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Trump Officially Republican Nominee; Clinton Camp Responds to Christie Speech; Turkish Post-Coup Crackdown Passes 50,000; Russia Names Team for Rio; Theresa May to Meet with Angela Merkel; Musical Mix-Ups. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired July 20, 2016 - 10:00   ET




HALA GORANI, CNN HOST (voice-over): Hello and welcome, everyone. We're live in Cleveland. I'm Hala Gorani from the Republican National Convention

in Ohio, where it was another fiery night of speeches last night. Tonight's lineup might bring more of the same.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST (voice-over): No doubt. Hello, I'm Lynda Kinkade from CNN World Headquarters in Atlanta with all the other news, including

the fallout from the failed coup in Turkey as well as Russia's response as its Olympic team faces the prospect of being banned from the games in Rio.

GORANI: All right, Lynda.

First, though, Donald Trump is now officially the Republican candidate for U.S. president after delegates at their convention made him their nominee.

Among those giving impassioned speeches about Trump, two of his own kids. Phil Mattingly has the details.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is my honor to be able to throw Donald Trump over the top in the delegate count tonight.

Congratulations, Dad, we love you!

PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Donald Trump formally clinching the Republican nomination.

DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm so proud to be your nominee for President of the United States.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Trump's children stealing the spotlight with emotional speeches about their father.

TIFFANY TRUMP, DONALD'S DAUGHTER: Donald Trump has never done anything halfway, least of all as a parent.

His 22-year-old daughter, Tiffany, getting personal.

TIFFANY TRUMP: I still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten, because I like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote

on each and every one of them, contrary to what you might expect from someone who places an emphasis on results.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., calling his father his mentor and best friend, casting him as the blue collar billionaire.

DONALD TRUMP JR., DONALD'S SON: I was there with him, by his side on job sites, in conference rooms, from the time I could walk. He didn't hide out

behind some desk in an executive suite. He spent his career with regular Americans. He hung out with the guys on construction sites, pouring

concrete and hanging sheetrock.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Trump's children from different marriages delivering powerful testimonials of their dad.

DONALD TRUMP JR.: For my father, impossible is just a starting point. That's how he approaches business projects, that's how he approaches life.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Twenty-four hours earlier, Trump's wife, Melania's well-received speech, overshadowed by charges of plagiarism.

MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY: You work hard for what you want in life.

MELANIA TRUMP, DONALD'S WIFE: That you work hard for what you want in life.

MICHELLE OBAMA: That your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do.

MELANIA TRUMP: That your word is your bond.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): The campaign repeatedly denying wrongdoing, first on "NEW DAY"...

PAUL MANAFORT, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: To think that she would be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy. This is once again an example of when a

woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Then, hours later, in a press conference.

MANAFORT: The American people did focus on what her message was. You all are folks trying to distort that message.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): The campaign dismissing calls to fire or discipline someone over the speech controversy.

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Whoever was the sad person who wrote this speech should be held accountable and should be

fired. I know accountability in the Trump campaign. I know what it's like to be fired from the Trump campaign.

MANAFORT: We think that Melania Trump's speech was a great speech.


GORANI: Well, while many of the speeches praised Donald Trump, some of them also targeted Trump's Democratic rival. In fact, it was one of the

main themes this evening here. Manu Raju has that.


MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A second night of stinging attacks against Hillary Clinton, becoming the rallying cry of

the Republican National Convention.

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), N.J.: Hillary Clinton lying to the American people about her selfish, awful judgment in making our secrets vulnerable.

What's your verdict, guilty or not guilty?

RAJU (voice-over): For 15 minutes, New Jersey governor Chris Christie, prosecuting Clinton in a mock trial before a national audience.

CHRISTIE: In Libya and Nigeria, guilty.

In China and Syria?

In Iran and Russia and in Cuba?

And here at home for risking America's secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up?

Christie's prosecutorial takedown drawing sharp criticism from both sides of the aisle.

The Clinton campaign tweeting soon after, "If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics --


RAJU (voice-over): "-- we have a bridge to sell you."

Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake also tweeting, "Clinton now belongs in prison?

"Come on. We can make the case that she shouldn't be elected without jumping the shark."

Trump's other former rival, Dr. Ben Carson, going as far as to link Clinton to Lucifer.

