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CNN Newsroom

Donald Trump Endorses Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Kelly Ayotte in Reelection Bids; Hillary Clinton's Recent Comments on Email Server Examined; John Kasich Does Not Yet Endorse Donald Trump for President; American Wins Gold Medal in Summer Olympics; Donald Trump Releases List of Economic Advisers; Interview with Economist Peter Navarro; Police Shoot and Kill Unarmed Teenager in Chicago. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired August 06, 2016 - 10:00   ET


[10:00:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Got Shorty, Inside the Chasse for El Chapo."


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: "Got Shorty, Inside the Chase for El Chapo" airs tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. only here on CNN.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Lots more news to tell you about this morning.

PAUL: Your next hour of Newsroom starts right now.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I support and endorse our Speaker of House Paul Ryan.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I may have short circuited and for that, you know, will try to clarify.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Newly released dash and body camera videos show the dramatic moments leading up to a deadly police shooting in Chicago. The officer who fired the fatal shot was wearing the body camera, but it was not recording. Investigators are trying to figure out why.

COY WIRE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning from Copacabana Beach, got to go to the opening ceremony last night. Still pinching myself that was there. Only got three hours of sleep but I woke up still doing the samba. We're going to talk about it and show you some of the highlights coming up.


PAUL: It's 10:00. Welcome to Saturday. Take a nice deep breath. You made it to the weekend. I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Good to be with you. CNN Newsroom begins right now. Ahead this hour, finally, the summer games begin. PAUL: We're going to show you some of the best moments of the opening

ceremony, what we need to watch for today. Dozens of gold medals are up for grabs. Live from Rio, as you saw there, Coy Wire.

COY WIRE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, guys. One of those medals can be won by American swimmer Chase Kalisz. In a coma at eight years old, now here in Rio, Chase is chasing gold. We'll have his story and more coming up on Newsroom.

BLACKWELL: Donald Trump is making an about-face, backing down a bit here and endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan. While he was at it he endorsed Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte as well.

PAUL: The thing is, the timing here, because it comes after a week of Trump going off message, very publicly not wanting to endorse Ryan and McCain just yet, earlier in the week of course, and feuding with the family of the U.S. soldier Humayun Khan who died in Iraq. CNN's Scott McLean has been watching all of this. Scott, talk to us more about what Trump said overnight.

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Christi, good morning. Many inside the GOP have said that Donald Trump would do well to focus his energy on Hillary Clinton, and last night he did that, upping his rhetoric, calling her the "queen of corruption." But as you mentioned, this past week his criticism of Clinton was largely overshadowed by controversy, falling poll number, and battles within his own party.

Just a couple days ago Trump said he wasn't quite ready to endorse Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Kelly Ayotte. He even said he was never a big fan of John McCain. That ruffled plenty of feathers within the party. Notice Trump was in Wisconsin without many of the big name Republicans who are actually from that state. So yesterday's endorsement of McCain, Ryan, and Ayotte is a big 180 and a tightly scripted effort to bring some party unity.


TRUMP: In our shared mission, to make America great again, I support and endorse our speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.


TRUMP: And while I'm at it, I hold in the highest esteem Senator John McCain for his service to our country in uniform and in public office, and I fully support and endorse his reelection. I also fully support and endorse Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire.


MCLEAN: Now, Ryan and McCain have both publicly disagreed with Trump on several issues in the past. But both have also maintained their endorsement of him. Ayotte has said she's supporting the party's nominee but hasn't formally endorsed Trump himself. Trump will be in her home state of New Hampshire for a rally later tonight. And Christi, a lot of people will be looking to see what Trump actually says about Ayotte, if anything, because she is one of the most in danger Republicans up for reelection this fall. And right now both her and Donald Trump are trailing in the polls in New Hampshire.

PAUL: Yes, and that's a state that at one point he was doing very well in. Thank you so much. We appreciate it, Scott McLean.

BLACKWELL: Let's bring in Jason Johnson, politics editor of Jason, let's start with the endorsements. Why did Donald Trump endorse at the end of the week when very little had changed since he was reluctant to endorse at the start of the week?

