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Flirty Text Messages May Have Helped Track Down El Chapo; Arrest In Murder Of American Woman In Italy; ISIS Claims Responsibility For Jakarta Terror Attack; Video Shows U.S. Sailor Apologizing To Iran; Big Tax Bill For Powerball Winners; Trump: "No Way Ted Cruz Can Continue To Run"; Birther Attacks Spark Civil War Among Conservatives; Poll Puts Trump And Cruz Neck-and-Neck In Iowa. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired January 14, 2016 - 06:30   ET



[06:32:13] MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Getting new development -- developments rather every day. We're learning more this morning about how Mexican authorities were able to recapture the fugitive drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

It appears that text messages between El Chapo and the Mexican actress who brokered a secret meeting with Sean Penn. Those text messages played a key role in his capture. They suggest that El Chapo had more on his mind than just publicity and nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Nick Valencia is live in New Mexico or in Mexico rather with details for us really interesting details we're learning, Nick.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Just day by day, even more details.

Good morning Michaela.

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman is said to be one of the most ruthless killers and criminals in the world. But newly released text messages between him and a Mexican actress it appears that it was ultimately love that brought him down.


VALENCIA: CNN is learning the shocking visit by these two famous actors to the most infamous drug lord in the world, came to the attention of the U.S. law enforcement long before their October encounter. This as sources also say U.S. officials were alerted about Sean Penn's meeting with Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman soon after he arrive

LORETTA LYNCH, ATTORNEY GENERAL: We're tremendously gratified that capture was successful. And we look forward to having El Chapo face justice with an American court.

VALENCIA: Mexican officials say they intercepted text messages between El Chapo and Mexican actress Kate del Castillo dating back to September of last year. El Chapo, writing "I really want to meet you in person, friend." The actress replies, "Well, me too, you are the best of this world." Text El Chapo, "We will be great friends. I will take care of you more than my own eyes."

Castillo later asked El Chapo's associates to have Penn accompany her on the trip to which he writes to them "Have her bring the actor and if she sees the need to bring more people, let her bring them as she likes."

After the meeting in Mexico, Castillo text, "I haven't been able to sleep much since I saw you. I'm very excited about our story. It's true. It's the only thing I can think of."

On Wednesday, the actress took to Twitter defending herself writing "Many have chosen to make up items they think will make good stories and that aren't truthful. I look forward to sharing my story with you."

Since the drug lord's capture Sunday, Guzman has been moved from cell to cell. Mexican officials hoping that will ensure the two time escapee from turning into a fugitive once again.


VALENCIA: Mexican authority has a lead on El Chapo's whereabouts back in October during Penn and del Castillo's visit. But it was ultimately a fear that the actress would be caught in the cross fire that kept them from following through. It took them another three months to catch up with the cartel kingpin. Chris.

[06:35:01] CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Nick, more comes out everyday. Thank you so much for keeping on top of it.

We also have another development and then a big story, breaking news out of Italy.

Police there announcing an arrest in the death of that American artist. Who was it? And what was this person's connection to the victim? We have answers and new questions ahead.


CUOMO: Big development in that Italy murder of an American artist. There's been an arrest there. This is who the police believe is responsible for the murder of Ashley Olsen, an undocumented immigrant from Senegal.

Investigators say the two left the nightclub together, returned to Olsen's home. Of course, Olsen was later found dead, strangled with two skull fractures.

All right, let's break it down with Paul Callan, CNN Legal Analyst and Criminal Defense Attorney. How good do you feel the investigators cases at this point? PAUL CALLAN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Well I suspect that quite sure they've been under enormous public pressure to get this right, in view of what happened in the Amanda Knox case. And but as we were talking about before we came on the similarities to the Knox case are really remarkable.

CUOMO: Surprised that there are little thin in terms of the why at this point. You know, they're different than the American system. You know, they're usually really big on motivations and talking about it early on. Here, they're connecting them at the nightclub. We do know on that night she stayed past when her friends did Ashley Olsen. They're now saying she was with this guy that's who came back to the house. Why the known association anything there?

CALLAN: Well I think that the Italians are being more careful, because I think they've become more sophisticated in terms of dealing with the press and coverage of criminal cases.

