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CNN Newsroom

U.S. Presidential Candidates Ready Themselves for New York Primaries; Trump and Mexican President Clash on Wall; North Korea Could Test Mobile Ballistic Missile; Australian TV Crew Jailed in Lebanon; Zika "Scarier Than We Initially Thought"; U.S. Navy Spy was Headed for China; Insurgence of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan; Old Conflict, Young Participants; Most Men Get Higher Salary Offers Than Women. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired April 13, 2016 - 02:00   ET




ERROL BARNETT, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Trump talks to CNN. The Republican presidential front-runner says his party is conspiring to stop his campaign.

ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): New intelligence suggests Kim Jong-un could test a mobile missile that could reach the United States.

BARNETT (voice-over): And reaching for the stars with tiny spacecraft: the radical new proposal for exploration beyond our solar system.

CHURCH (voice-over): Also ahead: tips for talking your boss into giving you a raise.

I'm Rosemary Church.

And I'm Errol Barnett. Thanks for joining our two-hour block. CNN NEWSROOM starts now.


BARNETT: With less than one week to go now before the New York primaries, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton are well ahead in the polls. Take a look at this.


BARNETT (voice-over): In the latest Quinnipiac University poll, it shows Trump with 55 percent of the Republican vote there in New York. And if we switch it over, you'll see that Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 53 percent to his 40 percent.

CHURCH: Meanwhile, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan repeated that he has no intention of trying to snag the Republican nomination if it goes to a contested convention.


REP. PAUL RYAN (R), HOUSE SPEAKER: I believe that you should only choose from a person who has actually participated in the primary.

Count me out. I simply believe that if you want to be the nominee for our party, to be the president, you should actually run for it. I chose not to do this. Therefore, I should not be considered, period, end of story.


CHURCH: Ted Cruz is still very much in the running. On Tuesday, he had some harsh things to say about Donald Trump's tone.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: Donald is a very sore loser. He doesn't handle losing well and he throws a fit. He is crying and screaming and yelling and he insults people and he curses at people. And he attacks people.


CHURCH: Well, Donald Trump tried to tone down his approach late Tuesday. He appeared with his family at a town hall hosted by CNN.

BARNETT: But he still didn't hold back when it came to criticizing the Republican establishment and Ted Cruz's delegate sweep in Colorado. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: But I know that it's stacked against me by the establishment. I fully understand it. We had people out there and they weren't heard.

And then, in fact, today, when it was announced -- the numbers were announced, they put out something on Twitter, saying, oh, we stopped Trump, essentially, we stopped Trump, we stopped -- that was put out by the party in Colorado.

The point is, it was stacked against us. Now --



TRUMP: We've won our share.

COOPER: -- even more aggressively. You could have had a better organization on the ground. A lot of the folks who were --

(CROSSTALK) TRUMP: I don't know if it would have mattered, because it was totally set in stone and that's the way it was. And you saw Republicans that wanted to go and wanted to be Trump delegates and they're burning their card on the Internet. There were some people that were fantastic.

COOPER: But Ted Cruz put a lot of time, he had a lot of organization, going out, reaching out to people who wanted to be delegates to run in the process. I mean, it was a whole electoral process to get delegates.

TRUMP: But, Anderson, we had delegates there, we had a lot of delegates, and they were not heard, because the Republican Party out there was 100 percent probably controlled by the RNC, which maybe doesn't like this happening because I'm a self-funder, I'm putting up my own money.

They don't like when I put up my own money because it means they don't have any control of me, because I'm working for the people.

I'm doing for the people. And, you know, when you talk about winning, I've won most of it and I'm not complaining. And, frankly, there were a couple that I won that he's complaining about.

But I won -- you know, I've been winning far more than anybody else.

COOPER: You talk about the RNC, Reince Priebus, head of the RNC, tweeted yesterday, he said, quote, "The rules were set last year. Nothing mysterious. Nothing new. The rules have not changed. The rules are the same. Nothing different."

TRUMP: Anderson, they changed the rules a number of months ago. The people in --

COOPER: About eight months ago.

TRUMP: Well, it's not very long ago.

COOPER: But you had a lot of time to prepare a better organization.


TRUMP: You know why they changed the rules?

Because they saw how I was doing, and they didn't like it. Same thing in Florida.

Now, I won Florida in a landslide, right?

But they changed the rules so that the winner gets all, because they thought Jeb Bush was going to win. He's the former governor -- or Marco Rubio was going to win.

