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Hala Gorani Tonight

Awaiting Results Of London's Mayoral Election; Paul Ryan "Not Ready" To Back Trump As Nominee; Maryland Shooting Suspect Is In Custody; Canadian Police Evacuate Convoys Out Of Danger Zone; Sen. Graham Says He Will Not Vote for Trump; Young Girl Murdered in So-Called Honor Killing in Pakistan; North Korean Party Congress Examined; Pope Francis Wins Charlemagne Prize. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired May 06, 2016 - 15:00   ET




ERROL BARNETT, CNN INTERNATIONAL GUEST ANCHOR: Hello there and welcome. I'm Errol Barnett in for Hala Gorani live for you from CNN Center. This is


We begin in London where any moment now we should find out who's been elected as the city's next mayor. Thursday's vote marked the end of a

bitter campaign with withering accusations centered on race and religion.

Our Phil Black is outside London city hall and he joins us now live with the latest information. Phil, what are the results and what is the

significance of London is very likely electing a Muslim mayor in this climate of anti-Semitism accusations there in government?

PHIL BLACK, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Erroll, it hasn't been announced formally, but it does look very likely if not almost certain that

any moment now a man named Sadiq Khan will be named to be the next mayor of London.

He is the son of a London bus driver, the son of Pakistani immigrant parents, who lived in public housing, went to state schools, and became a

lawyer before rising through the ranks of the center left Labor Party.

He is a member of parliament, a government minister and now it looks like his next job will to be mayor of this city. But you're right there is an

interesting point in his biography and that is he is Muslim. He would become the city's first Muslim mayor.

It is an interesting point because his election would defy what has been a trend dividing western nations politically in recent times. That trend

which sees Islam being treated increasingly as an emotive, often fearful certainly divisive issue.

There has been -- that has happened over the course of this campaign here as well. Sadiq Khan's main opponent, he's opposite in almost every way the

wealthy, white, conservative candidate, Zach Goldsmith, trying to link Sadiq Khan to people who is said to favor radical Islam.

Now it has been dismissed across the political spectrum as dog whistle racism. Zach Goldsmith denies this is about judgment and values, not about

race and religion. But it has been pretty widely politically condemned as dirty politics and it does not appeared to have influenced the voters here


So what it means is, within the next few moments, at any point really, we expect that the formal announcement will confirm what the opinion polls

have been telling us here for some time, what the vote count has pointed to through the day, and that is that Sadiq Khan will be the city's next mayor

-- Errol.

BARNETT: Phil, as we wait for the official announcement and we will bring that to our viewers as soon as it takes place. Tell me about some of the

polling and some of the results? Had it been close or had Mr. Sadiq Khan been leading and really expected to win for the past few days?

BLACK: I think, yes, this is the expected result. You can never be sure because polling has proven to be somewhat inaccurate of late in recent

political contests. You can never be certain what the turnout will be on the day.

But yes, it had pointed to a pretty clear, confident Sadiq Khan victory over a period of time now. It is interesting because this is only a

relatively new elected position within the British political structure, only started back in 2000. Only two other men have held the title.

The current mayor of London is a man named Boris Johnson, a conservative mayor, someone who is famous for his flamboyance, someone who is stepping

down to further his career at the very top level of British politics.

He is very popular and is expected to make a run at the prime minister's job when David Cameron walks away. But, the conservative men vying to

replace him, Zach Goldsmith, simply hadn't been able to get the same level of popular support.

It is interesting because the job in this city is very much one of managing day to day issues like policing, transport, housing and so forth. It is

not the stuff of big political visions. So it is a job where personalities in candidates are seen to matter in terms of electoral success.

[15:05:04]Neither of these candidates are really dynamic, certainly not flamboyant in the Boris Johnson style, but the election of Sadiq Khan is

significant because he is London born and bred, said to represent the diversity of this city.

So it is symbolic and historic. But at the end of the day his job will be about managing bread and butter, day to day issues, which do affect the

people and the quality of life in this city.

BARNETT: I was there last year when polls led the media astray. So we do want to wait for that official confirmation. If we need to bring you back

in this hour, Phil, we will do so. Phil Black live for us outside London's city hall.

To talk more about this, I'm joined now by the former political correspondent of "The Independent," James Cusick as we wait for official


I want to pick up on these two clear choices. Voters in London having their choice between a conservative billionaire or the son of a bus driver

who worked his way up to be a lawyer and a member of parliament. Could you have predicted Sadiq Khan winning today?

JAMES CUSICK, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think I could have predicted that the conservative campaign, the one that Zach Goldsmith ran, would have

backfired. I think what we are about to discover is that London's electorate can rise above race, religion, identity.

Thirteen percent of London is Muslim, but that's not what's elected Sadiq Khan. The city has probably seen through a conservative campaign that was

very much dog whistle, as your correspondent has just said.