DR. BEN CARSON (R), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: One of her heroes, her mentors was Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book called "Rules for Radicals." On

the dedication page, it acknowledges Lucifer.

So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer?

Think about that.

RAJU (voice-over): Speaker after speaker linking Clinton's e-mail and Benghazi controversies to a lack of trust.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R), MAJORITY LEADER: She lied about her e-mails. She lied about her server. She lied about Benghazi. She even lied about

sniper fire.

Why in the world would Democrats put forward such a candidate?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A Hillary Clinton presidency will endanger our national security.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Deception and dishonesty are all second nature to Hillary.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No way, Hillary. No way on Earth.

RAJU (voice-over): And House Speaker Paul Ryan, scarcely mentioning Trump, focusing his attention on the risk of electing Clinton.

REP. PAUL RYAN (R), HOUSE SPEAKER: Watch the Democratic Party convention next week, that four-day infomercial of politically correct moralizing.

You can get through four days of it with a little help from the mute button.

But four more years of it?

Not a chance.


GORANI: Paul Ryan, the House Speaker; that was Manu Raju reporting. Let's talk about this intense focus on Hillary Clinton. CNN's Chris Moody joins

me now.

So it was as much a unifying theme as praising Donald Trump or presenting him as a family man; two of his kids were on that stage behind us yesterday

-- these attacks against Hillary Clinton.

CHRIS MOODY, CNN POLITICS SENIOR DIGITAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, this has been an incredibly contentious primary for the entire Republican Party. If

there's one thing they can rally around is that they do not like Hillary Clinton.

Some Republicans do not like Donald Trump but they can at least get behind that. I don't know if you can see behind us but it says "Make America

Great Again."

But the focus at this convention is far more about Clinton and, I would say, the unofficial motto here is not "Make America Great Again;" the

unofficial motto is "Lock Her Up." We've heard that chanted from the floor here over the past two nights, people screaming, "Lock her up," for her e-

mail server, when she was secretary of state; also chanting "Guilty, guilty, guilty."

Even some Republicans, as our reporting has shown have said, hey, that's going a little bit too far. One saying, "We've jumped the shark."


GORANI: -- unprecedented, right, because I mean I can't remember a situation in which a political rival is talked about in this way, in the

sense that they are calling her a criminal, that she should be put in jail.

Has this happened before?

MOODY: Perhaps not to this extent. Of course the opposition always gives you someone to rally against. They're trying whatever they can to unify

this group of Republicans, which has been so difficult over the past year.

It also gives something that the Republicans on stage who are uncomfortable with Donald Trump, something to talk about. I mean, if you think Paul Ryan

and Mitch McConnell are very happily promoting Donald Trump, they certainly aren't. It's awkward for them.

But they can pivot to Hillary Clinton and have something to say and actually be from their heart.

GORANI: And how much did they mention the name Donald Trump in their speeches, these establishment Republicans?

MOODY: He came up actually more than I thought he would but Hillary Clinton came up far more. I think that if you tallied it up, you would

hear more words about Hillary Clinton than you did about Donald Trump.

GORANI: They have a two-step challenge. One is unifying the party but two is attracting undecided voters.

Are these attacks against Hillary going to stick with them?

MOODY: That is the question.

Will this just resonate with the base?

Or are people really going to come on board?

If you look at the polling data, there are huge swaths of really undecided voters here. And that's what we should really be examining and who can

sway them.

It's rare that just a negative message can really do that. I think Donald Trump also needs to have a positive message which he must deliver this week

to say, OK, you know I'm against Hillary Clinton. Here's what I'm for and here's how I'm going to make your life better.

GORANI: Because I found interesting that in all those speeches, there wasn't that much outreach to the perhaps more center right undecided.

MOODY: Certainly yesterday and the day before, these have become efforts to rally the group together. I mean, there's so many people here on this

floor who are uncomfortable with Donald Trump.

And they still have to get to the point where they unify the party. That's a lot of catch-up that they need to do, because they really need to pivot

and start focusing on Hillary Clinton -- or focusing on getting people around Donald Trump.

GORANI: Got it.

And you wrote a piece for specifically on that, on how really the rallying --


GORANI: -- cry is "Lock her up," rather than "Make America Work Again (sic)" or safe again or great again.

Chris Moody, thanks very much.