And then all of a sudden, the first poll came out, and Trump was leading by a lot and they said, what are we going to do?

What are we going to do?

Because that was done so that I wouldn't get any delegates.


CHURCH: And joining me now to talk more about the Republican presidential town hall with Donald Trump is Philip Bump. He is a political reporter with --


CHURCH: -- "The Washington Post".

Thanks so much for being with us.

PHILIP BUMP, "THE WASHINGTON POST": Of course. My pleasure.

CHURCH: So Trump says the system is stacked against him. He accuses the Republican Party of conspiring to stop him from getting the nomination.

Is he right?

Is that what's going on here?

BUMP: I think there's two different issues. There's the question of whether or not the system is stacked against him, which I think is true.

I think that the Republican establishment, which runs the primary process, would rather he not be the nominee. I think it's been stacked against him in that regard from the beginning.

As far as the rules changing and how he was somehow cheated out of victories or delegates in Colorado, I don't buy that at all. I think he simply got outworked.

I think Anderson Cooper is totally correct in saying that he ran a bad operation in Colorado.

If you look at what happened in Iowa, he was expected to win in Iowa but he got beaten because Ted Cruz outworked him. It's the same thing that happened in Colorado. Ted Cruz outworked him.

And just as happened in Iowa, after he lost, he started complaining about how Ted Cruz stole it from him. It's the exact same thing we saw in Iowa. It's what we're seeing now in Colorado and it's the way Donald Trump responds when he loses.

CHURCH: So given how the GOP appears to feel about Donald Trump, what do you think will likely happen at the Republican convention in July?

BUMP: I think one of the things that's fascinating to remember here is we're still months away from this, right?

I mean it seems as though we've been voting forever. But it just started at the beginning of February. So we still have a long time before the convention. It's a long time for the Republican establishment to keep butting heads with the guy who right now leads in the delegate count.

So I'm curious to see how that dynamic shifts between now and July. I think that if Donald Trump doesn't have the delegates he needs to win on the first vote, if he's a little bit short, I think it will probably be spotted to him and they'll figure out how they can get enough delegates from the unpledged pool that actually support him.

But if he's well short, then I think we're going to go to multiple votes and then I think it is a probably worst-case scenario for the RNC from that standpoint.

CHURCH: Could you see Donald Trump going out on a third-party effort there if he doesn't get this?

BUMP: Well, it's tough, right?

Because he would essentially have to glom onto to another party. He would have to become the designated candidate for a then actual third party as opposed to just running as an independent because, otherwise, he has to go through all of this legwork to get on the ballot and a lot of those deadlines are deadlines that are either imminent or have passed.

So he'd really need to run basically as the Libertarian candidate, for example, or something along those lines. That's a very, very high bar. I think that's something that's in the back of people's heads but it's a lot harder than people realize.

CHURCH: And what about the family dynamic that played out in the Trump town hall?

What stood out for you?

BUMP: I mean I think it's fascinating that his kids are obviously so supportive. He's their father. There's obviously a lot of love on the stage and they see a side of Donald Trump that I think the rest of the world doesn't see, which is the non-aggressive, non-in-your-face, non-controversial side of Donald Trump that he's, until now, not really ever had to show over the course of this campaign.

So it's interesting to have them there sort of as the softening agent to make him seem like more of a real person.

I think it's interesting. I think that all of the -- you know, whenever you get a chance to see a candidate with his family, it gives you a view into who they are that you wouldn't normally get.

I do, however, think it's fascinating that two of his kids aren't going to be able to vote for him because they didn't change their registration in time, which goes back to the question of is he actually doing a good job of organizing his campaign at all?

CHURCH: Oh, yes. Interesting. All right. And it was indeed a very mellow Donald Trump sitting on the stage with his family there.

Philip Bump, thank you so much. Always a pleasure to chat with you.

BUMP: My pleasure.


BARNETT (voice-over): It really was eye-opening. You see a side of Donald Trump you don't usually see.

If you missed the CNN town hall with the Trump family, you can catch the replay in just a few hours from now. That's at 11:00 am if you're watching in London. Keep in mind, it will be Ted Cruz's turn Wednesday night at 9:00 pm in New York. He'll be joined by his wife, Heidi, at his CNN town hall.

CHURCH (voice-over): And on Thursday night, don't miss the Democratic presidential debate, as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders face off, live from New York. That happens at 9:00 pm Eastern Time, only here on CNN.

