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Trump Endorses Ryan, McCain, Ayotte Following Bad Week, Drop in Polls; Clinton: I "Short Circuited" on Answers to E-mail Issue; Power to Launch Nuclear War Inside Briefcase; Chicago Police Under Scrutiny After Shooting; The Power of Third-Party Tickets; Ralph Nader Talks Third Parties, Presidential Race; Florida Fight Against Zika Goes Aerial. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired August 06, 2016 - 15:00   ET


[15:00:00] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Top of the hour, 3:00 p.m. eastern. I'm Poppy Harlow, New York.

We begin with politics. After a week long standoff, Donald Trump's on-again/off-again relationship with GOP leaders appears to be on again for the time being. The latest truce forged last night in Paul Ryan's home state of Wisconsin where Trump offered a belated and perhaps less than full-throated endorsement of the House speaker, ending speculation whether it would happen.


DONALD TRUMP, (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: In our shared mission to make America great again, I support and endorse our speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.



HARLOW: Moments later, reading off of the same notes that he just made that endorsement from, Trump also backed Republican Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte, both in tough fights to hang on that their seats. Both have found themselves at odds with their presidential candidate.

The question now, will this temporary unity, if you will, last. The first test comes tonight. In a few hours, Donald Trump is supposed to be holding a rally in New Hampshire. It ends a tumultuous week for Trump, who is behind Clinton in that state by 15 points. The latest nationwide polling shows also a 15 point decline or trailing of Clinton for Trump.

Let's talk about what this all means as we edge closer and closer to November, less than 100 days to go.

With me now, two beautiful and brilliant women on opposite sides of the political spectrum -- thank you for being with me, ladies -- Scottie Nell Hughes, and Hilary Rosen. Scottie now is political editor at, a Trump support. Hilary is a Democratic strategist and a Clinton supporter.

Thank you guys for being here.

Where do we begin on the week that was? Scottie, I bet you're glad the week is over. So when you talk about Donald Trump, look, he came out last night, did the endorsement of all three of the Republicans. Is he doing enough to really turn the tide here? Not to mention, he tweeted that he was wrong about the Iran money payments video. So I mean, he is changing his tune. Is it enough?

SCOTTIE NELL HUGHES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, once again, it was another roller coaster week o the Trump campaign. High ups and definitely some low/lows. The Reuters national poll has him up three points or just down by three points to Hillary Clinton, which is phenomenal. A lot of that has to do with ms. Clinton's comments of short circuit and adding it to a long list of terms 2016 to brought to our attention. But I think it is the very good beginning. He had a great fundraising, $83 million, which was not just for him, but candidates like Kelly Ayotte and Paul Ryan and John McCain. It will be a good way to speak in New Hampshire and maybe I'm looking for reaction from them. I'm waiting for Senator John McCain and House Speaker Paul Ryan to say thanks for endorsing me. We welcome you to our team, Mr. Trump. So I'm still waiting for those to happen.

HARLOW: We'll see it that happens. He did hold back and say, I'm not there yet, a few days ago in the critical days leading to their respective elections. We'll watch and see if that happens.

Hilary, to you.

You're happy about the poll numbers, but you say to your fellow Clinton supporters don't get comfortable.

HILARY ROSEN, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: First of all, let's talk about the endorsements for one more minute. If I were Kelly Ayotte's campaign manager, I would tell her to say that she didn't want Donald Trump's endorsement, you know, it comes too late. It doesn't help her in New Hampshire. The significant portion of New Hampshire, particularly women voters who make up a majority, don't like Donald Trump. You know, and Paul Ryan didn't need his endorsement to win. What -- the thing that was interesting is that everybody noticed that Donald Trump is just a fair-weathered friend who can't be depended on. He is not really helping any other Republicans. And so I actually think that the first one of the Senate candidates that actually rejects Trump's endorsement may have a better shot at winning.