I think as somebody said on Twitter earlier today, if this was dog whistle, then it is the wrong city. There are no dogs in this city. That's the

reason for the success we are looking at just now.

BARNETT: Zach Goldsmith is the conservative challenger, for our viewers. He penned a controversial article in "The Mail" suggesting Khan, quote,

"thinks terrorists are his friends." You're saying that likely backfired, but the fact that he thought that would work tells us what exactly?

CUSICK: Well, it tells us he was badly advised there, that's the first thing. I think there will be, if you like, inquisitions that a contest

that was there for him to win. At one point, Zach Goldsmith was not trailing in these polls. At some point, people regarded him as the


And it was going to be Sadiq Khan who was chasing this, but there was an alternative campaign. The campaign could have, if you like, attacked the

unpopular leader of the Labor Party at the moment, Jeremy Corbin.

They could have chosen to say this is another part, another division inside the Labor Party and let's use that. But to basically --

BARNETT: Quickly, do you think it was the article that was the turning point then?

CUSICK: I don't think it was the article. I think the article was attacked, if you like, by a number of leading senior intellectuals in the

conservative party as ill-advised.

If you like, that article also contained a very large picture of one of the buses on 7/7 that was blown up. Even if somebody didn't read the way

through the article, the headline, graphic and illustration seemed to suggest that the object of this particular tactic was we will paint Sadiq

Khan into a corner.

We will make him look radical. We will make him look as if he is on the extreme. He has friends in the wrong places and that actually didn't work.

He's fairly well known. He's been an MP since 2005.

He's in the moderate wing of the Labour Party. He's held, if you like, a junior ministerial post. He's held a shadow cabinet post as justice

secretary. He's by no means regarded as radical or extreme.

To use that as the basis or foundation of your campaign seems to have been ill-advised. I don't think Londoners bought it at all.

BARNETT: What about this point, the outgoing mayor, Boris Johnson, was pushing for the so-called Brexit, the U.K. leaving the E.U. He even

vocally rejected were President Obama's opinion that Brits should stay in the EU. It's better for the global economy. If Sadiq Khan wins today what

will that result tell us about the opinions on the Brexit?

CUSICK: Well, I don't think it will tell us that much. We are about eight weeks away from that particular vote. London if you like is an

international city. I would think that London by and large if you like the city -- large parts of industry probably want the U.K. to actually remain

inside that.

So this is not going to give you a barometer, a judgment on what's going to happen in eight weeks' time when this vote is taken. What it does do is

that it says basically that there was a backfiring campaign.

Sadiq Khan has won. He basically has won because he managed to distance himself from his own party. He was elected as your correspondent said

because of a personality issue. I disagree that it's basically a managerial post.

It is very much the face of an international city. It is a really important job. I think Boris Johnson, the previous mayor, benefited from

that profile and Sadiq Khan can benefit from that.

He will become an important elected figure holding power in his own party which has not got that much power at the moment.

[15:10:12]BARNETT: James Cusick is the former political correspondent with "The Independent" on what is an exciting evening in London tonight. Thank

you for your time. Again, to our viewers, as soon as we get an official announcement we will bring it to you live.

The Republican presidential nominee -- I should say the presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, is weighing in on the looming Brexit vote. In an

interview with Fox News, Trump said he favored a British exit from the E.U., but that voters should determine what happens. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Migration has been a horrible thing for Europe. A lot of that was pushed by the E.U. I would say

they're better off without it personally, but I'm not making that as a recommendation. Just my feeling. I know Great Britain very well. I know

the country very well. I have a lot of investments there. I would say that they're better off without it, but I want them to make their own



BARNETT: And as we've mentioned, the U.K. will vote on whether to stay or leave the E.U. in a national referendum next month.

Donald Trump has his own challenges with a break-away threat closer to home. Some Republicans are so opposed to him becoming their presidential

nominee that they're looking for a third party option.

House Speaker Paul Ryan is the highest elected a Republican yet to say he's not ready to support Trump is an understatement. In typical fashion Trump

is backfiring. We're now hearing that the men will meet face to face next week.

Let's get more from CNN's Chris Moody who joins us live from Washington. Chris, at this point once there is a presumptive nominee on either side,

the parties typically coalesce around them.

But Trump is receiving fire from just about everywhere. What are some of the latest comments on his presidential chances?

CHRIS MOODY, CNN POLITICS SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: That word you used, typically. There is nothing typical about this election. You are exactly

right. Usually the parties come together, they shake off the demons from the primary, even if it got a little bit nasty, but not this time.

Trump went so far in his policies and he went so personal in his attacks that there are many Republicans who just will not support him. They said

they were going to be what's called "Never Trump." They're holding to that.

One of those was a South Carolina senator who ran for president, Lindsey Graham. He told CNN earlier today that he is still never Trump. He won't

be voting for him in November. He also won't be voting for Hillary Clinton.

He's not alone. There is a number of other Republicans that are in this boat. It is yet to be seen if they'll come around a little bit later.