BARNETT: Now one of Donald Trump's most vocal opponents is sharpening his criticism of the Republican presidential front-runner.

CHURCH: Former Mexican president Vicente Fox told CNN why Trump reminds him of a dictator.


VICENTE FOX, FORMER MEXICAN PRESIDENT: He's arrogant, he's egocentric and he thinks that what he proposes is to be converted into law and constitution. And that's why I call him a dictator because we in Latin America, we suffered from that evil all the 20th century.

We have enough experience on that to learn who shows on the genius (ph). He shows on his talking, who shows on his proposals that once he sits on the presidential chair, the chair of power, he will become a dictator. No doubt we know about that in Latin America.


FOX: We learn from Castro that he spoke softly at the beginning. We learned from Hugo Chavez. We learned from Evo Morales. We have got so many of them that we know when a guy is not speaking the truth, is a false prophet.


BARNETT: And there's no middle ground there. Fox also says Trump doesn't understand history, the economy or how the world works.

CHURCH: Airport officials in Amsterdam are investigating an incident where one person was arrested. Police did not explain what happened but witnesses say part of the main terminal at Schiphol Airport was evacuated Tuesday while police closed off the area. Officials say flights were not affected. BARNETT: Brazil's embattled president is facing yet another setback. The country's progressive party says it's splitting from Dilma Rousseff's governing coalition. That leaves her even more isolated as lawmakers get ready to debate whether she should be impeached.

Opponents accuse Ms. Rousseff of breaking budget laws to win re- election in 2014. She says that the charge is trumped up and that her vice president is actually orchestrating a conspiracy. Impeachment vote takes place Sunday.

CHURCH: South Korea says it is closely monitoring the possibility of another nuclear test by North Korea. This after U.S. spy satellites detected signs that Pyongyang may be preparing to launch its first- ever mobile ballistic missile.

BARNETT: Now this kind of missile could potentially reach parts of the U.S. but U.S. officials caution they don't know if these missiles even work. CNN's Paula Hancocks is coverage this for us from Seoul, South Korea, and joins us now live.

Paula, how much do we know about what the North Koreans could be up to?

What are the possibilities we're working with here?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Errol, what we've heard from U.S. officials is that there could be three options really of mobile ballistic missiles that could be tested.

The most likely scenario is the Musudan missile, which could potentially hit Guam, according to U.S. officials. There are two more worrying options, though, the Kn-08, which U.S. officials say could actually reach the Pacific western tip of the United States, and also the Kn-14, one that was just unveiled at a military parade last year, according to experts.

It's not really known exactly what the specifications of that particular missile are.

Of course, U.S. officials are also telling us they could do neither of those missiles. They could decide to just sit tight. But they certainly say their satellites are showing that there could be some kind of preparation, obviously very worrying for the United States as U.S. officials say that if they do go ahead with one of these missile launches from a mobile launcher, then it could be a game-changer.

It could change the way they have to look at exactly what the North Korean capability is because, of course, if it's mobile, it's easy to set up. It's very difficult to track.

BARNETT: And add to that the possibility that the North can miniaturize a nuclear warhead. I mean this could be devastating.

What about the recent defections that we discussed yesterday?

Any new leads or information on that front? HANCOCKS: Well, we've had a response from North Korea, when it comes to the 13 restaurant workers who defected last week. This was from a China-based North Korean restaurant.

And they arrived in South Korea at the end of last week, the South Koreans announced.

Just on Tuesday evening, we heard from North Korea's Red Cross, which has criticized the South many times in the past, saying that they believed that they had been kidnapped, effectively accusing Seoul of kidnapping these 13 individuals, saying that they needed to be sent back to North Korea.

South Korea says that is not the case, that they have actually defected -- Errol.

BARNETT: All right. Paula Hancocks live for us in Seoul. Just approaching 3:14 in the afternoon there. Thanks, Paula.

CHURCH: A U.S. Navy officer charged with espionage is now sitting in a military prison but Defense officials say he had plans to leave the country. We have new details on what's considered a national security case.

BARNETT: Plus something I think is so cool, an ambitious plan to send tiny probes deep into space. We'll tell you what some of the world's most brilliant minds hope to achieve after this.





CHURCH: An Australian TV crew is sitting in a Lebanese jail. State- run media in Lebanon say a prosecutor has pressed charges against the journalists from 9 Network's "60 Minutes."

