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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Protests Continue in Cities Across U.S.; Michigan Prisoner Shoots Several in Courtroom; New Details Of Gunman's Arsenal, Bizarre Behavior; Trump; "I Am The Law And Order Candidate"; Clinton Campaign Attacks Trump's Praise For Dictators; Trump's Veepstakes; Honoring The Heroes; Dallas Vigil For Fallen Officers Starts Soon. Aired 8-9p ET

Aired July 11, 2016 - 20:00   ET


[20:00:07] ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: And good evening. Thanks for joining us. There's a lot going on tonight. We begin with breaking news.

Protesters out on the streets, again, tonight in Chicago and Sacramento, California out in large numbers blocking traffic. Similar demonstration planned for Atlanta where marchers took over several major roadways Friday night. Joining us by phone is Charlie De Mar of our Chicago State WBBM. He's put down in the crowd.

Charlie, what is the scene like there in Chicago?

CHARLIE DE MAR, WBBM REPORTER: Anderson, good evening. Yeah, we are in the middle of it, like you said. The protesters have made their way on to Michigan Avenue right now. If you're familiar with Chicago at all, it's the magnificent mile, Michigan Avenue. It's one of the biggest tourist destinations. It's been peaceful, though.

Obviously, these protesters have been loudly voicing their opinions, at times sitting down in the middle of intersections, blocking traffic during rush hour here and police have been leading the protests, blocking off intersections. But for the most part, things have been peaceful here.

Over the weekend, things started peacefully here in Chicago and then escalated into violence and some arrests later in the protests. But, Anderson, so far it is been peaceful here in Chicago.

COOPER: And do police know where the protests go, or is this kind of just in the spur of the moment happening?

DE MAR: It seems like there's a spur of the moment. There is a group who, you know, have identified themselves as leaders but with such large numbers. I've say at one point there's been, you know, a couple thousand people in this march. There really is no rhyme or reason to where they're going. So, police don't really have an idea, but they are trying to contain the group as best they can by blocking off intersections.

But, again, you know, with so many people they can only do their best and there is been a couple of conflicts where the police, by cops (ph) and basically have set up a perimeter. The crowds have wanted to breach that perimeter and there's been a standstill, ultimately the crowd choosing to go a different way. But it doesn't seem like the police really have an idea on where these protesters are headed.

COOPER: All right, Charlie De Mar. Charlie, we'll continue to check in, in Chicago as well as in Sacramento. Keep monitoring this situation bring any developments throughout the next two hours that we're live on the air.

It is all, of course, unfolding in the wake of Dallas on the eve of memorial services for police there, and a visit by President Obama and former President Bush. This is also taking place in the immediate aftermath of a multiple shooting elsewhere. Three dead in a Western Michigan town of St. Joseph, two of them members of law enforcement, a jail inmate who was killed got hold of an officer's gun during a scuffle.


SHERIFF L. PAUL BAILEY, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN: The fight took place right outside the holding cell at the courthouse as they were getting him out of the holding cell, they secured the door and then the inmate started fighting with the deputy and bailiff and that's when the gun was able to be taken away. He was trying to escape. And that's when he fatally wounded the two bailiffs.


COOPER: CNN's Deborah Feyerick is working this story. She joins us now with all she has learning. Deb, police -- we just saw that news conference a short time ago. What more have you learned?

DEBORAH FEYERICK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: All we know, Anderson, is whether there was a split second decision or something that this inmate had been thinking about, as soon as that holding door closed behind him, he saw an opportunity and tried to escape. That's according to the sheriff.

He grabbed the gun of one of the officers who was bringing him from that holding cell into a courtroom and was able to fatally shoot two of the bailiffs. The third man, the sheriff's deputy, he was injured during this fight. A corrections officer is telling us that he saw the inmate running down the third floor hallway and that hallway, Anderson, is where there is a civil court. It's unclear specifically what charges he was facing. But the sheriff does say there were several charges for which he was appearing in front of a judge.

Now, the sheriff was clearly, clearly shaken by this shooting, because it happened inside a courthouse. He said, "Our hearts are torn apart. They were my friends for over 30 years." Anderson?

COOPER: And I assume with the investigation is still going on. Yes?

FEYERICK: Yeah, absolutely. They're inside that building right now. They are processing what has now become a crime scene. They are looking at all the surveillance video from the holding cell, the cameras that were inside the hallways as well. The big question really right now, Anderson, is how was that inmate able to grab the gun? Whose gun was it and why wasn't it secured sufficiently in order to prevent this man from getting that gun? So that is a very, very big question tonight, Anderson.

COOPER: Just another example of the dangers that law enforcement face. Deborah Feyerick, thanks.

Tomorrow in Dallas, families and friends of fallen police, Sergeant Michael Smith will gather for a private ceremony to local church to pray, to comfort one another and to remember the life he led and the life he lost, Thursday night. He and four others will all be remembered this week in ceremonies, private and public, small and large.

Tomorrow afternoon, President Obama, former President George W. Bush and Vice President Biden will join hundreds and hundreds of police officers at the main concert hall in Dallas.

[20:05:03] They, too, will offer words of comfort, prayers and praise for the bravery that so many officers showed that night and the lives they saved while risking their own.

Mia Taylor was in the middle of all of this. So were her four sons, a police officer fell, then she, too, was hit. And then another officer helped her as she helped one of her sons. She joins us along with sons Andrew, Jajuan, Jamar, Kavion and her husband, Lavar (ph).

