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Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield

Clinton & Trump Speeches; Presidential Race. Aired 12-12:30p ET

Aired June 10, 2016 - 12:00   ET


[12:00:00] KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: Passing by his childhood home. You can hear the cheers as this is happening as we speak.

After the funeral today, there will be a funeral and then the family will be holding a huge public memorial service, a celebration of his life. President Bill Clinton will be among those speakers eulogizing Ali. Don Lemon will be hosting our special coverage starting at 1:30 Eastern right here on CNN. Tune in for that.

And tune in still. Thank you so much for joining us AT THIS HOUR. "Legal View" with Ashleigh Banfield starts right now.

ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Ashleigh Banfield. And welcome to LEGAL VIEW.

It has been a monumental week in presidential politics, and this hour is no exception. Breaking news. At any moment now, Hillary Clinton is going to give her first speech as the presumptive Democratic nominee. And just a few minutes later, Donald Trump will give his first speech since his notably scripted remarks from the last Super Tuesday of primary season. Secretary Clinton is speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, a receptive audience to be sure. Donald Trump will be speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group that in a typical election year would back that Republican in a heartbeat. But this is not a typical year.

And Secretary Clinton may be a little too late to her event at this point because she had a visit this morning, an important one, from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. It took place behind closed doors at Secretary Clinton's home, and we saw that - that walk-in and ten the walkout. Usually, that's the way it works, folks. And when Senator Warren left just a few minutes ago, you could see on her face, she at least was smiling. Who knows if you can read the tea leaves though.

CNN's senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns is on all things Secretary Clinton today. CNN politics reporter Jeremy Diamond is on all thing Donald Trump today.

So, first to you, Joe Johns. Trump has, it's no secret, his favorability numbers with women are notoriously low. They're in the low 30s. But that doesn't necessarily mean that Hillary Clinton could just do the mike drop, say his name, which is what she's planning to do, talk about women today, and run away with that vote.

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Right. Well, OK, to be quite honest with you, perhaps in this room she could do a mike drop. This is the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. I've talked to people in this crowd. There are a lot of supporters of Hillary Clinton here. And, in fact, some of these people even met on Capitol Hill on Wednesday with Elizabeth Warren during a lobby day for Planned Parenthood there. But you can say that if you look at their website, for example, there's this quote. It tells you basically what side of the fence they're on, talking about Hillary Clinton. "One is a champion for women's health. The other is a sexist bully." That, of course, is referring to Donald Trump.

Across the country on the issue of favorables and unfavorables, Hillary Clinton has problems of her own. And you think about the Obama coalition that put him in the White House, really three groups there, African-Americans, young voters, and independents, particularly white working class independents. So she's done real well with African- American voters, hoping that Bernie Sanders will eventually help with younger voters that he's done so well with, but then you still have the issue of independents. And that's the big challenge because she has real unfavorable problems there. A lot of suspicions about her partially because the campaign says she's been around for so long, she's been vetted, all of her information is on the table in such a known quantity. But that will be the challenge, those independent voters, Ashleigh.

BANFIELD: So, Jeremy, pick up on that, if you would, that Donald Trump sure has, you know, his issues. Hillary Clinton has hers. But where he is now, speaking to the evangelicals, is this a strategy whereby Donald Trump thinks he can make up the difference, where he's suffering among minorities, where he's suffering among women, he can pick up elsewhere in demographics like the evangelicals?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN POLITICS REPORTER: Well, certainly a big part of Donald Trump's general election strategy is going to be motivating folks like over here, you know, the social conservatives, the evangelicals, the people who were a significant part of his base that helped him win the Republican primaries. You know, if he can motivate those people to come out in bigger numbers than they did in 2012, then that's certainly going to be an advantage from him.

Of course, at the same time, Donald Trump is still trying to make some appeals to minority communities. Hispanics and African-Americans, for example, whom he's mentioned in his speeches a number of times with specific appeals to them saying that ultimately his policies to bring jobs to America and to make the United States a safer place will appeal to those groups. He doesn't need to pander to them.

