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Hala Gorani Tonight

Trump Takes Nevada Ahead Of Super Tuesday; Clinton Gets Personal During Town Hall; Iranians Gear Up For Key Elections On Friday; IMF Chief Lagarde Warns U.K. Against Brexit; Conservative MP On Why He Is Looking To Leave E.U.; Mumbai's Mountain Of Garbage; Donald Trump Wins Nevada; New European Border Closures Could Cause Chaos, Confusion for Migrants; Amnesty International Demonstrated in Seoul Using Holographic Images; Gorwing Number of Youth Seeking Solace in Faith in Indian Golden Temple; Music Industry Stars in London for Brit Awards. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired February 24, 2016 - 15:00   ET



HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Hala Gorani. We're coming to you live from CNN London, and this is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.

We begin tonight with this very straightforward question. Can anyone stop Donald Trump? The Republican presidential candidate picked up another big

win in Nevada and seems ready to roll on to Super Tuesday.

Here's a look at the results, Trump's closest rivals, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are running short on time to challenge the frontrunner. Here's CNN's

Sara Murray.


SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER (voice-over): Donald Trump emerging victorious for the third contest in a row.

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We love Nevada, we love Nevada.

MURRAY: Dominating the Nevada caucuses and steam rolling his opponents.

TRUMP: Forty six percent with the Hispanics, 46 percent, number one with Hispanics. We won the Evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old.

We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated.

MURRAY: For both Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, a disappointing loss.

SENATOR TED CRUZ (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I want to congratulate Donald Trump on a strong evening tonight.

MURRAY: In his concession speech, Cruz pointing to his early Iowa caucus win and arguing he is the strongest alternative to Trump.

CRUZ: The first state states have shown that the only campaign has beaten Donald Trump, and the only campaign that can beat Donald Trump is this


MURRAY: While Cruz advisors tell CNN, the candidate has reached his boiling point with Trump and to expect a more upfront Cruz in the coming


Meanwhile, the pressure is mounting on Dr. Ben Carson and John Kasich to drop out after their dismal results. Kasich's camp quick to rub salt in

Rubio's wounds in a biting press release, saying, "Senator Rubio just endured another disappointing performance despite being the highest

spending candidate in Nevada."

Last night, larger voter turnout caused some problems at the polls. Like ballot shortages and incidents of volunteers checking in caucus goers

without verifying id. The voters even took to Twitter to complain of poll workers openly showing support for Trump.

Nevada GOP officials say there have been no official reports of voter irregularities or violations. And, it's not against the rules for

volunteers to wear candidate gear.


MURRAY: Now the pressure is on these guys who are vying for second place to prove that they can be alternative to Donald Trump. For Ted Cruz, he

has to win Texas on March 1st and for Marco Rubio, a candidate who did not even speak in Nevada last night, who is shrugging off that loss, he's now

saying he can win in Florida.

But he's going to have to prove that he'll be able to pick up delegates along the way and pose a real threat to Donald Trump. Sara Murray, CNN,

Las Vegas, Nevada.

GORANI: Well, regardless of who you support, this is a fascinating race. It's fascinating to many people across the world. Let's cross to Houston,

Texas, Steve Munisteri, joins me now live. He's the former chairman of the Texas Republican Party, and also served as a senior advisor to Rand Paul's

presidential campaign.

Rand Paul ran has a libertarian candidate. He brought that in the race earlier this month. Steve, thanks for being with us. I have to ask you,

of course, you supported Rand Paul. What are your thoughts as Republican in Texas on Trump's winning streak?

PAUL MUNISTERI, FORMER CHAIRMAN, TEXAS REPUBLICAN PARTY: Well, first you need to put it in perspective, if you took all the delegates that have been

selected so far, there are less than the delegates in Texas. While it puts him in a strong position, there is a very, very long way to go. There are

155 delegates at stake Tuesday, only 133 delegates have been picked so far.

GORANI: OK. Yes, but when you look at polls in states that are due to vote in primaries for Super Tuesday on March 1st, you do see in many cases

that Trump is leading there as well. What do you make of this performance? Because even the former RNC chairman, Michael Steele, admitted that Trump's

rise is quote, "dismaying." Do you agree?

MUNISTERI: Well, first I would dispute that he's had a rise. If you look at the national polls, he's been very consistently in the mid-30s for

months and months.

[15:35:05]In fact, if you go back a couple months, he was at 41 percent in the CNN poll, your poll, and in the latest poll by Rasmussen, he actually

dropped down to 35 percent.

So he has about a third of the party, and he's winning these races just because 33 percent, 34 percent get your plurality. But the polls also show

if Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz had him one on one, they'd both beat him one on one.

