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Trump Blasts Former Rivals, Hillary Clinton; 2016 Election Deck Stacked with Wild Cards; El Chapo Moved Closer to U.S. to Ease Extradition; "Armageddon" Wildfire May Double in Size Today; Canadian Wildfire May Double in Size Today; Supporters, Protesters Await Trump at Washington State Rally; Trump, Clinton Foreign Policies Similar; Nyquist Heavy Favorite in Kentucky Derby. Aired 5-6p ET

Aired May 07, 2016 - 17:00   ET



[17:00:28] PAMELA BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome to the CNN NEWSROOM. I am Pamela Brown in for Poppy Harlow on this Saturday. Great to have you along.

And first up Donald Trump takes a victory lap all the way to the Pacific Northwest. His first time campaign in Washington State and this is where he is due next. A fairground not far from the Canadian border, and the town of Linden, just about an hour from now. His second stop speech of the day. He has been very busy. A by a short time ago in Spokane, Washington. He stayed close to the topics and the clause lines that got him the de facto Republican nomination, the wall, bad trade deals, NAFTA is the worst thing ever and of course his new full time target, full focus target Hillary Clinton.

CNN's Jeremy Diamond is live in Lynden, Washington. And Jeremy, just based on what we have seen today, we are not seeing the reserved statesman Trump that promises if he's elected president, no he's a vintage Trump throwing out a protester, running down his former rivals, he's been bringing up Bill Clinton's impeachment. What the people want, right?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN POLITICS REPORTER: Yes. That is right. Well, we're seeing, you know, Donald Trump has said that he was going to start acting a little bit more presidential after locking up the Republican nomination. But just days after becoming the Republican Party's presumptive nominee, Donald Trump is now going after Hillary Clinton without a band and really no holds barred kind of tactic here from Donald Trump. He went after her last night in Portland, in Oregon. And again today in Spokane, Washington.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: She is married to a man who is the worst abuser of women in the history of politics. She is married to a man who hurt many women and Hillary, if you look, and you study, Hillary hurt many women. The women that he abused. She is married to a man who got impeached for lying. He was impeached and he had to go through a whole big process. And it wasn't easy. He was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman. (END VIDEO CLIP)

DIAMOND: And last night in Eugene, Oregon, Donald Trump was also calling Hillary Clinton a nasty, mean enabler. These are just the kind of attacks that Donald Trump is started to level against Hillary Clinton and it seems like that's going to be a preview of the general election, you know? This is the beginning of the general election campaign for Donald Trump. He has wrapped up the Republican primary, he has no other rivals there. And now as he said before he can focus his attention on Hillary Clinton, so we are seeing that the way that he is going to go after her it seems kind of playing a little defense, preventing the attacks that he expects to receive from her on the issue of women and he is going after Hillary Clinton preemptively it seems on that same topic -- Pamela.

BROWN: All right Jeremy Diamond, thanks so much for that.

And joining me now to discuss, our CNN political commentators Ryan Lizza, a Washington correspondent for the New Yorker. Tara Setmayer, Republican strategist, Maria Cardona, a Clinton supporter and Super delegate. And also Joe Borelli, co-chair for Donald Trump's New York campaign. So, wonderful to have all four of you on with us. A lot to discuss here.

Maria, I'm just going to ask you just on the heels of what Jeremy said, it is clear that Donald Trump is really setting his sights on Hillary Clinton as we pivot towards the general election. How does the Clinton campaign plan to respond his attacks? Because we saw the other GOP candidates how they responded, and they did not do so well. Now he is the presumptive nominee. How does Hillary Clinton going to deal with it?

MARIA CARDONA, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I think the way that she does it is front and center and very aggressively. And I agree with you, you know, Donald Trump has left in his wake, 16 other candidates who are not adept at all in terms of responding to him why. Because they waited way too long and they were way too shy about it and then way too scared to do it. And then when they finally started to doing it, it was way too late. Let's remember that the very first person who actually called Donald Trump out for his xenophobic comments about Mexican immigrants, the first day that he announced his presidency back in June of last year was Hillary Clinton.