Mia, first of all, I'm so glad you're doing OK. You got out of the hospital yesterday. Physically, how are you feeling?

SHETEMIA TAYLOR, SHIELDED SON DURING SHOOTING: I'm OK physically. I mean, it hurts. I'm in pain. I'm still high in spirits. So I'm good there. I'm not letting anything get me down. I just want to always stay positive and have that positive energy for me and my family, and exhibit that to the world because this is not the end for me. And so I'm OK.

COOPER: If you could just take me back to -- you're at the protest. You brought your kids to the protest. When did you realize something terrible was happening?

TAYLOR: Actually, I didn't realize anything bad was happening until the end of the rally. We were walking back. We had separated from the group, from where they had ended their march. It was just really me and my boys on the block, walking back towards the car, where the car was parked. And that's when we realized that something was wrong when we heard a pop.

We were standing on the corner waiting to cross the street and we just heard a pop out of nowhere. Everybody just kind of looked including cops. And we just wasn't sure what that was or where it was coming from. And then there was a second pop. That's when the officer ...

COOPER: So you couldn't tell where it was coming from?

TAYLOR: No, not -- I could tell the direction of the sound, but not exactly where it was coming from.

COOPER: And what happened then?

TAYLOR: The officer, he started to slump over. And he yelled out, he's got a gun. Get down, run. And that's exactly what we started to do.

COOPER: So you actually saw a police officer being shot?

TAYLOR: Yes, sir.

COOPER: And yet he had been shot and yet he was kind of yelling out instructions, warnings to everybody else?

TAYLOR: Yes, sir.

COOPER: So, you started -- what? I assume you started running. What happened then?

TAYLOR: I started running after I made sure my kids were in front of me. And as I was running I hadn't even gotten very far from that corner when I felt the bullet penetrate the back of my leg. And, you know, I yelled out, well, "I'm hit," you know? And I don't know if my son heard me or if my son just turned around to see where I was.

But, he turned around to grab at me and by then, I grabbed -- I was grabbing at him and tackled him do -- I don't want to say tackled, but I threw him down into the street. And he kind of hit a car and we both -- I landed on top of him and laid on him and we were both in between the car and the curb. He had no idea. I don't believe he knew I was shot at all.

COOPER: So, Andrew, your mom was able to grab you. What happened next?

ANDREW HUMPHREY, MOM PROTECTED HIM DURING SHOOTING: Well, immediately after she grabbed me she -- we were pinned between the curb and a car. And as we're laying down and puts on the (ph) curb in the car all we heard were shots, shots, shots, shots.

COOPER: Did you realize your mom had been hit?

HUMPHREY: I had no idea my mom was hit. Like, as she said, she had said something after she had started running, when she got hit. I didn't realize what she said. I had just turned around to check on my mom because I already knew she wasn't as fast as the rest of my brothers.

COOPER: And did she -- was she grabbed you? I mean, are you lying next to each other? How?

HUMPHREY: She was actually right on top of me. I was right under her. Like all that was visible was my head.

COOPER: She got on top of you to protect you?


COOPER: Mia that was just an instinctive thing you did.

TAYLOR: Absolutely, absolutely. That's my son. And if he were -- I've always kind of had that saying, you know, if it happens to one of my kids, it happened to me first. So that was just -- yeah, that was just instincts, just a mother protecting her child. Any parent would do that.

COOPER: And, Kavion, I understand when the shots started firing you were actually able to grab your brother Jamar. What did you do next?

KAVION WASHINGTON, WAS AT SHOOTING SCENE: We kind of hid behind a stone pillar that was into way to a garage. However, the gate was down so we just crouched behind that stone pillar until a police officer came by and covered us so that we could run away from that, like, immediate area of action.

[20:10:08] COOPER: So, it was a police officer who helped you get out of harm's way?

WASHINGTON: Yes. We were there for about a minute. And then a police officer ran over and he said I'll cover you and allow us and there were a few photographers there beside us as well, to get through the garage and get to the other side.

COOPER: Mia, did you -- how did you get to the hospital?

TAYLOR: Well, me and Andrew were there in between the car and the curb on the street for just a few minutes before the police officers. It was a bunch of them just came up the block. And the one -- if I'm not mistaken, the one who asked initially, "Is anyone hit?" I was saying yes, but in a real low tone like shaking my head, yes.

Andrew didn't want him to pick up on it because what I didn't want him to do is exactly what he did and that was just kind of freak out. The officer asked again, "Is anyone hit?" I said, "Yes, sir, I am in my leg." Another one was above our head and, I mean, they just completely surrounded us.

There were several of them alongside the wall, on the sidewalk and it took a while. We couldn't get right up because -- I mean, it was just mayhem. It was just shots all around us and they were able to -- they said, "Well, come on, now is the time." And I tried to get up and I just buckled. I mean, I knew I was shot but I didn't realize the extent of the injury. But they grabbed me, two of them on each side of me. I think one was behind me. One had my son covered and they just, you know, pushed me into the car and they took off. The officer just took off. He -- the car was -- I didn't even realize that the car was -- with bullet like it was.

COOPER: No kidding, the police car was?

TAYLOR: And that we got in. Yes, sir. That was just completely riddled. And the tires, I guess, were -- had gotten shot out as well because when we pulled in to the hospital, in front of the hospital, one of -- I could hear somebody like -- well, later on one of the officers were like, he pulled up -- he pulled in on rims.


