIN: You had to have seen kids that you really believe in fall by the wayside. How do you go on?

JONES: We do have a lot of sad stories, but we have more good. Our good outweighs the bad, you know. And I keep going just for that reason. Before I was a lit hard on myself and I used to actually think that I could save all the kids. I know that's not the case. I just do the best that I can do, and I just pray that the next kid doesn't, you know, fall by the wayside.

BOURDAIN: There is a real danger of becoming cynical. You shut yourself off from certain emotions that other normal people probably still feel.

I've become harder in some ways, but some things always penetrate. There's things you can't push away or push out or shut your eyes to. I think especially when you're, you know, when you're a parent, you know, it's the kids will get you every time.

Afternoon in Beirut and the Hafes (sp) family prepares dinner.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All this food, you see, my son, he's crying because he wants to go to Burger King. He wants some chicken burger from Burger


BOURDAIN: Thank you so much for having me into your home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please, help yourself.

BOURDAIN: Thank you.

I was in Beirut in 2006. This neighborhood was hit very hard. Were you here at that time?


BOURDAIN: Why this neighborhood?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because the people in this area, 99%, they support Hezbollah.

BOURDAIN: Hezbollah means the party of God. They're a Shia military political organization lavishly supported by Iran. The party is more powerful, more effective on the ground, than the Lebanese army.

The United States officially designates them a terrorist organization. They are dangerous, they are well funded. And whatever else they may be, they are not stupid.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In 2006, I have two sisters, they lost their home. Hezbollah take care of them. Here in Dahi (ph) everybody support Hezbollah, even the people who are not religious, for one reason, because they feel protected by them.

BOURDAIN: My host's support for Hezbollah, typical of this Dahia (ph) neighborhood in South Beirut, is staunch.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Before Hezbollah, Lebanese people, they were always scared of Israel. Now we say, Israel, we say, ha ha, we don't care.

BOURDAIN: In the early days, Hezbollah used tactics that just about anyone would call terrorism. When is it permissible, morally, to use a car bomb or use a civilian target?


BOURDAIN: For you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm against killing, against killing anybody, even Israel.

This person who I'm going to kill and car bomb or whatever, doesn't he has family?

BOURDAIN: What's the most important thing happening in the world today that needs to be resolved for things to be better?


BOURDAIN: ISIS is number one?


They killed hundreds and thousands of Shia. They are devils. They are against everything, like everything on the Earth, they are against.

BOURDAIN: Recently, Hezbollah has become heavily involved in the war in Syria in defense of the Assad regime. Complicating matters and

uncomfortably enough, they are probably the best organized, best equipped, most serious obstacle to ISIS and al Qaeda in the area.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Most of the villages in the east of Lebanon, they are Christian and they are Sunni.

BOURDAIN: Right. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If Hezbollah wasn't there, it was no more

Christian in that area. This is the only reason I -- this is the only reason for, just to protect my children and my wife.

BOURDAIN: 20 years, 30 years.


BOURDAIN: Will things be better?

UNIDENITIFIED MALE: Hope so, not 20 years and 30 -- now, next year, things goes better. I hate war.


BOURDAIN: Oh, geez. "Hi, Anthony, you eat such adventurous food on Parts Unknown. It seems like there is nothing you don't eat. Does the crew get to eat the same things you eat?"

Oh yes, yes, they do. They share the same food good and bad. If I'm eating some sort of still semi-living nether region of reptile, you should share that experience with me. That's my feeling.

Alternately, you know, if we just did a scene of me eating 12 courses at Row Bouchan (ph) in Paris, chances are you're getting a pretty good meal as soon as the scene's over.

One of the things that's curious to me, and I found this to be true of camera people and production crew throughout my television career, we could be on our way to shoot a scene in France laundery, or El Bouli (ph), but if it's like 1:00 in the afternoon, they will stop at 7- Eleven and, you know, gorge on some sort of pita sandwich sitting there calcifying.

They know that the overwhelming likelihood, no, that it's a dead bang sure thing that they're going to be eating as few other people on the planet, but no, they'll load up on hot pockets rather than skip mealtime.

Chef Kim Byri-ong's (ph) early experience working the mess hall during his mandatory military service led directly to super stardom. Now from this unassuming U.S. army surplus tent, he beams his cooking show live into more than 50,000 homes a day via something called the internet.

Which is how I suppose I wound up in a tent on the outskirts of Seoul.

Behold, the magnificence that is budae-jigae.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): So first, open the Spam can.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And these soft rice cakes too.