[10:05:05] JASON JOHNSON, POLITICS EDITOR, THEROOT.COM: Pivot, pivot, pivot, like a basketball player he's got to pivot. He had spent the entire week attacking a gold star family. He had caused too many fights with too many different people. You the big names like Meg Whitman saying I'm not even going to give money to your campaign. I'm going to raise money for Hillary Clinton. He had to do something to pivot off of his self-inflicted injuries. That's why he read that absolutely strained endorsement. You can tell, Victor, whenever Donald Trump really doesn't want to do something that's when he's reading it off paper. When he's being himself, he's spontaneous.

BLACKWELL: All right, so let's talk about the value of this endorsement. In a primary cycle when endorsements really didn't help his competitors, what's the impact of a Trump endorsement in New Hampshire, in Wisconsin, in Arizona?

JOHNSON: I don't think it does anything for Kelly Ayotte. I think she's going to lose in New Hampshire. I don't think it's going to make much of a different. It doesn't matter for Paul Ryan. He's speaker of the House. He's very popular. He's actually doing a very good job. He was not in any danger. It could actually end up helping John McCain. But the issue is going to be, it's not just Donald Trump blithely reading something off a piece of paper and pretending that he cares. It's, will Donald Trump and John McCain campaign together? That is going to be more important than what comes out of his mouth, and as of right now they still don't have any planned campaign events.

BLACKWELL: Let's talk about Ohio governor John Kasich and what he told Jake Tapper about potentially voting for Donald Trump, watch.


GOV. JOHN KASICH, (R) OHIO: I wish I could be fully enthusiastic. I can't be. So I don't know what's going to happen at the end.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What does Donald Trump need to do to get you to vote for him? You've obviously said that you'll never vote for Hillary Clinton. Is there any way that Donald Trump can change?

KASICH: It's -- there's so much water over the dam now it's become increasingly difficult. But I want unifying. I want -- I think I've been clear about -- there was a speech I made called "Two Paths." You can operate on the dark side of the street or you can operate in the light. I believe that America needs people to operate in the light, plain and simple.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BLACKWELL: What's stopping John Kasich from simply saying "I won't vote for Donald Trump" instead of what seems like a hedge, "I don't see how I get there. We don't know what the bridge will be. I don't foresee it happening"?

JOHNSON: I mean, he essentially just called him Darth Vader, Victor. He's like, there's the light side and the dark in the Republican Party, and clearly he thinks Trump is on the dark side. Here's the thing, John Kasich doesn't want to endorse Donald Trump. He probably won't. He's one of those politicians like Ted Cruz who is probably going to hold off, and should Trump lose come back and say I told you so and I'm ready for 2020.

But this is why this matters. It's not just about personalities and egos. Donald Trump has to win Ohio to win the presidency. And when his campaign is making phone calls to the Kasich team in Columbus and saying, hey, can we get the voter list, can we get that funding list, it's very clear that John Kasich isn't going to help him. And so on a practical level, this has to be fixed for the Republican Party to have any chance to win the White House in November.

BLACKWELL: Hey guys in the control room, do we have that Hillary Clinton sound from yesterday talking about short circuiting? All right, let's play that.


CLINTON: So I may have short circuited, and for that I will try to clarify, because I think Chris Wallace and I were probably talking past each other because, of course, he could only talk to what I had told the FBI. And I appreciated it. Now, I have acknowledged repeatedly that using two e-mail accounts was a mistake, and I take responsibility for that.


BLACKWELL: Hillary Clinton yesterday in a room full of journalists talking about this interview with Chris Wallace on FOX News in which she said that Director Comey of the FBI during his testimony said she'd been truthful with the American public about her characterization of her use of her e-mail server when in fact that's not what Director Comey said. You wrote a piece saying that both Secretary Clinton and the journalists in the room blew it. How?

JOHNSON: Yes. So basically the biggest mistake that Hillary Clinton made is she's talking to the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Her job is to actually speak to these groups. There are plenty of things that African-American and Latino journalists do. They have the ears of communities she needs to hear to win. And she wanted to sit there and talk about economic empowerment and not necessarily talk about some of the key things that black and Latino journalists do.

Second, I don't think that Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal is a top five or even 30 issue to most black or Latino voters. And I think if we had had more of an opportunity to ask her some tougher questions about immigration, about criminal justice, it would have been a lot more productive.

BLACKWELL: But how long does this stay with her if she does not acknowledge what fact checkers have said, and he indeed did not say that what she said in public about using only one device, about not sending or receiving any classified material at the time it was sent or received, that those statements were not true?