TAYLOR: So, he really -- I mean, they all did an amazing job. They all did an amazing job. They were so selfless. Just -- I know they know what they get into when they take on this type of job, but to really act on it. It's amazing.

COOPER: When did you realize that all of your sons were OK, because you were separated?

TAYLOR: It was an hour in to me, already being in the emergency room where -- because I was continuously praying. I prayed the entire time. And even when -- from the time I jumped on Andrew till I knew that me and him were OK in the hospital. But all the way -- just completely and I haven't stopped praying. I haven't stopped.

So, finally, Andrew came to the emergency room door, to the room I was in and he said, "Mom, they found them. All three of them are OK." And I just gave praise and glory to God because I was so thankful. But just like I said a while, I was giving praise and glory to God for my children being safe. Those officers were not.

COOPER: And you think of them ...

TAYLOR: Terrible (ph) officers.

COOPER: ... all the time now.

TAYLOR: All the time. All the time. All the time.

COOPER: Mia, I mean, as you think about this now, I mean, you know, obviously you were there to make a statement, to be part of this protest, you know, against police brutality and then also to see other police officers risking their lives and sacrificing their lives. How do you balance those two things now?

TAYLOR: My -- taking my sons to the rally was to show them unity, was to show them that we can as African-Americans come together. That was my whole purpose of taking my children to that rally. It was not to protest against the police. I have never, ever had any ill will towards law enforcement, whatsoever. I've never protested against them. That was not why we were there. That was not why I was there. That is not why I took my kids there. I took them there to show them unity, to show them that we can come together and we can make a difference if we come together as a community.

[20:15:08] COOPER: Mia, Lavar, Kavian, Andrew, Jajuan and Jamar, thank you all so much. I really -- I'm sorry we're talking to this certain instances, but I'm glad you're all doing OK.

TAYLOR: Thank you.

COOPER: Well, so many heroes put themselves in danger in Dallas last Thursday night. Coming up, we're going to talk to the family of one officer who was killed. They want you to know their brother. Plus, the breaking news, protesters taking to the streets again, all that and much more ahead on this two-hour edition of "360".


COOPER: We showed you the top of the broadcast tonight. Demonstrators having forced again tonight, this time, in Chicago, also Sacramento. Now in Atlanta, CNN's Polo Sandoval joins us from there.

So where exactly are you? And what are you seeing?

Hey, Polo. It's Anderson. You're on the air. Can you hear me? All right. We obviously lost contact with him. We'll try to get in contact with him. With all these demonstrations over the past few days, critics, including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani are once again accusing "Black Lives Matter" of inciting violence against police officers. Over the weekend, Giuliani called the activist movement "Inherently racist" and telling the Fox News he doubled down.


RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NEW YORK MAYOR: "Black Lives Matter" never protests when every 14 hours somebody is killed in Chicago, probably 70 percent or 80 percent at the time a black person.

[20:20: 05] Where are they then? That means they don't mean black lives matter. They mean let's agitate against police matters.

If they meant black lives mattered, they would be doing something about the way in which the vast majority of blacks are killed in America which is by other blacks. And black lives matter, therefore, puts a target on the back of police.


COOPER: Well, Giuliani isn't the only one who has made that claim. It's not of course, how the group's founders or many others see it. Randi Kaye tonight, looks.


CROWD: Black lives matter. Black lives matter.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What started with a hash tag has turned into a rallying cry.

CROWD: Black lives matter.

KAYE: The goal? To shine a light on racial injustice.

MICHAELA ANGELA DAVIS, CULTURAL CRITIC/WRITER: This is a generation that wants to dismantle structural racism. This is the generation that wants to get at the core of it, that wants to get at the system -- the systemic problem.

KAYE: The "Black Lives Matter" movement was born after the shooting of Florida teen, Treyvon Martin. When his killer, neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman was cleared of any wrong doing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We, the jury, find George Zimmerman, not guilty.

KAYE: After Treyvon the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of police gave rise to more voices of protests. There was Eric Gardner in New York.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eric Gardener and Michael Brown.

CROWD: Shut it down. Shut it down.

KAYE: And Michael Brown in Ferguson, where the movement really began to take hold.

OPAL TOMETI, CO-FOUNDER #BLACKLIVESMATTER: The people, the local neighborhoods in Ferguson were willing to call attention to the issues, right? They're willing to put their lives on the line for Michael Brown and for their own future.

KAYE: Then 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who only had a pellet gun was killed by police in Cleveland.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The young man pulled a weapon out. And then that's when the officer fired.

KAYE: Activists say the list goes on. Tony Robinson, Eric Harris, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray. In most incidents, the officers were not indicted, fueling the anger and amping up the message.

ASHLEY SHARPTON, "JUSTICE FOR ALL" MARCH PARTICIPANT: They need to take care of our country. If the police need is here to protect us and then you can make sure that they ensure that.

KAYE: There are now dozens of "Black Lives Matter" chapters across the United States. Critics say they choose their outrage selectively, staying silent about black on black crime. Some also believe the movement has actually incited violence against police officers, especially with chants like these.

CROWD: Pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon. Pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon.

KAYE: Protester said, the chant was an inside joke between police and activists, meant to be playful. The group's founders insist "Black Lives Matter" is not encouraging violence.

TOMETI: The reality is this is a peaceful human rights movement led by incredibly courageous black people. I think we're demanding justice and freedom for our people.