But, of course, Donald Trump has kind of stepped into it multiple times with these various minority groups, suggesting that he's a little bit perhaps tone deaf to the way that these people want him to speak to him, the way that, you know, groups, independents and minority groups want to hear Donald Trump speak to them. But Donald Trump today, his main goal is going to be to kind of rev up the party base, rev up these people who did help him in the Republican primary and that's, I think, what we're going to expect from Donald Trump here today.

[12:05:24] BANFIELD: Just watching Ralph Reid (ph) behind you. So he's probably doing some warming up for Donald Trump. We're going to continue to follow this. Joe and Jeremy, thank you both. Do appreciate it.

I want to bring in more of the best political minds that we've got here. Maeve Reston is CNN's national political reporter, Josh Rogin is CNN's political analyst and columnist for "The Washington Post" and Fredreka Schouten is covering the election for "USA Today."

Welcome to all three of you.


BANFIELD: Josh, let me begin with you. You know, it - what a difference a week can make. We were talking about the Democrats being, you know, torn apart and then how long was this primary was going to go on. And then we had some conciliatory language from Bernie Sanders yesterday. It looks like maybe the Democrats are headed towards unity and that while we thought the Republicans might be headed towards unity, they seem to be fracturing again because of the judge comments. Is this the way it's going to be? Are we going to sort of get a week to week with either of these parties? Where do you see this stand?

ROGIN: Well, we've got a lot of twists and turns between now and November, but there's no doubt that as this general election kicks off this week, the Democrats seem more on message, more unified, and more prepared to take on the mammoth task that will - that is ahead of them. They've got more money. They've got more organization. And the Republicans are just trying to prevent themselves from looking fractured and prevent Donald Trump from starting another controversy that forces them to take sides in some sort of war of words that alienates one group or the other. Now, this is not how it will be for the entire cycle, but it is how it is for now, and Donald Trump's main goal today is to not create any more controversies than he already has.

BANFIELD: OK. So, Fredreka, jump in and let me know about this sort of - the cascade of endorsements that happened for Secretary Clinton yesterday. By my count, and I may have missed one, President Obama, Vice President Biden, Elizabeth Warren, you know, that's a pretty significant, you know, heavy hitter list. Let me show you how Elizabeth Warren gave her endorsement. Take a peek.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D), MASSACHUSETTS: I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States, and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets anyplace close to the White House.


BANFIELD: OK, so that was nice, but then she also said some stuff that was really, really rough on Donald Trump - FREDREKA SCHOUTEN, REPORTER, "USA TODAY": Right.

BANFIELD: Calling him a thin-skinned fraud, et cetera, and it ain't the first time either. I'm wondering if the endorsements, Fredreka, are more important than the method by which these endorsers will go out on the trail.

SCHOUTEN: Well, you know, I think the endorsements are huge. Obviously, Elizabeth Warren is a hero to the progressive movement and - in the Democratic Party. And Hillary Clinton is trying very quickly to consolidate the support behind her. I mean she has Bernie Sanders, who has energized millions of people, and it matters that she got a quick endorsement from Elizabeth Warren and that Elizabeth Warren met with her today.

What's also important too is that Elizabeth Warren has proved to be a very effective attack dog on Donald Trump on Twitter. She has been able to needle him and get under his skin and that's something that I think Secretary Clinton would be looking for among the people who are going to be her surrogates and potentially her vice presidential nominee, although it's probably too soon to talk about who exactly that will be, although today's meeting fueled all sorts of speculation about the possibility that she would pick Elizabeth Warren.

BANFIELD: So, you mentioned it. I'm going to pop it up there so that the people watching right now can see just how ugly things got in one small Twitter war in the last few hours. It started with Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump saying "delete your account." Trump's comeback was, "where's your e-mails." And then Trump tweeted to Warren, "Pocahontas has a nasty mouth." I think this was in reference to the "you're a thin-skinned fraud." "Pocahontas has a nasty mouth." And then Warren's comeback was, "seriously, no, seriously, delete your account."