GORANI: OK. You're talking in the 30s, but Nevada as you know, we were looking at Trump at 46 percent. So do you agree with Marco Rubio?

Essentially said you need to single anti-Trump candidate in order to defeat Donald Trump.

Do you agree with that? Do you believe that if others dropped out, all those votes would immediately go to the more establishment candidate of the

Republican Party?

MUNISTERI: Yes. If either Senator Cruz or Marco Rubio can get Donald Trump and effectively one on one contest, then they would have an excellent

chance of stopping them. I mean Donald Trump certainly has the advantage right now, but you have to keep it all in context. You need 1,237

delegates to win, and Donald Trump has less than 100 delegates.

GORANI: So you think he may run out of steam? Because many people are now predicting he's your party's nominee for the general election.

MUNISTERI: Well, he certainly could be our party's nominee, before you go there, remember that in 1976, Ronald Reagan lost every primary from

February to May, except for one, it looked like he was totally done, then he came back and took it double to the wire. So, there's a lot of time to

go. Donald Trump certainly in a strong position, but we're not ready for a coronation just yet.

GORANI: So what's -- but what's the strategy then? I mean, you, of course, were an advisor to Rand Paul. Who do you support now among the

Republican candidates?

MUNISTERI: Well, Rand Paul is still on the ballot, so out of loyalty to my former boss, I'm still planning to vote for him.

GORANI: All right. Steve Munisteri, the former chairman of the Texas Republican Party, thanks very much for joining us. And of course, Texas

votes in its own primary next week. We appreciate your time.

And the Republicans will go head to head live at 1:30 a.m. Friday morning here on London if you would like to watch it at that time. Then there's a

special program, America's Choice 2016 will have all the highlights at noon, London time.

We spoke about the Republicans, now before Super Tuesday, the Democrats, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will duke it out on Saturday in the

South Carolina primary. The candidates played to their strengths degrees CNN's town hall on Tuesday.

Clinton was trying something which appeared to be new, more personal approach, and unscripted approach even during the event. While Sanders

returned quickly to a pretty standard theme. Listen to this exchange.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Senator Sanders, according to CDC, cigarette smoking contributes to approximately 480,000 deaths each year in the United States.

This is an important issue for me as I lost my father, a lifetime smoker to lung cancer in 2014.

My question is, if you were elected president, can you think of any specific reforms you would put in place to combat this epidemic? Go ahead.

For example, would you consider raising the minimum legal purchasing age of tobacco products from 18 to 21?

BERNIE SANDERS (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I don't know that I'd go in that direction. But by the way, my dad smoked two or three packs a day,

like it was yesterday. Going before, waking up in the morning and coughing and coughing and he died young, and cigarettes contributed to that.

And we have lost God knows how many people in this country who are addicted to tobacco. What I think we have got to do is take on, you know, when you

talk -- when I talk about the greed of corporate America.

We talk about the pharmaceutical industry that makes prescription drugs unaffordable, maybe at the top of the list is the tobacco industry.


GORANI: So that's Bernie Sanders. Now some might say in contrast, this moment with Hillary Clinton occurred. Clearly trying to make a connection

with African-American voters by relaying a personal anecdote.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I just came from Central Baptist Church with mothers of the movement, I think they might be here,

and yes, they are. You know, I want them to stand up. These are the bravest women -- you know, these -- these five women have lost children to

police actions and to random, senseless gun violence. And there's no doubt that in each case, as they said at the church earlier, there is a racial

component to it.


[15:10:03]GORANI: That was Hillary Clinton. Now is that approach paying off for her? Clinton did just score a major endorsement.

CNN politics senior reporter, Stephen Collinson, joins me now live from Washington. What's the big endorsement and will it help her, Steven?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN POLITICS SENIOR ENTERPRISE REPORTER: Well, Hillary Clinton was just endorsed by the leading Democrat in the Senate, Senator

Harry Reid, who is a big power broker in the Democratic Party. I don't think it's a surprise. Senator Sanders, although he's a senator, has no

big endorsements in the Senate or in Congress.

He's running as an outsider and Hillary Clinton has pretty much locked up the establishment support in this race. But it's a sign I think that a lot

of senior Democrats are now willing to sort of throw themselves. They're locked in with Hillary Clinton.

We were talking about a week or so ago, Hala, we would speak about how the campaign was wobbling, how there were worries that Senator Sanders was

eating at her core support.

She won in Nevada the other day and looks like she's going to do very well in South Carolina and beat Senator Sanders in South Carolina on Saturday.

That is really stabilized the Hillary Clinton campaign. And people once again are starting to talk about Hillary Clinton as the strong frontrunner

in this Democratic primary -- Hala.

