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Republicans Push for Unity behind Trump; Russian Track and Field Banned from Olympics; Turkey Imposes State of Emergency; First Lady in Carpool Karaoke. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired July 21, 2016 - 10:00   ET




HALA GORANI, CNN HOST (voice-over): Hello and welcome, everybody. We're live in Cleveland. I'm Hala Gorani from the Republican National Convention

happening right here over four days.

It was a raucous night last night with the crowd booing a top Republican, a much different reception expected tonight of course when Donald Trump makes

his big speech.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR: And hello, everyone. I'm Lynda Kinkade, live from CNN World Headquarters in Atlanta. We'll have the latest on Russia's

doping scandal, their track and field athletes now banned from competing in Rio after losing an appeal. We'll have reaction live from Moscow.

GORANI: All right, well, Cleveland is still buzzing about the speech that upstaged Donald Trump's V.P. pick for a while and just about everything

else on night three of the Republican National Convention.

Ted Cruz, who finished second in the delegate count behind Trump, refused to endorse the Republican presidential nominee during his speech. Here's

what happened at the end.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: And God bless the United States of America.

GORANI (voice-over): Cruz made an appearance today in Cleveland, here just not very far from the convention center, before delegates from his home

state of Texas and he offered up an explanation of sorts for his lack of an endorsement. Listen.

CRUZ: When I stood on that debate stage and they asked every candidate there if you don't win, will you support the nominee, I raised my hand and

I raised my hand enthusiastically with full intention of doing exactly that.

And I'll tell you the day that pledge was abrogated. The day that was abrogate was the day this became personal. And as I said at the time --

and I'm not going to get into criticizing or attacking Donald Trump.

But I'll just give you this response: I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father.



GORANI: That comment referring to derogatory comments and tweets from Trump during the primaries, one comparing his wife to Heidi Cruz, the wife

of Ted Cruz.

CNN's Manu Raju has more on that speech and the scathing response last night inside the arena.


CRUZ: I want to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination.

MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was all downhill from there, Ted Cruz delivering a 25-minute speech that may follow

him forever, refusing to endorse Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention.

CRUZ: Stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket, who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to

the Constitution.

RAJU (voice-over): Cruz mentioning Trump's name just once during his primetime address, the crowd angrily interrupting the speech.

Then Trump suddenly appears in the stands, upstaging the GOP runner-up yet again.

Trump later tweeting, "Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage. Didn't honor the pledge. I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No

big deal."

PAUL MANAFORT, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Donald Trump believed the offer to speak without any conditions. He (INAUDIBLE) a little bit more as

politically smart.

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), N.J.: I think it was awful and, quite frankly, I think it was selfish and he signed a pledge and it's his job to keep his


RAJU (voice-over): Cruz later not backing down.

CRUZ: I laid out a very simple standard, we need a president (INAUDIBLE) be faithful to the Constitution. I hope very much that is who the next

president will be.

RAJU (voice-over): Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich trying to reframe Cruz's comments as party unity.

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: I think you misunderstood one paragraph that Ted Cruz, who is a superb orator, said. Ted Cruz said you

can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the Constitution.

In this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the Constitution. The only possible candidate this fall is the Trump-Pence

Republican ticket.

RAJU (voice-over): But angry delegates in the arena couldn't be subdued. Video posted on Twitter show security escorting Cruz's wife, Heidi, out of

the arena, while being heckled by Trump supporters.

But two of Trump's former rivals showing they can put the bitter campaign season --


-- behind them.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R), FLA.: The time for fighting each other is over. It's time to come together.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A vote for anyone other than Donald Trump in November is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

RAJU (voice-over): Trump also getting more support from one of his kids.

ERIC TRUMP, DONALD'S SON: It is such an honor to be here for a man I love so, so, so, so much.

RAJU (voice-over): The Republican nominee, listening in the audience as his son, Eric, praised him.

ERIC TRUMP: My father has revitalized rundown neighborhoods, shaped skylines across the country and turned dreams into reality his entire

career. It's what he does. It's who he is.

RAJU (voice-over): And after days of denying Melania Trump's speech was plagiarized.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can't move on because you keep lying about it, that a portion of the language of that speech come from Michelle Obama's speech,

yes or no?