[10:10:11] JOHNSON: Right. Hillary Clinton is either hard of hearing or she's lying. But here's the thing, Victor, this scandal only lasts until the next time Donald Trump shoots himself in the foot. These are the kinds of things Hillary Clinton could be held accountable for just like asking her questions about her South American policy, asking her questions about her racial policies in the past, and she's getting off scot-free because her competition, Donald Trump keeps sucking up the news cycle with his bad behavior. And so it's a drag on her campaign but not enough of a drag to keep her from running out to now a seven or eight point lead.

BLACKWELL: All right, let's look at this new video. And as you said, the controversy over the e-mail will stick with her. Let's watch what the Trump campaign released overnight.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Extremely careless.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: E-mail system was breached by hostile actors.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Gross negligence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hillary Clinton put our national security at risk, and she's still lying.

CLINTON: Director Comey said my answers were truthful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even "The Washington Post" says Hillary Clinton lied comparing her to Pinocchio.

CLINTON: I may have short circuited and for that I --



BLACKWELL: You see the statement there, from that event yesterday. Does this not, if not playing specifically into the e-mail saga, but the narrative and the results from the latest polls showing two-thirds of Americans still find her to be untrustworthy and dishonest?

JOHNSON: Right. Well, you know, Victor, it's interesting. There was a really great study done back in '96 about her husband Bill Clinton. He was deemed untrustworthy too. But there's a second question that we always have to ask is, is he trustworthy enough? People don't trust Hillary Clinton, but they general seem to think that she is trustworthy enough or at least slightly more reliable than Donald Trump.

Again, I think this e-mail scandal is going to last. But is it something as bad as, say, Donald Trump asking for Russians to hack into the DNC? Is it as bad as Donald Trump attacking a gold star family? Is it as bad as the possibility of Donald Trump's tax returns coming out? This scandal is not at least as of right now big enough or connected to anything to drag her down. And unfortunately that's allowed Hillary Clinton to get away with continuing to lie because she can't seem to get in enough trouble for this issue with her competition doing worse.

BLACKWELL: Yes, her unfavorables are high and so are his. Jason Johnson, thanks so much.

JOHNSON: Thanks, Victor.

PAUL: The race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, believe it or not, could come down to just a few states. And Colorado, you're one of them. We're going to take a look at their different strategies to win over key battleground states.


[10:16:07] PAUL: The November election could whittle down to just few key swing states, and one of them is Colorado. This is a place where more than a third of voters consider themselves independent. And as Kyung Lah looked into this, she noticed that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are using very different strategies to try to engage people on the ground there.


KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In the battleground state of Colorado, the ground war.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm getting people registered to vote.

LAH: Taking aim with real and augmented and retail politics. Clinton campaign workers playing "Pokemon Go" to register potential voters, and using other attention getting draws.

A cello?

ANTHONY CARLSON, COLORADO DEMOCRATIC PARTY REGIONAL ORGANIZING DIRECTOR: A cello. You have to be unique, especially in a battleground state like Colorado where the stakes are so high.

LAH: Battleground Colorado twice elected Republican George W. Bush, then gave Barack Obama back-to-back victories. This year the state is showing signs of leaning Democratic. Some recent polls give Hillary Clinton a double digit lead. Another potential advantage, since 2012 Democrats have registered more voters than Republicans. And the ranks of Latino voters continues to grow up to 15.3 percent, higher than the national average. And 14 Clinton campaign offices are up and running in the state, hundreds of workers are on the payroll, the operation expected to triple by early October. EMMY RUIZ, COLORADO STATE DIRECTOR, HILLARY FOR AMERICA: We're not

going to take anything for granted. For us our ground game is critical.

LAH: Democrats have spent $5.6 million on Colorado TV ads while Trump supporters have spent $232,000. The Clinton camp now polling TV ads, saying Trump isn't on the air waves or, frankly, on the pavement.

Are you seeing the Trump operation out there?

RUIZ: No, I haven't.

LAH: The Trump plan in Colorado is far different. Yes, there are some workers knocking on doors, but only a handful are on the payroll, most are volunteers. The Trump campaign has just five offices, relying instead on an extensive Republican national state and local network in place since 2013. The campaign is not worried about being outgunned in the traditional ground game.

ROBERT BLAHA, CHAIRMAN, TRUMP CAMPAIGN IN COLORADO: Her game plan is the same old tired worn out paradigm we've seen for years and years and years. Trump brings a brand-new level of energy. Colorado will be decided in large by a group of people in the middle of America.