GORANI: But is the focus now in the race with Hillary Clinton doing better, you feel like she's regained her footing perhaps here. That she

doesn't consider Bernie Sanders to be as much of a threat, perhaps.

Is the focus now on, hang on, nationally we're going to have a rival among the Republicans. That rival will quite possibly be Donald Trump. What's

our strategy going to be here?

COLLINSON: Good question, I think we're not quite at that point where Hillary Clinton is starting to run against Republicans. The fact towards

the end of last year she was adopting that perspective, and that's one of the reasons why Bernie Sanders was able to creep up on her, I think.

But the reason Hillary Clinton is feeling good right now is the race, we're going to Super Tuesday where there are 11 states on the ballot next week.

They're in the south of the United States in the Bible belt, African- American voters are very important.

She has a huge advantage among African-American voters over Bernie Sanders. So, she's looking good for the next few weeks, but the test for Sanders --

GORANI: But Bernie is trying hard. Bernie Sanders is trying hard. He had this campaign ad with all the -- there were faces of minority citizens in

the United States, et cetera, he's trying his best to reach out African- American voters. Is he succeeding on any level there?

COLLINSON: It's very true. And in the town hall meeting last night, he accused Donald Trump and others in the Republican Party of conducting a

racist campaign against President Obama. Remember the whole issue of whether the president was born in the United States, which was trumped up

by Donald Trump.

So he's certainly trying. The thing is the Clinton family has a relationship with African-American voters, especially the key election

states like South Carolina going back decades.

Bernie Sanders, he's from the northeastern part of the United States for a month. He's known very well up there, but that's the state with not very

much minority voters. He's really having to catch up.

The Clintons have these relationships that are going back decades, and there's also a sense that President Obama who remains very confident on

Democrats, especially among African-American Democrats, favors Hillary Clinton as his heir and the person to look after his legacy.

I think that is also helping Hillary Clinton with African-American voters. And that's something that Bernie Sanders, you know, he can't just make that

up in a few months.

And now we're going into races whether multiple states boasting at the same time and there isn't enough time to have that kind of relationship with

voters. The Clinton's have been able to build up.

GORANI: All right, Stephen Collinson, thanks very much joining us from Washington with more on the race in the Democratic Party, between Hillary

Clinton and Bernie Sanders. A lot more to come tonight.

Politicians in Iran are also trying to round up votes ahead of the first election since the landmark nuclear deal. We are inside Iran after the


Also, she says she knew nothing about ISIS when her boyfriend convinced her to travel to Syria. A Swedish teenager speaks out about life under ISIS

rule and her rescue by Kurdish forces. We'll be right back.



GORANI: It's not a model democracy, but there is a lot at stake in Iran when voters head to the polls Friday. They're choosing can parliament, and

another government body in the first election since Iran's nuclear deal with world powers.

Fred Pleitgen is live in Tehran tonight with more. We'll get to the elections Friday in a moment, but first, you actually toured a nuclear

facility today in Iran. What did authorities, what did government officials there want to show you?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's interesting, it's a research reactor that's here in Tehran, which is one of

the oldest ones that Iran has. And their main message that they wanted to purvey to us or portray to us was that this reactor is going on and working

on, even though the nuclear agreement is in place.

One of the big fears that many Iranians, certainly many Iranian conservatives had is with the advent of the nuclear agreement that Iran

wouldn't have the capability to do nuclear research anymore and put curves on its potential on enriching uranium as well.

They say that this facility is working exactly the way that it was working before they say nothing has changed. It was interesting because they also

told us that about once every month, they get a visit from the IAEA, and inspectors come to this facility.

They also said that during the time of the sanctions, they did have to do modifications there to be able to continue work and they had sometimes, it

was difficult for them to continue work.

But they said that the message that they wanted to show us today, Hala, was that this place is working at full speed and their nuclear program is still

very much in place.

GORANI: All right, interesting. Let's talk about the elections. First of all, what kind of -- what is the system in Iran? How open is the process

to become a candidate, et cetera, and how important and significant is this process?

PLEITGEN: Well, yes, the process is one that's actually quite difficult because you have to go through a vetting process, and there is a council

that has to approve all the candidates. And there were a lot of candidates that were disqualified from being allowed to take part in these elections.

Not just the parliamentary election, but more importantly, the one for that second body, for the council of experts which is probably the more

important election for this country's future because that body is the one that votes for the next supreme leader.

And he of course is the one who has the final say over everything here, political, societal matters, religious matters as well. It is an election

where it is quite difficult for candidates to actually get approved.

It is also quite interesting, Hala, to see how vibrant the political race is here. We were at campaign rallies today. We saw people who were for

moderates going through Tehran's traffic, handing out fliers, talking to people.