MANAFORT: As far as we're concerned, there are similar words that were used.

RAJU (voice-over): On Wednesday a Trump aide offered to resign over the firestorm, admitting that it was a mistake to lift passages of Melania's

speech from Michelle Obama's 2008 address.

DONALD TRUMP: I thought it was terrific the way she came forward and just said, look, it was a mistake that I made. And she thought it was very

unfair to Melania.


GORANI: All right, CNN political commentator, Ryan Lizza, joins me as also Washington correspondent for "The New Yorker."

So, Ryan, let's talk a little bit about these boos and jeers in the area behind us. This is anything but a united party.

RYAN LIZZA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Oh, I would say this is one of the more astonished -- last night was one of the more astonishing moments in

American convention history, especially in the modern era, when we don't have contested conventions and the whole week is just a cheerleading

exercise for the nominee.

GORANI: It's designed for that, right? It's just a -- basically to celebrate the nominee and show that the party is ready to take the fight to

Hillary Clinton in November.

LIZZA: Absolutely. And one of the rules of these conventions is, as the nominee, you don't let anyone get on that stage unless you know that

they're endorsing you, unless you know that you already have an endorsement as a requirement to let them on stage.

I mean, this is not the first time we've had bitter primaries and people have sort of held out. In 1992, Bill Clinton had Jerry Brown; he had to

deal with that.

George H.W. Bush had Pat Buchanan.

Those people spoke at the convention but they made sure -- the candidates themselves made sure that they were endorsing the nominee.

So Donald Trump made a bad deal here.

GORANI: Was this a rookie mistake?

LIZZA: Absolutely. He'd let Ted Cruz get on that stage without -- he offered Cruz the slot without extracting the endorsement.

And in the modern era, no candidate has made that mistake.

GORANI: But he -- would they have scene the speech beforehand?

Because this is the standard operating procedure, to see the speech, you have to boot it up on a prompter.


GORANI: At least for half an hour, you know what's in there.

LIZZA: He did. I was down on the floor last night and I talked to Sean Spicer, the communications director of the RNC. And he said, yes, we knew

what Cruz was going to say but we were hoping for better.

In other words, they were hoping at the last minute maybe Cruz would change his mind. But they did know it was coming.

GORANI: This is a big political gamble also for Ted Cruz. He is clearly wanting to position himself for 2020 but he did not make any friends out of


LIZZA: You know, he didn't. And this could go a couple of ways.

One, Trump's campaign could tank; he could be an embarrassment to the Republican Party and the party just wants to discard him from its history.

And then maybe Cruz looks like the only guy that stood up to that and the only guy that was pointing out, hey, this isn't the direction we should be

headed. That's one possible scenario.

The other, though, is Cruz is held responsible for Donald Trump's loss if Trump loses. And he's blamed for Hillary Clinton being elected and that's

not as beneficial to his political future.

GORANI: Stand by, Ryan, because I want to get your thoughts off the back of this and shifting to another topic, another key speech of the evening,

from Trump's running mate, Mike Pence. There are some divisions in policy between the two men. Phil Mattingly has that story.


PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Donald Trump, undermining his running mate, Mike Pence, on the biggest night of his career; Pence,

detailing his approach to foreign policy to an enthusiastic audience at the Republican National Convention.

GOV. MIKE PENCE (R), IND.: We cannot have four more years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. Donald Trump will rebuild our

military and stand with our allies.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): But that's not what Donald Trump is saying in a new interview, "The New York Times" reporting that Trump is questioning

whether he would automatically defend NATO members.

When specifically asked about Russia's aggression towards the Baltic states, Trump says he would only come to their aid if they, quote, "have

fulfilled their obligations to us."

This contradiction the second major policy discrepancy on display this week between the Republican nominee and his newly minted running mate.

DONALD TRUMP: That was a war that we shouldn't -- because Iraq did not knock down --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your running mate voted for it.

DONALD TRUMP: I don't care.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Despite these differences, the Indiana governor and former congressman making the case for a Trump presidency last night.


PENCE: Donald Trump gets it. He's the genuine article. He's a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Declaring that the GOP ticket is an agent of change.