I feel like I'm a 14-year-old girl on FaceBook. But what I want to ask, Maeve, seriously, is about the demographics here who may or may not be affected by what we just saw on the screen. And what was so fascinating is CNN's polling did some great deep dives, as you've written about, into women.


BANFIELD: Looking at the last 27 states, in particular 27 states that, you know, she leads - she leads - she led Bernie Sanders by about 24 points. You know - or rather Donald Trump by -

RESTON: Overall.

BANFIELD: You know, with women. Yes, overall. But then when you broke that down, it's where it got fascinating. That flipped and she was trailing by 37 points. And correct me if I'm wrong, I was thinking it was Donald Trump, but was it - was it Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump? The point being is that the young women aren't -

RESTON: It was Bernie Sanders. And -

BANFIELD: Yes, they're not on board. The young women - the older women are on board and the younger women are not.

RESTON: Yes. So this was a fascinating analysis that our polling director, Jennifer Agiasta (ph), did looking at the entrance and exit polls across 27 states that we - that we did those polls for. And the generational divide was just fascinating for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. You know, overall, women overall, 61 percent supported Clinton, 37 percent supported Sanders. But then when you broke that down and just looked at 18 to 29 years olds across those 27 states, Sanders led Clinton by an average of 37 percentage points. So those young women really gravitated toward his campaign. And we saw that throughout the race here.

[12:10:40] The question now is whether, you know, once she's in a one on one match-up with Donald Trump, will that change? And a lot of the young women that I talked to at Bernie Sanders rallies over the last week here in California are not planning to vote for Hillary Clinton at this moment. A lot of them said they're Bernie or bust, meaning that they're going to write him in, in November, or that they're going to vote for Jill Stein, the green party candidate.

And so Hillary Clinton clearly has a lot of work to do there. I think Donald Trump will help her a lot if he continues to be as polarizing among women, but Hillary Clinton does so much better among older women. And part of this is because a lot of them say that, you know, this younger generation doesn't remember the struggle that they went through where, you know, they would be in for a job interview and be told they wouldn't be allowed to wear jeans and did they have a husband and did they have a car and a babysitter. And so there's this very interesting dynamic going on where older women can understand why millennials are not getting behind Hillary Clinton.

BANFIELD: It's super fascinating. And the fact that she's just hired Bernie's campus and student organizing director I think is also fascinating.

RESTON: It's a big - yes.

BANFIELD: It's a big - it's a big old It's deal, right?

Let me pivot to this one little nugget that's, you know, come up in the last 24 hours. And, Josh, I'll get you to weigh in on this if you can.

ROGIN: Sure.

BANFIELD: Bill Kristol, who, you know, was trying to mount an independent candidate, came up with David French, that went away very quickly, tweeted out about a convention of conscience. He's watching the cascading Republicans suggesting that the comments on the judge were just too much for them to get behind Trump and he's saying this. "A convention of conscience in Cleveland would be quite something made easier by fact Trump only won minority of total primary votes anyway." He's calling this a delegate revolt, that it could really happen. So far I'm only hearing it from him and David French that this could be a reality.


RESTON: Well, but it's -

BANFIELD: But none of those super delegates are bound and that they could -

RESTON: But it's actually -


BANFIELD: Go ahead, Maeve. Real quickly, Maeve, and then I'll get Josh to -

RESTON: It's - yes. I mean it's the rules committee has the ability to change the rules. To the extent of which they can change the rules to sort of create this conscientious objector thing is something that - an idea that actually Tim Miller, the - who headed up the communications front for the anti-Trump PAC, has been floating. And it's interesting because it's really sort of trickling into the ether. All of these candidate - all of these delegates were bound to vote for Donald Trump want some kind of an out if they're not supporting him and it would be really fascinating to see whether the rules committee can do something to make that happen.

BANFIELD: So, Josh -


BANFIELD: One of the rules committee members, I think, was actually quite apoplectic about this, saying this has got to happen. I mean this sounds like it's not just a trickle, this just might be the genesis of something big. Is that - is that fair to categorize - to characterize it that way?