So, she will have no problem going after him on the kinds of comments that he makes in essentially denigrating whole swats of demographics of voters that essentially he is going to need more off come tomorrow. You talk about Latinos, you talk about women. He has an almost 80 percent disapproval, negative rating among women. Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election with an 11 percent gender gap. The kind of gender gap that Donald Trump is going to see before him is going to be bigger than the Grand Canyon come November.

BROWN: OK. Well, we will have to wait to see what happens in November. But Tara, there is pressure from some of the rank in file Republicans, including Paul Ryan on Donald Trump, to change his tone and act more presidential, to be more of a statesman. But his tone, the way that he is, the way he's able to appeal to peoples' emotions is what has gotten them this far without their support. Why should he changed his tone? Why should he do anything differently now?

[17:05:26] TARA SETMAYER, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Well, because the audience that he is playing to will be changing. A primary electorate is very different than a general electorate. So, Maria is actually correct in all of those demographics where Donald Trump is politically challenged considerably, the Republican Party was already behind, equal in those demographics. Like she said Mitt Romney lost women by 12 percent in 2012. So, here we have a candidate that has disapproval ratings in the mid-70s with women and minorities and everybody else.

So, the changing of tone matters. It is not only the tone though. It is tone. It is temperament. It is judgment. It is character. These are all the issues that makes Donald Trump very problematic as the Republicans, quote, "Standard bearer," and why you see people like Paul Ryan concerned about Donald Trump moving forward as his standard bearer and why they are not enthusiastically rallying behind him because those things still matter. He has yet to make this magical pivot to becoming presidential and as long as he keeps doing this, that is not going to be helpful to try to unify the Republican Party in anyway shape or form. Because this is unacceptable to us. A lot of us thinks he's grossly unfit to be president and if he keeps going and behaving like this, it is just proving our point.

BROWN: And Joe, there has been this mad scramble for months now to kind of in the heels of what Tara was saying, to find a third party candidate. Someone who can be an alternate to Trump. How likely is that to happen this late in the game?

SETMAYER: Look, it's not likely at all. I mean, I don't know where these people go when they realize that they neither have a logistical or legal option for getting candidates on the ballot. If you want to be a Republican and try to run sometime of center/right race against Donald Trump, well, how do you do that in Texas? How do you get 90,000 signatures in the secretary of state of Texas and hence by Monday. So, I don't think this ever materializes. I think some people are just venting airing out some grievances. Maybe they are unhappy with the results. But a lot of people have to accept that Donald Trump is the nominee now, he's going to be and they have to rally behind him.

BROWN: There is been this interesting back and forth Ryan between Donald Trump and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. They were on this sort of nasty battle that started with Trump saying this.


TRUMP: I just learned that crooked Hillary, along with her friend. You know she has this goofy friend named Elizabeth Warren. She is on a Twitter rant. She's a goofus. She is a goofus.


BROWN: A goofus. And in response, Warren shot off 11 tweets in about 20 minutes including this one, saying that "@Real Donald Trump is a bully who has a single play in his playbook, offensive lies thrown at anyone who calls him out." So, Ryan, is this just a problem of Democrats versus the presumptive Republican nominee or do you see this as a preview for Clinton/Warren ticket perhaps?

RYAN LIZZA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You know, I don't know. I don't see the case for Elizabeth Warren as a running mate for Hillary necessarily. I think given what, if Donald Trump is going to run the kind of campaign that he has running right now, what Hillary Clinton probably wants to do is pick as safe and as generic of a Democrat as she can and she wants to run a campaign with basically continuity with what the current administration is doing. And run against Trump as someone that is too risky. That, you know, you can't just take a chance on. And so, I mean, I hate to say it but she probably wants just some boring, you know, some boring Democrat.

Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton disagree on some serious issues. And I think it would -- I think it would be tough for Hillary Clinton to choose her. On the other hand, the case for someone like Warren is that the challenge from Clinton has come from the left. Warren has not endorse Clinton. She has held out. She is someone that would get the enthusiastic backing of a lot of the Bernie Sanders fans. And that would be a sign that the Clinton teams thinks this is a base selection and the most important thing is turning out an exciting Democrats. But I think given that they are running against Donald Trump, they do the lowest risk VP possible.