HARLOW: Let's talk about another endorsement, flip the tables and talk about an endorsement a number of Republicans point to Trump needing and that is the endorsement of Governor John Kasich of Ohio.

He spoke exclusively with Jake Tapper yesterday. Jake asked him, look, are you going to get behind your party's candidate. Let's listen.


JOHN KASICH, (R), OHIO GOVERNOR: There was a speech I made called two paths. You can either operate on the dark side of the street or you can operate in the light. I believe that America needs people to operate in the light. Plain and simple.


[15:05:06] HARLOW: All right, he also said in that interview that really stood out to me, Scottie, "My actions speak louder than my words. I did not go to the convention in my home state and I have not endorsed him."

Your fellow Trump supporter, Kayleigh McEnany, said, yes, this is an endorsement that Trump really needs.

HUGHES: It would be nice in Ohio, a battleground states. There are other states we can win. Hilary brought up New Hampshire, Mr. Trump, that was one of his first major victories that no one expected him to have. If you have someone from the opposition, encouraging Governor Kasich not to endorse or to reject endorsement, that's what the opposition wants. So it works for --


HARLOW: Can you still win?


HARLOW: Scottie --


HARLOW: You said, Scottie, it would be nice, but isn't it necessary endorsement, because no Republican has ever taken the White house without taking Ohio?

HUGHES: Well, it would be nice. But remember, there is a lot of Republicans that attended that convention in Cleveland that were very upset at not being welcomed by the governor himself, whether he wants to support Mr. Trump or not.


HUGHES: In his home state. But that was the only state he won.


HARLOW: Talking about Ohio voters.

HUGHES: But Mr. Trump can still see the path to victory without Ohio. Like I said, Ohio voters are important and would be nice. But the question I thought was interesting out of Jake's interview yesterday, what would it take for you to endorse Mr. Trump, and he really did not give an answer. So if you're going sit there and continuously, as a Republican, solutions, and that just tells me you're wanting to help the other side and putting your own ego above what's best for our country.


HARLOW: People will see that interview on "State of the Union" tomorrow with Jake Tapper.

But he needs to win. If he doesn't win Ohio, he has to get Pennsylvania, and he is down double digits in Pennsylvania right now.

Hilary Rosen, to you.

ROSEN: There are so many of these large Midwestern states that can reject him and have him be elected. There is literally no path to victory unless he wins either Ohio or Pennsylvania or Michigan. I mean, he has to win one of those big states. Those voters are actually now coming to Hillary Clinton, as we saw, interestingly, in the polls this week. Her biggest gains have been among white men, who really, like John Kasich, are rejecting Donald Trump's politics.

The interesting thing about these voters is they may be interested in Donald Trump's business background for whatever reason, I couldn't explain that. But what they are finding is that this election is turning on the values they're going to spread to their children, their families, their wives and girlfriends, that they're not able to look people in the eye. That's why you're seeing so many Republicans come across the aisle to support Hillary this week while Donald Trump is flailing about.

HARLOW: What we do know is that issue number-one in this election is the economy and jobs. Many are scratching their heads and wondering why hasn't Donald Trump spent the last week focusing on the GDP numbers. But I digress.

And I have to ask you, Hilary, about the other Hillary's e-mails. She comes out in the latest interview and says I, quote, unquote, "short circuited" perhaps in answering my answer when the "Washington Post" gave it four Pinocchios and saying what she said is not true. The FBI director said in his testimony back on July 7th that her answers to the American people were not fully truthful. What is she going to do on this front, because it keeps weighing on her campaign?

ROSEN: Yeah, the biggest problem is, you know, the lawyer in her keeps wanting to re-litigate the specifics. The truth is that Comey said in his testimony before Congress that the three classified e- mails were not properly marked, and somebody could legitimately not have known that they were classified. That's why Hillary Clinton has consistently said I did not knowingly send these classified e-mails.

The problem is, she just -- people need to stop asking her, but she mostly needs to stop talking about it.