There it is, the GOP convention's unofficial slogan, "Lock her up," Thanks very much, Chris Moody. We'll have more from the

Republican National Convention in just a little bit. I'm here alongside Christiane Amanpour and Kate Bolduan. We are all coverage it for you live

right here on CNN.

Let's turn back now to Lynda Kinkade for more of the day's top news -- Lynda.

KINKADE: Thanks, Hala. We will come back to you shortly.

Turkey could announce emergency measures soon in the wake of last week's failed coup. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to reveal details

of the meeting with his security cabinet and other government ministers. The failed coup is already impacting a wide array of the Turkish workforce.

Some 50,000 civil servants, including police, judges and teachers are suspended and another 9,000 are detained, including top military officials.

CNN international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson joins me now from Ankara.

And, Nic, the post-coup purge continues, sackings, dismissals, detentions, the numbers are huge.

The big question, though, can we expect them to get a fair trial?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Well, at the moment, the government resources are stretched when it comes to detaining people,

when it comes to providing them lawyers, when it comes to sort of getting them through the courts.

But the government says it can do it. The people that it's detained, over 9,000 mostly military officers, for all of those people, the government

says the investigations have to be done, they have to be questioned. Then they'll be brought to court.

We know that one-third of the top generals and admirals in the country, the military command structure hierarchy in the country, they've all been

detained. But then you add into that your 21,000 teachers, their teaching licenses suspended; 15,000 people who work for the ministry of information,

ministry of education; 1,500 who work for the ministry of finance. The numbers continue.

We've just heard that several hundred military judges have also been forced to resign. There's no university, for example, in Turkey right now that

actually has a dean at this time. All the deans have been told to offer their submissions of resignation. You're talking there about another 1,500

again. So the numbers climb.

Now a lot of these people are getting suspended, broad brushstroke suspensions. It's not clear if they're going to be investigated, if

they'll get their jobs back or how that will work.

But the government here has a major, major job on its hands to give all these people proper due process and a fair trial and a fair hearing. And

right now you have to say that the sort of environ is prejudiced against anyone that the government is implicating as in the coup.

KINKADE: Yes, the numbers are incredible. We know that President Erdogan is holding an emergency cabinet meeting today. He is expected to talk


Do you know what we'll hear from him?

ROBERTSON: It's not clear right now. First of all, today and still going on is the National Security Council. That's under way. This is an

advisory body.

And what they'll do and what they are doing right now is meeting to discuss all the issues right now, the coup, everything that came out of that, all

the actions the government's taking and their view on what they think the current security situation is.

Then they'll come out of that, end that meeting and then there will be a cabinet meeting involving the president and the prime minister and then the

National Security Council will then advise the cabinet meeting.

And then after that we could expect, we're told to expect President Erdogan with a speech, although the fact that we've been told that there will be an

announcement coming -- and there's a very sort of rigorous process and event to that -- does appear as if the government is building up to a

serious statement of some description.

We don't know yet; obviously, there is a lot of expectation, part of the population here, that it could be emergency measures of some kind. But at

the moment, we'll have to wait and see what President Erdogan says, when he does give this speech.

KINKADE: OK. We'll come back to you when that happens. Our international diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson, live for us in Ankara, thank you.

With less than a month to go until the Olympics, security in Rio is a big concern. Coming up, a look at some of the technology organizers will use

to keep a close eye on the games.

Plus: members of parliament go head-to-head with Britain's new prime minister. The highlights from Theresa May's first prime minister's

questions since taking office.





KINKADE: Welcome back. Within the past hour Russia's Olympic committee confirmed the makeup of its Olympic team. We still don't know whether

Russia will be able to compete as it deals with allegations of state- sponsored doping over the past several years.

Jill Dougherty is a researcher for the International Center for Defense and Security and joins us now from Moscow.

Jill, quite a show of defiance, despite this huge cloud hanging over whether Russia should be banned from Rio. They've come out and announced

their team.

JILL DOUGHERTY, INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR DEFENSE AND SECURITY: Well, I suppose some could interpret it as defiance but actually the Russians make

the point that nobody knows how this is going to turn out.

You know, there are two more events that have to take place and one is very important tomorrow. That's the court of arbitration. And they're hearing

the appeals by 68 Russian track and field athletes, who want to be treated individually as opposed to just the entire team.

And that will form the basis of the decision by the IOC, which will be taking place some time in the next few days; could be over the weekend.