Maybe Donald Trump will soften his tone.

He's heading to Capitol Hill next week to meet with members of Congress as well as have a face to face meeting with Paul Ryan. I think the real

question though is what will it take for Paul Ryan to move into Trump's favor, into his camp? We're going to have to wait and see on that one.

BARNETT: Lindsey Graham speaking to CNN in just the past few hours. Earlier today, President Obama made comments about the state of the race

while taking questions at the White House. Let's just listen to what he had to say.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I just want to emphasize the degree to which we are in serious times and this is a really

serious job. This is not entertainment. This is not a reality show. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States. And what that means

is that every candidate, every nominee, needs to be subject to exacting standards and genuine scrutiny.


BARNETT: This is the most we've really heard from the U.S. president on speaking about the state of the race thus far. What did you make of what

he had to say?

MOODY: Well, a lot of this campaign so far has really been kind of like a reality show. The nominee or the presumptive nominee is a former reality

TV star and it feels like -- that that's kind of been the tone of the election so far.

When you get nominees, when you get to the general election, stuff starts to get real. It gets real, real fast. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald

Trump are going to start to get classified security briefings here in the next couple of months. The stakes are going to get very high.

We're not kind of in silly season anymore. This is when the candidates are going to have to really hunker down and make sure that their policy

positions are clear and also consistent which is something Donald Trump certainly has not been able to do in this campaign.

BARNETT: So then what can we expect when Donald Trump meets one-on-one with house Speaker Paul Ryan? Who will be doing the convincing? Who holds

the most leverage in that room?

MOODY: This is a great question. The reason, I believe, Paul Ryan did what he did in saying, look, I can be convinced but I'm not yet, because he

was using his leverage. He was also giving cover to other republicans who are getting hounded by reporters like us here at CNN saying are you for

Trump or not?

[15:15:03]To give them a little bit more time. Paul Ryan is one of the highest elected Republicans right now and it's very helpful for Donald

Trump if he has his support. But then again you could also argue that not having his support also helps because it allows Trump to say, see?

I'm still against the establishment. I'm the nominee for the party yet I'm still not the establishment won't accept me. People voted for me and they

still won't do it. I think that can be a pretty compelling message out on the campaign trail. I think both of them will need each other in the end.

Paul Ryan is going to be presiding over the convention this summer and it is going to be pretty awkward if he's still at that point not even saying

that he'll support him even if it is kind of a reluctant support.

BARNETT: Boy, to be a fly on the wall in that room. Chris Moody live for us in Washington, thanks very much.

Now we want to bring you some news just in to CNN. Police in the U.S. state of Maryland have arrested a man they believe is behind three

shootings over the past two days. Our Evan Perez joins us now from Washington with an update. Evan, what do we know?

EVAN PEREZ, CNN JUSTICE REPORTER: Errol, this all wrapped up about 20 minutes ago again in the suburbs of Maryland. There have been three

different shootings at three different sites in different suburbs of Washington, D.C. just north of Washington, D.C. in the state of Maryland.

Six people in all were shot, three people are dead. These all began yesterday afternoon at a high school, a woman was picking up her children

at this high school where her estranged husband showed up, tried to attack her.

Someone tried to intervene, according to police. That person was shot, and then he shot and killed the estranged wife. Less than 24 hours later,

about 11:00 this morning at a mall just outside of Washington, upscale area in Bethesda, three people were shot.

Similar circumstance. A man approached someone, two people tried to intervene, tried to stop the attack. Three people were shot, one of those

people is now dead. A man is now deceased.

Then about 30 minutes after that shooting, a third shooting took place at a supermarket parking lot. A woman was shot and killed. Now again about 20

minutes ago police were able to bring in to custody Eulalio Tordil, a 62- year-old man.

He is actually a federal officer, an officer working for the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service. According to the Homeland

Security Department, he was placed on administrative leave after his what appears his spouse, his estranged wife, sought some kind of protective

order from the courts to protect her from him.

His badge and his weapon were taken away, and it appears that led to the series of shootings and confrontations that have now taken place in the

last 24 hours. He was taken into custody without incident about 20 minutes ago by officers.

They're trying to figure out now all the identities of all the people who were shot today, whether or not they know him, whether they were related to

him. There is a lot more investigation being done by authorities here in this area.

BARNETT: Wrapping up what must have been a frightening day in the Washington area when he was still on the loose. Evan Perez live for us

with that breaking news, suspect now in custody. Thanks, Evan.

We are standing by for official results from the London mayoral election.

Also still to come tonight, fleeing south to safety. The convoy of evacuees is heading for safety as Canada's wildfires devastate areas of

Alberta. We'll take you there live after the break.

A once in a generation meeting is now under way in one of the most secretive nations on earth. Our reporter is in Pyongyang as North Korea

hosts its Workers Party Congress. All that and much more when THE WORLD RIGHT NOW continues.