Dating back to famine years of the Korean War, scrounging and scavenging from American military bases, it's in fact, a classic example of necessity

being the mother of deliciousness.

Hot dogs, canned baked beans, Spam, instant noodles put together with the ever present go to jiang (ph) and kimchi. It became enduring and deeply loved classic.


BOURDAIN: Like I used to say to my first girlfriend, how can something so wrong be so right?

Oh, in go the noodles.



BOURDAIN: Mmm. Wow. Oh, yeah, baby.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me, my love.


(through translator): If you like it, then it's a success.

BOURDAIN: Need a little spam in there.

Good job, chef. Thank you, chef.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, yes. Thank you.

BOURDAIN: My pleasure. Any time.



Philadelphia is right over there. The center of the cheesesteak universe. But what if it isn't?

Behold, the Jersey cheesesteak.

Is there a difference between Jersey style and Philadelphia style?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, we do ours on a round, obviously kaiser roll.

BOURDAIN: Really? I'll have one of those. What's the way to go? I mean, anything I need to know or just?

UNIDENITIFIED MALE: No. A regular, cheese and onions.

BOURDAIN: Beautiful thing.

UNIDENIFIED MALE: I need one, Pauley.

BOURDAIN: It's round. It's got steak, spices, browned onions, real American cheese -- such as it is -- and a poppy seed roll.

Fantastic. Thank you, sir.

And it is sublime.

Man, this should be a national landmark right away. This sandwich is unbelievably good.


BOURDAIN: Worth driving across the state in a blizzard for.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we get a lot of people from Philly.

BOURDAINN: No way. Philly?

UNIDENTENFIED MALE: Oh yeah, for sure.

BOURDAIN; Wow, that's treason. Do they like change the plates on their car and like wear a disguise?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's different. The poppy seeds help.

BOURDAIN: It's awesome.

I think we learned something here today. Jersey cheesesteaks. I'm going to tell you they're better than Philadelphia, yeah, I am, actually.

So there.

Look at this.

Holy. Really? Good lord. Jeebus. This I need a photo of with a human hand next to it. That's truly terrifying.

Who eats that?

Behold the massiveness, the fried to order in a pan to only the highest standards schnitzel of justice.

If a big wave came, I could surf this thing back in my hotel.

Oh, that's good.

Deeply textured, pork flavor, with hints of three-day-old fryer grease. You know, some of you have noticed and complained that I don't really describe food anymore. It's really a lot like writing porn. After you've used the same adjectives over and over, like, you know, the Penthouse letters. Is this going to make your life better at all if I describe exactly how while smacking my lips (inaudible)? No.

It's good.

Do I get a t-shirt if I finish this and my picture on the wall?


UNIDENITIFIED MALE: This season we accomplished something we've been trying to do for a number of years, to get Iggy on the show.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have reached out several times and he had responded with an email the first time we asked him. Do you know?

BOURDAIN; Yes, I was aware of this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know this email?


So, this is an email from 2008. It was an email from Iggy Pop's people to 0.0 production. Iggy Pop, a hero of mine since 1969, okay?

So of course I've been reaching out regularly over the years hoping, hoping, hoping that my hero would agree to be on the show.

I got this response. "Iggy is working on a film outside the U.S. on those dates and he says he has now reached puke point for his own media exposure this year. He's seen anthony's show and thinks that Anthony is not a dick. He says thanks for asking."

There's hope, that's what I thought. I'm not a dick, yes. Iggy thinks I'm not a dick.

It was pretty much the best thing that anyone had ever said at any time in my life and it only got better.

So you've been here how many years now?


BOURDAIN: 15 years?

You're a Floridian.


BOURDAIN; When I was young, this man was a role model, an ideal, a roadmap for bad behavior. His music, it turned out, was the soundtrack for most of my life. Still is.

James Osterberg, known still as Iggy Pop.

You grew up in Michigan. You've lived in New York for a long period of time.

OSTERBERG: I went from Michigan to London. I went from London to Hollywood, which was rough. Hollywood to Berlin, which was great. Back to London. And then New York from '79 to '99.

BOURDAIN; Was it a conceivable option at any point earlier to say, you know, I can live in florida?

OSTERBERG: It wasn't for me. I was hustling, hustling in a big city. It just kind of happened by chance. I had a shady friend who owned a condo here, and thought, well, this is a nice little trashy hang. You could just pull up to the beach any time you wanted and look out and see the end of complications.

