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Putin and Russian Officials to Address Doping Allegations; Russia Proposes Syria Solution; Peaceful Protest Turns Chaotic in Kabul; Imprisoned As a Sex Slave at 12 Years Old; World Leaders Meet on Refugee Crisis in Malta; Myanmar President to Meet Aung San Suu Kyi; Highlights of Fourth U.S. Republican Debate; U.S. Honors War Veterans. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 11, 2015 - 10:00   ET




ROBYN CURNOW CNN HOST: Hello, there, everyone, welcome to the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Robyn Curnow at the CNN Center.

We start a highly anticipated meeting that could decide the future of Russian athletics.


CURNOW (voice-over): Vladimir Putin is due to sit down with top sports officials in Sochi to address blistering allegations of state-sponsored

doping. The Russian sure to have a huge say in the official response which must come by Thursday. I want to bring in Matthew Chance from CNN Moscow.

Hi, there, Matthew.

Any sense of how the Russians will respond?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's very difficult to assess at this stage because, frankly, over the course of the

past 48 hours since this scandal broke we have been getting mixed messages. On the one hand admitting that there are technical difficulties and

failures on their part and shortcomings in terms of the testing that is not quite up to international standards, they admit. But falling short of

fully embracing the allegations, the very serious allegations that have been made in that report by the World Anti-Doping Agency commission

essentially saying there's Kremlin-backed state-supported program of doping Russia's athletes and accusing the various authorities of being totally

corrupted in practicing that.

That's not something accepted by anyone, really. Even the Kremlin has said already that the allegations are not backed by any evidence and should not

be trusted.

And, you know it's going to be interesting to see how Vladimir Putin and the other sort of sports chiefs who will be meeting later on today, we

understand, in Southern Russia will -- what line they'll take, whether they'll come up with a mea culpa saying there are problems and we'll try

and address, get back in the competition, as it were. Or whether they're going to throw up their arms and say this is a conspiracy by the West

against Russia aimed at discrediting us and pressurizing us ahead of the Rio games next year, from which they face exclusion, of course.

So it's really up in the air at this point in terms of which path Russia is going to take to answer these allegations.

CURNOW: Well, Matthew, I mean, athletes, doctors, trainers, coaches, various Russian sporting institutions, all implicated in this.

But the fact that President Putin is involved in the Russian response also indicates a lot, doesn't it?

CHANCE: Well, I think it speaks to the fact that sport in this country is far more than just sport. It's about politics. And that's backed up by

the fact that Russia has spent tens of billions of dollars in recent years in making sure it has a seat at the top table, that it's a premier sporting


I mean, it spent billions of dollars on the 2014 Sochi Olympics, the Winter Games, it's spending more billions more to host the World Cup football

championships a couple of years from now and it's hosted lots of events in between and so it's really put a lot of money into, you know showing that

it is a major player, a sporting superpower.

And the reason it's done that perhaps is for political reasons. It wants to show its own population and the rest of the world that there may be

shortcomings elsewhere in Russia but it can still perform at that top level when it comes to sport.

And so faced with these allegations that much of the achievements that Russian athletes have made over the past couple of years -- remember, it

came second in the medals table in the 2012 Olympics in London -- much of those achievements have been as a result of cheating. It's something

that's very difficult politically for the Kremlin to swallow.

CURNOW: As "The New York Times" said this week, Matthew, is this the most extensive state-sponsored doping program since the notorious East German

regime of the 1970s? I think that's the foundation of all of that.

So thank you for covering it and we'll come back to you when there's any development on the story. Matthew Chance in Moscow, thanks.

Well, outgoing FIFA president Sepp Blatter is in hospital. Now his adviser tells CNN Blatter was admitted at the end of last week suffering what he

called a body breakdown. The adviser says Blatter is in good mental and physical state now. He also says Blatter is ready to fully fight

corruption allegations leveled by FIFA's ethics committee. Blatter is currently under a 90-day provisional suspension. The ethics committee

could hear his appeal later this week.

Turning now to the conflict in Syria, Russia has reportedly come up with a plan to end the nearly five-year civil war. Reuters News Agency says

Moscow is proposing an 18-month constitutional reform process resulting in presidential elections.