BARNETT: The reporter, photographer, sound tech and producer were following the story of Sally Faulkner. She's an Australian mother who flew to Beirut to recover her two young children from her ex-husband.


CHURCH (voice-over): This footage shows the moment the two children were seized. The Lebanese government calls it a kidnapping and the prosecutor accuses the TV crew of interfering and participating in the abduction.

Authorities later took custody of the children and returned them to their father. A judge will decide whether the journalists will go to trial.

(END VIDEO CLIP) CHURCH: The U.S. Congress is sending a bill to President Barack Obama to help fight the Zika virus. They want to provide financial incentives to companies developing treatments.

BARNETT: Now the virus is linked to birth defects and active Zika transmission has been identified in more than 40 countries and territories. That's according to the CDC. And the latest added to the list: Vietnam.

CHURCH: But the virus is hitting Puerto Rico especially hard. Experts say there could soon be hundreds of thousands of cases. CNN senior medical correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen, introduces us to one woman waiting to find out if her baby will be OK.



COHEN (voice-over): It's the scourge of Zika, babies born with a devastating birth defect called microcephaly. And now, Zulmarys Molina (ph) is about to find out if her baby might have it, too.

Molina, who lives in Puerto Rico, contracted the Zika virus early in her pregnancy. She's now 22 weeks along, a little more than halfway through the pregnancy.

COHEN: Tell me what you know about your baby already.

ZULMARYS MOLINA, 22 WEEKS PREGNANT: Her name is going to be Michaela.

COHEN: So, you know it's a girl?


COHEN: If your baby has these problems, it will be more difficult?

MOLINA: Definitely, because I have already a baby boy. I'm a single mom. And it's going to be really difficult.

COHEN: Tomorrow morning, you're going to have another ultrasound.


COHEN: How are you going to feel tomorrow if he says, wait a minute, I see something going on with the brain?

MOLINA: Nobody wants to hear that. Even when you're prepared and trying to be prepared for that, so I know I'm going to be sad.



COHEN (voice-over): She goes in for the ultrasound the next day with Dr. Alberto de la Vega at University Hospital in San Juan.

DR. ALBERTO DE LA VEGA, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, SAN JUAN: See a head there, with all those five fingers. Her face.

Who does she look like?

MOLINA: She looks like my little boy.

COHEN: At first, everything looks fine. But then, Dr. de la Vega measures the baby's head. It's growing but at a slower pace than expected.

DE LA VEGA: You see there is a slight lag in the growth. This is what we would expect. It's still within the normal range but it's lagging behind. That obviously in this situation is a cause of concern, although the anatomy still looks great. I would like to see you more frequently.

COHEN (voice-over): When babies have had severe brain abnormalities some mothers who have Zika have chosen to terminate the pregnancies.

COHEN: Hearing this, hearing about the lagging growth, how does that make you feel?

MOLINA: Well, give me a little bit of concern, you know, worry. This baby's going to be born. So, no matter what happens, I'm going to have the baby.


BARNETT: Now to some other stories we're following for you.

Taiwan says China abducted 45 of its nationals who were working in Kenya, where they were accused of running scams.

CHURCH: Taiwan officials say Chinese personnel took the workers when they tried to get their passports back after a Kenyan court acquitted them. An official in Taiwan also says Kenyan police used tear gas and forcible means to get the workers on the plane used to send them to China.

BARNETT: Chinese officials now suggest the group may be prosecuted there for their alleged crimes in Kenya.

There are new details on a U.S. Navy officer charged with espionage. We discussed this yesterday. A U.S. Defense official says the man was headed for China when he was arrested.

CHURCH: But investigators say they are still trying to determine exactly who he was spying for. Jim Sciutto has the latest.


JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He worked on one of the U.S. military's most sensitive intelligence missions, supporting spyplanes, including the advanced Poseidon aircraft, monitoring Asia, including China.

Now U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Edward Lin is accused of stealing classified information about that mission and attempting to transfer it, most likely, sources tell CNN, to the People's Republic of China.

Lin was taken into custody eight months ago in Hawaii as he was boarding a flight to Mainland China.

Retired Colonel Cedric Leighton, a former intelligence officer, says a member of Lin's reconnaissance group would have been an extremely knowledgeable source.

COL. CEDRIC LEIGHTON (RET.), CNN MILITARY ANALYST: They understand the capabilities of the reconnaissance aircraft and they also understand the routes that those reconnaissance aircraft are flying.