LAH: In Colorado, more than one third of voters are registered independents like Marc Sabin. He sports Trump.

MARC SABIN, INDEPENDENT VOTER: I will do it as an independent. So I will contribute directly to Donald Trump. I do not contribute to the GOP.

LAH: Loyalty to Trump, not party, and x-factor not lost on both sides. And with both candidates having high unfavorability numbers, it's leaving some independent voters uncertain of which way they'll go in November.

CARA MILLER, INDEPENDENT VOTER: I'm not sure I want either of them as president.

LAH: So how are you going to decide, then?

MILLER: I don't know. I guess the lesser of two evils.

LAH: And that's something we heard from a number of independents here in the state, especially those leaning towards Clinton. They already know what they don't like. They now want something to like.

Kyung law, CNN, Denver.


BLACKWELL: All right. Big news from Rio. The U.S. just secured its first gold medal of the games. We're a few hours in now. Which category? Which game? Next.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [10:23:19] BLACKWELL: The U.S. has struck gold, the first of the Rio games.

PAUL: American Ginny Thrasher winning gold in the 10-meter air rifle, 11 more gold medals are up for grabs today. But who else should we be keeping our eye on? We have three time Tour-de-France winner Chris Froome. He's going for the gold in cycling.

BLACKWELL: Kevin Durant and the American team take on China in basketball. And American swimmer Chase Kalisz comes back from a coma several years ago to compete in the pool. Coy Wire live there in Rio. Coy, first gold medal.

WIRE: Victor, a 19-year-old is the first one claiming gold for the U.S., how awesome is this. Ginny Thrasher, West Virginia University. She claims it in the 10-meter air rifle. This is her first Olympics. And Bleacher Report named her as one of the 11 team phenoms that we needed to watch in Rio. Now we know why.

Let's talk about something else that's a big storyline here, Michael Phelps. I was at the opening ceremony last night. He was the flag bearer for the USA. He said he cried when he was given that honor to be the flag bearer. This is his fifth and final games. He has 22 medals already. He said he's feeling the best he ever has.

What else do we have to look forward to here in these games? Another one of the greatest athletes to ever walk the planet, Jamaica's sprinter Usain Bolt, can he make it a triple-triple? He's already won gold in the 100, 200, and four by one in two previous Olympics. So now his toughest competition is going to be American speedster Justin Gatlin. I got an exclusive interview with him yesterday. He rarely talks before events, but hear what he had to say when I asked him about Bolt's comments, saying that Gatlin would feel his wrath.


[10:25:05] JUSTIN GATLIN, SPRINTER: I'm going to come here and just do what I need to do, which is, you know, run, enjoy myself, and make my way through the finals and get on top of the podium and just represent USA. That's all I'm here for.

WIRE: This may be the last time you ever do get to face Usain Bolt. Does that cross your mind at all, I may get one more shot at taking this guy?

GATLIN: I really haven't thought about it t. I'm going to go out and do what I need to do. It's Olympics, it's going to be special, so I know everyone is going to bring their A-game. So I got to make sure that I'm ready.


WIRE: That's going to be one to watch. Don't blink or you'll miss it. Go Justin, go.

Now, swimming kicks off tonight, too. And Victor, you mentioned American Chase Kalisz. He can medal tonight in the 400. He's one of the favorites for gold. He's gone from being in a coma at eight years old when he was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease to now an Olympian getting a chance to shine tonight. Here is Chase talking about all those months he spent in a hospital.


CHASE KALISZ, SWIMMER: I definitely remember the miserable parts, like laying in a hospital bed on a ventilator and a feeding tube. And all I could do was blink. And if my body got moved other than me laying on my back, it was an excruciating amount of pain.


WIRE: So there you have it guys, a lot of people to cheer for, especially celebrate now, Ginny Thrasher, she has already tweeted out a picture of her on the podium accepting the gold medal. How awesome is this that a 19-year-old is the first to claim gold for the U.S.? Many more to come, Victor and Christi, I do believe.

BLACKWELL: Great moment. First one is usually the most difficult. All right, thanks so much, Coy.

WIRE: You're welcome.

PAUL: Critics blasting Donald Trump's list of economic advisors. There are no women they say and only one economist. Well, guess what, we're talking to that economist next, live.


[10:30:12] PAUL: Good Saturday morning to you at 10:30 now. I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Welcome back to the CNN Newsroom.