CURNOW (voice-over): But the draft document --


CURNOW (voice-over): -- makes no mention of excluding Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. That's been a mandatory demand from the opposition.

Russia's foreign ministry denies putting forward any proposal.

On the ground, Syrian government forces appear to have made one of their biggest advances against ISIS since the Russian air campaign began. State

media and independent monitoring group says the army has taken back a key military airport. Our Fred Pleitgen is following developments from London.

Hi, there, Fred. Let's just start with the significance of this airfield.

Why is it important that it's been recaptured?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Robyn, it really is important on many levels. First of all, it is a big morale

booster but it also is quite a strategic victory for the pro-government forces there is in Syria.

This base was still held by Syrian government forces, to the east of Aleppo in the northeast of Syria, but it was besieged by ISIS forces for almost

two years. And so the government forces have now managed to break through to that base.

And this is something that's very important to the Assad forces because, you know there have been some military bases in the past that were taken by

ISIS and there have been some scenes of Syrian soldiers getting executed by ISIS forces and that's certainly something that was -- that really hurt

morale within the Syrian armed forces.

And what you've been seeing, for instance, with the refugees, many of who are coming to Europe, a lot of them are fighting age men because a lot of

them felt like they might be treated as cannon fodder in Syria's army, they say, we're being left out to dry there. So now the Syrian army can say,

no, we'll fight to try and get our forces out of these besieged areas.

For the Russians, of course, it's very important because the Russians, of course, accused of bombing everybody except ISIS in Syria and now they'll

say here's a place where we have actually made significant gains.

And then, of course, as I said, it's a strategic location because it essentially makes it very difficult for ISIS forces to resupply its troops

in Aleppo, which is a key area for the Syrian government -- Robyn.

CURNOW: Indeed. Very important strategically. Let's talk about politically. There appears to be movement made on some sort of diplomatic


How viable is this?

PLEITGEN: It's very difficult to say and certainly from what we have been seeing there, that proposal that the Russians allegedly put forward and

which the Reuters News Agency that first broke the story continues to stand by, saying that proposal is something that they have indeed seen.

The Russians, of course, saying that it's something that didn't happen. They say there is no proposal on the Russian part.

But certainly it is something that's significant for two reasons. On the one hand, it proposes political reform and a political reform committee

that should not have Bashar al-Assad on it. So that's something that seems to want to integrate a lot of the opposition powers as well.

But on the other hand, also, as you have noted, it does not exclude Bashar al-Assad from potentially running in any sort of election that might happen

in -- after that 18-month period.

So there are certainly a lot of difficult stones there to be passed within that resolution and certainly something that needs to be overcome. But the

main issue for the Russians -- and they've said this at a press conference today -- is they want to identify who is going to negotiate on the part of

the opposition.

They say, tell us which forces are, as they say, terrorists and which ones are the ones that we can work with and that, of course, is something that's

going to be very important, looking ahead to the meeting that's going to happen, Robyn, in Vienna on Friday, where the sides are going to try to

make some progress to see if they can get a peace process going.

But at the last meeting there were no Syrians present at the table so that's something that certainly needs to be sorted out -- Robyn.

CURNOW: Indeed. There really are no easy answers here. Fred Pleitgen, thank you so much for your update.

Well, let's turn to Afghanistan now where a peaceful protest turned chaotic when demonstrators tried to storm the presidential palace in Kabul.


CURNOW (voice-over): The protesters are angry about a string of killings, targeting the Hazara ethnic minority. They carried the coffins of seven

people killed by ISIS recently and demanded to see the president.

Security forces intervened, firing bullets into the air to disperse the protest. At least seven people were injured. Journalist Sune Engel

Rasmussen updated us on the situation a little bit earlier.


SUNE ENGEL RASMUSSEN, JOURNALIST: And it continued this morning with a march from Hazara, dominated area of Kabul and then into the area where the

presidential palace is.

During this march, the crowd swelled up to several thousand, tens of thousands of people. And then at the end it turned -- some people said it

turned violent but at least there was some -- fired some warning shots. People said there were a couple of protesters maybe throwing stones.