BROWN: Hmm, interesting. All four. Please stick around. We have much more to discuss right after this break. Thanks so much.

And a quick programming note for you. Former Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his former running-mate, Sarah Palin will be on State of the Union with Jake Tapper, that's tomorrow morning at 9:00 right here on CNN.

And coming up, a look at four key wildcards that could sway the election in November as Trump and Clinton ramp up their attacks.


TRUMP: Well, I think the only card she has is the women's card. She has got nothing else going.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And then of course he doesn't think much of equal pay for women because of course he does not think much of women it turns out.


[17:10:12] BROWN: Plus, an entire town forced out by a massive wildfire that could double in size by the end of the day.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are these last few days been like?


BROWN: We will get a live report on the fire so intense that it can be seen from space. And excitement building at Churchill downs ahead of the greatest two minutes in sports. Forces host and -- collide at the 142nd running of the contested Derby. We'll be back.


[17:14:04] BROWN: Well, they are not officially their parties nominees just yet but let's assume for a moment that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton continue down a collision course that leads to a brutal general election battle. The results so far have been unpredictable to say the least but it may hail in comparison to what lies ahead.

CNN's Jake Tapper looks at four wild card so Jake that could sway the outcome of Trump versus Clinton.


JAKE TAPPER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): So, here are the cards the nation has dealt itself. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. A new CNN/ORC poll shows these two would be the least popular nominees in modern history. So, in a matchup between the nation's first female nominee and perhaps the most unpredictable candidate ever, the deck would be stacked with wild cards as well.

TRUMP: I haven't even started in her yet --

TAPPER: Wild card number one, Donald Trump has given fair warning that his attacks on Clinton will only intensify.

TRUMP: Crooked Hillary and wonderful Donald.

TAPPER: After all she is now his biggest competition. CNN's news polls shows Trump lagging behind 41 percent to Clinton's 54 percent in a hypothetical matchup.

TRUMP: She is the worst Secretary of State in the history of this country.

TAPPER: But will the kinds of attacks that worked so effectively for Trump in the Republican primaries --

TRUMP: The only thing she has got going is the women's card.

TAPPER: Worked in a general election.

TRUMP: She called me sexist and I hit her with the husband.

TAPPER: When Hillary Clinton called him sexist a few months ago, Donald Trump doubled down calling out Bill Clinton's infidelity and Hillary did not put up much of a fight. What will the strategy be now? CLINTON: I am not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their

bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me. He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I could really care less.

TAPPER: Wild card number two, Trump says he will redraw the electoral map by appealing to working-class voters. Trump will likely try to outflank Clinton on the left, on trade. Can industrial states just like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin turn the election? Romney lost the states in 2012 and so went the race. Wild card number three. Trump has made many comments that folks has found offensive. But there are marks that have offended women and Latinos might mean the most consequential electorally.

Just to focus on Latinos, the question is, will this gin up minority turn out in swing states just as Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Florida.

TRUMP: We are go to build a wall.

TAPPER: And then there is wild card number four, the Justice Department.

CLINTON: I never sent or received any material marked classified.

TAPPER: What will the FBI investigation into Clinton's email server turn up? A former State Department staffer has been given immunity and is cooperating. And Clinton will soon be interviewed by the FBI. It's a question terrifying many Democrats.

Jake Tapper, CNN, Washington.


BROWN: And my incredible political panel is back with me now. So, good to see you, guys.

Before we debate this, I just want to list off those wild cards again. So, here they are, Trump turning up the heat on Clinton. His ability to court working class voters, his perceived insults towards women and Latinos and the Clinton email investigation. So, I kind of want to do a round wrap and ask all of you, of those four, what is the key wild card here? In your opinion Ryan Lizza, let's start with you and then we'll go to the rest.