Donald Trump ending a four day endorsement standoff of sorts and now publicly backing House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain in their reelection bids.


TRUMP: In our shared mission to make America great again, I support and endorse our speaker of the house, Paul Ryan.


TRUMP: Paul Ryan. Good. He's a good man. He's a good man and he's a good guy.

I hold in the highest esteem Senator John McCain for his service to our country, and I fully support and endorse his reelection.


BLACKWELL: Trump also endorses Senator Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire there. He campaigns in that state later today.

PAUL: The Republican candidate is also revealing his list of economic advisors. The group is full of industry executives from finance and real estate. It is getting some criticism, though, for being light on economists and not including any women in the list. Let's talk to Peter Navarro because, guess what, he is one of the economic policy advisors and a professor of economics at the University of California, Irvine. Peter, thank you so much for being with us. We appreciate it.

PETER NAVARRO, ECONOMIC ADVISER TO DONALD TRUMP: Sure, my pleasure. How are you all this morning?

PAUL: Good, thank you. Great to have you with us. I wanted to ask you first of all about one of the stark criticisms, one of the things that really stood out to people as they looked at that list, and there was the absence of a woman on it. Do you think there's a chance that perhaps a female may be added later?

NAVARRO: Of course. But the real issue here, come on, let's talk about the real issue, which is trade and jobs and getting our economy going again. And the people that Mr. Trump has put together, diverse group, and we're going to get the job done.

The Trump trade doctrine, which is what I think we should be talking about, is pretty clear. Mr. Trump's a free trader. He's going to trade with any country in the world so long as it makes three criteria. The trade deal has got to increase our gross domestic product, decrease our trade deficit, and strengthen our manufacturing base. That's what we're all about. That's what the American people want to be talking about, jobs, trade, the economy.

And, you know, I got involved in this campaign because I support Mr. Trump, but I also have been so disillusioned with Hillary Clinton short circuiting our economy, shortchanging the American worker with her bad trade deals going back 23 years.

And if I may just say, you start with NAFTA in 1993, she and her husband, Bill, promised 200,000 new jobs and we're down already 700,000 jobs. Short circuited the economy. Short changed the workers. The worst one, I actually did a movie about this, it's called "Death by China." There's a priceless clip from Bill Clinton in that movie where he promises basically that we're going to make stuff here and sell it over in China. And, of course, just the opposite thing happened when China joined the World Trade Organization with the Clintons' support in 2001. We have lost over 70,000 factories. We've got over 20 million people who can't find a good job at a decent wage, which is what this election is about, again, short circuiting the truth, short changing the American worker.

And the worst one, Hillary Clinton, the South Korean free trade agreement, that one is all hers as secretary of state. She went throughout Asia basically lobbying for that. She got it. She promised us 70,000 new jobs. Instead we've gotten 75,000 jobs lost. And more importantly we've seen a doubling of our trade deficit with South Korea. Again, short circuiting our economy, short circuiting, short changing the workers.

PAUL: Peter, the jobs report that just came out was very promising comparatively.

NAVARRO: That's a great comment because I looked -- I'm a macroeconomist and I dove deeply into it. Here's what grabbed me there. There's certainly called a job participation rate, which is really important because when Barack Obama took office in January of 2009, it was about 66 percent. And it had been that way for years. And over the last eight years we've seen this ski slope going down to the 62 percent, 63 percent rate, where it's remained stuck.

[10:35:04] Why is that important? Those are the people, that's a proxy for the more than 20 million people who are long-term unemployed that are not really being counted in those phony statistics and that low unemployment rate.

And then the other thing that came out that day was the trade deficit numbers and we saw an unexpected jump yet get in a trade deficit which is over $700 billion a year, $1 billion a day alone with China, the biggest cheater on the planet. And again, China is cheating us because the Clintons made it possible. This is what this election needs to be about.

PAUL: I'm assuming we'll hear more about this on Monday when he's in Detroit and he's revealing more of his economic policy and what he --

NAVARRO: Looking forward to that speech.

PAUL: Yes, what he wants to do with the middle class. But when we look at the big named financiers who are on this list, this is one of the other concerns I think for some people. You've got a couple of hedge fund guys. You've got a couple of private equity firm leaders. You've got a real estate CEO, a couple of bank execs. Is that not a risk for him in the sense he is targeting Hillary Clinton and her ties to Wall Street, but then you look at the list of people here, does it dilute that message to him?