BARNETT: A desperate evacuation is under way in western Canada's Alberta Province where a massive wildfire has destroyed more than 1,600 homes.

Canadian police are escorting convoys of cars south away from the fire. You see that there.

But first, evacuees have to drive through their burned-out city to get out of the danger zone. Nearly 90,000 people have fled from this enormous


Dan Simon joins us live from near the city of Fort McMurray, which has been engulfed by the fire. Dan, people have been telling us over the past few

days there's really only one way in or out of Fort McMurray. What's the latest on the convoy trying to get to safety right now?

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, hi, Errol. That one way in and out is Highway 63. That's where I'm standing. We've seen this massive convoy

come down Highway 63 all day long. These were people who were forced to flee north of the fire. They went to these camps that are normally used to

house workers in the oil industry. They spent the last four days there.

Now they're just getting out. We talked to some of these people who said that they were forced to ration food and water and they're just relieved to

be getting out.

Meantime, you can see this massive smoke cloud behind me. There are still several fires in the area. We've seen some aircraft trying to douse some

of these flames, but this is a very tall order for firefighters in this area.

You are talking about a massive wildfire that is bigger than most major cities. The best they could do is try to protect infrastructure. So many

homes and businesses have been destroyed. The latest estimate is about 1,600. So many families just don't know what they're going to come back to

-- Errol.

BARNETT: I know many people are still in shock as they try to deal with all of this. What are people saying about the economic viability of the

area? Yesterday, one evacuee told me he doesn't think this place will be able to recover.

SIMON: You know, that's a real question. You know, a lot of the people who live in this area depend on the oil industry and they've had to either

cut production entirely or scale it down and because of that you're right, the long term economic viability remains uncertain, at best.

In the meantime, people are just trying to survive. They haven't really thought about tomorrow yet. They're just thinking about right now trying

to get clothes, try to feed their families and for many, just evacuating those camps and trying to go several hundred miles to Edmonton.

BARNETT: They're dealing with such a devastating loss. Dan Simon live for us near Fort McMurray. Thanks for that.

We want to get to a sense of the kind of conditions that firefighters are dealing with as they battle that wildfire. It's larger than many

metropolitan areas.

Meteorologist Allison Chinchar joins us from the International Weather Center. Allison, officials say it is not safe at this stage anywhere near

safe for residents to return.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, AMS METEOROLOGIST: No. You have to be careful. A lot of those embers can kind come out from there. We've seen video showing

that. Yes, definitely many reasons to stay safe. We talk about how many hectares this storm is. Berlin is 892 square kilometers.

We are currently -- the fire is around 1,000 square kilometers. Again, that just kind of puts it in perspective for you how much space those

flames take up. The fire danger, this is Friday.

Here's Fort McMurray. A lot of those areas in red. Once we transition into Saturday, still a lot of areas under the threat but notice by Sunday a

lot of that threat level finally begins to recede a little bit because more of the areas that would be more prone to the fires spreading are actually

going to move away from Fort McMurray. This is fantastic news.

Part of the reason is we're going to get a little bit more moisture coming back in, we're going to lose some of that drier air which makes it so easy

for those flames to fan out so quickly.

[15:25:09]We need the moisture but we also need cooler temperatures. Take a look again. Look at the temperatures. Now Saturday, still expected to

be very hot, a high of around 28 degrees. We'll drop about ten degrees on Sunday and back down to about 13 for the high on Monday.

So again, both of those things bode in their favor for not only the firefighters for a lot of those areas that are maybe hoping they won't

necessarily get hit by the flames as well. Just to show you how big the scope of this storm is, take a look at this. This is visible satellite


See this skinny line right here? This is smoke that came from Fort McMurray that got picked up in the jet and started to get pulled down into

this low pressure system here. It stretched all the way down to Atlanta, Georgia, which is this image.

Notice how the sky up here is much whiter and grey as opposed to the very bright blue? That's because this line right here, this is all that smoke

that came down in to Atlanta. This is the clear sky.

And again it is likely going to continue on its path a little bit farther east. This is that trajectory of those storms. Again you can kind of see

it initiating up there in Fort McMurray, kind of coming down.

It gets picked up along the jet and gets carried because it went very, very high into the atmosphere. Somewhere just west and north of Toronto, again

it gets picked up and being pulled down by that low pressure system.

That's how it made it all the way farther south. Just shows you even though it the flames may not be making it this far south, some of the

impacts certainly are.

BARNETT: It's incredible. Thankfully some relief weather wise is on the way in the future. Allison, thanks very much. As we've been discussing

already, this place may not economically recover. If you'd like to help those affected by the wildfire, just head to our website, the address,

Still to come this hour, more on the growing split in the Republican Party over the idea of a President Trump. We'll speak with a Republican

strategist about his party's resistance to its own presumptive nominee.

And later, his politics may be unpopular in Mexico, but his face is proven to be quite profitable. We'll see how Donald Trump masks are flying off

the shelves. More on that after this.