So with that kind of information, the Chinese or anybody else would be able to figure out not only when these airplanes are flying but what those airplanes can see, what they can intercept.

SCIUTTO (voice-over): In a highly redacted charge sheet, Lin is accused of espionage, attempted espionage and patronizing prostitution. The Navy alleges he passed on, quote, "secret information to a representative of a foreign government."

LEIGHTON: You want to know what his contacts were in China, why was he going there.

Was this truly just a pleasure trip or was it something else?

My suspicion is that it was something else.

SCIUTTO (voice-over): Sources tell CNN the investigation is in its early stages. Attempts to reach Lin, who is being held in a brig in Virginia, were unsuccessful.

Lin was born in Taiwan and came to the U.S. with his family when he was just 14. His journey from immigrant to mid-ranking Naval officer was applauded by the Navy.

Lin's Facebook posts show him joining a congressional delegation to the Mideast in 2012, a young scholar's visit to Taiwan in 2011 and twice visiting Mainland China, where he posed for a picture in --


SCIUTTO (voice-over): -- Tiananmen Square and with Chinese soldiers and sailors.

Speaking at a citizenship ceremony in 2008, Lin said, quote, "I always dreamt about coming to America, the promised land. I grew up believing that all the roads in America lead to Disneyland."


BARNETT: Thanks to chief U.S. security correspondent Jim Sciutto there. Officials are deciding whether the charges against Edward Lin should be referred to a court martial. We will, of course, keep you posted. CHURCH: Now to a very different story. Imagine spacecraft smaller than an iPhone using light beams to travel up to 100 million miles per hour.


BARNETT (voice-over): This is an ambitious undertaking with some of the world's most brilliant and wealthiest people leading the way. Physicist Stephen Hawking, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner announced the project Tuesday. Listen.


YURI MILNER, PROJECT LEADER, BREAKTHROUGH STARSHOT: Breakthrough Starshot is a $100 million research and engineering program, intends to demonstrate proof of concept of high-speed light-driven nanocrafts and to lay the foundations for an eventual voyage to Alpha Centauri.


CHURCH: The plan is to build hundreds of small space probes with built-in cameras. They will have tiny sails. And laser beams from Earth would push them to Alpha Centauri, our closest star system, to collect images and data.

BARNETT: Wow, this really is the future. The project leaders say any launch would cost billions of dollars and is many years away but this technology already exists to make it a reality.

CHURCH: Very exciting stuff there.

Well, fresh warnings that Al Qaeda is thriving again in Afghanistan. Hear from U.S. and Afghan officials about why the terror group may be picking up steam.

And later this hour, how women are often outearned by men in the workplace. We'll give you some tips on how we can balance this out. Stay with us.




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: A warm welcome back to you all. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Rosemary Church.

ERROL BARNETT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And I'm Errol Barnett. We appreciate you staying with us. We're half an hour in. Here's our top stories.


CHURCH: There's an alarming insurgence of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. According to the country's defense minister, he says the group's renewed partnership with the Taliban is also of great concern. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh joins us now from Kabul with more details on this.

Nick, what do authorities believe is the reason behind this apparent resurgence of Al Qaeda?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SR. INTL. CORRESPONDENT: It seems to be that this renewed partnership is the phrase used by U.S. officials for the Taliban has brought Al Qaeda an increased space. The key thing is they're not pursuing ISIS' tactics which is as much as publicity and social media as possible but, according to officials, growing quietly in the shadows, off the radar and now posing, quote, one told us, "a big threat."



WALSH (voice-over): Remember why the United States came to Afghanistan?

Well, Al Qaeda are back and thriving. A big threat finding safe haven here, according to Afghanistan's defense chief. Even U.S. officials here admit there's a lot they don't know and there could be hundreds of Al Qaeda core members here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are really very active. They are working and organizing themselves and preparing themselves for more bigger. They are working behind other networks giving them the support, giving them the experience they had in different places.

They are not talking too much. They are not making too many statements.

WALSH: It is a big threat.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a big threat.

WALSH: A big threat, they say, because the Taliban, who was said to have regretted harboring bin Laden, have again decided to get close to Al Qaeda.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The big cover is Taliban because they are enabling the Al Qaeda, the ISIL --

WALSH: The phrase "renewed partnership" is what John Campbell used, the former U.S. commander here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And because, as you know, they need the fighters. They need the support. They need the experience and they need recruitment from other places. This is why they embrace them.