LIZZA: I mean, I still think that the email investigation is the biggest wild card in this election because the spectrum of possibilities in that investigation are so wide. It could just be absolutely nothing and blows over and the Justice Department sort of gives Hillary Clinton a clean bill of health all the way to the sort of unthinkable that her or her aides gets indicted and it dogs her through the election. So, because we just don't have that much and I know Pam you know that story better than anyone. So, you might disagree with me on this. But because we don't have that much visibility into exactly what the FBI is doing, I think that is a huge wild card. BROWN: And just to reiterate reporting I had this week with my -- at

this point in the investigation, there is not sufficient evidence to prove there was criminal wrongdoing. But again, the Clinton interview hasn't happened yet a lot could still go on. Maria, even if the legal cloud is lifted, do you believe that this could still present a problem to Hillary Clinton politically? Is this in your view the biggest wildcard?

CARDONA: No. It's not at all. And one of the reasons is because, you know, her campaign is very confident, as she is, that nothing will come out of this. We have already seen, you know, countless committees investigate this. She testified for 11 hours on the hill. The committee that was formed to investigate her on The Hill was deemed political. And that was put together only to bring her down. So, she frankly has been vetted on this. And yes, obviously the FBI is going to have their say in this process and we will see what that is. But at this point it is not something that the Clinton --

BROWN: So, were this the biggest wild card then?

[17:19:20] CARDONA: I think the biggest wildcard is Trump and Latino voters and the way that he's going to go after Hillary. And I think both of those are intertwined in addition to the working-class voters. Let's remember that working-class voters are not monolithic. A lot of Latino voters were in there. A lot of women voters were in there. Two are two demographics that Trump is going to have a huge problem with. He already win into this. The GOP already win into this with huge holes with this demographics. You can't get to the White House if you are a Republican nominee without at least 42 percent of the Hispanic vote. He is not even at 20 percent right now, Pam. So, he has got a lot of work to do in that arena, not to mention women.

BROWN: Tara, do you?

SETMAYER: I agree with Maria, and that the working-class voters, those are the Reagan Democrats that everyone is talking about. Even though that they are kind of dying off. But there are some modicum left of those folks and in those rustbelt state. Who they go for. Who they break for. And I think that, you know, Trump's very populous message on trade protectionism does not work very well. And once that people start to really hear what the details are of his plan they may think twice about supporting him. But that is a key demographic. But I also think that the going after Hillary, the turning up the heat. That could potentially backfire for him if he goes too far. I think the American people have become very numb to the Clintons and their scandals.

And if he goes after the, you know, the Bill Clinton sex scandal and things. Been there and done that. As much as I agree that those things are reprehensible. And I, you know, I think that Hillary Clinton, her role on those things was objectionable. But I don't think that that is going to sway the American people one way or the other. I think that it will only make him seem more tabloid, you know, carnival act if he pushes that too far. So, I think that could be a wildcard too because he can't seem to help himself.

BROWN: All right. And Joe, to you, wAll right./ hat is the biggest wildcard in your view?

JOE BORELLI, CO-CHAIR, DONALD TRUMP NEW YORK CAMPAIGN: Look, I don't think any candidate running for president wants to hear pundits on TV saying that the FBI's investigation into their email scandal is going to help them.

LIZZA: Never a good thing.

BORELLI: Never a good thing. Let's assume that nothing criminal comes out of this. These interviews are going to conducted at a time when she wants the story to be about how she is clinching the nomination. This is going to happen in the next couple of weeks. She wants this time to be about her in a positive way. That said, I still think the biggest wild card is that this will be the battle of the Great Lakes. As you pointed out, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and now even Wisconsin and going to be battle ground states. And I think the demographics of those stage do play into what has traditionally been Donald Trump's strongest demographic.

BROWN: All right. And now I want to talk about the fifth wild card in this race, of course who Trump and Clinton made pick as their VP. Some of the names included for Clinton include labor, Secretary Tom Perez. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker and as well as HUD Secretary Julian Castro. And for Trump, names include former Texas Governor Rick Perry, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallon and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. I'll give you each 10 seconds to give me your predictions.