So there is a very vibrant election campaign, a very fierce election campaign, a very fierce debate going on and certainly you can feel that the

people here understand that this election is a very important one.

Because of course, many of them also see it as a referendum on the policies of Hassan Rouhani and specifically the nuclear agreement and also Iran

opening up to the west as well and whether or not that process is one that's going to continue -- Hala.

GORANI: All right. Certainly feels like a historic time there to be in Iran and witness it all. Thanks very much, Fred Pleitgen live in Tehran.

We are learning more today about a Swedish girl rescued from ISIS territory, 16 years old.

[15:20:04]She is now speaking out. She says a boyfriend back home convinced her to travel to Syria last year.


MARLIN STIVANI NIVARLAIN, FREED FROM ISIS TERRITORY: First, we was good together, but then he started to begin the ISIS views and start to speak

about them and stuff like that. And I don't know anything about Islam or ISIS or something. So I didn't know what he meant, you know, and then he

said he wanted to go to ISIS. And I said to him, OK, no problem, because I didn't know what ISIS mean, what Islam means and nothing.


GORANI: Well, even by the standards of a young teenager, apparently extremely naive. Didn't even know what ISIS was. The girl says that the

militants soon took them to Iraq, where she describes life as, quote, "really hard."

She says she contacted her mother, who notified authorities. Kurdish forces rescued the girl near Mosul, they say last week. And there's a

picture of her released after her rescue.

A lot more coming up. The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde weighs in on the big debate in Britain right now. Whether to remain in the E.U. Hear

what she had to say toy CNN next.


GORANI: Here's a look at the Dow up 55 after having spent most of the session in the red at 16,487. The Nasdaq and the S&P coming up in just a

second. Also a positive session and quick look at European markets. I will let you look at those figures all down today in the red.

Campaigning is heating up for Britain's referendum on E.U. membership that takes place in June. One of the biggest names in economics has weighed in

on the debate. Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF sat down with John Defterios.


CHRISTINE LAGARDE, IMF MANAGING DIRECTOR: Uncertainty is bad in and of itself. No economic player likes uncertainty. They don't invest. They

don't hide. They don't make decision in times of uncertainty.

So if you take one out, my hench, and that's my hunch, and that's really as a European and as a person that I will say that, is that it is bound to

be a negative on all fronts. For those who stay because a few of them, and for those who go because they lose the benefit of those exchanges.


GORANI: Well, campaigning is already fierce just in the prime minister's own party. More than 100 lawmakers from David Cameron's conservatives are

campaigning to leave, including six members of his own cabinet, and London's mayor. One of the lawmakers, Dominic Raab, spoke to Max Foster.


DOMINIC RAAB, U.K. CONSERVATIVE LAWMAKER: Project Fear, what is what the campaign is pressing would believe that we'll fall over a cliff or fall

into the abyss. Reality is, we come out of the E.U. We can cut billions worth of red tape on small businesses.

We can deal with the skewed E.U. energy regulation which hikes bills, energy bills for the hard working families that particularly those are sort

of medium wage and feeling the pinch of that of that red tape.

And we also then have the freedom to negotiate free trade deals with the rest of the world. I suppose our focus should be yes, trading with our

neighbor, our continental neighbor, but have a global outlook, global horizon.

[15:25:13]Looking at having a free trade deal with the U.S. and all those countries from Latin America to Asia where the real growth comes from. And

there's frankly no dark abyss there, it's a world of brighter opportunities.


GORANI: All right. That's one view. Now to an extraordinary story out of Lebanon. Have a look at these pictures from Beirut. This is all trash.

All of it. Piled up high and snaking around streets in the city's suburbs.

It's not a river. It's nothing pretty. It's not something natural. This is manmade garbage. It is a very visual symbol of a month's long crisis

that has not been resolved.

Lebanon cancelled a plan to export its trash to Russia last week, and one official says no back-up plan in place. No plan B. The trash crisis is

just one of the problems blamed on the country's political gridlock.

Beirut is suffering from similar issues. It's a similar story in India, city of Mumbai, there is a mountain of garbage that is being growing for

almost a century. And as Mallika Kapur reports, there's no quick fix there either.


MALLIKA KAPUR, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Always busy, always bustling. Mumbai is a city on the move. Momentum to factories,

industry, 21 million people, and a lot of rubbish.

It generates thousand metric tons of waste a day. Problem is, there's no real way to get rid of it. Much of it ends up here at the dumping ground

on the edge of the city.

(on camera): There's so much garbage, it smells bad. And to be honest, it's quite hard to breathe. And if you look at this hill behind me, this

isn't actually a hill, it's 90 years of accumulated garbage.

