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Report: Black Pastor Submits Questions Prepared for Trump Interview; Trump Meets Mom of Undocumented Immigrant's Victim; FBI Can't Say for Sure Clinton Email Hacked; Unfinished Business, The Essential Hillary Clinton to Air on CNN. Aired 3:30-4p ET

Aired September 02, 2016 - 15:30   ET


15:30:00] REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE (D), TEXAS: The Supreme Court indicated that affirmative action has merit in the 21st century because of the lack of opportunities for many minorities, including women. Does Mr. Trump even know that?

Hillary Clinton does. She has lived civil rights. She has provided a record but also service to African Americans. Again, 3 million African Americans were able to get health care through the affordable care act. She supports and will not repeal. Children's health insurance program, provided that.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN ANCHOR: I understand you are a Hillary Clinton supporter through and through. But back to Detroit and Mr. Trump and my conversation with the bishop. Listen, he's been called a sellout. He responded to that. He says, no, that that is not the case. He just simply wants answers from those who would like to be the next president, that that's $ fair. Response.

LEE: Yes, I'm not going to call him any names. As I said to you, I have a great respect for individuals that are men and women of faith. But there is a whole body of those individuals who have a great opposition to this abuse of the African American community, albeit that there will be a voice and you will hear Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton will be at the National Baptist convention this week.

Hillary Clinton has been in churches throughout the nation. But more importantly, her staff reflected a wide diversity at the State Department. When she was first lady, her immediate staff reflected the presence of African American women. So I'm talking, Brooke, about long history versus platitudes. I'm talking about opportunities proven by service and reality, jobs created by the principles of the first lady.

BALDWIN: I understand, congresswoman.

LEE: I'm talking about a secretary of state who has a relationship with the continent of Africa. Does Mr. Trump have that? I just think that we should not deal with photo-ops and also a lack of reality in one's true efforts to engage with the minority community.

BALDWIN: Okay. You mentioned the secretary of state. I have to ask you, I'd be remiss not to ask you about the breaking news here. FBI releasing a report today on the investigation into her private e-mail server. Among the headlines here, you have the fact that Clinton told investigators 39 times, congresswoman, that she couldn't recall.

Drone strikes were also discussed. CIA, covert drone strikes discussed in these classified e-mails. And that the FBI cannot conclusively say that her e-mails were not hacked. Problematic for the campaign going forward, is it not, congresswoman?

LEE: Well, Brooke, I know your expertise. You are very knowledgeable as it relates to the law. I am a trained lawyer and a member of the Homeland Security Committee. I want to emphasize -- I know you know this -- former Secretary Clinton wanted all of these e-mails to be released as quickly as possible.

The interview that she had with the FBI is released. Great. We are as much in support of the secretary's position that she wanted all of those out. Let me be very clear. I think what the American people need to know first of all is that this is an issue for the Trump campaign and certainly it should be one in terms of questions for the media. But it is for the Trump campaign because they have no other issues. But --

BALDWIN: How is it not -- forgive me, but how is it not an issue for Hillary Clinton and even her own surrogates out here a moment ago and said, yes, it is careless. It is careless.

LEE: No. I will answer the question. I wanted to make sure that it is one for the Trump campaign meaning over and over again because they have no issues, they have no policies. But I want to answer your question forthrightly and say to you several points. One, whenever the secretary is asked, she will answer any of these questions forthrightly in the public. It is now out in the public.

Two, there is no documentation that any occurrence impacted the national security of this nation. Secretary Clinton was in the situation room during the Osama bin Laden strike, if you will. If there was any doubt of her integrity, she would not be there.

Furthermore, there has been no challenge to any of her actions that they violated or undermined the security of the American people. In fact, she made many, many leaps of engagement and new roads of diplomacy as a secretary of state. Then finally what I would say --

BALDWIN: Integrity, fine. Sorry. Integrity, fine. But question of judgment here.