And some of them also tried to scale the walls into the compound of the presidential palace.

The crowds have now been more or less dispersed and the city is more calm now and the president's just addressed the nation.


CURNOW: Sune Engel Rasmussen there.

Now the United Nations says --


CURNOW: -- the seven Hazara that were abducted last month and beheaded over the weekend included women and children. Now the killings happened

during clashes between different anti-government groups in Southern Afghanistan.

Well, coming up, at the INTERNATIONAL DESK, trapped in an endless cycle of rape and abuse. CNN Freedom Project speaks with a girl from Mexico, who

was dragged into an industry of pimps.




CURNOW: Hi, everyone. Welcome back. I'm Robyn Curnow and you're watching the INTERNATIONAL DESK.

At any given time there are an estimated 20 million to 30 million people being used as slaves worldwide. Millions of them are children who are

kidnapped or tricked into the sex trade in particular. And it's almost impossible to escape, especially when the authorities are looking the other


Well, our Rafael Romo talked to one girl who was dragged into a life of prostitution at the age of 12. He brings us her harrowing story for the

CNN Freedom Project.



RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SR. LATIN AFFAIRS EDITOR (voice-over): Growing up in Mexico, life for Karla Jacinto wasn't a fairy tale. But at 12 years old,

she thought she had met her Prince Charming.

KARLA JACINTO, HUMAN TRAFFICKING SURVIVOR (through translator): He bought me clothes and shoes. He told me, "You are going to be my princess."

ROMO (voice-over): Karla's new boyfriend was older and from a faraway village called Tenancingo. But after three months, the relationship

changed and this scam was revealed. Karla's prince was actually a pimp, working as part of an organized crime ring based in Tenancingo. He told

her she would be working the streets as a prostitute.

JACINTO (through translator): He started punching me, kicking me, pulling my hair. He would spit on my face. That day, he even burned me with iron.


ROMO (voice-over): Susan Coppedge is the U.S. State Department's ambassador-at-large to combat human trafficking. Before that, she worked

at the U.S. attorney's office in Atlanta, Georgia.

SUSAN COPPEDGE, STATE DEPARTMENT AMBASSADOR: We've prosecuted numerous cases here in Atlanta involving traffickers from Mexico and particularly


ROMO (voice-over): Coppedge says oftentimes entire families in Tenancingo and the rest of flacks caliphate (ph) are in on the scam. CNN, over

several weeks, made numerous attempts to speak with Tenancingo town officials. We even went to the mayor's office twice, but were denied

interviews each time.

Coppedge says there's good reason for the officials being evasive.

COPPEDGE: We've been told by the traffickers themselves and by the young girls that this town raises pimps, that that's what they've done for

generations. That's what the town does. That's their industry.

And, yet, in smaller, rural communities around there, the young girls don't have any idea that this is what that town's reputation is.

ROMO (voice-over): Karla says she was forced to prostitute for four years with never a day off. She says her pimp trafficked her across Mexico,

demanding she see at least 30 customers a day, and keeps a daily log of clients. By age 16, Karla calculates she was raped more than 43,200 times.

JACINTO (through translator): There were men that would go just to laugh at me. They laughed when I cried.

ROSI OROZCO, VICTIM'S ADVOCATE: Imagine in the mind of a 12 years old who is raped, if she cry, he will hit her worse. If she didn't cry, he will

hit her again.

ROMO (voice-over): Rosi Orozco, a victim's advocate, the former Mexican senator, says it's the powerful who allow trafficking to continue.

OROZCO: She had clients that were judges, priests, pastors, police. So she knew that she could not run away to go to the authorities.

ROMO (voice-over): Karla says one time 30 uniformed police officers raided the brothel she was in but instead of making arrests or rescues, they made

a deal with the brothel owner.

JACINTO (through translator): The uniformed police officers entered the room we were in. We had to do everything they asked of us. The whole

thing lasted three or four hours.

ROMO: What was going through your mind at that point, thinking that those who are supposed to protect you were abusing you?