COOPER: A lot to discuss with CNN Political Commentator Tara Setmayer and Georgetown University Sociology Professor Michael Eric Dyson. He's also a contributing op-ed writer for "The New York times" and author of "The Black Presidency: Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America".

Tara, you actually agree with a lot of what Mayor Giuliani said. Or do you -- is it your belief that "Black Lives Matter" movement is selective in where their outrage is, that they're not focusing on so- called black on black crime?

TARA SETMAYER, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes. I mean I have this conversation with many people before. That I think that the idea of protesting against something that you feel there s an injustice in your community and you want to protest and change it, great. But the "Black Lives Matter" movement has clearly been co-opted. It's a political movement. It was started by very leftist people that were involved in the socialist organizations that are, you know, pro, very Marxist communist, take down capitalism. There's a whole larger agenda going on here with what "Black Lives Matter" wants. And they're using the situation with police, selective outrage.

COOPER: So you don't think that will rate about focused on police brutality, they're not concerned about ...

SETMAYER: I think that that's one of one area that they've chosen to focus on. But if for people who are objectively looking at this. For the American people who are standing back and say, OK there's a problem, whether it's perceived or real OK. Obviously there's a problem. So what are we going to do to solve it? And they look at an organization that says, that they're going to cause all these problems, you know, all these protest. Many of them have gotten completely out of control. And to protest something that is actually quite rare.

Police shootings of black men in this country is very rare and yet -- and statistics prove that. Yet, they he ginned this up in a way that has created this very anti-police environment. And yet, you look at somewhere like Chicago or Baltimore whereas this evening, before we came in air. Five people were shot on the street corner, blacks, in Baltimore. This happens on a regular basis. 64 people shot in Chicago. 2,000 people have been shot in Chicago, majority black folks, just this year alone. And "Black Lives Matter" is not making that as much of a priority. That's where the epidemic is. Not dismissing the other problems if there's racism. But what, what -- if it's going to be about black lives matter, it should be all black lives matter prior to this protest.

[20:25:03] COOPER: And we're looking at the "Black Lives Matter" protest right now in Chicago. This is actually taped, not live images, just from a few minutes ago. Michael in your op -- in your "New York Times" op-ed, you said that several black-on-black shootings in places like Chicago "Is not as understood as black-on-black crime rather it is neighbor-to-neighbor carnage." And that some people uses explanation as a way to diffuse the "Black Lives Matter" movement's focus.

MICHAEL ERIC DYSON, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY SOCIOLOGY PROFESSOR: Right. Absolutely. I think Ms. Setmayer is complaining that the oncologist is not the E and C doctor. Everybody has a specialty. Everybody focuses on things that are problematic to them. And the entire body has to be dealt with. But there are people who look specifically at particular arenas and areas in life, number one. Number two, 84 percent of white people who are murdered are murdered by white people. 93 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by black people.

So it's not black-on-black crime or white-on-white crime. It's neighbor-to-neighbor carnage because people kill where they live. If you want integrated killing you have to have integrated communities. People tend to kill where they nest. And as a result of that, the extraordinary precious on these communities lead to the undeniable carnage that we see. But police brutality is done in the name of the state.

What Ms. Setmayer is forgetting here is that when Jamal (ph) or Jaleshia (ph) or whoever hurts each other in the neighborhood, when they are found they are usually held to account. Police people wear a badge and a gun as the extension of the logic and authority of the state and most of them, when they are held to account or we attempt to hold them to account, they are not put in jail as a result of what they have done.

Look, in the '70s, 3,000 cops -- I mean cops have done misdeeds to 3,000 black people. So much so that their police department in Philly was put into receivership. There is instance after instance of lethal police brutality. Not just police-involved shootings as Ms. Setmayer is talking about. It's the culture of violence. It's the dismissal. It's the racial profiling.


DYSON: It's looking at them through a distorted prism. That's the problem. So "Black Lives Matter" does not foment violence. It attempts to acknowledge it in one sense and to diagnose it at the level of the state.

COPPER: Let me get back to Tara. Because I do wanted -- I mean the "Black Lives Matter" website actually has a list of what they say are major misconceptions about the movement. And number one misconception, they say is "The movement doesn't care about black-on- black crime. The idea that black-on-black crime is not a significant political conversation among black people is patently false. In Chicago, long maligned for its high rates of intraracial, members of the community created the Violence Interrupters to disrupt e violent altercations before they escalate."

I mean there are a lot of protest in Chicago to stop violence.

SETMAYER: Yes. But that's not ...

COOPER: Absolutely.

SETMAYER: Perhaps but that's not "Black Lives Matters'" focus. I mean, first of all, I think, the whole idea of the "Black Lives Matter" moniker bothers me. All lives matter. You know, I -- when I see these things happen or injustices happen or people are killed unjustly. You know, I look at the situation and say, you know, your life matter.

And that moniker bothers me to begin with. But they -- but the point is, Anderson, that they put a priority on an area that is not necessarily the area that's costing black lives.

Let's say we stand back and say, OK. We stop. We acknowledge that there is racism in police department. Absolutely I acknowledge that. It's that do I think that that's overwhelmingly the situation? No.

But if we were to take away all of to stop every single black life that was taken by a police officer in one year, it's about 112 to 120. That doesn't put a dent in the amount of black folks that are killing each other in the thousands. That's why I feel like it's misplaced anger is there, just focus on all of it.

COOPER: Michael, let me ask you about what Tara said, about the idea -- the slogan, "Black Lives Matter" as opposed to all lives matter. Why is important to say black lives matter, not all lives matter, in your opinion?