And of course the more the police say, the more they get hyper- analyzed at this stage in the case. So I suspect as this goes on we'll hear a little bit more in the way of detail and see a more thoroughly developed case.

[06:40:03] CUOMO: What do you make of the coincidence, once again, Meredith Kercher, obviously the suspect there Amanda Knox, that's what got all our attention on it.

It wound up coming back to an African guy who was involved with drugs. I think that was Ivory Coast or this guy Senegal. Any suspicion is there, any skepticism that oh, they're looking to finger at this same kind of guy.

CALLAN: Well in a sense they all, Rudi Guede from the Ivory Coast as you mentioned was of course one of the major suspects and was prosecuted in the Amanda Knox criminal case, the Meredith Kercher death.

It's strange that you have another African immigrant who now becomes the prime suspect. But on the other hand, Italy, you know, brings a lot of people in from Africa from other countries. They have a large immigrant population. And a lot -- and there's a lot of crime involved in that. A lot of those immigrants who've come in are poor and they're more prone toward criminal activity in Italy. So I think statistically, this is not unusual in Italy.

CUOMO: That is exactly what our sources over there are saying that there's intrigue here because you're American and she is an American and you remember the last one. But this is open and shut they're saying, they're saying that they're going to be able to make a forensic tie, not just a circumstantial one. And then explain just how huge that is even in the Italian legal system.

CALLAN: Yeah, and of course we were talking, we've talked previously in the Amanda Knox case about how they blew the forensics in that case. And that was really the Achilles' heel of their investigative system. And I think they were very carefully focused on getting this one right.

CUOMO: But here's the problem that they have to figure this out, if this was a random association and it goes the way they think they did, that would explain no forced entry. But it wouldn't necessarily explain how you have the indications that are there of being -- you know, there's still some problems with this fact pattern to understand no signs of struggle. No signs of forced entry. OK, we get it. They were together. No signs of struggle. Yet you wind up being strangled. That's a little tricky.

CALLAN: That's very, very strange. And I also notice there were autopsy reports that she had I think two skull fractures in addition to the strangulation.

This -- but I haven't seen toxicology, so it's possible she was unconscious during the strangulation. And that would explain in some ways the lack of struggle.

Now, how did he get into the apartment? She could have left the door open because she knew he was coming to arrive later. I don't -- we just don't have enough detail I think to speculate on that.

CUOMO: One forensicist has said that let's find out what they figure out about the crenology, the timeline of the actual attacks because if the head blows come early on, that could be a proof of why there's no struggle because the person is largely incapacitated.

CALLAN: Exactly.

CUOMO: But again, the two big steps yet to come, will be how they handle the scene, how they process this case and what they make of any connection with drugs and how they may compromise going forward in terms of giving something to defense.

CALLAN: And ultimately how informative they are with the press and how they handle the press which is another thing that was -- they just blew in the Amanda Knox case.

CUOMO: Right.

CALLAN: So let's hope there the more sense.

CUOMO: Less is more. Make the case and then you can make the statement.

CALLAN: Exactly.

CUOMO: Paul Callan, as always, appreciate it. Mich?

PEREIRA: All right, it's something far more teary. Winning Powerball tickets sold in three states. Dozens of people around the United States waking up millionaires this morning, we're going to break down that record-breaking $1.6 billion prize, next.


[06:46:53] PEREIRA: Breaking news, an ISIS affiliated news agency is claiming the terror group is behind this morning's attack in Jakarta.

Two suddenly in for kill, the terrorist targeted Jakarta Police Station and a Starbucks in a series of coordinated blast.

Authorities believe some of the five terrorists later hurled grenades from motor bikes into a busy area. They were ultimately gunned down in a fire fight with officers, others blew themselves up.

CUOMO: State television in Tehran airing video an American sailor apologizing for wandering into Iranian waters. It is not clear whether the sailor is speaking under duress when he apologizes of what he calls a mistake and misunderstanding.

The video also shows the sailors with heir hands up as they're being detained. Despite White House claims, the Iranians were not hostile.

We're going to get reaction from the Pentagon spokesperson in our 7:00 hour.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Search teams continuing to scour the French Alps this morning for possible victims of a deadly avalanche.

