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At This Hour

Donald Trump Attacks Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy. Aired 11-11:30a ET

Aired June 22, 2016 - 11:00   ET


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Now, because I have pointed out why it would be such a disastrous deal, she's pretending that she's against it. She's given and deleted, as you know, most people have heard about this, have we ever heard about her deleting anything? No, I don't think so.


She deleted the entire record from her book and deletion is something she really does know something about because she's deleted at least 30,000 e-mails, which by the way, should be able to be found.


Should be able to be found because the government -- I will say, I've always heard you can never really delete an e-mail. So it should be able to be found if they really want to find them, but I don't think they want to find them.

This is the latest Clinton cover-up and it doesn't change anything. If she is elected president, she will adopt the Trans- Pacific Partnership and we will lose millions of jobs and our economic independence for good. She'll do this, and just as she has betrayed the American worker on trade at every single stage of her career, and it will be even worse than the Clinton's NAFTA deal, and I never thought it could get worse than that.

We will lose jobs, we will lose employment, we will lose taxes, we will lose everything. We will lose our country. I want trade deals, but they have to be great for the United States and for our workers.


We don't make great deals anymore, but we will once I become president, I promise you.


It's not just our economy that's been corrupted, but our foreign policy too. The Hillary Clinton foreign policy has cost America thousands of lives and trillions and trillions of dollars and unleashed ISIS across the world. No secretary of state been more wrong, more often and in more places than Hillary Clinton.

(APPLAUSE) Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched. Among the victims of (ph) our late ambassador Chris Stevens. I mean, she -- what she did with him was absolutely horrible. He was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed. That's right. When the phone rang, as per the commercial, at three o'clock in the morning, Hillary Clinton was sleeping.

Ambassador Stevens and his staff in Libya made hundreds and hundreds of requests for security. They were desperate. They needed help. Hillary Clinton's State Department refused them all. She started the war that put them in Libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die. To cover her tracks, Hillary lied about the video being the cause of death, the famous video, all a lie, another Hillary lie.

Here's what one of the victims' mother had to say. I want the whole world to know it, she lied to my face and you know, this person cannot be president. She cannot be president.


In 2009, before Hillary Clinton was sworn in, it was a different world. Libya was cooperating, Iraq was seeing a reduction in violence, believe it or not. Syria was under control, Iran was being choked by sanctions. Egypt was governed by a friendly regime that honored its peace treaty with Israel. Something very nice because by the way, Israel has been totally mistreated by the United States. ISIS wasn't even on the map.

Fast forward to 2014. In just four years, Secretary Clinton managed to almost single-handedly destabilize the entire Middle East. Her invasion of Libya handed the country over to ISIS, the barbarians. Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Iran is now the dominant Islamic power in the Middle East and on the road to nuclear weapons.

TRUMP: Hillary Clinton's support for a violent regime change in Syria has thrown the country into one of the bloodiest civil wars anyone has ever seen, while giving ISIS a launching pad for terrorism against the West. She helped force out a friendly regime in Egypt and replace it with the radical Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian military has retaken control, but Clinton has opened the Pandora's box of radical Islam.

Then there was the disastrous strategy of announcing our departure from Iraq, handing large parts of the country over to ISIS and the ISIS killers. ISIS threatens us today because of the decisions Hillary Clinton has made, along with President Obama.

ISIS also threatens peaceful Muslims across the Middle East, and peaceful Muslims across the world who have been terribly victimized by horrible brutality and who only want to raise their kids in peace and safety. In short...

(APPLAUSE) ... in short, Hillary Clinton's tryout for the presidency has produced one deadly foreign policy disaster after another. One by one, they're all bad. She's virtually done nothing right. She's virtually done nothing good.

It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the war in Iraq in the first place. Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war. And yes, even before the war ever started.


But Hillary Clinton learned nothing from Iraq. Because when she got into power, she couldn't wait to rush us off to war in Libya. She lacks the temperament and the judgment and the competence to lead our country. She should not be president under any circumstances.


In the words of a Secret Service agent posted outside the Oval Office, somebody that saw her a lot and knows her probably better than almost anybody, she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. From the bottom of my soul, I know this to be true. Her leadership style -- volcanic, impulsive, disdainful and disdainful of the rules, set for everyone else, hasn't changed one bit. Perhaps the most terrifying thing about Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is that she refuses to acknowledge the threat posed by radical Islam. In fact, Hillary Clinton supports a radical 550 percent increase in Syrian refugees coming into the United States, and that's an increase over President Obama's already high number.