DYSON: Imagine if we lived in a heterosexist culture. Imagine that. I know it's very difficult. Imagine where a heterosexual sex was the norm and people says gay lives matter. And people go, wait a minute, heterosexual lives matter too. We know that. It's a heterosexual culture. As a result of that, it perpetuates on legacy of heterosexism that mitigates against the gay sexuality.

So all we're saying is that black lives matter too. We know that white lives matter. We know that this culture is built upon the premise of not only white supremacy but protection through law and the Supreme Court saying that white men had no reason to value the lives of black people. It is written literally in the Supreme Court, in it.

So the point is, we have to say black lives matter because we don't understand that they do. We're not suggesting that no one else's lives matter. We're saying we want to matter as well as other lives, which already manifestly matter.

And then about Tara's argument that if we stopped the focus on police brutality then the overwhelming consideration would be these communities. First of all, as you've already indicated, Anderson, these people -- I have participated in marches in Chicago, in Detroit and in Chicago where people are concerned about so-called interracial violence. And number two, what's interesting is that they are concerned about this issue in the context of state authority and police brutality is part of it.

[20:30:03] That's why Martin Luther King Jr. made it a significant item in his 1963 march on Washington.

COOPER: We've got to ...

SETMAYER: You misunderstood me. I wasn't saying stop -- focus on police brutality. I said if we were able to stop all police murders of black men in this country ...

DYSON: Murder is not the only thing, brutality as well.

SETMAYER: But I think that the point is ...

DYSON: A culture of complexity, racial profiling. All those things matter as well.

SETMAYER: So that we then come up with a solutions because I haven't heard what those are.

DYSON: They have them. Look at their website. Listen to the people. Don't demonize them. Don't dismiss them.

SETMAYER: Well, I'm claiming death of cops isn't one of them.

DYSON: Don't marginalize them.

SETMAYER: Hearing organizer saying that is not going to do -- is not helping at all.

COOPER: You're looking at the ...

DYSON: You're mad at the NAACP is not the urban league. They all have different reasons and raison d'etre for their existence.

SETMAYER: Then they've got to root out the people that are out here saying "Death to police officers," "F the police" "GD white America." Which are things that came out of Black Lives Matter, where there were organizers over every single weekend.

DYSON: That's why I said because White Christianity has a few nuts therefore we're going to get rid of Jesus? No, the point is that all ...


SETMAYER: No, but they're not the ones that are part of this movement.

DYSON: ... that all cultures would do problematic experiences.

COOPER: Let her ...

SETMAYER: But they -- but you are -- we are talking about a movement that ...

DYSON: Black Lives Matter articulates a view point.

SETMAYER: We have five dead -- we have police officers being assassinated. We have to be ...

DYSON: No, no, no, police officer -- wait a minute.

COOPER: Let him respond. DYSON: The overwhelming majority of the people who are dying are not police officers, they are people of color in the street who are dying at the hands of the police.

SETMAYER: No, actually -- actually it's white Americans that are overwhelmingly dying at the hands of police officers. If you look at the stats, you know that.

DYSON: No, it's about black people who are murdered, are murdered overwhelmingly.

SETMAYER: They're murdered by their own.

DYSON: Let me ask you this, why aren't white women ...

SETMAYER: They're murdered by their own by thousands.

DYSON: Why aren't white women cops killing white people -- black people? Why aren't Latino cops killing black people?

SETMAYER: They are.

DYSON: Why aren't black cops killing black people. No, the overwhelming majority of people who are cops who kill are white men. That's the thing you've got to address.

COOPER: We got to take a break. Michael Eric Dyson, thank you. Tara Setmayer we're going to talk to you throughout this next two hours.

More on the protest across the country tonight, plus the latest on the investigation in Dallas, including new details about the evidence found at the shooter's home and at the crime scene.


COOPER: We've just seen several arrests in the streets in Atlanta, protesters, also tonight in Chicago and Sacramento.

Our Polo Sandoval joins us now from the protest in Atlanta. Where are you exactly and what are you seeing around you?

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson you're familiar with the Atlanta area, this would be the Buckhead region, basically the city's north side. A place that would be the retail hub for the city of Atlanta. A lot of upscale stores and restaurants, so that's one of the reasons why these Black Lives Matter organizers have actually specifically staged this protest here.

And only minutes ago, Anderson, what we witness were Atlanta police officers that essentially cut off this march that was making its way on a public street. So as a result we watched as officers basically moved in and begin plucking out certain protesters, certain of these demonstrators.

We heard from Atlanta's mayor early on who said that this is a delicate balance, Anderson. That they want to allow people to exercise their First Amendment rights, to be able to protest and to call for what they believe is much-needed reform.

However, to stay off the actual streets and highways and that's what we witnessed today as some of these protesters -- several hundred strong, started at one of the local MARTA stations, which is basically the public transport and -- transport system and it made their way on to the streets.

[20:35:11] And now what we're seeing here as a result, Anderson, is Atlanta police basically making their way on to the streets and begin to make some arrests. We've counted at least -- the officer telling us to be sure to stay on the sidewalk here, obviously, the law also applying to us here.

We counted at least a dozen arrests or so. All of them now in that bus right now as they begin to scale back and, of course, what's left of the marchers, they continue on. The main theme, what they're asking for, Anderson, is accountability.

I tried to talk to as many people as I can, to try to see what message they want to really make its way throughout the city and really throughout the country. And that is accountability, not just in the departments here, police departments here in Georgia but also throughout the country. Anderson?