Nobody knows precisely. But that will be the final decision by the IOC.

So the Russians are saying, look, we have to go ahead. We can't just stop in the middle of everything. In fact, they've named, as you said, 387

athletes, who they want to go to the Olympics. They say there will be a delegation of 700 people.

Some of the athletes already are in Rio and all of them are training as they have been because, after all, you can't just stop training and be

ready for the Olympics in case they're allowed to go.

So there are an awful lot of questions, Lynda, about ultimately how this will be adjudicated. And that's the issue for the Russians. And of

course, it sends a signal that they don't believe, they really do not believe, at this point, the information, the allegations that have come

from that WADA report, the McLaren report, and they're going to check it out themselves with an investigative commission.

KINKADE: It's interesting to note that you say they don't believe what's come out of that report. They have continued to deny any sort of state-

sponsored doping. Yet several of their top officials have already been suspended.

DOUGHERTY: Suspended because that was what was ruled by the IOC, that, in the meantime, people who were implicated in the McLaren report should not

be in positions. But that's a temporary thing.

I mean, the Russians do want to show that they are taking this seriously; they want to follow some of the rules, so they're temporarily suspending

them. They're not firing them. And they're certainly not firing the head of the Russian sports ministry, Mr. Mutko (ph). This will all depend on

how --


DOUGHERTY: -- it is all decided in the end, especially the fate of all of those officials.

KINKADE: OK. Jill Dougherty, thanks so much for that update from Moscow. Talk to you soon.

The fate of the Russian team may be up in the air, as we've been discussing, but athletes from other nations are forging ahead with their

Olympic dreams. Some have arrived in Brazil. And Brazil, of course, insists that it is ready.

There's been a string of snags so far and some serious security concerns. CNN's Oren Liebermann has been looking at how technology is being used to

beef up security.



OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Half a million tourists are on their way to Rio for the Olympics, a busy city becoming even busier.

Thousands of surveillance cameras monitor the Olympic city.

But how do you use that much video?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The gap is between how much we do is recorded and how much we do is being viewed and reviewed. So if you look at what we're

trying to do is make it much easier for someone to look at it.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): BriefCam technology can squeeze 24 hours into one minute. It's not a time lapse. It's a search engine for video. Every day

surveillance cameras around the world record more than 500 petabytes of video. That's nearly 8 million iPhones of data, too much to watch in real


BriefCam technology will help Rio security go through their surveillance video if something happens.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What you're seeing here is a highway in --

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): BriefCam CEO Dror Irani (ph) shows me the technology.

Here we're looking at video from a highway in Portland, Oregon.

DROR IRANI (PH), CEO, BRIEFCAM: The most difficult example is to say that I'm looking for a red car. And you pick a subset of red cars and what you

get on the screen is only red cars.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The technology sorts and labels the cars by time, color and more. It makes the video searchable.

And it works on people as well. This is a busy pedestrian walkway. Irani (ph) uses BriefCam to sort out anything unusual.

IRANI (PH): The guy was on his skateboard, obviously in the wrong place in the wrong time.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The technology isolates a fast skateboarder in a slow pedestrian lane.

IRANI (PH): This is a tool that really helps investigators start to deal with things when they have no clue what to look for and they're just

looking for behaviors that are different.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): Let's see how quickly this technology works. Earlier in the day I picked up a bag left in the hallway.

LIEBERMANN: All right. So here you have spotted me in your video.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I have, in fact. Processed about two hours, pinpointed the event.

LIEBERMANN: And there I am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, there you are again.

LIEBERMANN: 3:25 pm, walking through your hallway.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And that's the original event. That's the actual crime in action.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): BriefCam technology was used during the Boston marathon bombing investigation and after the Brussels bombing, Irani (ph)

says. Increasingly, it's being used at airports and monuments, like the Statue of Liberty. This is video from inside the crowd.

Surveillance video has long been a staple of basic security. The challenge is to modernize that tool to best keep a city and its games safe -- Oren

Liebermann, CNN, Modi'in, Israel.


KINKADE: To Ukraine now, where a prominent journalist has been killed by a car bomb. This was the fiery aftermath of the explosion in Kiev. Pavel

Sheremet (ph) was apparently the target. He was Belarusian; he worked for an online investigative website in Ukraine and he'd previously been a TV

journalist in Russia.