PENCE: Hillary Clinton wants a better title and I would, too, if I was already America's secretary of the status quo.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): A star turn for Midwestern Mike, a staunch social conservative, Tea Party supporter and devout evangelical, who actually

endorsed Ted Cruz before Indiana's primary.

Pence catapulting onto the national stage last year after signing a religion freedom law, criticized for discriminating against gays and


PENCE: This isn't about disputes between individuals. It's about government overreach and I'm proud that Indiana stepped forward.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Trump applauding Pence's speech on Twitter and the GOP ticket still getting to know each other, Trump operatively air kissing

his running mate after his big speech, their unity, not quite the photo op moment of past Republican tickets.


GORANI: There you have it.

Ryan Lizza still with us, let's talk a little bit about some of the body language, I mean it was -- some of it was awkward between the two men.

LIZZA: Yes, look, nothing about the stagecraft of this convention is conventional. It's all a little bit more on the fly.

And so Trump came out and there was that kind of awkward air kiss and then, weirdly, he left him on the stage; traditionally what you do is you come

out with the vice president, with your running mate's family, you raise your arms up, you walk around the stage, you wave to people.

They didn't do that. I don't know why. It was a little strange.

GORANI: But it is -- I mean, what's more strange is that of course this is not an experienced politician; he's never run for office before. But he's

a reality television show star and a big worldwide celebrity. And you would think that the production at least of this whole thing would be more


LIZZA: You would think it would be a little more polished, have a little bit more sort of TV quality; it hasn't. Most nights, the lineup has -- the

people that are in primetime, that 9:00 to 11:00 period, have not necessarily been the stars of the night. There's been a lot of awkwardness

on stage.

But I mean, look, body language is not really important but I think it underscores -- the more serious thing is that Trump and Pence come from two

wings of the Republican Party and they disagree on some very core issues.

GORANI: Let me ask you about these NATO comments that Trump made to "The New York Times," which have raised so many eyebrows abroad -- and our

viewership, of course, is mainly international.

So "The New York Times" asked him, do you think, if NATO members, such as the Baltic states -- Lithuania, Latvia, et cetera -- don't pay their bills

that they should benefit from the protection of NATO in case of Russian aggression.

Which they are petrified by, by the way, after Crimea and Ukraine.

And he basically said, if they don't pay their bills, we shouldn't obligated.

LIZZA: We should do -- we should look at it on a case-by-case basis.

Look, in a day yesterday, what an enormous news day with the plagiarism and the Trump -- the Pence speech and the Cruz speech, this was probably

biggest news of the day.

You have the Republican nominee saying that he would not honor NATO's ironclad commitment to members in the case of Russian aggression.

Can you imagine, if you were the leader of one of these countries waking up tonight, today, and reading that in the newspaper, saying the Republican

nominee, usually the Republicans are much more hawkish on Russia, much more pro-NATO expansion, saying, well, we'll see if Putin attacks Slovenia or

Lithuania, I'll see if they paid their bills.

That is not what the NATO treaty says.

GORANI: Yes, it's interesting because really that would be such a fundamental realignment of the core principle of protecting your allies

against Russian aggression, especially with Vladimir Putin in power in Russia, who's already shown that he's willing to exercise a military option

and annex territory.

LIZZA: Absolutely. I mean, this is the kind of talk that if you're president can start a war, right?

And there is a very --

GORANI: But is he aware of that?

LIZZA: You know, this is the question. Paul Manafort, his campaign chairman, who is -- recently, before he worked in the Trump campaign, was a

sort of pro-Russia lobbyist in Washington.

He was saying this morning, he was trying to sort of walk back those comments and saying, this is just generally Trump's view, that NATO needs

to be modernized.

But that's not what Trump said. Trump said that he would not --


LIZZA: -- of these countries.

GORANI: And we have what he said, you know, it's -- have the transcript of it.

LIZZA: So this is the latest in a series of comments that make Trump much, much more pro-Russia, much more oriented towards Russia and Putin than any

American president has been in a long time.

Remember, the platform committee here last week took out language that all Republicans previously agreed to, that the U.S. would actually send arms to

the Ukraine to defend themselves against Russian aggression.