WALSH (voice-over): Alarms were raised by a 30-square mile camp found and obliterated by Afghanistan and U.S. forces in a remote part of Kandahar late last year, revealing Al Qaeda's true strength to Afghan and U.S. officials. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very sophisticated ties back into Al Qaeda and a subset, which is called Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, to find them in Afghanistan also caused us quite a bit of concern.

If you go back to last year, there were a lot of intel estimates that said that, within Afghanistan, Al Qaeda probably has 50 to 100 operators or 50 to 100 actual Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan.

But at this one camp, you know, we found more than 150. So I think --

WALSH: There's a pretty big gap in your knowledge?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think there is. There's not thousands of them but clearly in remote parts of Afghanistan, there are Al Qaeda leaders that we're concerned about and what they're capable of doing.

WALSH: And they're plotting still attacks against the West?


WALSH: That's their core concern?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is their core concern. They've made those announcements and they've never backed off of it.

WALSH: Now obviously there's a key issue involving the threat against the West but a more significant one potentially of a peace in Afghanistan, the key plank of American and Afghan policy here is eventually to come to some political or diplomatic settlement with the Taliban.

Now that's very hard, frankly, to swallow anywhere if Al Qaeda and the Taliban are getting increasingly close. The deputy of the new Taliban league is a man called Siraj Haqqani, who the U.S. described as the key factor of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Now obviously one of the key tenets --


WALSH: -- of U.S. and Afghanistan policy is Taliban have to renounce international terrorism before talks can begin. But quite the opposite is happening. As you heard there with this renewed partnership with Al Qaeda, the Taliban are growing in the amount of territory they hold here.

That buys more space for Al Qaeda as well. And as you heard there, too, that focus of Al Qaeda does appear to be attacks outside of Afghanistan. This, again, many are concerned becoming a safe haven 15 years after the U.S. intervened to get bin Laden.

CHURCH: Yes, it is a real worry. And our Nick Paton Walsh, bringing us up to date on the situation, just after 11:00 in the morning there in Kabul, Afghanistan. Many thanks to you.

BARNETT: The front man of the rock group, U2, was on Capitol Hill Tuesday speaking to U.S. lawmakers. Bono just returned from a trip to the Middle East and Africa, where he visited migrant camps. He told Senate committee members that without a greater response to the refugee crisis, the Middle East, Africa and Europe will become even more vulnerable to violent extremism.


BONO, ONE CAMPAIGN FOUNDER: Aid in 2016 is not charity. It is national security. UNHCR have great ideas on how humanitarian support can be done better and provide jobs and hope.

They witness how the mood of a camp changes if there's a classroom built for kids. They see the despair in the faces of skilled workers not allowed access to the labor market.

But soberly, I have to say to you, the international community, though it means well, is having a lot of meetings about the crisis and I believe it's issuing a record number of press releases. But what it's not doing is cutting checks. I think all countries need to take in more refugees.


BARNETT: As you all well know, Europe has been struggling with its migrant crisis. But war and violence in other parts of the world, including Yemen, Libya and Sudan, are also displacing several hundred thousand people.

CHURCH: We'll take a very short break here. Still to come, the faces of a decades-old conflict are getting younger. You will hear from a Palestinian teenager involved in the wave of violence against Israelis. That is next here on CNN NEWSROOM.





BARNETT: Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says there's been a significant decline in Palestinian attacks against Israelis but he warns that his country must not let down its guard; 28 Israelis have been killed in knife attacks and other violence since October.

CHURCH: The conflict may have slipped from the headlines but a debate continues to rage over the motivations for the attacks. CNN's Oren Liebermann spoke with a Palestinian teenager involved in the surge of violence.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On the streets of Bethlehem, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict doesn't erupt, it repeats. Clashes today echo clashes from past decades, Israelis firing tear gas and rubber bullets, Palestinians throwing stones and wearing masks.

But the faces behind those masks appear younger now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I am hear to defend my country. I want to throw stones at the soldiers. My parents don't know I am here. I am not afraid.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): A no-man's land of drifting tear gas and burning tires separates the two sides. Now that separation has all but vanished, as some Palestinians, barely teenagers, have put down rocks and picked up knives.

But why?

Why would a young teenager carry out a stabbing attack when it could mean they never come home?

Reema Sanad (ph), a 37-year-old mother of five from Bethlehem, says it was her recurring nightmare.