Maria, first to you, who Clinton will pick?

CARDONA: I actually think that she is going to pick a Democrat from the south. I don't know who that might be. You know, the name hasn't been out there.

LIZZA: There are not many left, Maria.

CARDONA: Tim Kaine. Tim Kaine is somebody that has been on the list. He speaks Spanish perfectly. He has got, you know, a lot of experience on the hill. He has been a governor. He's very well liked on both sides of the aisle. But, you know, let's go back to reality. A VP pick really doesn't do a whole lot to change the sway of voters in terms of who they think is at the top of the ticket. So, the focus here is going to be this clash of the titans between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. And right now he has a huge hole to climb out of in terms of the key demographics that he's going to need in order to win in November.

BROWN: I knew that ten seconds would never last. Come on. Joe, to you. What about Donald Trump? Who do you think he could pick as his VP?

BORELLI: Well, first, I want to officially urge Hillary Clinton to pick Senator Warren as her VP nomination. But as far as Donald Trump, I think Suzanna Martinez in New Mexico, maybe even Marco Rubio. Both would help balance the ticket. Both will help him pick-up demographics that he may or should be trying to get a better grasp of him. I think those are the two best choices that I think are out there now.

BROWN: Tara?

SETMAYER: I can tell you really quickly that Marco Rubio is not ever happening. Donald Trump is running around, telling people that Marco Rubio reached out to him and they were talking about it. That is an absolute lie which reported in That Rubio advisor said that was completely false. So, Trump was lying about the Rubio possibility. But I think he would have to probably bring someone in, that maybe perhaps a general or someone that would have foreign policy experience to balance him out considering his foreign policy positions have been, not only incoherent but scary.

[17:24:17] BROWN: Last word to you, Maria.

CARDONA: And Suzanna Martinez apparently said no --


BROWN: OK. But then things can change. We know how that is in politics.

LIZZA: She spoke at the last convention.

BROWN: Ryan, we've got to wrap it up with you for the final word. Ryan.

LIZZA: Well, Trump has said he wants to pick someone who knows Congress. So, I expect him to take him at his word and expect that he will pick a senator or former member of the House. So, you know, Gingrich or Sessions sound like possibilities. For Hillary, I think her number one priority is to pick someone who everyone can agree can take over in the event that she can't. And so, that will be the only criteria. I don't think that race or gender or ideology will be as important. She wants a competent person who can take over if she is not there.

BROWN: All right. Ryan Lizza, Joe Borelli, Tara Setmayer and Maria Cardona. Fun segment there listening to your views on the wild cards. Thanks so much for that.

CARDONA: Thank you, Pam.

SETMAYER: Thank you.

BROWN: And coming up, on this Saturday a wildfire the size of New York City rages through Canada creating an apocalyptic scene.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was like a scene out of a movie. It reminded me of the "Walking Dead." The TV show "Walking Dead" where you go to an alley and it's just --



[17:29:09] BROWN: It's the hour's breaking news right here on CNN in the case of the dangerous drug kingpin they call El Chapo. Remember, he's a leader of a Mexican drug cartel blamed for drug trafficking and violent deaths through the America. And today it looks like the wheels are turning to bring him to the United States to stand trial. We are told Joaquin Guzman El Chapo was moved early this morning from his maximum security prison in Mexico to another prison much closer to the U.S. border.

U.S. officials have been preparing for months to receive Guzman. He is wanted in the U.S. on a long list of charges. Drug trafficking, kidnapping, conspiracy to murder.

And turning now to a situation that's being called hell on earth. Massive wildfires have left more than 88,000 people homeless and it could get, quote, "much worse."

[17:30:00] These fires are burning across an area as big as Hong Kong are expected to double in size.

Dan Simon joins me from near Fort McMurray, Canada.

Is there any end in sight for these people, Dan?