And anybody could do that and it was safe and free. And I thought, that's a -- this is beautiful.

BOURDAIN: So we're eating healthy today.


BOURDAIN: What do you like here?

I wouldn't have thought back then in my dorm room that all those years later I'd be eating healthy with Iggy Pop.

Barbecue shrimp for the godfather of punk. I get wild and crazy with some roast pork.

A little white wine, our only tilt towards the debauches of previous lives.

I well remember the first Stooges album coming out, the context of the time. This was, what, '69?

OSTERBERG: '69. August.

BOURDAIN: As far as looking after my health, your music early on was a negative example.

OSTERBERG: I hear you.

BOURDAIN: And looking at my own life and career, I'm pretty much known for traveling around the world recklessly drinking and eating to excess. What does it say about us that we're now sitting in a healthy restaurant? I just came from the gym. And we're in florida.

OSTERBERG: Listen, if you just flamed out, you know, you're in such voluminous and undistinguished company, then all your works will flame out quicker with you. BOURDAIN: What's a perfect day in Miami?

OSTERBERG: It's a clear morning. Hot. No moderate or any of that crap. No. Hot, hot. Humid. The sun comes up in a hazy tropical orange orb. And you're not working. You're not on a schedule. But you have somebody fun to spend the time with. And then you would go to the beach when the sun isn't right overhead yet because the beach faces east. The sun sparkles on the water, and the sparkle's very nice. So positive.

BOURDAIN: You're a guy who at various points in life has been able to have a lot of things that ordinary people would never have. You've had many, many adventures.


BOURDAIN: Given that, what thrills you?

OSTERBERG: The nicest stuff right now, this is very embarrassing, but it's really -- being loved and actually appreciating the people that are giving that to me.

I don't see any birds at all here today. it's so quiet.

BOURDAIN: Is this the reward phase of your life or is it just dumb (EXPLETIVE DELETED) luck?

OSTERBERG: It has been mostly I think a reward phase for stuff I did up to the age 30. Stuff you had to do on instinct, not on intelligence.

BOURDAIN: Yeah, I think you deserve it. But when I look at my own life, I'm actually -- I'm ambivalent. I'm still not so sure, you know?

OSTERBERG: I'm still curious. You seem like a curious person.

BOURDAIN: It's my only virtue.

OSTERBERG: There you go.

BOURDAIN: Curious is a good thing to be, you know? That seems to pay some unexpected dividends.


BOURDAIN: "Who picks the locations you go to? Are there any places still left on your to-go list?"

Well, I pick the locations we go to. There are no helpful memos from anyone else saying, hey, viewers think it would be a really great idea for you to go to Disney World or Great Adventure, or have you considered the Minnesota State Fair?

I make a list every year of places I'd like to go then unless it's a really stupid idea, which admittedly does happen, we go there.

"Are there any places still left on your to-go list?" Yes.

So it's been over 50 years since you, the American public, have been able to enjoy a fine Cuban rum, and this is a very fine one, I can tell you, but it looks like all of that is about to change.

Floodgates have been let loose or will be soon, it sure looks like. The whole world is changing. What is that going to mean? Do we find out? I don't know. We make an educated guess. I don't know how educated, but we do make a guess.

The south is not a monolith. There are pockets of weirdness, awesomeness, and then there's Charleston where for some time now, important things have been happening with food.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The standard of food here is so high that when I go around anyplace, I just go, eh.

BOURDAIN: Charleston is a place with almost too many beautiful buildings, almost too many incredibly talented chefs. And almost too much really, really good food. It's nice here. I like it.

So it's been a week of martial arts madness, and between the Okinawan sumo and karate, there's really no part of my body that doesn't hurt.

On the other hand, I've eaten really well and I've learned something. Okinawa is nothing like the Japan I know at all. Everything is different here.

UNIDENITIED MALE: Happiness is number one.

BOURDAIN: Happiness first.


BOURDAIN; It's laid back. It's mellow. The food is completely different. People are expressive and open and tell you what they think.

What is the literal translation of that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Once we meet, we are family.

BOURDAIN: Once we meet, we are family.

Oh, thank you.

Also there's, pork. Delicious, delicious pork and lots of it.

Okay. Next question. "What is Sanjay Gupta really like?"

Well, Ted from Jersey City, all I got to tell you is he's a doctor. Doctor Sanjay Gupta. And he likes to party. Ever since he's starting vaping, he's a lot more fun. Oh, yeah. He vapes.

Where's that sandwich?