REEMA SANAD (PH), PALESTINIAN MOTHER (through translator): I always saw the children that went for the attacks. They were the same age, like my daughter, Sabrin (ph). Some want to be famous and some want to have revenge. They want the curiosity of living the experience, of taking part in the intifada.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Sanad's nightmare came true on December 1st, caught on cell phone video. Her daughter, 13-year-old Sabrin (ph), left school and walked to a checkpoint, where Israeli soldiers found a knife in her backpack. Sabrin (ph) spent a month in military prison after pleading guilty to carrying a knife.

We meet her back at home, doing her schoolwork. She has dreams of becoming a journalist. I ask her why she did it.

SABRIN SANAD, 13-YEAR-OLD CONVICT (through translator): I was not concentrating on anything, not playing or even doing homework. I was only watching Al-Aqsa TV. I saw all those guys and girls doing what they do and I want to do the same for my country.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Al-Aqsa TV is Hamas TV. It calls for more attacks on Israelis, hailing the perpetrators as heroes. It's on during our visit. Her 21-year-old brother doesn't approve and turns it off. But the language of hate has seeped into Sabrin's vocabulary.

SABRIN SANAD (through translator): The hate that we have for them is our motivation. They are killing us where everywhere. I can't accept what is happening to my country. Many guys are killed while walking. No one can accept that because we love Palestine and we want to defend it.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Sabrin will not accept her mother's explanation that violence sets back the exact cause she's trying to support.

REEMA SANAD (through translator): Let's say that you went out and stabbed a soldier and killed him.

What did you do?

You did nothing. You ruined the situation more. This is exactly what Israel wants. The occupation wants to say to the world, look, they are stabbing us and killing us, we are in danger.

And suddenly everything is the opposite. Those who are oppressed and under occupation are terrorists and the occupation that is actually killing us with the siege every day is the victim.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Fadi Al-Ghoul (ph) is trying a different approach, a performance mixing in humor and emotion based on his own story. His mother was killed in the Israel-Lebanon war in 1982.

FADI AL-GHOUL, PALESTINIAN PERFORMANCE ARTIST (through translator): We need to show those children that the resistance has many other ways that I believe in. As a human being, as an artist and as Fadi the father, I do believe that there are many ways of resistance that we can use.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Al-Ghoul speaks to the memory of his mother. He promises to make her proud. He promises to live.

AL-GHOUL (through translator): If you really love Palestine, take care of yourself. Don't put yourself in danger. Your soul --


-- is so dear to us all. Resist with all the tools you have but keep yourself safe for your country.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): One young girl in the audience who lost her mother breaks down in tears. Al-Ghoul's message, he hopes, has gotten through. He reaches out to the young, those most likely to carry out attacks: 70 percent of Palestinian attackers against Israeli civilians and soldiers have been between the ages of 16 and 25, according to the Israeli military. Another 10 percent were even younger.

Israelis called the wave of attacks terrorism. Palestinians call it resistance. It is a cycle that has not yet been broken.

PETER LERNER, ISRAELI MILITARY SPOKESMAN: At the end of the day, we are left with a reality on the ground, of extreme violence, which is encouraged, embraced and glorified by the society. Whatever reason they feel it be, this is the result.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Palestinians describe a different reality, one of suspicion and humiliation from Israeli soldiers. Psychologists speak of trauma.

TAWFOOK SALMAN, PSYCHOLOGIST: Many of those kids told me, look, Doctor, now you want to try to help us here in your office. But when while we are going back home, Israeli will stop us, will humiliate us again. We will forget your advices. We will go home with the last trauma,

with our small kids, they have to go to their schools, to go to their school, to go to play, to express themselves, not with the knives, not with the stones.

LIEBERMANN: They should be kids.

SALMAN: They should be kids.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The West Bank, where, for Palestinian children, the challenge is just to stay children -- Oren Liebermann, CNN, Bethlehem.







BARNETT: We are, what, now four months into a new year. And for many women in the U.S., earnings are just now catching up to men's wages from last year.

CHURCH: Yes, on average, women work an extra four months to make the annual salary of men doing the same job. Over a lifetime, the pay gap could cost women more than $430,000.

BARNETT: And we should note, it's even worse for women who are minorities. But at the current rate, women's pay won't catch up to men's salaries until 2059. That sounds outrageous. The United States ranks 23rd for pay disparity among 34 developed countries. The president says this inequality is unacceptable.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Today the typical woman who works full time earns 79 cents for every dollar that a typical man makes. The gap is even wider for women of color. A typical black woman makes only 60 cents; a Latino woman, 55 cents for every dollar that a white man earns.