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This fire is going to continue to rage on for some time, Pamela. We have seen flare ups like this all day, just like this one. This one remains a very precarious situation. Lots of smoke and flames. We have nearly 90,000 people are under the evacuation order. It is not clear when any of the folks are able to go home. We've seen a stream of cars come along Highway 63 south trying to escape from the camps where they had been the past several days, camps that normally house oil workers. But because they were running low on supplies and food and water, they had to get them out.

Take a look.


SIMON (voice-over): Flames and smoke filling the sky as a convoy of residents flee the danger zone.

(on camera): What have the last few days been like?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hell on earth. Just like hell.

SIMON (voice-over): The scenes are hellish. The fire that started five days ago is still out of control and for the displaced it has gone from bad to worse. Because food and water are running low, Canadian authorities are moving 25,000 people from camps, a double evacuation.

(on camera): What was it like being in the camp?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hard. They rationed food. Low water. People were upset. SIMON (voice-over): The fire burned nearly 250,000 acres, more than

10 times the size of Manhattan.

In one of the more remarkable surveillance videos, a homeowner could watch his own house go down in flames only 20 minutes after evacuating.

1600 structures, including homes and businesses destroyed, the heaviest damage in Fort McMurray.

A resident films his burned out neighborhood after seeing it for the first time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my house. This was my house. Ashes are cool now.


SIMON: In another video, we hear a woman's desperation as she drives by the flames destroying her community.

As weary residents leave the area, they are greeted by fuel trucks with gas stations either destroyed or down due to power outages. Fuel is a precious commodity.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It makes a guy feel good to help these people because they have been through so much loss and devastation lately.


SIMON: Conditions remain difficult for battling the wildfire, hot, windy, dry conditions. It's going to remain like this through the weekend, although, there is a slight chance for rain tomorrow, Pamela. That would be welcome to the folks here in Canada.

BROWN: Absolutely. The video in your piece was incredible.

Dan Simon, thank you so much for that.

Coming up on this Saturday, this was Donald Trump earlier today in Spokane, Washington.


DONALD TRUMP, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & CEO, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: She is married to a man who was the worst abuser of women in the history of politics. She is married to a man who hurt many women. And Hillary, if you look and study, Hillary hurt many women, the women that he abused. She is married to a man who got impeached for lying. He was impeached. He had to go through a whole big process. It wasn't easy. He was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman.


BROWN: So, what will Trump say next? We will go live to his next rally in Washington State where supporters are waiting, and so are the protesters.


[17:37:00] BROWN: Donald Trump is set to rally supporters soon in a small town a few miles from the Canadian border. Just about 20 minutes from now, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is due to speak in Linden, Washington. It's Trump's second rally of the day in a state that holds its primary in more than two weeks.

I want to bring in CNN correspondent Chris Frates.

Chris, set the scene for us there. Are the people fired up? There is a big crowd behind you there.

CHRIS FRATES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That is exactly right, Pamela. You know Trump supporters are always fired up to see the Donald. A long line to get in. We are not seeing many protesters. Not a lot at all. We got word that Donald Trump could do a rally outside of Seattle. We thought there would be a lot of protesters there. We are two hours north of the city, closer to Canada than Seattle. So only seeing small pockets of protesters, not nearly as many as we saw in Eugene, Oregon, the home of the University of Oregon. A lot of college kids coming out to demonstrate against Donald Trump. We are not seeing the same thing here. Protesters always in the crowds and usually hang out to wait until Donald Trump appears before making their message. We will see if they make their voices heard inside. But outside, Pam, not so many protesters today.

BROWN: In his last rally, there were protesters. Trump said, I love protesters, bring them on. Other things he had to say, too, particularly at Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Lindsay Graham, a lot of people he picked out today. What else did he say in Spokane, Washington?

FRATES: You know he really went after his former Republican rivals, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham. In fact, he hit the House Speaker Paul Ryan.


TRUMP: So Jeb Bush is not an honorable person. Lindsay Graham is not an honorable person. Because when you sign a pledge, that is supposed to mean something. Right? It did not mean anything. But the good news is most everybody has endorsed me, other than Paul Ryan. I don't know what went wrong there, Paul Ryan.