So you have the platform now, taking that language out and now you have Donald Trump saying that he might not defend certain NATO countries. That

is a big deal.

GORANI: Yes. I'm sure these Baltic states, Eastern and Central European - -


GORANI: -- countries are probably a little bit more concerned today than they have been in a while.

Thanks very much, Ryan Lizza, always a pleasure, thanks for your analysis.

Back to you, of course, the big centerpiece of the program tonight is Donald Trump's big speech that will conclude the Republican National

Convention. We'll have full coverage.

Back to you for now, Lynda, in Atlanta.

KINKADE: Thanks, on the big finale tonight, thanks, Hala, we'll see you soon.

Well, still to come, Russian track and field athletes have lost their appeal to compete in Rio. More ahead on how they are responding; what the

Kremlin's saying and what's next for Russia.

Also ahead: the Turkish government declares a state of emergency in the aftermath of last week's failed coup. We'll have a live report from Ankara

on what it means for the Turkish people.




KINKADE: Welcome back.

Russia is responding with anger after its track and field athletes lost an appeal to compete in the Olympics. The country's embroiled in a state-

sponsored doping scandal and the entire Russian team faces a possible ban.

For more now, I'm joined by CNN contributor Jill Dougherty in Moscow and "WORLD SPORT's" Alex Thomas in London.

First to you, Jill, 67 will now miss out on Rio. Takes us through the reaction from both the athletes and the Kremlin.

JILL DOUGHERTY, INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR DEFENSE AND SECURITY: Well, the reaction is, I would say, furious. You just look at some of what is coming

out right now; the pole-vaulter, Liliana Issanbayva (ph) on Instagram saying, "Let all those pseudo-clean foreign athletes breathe a sigh of

relief and win their pseudo-gold medals in our absence. They always did fear strength."

CNN also just spoke to Idina Revnyash (ph). She used to be an Olympic skater; she's now in parliament, she's a politician. She called it


Now when you listen to the Kremlin, they're a little more moderate, certainly talking about the ban as inadmissible, et cetera.

But back to, again, this furious reaction coming from the sports minister, for example, a violation of the rights of clean athletes and could be a

violation of human rights.

I think what you're seeing, Lynda, is Russia is now making the case, in its eyes, that this is the way that the West, the United States, et cetera, are

really trying to destroy sports in general, destroy the rights of their sports men and they're escalating very much this issue.

They know that Sunday there will be a decision by the IOC; they're worried about it based on what happened today and they're striking back with fury

and with everything they have got.


KINKADE: Yes, no doubt they are worried that the entire team could be banned. Jill, just stand by for us. I want go to Alex Thomas.

Alex, 14 anti-doping associations have come together to write an open letter to the IOC president.

What are they saying?

ALEX THOMAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They're asking for the International Olympic Committee to ban not just Russia's track and field athletes but the

entire Russian Olympic team. And their argument for that is that because the McLaren report, the latest of a series of independent reports,

uncovering, unearthing this state-sponsored doping program, has shown how many hundreds of athletes were cheating and getting away with it at the

Sochi Winter Olympics, that you can't trust any of the results from any athletes living and training in Russia.

So it's not just track and field athletes but also in the McLaren report it detailed the hundreds of weightlifters that had had their positive doping

samples changed to negative ones through a system of cheating and subterfuge and essentially saying that the only way to protect the

thousands of clean athletes from the other 200-plus countries and territories around the world going to the Rio Olympics is to ban every

athlete from every sport in Russia from competing in Rio.

KINKADE: Well, we will await that decision on Sunday.

Alex Thomas and Jill Dougherty, thanks both for joining us and we'll have more from "WORLD SPORT" later this hour.

ISIS faces a deadline on what's become a key front in Syria. U.S.-backed Syrian rebels say they've surrounded the city of Manbij and they're giving

ISIS 48 hours to leave. Our senior international correspondent Nick Paton Walsh is following this story from Beirut.

Nick, why would Syrian rebels give ISIS fighters the chance to flee?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SR. INTL. CORRESPONDENT: Well, the SDF and that's the predominantly Kurdish force, that gets a lot of U.S. support,

particularly in airpower along with some Syrian Arab rebels in their midst, they say they're doing this after consultation with local people and elders

in a bid to try and be sure that the civilian toll for the fight for that town is less and the town itself isn't leveled, like we have seen in other

cities that have been fought over with ISIS.