The important thing that Comey did say that she did repeat was that she was truthful in -- and transparent with the investigation. So that shows motive here that there was no motive at any time during this entire process to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. She did something that Donald Trump has never done. She apologized right away. Said she was sorry. She is owned this mistake for months and months and months. And you know, people can move on or not. We're going to compare that to the --


[15:09:55] HARLOW: I'm running out of time, but the FBI director called her extremely careless in her handling of the e-mails and the American people have shown they lack trust in her. She's running for the presidency. I don't think anybody needs to stop asking her questions about the e-mails, but we can debate that at another time.

ROSEN: It is the same question. One thing is important. She did --


HUGHES: Because she is not answering the question, Hilary.


HUGHES: If she would answer the question correctly, we would let it go. This continues on.


HARLOW: I've got to jump in.

Scottie Nell Hughes --


HARLOW: -- Hilary Rosen, we'll have you both back. Thank you so much.


HARLOW: Appreciate it.

As I said, tomorrow morning, you're not going to want to miss this. This is a festinating interview. See the entire thing with Jake Tapper and John Kasich, an exclusive on "State of the Union," 9:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow morning, in his home state of Ohio. Will he change his tune? Will he get behind his party's candidate? He says actions speak the loudest. Watch "State of the Union" tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. eastern, right here on CNN.

A lot headline this hour live in the CNN NEWSROOM. Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump can't be trusted with the nuclear codes. Ahead, a look at how the president's nuclear suitcase works. Our Brian Todd reports.

Also, playing spoiler. A look at the impact that third-party candidates have on elections. Ralph Nader is our exclusive guest.

And red plus blue makes purple. A look at why North Carolina could swing either way this time around.

Stay with us.


HARLOW: It is an ordinary looking briefcase with the power to launch nuclear war. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each questioning whether the other should have access to the so-called nuclear Football, if you will.

Our Brian Todd looks at what is inside the briefcase and the sobering task of carrying the Football.


BRIAN TODD, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Just a few feet from the president, no matter where the commander-in-chief happens to be, a military aide carries a briefcase. It is nicknamed the Football. The power this satchel can unleash is legendary.

[15:15:13] KINGSTON REIF, ARMS CONTROL ASSOCIATION: Immense unprecedented power. The United States currently right now deploys 900 nuclear warheads that are on the order of 10 to 20 times more powerful than the weapons that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

TODD: Five military aides, one from each of the armed forces, work in a rotation carrying the Football.

For three years, as a young Marine major, Pete Metzger carried the nuclear Football for President Ronald Reagan. The responsibility can be nerve wracking.

PETE METZGER, FORMER MARINE MAJOR WHO CARRIED NUCLEAR FOOTBALL: I wouldn't say I was on edge, but I was very focused on what I was going to do. The time is so short between alert and execution, you have to be ready any time for any moment. That's why one of us was always in very close proximity to the president.

TODD: Metzger says there is a separate Football for the vice- president if the commander-in-chief becomes incapacitated.

(on camera): How does it compare to this, bigger, heavier?

METZGER: It is somewhat longer, somewhat wider and somewhat heavier.

TODD (voice-over): Inside the case, he says, there is communication equipment. Metzger won't discuss the other contents.

But Bill Gully, a former director of the White House Military Office, described in his book four crucial components inside. A so-called black book, listing strike options for retaliation if the U.S. is attacked with nuclear weapons, a book listing bunker locations where the president can be taken in an emergency, a manila folder listing procedures for the emergency broadcast systems, and a small card with authentication codes to verify it is the president ordering a nuclear launch.

REIF: That's known as the Biscuit. Another interesting name. TODD: Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump doesn't have the right

temperament to be trusted with the nuclear launch codes.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Anyone who can be provoked by a tweet should not be anywhere near nuclear weapons.

TODD: Trump has vehemently refuted that.

Metzger said to carry the Football, he had to have rigorous background checks by the military, Secret Service and FBI. It included extensive psychiatric screening.