Under her plan, we would admit hundreds of thousands of refugees from the most dangerous countries on earth, with no way to screen who they are, what they are, what they believe, where they come from. Already hundreds of recent immigrants and their children have been convicted of terrorist activity inside the United States. The father of the Orlando shooter was a Taliban supporter from Afghanistan, one of the most repressive anti-gay and anti-woman regimes on earth.

I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people.


Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death. Maybe her motivation lies among the more than 1,000 foreign donations Hillary failed to disclose while at the State Department. Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States.


TRUMP: Thank you.


Thank you.


Thank you.

Here's some of really what we learned from the book in addition to what we've already discussed. A foreign telecom giant faced possible State Department sanctions for providing technology to Iran and other oppressive regimes.

So what did this company do? For first time ever, they decided to pay Bill Clinton $750,000 for a single speech. The Clintons got their cash, the telecom company escaped all sanctions.

Hillary Clinton's State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America's uranium holdings to Russia while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million foundation $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. $145 million.

(Inaudible) appointed a top donor to a national security board with top secret access. Even though he had no national security credentials, although he did make a very large campaign contribution.

Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was secretary of state plus millions more for her foundation.

The sultan of Brunei has push oppressive Sharia law, including the punishment by death and stoning if you happen to be gay.

The government of Brunei also stands to be one of the biggest beneficiary of Hillary's Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she would absolutely approve if given the chance.

Hillary Clinton's book, and just think of this, the book talks about it, but Hillary took $25 million from Saudi Arabia and much more from others, where being gay is also punishable by death.

Hillary took millions from Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and many other countries that horribly abuse women and the LGBT citizens.

To cover up her corrupt feelings, Hillary illegally stashed her State Department e-mails on a private server. She's under investigation, but it seems like nothing is going to happen. Even though other people who have done similar things, but much -- at a much lower level, their lives have been destroyed.

It's a rigged system, folks. It's a rigged system. Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments, perhaps even by her financial backers in communist China. Sure they have it. Putting all of America and our citizens in danger, great danger.

Then there are the 33,000 e-mails she deleted. Well, we may not know what's in those deleted e-mails, our enemies probably know every single one of them. So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be the president of the United States.

This fact alone disqualifies her from the presidency. We can't hand over our government to someone who's deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies. Can't do it.


National security is also immigration security and Hillary wants neither. Hillary Clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the United States. She's pledged to grant mass amnesty and in a first 100 days, end virtually all immigration enforcement and thus create totally open borders for the United States, totally open borders.

By the way, 16,500 border patrol agents have endorsed Donald Trump, first time in the history that they've endorsed (inaudible).


The first victims of her radical policies will be poor African- American and Hispanic workers who need jobs. They are also the ones that she will hurt the most by far.

TRUMP: Let me share with you a letter our campaign received from Mary Ann Mendoza. She lost her amazing son, Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza, after he was killed by an illegal immigrant because of open borders and policies supported by Hillary Clinton.

Sadly, the Mendoza family is just one of thousands who have suffered the same fate. Here's an excerpt from Mrs. Mendoza's letter, "Hillary Clinton, who already has the blood of so many on her hands, is now announcing that she is willing to put each and every one of our lives in harm's way -- an open door policy to criminals and terrorists to enter our country.

Hillary is not concerned about you or I, she is only concerned about the power of the presidency and the power that it would bring. She needs to go to prison to pay for the crimes that she has already committed against our country." That's from Mrs. Mendoza. Hillary also wants to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to settle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States, on top of the current record level of immigration that we already have.

For the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in America.


Hillary's Wall Street immigration agenda will keep immigrant communities poor and unemployed Americans totally out of work. She can't claim to care about African-American and Hispanic workers when she wants to bring in millions of new low-wage earners to compete against them and win against them, because the system is rigged against our people. (APPLAUSE)

Here are a few things a Trump administration will do for the Americans and for the American people, but for our country. Number one, the first 100 days, I'll appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution of the United States.


Hillary Clinton's radical judges will virtually abolish the Second Amendment. Can't let that happen. I will change immigration rules to give unemployed Americans an opportunity to fill good, really good paying jobs. We don't have good jobs anymore. These will be good paying jobs. (APPLAUSE)

We'll stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many. We'll cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas and everywhere else but our country.


We'll lift restrictions on energy production.


We will repeal and replace job-killing Obamacare. It is a total disaster.


We'll pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs and lower taxes for everyone.


And we are, by the way, the highest taxed nation in the world. Please remember that.

I'm going to impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the office of the secretary of state.


There is one common theme in all of these reforms. It's going to be America first.