Officials say two teenagers and a Ukrainian skier were killed when the fast moving tower of snow came rushing down a closed ski slope, three others were injured.

PEREIRA: All right, it's time for CNNMoney now. The 1.6 Powerball, the largest lottery prize in history will be split at least three ways winning Powerball ticket sold in California, Florida and Tennessee, lots of smile there.

Chief business correspondent Christine Romans, aka, Auntie Christine has sage advice for any winner.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Hi you guys. Well assuming that three holders of the winning ticket take the lump sum of $930 million split three ways, that's $310 million each.

Then the tax man comes for his share. It will be taxed at the highest federal income bracket at 39.6 percent. And that's the cut that winners in Florida and Tennessee will get their extra lucky. There's no state income tax there. They'll get $187 million after taxes, right?

The winner in California will likely fork over another 12.3 percent in state income tax for a total of about a $149 million, the California winner, assuming it's just one, $149 million.

Meanwhile, 81 other people are waking up millionaires this morning.

Now practical advice, first, hire a tax attorney before you do anything. Then make your big splurge. Get it out of your system and then repeat after me, grow the money, don't spend it all, grow it. Put in a 30-year treasury bond with interest of about 2.85 percent, just the interest on that money that lump sum you guys is $4.2 million a year. Could you live on $4.2 million a year and then you might want to change your cell phone number, that's my advice.

PEREIRA: No, you have to change your cell phone number. Grow the money, grow the money, grow the money.

ROMANS: Grow the money, grow it. Don't, you know, all the stories of all the people who spend all that money and they're broke 10 years to 20 years later. You know, the real important advice is put it away. Spend a little something but put it away, grow it, grow it. Live on the interest.

CAMEROTA: Yes, the stories are fascinating about how many people's lives are ruined by lottery.


CAMEROTA: And we should all take comfort in that this morning.

CUOMO: But that's not the rule either. And there's going to be a middle ground, you don't have to hoard your money like Romans is telling you to, you know, I mean.

CAMEROTA: She think all in a splurge.

CUOMO: She said put it away.

ROMANS: ... two coats of paint, is that what you said?

[06:50:02] CUOMO: Tight as two coats of paint at Romans.


PEREIRA: And then there's a guy on the other flip side who said prostitutes and cocaine so we don't -- that we not at all.

CAMEROTA: Don't do that.

CUOMO: But that's never good, whether you have lots of money or not. It's good advice to avoid that. That's what Romans says, kill joy.

CAMEROTA: Meanwhile, Republican candidates going to war over each other over the birther battle targeting Ted Cruz.

We'll talk to a Conservative Radio Host, Hugh Hewitt, you know him about all the potential fallout.


CAMEROTA: Well, the battle escalating between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, over Cruz's eligibility for president, their fight sparking a civil war of sorts within the GOP.

Joining us now from Irvine, California is Conservative Radio Talk Show Host Hugh Hewitt who is up at 3:00 a.m. on the west coast. Were you checking your lottery numbers or up for us? HUGH HEWITT, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, I did make sure that the people in my law firm that bought the tickets were not in chino last night. But I'm up -- I just didn't go to bed. I'm celebrating because if Cleveland Browns hired Hue Jackson as their new coach I got my orange-brown tie on it, the new era, Chris will understand that.

And I have to write down Chris' lifetime advice for Powerball winners. Avoid prostitutes and cocaine, I got that down, Chris.

CAMEROTA: Yes, his wisdom every morning is very, very special.

CUOMO: That's for everybody, not just millionaires.

HEWITT: That's lifetime advice, right there on...

[06:55:00] CUOMO: Some say it's a bad thing, you all go with it.

CAMEROTA: All right, there you go.

Hugh, I'm glad you're in good humor, no pun intended because let's talk about this civil war that's erupting over this Ted Cruz eligibility stuff.

You say Ted Cruz is fairly eligible to be president. And there are some conservative like popular radio hosts, Mark Levin who agrees with you. But there are others, like Ann Coulter, Breitbart as well who disagree.

Ann Coulter, twitting the Constitution is the Constitution. And Cruz is not a "national born citizen." She says "Never let the kids at Kinko's do your legal research." So tell us about...