(voice-over): From ground level, it's as high as a ten-story building.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was a wet swamp. There were beautiful mangroves and --

KAPUR (on camera): This area was once green?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely, absolutely, yes.

KAPUR (voice-over): Now activists say it's a national embarrassment and a hazard. Part of the dump recently caught fire. A fire so big, with so

much smoke it was visible from space. You see the Saturday, this man asks me, he lives across the dumping ground. That day, you couldn't see it. It

was all black.

(on camera): Why does this area catch fire?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See, I mean if you look around, the materials are clearly combustible. This is mixed with it, you're seeing a lot of

plastic. And once it does baked in the sun, it's completely dried.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Then it becomes absolutely ripe for being a fire to start.

KAPUR (voice-over): It shall have been shut years ago. We asked the head of the local city council what her plans for the dumping ground are. She

said they've ramped up a citywide cleanliness campaign and started reverting some of the waste to another area. But the ultimate goal --

PALLAVI DARADE, MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONER: To remove it (inaudible) so for that, we are in the process of finalizing the tenders and the people

between we will be working.

KAPUR: She admits that could take a while. As continues to project itself as a growing super power, dumps like these are eyesores that critics say

contradict its ambitious message. Mallika Kapur, CNN, Mumbai.


GORANI: With Nevada under his belt, Donald Trump and rivals look ahead to Super Tuesday. We will take a closer look at the Republican race once


Also ahead, as Europe's refugee crisis intensifies, Hungary is calling for a referendum. Find out why later in the show.



HALA GORANI, HOST: A look at top stories, Donald Trump is riding high after a decisive win in Nevada.


GORANI: The Republican Presidential candidate dominated across most categories including age, race, and gender. 14 states and one territory are

set to hold primaries or caucuses on March 1st, known as Super Tuesday.


GORANI: Also among the top stories and still in American politics, the U.S. Senate minority leader Harry Reid has endorsed Hillary Clinton for

President during an exclusive interview right here on CNN.


GORANI: Reid is the highest ranking Democrat to back Clinton during the campaign. He says the middle class would be "better served by Clinton than



GORANI: The United Nations has carried out its first humanitarian air drop in Syria to help civilians besieged by ISIS.


GORANI: It is saying that 21 tons of aid landed in Deir Ezzor today. The U.N. called the air drops a last resort to reach people in dire need.


GORANI: And also among the top stories, FIFA has upheld bans given to former president Sepp Blatter and the head of European soccer, Michel



GORANI: However, their eight-year bans for ethics violations have been reduced to six and an election to replace Blatter takes place on Friday.


GORANI: With his victory in Nevada in the bag, U.S. Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump is looking ahead to Super Tuesday.


GORANI: This map shows just how many delegates are at stake for the Republicans. Texas clearly the big prize on March 1st as 155 delegates are

up for grabs. The Republicans need 1,237 to win.

Quinnipiac University has conducted a survey about a hypothetical match-up. We've been talking a lot about this this hour between Trump, if he's indeed

the nominee, and Hillary Clinton if she's the nominee for the Democrats. People were asked what candidate they would choose if the election was held

today. Clinton came out ahead by the narrowest of margins, 1% point over Trump. Let's continue the conversation. CNN political commentator, S.E.

Cupp joins me now live from Houston, Texas.


GORANI: Remember there are 155 delegates up for grabs in that huge state. Thanks for being with us. So first of all, the question everyone's been

asking and there was a popular by the way, op ed on essentially saying this is it, he's unstoppable. Donald Trump will be the nominee. What

could still stop him?

S.E. CUPP, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes, I mean he definitely seems unbeatable, and I think he remains unbeatable so long as there are four

other people in this race.


CUPP: Trump isn't winning any of these primaries and their delegates with a majority. He's winning with a plurality. Even, you know, his highest win in

the Nevada caucuses was 45%. He won in South Carolina and New Hampshire in the 30s. So, the other candidates are really dividing up all of the non-

Trump votes. And the non-Trump votes represent about 60% of the Republican voter electorate.

So they can't coalesce around any other candidate when there are four other people in the race. Which leads some people to think that Governor John

Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson who are polling at a collective 7% should probably step out, but you know, probably, they're probably not going to

consider that before Super Tuesday.



GORANI: But my question is, even if Carson and Kasich pulled out, how do we know where these voters would go? How do we know that they wouldn't

necessarily then support Trump at least in part. In which case this idea somehow that each time a non-Trump candidate goes, their votes

automatically go to the anti-Trump candidate?