BARNETT: Welcome back. Any time now, Londoners should find out who they elected as the city's next mayor. The main candidates are the Labour

Party's Sadiq Khan and the Conservative Party's Zach Goldsmith. They are involved in a bitter campaign with scathing accusations centered on race

and religion.

[15:30:06] Police in Maryland have arrested a suspect in three deadly shootings. They believe Eulalio Tordil shot and killed his estranged wife

on Thursday. Police are also connecting him to two shootings on Friday. A man was killed outside of a mall. And separately, a woman was shot and

killed outside a grocery store.


BARNETT: Now the U.S. is beefing up its military presence at its Embassy in Baghdad.


BARNETT: 25 heavily armed marines arrived there within the last few hours. Security concerns are heightened after demonstrators last weekend got into

Baghdad's green zone. Protesters anticipated -- protests anticipated for this Friday have not yet happened.


BARNETT: Back now to the race for the White House. One of Donald Trump's former Republican rivals is joining the "never Trump" movement.


BARNETT: Senator Lindsey Graham says he will not vote for his party's presumptive nominee. Perhaps not too surprising considering that graham had

called him a race-baiting xenophobic religious bigot. Get all that?


BARNETT: Let's bring in our CNN political commentator and Republican strategist, Kevin Madden. Earlier Kevin, we heard President Obama make the

point that this is not a game, this is not a reality T.V. show that running for the presidency is serious business. Just wondering if you think that

was meant for Trump as much as it was made for the media.

KEVIN MADDEN, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Sure. I think many Democrats, particularly those in leadership positions in the Democratic Party and the

President being the head of the Democratic Party, believe that this is a perfect contrast that they want to draw with what they believe is wrong

with the party opposition amongst the Republicans.

So I think one of the lessons that was learned by many Democrats who observed the Republican primary was that the opponents of Donald Trump

inside the Republican primary didn't move quickly enough to define the parameters of the debate and define Donald Trump's -- the threat he posed

to the country.


MADDEN: And I think the Democrats are going to - they're not going to make that same mistake. They're going to move very quickly to define Donald

Trump, to raise the stakes for voters in a way that they believe is going to help not only their party but help Hillary Clinton who is their

presumptive nominee.


BARNETT: What's all so interesting here is it that it's not just how Speaker Paul Ryan, but you have Senator Lindsey Graham being very public in

their disagreements with Donald Trump. Senator Graham spoke with CNN just a short time ago. Listen to what he had to say.


LINDSEY GRAHAM, U.S. REPUBLICAN SENATOR: Well, it's pretty easy to say no to Hillary because I think she is the third term of Barack Obama. I just

don't believe Donald Trump is a reliable conservative Republican. Good luck with Paul Ryan trying to find a conservative agenda with this guy. And I

don't think he has the temperament or judgment to be Commander in Chief. A lot of my colleagues will vote for him enthusiastically. Some will hold

their nose. I just can't go there with Donald.


BARNETT: That being said, Kevin, what's the alternative?

MADDEN: Well, look. You know one of the things that usually happens inside after a primary is that members of the party leadership try to put the best

face forward on some of the divisions that may exist.

I think in this case, Errol, nobody's trying to kid themselves. They recognize that there are very raw, open wounds right now within the party.

And those principled conservatives that believe that Donald Trump is first and foremost not good for the country but also would take the party in the

very wrong direction are being very vocal about that.


MADDEN: And they're making that case on principle. I think they're making that case to their constituents. Many of them feel the need to talk

directly to their constituents about some of the reasons why they can't get behind Donald Trump as the nominee. I think -- expect you'll see some more

of that.

BARNETT: But Kevin, the problem with that is that the latest Hillary Clinton attack ad, for example, doesn't have any Democratic sound bites

within it. It is all what Republicans have said about Donald Trump during this very bitter primary process. So isn't there some long-term damage

being done at the moment?

MADDEN: I think that many Republicans are very cognizant of that. That there - that this is -- and many will say this was what we warned you about

if we were to go down the path of nominating somebody as divisive as Donald Trump.


MADDEN: Many Republicans I believe are also interested in a sort of strategic retreat which is that they're not willing to have Donald Trump

have an even longer term negative effect on the party. They're making their case now for why it is wrong in the hopes that after November, that there

can be some rebuilding going on by those who believe in a stronger party, one that's more inclusive, one that does a better job of reaching out and

growing the party's influence with voters.

BARNETT: And we should note that the only other candidate with unfavorable ratings as high as Donald Trump is the Democratic front-runner, Hillary

Clinton. There is also a massive enthusiasm gap among her supporters when you compare that to Trump and Bernie Sanders. What challenge do the

Democrats face?