NAVARRO: Not at all. These are the smartest people that you can find and put together. That's what Donald Trump does. Conspicuously absent on that list are all the CEOs of the multinational corporations that have benefitted from offshoring our production to places like China and Mexico. You know, Donald Trump is going to be in Detroit on Monday talking about, among other things, the auto industry. Let's take NAFTA for a minute.

PAUL: I'm sorry, I don't mean to get off topic, but we only have a couple seconds left. And I just wanted to ask you, you know, it seems like so many of these advisors are people who come from significant wealth, on one hand you can say wow, they're very --

NAVARRO: I am the outlier here. Let me make that clear.

PAUL: OK, they know that they're doing. On the other hand, there are a lot of Donald Trump supporters who are in the middle class who might look at this and say these guys don't know anything about my life. How are they going to help me?

NAVARRO: I think Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. answered that question in Cleveland. This is man who relates to American workers. This is a man who is a billionaire yet humble, who cares as much about a bricklayer as anything. And that's not a concern.

I think the other thing that struck me in Cleveland when I was there was when Donald Trump said that the people you want to figure out how to unrig the game are the people who understand how that game has been rigged. And I would say that Dan DiMicco on that last is one of the smartest people I've ever met. He was the CEO of New Corp Steel. He's been at the front lines for 20 years as China's basically stealing our jobs. So the American people are in good hands with that team.

PAUL: Peter Navarro, we so appreciate you being here. Look forward to what Donald Trump has to say on Monday about his policy. Thank you so much.

NAVARRO: My pleasure.

BLACKWELL: It's been called a violation of protocol, Chicago police blasting its own for this.




BLACKWELL: That's tough video to watch. Miguel Marquez is following the latest on this shooting. Miguel?

MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Police in Chicago are on high alert and police across the country because of that video. We will tell you why in just a few minutes.


[10:42:13] BLACKWELL: New video showing the shooting of an unarmed black teen in Chicago sparking outrage beyond that community, now across the country. We're going to show you the video. First, a warning, it can be quite difficult to watch.




BLACKWELL: You saw it there on your screen, this high speed chase and then the shots fired. Police are trying to take down a teenager they believe stole a car. Now an independent police review of the panel called the scene "shocking and disturbing." Our national correspondent Miguel Marquez joins me now. So what else have they learned after reviewing the video and releasing it? MARQUEZ: Police are so far saying that what appears in that video or

happened during this incident did not follow departmental regulations. That is raising the red flag of concern for the Chicago police department and police agencies across the country.

The video is confusing. This is a body camera from one of the officers, runs 10 minutes in total. I want to play you that piece you just showed and walk you through it a bit.




MARQUEZ: After you hear the first volley of shots, there's 15 shots fired, then just before, just as the car goes across the intersection and crashes into a police car, you hear one other shot. That, police say, was the fatal shot of Paul O'Neal. He was shot in the back while running unarmed from that police officer.

One other curious thing about that situation is that the police officer who fired the fatal shot from the vehicle that hit the jaguar that Mr. O'Neal was in, his body camera was not operational to capture the moment at which Mr. O'Neal was shot or what led up to why he would fire his weapon at somebody who was unarmed and running away from him.

This is the scene -- I want to play you a little bit of this a few minutes later in the backyard where they apprehended Mr. O'Neal.




MARQUEZ: In this you see the police officers holding his head down, one has his foot on his leg, on his back you can see the red, the blood starting to come out of Mr. O'Neal's back from where he was shot. In parts of this video, you can hear police officers talking to each other, saying "Was he shooting at us? He shot at me so I shot him." "I'm going to get put on, you know, on departmental hold for the next 30 days or so."

[10:45:04] The reality was he didn't have a gun, there were no shots fired. Police were the only ones who ever fired a shot. The lawyer for the O'Neal family says that the police acted as judge, jury, and executioner in this situation. The police try to come out to hold a press conference in front of their police station, the department in Chicago. Here's how that went.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No need to say anything. There's no need for him to say anything.


MARQUEZ: Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson was shut down by protesters at Chicago PD before he could even speak. He eventually just retreated, went back inside. All of this leading to Chicago PD to put out a bulletin nationally, an extraordinary bulletin that says, in part, "The video of a recent officer involved shooting was determined to violate their department policy. The footage will show an armed African-American male who had engaged with police with only his vehicle." He was shot in the back and at some point during the encounter the subject's wounds were fatal. Chicago PD anticipates civil unrest."