HEWITT: Why do let the kids at Kinko's do it either. Your kids at Kinko, who are not doing, and Ann is making step up, I had her on my show yesterday.. She's a great radio guess but she says provocative things to sell books.

Here's the deal, Paul Clement, former solicitor general, Neal Katyal, former solicitor general one, a Republican who argued Hobby Lobby, the other a Democrat, as well as Andrew McCarthy of National Review, Mark Levin, John Eastman, Erwin Chemerinsky from the left, myself from the right.

Every serious legal scholar who has written about this in purity who published publication has concluded there isn't a controversy, not from the time of the framing, natural born citizen means if you're born of a citizen of the country. It evolved at the time of the British empire. It is an completely uncontested except by controversialists.

But I also add Donald Trump is winning, he is winning new Hampshire and he's very close in Iowa, the new Des Moines Register Poll has Ted Cruz a couple of points ahead. But Donald Trump is closing.

And Donald Trump wins because he raises controversial issues. And he has very loyal followers like Ann, who then retweet his provocation which add to his allure to that part of the Republican that once combativeness.

The other thing that is not contested in views, that Nikki Haley hit a home run on Tuesday night. In a huge, towering home run.

CAMEROTA: And before we get to that because I do want to hear your thoughts and Nikki Haley. But first you say every Constitutional expert agrees with you that's not so, I mean this -- the Washington Post, they published of this Constitutional law professor from Widener University, She says "Donald Trump is actually right about something. Senator Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president of vice president of the United States. The law is clear, the framers of the Constitution required the president to be born in the U.S.," she says.

HEWITT: She's clearly wrong. And what I actually said is that every legal scholar in a peer reviewed law journal. Not an op-ed in The Washington Post. I'm quite certain you can find a law professor somewhere in the United States. You take any position if it will get them an op-ed in The Washington Post.

I mean that's not contested. But Lauren has tried -- the professor at Harvard who was throwing some gas on the fire has never written this before. And by way he's got textbooks on con law, he's got horn books we call them. I'm a law professor at Fowler School at Chapman University and I used the term horn book and I Chemerinsky textbook.

And all of these lefties have never made this argument before. No one's ever made this argument. It's not an argument. Ted Cruz is eligible. Nevertheless, it's a controversy, not an argument. Controversy is very useful to Donald Trump. And he is using it to continue to advance to what looks like a victory in New Hampshire. I would not know at this point, want to get into an argument with Nikki Haley in South Carolina because that's the third of the big three early contest and she's a popular governor there.

CAMEROTA: OK, so let's talk about that argument that Donald Trump is picking with Nikki Haley. This is -- because of her response from the State of the Union. So let's remind viewers what she said that night. Listen to this.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well first of all, Ted's very nervous, isn't he?


CAMEROTA: That was Donald Trump. Stand by, please.


NIKKI HALEY, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: You know, when I say it about my other friends that are running for president, they don't throw stones. And so what I would say to Mr. Trump something that's all of the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation. No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country.


CAMEROTA: OK, so she was saying don't respond to the angriest voices. And Donald Trump knew that that was him. And he didn't like it, but he agreed with it.

HEWITT: He did agree with it last night with Erin Burnett on this network. And earlier in the day, Governor Haley said, even though I didn't hear it, she said "Yes, I was talking about Donald Trump.

But she also took issue with Marco Rubio on immigration. She took issue with Jeb Bush on common core. But she was clearly defining herself was as her own political player. I heard the Nikki Haley speech in the Gabriel (inaudible) booth for ABC during commentary. And I heard Nikki Haley talk about the Mother Emanuel attack. And the best angels in America being the victims' families coming out and forgiveness in the state coming together.

I did not hear that minor part of it which I thought an appeal for illegal immigration. She did not appeal for illegal immigration. She said, explicitly she's against it. So I thought whole thing was manufactured by none other than Ann Coulter. And I told to Ann that yesterday. I thought she -- she's like the arson as you seize the, you know, billing burn down and complaints about the ash.

[07:00:09] And I don't think Donald Trump and Nikki Haley have any up size in arguing with each other. They got to be talking about what brings them together.