MADDEN: Well, there are certainly divisions inside the Democratic Party. The only thing that could have worked out better for them was, like you

said, we went and nominated somebody who's more polarizing than Hillary Clinton and that's actually what has happened. I think the question for the

Democrats is, can they point to Donald Trump as a more common enemy or a more common opposition that can then unite the different factions within

the party.

Some of the voters that Hillary Clinton had problems with in the primary; younger voters, some minority voters in some cases, some of these other

voters that she had a hard time winning. Can they then point to Donald Trump and say, now it is time to unite against a more common opposition.

And heal the party in order to - in order to win in November.

BARNETT: Well hey, Kevin, I actually feel for you because this is either fantastic or horrible year to be a Republican strategist. How you make

sense of this and predict what's next, I don't know but I do appreciate you joining us today.

MADDEN: Great to be with you. Thank you, Errol, for the invitation.

MADDEN: Appreciate it.

Now switching gears here to a very disturbing story from Pakistan where a 15-year-old girl is dead. The victim of a so-called honor killing.

CNN has decided not to use the phrase because it's difficult to imagine anything more dishonorable than this. And I have to give you a warning

here. Some of what you are about to see and details you are about to hear are upsetting. Clarissa Ward has more.


CLARISSA WARD, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A horrific crime committed in some warped idea of honor. A 15-year-old girl murdered, her

charred skeleton found in a village in northern Pakistan last week. Authorities say the girl, whose name was (Ambrine), helped a female friend

elope with her boyfriend. The couple escaped. The police say a local tribal council or (jurger) ordered (Ambrine's) execution.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (As translated) This was not a (jurger) of elders, it was a (jurger) of local hoodlums and ruffians who wanted to take revenge

for the dishonor of the family.

WARD: Authorities say many of the council members carried out the killing, sedating and suffocating the girl, then tying her body to a van and setting

it on fire. More than a dozen people are now under arrest, including the victim's mother who investigators say knew about the order to kill her

daughter but did nothing to stop it or call police.

Pakistan's Prime Minister condemned the brutal crime in a statement saying, "such a barbaric act is not only un-Islamic but inhuman. It is not honor

killing, it is just plain murder."

FARZANA BARI, DIRECTOR. GENDER STUDIES DEPARTMENT, QUAID-AZAM UNIVERSITY: I think this is tip of the iceberg because lot of these numbers are coming

out of the reported cases so I think if you look at the scale of the problem, actually we don't know.

WARD: But hundreds of girls are killed by relatives every year in Pakistan, according to the country's independent human rights commission. And experts

believe many of these murders go unreported. The suspects under arrest for (Ambrine's) murder now face trial but human rights advocates caution few of

these kinds of cases go to court. For many, justice remains elusive.

Clarissa Ward, CNN, London.


BARNETT: We want to take a closer look at these types of killings. We're joined now by Zainab Salbi, a humanitarian who advocates for women's rights

throughout the world. She's also the Founder and Former CEO of Women for Women International. Thanks for joining us today. We should also mention,

you host a talk show referencing many of the issues facing women around the world.

But as sickening as this murder is, when you look at the facts, it was decided and agreed upon by the local community the police say her mother

was aware of this plan. How deeply engrained is this type of mentality in Pakistan?

ZAINAB SALBI, HOST THE NIDA'S SHOW: Well, first, it is a pleasure to be on the show again. Thank you. This is -- yes. I mean you can argue that it is

part of Pakistani culture that women have to abide by certain moral rules and all of these things. But I see it as this is part of a systematic

agreement by the Pakistani government of allowing the tribal councils to have authorities which is random authority over the local population.


SALBI: This is for me no different than terrorism. It's stemming from the exact same roots of traditional men thinking that they can kill anybody who

they do not agree with them. Now today it is a woman. Tomorrow it is a person with a different mindset about Islam or traditions or whatever. The

day after it is a foreigner and the day after it is a terrorist attack somewhere else. It is stemming - it's coming from the exact same root of

allowing traditional tribal councils to rule and they have the authorities and the chutzpah, the guts, to kill whoever they want. So we have to look

at the systematic reason why this is happening.


BARNETT: Now you do have Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, saying this is not an honor killing.


BARNETT: He says it's un-Islamic, it's inhumane. But do you think some of that is lip service and how then do you undo or minimize the power of these

tribal local councils? How could that be done?

SALBI: Well culture always changes. Culture by definition is an evolving set of values that adjust to modern days' needs and realities. So I don't

believe culture is doomed to one certain behavior. And I do appreciate the Prime Minister's statement about the case. But we also have to talk -- walk

the walk and not talk the talk.


SALBI: It means that we have to actually put the tribal leaders accountable for judicial law, for our national law. It means that talk shows in

countries like Pakistan, for example, that talks about where you can beat your wife, where you can hit her, where you can abuse her, these are

sanctions in general public! These have to stop.