Forty-eight hours they say, though, in which there won't be a cease-fire but if ISIS choose to leave, they can take, quote, "their personal weapons

with them and depart the town," in an as yet unspecified direction.

So perhaps wishful thinking on behalf of the SDF in offering this; although some say perhaps ISIS, after learning from the experience of Kobani in late

2014, where they left behind about 1,000 fighters by some accounts, all of whom were killed in the unsuccessful defense of that town, perhaps ISIS

seem now to be suffering from a lack of fresh manpower might choose to take this exit, although many say, too, Manbij is so critical to their ability

to sustain themselves and their so-called caliphate, it being the direct route between self-declared capital of Raqqa in Syria and the southern

Turkish border, which has for years been their main supply route for new people, materiel, that actually ISIS really need to hold on to Manbij more

than anything. There could be negotiated in terms of an exit -- Lynda.

KINKADE: OK. We'll have to see how that plays out. Nick Paton Walsh for us, live from Beirut, thank you.

Well, almost one week after a failed coup in Turkey, the country now faces a state of emergency for the next three months. CNN international

diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson, is live in Ankara with the latest.

And, Nic, this radically enhances the president's power for the next few months.

What exactly does this decree allow?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Well, it allows for rallies, for example, and meetings and gatherings to be banned; it allows

for a curfew to be put in place; it allows for broadcast publications to be banned; it allows for the searching of people on the streets or in their

homes without the authorization being given by a judge.

However, this is not how the government says it is going to be used. What they are doing here is giving a lot more power to regional governors;

regional governors will have control over the armies in their areas. There's a complete lack of trust still in the armed forces here.

But what it's also designed to do -- and this is certainly being interpreted by people here, who are concerned about the increasing powers

that President Erdogan is gaining -- as a purge. We've heard government officials talk about how Fethullah Gulen and his organizations are

responsible for the coup.

When I sat down with the president's spokesman late last night, he explained to me how the powers are going to help them essentially purge

people from government.


TURKISH PRESIDENTIAL SPOKESMAN: The long emergency was announced primarily to deal with this terrorist threat and to make sure that such coup attempts

do not happen again. So now, according to a certain part of the Turkish law, you need some extra powers, like the state --


SPOKESMAN: -- of emergency to bring these people to justice and to make sure that, you know, they do not misuse the legal system and the state

institutions to their advantage.

ROBERTSON: So what exactly does that mean, putting them to justice?

SPOKESMAN: Primarily, of course, putting them on trial for treason, because they violated the constitution, they attempted a coup, they

actually were involved in the coup attempt and they killed people.

ROBERTSON: But is none of this possible as things stand right now?

SPOKESMAN: Some of it is possible but there will be some additional clause and legislation that will allow the government to pursue these people

within the state institution.

For example, according to the current law legislation, if you're put on trial, you can appeal and maybe come back, you know, from appeals court as

a regular civil servant.

Now that will prevent this. That is really the primary goal of this so that those people who've been involved in this coup attempt and who killed

people, murdered people basically on the streets, will be put on trial without any chance to coming back to the state progress.


ROBERTSON: So this could account for as many as 55,000 people, the government's already suspended from jobs at the ministry of justice and

from jobs at the ministry of education, 21,000 teachers have had their license suspended, you have all the university deans around the country,

they have been forced to write letters of resignation.

So it appears from the tone of what we're hearing here, that this is not, if you will, to sort of reinvigorate and put the army back on the streets

and crack down on people in that way but more a way of getting out all the people -- all the people -- that the government thinks are a threat and

what we can see is that is a very, very big number at the moment.

KINKADE: It certainly is, Nic Robertson, thanks for being with us, we will talk to you very soon.

British prime minister Theresa May is headed to Paris, the second stop on her first international trip in her new role. On Wednesday, she met with

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. They talked about the U.K. decision to leave the European Union. It's a discussion Theresa May will

also have with President Francois Hollande in France.

Also high on the agenda: last week's terror attack in Nice.