METZGER: The result of the decision the president would make is so grotesquely horrible, it would change the face of the earth. It would change humanity. It would change mankind. And I guess when you're on duty, you try not to think of the import of that, but you're fully prepared to do so if you have to.

TODD (on camera): If the president decides to use the Football and actually launch a strike, is there anyone in the chain of command who can stop that order? The White House won't comment on that. But Pete Metzger and other experts tell us that unless there is a full-on mutiny, no one can stop that order.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


HARLOW: Brian, thank you very much.

President Obama has had that so-called Football, that suitcase, no farther than a few feet away from him for eight years.

Our Barbara Starr, this week at the press conference, asked the president how he feels about Donald Trump potentially being in charge of it.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: What is your assessment today as you stand here about whether Donald Trump can be trusted with America's nuclear weapons?

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Just listen to what Mr. Trump has to say and make your own judgment with respect to how confident you feel about his ability to manage things like our nuclear Triad.


HARLOW: All right, Ron Brownstein is with me, A CNN political analyst, and also senior editor at "The Atlantic."

A fascinating article this week. We'll get to what you're working on, the latest, in just a moment. But let's just put this in context for people. When have we ever seen a sitting U.S. president so openly oppose a candidate in that way?

RON BROWNSTEIN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: I don't think we have. I mean, I think this is an extension of kind of the ways in which this is a unique election. The closest thing I can remember is in 1988, Ronald Reagan at one point made a seeming joke that was a reference to the rumor that Michael Dukakis had undergone treatment for depression, which would have been a bigger deal back then obviously.

HARLOW: Right.

BROWNSTEIN: He said, "I won't pick on an invalid." By the end of the day, Reagan had apologized because it was just such an uproar. So the idea of a president being this directly on the battlefield. No, it is true, Poppy, whether he chooses to engages or not, his approving rating is a big factor in this race. Over 80 percent of the people approve for him will vote for Hillary Clinton. But directly kind of in the ring this way, this is pretty unusual.

HARLOW: He has got 54 percent right now, the highest of his second term.

Let me ask you this. If you look at the past few weeks, three of the past four CIA directors have blasted Donald Trump. Most recently, former acting CIA Director Mike Morell, he said, in the past, I've been silent about my preferences for president, but he felt so compelled to speak out now, following the other two former directors. The significance of that in your mind?

[15:20:01] BROWNSTEIN: It is very significant. Michael Hayden, a former CIA director under President Bush, is featured in a known pro Clinton Priorities USA ad, basically raising similar concerns.

Donald Trump -- the biggest single problem Donald Trump faces is that, consistently, somewhere around 60 percent of the public have said he is not qualified to be president. That number has not budged. For example, in ABC post polling, who is better, who has the right temperament, that's where Clinton leads the most. Trump's advantage is on change. In terms of preparation for the job, she has a big lead. All of these voices from Republican-leaning sources, are an important source of reaffirmation, center right, who might vote Republican, might feel more comfortable with Republican economics, to say this is a time when you don't have to follow the usual partisan. I think it's a big problem for Donald Trump.

HARLOW: Ahead next hour -- you're with me next hour -- we're going to talk about what you're working on now, and that's looking at history, looking '64, '72, the elections of Goldwater and McGovern and how much of the defection of some within the party hurt them and what it means this time around. Stay with us for that.

Ron Brownstein, thank you so much.

BROWNSTEIN: Thank you.

HARLOW: Coming up, we're going to take you to Chicago. Chicago police are promising a full investigation today, after this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)





HARLOW: That shooting in broad daylight, it is disturbing footage, right before an unarmed teenager in Chicago was shot and killed. Also, the big question right now is why the key piece of video in this shooting is missing, next.


[15:25:22] HARLOW: Welcome back. "Shocking and disturbing," that's how the head of Chicago's police oversight board describes video of this deadly officer-involved shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old. It happened a week ago when officers opened fire after a high speed chase. There is one key piece of video, though, that is missing, the body cam video from the officer who fired the fatal shot.