JACINTO (through translator): They were sickening to me because they would they could see we were minors. It was obvious, right? We looked our age.

We weren't even fully developed. They could see our sad faces.

ROMO (voice-over): There are an estimated 2 million children exploited every year in the global commercial sex trade. Violence, corruption and a

mix of fear and shame are major factors keeping children from trying to escape.

ROMO: And you lived this hell for four years?

JACINTO (through translator): You see me now with a smile on my face. But when I remember all that, it still hurts a lot.

I am going to fight against this until the end. Every day when I wake up, I wonder if I am going to be alive at the end of the day because of what we

do and what I have experienced makes me a target. Death is lurking.

ROMO (voice-over): The pain in Karla's face is clear. But perhaps the true tragedy of her story is that it's shared by so many other children

like her, still being controlled by human traffickers as we speak -- Rafael Romo, CNN, Mexico City.


CURNOW: Raped more than 43,000 times, that's just devastating. Rafael's reporting is topping the coverage on our website. You can see more of it

at And learn how to fly to freedom by making a plane and a pledge to help end modern-day slavery.

You are at the INTERNATIONAL DESK. Still ahead, another tragic reminder of the desperation fueling Europe's migrant crisis. We'll go to Greece for

details on the story. Stay with us.





CURNOW: Welcome back. More lives are lost as migrants try to reach Europe. At least 18 people were killed off the western coast of Turkey in

two separate incidents involving boats, most found by the Turkish coast guard in half-sunken wooden vessels. Another boat was recovered with 22

people on board and four bodies in the water nearby.

Well, it comes as European leaders meet once again to try to find consensus on how to handle the crisis. Previous summits have produced few concrete

results. Our Arwa Damon is tracking developments from Lesbos in Greece.

Hi, there, Arwa. I think if I've counted properly, this is the sixth meeting of these E.U. leaders to try to come up with a response.

What's expected from this one?

ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We're really just going to have to wait and see, Robyn. Difficult to tell at this stage what

kind of concrete solution they will be able to come up with because trying to throw money at the problem like one of the ideas being floated in terms

of helping African nations deal with the refugee crisis may not exactly be the most productive way to handle this because, in Africa, you're dealing

with corruption and oppressive regimes.

And then of course you have the situation when it comes to Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan, the war zones, that are forcing people to flee and then

many of them coming through Turkey, crossing those waters that you saw just there, that saw at least 18 people died in the last 24 hours, to try to

reach this place, Mytilini, on the island of Lesbos.

Just to give you an idea of why some of these people are fleeing, we've been talking to quite a few of them. Bit dark, but we're going to try to

show you.

You see that little girl sitting right there? She is from Baghdad, in the pink jacket and she says she asked her father why they were leaving and he

said to her, because the situation in Iraq is just too difficult right now. Baghdad is too dangerous. There are too many explosions, militias are

reemerging. The government doesn't seem like it's going to be able to retake control.

Further back, there's a woman with her baby -- not entire sure if you can see her -- they're from Idlib, Syria, that family. There was a barrel bomb

that landed on top of their home, Robyn. The little baby barely survived. A piece of shrapnel lodged itself --


DAMON: -- very close to her heart. Luckily they were able to remove it. But her grandmother died in that attack. And that's when that family

decided to leave.

We have been saying this over and over and over again. The vast majority of these people making this journey are doing it because they have no other

choice. They cannot live in their homelands anymore. It's too dangerous. The children do not have a future.

All of the parents we have been speaking to here say the same thing to us. They're doing this journey, they're taking this risk because they need to

give their children a better chance.

And we have been talking about this refugee crisis for quite some time now. And the tragedy of it all is not only are these people suffering back in

their homelands, they're still struggling to try to somehow safely reach what they hope will be a better future -- Robyn.

CURNOW: Indeed. And Europe's leaders still trying to cobble together some sort of political response to deal with these individual human tragedies.

Arwa Damon, as always, thanks so much.

Iran's president is heading to Europe this weekend, hoping to renew trade ties after July's landmark nuclear deal.

Hassan Rouhani will first visit Italy, when he's actually expected to meet the pope.