ROGIN: No, I don't think it's fair. I don't think it's a real thing. I've been talking to Republicans about this all week.


ROGIN: And, you know, this is a trial balloon. Only the latest of several trial balloons floated by the never Trump movement, led by people like Tim Miller and Bill Kristol. And they're floating it to see how much traction it can get, but I think there's a consensus actually amongst party leaders that this would not only be a very farfetched idea and very logistically difficult, but also just really a doom scenario for the party whereby they would be, you know, accused of manipulating the votes of millions of Republicans in favor of the votes of hundreds of elites.


ROGIN: It's just not a real thing I'm sorry to tell that.

BANFIELD: All right, I'm going to get all three of you to stick around, if you can. If you've got some time in your schedule, I need you here. ROGIN: OK.

BANFIELD: I've got a lot more questions to ask you, Josh, Maeve and Fredreka, thank you for that.

Meantime, of course, we're waiting on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to speak very shortly and we're going to bring that to you live just as soon as it happens.

And a quick reminder, you can watch LEGAL VIEW anytime. and you got yourself a LEGAL VIEW right there in your hands. You can also find me on Twitter. Love hearing from you. Just tweet me at @cnnashleigh. You can also find me on FaceBook.

[12:14:45] Back in a moment.


BANFIELD: We are waiting for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to take to the live mikes. They're both appearing at campaign events this hour. Donald Trump at a faith-based summit in Washington. That's on the right of your screen. Ralph Reid warming up the crowd there. And Hillary Clinton at a Planned Parenthood conference also in Washington, D.C. Both Republicans and Democrats are working towards some kind of party unity right now, but for slightly different reasons. One side is trying to rally their base around their likely nominee and the other side is looking for a steady hand to counterbalance an unpredictable and very polarizing standard bearer. I'll leave you to decide which is which.

Sally Kohn is here. He's a CNN political commentator. And Bakari Sellers is a CNN political commentator. Ben Ferguson, political commentator with a syndicated radio talks show. And Scottie Neil Hughes, commentator for USA Radio Networks and Donald Trump supporter. And all four of them, I can attest, very, very nice people.

[12:20:02] All of you, thank you so much for being here today, guys. Happy Friday.


BANFIELD: But just because it's Friday, you don't - yes, you don't get a break. So there's that.

Sally, I'm going to start with you and I'm actually going to start with you and John Kasich together. I want to show the audience what John Kasich's response was when the Ohio governor was asked whether he was going to vote or support Donald Trump. Have a listen, everyone.


GOV. JOHN KASICH (R), OHIO: Why would I - why would I feel compelled to support somebody whose positions I kind of fundamentally disagree?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't even sound like you're on the fence. KASICH: No, I'm giving him a chance. I just wish that there was a change. But it doesn't look like there's been any change. It looks like it's gotten worse.


BANFIELD: So these are the kinds of things that Donald Trump is facing. But, you know, you've been through a few political races in your time. These are not insurmountable challenges. You have to admit that.

SALLY KOHN, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, they don't seem to be insurmountable for Donald Trump. I mean, look, let me start by saying, I have stopped making predictions in this election because I think - I'll be honest, I've been wrong in almost every one of them. I didn't think Donald Trump would make it this far. I thought America would come to its senses. Doesn't seem that's happened yet.

Look, you know, is it possible that Republicans, as well as some folks in the middle, will, you know, hold their noses and vote for Donald Trump? Yes, (INAUDIBLE). I will say that in addition to the people who are publicly waffling, again, this is rank and file Republicans, prominent Republicans who are publicly waffling about supporting their party's standard bearer, a man, by the way, who their own policy and rhetoric helped to create, I'm actually hearing privately from a number of strong conservatives, leaders on the right who are also saying, yes, I'm supporting him publicly, but I'm really scared for what this guy is going to do.

So when push comes to shove in November, do I pray and hope that Republicans of good conscience, as well as all Americans, will see the real danger in putting this man in the White House, I have - believe in us. I have faith in us. I hope we'll all come to our senses.