Here is Rosa Flores.





ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Newly released dash and body camera video show the dramatic moments leading to a deadly police shooting in Chicago. The suspect, 18-year-old, Paul O'Neil, was fleeing from police in a black Jaguar reported stolen. As he drives towards a police car, two officers jump out --


FLORES: -- firing at the Jaguar, as it speeds by. One officer even pointing his gun in the direction of his partner as he turns around.


FLORES: Seconds later, O'Neil slams head on into a police SUV. The violent collision, covering the SUV's dash cam with smoke, as he takes off running. Body cams show officers chasing him.


FLORES: Moments later, the sound of gunfire. O'Neil was shot in the backyard of a home.


FLORES: The county medical examiner says O'Neil, who was unarmed, died of a gunshot wound to the back.

The officer who fired the fatal shot was wearing a body camera, but not recording. Investigators are trying to figure out why.

O'Neil's family watched the video before they were released to the public.

BRIANA ADAMS, SISTER OF PAUL O'NEIL: I'm very hurt. Words can't describe how I feel at this moment, how I felt when it happened. But I really want everybody to know that Paul was loved by my mother, his family, me.

FLORES: The family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the department, and the officers involved.

Family members say some of the most disturbing moments are what the officers say after the shooting, while O'Neil is still bleeding and handcuffed on the ground.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He shot back, right?



FLORES: This shooting, happening in what has been deemed a new era of transparency and accountability in Chicago.

EDDIE JOHNSON, SUPERINTENDENT, CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT: As it appears right, departmental policies might have been violated.

FLORES: The new police superintendent took swift action, taking the police powers away from the three officers who fired their weapons.


FLORES: It only took eight days for officials to release the video, a move that, at times, has taken more than a year.

Rosa Flores, CNN, Chicago.


HARLOW: Rosa, thank you so much.

Coming up, live in the CNN NEWSROOM, when three is a crowd.


RALPH NADER, POLITICAL ACTIVIST & AUTHOR: I do think that Al Gore cost me the election, especially in Florida.


HARLOW: From Ralph Nader to Ross Perot a look back at the power of third-party tickets. Ralph Nader joins us live, next.


[15:32:09] HARLOW: Welcome back. For both Democrats and Republicans, the rising popularity of the third party this year likely brings back memories of Ralph Nader's presidential run in 2000. Nader racked up nearly 100,000 votes in Florida as the Green Party Candidate. Republican George Bush won in Florida over Democrat Al Gore by 537 votes, just 537, an outcome that decided the election. Ralph Nader joins me live in a few moments.

But first, if you think so-called fringe candidates don't make a difference, think again.

Randi Kaye reports.


RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): No third-party candidate has ever reached the Oval Office, but that doesn't mean they didn't have a hand in who did.

Back in 1912, former President Teddy Roosevelt left the Republican Party and ran on the Progressive Party or Bull Moose ticket. Roosevelt split the Republican vote with William Howard Taft. It likely cost Taft the presidency, handing the Oval Office to Democrat Woodrow Wilson, instead.

Fast forward to 1968, another third-party candidate shook things up. This time, George Wallace.

ANNOUNCER: Wallace has the courage to stand up for America. Give him your support.

KAYE: The former governor of Alabama was considered a Segregationist Democratic, opposing civil rights and fueling fear in America.

GEORGE WALLACE, (I), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It's a sad day in our country that you can't walk in your neighborhoods at night or even in the daytime.

KAYE: Wallace ran on the ticket for the American Independent Party. By pulling conservative Democrat votes, he cost Democrat Hubert Humphrey the election. Republican Richard Nixon walked away with the win.

In 1992, it was Ross Perot's turn to shake up the race.

ROSS PEROT, (I), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Good afternoon. The volunteers in all 50 states have asked me to run as a candidate for president of the United States. KAYE: The Texas billionaire ran as an Independent, and focused his

presidential campaign on the national debt.