Sheremet (ph) was a friend of the Kremlin critic, Boris Nemtsov, who was gunned down in Moscow last year. No one else was hurt in that attack.

Well, it's a day of firsts for Britain's new prime minister. Theresa May heads to Germany for her first international visit in her new role. Ahead

of the trip, she made her debut appearance at the dispatch box for prime minister's questions. She was asked by lawmakers about how she'll oversee

Britain's transition out of the European Union.


THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: I'm very clear Brexit does mean Brexit. As he says, we will make a success of it. What we need to do in

negotiating the deal is to ensure that we listen to what people have said about the need for controls on free movement but we also negotiate the

right deal and the best deal of trade in goods and services for the British people.


KINKADE: CNN international correspondent Atika Shubert joins me now live from Berlin.

Atika, in her first question time, the prime minister did try to assure people that she will make a success of the Brexit.

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. She wants to show that she's committed to getting the best deal possible for

Britain. And that's why she's making her first trip to Berlin to meet with Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, who is really the power behind the

E.U. at this point.

Germany is the powerhouse of the continent. And Merkel will have a big say in how the Brexit negotiations are handled. So it's critical that they

have some one-on-one time. And at this point, it's not really about getting into --


SHUBERT: -- the details of the negotiations; it's really about introductions, getting to know each other and setting the stage for frank

talk about what will be some very difficult discussions on trade because Merkel has made very clear there will be no cherry-picking in negotiations,

no special deal for Britain, that if Britain wants access to the free market, then it must commit to the freedoms, including freedom of movement

in the E.U.

What we're expecting today is a meeting in the evening and then a press briefing, in which both leaders are expected to answer questions.

Probably the most pressing thing on the agenda is simply the notification that Brexit will take time. Theresa May is expected to say that she's made

it clear that Article 50 will be invoked but it won't be invoked in a rush, may not even be invoked this year. And that of course is the legal

mechanism to withdraw Britain from the E.U. So that's likely to be the number one topic they discuss today -- Lynda.

KINKADE: And Atika, after that, she's expected to meet with the French president tomorrow and, no doubt, both the German and French leaders are

under a lot of pressure domestically to drive a hard bargain when it comes to these negotiations.

SHUBERT: Absolutely. In fact, Merkel and Hollande have slightly different points of view on this. In the immediate aftermath of the referendum vote,

you might remember that Hollande was saying "Out means out," and in a way that there must be an example set in how the E.U. deals with Britain, not

to encourage any other E.U. members to think of leaving the union.

On the other hand, Merkel was a little bit more conciliatory. She said, yes, there needs to be a stern line taken but "there's no need to get

nasty." Those were her direct words. So it will be interesting to see what Prime Minister May gets from this meeting and then the reception she

has tomorrow with President Francois Hollande.

KINKADE: And of course, the first time Theresa May will face all 27 E.U. leaders will be in October's European Council meeting.

By that time, can we expect to have a much clearer picture of the timing of all this as well as the U.K.'s strategy?

SHUBERT: I think we may have a clearer picture of Theresa May's strategy, of her personal strategy on how she wants to negotiate through Brexit. But

keep in mind that this will be a tough negotiation, no matter how Britain looks at it, not only is it negotiating with the E.U. as a union but then

it must negotiate individual trade deals with all the separate countries and other partners around the world.

That is going to take an enormous amount of time. What we may see in October is a better idea of exactly how long that will take and what the

process will look like.

KINKADE: OK, Atika Shubert, great to have you live with us from Berlin. Thank you.

Still to come, today's Republican convention layout could mean drama. We'll go back to Cleveland to learn what to expect when Donald Trump's

former rivals take to the stage.





Welcome to the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Here are the headlines we're following.


KINKADE: We want to bring you details of an ongoing security operation in Brussels right now. A man was seen by police in the center of the city,

wearing a winter coat with wire coming out of it.

The man was immobilized and a bomb squad is checking out the coat. The police have cordoned off the area while they deal with that situation.

U.S. Republicans have officially nominated Donald Trump to be their candidate for president. Delegates voted on day two of their convention.

And it was New York, Trump's home state, that put him over the top, the Donald Jr. giving an emotional reading of the final tally.

Well, the convention continues in just a few hours. And the key speaker to watch is Trump's running mate, Mike Pence. Let's go back to Hala Gorani.

She is at the center of all the action in Cleveland.