FRATES: Trump has been trying to unify the Republican Party. There was he attacking some of his formal rivals. Sending a little bit of a mixed message. But we will see what he has to say as the Trump campaign gets started in a few minutes -- Pam?

BROWN: It struck me what he said about Jeb Bush and Lindsay Graham, he has a different tone with Paul Ryan. He seems more measured, right? FRATES: That is right. He is going to meet with Paul Ryan later this

week. Paul Ryan, Donald Trump and the RNC chairman, Reince Priebus also, trying to broker a peace. Paul Ryan saying he's not ready to endorse Donald Trump. We will look to that to get a sense of where it will go and if Donald Trump can really unify the party -- Pamela?

BROWN: All right, we'll have to wait and see.

Chris Frates, thanks so much.

Coming up right here in the NEWSROOM, Trump versus Clinton on foreign policy. Are they as different, as they would have you believe?


[17:40:02] TRUMP: I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me. I would bomb (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of them.





TRUMP: Take a look at what is happening in Europe. It is a mess. Look at what is happening in Germany. Look at what is happening all over Europe. It is a mess. And we don't need it. Our country has enough problems right now.


BROWN: America First, that is how Donald Trump describes the core of his foreign policy strategy and now a new PEW research poll shows a majority of Americans share a similar view. 57 percent say the United States should focus on their own problems and only 37 percent say the U.S. should be helping other countries. Now as he gears up to become the official Republican nominee, Trump will be in line to get classified intelligence briefings, but Hillary Clinton sounds the alarm about him.


HILLARY CLINTON, (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I have seen the presidency up close from two perspectives. I don't think that we can take a risk on a loose cannon like Donald Trump running our country.


BROWN: Joining me now is Aaron David Miller, a distinguished scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center.

Aaron, an interesting article I read from you. You heard Clinton using her favorite new term for Trump, "loose cannon." You are of the opinion that on foreign policy, Clinton and Trump would be surprisingly similar. How so?

[17:45:06] AARON DAVID MILLER, DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR, WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER: First of all, good to see you Pamela. Second, full disclosure, I have voted for Republicans and Democrats and I have worked for Republicans and Democrats. I am not running for anything or associated with anyone's campaign.

When it comes to temperance and experience, let me make it clear, we are talking Mars and Venus. Hillary Clinton is likely to forget more about foreign policy than Donald Trump ever is going to know. But on some of the core issues, whether it is an "R" or a "D" or a "he" or a "she" in the White House, I suspect that given the problems and constraints on American foreign policy, whether it's Trump or Clinton, on important issues, I suspect the actual policies adopted might be similar.

BROWN: What about the way they tackle some of the policy issues? You made the case that Hillary Clinton relies more on diplomacy and politics. Do you think that would be the same for Donald Trump?

MILLER: I think inherently even though a compelling argument has been made that she has hawkish instincts, I think that both of them are risk averse. Neither are pushing for nation building in Syria or Iraq or pushing for the deployment of thousands of American ground forces, so no. I think that the issue is, how is the Republican or the Democratic president going to respond to the bad options and cruel choices the U.S. faces. Let me give you an example. What to do about the Iran agreement. Trump, unlike his Republican rivals, never called for shredding the accord. Hillary Clinton, thought tough on enforcement with Iran, is a supporter. I suspect both may come out in the same place on the question of the nuclear agreement. There are no better alternatives.

Or the Israeli/Palestinian issue, Pamela, where Trump said that he would like the honor of trying to resolve it. Hillary Clinton has been associated with the issue for a long time. You know, the Israeli/Palestinian issue is a real estate deal to some degree with respect to territory, it will require more diplomatic skills, I suspect, than Hillary Clinton has than the absence of temperament, patience, the inclination to throw temper tantrums that Donald Trump has exhibited. So again, experience, temperament, we're talking Mars and Venus. Bad options might force the two of them to come down in the same place pretty much on important issues.