SALBI: This is - you know so we cannot just say, oh, this is un-Islamic. Of course it is un-Islamic. But we actually have to look at who are the

leaders perpetuating such behaviors? The beating of a wife, the beating of a woman. The woman's - the victim's own father poor thing he was saying,

no, no, my daughter is OK, she's been out of school, I took her out of school. She's 15. She doesn't study. As if this is a good thing. So the

whole moral system here is in question but the government should be held accountable for such behavior.

BARNETT: Now, we should note men can be victims of these so-called honor killings. It is not just Pakistan. It takes place in many countries around

the world. Some though view this type of behavior as proof that Islam is inherently a violent religion, commentators, Comedian Bill Maher in the

U.S. for example is one of them. What do you say to people who hold those views?

SALBI: Well, I don't agree with them. But let me talk about the case of what Islam deals with such cases indeed. So does the religion itself and in

the Quran it does indeed deal with what happens if a boy and a girl, a man and a woman, have premarital sex.

In the religion itself it says that you have to have four eyewitness accounts. Four eyewitness -- which is almost an impossible thing to do. You

just can't have four eyewitness, witnessing something illegitimate happening. Only then they have to go through trial, and only then and only

if you actually have enough evidence of premarital sex, then yes, indeed there is punishment.

So yes, Islam -- the Quran does address that but we also have to understand the Quran is a seven-century work of knowledge. And it has evolved, the

religion has evolved. The community has evolved. So I don't think Islam is pre-existential back towards women, I do think that the religion address

women's issues at the seventh century and we need to adjust it to the 21st century.

But this is not pre-existentially bad. It is how we interpret the religion and how do we allow traditional, illiterate people of the religion or of

any knowledge to tell us this is what the religion and all of us believe it.

So we have to -- we also have to hold - are held responsible. Who are we listening to in defining the religion? Is it the illiterate, uneducated,

unlearned people about religion or are there lots of scholars who can explain much better than I am actually about how Islam has a lot of good

things going on for women.

We should not confuse the tribal issues with the religion itself.

BARNETT: And the more educated people are, especially young women, the less likely this is to happen. I know your organization works very hard to

educate women around the world. Zainab Salbi, thanks very much for your time today in joining us.

SALBI: Pleasure.

BARNETT: Now one of the world's most secretive nations is holding its biggest political event in three decades. Thousands of Workers' Party

members are participating in the rare gathering at this moment in Pyongyang. Our Will Ripley joins us now live with more details on this

secretive congress. Will?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Errol. It's always fascinating to cover this kind of thing here in North Korea because there is no internet,

there's no live tweeting or live streaming and the information often can take quite a while to come out from an event like this.


RIPLEY: Whereas in the western world we are used to it being broadcast live, instantaneously. So when we - we were brought here to cover the

Workers' Party congress, we were allowed to go to the outside of the building but we had to wait 13 hours until the state television channel

broke in to regular programming with a special news bulletin announcing that Kim Jong-Un will be elected this weekend to a new even more grandiose

title than the one he currently holds.

They will also be electing new party leadership, hand-selected by the leader to clear his path to push forward with his nuclear agenda and his

economic agenda as well. But before we learn any of that, it was quite an experience and quite a challenge getting any information about the event.

Take a look.


RIPLEY: Right now we're walking through Pyongyang towards the April 25th House of Culture. This is the venue for the seventh Workers' Party

congress. It was also the venue for the previous congress back in 1980. We saw a massive caravan of coaches that we believe are carrying the 3,000

members of North Korea's ruling elite the Workers' Party who are here to unanimously show their support for the supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un.

I say unanimously because here in North Korea there is no political dissent. It is just not an option. She says, "we all say the Koreans are so

fortunate to have such great leaders, starting from the late President right up to the marshal Kim Jong-Un." This is as close as we can get. More

than 200 news organizations invited here and we can't go inside to the congress. It speaks to the fact that the North Korean political system is

quite nebulous, it is not transparent to say the least. And they say this event here is to rally support and help him push forward his plan for North

Korea which is a two-pronged approach of developing the country's nuclear program, while also growing the North Korean economy.

Now there are some observers on the outside who say you can't have your cake and eat it too, you can't have a strong economy and also continue to

develop nuclear weapons. But Kim Jong-Un's government is intent on proving them wrong. And it's part of the reason why you see so much i understand

press here. One thing I've noticed in two years of coming here is how much activity there is. Cars in the streets, people are more well-dressed. It

seems as if the economy is growing. But you wonder how long it can last given these heightened sanctions and their trickle-down effect in the

coming months.

Are you worried how the sanctions are going to affect your life? He says "we've been under heavy sanctions since the end of the Korean war in the

'50s. We're not afraid of stronger sanctioned because we're used to them and we survive." Now as we monitor this once in a generation meeting of the

Workers' Party congress, will there be a major shift in economic policy? Will there will be a fifth nuclear test or news of improvements to the

North Korean nuclear arsenal?

Many around the world oppose the rise of Kim Jong-Un but here in Pyongyang you won't hear a single person speak badly about their supreme leader. And

why would they when he holds absolute power in this country.