COOPER: All right, Polo Sandoval, Polo, thanks. Back to Dallas where a large part of the city remains a crime scene enclose the public as investigators do their work.

When President Obama arrives tomorrow he will, by all accounts, find the city in mourning. As we said there will be services throughout the week for the five officers killed. There are obviously difficult days ahead, and weeks and months ahead, for years, for their families and their fellow officers.

Tonight there are new details about some of the evidence collected at the shooting scene and from the shooter's home. The shooter's parents are also speaking out for the first time.

Ed Lavandera, tonight has the latest.


ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Dallas police investigators are piecing together more than 170 hours of officers body cam video, plus dash cam footage and surveillance camera images to determine how the deadly attack unfolded.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown says investigators are still working to confirm that the killer acted alone.

DAVID BROWN, DALLAS POLICE CHIEF: We're going to follow every lead until it's exhausted, until I'm satisfied this was a lone person.

LAVENDERA: Police are analyzing the killer's weapons seized on the scene and in his home. Law enforcement sources tell us the attacker brought two handguns and an assault-style rifle to the attack and was wearing a bullet-proof vest.

Sources say, it appears the weapons were legally purchased, some bought online. But there are still questions about what his plan were for the explosives found in his home.

BROWN: There was a large stockpile. One of the bomb techs called me at home to describe his concern of how large a stockpile of bomb- making materials he had.

LAVENDERA: And there are still questions about the letters "RB" that the killer wrote in his own blood inside the community college where he was killed.

BROWN: I think that this killer, obviously, had some delusion. There was quite a bit of rambling in the journal that's hard to decipher.

JAMES JOHNSON, MICAH XAVIER JOHNSON'S FATHER: I love my son with all my heart. I hate what he did.

LAVENDERA: The killer's parents are speaking out for the first time in an interview with 'The Blaze." His mother says her son left the military after six years, highly disillusioned. Calling him a good son.

DELPHENE JOHNSON, MICAH XAVIER JOHNSON'S MOTHER: The ideal that he thought of our government, of what he thought the military represented, it just didn't live up to his expectations.

LAVENDERA: All this as protesters took to the streets across the country this weekend with more than 300 arrests.

In Atlanta, thousands shut down major highways. In St. Paul, Minnesota, police say some protesters threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at officers. In Baton Rouge, police in riot gear took on protesters and this photo of Aeyesha Evans, a mother from Pennsylvania, standing in the street as Baton Rouge officers rushed in to arrest her. That photo has gone viral on social media.

Chief Brown is addressing the protests today.

BROWN: Don't be a part of the problem. We're hiring. We're hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in.


COOPER: Ed Lavendera joins us. Now, you're learning more about the shooter's background?

LAVENDERA: Well we've obtained some high school records that show the killer in this case graduated near the bottom of his class with a 1.98 GPA.

And we've also learned from a federal law enforcement source going back to that issue of just -- the bomb explosives that were recovered inside his house. According to this federal law enforcement source, it was about 3 1/2 pounds of explosive material, including smokeless powder, black powder and a material called tanerite. Anderson.

COOPER: All right, Ed Lavendera, thanks very much.

Up next, politics, Donald Trump returns to the campaign trail for the first time since the Dallas police ambush, and goes he's the law and order candidate. Plus, their possible new clues on the -- in terms of who Donald Trump will name this week as his running mate.


[20:42:12] COOPER: As we turn to politics tonight, politics' focus, as we all are, on scenes like these on the streets of Atlanta tonight, Chicago and, of course, tragically Dallas last week.

With a week to go until the start of the Republican convention, Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail. The party's presumptive nominee held a rally in Virginia Beach today. His first one since the five police officers were killed in Dallas. When talking about the tragedy, Donald Trump took a tough time.

Jim Acosta tonight, reports.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Donald Trump seized on the attack on police officers in Dallas as a turning point in the campaign.

DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: It's time for our hostility against our police and against all members of law enforcement to end and end immediately, right now.

ACOSTA: Presenting voters with a critical choice.

TRUMP: I am the law and order candidate. Hilly Clinton, on the other hand, is weak, ineffective, pandering and, as proven by her recent e- mail scandal, she is either a liar or grossly incompetent, one or the other very simple.

ACOSTA: After delaying his attacks on Clinton in the aftermath of the carnage in Dallas, Trump returned to bashing the former secretary of state over her use of a private e-mail server.

TRUMP: Crooked Hillary Clinton is the secretary of the status quo. And wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follows.

ACOSTA: Since the Clinton campaign appeared ready for the attacks with the preemptive web video highlighting Trump's past comments seemingly supporting some of the world's worst actors.

TRUMP: Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? Do you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good.

ACOSTA: But at an event on veterans in Virginia, Trump had backup.

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE, (R) NEW JERSEY: We need to stand behind the man and woman in blue in this country.

ACOSTA: Just as Trump is in the final days of selecting a running mate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was ripping into Clinton, too.

CHRISTIE: That's not a person who will stand for the rule of law. That's a person who will stand for the rule of her.

ACOSTA: Sources familiar with Trump's vice presidential search saying Christie has now been fully vetted. But there are other apparent finalists. Indiana Governor Mike Pence is said to be high on the short list. While former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is actively lobbying for the spot. Pence will be with Trump in Indiana Tuesday.

GOV. MIKE PENCE, (R) INDIANA: And I'm prepared to make that case anywhere across Indiana and anywhere across this country that Donald Trump would want me to.