PEROT: Decide who you think will do the job, pick that person in November. Because believe me, as I've said before, the party is over. It is time for the cleanup crew.

KAYE: On Election Day, Perot snagged 19 percent of the popular vote, likely costing Republican George H.W. Bush a second term. Then Governor Bill Clinton got the win. Bush refused to discuss Perot years later, in the HBO documentary, "41."


GEORGE H.W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No, can't talk about it. He cost me the election and I don't like him.

KAYE: Ralph Nader played a spoiler in 2000. He won 2.7 percent of the vote, but pulled in 97,000 votes in Florida. Republican George W. Bush beat Democrat Al Gore in Florida by just 537 votes. If most of Nader supporters had voted for Gore instead, Gore would have won Florida, and been elected president.

AL GORE, (R), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States.

KAYE: When Nader was questioned about his campaign's role in Gore's loss, he brushed it off.

RALPH NADER, ACTIVIST & AUTHOR: By the way, I do think that Al Gore cost me the election, especially in Florida.


And that's a far greater concern than whether I was supposed to help elect Al Gore.

KAYE: In 2016, an election year where both major party candidates a likability problem, third-party candidates see an opening once again.

Randi Kaye, CNN, New York.


[15:35:45] HARLOW: Randy, thank you.

For all of you watching, do not expect to see a third-party candidate on stage during this year's presidential debates, unless their polling changes significantly. A federal judge yesterday dismissing a lawsuit claiming that the Presidential Debate Commission had violated antitrust laws and the First Amendment by excluding the third-party candidates from this year's debate. They have to hit 15 percent to be involved in the debates.

Let's talk to a man with plenty of experience in third-party politics, Ralph Nader. He ran for president twice as the Green Party candidate, twice as an Independent. He joins me now on the phone.

Thank you for being with me, sir. I appreciate it.

NADER (voice-over): You're welcome, Poppy.

HARLOW: Gary Johnson was in a fascinating town hall this week with Anderson Cooper. Jill Stein, Dr. Jill Stein, will be in one shortly. They're still far behind Clinton and Trump in the polls. Is victory for them unrealistic?

NADER: Well, it is in the two-party rigged system, which has a private corporation deciding who gets on the presidential debates or who doesn't. I mean, that's pretty clear. The only way a third-party candidate can reach tens of millions of voters, no matter how widespread their campaign is in 50 states, is to get on the presidential debate. And they're excluded because it is a private corporation, founded by the two -- by the Republican and Democratic parties and funded by corporations, and they decide what kind of candidates are visible to the voters of America. That's why people often say it is a rigged system.

HARLOW: So let's talk about the word rigged. This is everyone's favorite word this week, I'll tell you. Donald Trump came out and said look, the election system is rigged. President Obama in his press conference brushed it off. And he sort of said how can you, you know, how can you say that is the case. You say the word rigged. What do you make of Trump's, the way that Trump said that the election system is rigged? Is he right?

NADER: Well, I don't know what he means. Maybe the vote count in close elections in Ohio or Florida can be --


HARLOW: Well, many were also saying that he was -- believed that he was pointing to some of those voter I.D. laws that were overturned in North Carolina, for example.

NADER: Yeah, well, whatever he says, the key here is if we don't have a competitive democracy, giving people more voices and choices, and that's why third and fourth parties and Independent candidates are important, we're not going to make much change in this country. The use of the word spoiler only applied to third-party candidates is a bigoted word. If we all have an equal right to run for election in this country, we're all trying to get votes, either we're all spoilers or none of us are spoilers. Third-party candidates are not to be treated as second-class citizens. Historically, Poppy, third-party has never won a national election, led the way in the abolition drive against slavery, women's right to vote, the worker/farmer reforms of the last 19th century, and most of social safety nets in the 20th century, including Social Security, Medicare and the 40-hour week. So we have to get over this siphoning vote away from this and that. But it only applied to third parties. It's not applied to the major parties. Which is why I tried to make that point about Gore costing me the election. A quarter of a million Democrats in 2000 voted for Bush, a quarter of a million. Buchanan ran in Florida. I suppose he siphoned votes away from Bush. We've got to get over this spoiler and go for more choices, new agendas, new energies, new people for the American people to have a real choice.