CUPP: Yes, no, it's a great point. You don't know. I think in the beginning of this race, for example, Donald Trump and Ben Carson shared a lot of the

same kinds of voters, but I think over the course of this election, you've seen some of that drain from Ben Carson to Donald Trump and the folks that

stick with Ben Carson really don't appreciate Donald Trump's rhetoric. So I don't think they're likely to go to Trump.

John Kasich doesn't seem to attract the same kinds of voters that Trump does either. So I think it's more likely that Carson voters would go to

Cruz and Kasich voters would go to Rubio, and then you have a real three- way race.

GORANI: And then, eventually it's going to, you know, start looking more and more perhaps like a two-man race. I mean if either Rubio or Cruz

dropped out, who would benefit from that?

CUPP: Well they would, I mean that is - that is going to ultimately be the deciding factor here. Look, Marco Rubio is ahead in the polls. He is

vested, Ted Cruz in two states now.


CUPP: He won millennials in Nevada, not traditionally a voter group that turns out, but got a huge turnout in Nevada at the caucuses. But Ted Cruz

is marching into Texas with a big endorsement from the governor there, Greg Abbot.


CUPP: And that's his home - that's his home territory. So


CUPP: , he might think he can pull out a win and a significant delegate pick-up, but ultimately, one of those two candidates, both of whom are

pulling in about 25%, one of them is going to have to depart the race at some point to take on Donald Trump more decisively.


GORANI: Now let's, the breakdown for the Nevada vote was very interesting, especially to many of our international views and we have so many American

voters abroad as well who are writing in and tweeting about it.


GORANI: But 45% of women who voted in the Republican primary in Nevada supported Donald Trump. I mean, are these figures that are surprising?

Latinos as well voted in their majority, or I should say in their plurality, but at least in the highest proportion, for Donald Trump as

well. Especially after these comments he's made about Mexicans, about building a wall, et cetera, et cetera, are these surprising to you?


CUPP: I think it's surprising to everyone. Trump has the highest, unfavorability in the history of Gallup polling for any major political

candidate on the left or the right. That's stunning. And he's garnered that reputation because largely of a lot of the things he'd said about

minorities, about women.


CUPP: So it is stunning, but I think what it tells you is that these are not monolithic voters, the women turning out, the Hispanics turning out or

not turning out are because of whatever Donald Trump said about women or immigration.


CUPP: They like his overall strength. His toughness. His, you know, seeming to come from outside of the political world. They're frustrated with

congress. They're frustrated with Washington. And so, they're I think willing to forgive a whole lot of transgressions in order to do something

different. Top try something new.

GORANI: Lastly, and kudos to you by the way for staying sort of with us in focus with all those sound tests going on behind you for the debate

tomorrow. But, which Republican candidate would you consider is in the strongest position in a national race? Is it Donald Trump? Is it Rubio,

Cruz? Who -- what is the candidate that is believed to have the best shot nationally?

CUPP: So I mean if you just go by the numbers, Rubio has the higher favorability ratings. And I happen to think that in a contest against

Hillary Clinton for example, he would present the best contrast.


CUPP: She is from a previous generation, she's been around forever. He's fresh, he's new, he's Hispanic. I mean, there's so much there, I think to

work with, and he, he has been marketing himself as the candidate that can win. And I think that's really, that's really defined him over the past few

months. So I actually think he's probably the most generally electable, but I don't know if he can get from a to b. I mean, it's looking like, you

know, Trump has, Trump has got this.


GORANI: All right. S.E. Cupp, thanks very much, live in Texas there and right behind S.E. Cupp is that stage where that Republican Presidential

debate will take place. Thanks very much.

It will happen at 1:30 a.m. Friday morning in London, but a special program, "America's Choice" airs at noon London time the next day so you

can catch all the highlights. And there you have it. And then there were five.


GORANI: You've heard us talk a lot about delegates this hour, but how do they decide a party's nominee? Here's a quick study in U.S. Presidential

politics from Zain Asher.


ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: You've seen them wearing funny hats and waving signs at National Party Conventions.

Candidates covered them, but what exactly is a delegate and why are they so important to the U.S. Presidential race? They come from all 50 states.

Washington, D.C. and every U.S. territory. Bigger, more popular states like California, Texas, Florida, and New York, have more of them. For the most

part, candidates win delegates through primaries and caucuses. While the rules vary from state to state, generally more votes means more delegates.

This summer, thousands of delegates will come together at their National Party Conventions where they declare the support for a specific candidate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ohio, Madame Secretary, passed all 188 votes for the President and the next President of the United States, Barack Obama.