ACOSTA: Just days after Trump auditioning Gingrich in Ohio.

TRUMP: Newt has been my friend for a long time. In one form or another, Newt Gingrich is going to be involved with our government.

ACOSTA: But others in the hunt may be losing their luster. Retired General Mike Flynn who was under consideration said he was in favor of abortion rights over the weekend.

[20:45:01] LT. GEN. MICHAEL FLYNN (RET.), POTENTIAL TRUMP V.P. CHOICE: So I think women have to be able to choose what they, you know, sort of the right of choice.

ACOSTA: Then today, he seemed to flip, describing himself as a pro- life Democrat.


COOPER: Jim Acosta joins us now. Donald Trump is also said to appear at a rally with Governor Pence tomorrow?

ACOSTA: That's right, Anderson. And as for that rally with Mike Pence tomorrow, there are rumblings back in Indiana that Pence could be the odds-on favorite for Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate.

Say GOP officials are scrambling to find a replacement for Pence, who was running for re-election right now as governor of that state. Pence has to decide by Friday whether he wants to be Trump's vice president, because state law in Indiana, Anderson, does not allow Mike Pence to run for both of those jobs.

And I have to say today's audition with Chris Christie was sort of unusual. Both Trump and Christie weren't really photographed together, though there is plenty of footage of them together in the past.

You know, Anderson, for Donald Trump picking Chris Christie would be the ultimate doubling down, whereas selecting Mike Pence would be an attempt to calm things down in the Republican Party, Anderson.

COOPER: All right. Jim Acosta. Jim, thanks. A lot to discuss with our political panel. Joining us is Clinton supporter from New York City Council Speaker, Christine Quinn. Tara Setmayer is back. Also with us, Corey Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager, and now, CNN political commenter and Gloria Borger, our chief political analyst.

So, before we talk about the vice president pick, let's talk about Donald Trump today at the rally. I mean, he was prepared the marks from teleprompter on message, is that the Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton campaign should be most worried about?

GLORIA BORGER, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, it's the Donald Trump that the Donald Trump campaign wants to present in a time of crisis in this country. I think what they want as a candidate that's not so hot. They want a candidate that's a little calm down that can appeal to a broader base. That's why you've got him reading off of a prompter.

And what eh said, "Look, I'm the law and order candidate," which is something he's been saying all along. But he also was added, "I am a candidate of compassion." So, he's trying to kind of walk that line because, at this time in our country, you need somebody who can calm people down and not rile people up. And that's what leadership is it at this point. And I think they are aware of it.

COOPER: Corey, when you were with the campaign, you famously said, according to reports, "Let Trump be Trump." Do you -- are you concerned seeing Trump on a teleprompter in -- to hear remarks like this that some of the fire maybe is not there and maybe that's what a lot of supporters want to see?

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Yeah. I don't think so. I think what you see with Donald Trump is a person even if he's reading off a teleprompter, those are his own words, his own thoughts.

What you saw today was as very specific 10-point plan on how to reform the V.A., something that has been near and dear to his heart. He's talked a lot about the need for veterans and how to give them better care. And so, what you see was a 10-point strategy, which is very specific and outlined.

What he also talked about was the need to bring the country together. You know, we were in Dallas three weeks ago, and we had got to know some of those officers. Not the ones who was specifically killed, but members of that Dallas Police Department. I had the privilege of talking with one of the senior elected officials there of the Dallas Police Department, one of the senior members of that department today. And they've said to me, "Thank you, Mr. Trump for standing with us. Not just today, but throughout your entire campaign," because he has been the candidate who has supported law enforcement from day one.

COOPER: But how does it work in the campaign in terms of whether Donald Trump is going to give a, you know, a speech that he pulls out of his pocket with a couple of bullet points which is how the "Wall Street Journal" reported, he gave a lot of his speeches previously, and whether he's going to do it off a teleprompter and prepared remarks written by somebody?

LEWANDOWSKI: I think what you have, particularly with Mr. Trump is, when you have something -- what he wants to make sure, he can get his points across and they're very specific. And you saw this with the trade speech last week. You saw it with the V.A. points this week.

When you are outlining a very specific number of talking points, he wants to be able to go through and outline those points specifically and then share those thoughts with everybody. So, you saw 10 specific items today.


LEWANDOWSKI: He talked about V.A. reform. And that's where he'll be using a teleprompter. When he goes to a large rally with 10 or 20,000 people, he'll have the ability to talk in a much grander way and get that crowd fired up. So, this is a little something as much more reserved than this.

COOPER: It's interesting, Tara, because we have seen Donald Trump use a teleprompter before and then go off, you know, days later, sometimes hours later.

SETMAYER: Going off is an understatement. I mean, we saw two speeches last week that were messes, you know, about 10 minutes were good substance and then the rest, you know, talking about his hair and Air Force One and golfing. And I mean, he was in ...


SETMAYER: Kind of mosquitoes. I mean, it was a mess. And it was two days where Hillary Clinton was on the ropes with the FBI issue, with James Comey coming out. Even though he didn't recommend prosecution, but he indicted her pretty badly as far as her credibility on her e- mail scandal and Donald Trump chose not to, what I called, you know, offer the death blows that many Republicans wished he would have on message.


SETMAYER: So, they are clearly looking at this situation and saying, OK, we got to bring it back in. We're a week before or less now than -- from the convention, you've got to -- they've got to control this, because they prefer to ...