But at his next stop in France, a state dinner with President Francois Hollande has reportedly been canceled. The reason? Wine was on the menu.

Iran says its leaders won't attend events where alcohol is served.

Myanmar's president will meet pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi in the wake of the country's historic elections. Suu Kyi's National League of

Democracy appears on its way to a huge victory and she's already won her own seat in parliament. Suu Kyi requested the meeting, which will include

Myanmar's military chief. The president's office says it will happen after ballot counting eases.

Still to come here, much more here on the INTERNATIONAL DESK.





CURNOW: You're watching the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Robyn Curnow. Here's a check of the headlines.


CURNOW (voice-over): Russia's Olympic committee says it will take action to eradicate doping from sport. Today's announcement follows a blister

report that accuses Russia of state-sponsored doping in athletics. Top sports officials are due to talk to president Vladimir Putin about the

Russian response. Moscow must answer the allegations by Thursday.

Security forces have broken up a protest outside the presidential palace in Kabul. The demonstrators carried the coffins of seven civilians beheaded

by ISIS over the weekend. They included women and children. The dead were members of the Hazara ethnic minority. At least seven people were injured

during Wednesday's demonstration.

Syria's state news agency says regime forces have pushed ISIS out of a key airbase in Aleppo province. The militants had been in control of the

airport for two years now. Experts believe government troops and Russian warplanes could now use the base to better attack ISIS positions around


And European and African leaders are gathered in Malta holding another meeting on the migrant crisis. They've trying to tackle the issue five

times before but there's little sign of any concrete results. In the meantime, the migrants continue to risk perilous journeys and lives are

still being lost.


CURNOW: Turning now to the U.S. presidential race, the top Republican candidates met in their fourth debate Tuesday night, tackling hot button

issues such as immigration reform and national security. Andrew Spencer has the highlights for us.


ANDREW SPENCER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): FOX Business agreed to give the candidates equal time but that didn't stop some of them from

fighting over it.


JEB BUSH, FORMER GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA: -- a couple of things here --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You should let Jeb speak.

BUSH: We have grown --





BUSH: Thank you, Donald, for allowing me to speak at the debate. That's really nice of you. Really appreciate that.


BUSH: What a generous man you are.

SPENCER (voice-over): The moderators didn't press Ben Carson on the questions about the past.

DR. BEN CARSON, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you for not asking me what I said in the 10th grade. I appreciate that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll just forget that follow-up there.

SPENCER (voice-over): But the intentional differentiation from the CNBC debate did not mean candidates went unchallenged.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can't seriously guarantee that there won't be another financial crisis, can you?

BUSH: If -- you could if you were serious about --


There'll never be another financial crisis?

BUSH: No, I can't say that. But I can say if you created higher capital requirements, that's the solution to this.

SPENCER (voice-over): For the most part, political attacks didn't get personal in Milwaukee Tuesday night, the clashes instead focusing on


SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R), FLA.: I know that Rand is a committed isolationist. I'm not. I believe the world is a stronger and a better place when the

United States is the strongest military power in the world.

SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KY: Marco, Marco, how is it conservative -- how is it conservative to add a $1 trillion expenditure for the federal government

that should not --

SPENCER (voice-over): Some pushed for a flat tax and talked about simplifying the tax code.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: There are more words in the IRS code than there are in the Bible. And not a one of them is as good.


SPENCER (voice-over): And of course, balancing the federal budget.

CARLY FIORINA (R), CALIF.: We need to go to zero base budgeting so we know where everything dollar is being spent. We can challenge any dollar, cut

any dollar, move any dollar.

SPENCER (voice-over): And many of them rejected calls to raise the minimum wage -- I'm Andrew Spencer reporting.


CURNOW: So were there any clear winners and losers?

Let's bring in chief political correspondent Dana Bash, she is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for a closer look at who scored in the debate.

Not as many fireworks as the others this time around.

DANA BASH, CNN SR. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Not as many and the ones that we did see were genuine divisions on substance, whether it was on

taxes, which is very real, or as you just heard in that piece, on the United States' role in the world.

