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Donald Trump held a rally at Anaheim, California; Trump took aim at one Republican Governor and Senator Elizabeth Warren; 3:30-4p ET

Aired May 25, 2016 - 15:30   ET



[15:32:55] BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST: All right. Donald Trump on stage there in Anaheim, California, where he has just brought a number of female supporters on stage to talk about their support for him. Let's listen in.

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is our representative group. Thank you very much. Chinese-Americans. Chinese-Americans. That's good.

Hey, it's our leaders' fault, you know, it's not the Chinese fault. They do take advantage of us, folks, but it's our leaders' faults because we have leaders that don't know what the hell they are doing, believe me. They don't know what they are doing.

So it's been an amazing few weeks. Last night we had the state of Washington. We got a tremendous number. And now we have more votes than ever cast in the primaries in the history of the Republican Party. That's big. And what we have is a movement. I mean, we have a movement.

Last night, you know, we were in New Mexico and it was beautiful. And we actually, you wouldn't believe it to watch television, within that arena it was so -- it was like a love-fest. It was beautiful, packed, packed place. And outside they show some other things, but, you know, it's one of those things. A lot of flags.

Thank you. Thank you. Don't worry about it. Don't worry. Don't worry. That's all right. The police will get him out. Hey, do we love our police? Do we love our firemen? We love our police. We love our firemen. They do an amazing job. They don't get credit for the job they do.

So, I began and we had 17 people running for what we're doing right now today. And right now it's myself and it was supposed to be Hillary watching us get to the convention, and then they say we may not even be able to finish in the July convention. We are going to need another convention in August. They didn't know what they were going to do, but it wasn't going to happen, and I said I think they are wrong. I think we're going to make it easily and, boy, did I turn out to be right. Did I turn out to be right?

And everybody said, the pundits, the geniuses back there, they all said that Hillary, as I say crooked Hillary, crooked Hillary, she is as crooked as they come. She had a little bad news today, and you know, from some reports came down that weren't so good, but not so good, the inspector general's report, not good.

But I want to run against Hillary. I just want to run against her. Look. I don't know if you're going to be able to. It could be we're going to run against crazy Bernie. That could be. Could be crazy Bernie. He is a crazy man, but that's OK. We like crazy people. And I hear they want to put Biden in. I hear they are going to actually slip Joe Biden in, and he is going to take Bernie's place. No, I hear they want to slip in -- because I will say the system is rigged against Bernie, 100 percent.

Get him out of here. Get him out. Get him out. Out, out, out, out! Don't hurt him. See what I say? Don't hurt him. I say that for the television cameras. Do not hurt him even though he's a bad person, folks. Bad person. Bad person. Is there any place more fun to be than a Trump rally? Right? Even one at like 12:30 in the afternoon. I mean, this is nothing like it. I love it. I actually love doing it. I love doing it because we are having an impact, they say, like has never happened before. You know, so many of the pundits, many of them cannot stand me. They said he will never run. And then they said and if he runs, he won't do well. And he will never put in his financials. I put in financials that are the biggest numbers they have ever seen by far. They were so unhappy. They were so unhappy. And they said, well, he will never sign for May. That's where you basically signed your life away.

And then it started. June 16th, it started, right. And we had a total of 17. And then, boom, one out. Two out. Three, four, five. One after another, six, seven, eight. And then they said, we better start taking him serious because, you know, I was the one that knocked out the first eight. I did that single-handedly. They said we better start taking him seriously. They spent $100 million, 66,000 ads. I am not kidding you. And I saw it on FOX. So it has to be true, 66,000 ads, and I said to my people, I was watching television in Florida. And I said there's no way I can win. How can I possibly win? Every single ad is a negative ad. And most of them are false.

There was a little truth to some of them, I'll be honest. But for the most part they were false. And I was being hit by everybody. I was being hit by the Republicans. I was being hit by Pocahontas. That's -- Pocahontas. Pocahontas, that's this Elizabeth Warren. I call her goofy. She is -- no, no, goofy. She gets less done than anybody in the United States Senate. She gets nothing done, nothing pass the. She's got a big mouth, and that's about it. But they use her because Hillary's trying to be very presidential. She's stopping with the shouting, OK?