The French interior minister has ordered an investigation into how police handled the terror attack. The inquiry was announced on the official

Twitter account of the ministry; 84 people were killed when a terrorist drove a truck into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day.

There are a lot of questions after another police shooting of an unarmed man in the U.S. It happened in Florida. Charles Kinsey works at a group

home. He was trying to calm down an autistic patient when North Miami police arrived and ordered him to the ground. Listen closely as the

cellphone video captures Kinsey pleading with officers not to shoot while he's laying on his back with his hands in the air.


CHARLES KINSEY, GROUP HEALTH WORKER: All he has is a toy truck, a toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.


KINKADE: An officer fired several shots and Kinsey was hit in the leg. He wasn't badly injured. The officer has been placed on administrative leave.

Still ahead at the INTERNATIONAL DESK, after a lively night at the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump has a lot on his plate on day

four. We'll go back to Cleveland for more on what we can expect from the nominee.





KINKADE: Welcome to the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Here are the headlines we're following.


And Hala Gorani joins me again from Cleveland to look ahead at Donald Trump's speech.

Hala, no doubt they're going through every word with a fine-toothed comb.

GORANI: Absolutely, especially after some of the controversies of the last few days, the first three days of this four-day convention, where the

message certainly wasn't always the one that the Trump campaign wanted out there.

There was that controversy surrounding Melania Trump's speech in which portions were plagiarized from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech. And so

tonight is going to be the big centerpiece performance by Donald Trump. And so the campaign is going to want the narrative to be entirely centered

on the positive aspects they hope of the Trump run for the presidency.

Zack (ph) Wolf is managing editor of CNN Politics Digital and he joins me now once again.

Let's talk about what Donald Trump needs to do tonight. He has his work cut out for him.

ZACHARY WOLF, CNN POLITICS DIGITAL, MANAGING EDITOR: He does and he needs to do one big thing and that's unify this party. We saw last night Ted

Cruz, one of his rivals, was booed by Republicans here in the convention hall when he wouldn't endorse Donald Trump.

He's come under a ton of criticism from Republicans elsewhere in the country and also here. So there is some indication that Republicans are

rallying around Trump because this holdout, Ted Cruz, didn't -- has come under fire for his own thing.

GORANI: But I wonder what impact this will have on the Trump campaign, the fact that Cruz came out; he was booed.

Is this likely to even energize Trump supporters?

WOLF: Well, I don't know. I mean and then Ted Cruz came back this morning and he really defended himself, he was extremely defiant. He said that

during the primary that Donald Trump had attacked his wife and his father and there was no way he was ever going to endorse this guy.

So for him it's personal. For a lot of other Republicans, it's a policy thing and it's about opposing Hillary Clinton.

GORANI: And before the convention, in fact, some people were saying Ted Cruz is going to show up, Marco Rubio sent a video message so he wasn't

here in person. And we know top Republican establishment, for instance the two last living Republican presidents, the two Bushes, Sr. and George W.

Bush, are not even here physically.

But people were wondering, like Ted Cruz is showing up?

This is a man whose rival, Donald Trump, implicated his father in the JFK assassination and he's going to genuflect in front of Trump?

And he didn't do it at all.

WOLF: Right, there was definitely no genuflecting. And you even feel that if Ted Cruz could have given Donald Trump the middle finger, it's almost --

that's almost what it felt like.

GORANI: Yes. But it was remarkable.


GORANI: Has this in living memory happened before, boos and jeers on the convention floor?

WOLF: Not of somebody who came out in prime time. It is a coveted speaking slot, the night just before the vice presidential address to get

to come out and do that. Trump didn't get a chance to see the speech beforehand. Cruz says that Trump never asked him to endorse him. Maybe he

just assumed it.

GORANI: But he must have known, because you have to load it up in a prompter, just technically speaking. That means they have at least half an

hour to go through it.

WOLF: That's right. And we did see that dramatic moment at the end of the speech, when Trump entered the hall took all of the focus off of Cruz even

as he was speaking.