[20:50:02] COOPER: But Christine ...

SETMEYER: ... what we saw last week ...

COOPER: ... I mean, to Tara's points come did pivot back to Hillary Clinton today calling her secretary status quo, hitting her hard over the e-mail scandal, which probably for his supporters as a wise thing and then not even for some his supporters. There was Washington Post/ABC poll out today saying a majority of Americans, 56 percent disagree with the FBI's decision not to charge her criminally.

QUINN: Right. There was also at the polls out recently saying that Americans believe that the presidential campaign is adding to the division in this country and they blame that in these independent polls on Donald Trump.

But I have to say, we spent more time in this presidential campaign talking about whether Donald Trump will commit to reading from a teleprompter.

I've said this before, but being able to read off a screen is a credential for third grade, not for the White House.

I mean, and today in his speech, what he proposed was moving towards privatizing the V.A., something that's 64 percent of veterans opposed.

This is the man who said on the record that he opposes the post-9/11 G.I. Bill. This is not a man who is friend of veterans. And I think we lose that when we spend so much time on whether he can stay on teleprompter message which we know he is constitutionally incapable of doing.

COOPER: OK. Corey, I want you to have response to that.

LEWANDOWSKI: Here's what we've seen with Donald Trump. What we saw last summer was he came out with a plan for the Veterans Affairs Administration. This has been an utter disaster under the Clinton Administration, under the Obama Administration. Veterans are continuing to die, the wait times are continuing to increase.

What he has said was if you served our country and you want to go to a hospital and you want to get care, the government should put the full faith and support behind you. So if you're a veteran, you can go to any hospital and receive federal funding and get that care. That's not privatization. That's good for our veterans.

You know, in my home state of New Hampshire, we don't have a full service V.A. So, you have to drive to Vermont or you have to drive to Boston. Those veterans are no better off having a full service hospital somewhere else.

They should be able to go to any hospital that gets federal funding and walk in whether they have a cold or they have a major accident and they should be able to get ...

COOPER: Tara? Are you responding? We've got to go.

SETMAYER: These are the kinds of issues that Republicans want to see Trump talking about. We'd much rather have these discussions about whether it's good to privatize the V.A., what to do, because those are winning issues for Republicans because Democrats have done such a poor job.

And what happened with the V.A., not only under this administration, it's been a chronic problem for awhile. But when you stay on issues like this and compare and contrast, then we won't be talking about teleprompters and all kinds of other things.

QUINN: Make no mistakes, his adviser, his adviser asked by the "Wall Street Journal" today, "Are you moving towards privatizing the V.A.?" Donald Trump's Adviser said yes. And this is the same man who's accused our veterans of stealing money in Iraq from funds. This is not a friend of a veteran.

COOPER: We got to go. We're going to return to Dallas -- we're going to have more on politics in the next hour of course. We're going to return to Dallas now where tears have been shed, not just for the lives lost, but also in gratitude for all the lives saved by police officers.

We'll honor the officers by telling their stories, observing and protecting. There's so much on the line.


[20:55:09] COOPER: Candlelight vigil is getting underway at City Hall Plaza in Dallas tonight, the theme, "Dallas Strong".

The sentiment behind it of course giving thanks to police for the job they do and the job they did under fire Thursday night.

Our Martin Savidge has some of their stories.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Shetamia Taylor had a front row view of horror and heroes.

SHETAMIA TAYLOR, DALLAS SHOOTING VICTIM: We heard a shot and we all looked. And we didn't know what it was.

SAVIDGE: She had brought her sons to see a peaceful protest Thursday night. She heard the first shots and she saw the first to fall.

TAYLOR: As he was going down, he said, he has a gun, run.

SAVIDGE: The wounded officer's warning sends the family fleeing. As she runs, a bullet hits her leg. Going down, she instinctively grabs and covers her nearest child. Moments later, a human shield of blue, forms around them.

TAYLOR: And the officer jumped on top of me and covered me and my son and there was another one at our feet and there was another one over our head, and there was several of them lined against the wall.

SAVIDGE: Then came more shots. And more sacrifice.

TAYLOR: Saw another officer get shot, right there in front of me. That was two.

SAVIDGE: Trapped behind a car, Photographer Robert Moore also witnessed courage. It came running.


ROBERT MOORE, PHOTOGRAPHER: That officer ran into a place where there was light fire in order to cover me, and the two officers that I was next to who only had small arms fire. He's -- he is really the focus of the story.

SAVIDGE: Moore never got the officer's name, but he did get a photo. We may never know the names of all the heroes but they all had one thing in common, they all wore blue. And the people they saved will never forget them.

TAYLOR: I had never seen anything like that, the way they just came around us and just guarded us like that.


COOPER: Martin Savidge joins us now. We haven't heard the officer stories from them directly. Is that intentional on the part of the department?

SAVIDGE: You know, the reason for that is that there are many officers, of course, who did heroic deeds, but the police force is still having to decipher exactly what happened. It is a huge crime scene. And they are going through it methodically. They have hundreds of videos to look at so it will probably be some time, but hopefully, the heroes all will be known, Anderson.

COOPER: Yes, Martin. Martin Savidge. Martin, thanks.

We also, of course, want to know as much as we can about those who lost their lives, those who were killed by the shooter.

One of those heroes, Officer Brent Thompson lost his life coming up in the second hour of "360". We'll talk to two of his brothers. We'll also have the latest on the growing protests happenings in major U.S. cities right now.