This is why stakes in November are so great. On election day, the politicians stand trial before the people. The voters are the jury. Their ballots are the verdict. We don't need or want another Clinton or Obama. We just can't take it anymore.

TRUMP: So bad for our country and our people. (APPLAUSE)

Come November, the American people will have a chance to issue a verdict on the politicians that have sacrificed their security, betrayed their prosperity and sold out their country and I mean totally sold out their country.


They will have a chance to vote for a new agenda with big dreams, bold ideas and enormous possibilities for the American people.


Hillary Clinton's message is old and tired. Her message is that things can't change. My message is that things have to change, and that this is our one chance and maybe our only chance to do that change and if we don't do it now, folks, I don't know that we'll ever ever have another chance. We have to have change, but real change, not Obama change.


Americans are the people that tamed the West, that dug out the Panama Canal, that sent satellites across the solar system, that built the great dams and so much more. Then we really started thinking small, something happened. Something happened to our mentality. We started thinking small. We stopped believing in what America could do and became reliant on our countries, other people and other institutions. We lost our sense of purpose and daring. But that's not who we are.


Come this November, we can bring America back, bigger and better and stronger than ever before.


We will build the greatest infrastructure on the planet Earth, the roads and railways and airports of tomorrow. Our military...

(APPLAUSE) Our military, which is totally depleted, will have the best technology and the finest equipment. We will bring it back to the way that it must be; strong, strong, strong.


Massive new factories will come roaring into our country, breathing life and hope into our communities.


Inner cities, which have been horribly abused by Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, will finally, finally, finally be rebuilt. (APPLAUSE)

Construction is what I know. I say nobody knows it better. The real wages for our workers have not been raised for 18 years. But these wages will start going up along with new jobs, jobs, jobs.


Hillary's massive taxation, regulation and open borders will destroy jobs and drive down wages for everyone, and that's what's been happening. And that's why you're seeing so many people coming to our rallies and so much unbelievable support.


We're also going to be supporting our police and law enforcement. We can never forget the great job they do.


TRUMP: Thank you.

I'm also going to appoint great Supreme Court justices, so important. One of the most important factors in this election. I'm going to have many appointments, could be as many as five, probably will be three. Could be four. One of the really big factors in this election. We are going to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will be outstanding. Outstanding. So important.


Our country is going to start working again. Jobs. People are going to start working again. Parents are going to start dreaming big for their children again, including parents in our inner cities.


I know.

Americans. Americans, the people that we love. Americans. America first. Make our country great again. Americans are going to start believing in the future of our country.


We are going to make America right again. We are going to make America safe again.


We are going to make America great again and great again for everyone. Everyone. Thank you very much.


Appreciate it.

[11:21:07] KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: Donald Trump right there in his first major speech of the general election, laying into Hillary Clinton for -- we saw 40 minutes, calling her in many different ways a world-class liar, saying that she's only out for her personal gain not out for the American worker or the American voter. Also saying that Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: This was speech with broad sweeping statements like that. This will be a speech that is fact checked by the media. He said things that were not true in some cases, about his support for the Iraq War or his opposition to the war, time line there, same with Libya. But this was undoubtedly a speech with discipline and with a message. And it was a speech designed to frame the entire election. Probably the first general election speech he has given of this campaign.

We have a team of reporters and analysts standing by. First let's go inside the room if we can to chief political correspondent, Dana Bash, who was there for the whole thing.

Dana, this was the type of speech that Republicans have been pining for.

DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL REPORTER: You took the words right out of my mouth, John Berman. This, when it comes to town and substance and when it comes to message, this is exactly what Republicans have been begging Donald Trump to do, to scrap the personal insults of people like federal judges, to scrap policy prescriptions that offend millions of voting Americans, and to focus in on building a case, a case for why Republicans believe Hillary Clinton is the wrong person to be in the White House. Obviously, from his perspective, why he thinks he's the right person.

He really did go back to basics in terms of the fundamental theme that drove his primary campaign, which is he is an outsider and not an insider, that you should elect him because the system is rigged, whether it's the political system or the economic system, it's rigged, and he can come in and he has a different take and he can and should clean it up.

The number of times he used rigged or corrupt or corruption specifically talking about Hillary Clinton was a dozen in this 40- minute speech. And certainly the tone and tenor of it was all focused on that.

You're right, there are several things we're going to be digging into that are questionable when it comes to facts. There are several things that are pretty complicated for Donald Trump, like when he talks about her ties to Middle East countries that have laws that are discriminatory against gays and so forth, because Donald Trump himself has business dealings with some countries around the world. We'll get to that. No question. That is our job and that's what we'll do.