Now if we truly value fairness, then America should be a level playing field where everyone who works hard gets a chance to succeed. And that's good for America because we don't want some of our best players on the sidelines.


CHURCH: You know what?

Research also shows that men are much more likely to ask for a raise than women.

BARNETT: And as it turns out, they are more successful at it.

But the key question is why and what can we all learn from this?

CNN's Clare Sebastian and Samuel Burke tested their negotiation skills. Watch.


CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's that moment many of us dread.

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): And some of us look forward to.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): The long walk to the boss' office to ask that crucial question.

Can I have a raise?

Last year, "Glamour" magazine found 57 percent of women have never asked for a raise.

BURKE (voice-over): Compared to just 46 percent of men.

SEBASTIAN: We wanted to find out why. So Samuel and I are submitting ourselves to an experiment.

BURKE: So we invited a top New York career coach to the CNN offices and she's going to pretend to be our boss as we do some mock salary discussions.

SEBASTIAN: And we're going to see who performs best.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The reality is that men have been conditioned to negotiate because they were earners and because their value has been equated to the amount of money that they bring in; whereas we have not over the course of history.

BURKE (voice-over): For the experiment we're using our real jobs, CNN journalists.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): And, of course, our real personalities.

BURKE (voice-over): Everything is based on general aspects of this industry.



SEBASTIAN: How are you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm good, how are you?


BURKE: Hey, boss, good to see you.


What can I do for you today?

BURKE: Well, I have been going over some of the numbers with HR.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): Right from the start, the difference is stark.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Scattered eye contact and your body language was sort of hanging back a bit. And the wringing of the hands.

Sam came in very forcefully. He was face forward here, strong spine, very confident in the way that he projected his ask.

Generally, the raise that we give to everyone every year for good performance is 3 percent.

BURKE (voice-over): We both decided to ask for more than 3 percent, the average pay rise across major U.S. employers this year.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): We didn't tell each other exactly how much more.

SEBASTIAN: So I wanted to discuss whether we could look at perhaps a slightly higher-than-average increase this year, maybe around 6 percent.

BURKE: I really think that a 10 percent raise would be reflective of the type of work that I have been doing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's an issue because most women will come in and negotiate at their bottom line.

If you do not come in at higher than what you want, there's nowhere to meet in the middle.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): So first, you start high.

BURKE (voice-over): Then you have to justify it.

BURKE: It's the sponsorships that I have brought in for the company. The segments I have been doing have been bringing in more money continuously than any of the other people in our group.

SEBASTIAN: I have been mentoring a lot of the younger members of the team. I'm helping them to kind of discover their own talent.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): While I talked about what HR execs call soft skills --

BURKE (voice-over): I went straight for the bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is a very standard, expected gender differential in the way that men and women negotiate. But --


SEBASTIAN: -- when it comes to money, money has to equal money. And so what you're bringing in really needs to be the first justification.

BURKE: Did we get the raise?


SEBASTIAN: Both of us?


BURKE: Different amounts?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Different amounts, of course, though because (INAUDIBLE).

I could come back and say to him, fine, you're getting 6 percent.

You asked for 10 percent; I got you 6 percent. You probably would have ended up with 5 percent.

SEBASTIAN (voice-over): Clare Sebastian --

BURKE (voice-over): And Samuel Burke --

CNNMoney New York.

Congratulations on your raise.

SEBASTIAN: Thank you, you, too, well done.


BARNETT: They're still friends. That's good.

CHURCH: Yes. It's all about confidence.

BARNETT: That's right.

Lean in, ladies. Be confident. The worst that can happen is they say no but you must, must, certainly try.

Before we go, we have to show you this video. Surely you've seen it already. A plane nearly clipped the head off a tourist taking a photo.


This happened on the French Caribbean island of St. Barts. CHURCH: Lucky for Mickey Juddi (ph), he had great reflexes, ducked out of the way. And we spoke to him last hour. He said photography didn't seem like a high-risk event. Well, now he has the vacation story of a lifetime to tell and a viral video to go with it.

BARNETT: And his wife says, get that life insurance. He's doing it this weekend. Good idea.

CHURCH: All right. Remember to keep in touch on social media. More CNN NEWSROOM after this short break.

BARNETT: That's right. Next hour we'll talk with the researcher who led a major study that maps how LSD affects the brain. Stay with us to hear what he found out. See you in a minute.