LEE: Let me say this about judgment. I think she's already been accountable by her own words. Argued for transparency. Suggested that this wouldn't happen again. But she is also a trained lawyer who understands that she has to be within the law. If you do not recall, it is best not to make up an answer.

That in essence undermines the fact finding of the FBI or the interrogator. Those answers of "do not recall" are truthful answers. What the American people want is someone that will be truthful. I believe if she is elected -- and I expect that the American people will view her as the person with the stable personality, with the right judgment, that she will be forthright, transparent. [15:35:00] She will correct all of those elements of infrastructure

security that are necessary for the entire government. We have to fix our entire network dealing with cyber security in the government and she will fix that and finally, just want to make sure we are aware of the point, that she will be a forthright negotiator and diplomat and the American people will know what the government stands for if she happens to be president of the United States of America.

BALDWIN: Okay. Sheila Jackson Lee, congresswoman, from the great state of Texas, thank you so much. I appreciate your time.

Pleasure to be with you.

LEE: Thank you very much.

BALDWIN: Coming up next here on CNN, her son was killed by an undocumented immigrant and now she is one of Donald Trump's biggest supporters. This mother will join me live to share her take on Trump's immigration plans.


BALDWIN: Right now Donald Trump is meeting with a mother who has been mourning a loss for nine years. Her daughter was murdered in 2007. The killer, an undocumented immigrant who police believe was involved in a gang. Iofemi Hightower was 20 years of age when she killed in a schoolyard in Newark, New Jersey. Here is part of the conversation she just had with Donald Trump.


MOTHER OF IOFEMI HIGHTOWER: She's been overlooked. So you the first person to step up and actually give her recognition and I truly, truly thank you from the bottom of my heart that you would help me not let her memory --

DONALD TRUMP, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: She will not have died in vain because people are seeing what's going on. They're seeing it all over the country and we are making people aware of it. Lot of people don't even know. They have no idea of consequence of these people coming in and they shouldn't be here. And they're killing not only children, they're killing people that are in the military. Retired military people. A 90-year-old man was killed. It is a terrible situation. It is an honor for me to meet you.

MOTHER: Thank you. It is honor to meet you as well.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Ma'am, you're obviously here -- would it be fair to say are a supporter of Mr. Trump?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: What would you say to --

(END VIDEOTAPE) BALDWIN: Coming up next -- another mom who can empathize with that woman because her son was killed by an undocumented immigrant and now she is one of Donald Trump's biggest supporters. We'll talk to her live next.


BALDWIN: A central component of Trump's immigration plan has been to crack down on undocumented immigrants with criminal records. That has won him the support of Sabine Durden her son Dominic was hit and killed by a drunk driver in 2012 and he was also an undocumented immigrant.

Sabine spoke about her son at this year's Republican National Convention.


SABINE DURDEN, MOTHER OF SON KILLED BY UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT: I have been talking illegal immigrants since 2012, since he got

killed, and no one listened. Until Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not only my hero, he's my life saver.


BALDWIN: Sabine joins me now. Thank you so much for joining me today. All these years later, I am so sorry about the loss of your son.

DURDEN: Thank you so much, Brooke, for having me. It really means a lot.

BALDWIN: We have heard -- we heard you say it then, I have heard you say it before, that Trump is not only your hero, but that he is your life saver. How do you mean?

DURDEN: Yes. After my son was killed and I found out it was an illegal with priors, felony, DUIs, and nobody would listen to me. No media. Nobody. I started losing hope. He was my only child. So my family was destroyed. I have nobody else. My mom and sister are in Germany. And I started contemplating suicide. I couldn't deal with the pain anymore. Until I heard Donald Trump announce his candidacy as I am walking past the TV and he mentioned illegal immigration.

And I dropped to my knees. It was a sign to me, don't do it. Just stay. There is more to come. I didn't know that a month later I would meet Mr. Trump who became my hero and life saver at that moment.