But then I listened before, and I'll be honest with you, I cannot listen to her. I cannot listen to her, can't listen. So I've been hit -- I've been hit by 66,000 ads, negative ads. And I said no way. And we won Florida in a landslide, won it by 20 points. And it sort to begun, you know, I did actually very well in Iowa. I never did it before. I came in second. I should have come in first but we will explain that to you some day, but I'll tell you why. I went to New Hampshire. What a place New Hampshire is, OK. What a

place. And I was not supposed to win New Hampshire. Bush was supposed to win New Hampshire. That was his territory. I won in a landslide. I won New Hampshire in a landslide. And then we went between Massachusetts which we won almost 50 percent in Massachusetts. She has got a Tom Brady shirt, yes! Because Tom Brady loves Trump. Tom Brady's my friend. It didn't hurt. In fact, I kept wondering how come I did so well in Massachusetts. I think Tom might have had a little impact on that. By the way, he's a great guy.

Din Indiana, did he help? Did Bobby Knight helped? So I went to all these different places and I was winning in big, big numbers. And I'll tell you what was really exciting. In South Carolina we didn't get the endorsement of the governor. We got the endorsement of the lieutenant governor who is a fantastic guy. And everybody else was endorsing different people, and the evangelicals are very, very strong in South Carolina, and the military, the military, and we love those evangelicals, right? And the military, the military --

KEILAR: You're watching Donald Trump there in Anaheim, California. We'll have more on Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren after a break.

[15:46:02] KEILAR: As Donald Trump speaks live in Anaheim, and we are following that, one Republican governor says she will not be bullied into supporting him. That is the latest from New Mexico's Republican governor Suzanna Martinez after Donald Trump claimed he could do a better job as that state's governor. Here's what he said.


TRUMP: We have to get your governor to get going. She's got to do a better job, OK? Your governor has got to do a better job. She's not doing the job. Hey, maybe I'll run for governor of New Mexico. I'll get this place going.


KEILAR: Joining me now is John Jay Lavalle. He is a surrogate for the Trump campaign. He is also the Republican chairman for Suffolk County in New York.

John, we are listening to what Donald Trump has been saying about Suzanna Martinez. He has gone after her and certainly she has been critical of some his immigration positions. But I wonder because she is arguably the most powerful Latina in the GOP and he certainly needs to court Hispanic voters. Explain to me why he is doing this.

JOHN JAY LAVALLE, TRUMP CAMPAIGN SURROGATE: Well, you know, I'm the chairman of a county that's larger than ten states. And I can tell you I find it refreshing that we have a candidate for president that is willing to hold all elected officials accountable whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, a male or a female. I mean, it's true that they are having these problems in New Mexico, and all he's saying is she has to do better. I have a great deal of respect for the governor, but we need to do better. And that is exactly why the candidacies of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have been surging because people are tired of their government not working for them. So Donald Trump is going to be a president for all people. I think it's very contrary to what's being painted about him. He is going to hold everyone accountable, and as a chairman of a party, and as a citizen, I find it to be quite refreshing.

KEILAR: He is also, we should know, going after Elizabeth Warren today after she was really echoing Hillary Clinton's allegations that Donald Trump was advocating for the housing crisis. Trump has really taken out everyone else who attacked him, but Warren isn't really running for everything. So what's the strategy here if she keeps hitting him?

LAVALLE: Donald Trump is a counterpuncher and what that means is he is going to punch back and he is being attacked. The Democrats -- they love it. They love to play the race card, the woman card, they use it as a sword. They use it as a shield.

You look at the housing crisis. It's no wonder Elizabeth Warren is supporting Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was the founding father of predatory lending in America. The community revitalization act of 199 caused that collapse. And then she went out and profited about it based on that collapse.

You know, this is the reality of what's going on. So, you know, he is being attacked, just like in the Republican primary when he had every candidate attacking him. He is going to respond. He is not the kind of individual that's going to sit there and take it and certainly not take criticism from failed politicians. That's just not going to happen.

KEILAR: He also sent out this tweet. It's being called offensive. He said quote "the protesters in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but outside criminals."

He was talking about the Mexican flag and then thugs and criminals in the same sentence. Certainly there were some people who were breaking the law there at his rally, but is this really smart as he's trying to -- well, you would expect that he would be trying to kind of attract more Hispanic support? Is that really smart of him to do that?

LAVALLE: When I go to a Donald Trump rally, I see American flags raising. When I go to a Hillary Clinton rally I see people burning American flags and waving Mexican flags. This is America.

KEILAR: When did you see a flag burned at the Hillary Clinton rally?

[15:50:02] LAVALLE: First of all, she certainly advocates for people and they call it freedom of expression and freedom of rights.

KEILAR: OK. But you said they were being burnt at a rally.