The fact that Rand Paul is very much somebody who does not believe that the U.S. should be spending taxpayer dollars, at least as many, on not just

national defense but, more specifically, on being the world's policeman around the globe and that gave Marco Rubio an opening to effectively say

that he believes he's wrong, that it is the United States' role in the world to do so.

And there were similar divides on that issue or the theme, I should say, between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush on whether or not the U.S. should be

upset about the fact that Russia is now involved in what's going on in Syria. So --


BASH: -- I do think that we saw some differences and it sort of could potentially help Republican primary voters here in the U.S. decide, based

on the issues, who they like, but you're right. There weren't as many fireworks on the sort of politics of personality we have seen really

throughout this entire race so far.

CURNOW: Indeed. And we've talked about it. This is very crowded Republican field and I think what many people have pointed out is that they

are in some way mostly united against the media, particularly after that last debate, where I think one analyst said, you know, listen, they need to

grow up a bit. If they're complaining and moaning about tough questions and media vetting, then they shouldn't be running for president.

In fact, they shouldn't be running for student council.

BASH: That's right. I think President Obama said that and, even, you know Chris Christie, who was on that stage, said the same thing.

So, yes. I mean, it was a completely different vibe and I think when you're talking just about the moderators, there is no question -- it was

blatantly obvious that the people asking questions kind of tried to learn the lessons from the last debate and stuck to the substance.

And that's why you saw the Republican party chair come out and praise them, as did everybody on the stage. Donald Trump called it an elegant debate.

CURNOW: Oh, is that an oxymoron?

But anyway, let's talk about immigration, this is an issue, no matter where you are in the world, that's sensitive, it's politicized and no different


BASH: Yes. There are very big differences between these Republican candidates on the issue of immigration and, you know, it was very much on

display during this debate last night.

And you saw the John Kasiches and Jeb Bushes of the world, those who are more moderate within the Republican field, saying, give me a break. It is

not realistic and not American to round up the -- about 11 million or so undocumented immigrants in the United States and deport them.

It's just not what -- it's not feasible, practically, and it's just not what the U.S. should do when you're talking about splitting up families.

And then you had the others, Ted Cruz, and those who believe that -- and Donald Trump, obviously, who sort of sparked this immigration debate in

this particular election season, saying, no, that's exactly what we need to do. A law is a law is a law.

And if you don't follow the law, then what are we?

And that really is a real divide in this country but specifically within the Republican voting electorate. And, you know, in some ways, people who

are going to be voting tend to be more conservative, particularly in the first in the caucus state, first-of-the-nation caucus of Iowa. That's

going to happen on February 1st. And even in South Carolina. So those are issues that the voters really do care about and they very much saw the

differences that they have to choose from last night.

CURNOW: Indeed. I mean, Donald Trump saying that a wall needs to be built and of course that's a very controversial statement.

Dana Bash, thank you so much for your reporting. Appreciate it.

BASH: Thank you, Robyn.

CURNOW: The U.S. Justice Department says it's identified three men involved in hacking JPMorgan Chase last year. Officials say it was two

Israelis and one American who allegedly stole the personal information of 83 million customers in the data breach. All three were indicted for

separate crimes in July.

The attack was so big that investigators first thought it was a state- sponsored breach. But the U.S. government now alleges it was a stock manipulation scheme. The three men allegedly made more than $100 million

and used 75 shell companies to pull it off.

Next up, the U.S. marks Veterans Day.


CURNOW (voice-over): The U.S. Army Band there, playing before a memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. More from the ceremony just ahead at the






CURNOW: Welcome back.

The U.K., Australia and Canada and other commonwealth nations are honoring their troops that died in the line of duty. Today is Remembrance Day, also

Armistice Day, that marks the end of hostilities in World War I this day in 1918.

In the U.S., Americans are also honoring living war veterans.


CURNOW (voice-over): There you go. You're watching live pictures of the ceremony getting underway at Arlington National Cemetery. President Barack

Obama is expected to speak shortly. Of course, we'll bring you that live when it happens.


CURNOW: That does it for us here at the INTERNATIONAL DESK. Thanks so much for watching. I'm Robyn Curnow. "WORLD SPORT" is up next.