BANFIELD: So a lot of Republicans who are asked, you know, if you're not supporting, are you voting? Which is odd. I've never really know the difference between an endorsement and a vote. I felt they were the same. They're not. And, Scottie, people are making that distinction because they're either nervous or unsure where they're headed right now or what it would do for their own, you know, their own races that they're in.

But the speaker of the House, yet again, has come down hard on Donald Trump over these comments on his federal court case in - you know, over Trump University in California. And today he said that the comments were beyond the pale. He's going even further. I mean this was like sort of textbook racism and now it's beyond the pale. It's causing problems for a lot of people and he still only has one senator who's endorsed him at this point. The latest Fox poll, Scottie Neil Hughes, has him dropping six points in a head to head match-up with Hillary Clinton. So this has to be concerning for folks like you who don't want to see this trend happen.

SCOTTIE NEIL HUGHES, NATIONAL POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, USA RADIO NETWORK: No, it's absolutely not concerning. And to Sally's point about being scared, they might be scared of Donald Trump like you are on Halloween, but they're in absolute fear of Hillary Clinton and what her agenda would do in this country for the next eight years. I mean just look at the two groups that they're speaking to, Faith and Freedom Coalition versus Planned Parenthood. The line cannot be more divided than right there.

To your point, Ashleigh, talking about the polls, you know, yes, Mr. Trump, he has had a rough week these last two weeks. He is getting hit by people like Paul Ryan, who, by the way, was criticized today by Mitch McConnell for the way he answered that. All he did was create this idea of encouraging reporters to ask this comment, is Mr. Trump racist? Mitch McConnell, actually to his credit, handled it very well and just said let's move on and deal with these issues in private.

What I was surprised about with that poll is Hillary Clinton didn't get anything. She should have had the best week ever. She should have seen a great bump in the polls. She remained absolutely the same with those folks that Donald Trump lost kind of going in the I don't know category. Those are folks that Mr. Trump can win back.

KOHN: I'm sorry, I can just address something about the two groups they're speaking to?


KOHN: Let's be clear, you're right, there's a huge difference between them. The Faith and Family Coalition doesn't even represent a majority of evangelicals anymore. Let's bear in mind, 60 percent of millennial evangelicals support marriage equality, in contradiction with Faith and Family and with the Republican agenda, whereas Planned Parenthood is supported by a majority of Americans, a majority of Americans, men and women, who support a woman's right to choose in this country. You're right, huge difference, Scottie.

BANFIELD: And I - and I want - OK, and I want to jump in on - I want to jump in on that last comment about Mitch McConnell because he's actually come in with something even more as of late. Ben, I'm going to get you to weigh in on this if you can.


BANFIELD: And I'll pop up his comments on the screen, if that's OK. Mitch McConnell saying that - referring to Donald Trump, "he needs somebody highly experienced,' as a VP, "and very knowledgeable because it's pretty obvious he doesn't know a lot about the issues."


BANFIELD: That is troublesome when you have the Senate majority leader, the Republican who many look to for guidance, saying that the Republican presumptive nominee doesn't know a lot about the issues.

[12:25:03] FERGUSON: Yes. Look, here's the point that I think Donald Trump is going to probably be pretty smart with this on. You have a lot of establishment people that want Donald Trump to go down in flames. They're almost campaigning on him and being harder on him than they are on Hillary Clinton. I think this is incredibly incompetent move for them to do this because he is the nominee.

More importantly, they want to be able to say, we were right, that you should have picked our establishment guy. Donald Trump's very smart on how to deal with this. He's going to remind people, especially when we get in the debates against Hillary Clinton, remember, all the establishment hates me. They're not like - they don't like me. They don't want me to succeed. And if you want someone who's an outsider to go to Washington and shake up these guys of the establishment that have done more to hurt me than Hillary Clinton, I'm your candidate. And I think we're getting very close to that happening from Donald Trump.