HARLOW: You sound like a candidate in this election, my friend. But really, honestly and seriously, on that point, when you look at a third-party and perhaps elections after this, what do you think makes for a sustainable third-party? Meaning does it take, you know, multiple third parties coalescing to one additional major party to make it work?

NADER: Well, first thing that makes a third-party possible is the multi billionaire. If former Mayor Bloomberg ran, it would have been a three-way race. You would have gotten media and he would have gotten polls. That's number one.

The second way a third-party can grow to some stature is to start very early and a very broad base, like representing a light/right coalition. Not just left or right, but saying, look, we've got to change the tax system. We've got to get criminal justice reform. We've got to have a living wage. We should have universal health insurance. We should de-bloat the military budget. We should push the civil liberties. And we should get rid of crony capitalism. A lot of these are supported, left/right, which means 70 percent or more and it's a nonstop political force.

[15:40:36] HARLOW: So Ralph Nader, I want to keep this conversation going, including talking about scathing opinion pieces you've written about both Clinton and Trump, and what that means for your vote come November.

Why don't you stay with me?

We're going take a quick break. More with Ralph Nader, next.


HARLOW: We're back with former presidential candidate, Ralph Nader.

Thank you for being with me, sir.

Let's continue the conversation. You wrote a recent op-ed in "The Huffington Post." Here is part of it. "The best thing Hillary Clinton going for her is the self-destruction, unstable, unorganized, fact and truth-starved egomaniacal, cheating, plutocratic Donald Trump."

Given that, who are you casting your ballot for in November?

NADER (voice-over): I never divulge my vote, but you can surmise I'm not going to vote for either Clinton or Trump. There are third-party candidates available for people who want to cast a vote of conscience or want to highlight the agenda of the third party. You can write in your vote.

I hope some day we'll have a binding "none of the above" on all ballots so people can vote no to the candidates, a vote of no confidence that actually means something. If it gets more than any of the other candidates, it cancels that line on the ballot and orders new elections, binding "none of the above." 90 percent of the people would favor that and it keeps people from staying home.

[15:45:28] HARLOW: One thing you said before the break was that for a third party to actually win the presidency, it sounded to me like you were saying they have to be a billionaire candidate. You mentioned former New York City mayor, Mike Bloomberg. Is that right? Is that the only hope?

NADER: The only practical one. One consequence from Trump as candidacy, it's going to increase the likelihood of some billionaires running for office, not just for president, but for Senators and governors. You can already see it now. Mark Cuban is making signs, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, Tom Steyer and others. We'll see more of that in 2018 and 2020.

But I hope to see a grassroots effort like Bernie Sanders mobilized. That came out of the blue. Nobody predicted that one. Nobody predicted he could raise $225 million in $17 average contributions. So I don't think that is off the charts in the coming years, especially with the Internet and the example that Bernie Sanders established. And I think now, he should lead a nonpartisan civic mobilization, with a huge rally on the mall in Washington, right after Labor Day, and take it around the country, pushing his agenda, not pushing any candidate. It may rebound to the benefit of the Democrats, but so what. He has a role, other than just going around the country being, you know, emitting cliches about Hillary Clinton, who during one debate said she was unqualified by reason of bad judgment to become president.

HARLOW: I'm not sure if we'll see that in September. He just had an op-ed in the "L.A. Times" today, really vehemently getting behind Clinton. Who knows? Perhaps after the election.

I'm very interested in who you would have liked to see run for president this go around that did not get in the race.