RIPLEY: We also expect to hear the findings of the Workers' Party's disciplinary and investigative committee. This is important because we've

reported extensively about all of these purges within Kim Jong-Un's inner circle, including the most prominent execution of his own uncle. These are

people who may have initially opposed his leadership Errol, they are now out of the picture clearing the path with new leadership for Kim Jong-Un to

do basically whatever he wants in this country.

BARNETT: All right, Will Ripley with one of those rare live reports out of North Korea where it's just past 4:00 in the morning. Will, thanks.

This is "The World Right Now" still to come.


BARNETT: Pope Francis has harsh words for European leaders as is honored with an award. Stay with us.





BARNETT: We want to take you now live to what is a rare moment. Syrian orchestra is holding a concert in Palmyra. You may remember this comes just

a day after a Russian orchestra performed there and less than six weeks after troops retook the city from ISIS. It was also the location where ISIS

executed 25 government soldiers. Let's just listen in for a moment.

[Music Playing]


BARNETT: Now European leaders have awarded Pope Francis the prestigious Charlemagne prize in honor - in honor of his work to promote European



BARNETT: As Delia Gallagher reports the Pope used the opportunity to share his dream for the continent. He also urged leaders to build bridges, not

walls, to keep migrants and refugees out.

DELIA GALLAGHER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Some tough words from Pope Francis to European leaders who have come here today to give him an award for his

efforts at peace and solidarity amongst European countries.

At a time when the European Union is facing challenges to its unity and questioning its values, for example on immigration, Pope Francis challenged

leaders saying what has happened to you? The Europe, the humanism? The champion of human rights, of democracy and freedom? And he took to task

those countries which he said were considering putting up fences here and there. Let's take a listen to some of what the pope had to say.

POPE FRANCIS: (As translated) The present situation does not permit anyone to stand by and watch other people's struggles. On the contrary, it is a

forceful summons to personal and social responsibility. In this sense, our young people have a critical role. They are not the future of our peoples.

They are the present.

GALLAGHER: And taking a page from Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a dream speech," Pope Francis said he dreams of a Europe, a Europe in which

young people can breathe the pure air he said of honesty, can have stable employment, and families. "I dream of a Europe," Pope Francis said," in

which being a migrant is not a crime."

Delia Gallagher, CNN, Rome.


BARNETT: Still ahead -- love him or hate him, many people apparently want to look like him. At least on Halloween.


BARNETT: We'll see how one factory in Mexico is cashing in on Donald Trump's face.



BARNETT: Now with all this talk about building a wall and deporting millions of immigrants, you might not think Donald Trump would be a welcome

face in Mexico. But he's actually helping to generate big business for one small factory there.

Rafael Romo explains how it's cashing in.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a factory bustling with activity, with workers pouring liquid plaster onto molds, painting, refining, and creating

all kinds of different designs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a very manual process.


ROMO: This mass factory in central Mexico has been busier than ever in the last few months. It's all thanks to the unexpected popularity of not a

Mexican, but an American presidential candidate. Take a look at the strands of artificial hair neatly placed and coifed by this worker.

RICARD ESPONDA, FACTORY EXECUTIVE: We weren't making this mask with actual hair but some of our customers asked for it.

ROMO: It's got to be the hair.

ESPONDA: Yes, it's got to be the hair. So this is the deluxe version.

ROMO: You've probably already guessed -- it's Donald Trump's mask.

ESPONDA: Definitely.

ROMO: And this factory executive believes demand will only grow in the next few months.

ESPONDA: We think maybe because of the polls that he will be the candidate.

ROMO: The last shipment of the Donald Trump mask came out of this factory two weeks ago. It was 10,000 masks. 80% of them were sold in the United

States, and the rest here in Mexico. There's only one mask beating Donald Trump's in sales -- that of Joaquin el Chapo Guzman, the drug lord captured

in January after a spectacular tunnel escape from prison last summer. The mask that comes with a prison outfit has been flying off the shelves.

ESPONDA: Yes, totally sold out. We sold El Chapo masks in customs in old Mexican territory in all America U.S. territory and we sold in Australia,

for example.

ROMO: Wait, wait, wait, El Chapo mask being sold in Australia?


ROMO: There's still a chance for Trump to compete with El Chapo, Esponda says but only if he can win the Republican Party's presidential nomination.

The great irony, making a fortune off two highly controversial men whose only thing in common is dominating the headlines.

Rafael Romo, CNN, Mexico.


BARNETT: But how much money does a Donald Trump hair coiffeur make? I think that's the question I still want the answer to.

That has been "The World Right Now" thanks for joining me, everyone. I'm Errol Barnett.


BARNETT: And before I leave you, let's listen once again live to the Syrian orchestra holding a concert in Palmyra, the day after a Russian

orchestra performed there and six weeks after the government re-took the area from ISIS. Stay with CNN.