GORANI: Interesting. Zach (ph), stand by a moment. I want to play you some sound about -- and this just illustrates how divisive and extreme the

rhetoric has gone here, especially when it comes to Donald Trump's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

The Secret Service is now investigating a Donald Trump advisor, who said Hillary Clinton should be executed. Al Beldisaro (ph), who's also a New

Hampshire state representative, called for Clinton to be put on a firing line.

This happened on a conservative radio show -- listen.


AL BELDISARO (PH), NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE REPRESENTATIVE: Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam. She is a disgrace for any -- the lies

that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton should be put on the firing line and shot for treason.


GORANI: A spokesman for Donald Trump says the nominee does not agree with those statements.

I mean, this is pretty shocking rhetoric, let's be honest.

WOLF: It is. And that's an outlier, you don't hear a lot of people saying that kind of thing. But I will say, here in this convention hall, we have

had several times the delegates and people in the convention hall launch into chants of, "Lock her up, lock her up."

I mean these people legitimately think that Hillary Clinton should be put in jail and that's a level of rhetoric I don't think we've seen recently.

If you go outside, there are all sorts of T-shirts and things like that; they really want her in jail, which it's not the kind of elevated discourse

you might think.

GORANI: But here's the question, though, does this type of rhetoric appeal only to the Trump -- to the Trump base, those passionate supporters?

Because he has to appeal to a wider audience here in order to win the election in November.

WOLF: Yes, it does play to Hillary Clinton's great weakness, which is most American voters and a lot of Democrats even don't trust her. That is

something she'll have to overcome.

But the way the rhetoric works, I think it will probably inflame the people here and that's what conventions are all about, is getting people excited

and stuff like that. I mean, certainly not the kind of thing that Beldisaro (ph) said. That's out there.

GORANI: Right. And now let's quick last question, looking forward to Philadelphia, it's the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton has

one polished team around her, experienced in politics, experienced in campaigns, she will have the sitting president, a popular Barack Obama

speech, her husband, former president Bill Clinton, who's also quite popular, it's going to be very different. It's going to be difficult not

to see a big contrast between the two.

WOLF: That's right. You said there were no former presidents in attendance here; the only former nominee is Bob Dole, who's in his 90s.

Hillary Clinton will have Barack Obama speaking, clearly a gifted orator, and Bill Clinton, who's maybe second to Barack Obama, I don't know. You

could go back and forth, two of the best speakers of their respective generations.

GORANI: And we're expecting the V.P. nomination, the pick of that Hillary Clinton for her running mate to come when?

WOLF: We have heard different things, I think CNN's latest reporting is sometime by this weekend, that's coming up, so maybe tomorrow, maybe over

the weekend, it's hard to tell.

GORANI: Zack (ph) Wolf, thanks very much.

So there you have it, this is the latest from the convention, we'll have a lot more coverage in the coming hours and a special edition of "THE WORLD

RIGHT NOW" at 3:00 pm Eastern.

Lynda, back to you.

KINKADE: Excellent, thanks, Hala. We look forward to it speak soon.

Well, still to come --



KINKADE (voice-over): U.S. first lady Michelle Obama jumps in the passenger seat for some carpool karaoke on late-night TV. We'll show you

the highlights after the break.





KINKADE: Welcome back.

A Los Angeles street artist is poking fun at Donald Trump. The artist known as Plastic Jesus built a small wall around Trump's star on

Hollywood's Walk of Fame. It mocks Trump's plan to build a wall on the Mexican border. The 6-inch high wall is decorated with razor wire,

American flags and "Keep Out" signs.

Well, the current U.S. president is known to get down and boogie on occasion if the circumstances are right. This time, it was first lady

Michelle Obama, who showed up for a segment of carpool karaoke with James Corden, host of "The Late Late Show." She said she rarely gets to ride in

the front seat.


JAMES CORDEN, "THE LATE LATE SHOW": When was the last time you got to do this?

MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY: I'd been in a car -- maybe it was months ago with my daughter, who learned to drive. That's the only time in 7.5 years

that I have been in the passenger's seat, listening to music, rocking out like this.




KINKADE: That was Michelle Obama, rocking Beyonce's "Single Lady." She also took a swing at Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On."

That does it for us here at the INTERNATIONAL DESK. I'm Lynda Kinkade, I'll be back in less than an hour but don't go anywhere, "SPORT WORLD" is