ASHER: In order to become the party's nominee for President, a candidate must receive a majority of these delegates. For Republicans, 1,237 is the

magic number, for Democrats, it's 2,383. And there's an additional wrinkle for Democrats. Super delegates. These are elected officials, governors,

senators, and party members. Former President Bill Clinton is a lifetime super delegate. There are more than 700 of them and they can vote for

whoever they want.

MARK PRESTON, CNN POLITICS EXECUTIVE EDITOR: So what we've seen happen is that Hillary Clinton has gone out and has effectively collected as many of

those as she probably can. They putting those in the back pocket even before we had one elected contest app.

ASHER: And while there's still more voting, at the end of the day, it's delegates that win elections.

Zain Asher, CNN, Atlanta.


GORANI: We'll feature the more interesting interviews and content on my Facebook page; This is "The World Right Now,"

still ahead, as migrants flood in, new barriers are going up across Europe.


GORANI: Why the U.N. is warning the bottlenecks could create chaos and more misery for those fleeing war and persecution.



GORANI: New European border closures could cause chaos and confusion as tens of thousands of migrants make desperate efforts to reach the

continent. Now this is coming from the man who's newly in charge of the U.N. High Commission for Refugees.

From the western Balkans, to Austria and Belgium, because of all these border controls going up, there are concerns that new bottlenecks could

cause a bigger humanitarian crisis. With that story, here's Kelly Morgan.



KELLY MORGAN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Stopped in their tracks, a train full of migrants who just crossed from Greece into Macedonia, unable

to continue their journey into Europe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just wait, just wait. What's the problem? Just tell us.

MORGAN: The problem is this, migrants not from Syria or Iraq are being denied passage through the Balkan countries, including Serbia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So what I should do? What we should do? What Afghan do? They do not accept Afghan.

MORGAN: Even welcoming countries such as Austria have now controlled the numbers they'll allow into the country each day. The restrictions rippling

down along the route, creating bottlenecks and deepening the desperation. Nowhere more so than in Greece, where 95,000 migrants have already arrived

this year dwarfing the numbers last year. The United Nations insisting the restrictions be lifted to prevent further chaos.

FILIPPO GRANDI, U.N. HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES: We are seeing on the one hand increasing closures and on the other hand, no openings. Relocation

has to happen. For the people that are right here, relocate them throughout Europe, according to quotas that have already been established.

MORGAN: Quotas that are already being rejected by Hungary which was among the first countries to erect razor wire fences to keep migrants out. Now

with (inaudible) referendum on the mandatory intake which it deems a breach of sovereignty.

VIKROT ORBAN, HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER: (As translated) We Hungarians feel I am convinced that the government is responding to public sentiment now.

We think they're introducing reassessment quotas for migrants without the backing of the people equals an abuse of power.

MORGAN: Amnesty International on the release of its annual report Wednesday describing the European response to the crisis as shameful.

SALIL SHETTY, SECRETARY-GENERAL AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: I think what we're seeing is a political and ethical crisis where countries like Hungary for

example are busy trying to pander to sort of the more populous parties in their own domestic constituencies and this is totally not in line with

their international obligations and with the European position. And I think they have to be brought into line.

MORGAN: But the European position is increasingly divided. Borders that have long been opened per the Schengen agreement continue to close,

Belgium, the latest to suspend the accord, and a fear of migrants facing eviction from Calais' so-called jungle in France will head for the border.

Kelly Morgan, CNN, London.


GORANI: Now to a protest with a difference. The human rights group, Amnesty International demonstrated in Seoul today, but it was a virtual march. It

didn't have actual protesters, they were holographic images of people chanting and waving banners.

CNN's Paula Hancocks explains why they decided to do it this way.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's been dubbed the ghost rally. Ghostly figures emerging from the darkness to carry out a rally here

on one of the main squares in downtown Seoul. Now this unusual, virtual rally has been organized by Amnesty and they say they want to criticize

what they see as South Korean governments, mishandling of the recent protests. They say they wanted to hold this protest just outside the

Presidential blue house, but the police banned that. The police say it would have caused too much traffic disruption so they're holding it here.

120 volunteers and activists are part of this event. Just a couple weeks ago, they all went into a studio in Seoul and they were filmed protesting

and marching and chanting in front of a green backdrop. That was then edited together and it's been projected here as a hologram.

This is the second time that Amnesty has done this. They also carried out this ghost rally in Spain in April of last year. Now the group says in the

three years since President Park Geun-Hye was inaugurated they believe that there has been a whittling down of the basic right of freedom of

expression. They say that more and more protests have been banned, and they also say that the crowd control tactics being used by the police have

increased. We did speak to the police, they were unable to tell us whether or not that was the case.

But we know in November of last year, there was a massive rally, police there used water cannon and pepper spray to control the crowds and just

afterwards, the labor union rally that was due to be held was banned by police because they feared further violence.

Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.


GORANI: Coming up, coming up next, we'll take you to an Indian golden temple where a growing number of youth are seeking solace in faith.


GORANI: An interesting story from our "on the road series." after a quick break. We'll be right back.




GORANI: All this week we're on the road in India, and today we explore the evolving role of religion there.

Paula Newton takes us inside the Sikh faith and the sacred golden temple.


PAULA NEWTON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is the spiritual seat of the Sikh faith and the children are heralding one of its most important

holidays, the birthday of the Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of the Sikh religion.

(Navrit) this is the excitement you promised me.


NEWTON: (Navrit Singh) is my patient go-to guy for all things Sikh.

SINGH: Oh, we have to go in barefoot and we need to cover our head so that when you go inside you have this idea of respecting someone. We need to

wash our feet here. Ok?

NEWTON: Wow, (Navrit) this is spectacular. Now, hold that thought, don't worry, we're coming back here, but mom's calling, (Navrit's) mom of the

Central Khalsa Orphanage.

(KAUR): I would say I'm a mother to these kids.

NEWTON: More than 300 boys who for many and varied reasons have been abandoned by their families but accepted into the Sikh faith.

(KAUR): When we teach them about our history, what they learn about the sacrifices that went into the making of the religion, those inspiring

stories, I think it adds to the strength of their character.

NEWTON: 13-year-old (Kurpal Singh) has been here for three years, shy and soft spoken, it was tough to get more insight into how he feels about life

here. But he was passionate when he spoke of his faith and the peace it brings him.

(KURPAL SINGH) (As translated): If we live as brothers here, no one can break that friendship. And if we live like this, no one can tear us apart.

That's the way I feel.

NEWTON: Many of these boys come here knowing little about the Sikh religion. Now they embody its ideals inside and out. All have grown their

hair and wear turbans, a practice adopted centuries ago at a (inaudible). Inside these walls, these boys will eventually face youthful pressure to

abandon the faiths orthodoxy.

But it takes courage to withstand that doesn't it?

(KAUR): It does - it does.

NEWTON: Especially if you are 12 or 13.

(KAUR): There's no doubt about it. But that is where religion plays an important part. Unless you take pride in your own history, unless you take

pride in your own culture, you cannot take it forward.

NEWTON: Take it forward. And so we're back at the golden temple. With its glittering domes and expensive architecture, it embodies the key tenants of

the Sikh faith. It is open to all faiths. While the young here seem to feel the excitement and occasion of it, I wonder if they can yet take the

measure of what religion will mean to them growing up. They seem very reverent when they're here and solemn, but they also seem incredibly happy

and festive.

(SINGH): It is what you come here and achieve. What I come here and get is totally different from what a fellow Sikh brother would get.


NEWTON: As religion continues to guide India's young through what will sure be challenging times, key tenants of the Sikh faith, inclusion, equality,

pluralism, and well place to find enduring relevance with his youngest worshippers.

Paula Newton, CNN, India.


GORANI: Stars of the music industry are in London for the Brit Awards. It's happening as we speak. And home grown artist Adele has already picked up a

couple awards. There is expected to be a tribute to the late David Bowie, Erin McLaughlin was on the red carpet.


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Tonight the British music industry plays tribute to the late David Bowie, the iconic singer influenced many of

the artists here so we asked them to sing some of their favorite David Bowie lines.

OLLY MURS, MUSICIAN: God, you can't put me on the spot like that.

MCLAUGHLIN: I'm putting you on the spot, I am.

MURS: Under pressure.

SIMON LE BON, MUSICIAN: (inaudible) radio oh oh (inaudible). I can't remember the words. Can you believe it? Oh, he's that kind of a David Bowie


CRAIG DAVID, MUSICIAN: Well, I actually used a sample from "Let's Dance" for one of my albums on a song called "hot stuff". So, huge influence. And

he was always innovative, he was always ahead of the game do you know what I mean? That's what I loved about David Bowie, you know what I mean. And

his music will continue to live on. Let's dance get on the floor no need to hold back. Sexy thong, mini-skirts, stilettos on (inaudible), let's dance.

JESS GLYNNE, MUSICIAN: You know, growing up having that as an inspiration, about being different and being who you are and not caring what people

think because you believe in yourself. That's one thing that I, you know, I live by it.

MCLAUGHLIN: Adele, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Coldplay, just some of the big names due perform here tonight, celebrating not only today's successes, but

remembering the greats of the past.

Erin McLaughlin, CNN, London.


GORANI: Thanks for watching. I'm Hala Gorani, stay with CNN after a quick break, it's "Quest Means Business."