Another big night of speeches, Hala.

GORANI: Absolutely. We're expecting Ted Cruz, of course, the big Trump rival during the campaign, to address supporters here. I'm here with Phil

Mattingly, who has been covering this campaign from the beginning and this race from the beginning.

Let's talk a little bit about the Trump kids. We heard from Tiffany Trump, the 22-year old, the daughter he had with Marla Maples, his second wife;

also Donald Trump Jr. They had -- their mission was to humanize their dad.

MATTINGLY: Yes, exactly. And frankly, to kind of get the convention back on track. It was a rough 24 hours by anybody's definition, including the

Trump campaign's. And over the course of the last couple of weeks, we've heard repeatedly, Donald Trump wants his children speaking every night.

That's super important to him.

Some traditional Republicans weren't totally sure it was a great idea. Last night it worked. No question about it. Donald Trump Jr. came away

from the speech with a lot of people in this arena thinking maybe he should have been the candidate. He gave a very conservative speech.

But also between Donald Trump Jr. and Tiffany Trump, you got a lot of personal anecdotes, a view into a person that maybe people have been

watching Donald Trump on the campaign trail, haven't been able to see; why that matters: his negatives are sky high right now. They hope the kids

help bring that down.

GORANI: OK. The other speakers, including Chris Christie, really spent most of the time attacking Hillary Clinton. But tonight an important

speaker, Ted Cruz, he was called Lyin' Ted by Donald Trump over and over during the campaign.

Is he expected to endorse Donald Trump?

MATTINGLY: He will, according to Ted Cruz advisers, he will not endorse Donald Trump. And you kind of saw this coming. It is not often that a

candidate accuses another candidate's father of particular in the assassination of a former president.

So there was a lot for Ted Cruz to come back from. The point of this speech tonight will be positioning Ted Cruz as the future leader of the

party. You look ahead to 2020, if Donald Trump loses, or 2024 if he wins, Ted Cruz represents a different part of the Republican Party than Donald

Trump does. Ted Cruz has 600 delegates here in Cleveland, Ohio.

GORANI: That's why they're allowing him to speak -- or they're inviting him to speak.


MATTINGLY: Donald Trump's recognizing that there's a grassroots problem for them here. We saw it on Monday with the mini-delegate revolt, those

are Cruz people. They needed to try and assuage those concerns a little bit. That's why Ted Cruz has a primetime speaking spot: no endorsement;

don't expect any glowing remarks about Donald Trump. Expect this speech to be about Ted Cruz.

GORANI: I wonder if he'll even mention him?

Rick Perry did not.

MATTINGLY: We've seen a number -- Tom Cotton really didn't, either. We've seen a number of Republicans who might be positioning themselves for the

post-Trump Republican Party, not really talk about him on stage at all. It would not be a surprise if Ted Cruz joins that group tonight.

GORANI: And today we have an event introducing Mike Pence, the V.P. nominee. And we expect Donald Trump to arrive in Donald Trump style. He

emerged from a cloud of fog on stage to introduce his wife on Monday. And we're expecting him to chopper into Cleveland today.

MATTINGLY: Of course, because the part-Beyonce, part-WWE entrance of Monday wasn't enough. And look, people roll their eyes sometimes or kind

of raise their eyebrows about this idea.

But it works, right?

It resonates. People who aren't paying attention to this convention were going mad on Twitter about that entrance on Monday People here in

Cleveland love the pageantry, love this idea of choppering in. And it's a big night for Mike Pence. Donald Trump --


MATTINGLY: -- is going to give him a little boost today as he choppers in.

GORANI: But I wonder; it is spectacle. There is a reality show sort of like aspect to it. But, importantly for the campaign, it's all about

getting votes and getting undecided voters to lean toward Trump.

Does this work with them?

MATTINGLY: That's a good question. I don't know that we'll necessarily have the answer until November about that. One of the concern about the

first two days of the convention is that they were playing entirely to primary voters. It was red meat. We saw the Hillary Clinton attacks


That's not going to reach out to the 10 percent or 11 percent who are still undecided and will decide this election, especially with the negatives

where they are right now.

Tonight will be about reaching out to them. I talked to a Trump adviser this morning, who said Mike Pence's job is to say, this will be a team and

they're change agents for the positive for the country. They're moving away from Hillary Clinton.