That went out to all police agencies across the country because of this video. Chicago now bracing because of a 2014 incident in which Laquan McDonald was shot walking away from police. That video took over a year to come out. This one took about a week to come out. But the city of Chicago on edge, Victor.

BLACKWELL: Miguel Marquez, thank you so much.

PAUL: Just ahead, some new information that we're getting about driving while distracted. This is really serious because I know it seems like a minor infraction possibly. But the consequences can be deadly here. Kelly Wallace has one family's tragic story. She's with us.

Also, summer Olympics underway in Rio de Janeiro. As we said, it's celebration of sport, its ability to inspire. And this week's CNN Hero understands how powerful that inspiration can be. Scotsman Davie Duke was homeless when soccer, or as he calls it, football motivated him to transform his life. And now he's doing the same for thousands of others.


DAVIE DUKE, CNN HERO: When you're homeless, you lose more than just the roof over your head. You lose your dignity, your self-esteem. You isolate yourself. Football gives you a place where you belong, constant, fitness, friendships. It got me my life back.


PAUL: He uses soccer to give thousands of people their lives back. Go to and check out all of this year's top 10. Vote for your favorite to become CNN hero of the year. You can vote once a day at


[10:51:52] PAUL: A teen crashed her truck into a power pole in California. Here's the thing, just the day before this was caught on a police body cam in Baltimore. Can you see it there? Can we drop the --

BLACKWELL: A man hits a parked police car, then just keeps driving. His response when the police stopped him? This is what I get for playing that game. Yes. Police say both drivers were playing Pokemon Go. Kelly Wallace has more on the danger and sometimes devastating consequences of distracted driving.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Amber was a perfect mom. She loved kids, I loved kids. We were going to have more kids. It was the high of life. We were settled, loving what we did, raising a family and breaking ground on a new home. In a blink of an eye our world changed.

KELLY WALLACE, CNN DIGITAL CORRESPONDENT: On June 30th, 2014, Andrea took her darling girls, then 11 months and four years old, for a bike ride right near their home in rural Minnesota. Her husband, Matt, was doing some dangerous work on the family's farm.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I had a two way radio that kept in contact with one of my guys to keep me safe, you know. And all of a sudden over the two-way mom said "Matt, where are you?" I could hear in my mom's voice right away. And she said that Andrea and the girls were in an accident.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 911, what is your emergency?

WALLACE: What was that like and you get to the hospital and see Claire?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was something I'll never forget because I was told she's OK. So it was horrible. No parent should have to go through that.

WALLACE: What do you tell the girls?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For any parent to go to their four-year-old and their 11 month old and say mommy's in heaven is something that's been the hardest part.

WALLACE: A driver, Chris Weber, a South Dakota National Guardsman and father of two, admitted he decided to make a payment on his phone. He says he looked down at his phone and heard a thud. He says he never saw Andrea and the girls.

CHRIS WEBER, DISTRACTED DRIVER: I failed number one because I was on my phone. I was distracted that day.

WALLACE: I just knew he was on his phone. A guy told me that. Even before I got to the scene, I knew it. And it's tough. It's so preventable. I mean, we are addicted to our phones. Anything can happen, and that anything happened to us.


WALLACE: Such a tragedy. Every day more than eight people are killed due to distracted driving. And safety advocates now believe that about one quarter of all crashes are related to some distraction involving a phone. And Christi, to give you a sense of how dangerous it is, just looking a quick glance at the phone or at a text driving on the highway is the equivalent to basing driving the length of a football field with your eyes off the road.

[10:55:06] PAUL: Wow, all right, Kelly Wallace, boy, great information there. Thank you so much. She's got her special coming up, "Driving While Distracted." It airs this afternoon at 2:30 eastern here on CNN.

We want to thank you so much for spending some time with us this morning.

BLACKWELL: Five hours together.

PAUL: Maybe lots of time.

BLACKWELL: There's much more ahead in the next hour of CNN's Newsroom with Fredricka Whitfield. She joins you right after this break.

PAUL: Make some good memories today.


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. It's 11:00 on the east coast. I'm Fredricka Whitfield. Welcome.

Donald Trump has a change of heart. The Republican presidential candidate is now endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan. Trump making the announcement last night at a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Ryan's home state.