It's a smart move for him to make, by the way, because this is what has gotten him to this point, being the outsider. Donald Trump has also said something very clearly, I'm going to pick somebody that understands the political world, that is in the political world. And I think he will have someone that will be able to help him navigate Capitol Hill. But for all these people like Kasich and others that are coming out and saying these things, look, either just declare you're completely against Donald Trump and you're not going to vote for him, or say you're in favor of Donald Trump. Get off this back and forth, I'm going to vote for him but I think he might be racist. That's being a coward in politics and I don't respect it.

BANFIELD: Well, you might say the same thing about - I - you might say the same thing about Bernie Sanders yesterday, who did not say, I'm out and I'll graciously concede to the Democratic nominee -

FERGUSON: Sure. And that's going to be Hillary Clinton. And then - yes.

BANFIELD: And that I'm going to fight - I'm going to fight next week and I want a recount in California.

HUGHES: At least our guy's (INAUDIBLE).

FERGUSON: Yes, and that's - and that's the thing about - that's - that's Hillary Clinton's big problem. Hillary Clinton has a huge problem because Bernie Sanders supporters are not happy.

BANFIELD: Let me - OK, let me get Bakari in on this.

Bakari, we've been looking at the live pictures, waiting for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. See, we're in it, folks. We're in the general election speeches now. It's official. And today Donald Trump going after the evangelicals. There's Ralph Reid, I mean one of the kings of that cause.

But Hillary Clinton's attacks against Donald Trump she announced long ago were again - you know, we're going to focus on his views on women, his temperament and his business record. We heard her going after the temperament last week and I'm wondering if this is prong number two, the women, and that perhaps business record will be next and then will they just cycle all the way to November, Bakari?

BAKARI SELLERS, CNN COMMENTATOR: Well, Donald Trump has given us more than enough verbiage to move forward. We're using his own words against him. When you saw Hillary Clinton give the speech on foreign policy in San Diego, she didn't have to make up anything. She challenged him as being temperamentally unfit simply by using his own words.

I think that you can use the same type of logic today as she goes an speaks before Planned Parenthood by utilizing the language that Donald Trump has used, which is demeaning, disrespectful and derogatory towards women and laying that out and showing that he's unfit. In the recent Gallup poll from the 2012 election, you had the largest gap in the history of Gallup in terms of female voters in the history of this country between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. I think you're going to see that number double between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The fact is, Donald Trump has extremely high unfavorable ratings with women, African-Americans and Hispanic, all groups that he needs to be president of the United States.

And just to Scottie and Ben, I know that everybody wants Republicans to coalesce and get on this Trump train, but they fail to realize or mention that more Republicans in the primary voted against Donald Trump than voted for. And he did - he may have gotten the most votes in the history of the - of the Republican primary, but 2 million more Republicans voted against him than voted for him.

BANFIELD: All right, I've got to leave it there.

SELLERS: So, yes, they're going to have a consolidation problem.

FERGUSON: How many people voted -

BANFIELD: Guys - hold on. Hold on.

FERGUSON: Bakari, how many people voted again Hillary Clinton?

BANFIELD: Well, we are certainly going to start seeing some real numbers soon and then when those head to head match-ups really start taking hold.

I have to leave it there, guys, though. Thank you, though. Bakari Sellers, Scottie Neil Hughes, Ben Ferguson, Sally Kohn. Look forward to having you all back.


BANFIELD: See, very nice people. I told you, all of them, they're great. They're great.

All right, and just a reminder, I want you to be able to check out CNN's exclusive interview with Mitt Romney. The former Republican presidential candidate is going to sound off on his stance against Donald Trump, the state of the GOP and why he is not going to go to the convention. All of this going down in "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer today, 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Set your DVR or just plunk down and wait for it right here on CNN.

I want to take you now to the Stanford rape case because there are some brand new documents and some photos that show the rapist, Brock Turner, in a way he probably never thought anybody was going to see him. We'll show you.

And also ahead, an incredibly moving letter from the vice president of the United States of America. And he authored that letter directly to the survivor. We're going to read some of those words to you and to her, who's in hiding, next.