GORANI: We haven't heard that yet because with Chris Christie, it was all about attacking Hillary Clinton; Rudy Giuliani, another Republican, former

mayor of New York, it was all about how America is unsafe and Donald Trump is the law and order candidate.

We haven't really heard outreach, you know, sort of trying to seduce and attract those undecideds.

MATTINGLY: Yes, and I think that unsettles a lot of Republicans here, who are saying we're not talking to primary voters anymore. We're talking to

general election voters. But again, a couple of Trump advisers this morning, making clear that's a major part of Mike Pence's job.

Talk to the Clinton campaign about that, and they say, oh, really, you want Mike Pence, the very conservative governor from Indiana, to be the guy

reaching out to general election voters?

They'll take that any day of the week. But it'll be really interesting to watch tonight how Mike Pence crafts that message to, as you say, try and

expand it a little bit, move it beyond the 13 million who voted for Donald Trump in the primary.

GORANI: They certainly have their work cut out for them. Thanks very much. As they continue audio checks behind us, it's going to be a big

night this evening. Phil Mattingly, thanks very much.

Lynda, back to you in Atlanta.

KINKADE: Some great analysis there. Thanks, Hala and Phil.

Still to come, music can send a powerful message.


KINKADE (voice-over): Sometimes it ends on a sour note when politicians and musicians have different views. That story coming up next.




KINKADE: Rock 'n' roll at political rallies often excites the crowd but sometimes the artists behind those songs aren't exactly excited about that.

Jake Tapper shows us why.



JAKE TAPPER, CNN CHIEF WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The undeniable authors of Donald Trump's message so far this week?

The rock group, Queen, "We Are the Champions" captivating the convention as Trump took the stage Monday night.



TAPPER (voice-over): But those inspiring lyrics and rocking tune, that was played without permission, the band says, quote, "an unauthorized use at

the Republican convention against our wishes," Queen tweeted, just the latest clash at the crossroads of politics and rock.

TAPPER: And no city knows it better than this one. Here in Cleveland, at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, there's a whole exhibit about the

intersection of rock and politics, with many exhibits detailing tense moments such as these.

Here's the outfit that Bruce Springsteen wore on the cover of "Born in the USA." Here's the notebook where he wrote down the lyrics. Ronald Reagan

used the song "Born in the USA" in 1984 for his re-election campaign until Springsteen suggested maybe he should listen to the lyrics.

TAPPER (voice-over): Reagan thought the song was about a bright American future.

RONALD REAGAN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It rests in the message of hope in songs of a man so many young Americans admire, New

Jersey's own Bruce Springsteen.

TAPPER (voice-over): Springsteen actually penned the tune about the dark side of the American story and the harsh treatment of Vietnam veterans.

TAPPER: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame president Greg Harris says musical mix- ups are a bigger problem for modern campaigns.

GREG HARRIS, PRESIDENT, ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME: Years ago they actually had songwriters write the campaign songs. Co-opting popular songs

was something that's only happened in the last couple decades.

TAPPER (voice-over): The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has an eclectic playlist at his rallies, one that includes jock jams, opera

and, until recently, Twisted Sister.

TAPPER: This is a T-shirt and a jean jacket worn by Twisted Sister frontman, Dee Snider, whose conflicts with politicians date back to 1985,

when he was hauled before the Senate to testify against warning labels on record albums.

He most recently had to make a phone call to his friend, Donald Trump.

DEE SNIDER, TWISTED SISTER: I said, man, you got to stop using the song. People think I'm endorsing you here. I can't get behind a lot of what

you're saying.

He said, "Dee, fair enough."

TAPPER (voice-over): But you can't always get what you want. The Rolling Stones told Donald Trump to stop using their songs.

Still, the hits keep on coming.

TAPPER: When he introduced his running mate, Mike Pence, who was reputed to be not his first choice necessarily, the Rolling Stones' "You Can't

Always Get What You Want" was playing.

HARRIS: Sounds like he needs a better music editor, in that somebody has to read the lyrics.

TAPPER (voice-over): Then again taking the risk in riling up a crowd?

That's why exhibits like this exist.

HARRIS: Being at odds with the status quo, that's what rock 'n' roll is all about.

TAPPER (voice-over): Jake Tapper, CNN, Cleveland, Ohio.


KINKADE: That does it for us here at the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Lynda Kinkade. "WORLD SPORT" is up next.