BROWN: Let's talk about ISIS. That is an important issue for the people of America. When you look at the latest CNN/ORC poll showing 73 percent of Americans believe that ISIS is a serious threat to the U.S., more so than Iran or North Korea. And in addition, 54 percent believe the U.S. military action against ISIS is going badly. Trump would want the voters to think he would be completely different than Obama and Clinton in fighting ISIS, you think that's really true? You mentioned earlier that there are constraints in place.

MILLER: Again, they are bad options. They really are. While both candidates might up the frequency and sustainability of air strikes, they might have to increase the number of Special Forces we have in Syria and Iraq, I suspect that will be the case, but you want to fix the ISIS problem, you have to fix Syria and Iraq and eliminate the ultimate sources on which ISIS feeds. You have two Humpty Dumpties, Syria and Iraq, that neither candidate, I suspect, will be able to or want to risk much in wanting to put back together again. That's one issue.

Take Putin, another issue. Donald Trump fashions himself the world's greatest negotiator. He thinks he can deal with Putin. Hillary Clinton, while souring on the reset, will also use diplomacy on Putin as well. Again, reality will be the best teacher here, regardless of who sits in that job. Frankly, since the world is divided into root canals on one hand and migraine headaches on the other, when it comes to America's capacity to pursue transformative change, again I think on some important issues, there might be more similarities than differences.

BROWN: Aaron David Miller, interesting perspective. Thank you for coming in on this Saturday to talk with us.

MILLER: Thank you.

BROWN: We appreciate it.

We will be back live with CNN NEWSROOM right after this quick break.


[17:53:19] BROWN: Back live in the CNN NEWSROOM. Cherry Wine, Exaggerator and Sudden Breaking News -- one of my favorites -- those are some of the horses competing in the 142nd Kentucky Derby. The race is set to start shortly.

Our Coy Wire is at Churchill Downs with a preview for us.


COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Pamela, Nyquist is the heavy favorite and he can fly. Undefeated, a perfect 7:7 coming into the Kentucky Derby. I spoke with the trainer, Doug O'Neal, earlier today, and he said that Nyquist was eating, resting, relaxing. And he took away grains and hay eight hours before race time so he wouldn't be weighed down before the race. The trainer said he hasn't been resting or relaxing, been awake since 3:00 a.m. eastern, no nap, hasn't been eating much either. He's so pumped up, with $1.6 million on the line and that beautiful garland made of 40 pounds of roses going to the winner of today's Derby. I'm sure all trainers and jockeys and owners are a little bit nervous.

This is my first Kentucky Derby. I'm loving it, roses, mint juleps. Everybody's flashing the finest fashion, those designer hats, a huge part of the Derby.

We sought out one of the best hat makers in the world in Louisville to show us how it's done. The shop owner has made hats for Michelle Obama, Oprah. She uses hat-making techniques used for over 100 year. Some hats run folks thousands of dollars. Pamela, the Kentucky Derby is less than an hour away. I wish you a

happy Derby day.


[17:55:00] BROWN: Thank you, Coy Wire, there on my home turf of Kentucky.

The Derby isn't the only big prize up for grab tonight. Tonight, Powerball fever is building ahead of a drawing worth $415 million, one of the top-10 biggest jackpots ever offered in U.S. history. The odds of winning not so great, one in more than 292 million. Good luck.

We're back live in the CNN NEWSROOM after a quick break.


BROWN: Welcome back live in the CNN NEWSROOM. A major milestone for a former "CNN Hero" of the year. Chad McCracky (ph) has been planting trees as part of a mission to clean up the nation's waterways. Just recently, he planted his one-millionth tree.


CHAD MCCRACKY (ph), CNN HERO: I started the Million Trees Program here on the islands of the Mississippi River. We started planting trees to create more food for wildlife, hold back the banks of the river, helps the air quality. Trees are a great thing. And I really like trees.

What I love about it is it has a lasting impact.

One tree's really good but I think a million is even better.


BROWN: Here's a look at tonight's lineup here on CNN. Up next, "Smerconish," followed by "CNN Quiz Show," '80s edition, and then the series "The Eighties."

I'm Pamela Brown, live at CNN NEWSROOM. Thanks for being here with us. Have a great night.