LAVALLE: I have watched CNN. I have watched FOX. I've seen all of the networks show these protesters that are committing crimes.

KEILAR: Which one? LAVALLE: You don't see the Trump protesters committing crimes. You

don't see - not the Trump protesters but the Trump's advocates, they are not committing crimes.

KEILAR: I was going to say, I know of no Hillary Clinton rally where a flag has been burned. I just want to put it out there. But I will let you, please continue on with your point.

LAVALLE: Well, I will just tell you, I want to see rallies, I want to see pro-American rallies, I want to see a president that is going to bring jobs back to America. I want to see a president that is going to secure our borders. Not only because I'm a Republican, but because I'm a resident, I'm a citizen, I'm a father of three young boys. I fear for their future. I fear for the future of this country.

Donald Trump is not a politician. He is a businessman. He is a successful businessman. He is a winner. He is going to respond when he is attacked. It's interesting that the Democratic Party, they have Debbie Wasserman Schultz. They have Elizabeth Warren, you know, attacking, attacking, attacking, because what they are trying to say is you can't attack back because they are women.

He is very respectful of women. You know, in his company, he has promoted women. He is one of the best at it. His daughter is going to run his company. His belief in the power of women is second to none. But he is not going to take attacks by failed politicians and just take it on the chin. That's not going to happen. They have ruined America as we know it. But we got to build the fact. It is not a ruined country. It is proud country. But our economy is stumbling. Our reputation overseas is failing. Donald Trump is going to restore that. That's what making America great again, is all about, is we store in pride in America, bringing jobs back to the middle class people. That's what he is fighting for.

KEILAR: Hillary Clinton just spoke in California. She was in (INAUDIBLE) and she was talking about Trump's wall which is a promise that he has made to his supporters. Let's listen.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Donald Trump wants to build a wall. A great, big wall, as he says. A huge wall. And he says he is going to make Mexico pay for it. Now, the best estimates I have seen is that this wall will cost at least $25 billion. That is enough to build 16 golden gate bridges or 1500 new elementary schools. It is enough to send more than 300,000 veterans to college or install enough renewable energy to power five million homes.


KEILAR: She's making this case, John, that Donald Trump's spending priorities are in the wrong place. Reaction to that?

LAVALLE: Absolutely not. What he has plans to do is to create better equity in our trade agreements and use that revenue to pay for the wall. And if Miss Clinton was so fixated on those things, why didn't it happen? Why didn't she make it happen? She was a first lady, a U.S. senator, secretary of state. Those things didn't happen, did they? So he will pay for it by erasing these inequities. And like I said bringing jobs back to America. And it's a fact that drugs are coming up through the Mexican border. We have to be honest. One of the best things about Donald Trump, one of the things I liked the most about him is he that he speaks straight. He tells it like it is. And that is uncommon in America politics in this day and age and that's why he has such grassroots support from Republicans, Democrats, independents.

Donald Trump is going to win this election because he is speaking to the people about issues that are important. We don't need to hear from a politician that has been there and has failed to deliver on the very things that she continues to promise. The establishment has failed us and we need to move forward with someone who has the middle class and the average American in mind and that's Donald Trump.

KEILAR: All right. John Jay Lavalle, thank you so much, a Donald Trump surrogate talking to us there.

I want to get now to Anaheim, California. You see Donald Trump is speaking live there and our Maeve Reston is inside of that rally.

He just talked, Maeve, again taking aim and really doubling down on his comments about Elizabeth Warren.

MAEVE RESTON, CNN NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER: He did. And actually, just as you all were talking about, the wall that he wants to build. He led the crowd in a chant here build that wall. But he went after Elizabeth Warren calling almost right off the top of his speech, again calling her goofy, someone who is all talk and no action. So he is clearly not backing away from that fight. And it seems like both of them are relishing that opportunity to take one another on.

[15:55:03] KEILAR: All right. Maeve, we're going to take a quick break now. We will have more from this Donald Trump rally happening right now live in Anaheim, California, after a break.


[15:59:09] TRUMP: So one of these politicians, they are damn people, one of these politicians said the other day, I thought it was amazing. Tell them we will never leave them. You must say that we will never leave them. And I heard her make a speech, we will never leave you, Japan. Well, if you say that, why the hell would they pay up? I listen to this moron and I say --

KEILAR: Thank you so much for joining me. "The LEAD" with Jake Tapper begins right now.


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A small insecure money grabber, Senator Elizabeth Warren sure knows how to get under Donald Trump's skin. Today, Trump firing back.