NADER: Well, first of all, there are a lot of good people nobody heard of. There are people, you know, in the labor community, people in universities who are accomplished people, but they're not celebrities. So I have to give you someone, you know, that you might know. I think Senator Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, would have been good candidates. Senator Ed Markey would be a good candidate. There are some governors from time to time. If Jerry Brown wanted to run, I think would he have had a good chance because he is such a winner in California. And he knows how to -- he knows how to appeal to fiscal conservatives and social liberals.

The point is, the political recruitment system, the two-party tyranny is very bad. It is pushing out good people from wanting to go into politics, which they see as a dirty word and a mess and they don't want any part of it. So when bad politicians drive out good politicians, like Gresham's law, bad money dries out good money, the people are the losers. And if people always keep saying politics is dirty, if people make politics into a dirty word, Poppy, why should they be surprised when they get dirty politics.

HARLOW: Ralph Nader, thank you so much.

NADER: You're welcome, Poppy.

It is all up to the people.

HARLOW: Power to the people. Really nice to have you on. Thank you for calling in.

Also, for all of you watching, look out for his forthcoming book, "Breaking through Power."

Coming up next, the fight against Zika goes aerial. Florida's new steps to contain the virus and the example this could set for other states ahead. A live report from Miami, next.


[15:52:46] HARLOW: Right now, Miami-Dade County on the offensive against mosquitoes carrying the Zika Virus both on the ground and up in the air. Aerial spraying began on Thursday in a neighborhood where 16 people have contracted the virus from mosquitoes. Some planes flying as low as 100 feet from the ground spraying insecticide. Public works workers also spraying on the ground, searching for standing water to attack the mosquitoes where they breed.

Our Dan Simon is live in Miami.

Dan, when you look at this, 16 is a very high number. There's major concerns about the fact this is coming from locally born mosquitoes, not coming in from outside the country. How effective is this tactic of combating it right now?

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, what state health official are saying is that the aerial sprayings seem to be working. The early results are promising. You know, they set up traps, you know, to gauge the effectiveness of the sprayings. And they had a very high kill rate. Another thing that you are seeing, Poppy, is you will see these trucks go on these streets and they will sort of soak up all the excess water to prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs. And we've also seen kind of this fierce public relations campaign, even where you are seeing police officers literally handing out pamphlets to tourists warning them about Zika. We have seen people liberally spraying bug spray. Some of the local Walgreens are out of bug spray. So people seem to be taking the message.

This is a tourist area. This is Wynwood. You see a lot of galleries and bars and restaurants, et cetera. Thus far, the crowd is still coming. There is some concern, of course, but a lot of tourists are still coming to the area and spending their money. Of course, that makes local officials very happy -- Poppy?

HARLOW: Right. Obviously, let's hope they can keep it contained.

Dan Simon for us live in Miami. Dan, thank you so much. More on that later.

Coming up here on the CNN NEWSROOM, hacking the election. The best of the best in tech weighing in now on the security flaws of our voting machines.


[15:54:49] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can probably put about 400 votes in myself in less than a couple of minutes and the poll workers would be none the wiser.



HARLOW: All right. Finally this hour, sports as saving grace. This week's "CNN Hero" struggled with alcoholism, depression, and eventually homelessness after his father died. But he says that joining a soccer team really helped him get his life back. Now he is committed to helping others both on the field and off. We want you to meet Davy Duke, of Scotland.


DAVY DUKE, CNN HERO: When you are homeless, you lose more than just the roof above your head. You lose your dignity, yourself esteem. You isolate yourself. Football gives you a place where you belong. Confidence, fitness, friendships. I got me my life back.


HARLOW: You can see more of Davy's story. Just go to While you are there, nominate someone who you think should be a "CNN Hero."

Top of the hour, 4:00 p.m. eastern. I'm Poppy Harlow, in New York.

We begin with politics. We begin this afternoon in New Hampshire where, in just a few hours, Donald Trump is set to hold a campaign even. He has had what can be described as a tumultuous week. And new polls show how critical this stop may be. Let's take a look. Trump is now behind Clinton in the Granite state by 15 points. However, there could be bright spot for him.