BALDWIN: Do you agree, Sabine, with everything I mean I hear you on him saving your life. But on what you said on immigration, he talks about these ideological screenings and deportation force, do you agree with everything?

DURDEN: I agree with most of it. And I think I'm more focused on that he brought attention to this issue because it's far deeper than just the death and everything. We have to pay a lot of money for undocumented immigrants, as they call them. I call them illegal aliens. To be here.

The jails are full and we're paying for it with our tax dollars. So is he's touching on a lot of things that will help the American people save money for our own people, like veterans and school kids and inner cities. And I'm sure he's going to tweak his plans here and there, but overall, yes. Yes, I agree with him.

BALDWIN: I talked to a member of Trump's Hispanic national advisory board. He's been meeting with these folks. Talked to him yesterday. He said quite honestly, that he was confused. He watched Trump's speech in Phoenix and he thinks his comments have been murky, even Sarah Palin has called them wishy-washy. How would you convince those on the fence?

DURDEN: The only way I convince them is like this. Donald Trump wants to protect American citizens. He does not want American citizens to end up like me with the ashes of my child.

[15:50:00] He wants to keep families together, and illegal aliens have a platform. They had it with Hillary on -- at her convention where they were talking about there will be families separated. People that are here illegally have a choice. They can all go together. They can do the right thing. they can apply for citizenship like I had to do.

I am a German legal immigrant, I have to go by our laws and apply for my resident alien card, and then become a citizen. So that is what Trump pretty much asks. When you want to come in here, and you are welcome to do so. You have to come the legal way. However, that will be done.

And we need to stop the bleeding with building the wall.

BALDWIN: I know you support the wall, and a lot of Trump supporters do, I just had Janet Napolitano on yesterday, former Homeland Security Secretary,

former Governor of the border state, Arizona. She doesn't believe in the wall. And she essentially said to me, Brooke, you build me a ten- foot wall, I'll show you a 12-foot ladder.

How would you respond to that, Sabine?

DURDEN: Donald Trump is brilliant businessman. He builds 95-story buildings. You think he would not build the best wall he can? I would ask her if she has a wall or fence around her house and if she locks her doors at night. Why would she not want that for American citizens.

BALDWIN: But the practicality, the cost, getting congress to sign on.

DURDEN: If we cut out all of the freebies illegals are getting now, welfare, tax refunds, all kinds of things are being paid to illegals. We have, a lot of money left over for the wall. And I also want to make clear I'm not just talking about illegals from Mexico, but any country, any nationality. If we cut all of that off, we have the wall paid for. I would love to be there and take a break and be there when that day happens. BALDWIN: Okay, I hear your answer on the cost.

DURDEN: I'm sure they will fall in line.

BALDWIN: Okay, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, still ahead, Hillary Clinton. She is down for a one on one interview with CNN sharing insight into her youth, her rise to political power, we'll have a preview of the personal report airing Monday night coming up next.


BALDWIN: From student super star to controversial first lady, she is one of the most famous and polarizing people in politics. And CNN's Pamela Brown sat down with the candidate for a two-hour special report, "Unfinished Business", the Essential Hillary Clinton. And she found out why she said no two times when Bill Clinton first asked her to marry him.


HILLARY CLINTON, (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: So I put my books down, I went up and I said if you're going to keep looking at me and I'm going to keep looking at you, we might as well know each other's names. I'm Hillary Rodham, who are you? He says that he couldn't remember his name, that makes me feel so good when he says that.

PAMELA BROWN, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: So what were they like together?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yin and yang. I think he saw in her a great partner. Someone who was smart, driven, who was utterly disciplined and persistent. I think she saw in him someone who is exciting and emotional and since they both cared about public policy, it was a terrific combination.

BROWN: A combination so special that soon Bill would ask Hillary for her hand in marriage for the first time. What was holding you back initially when he was asking you to marry him.

CLINTON: I had not thought about getting married. I was clearly in love, but I was not quite ready to commit to marriage. And I didn't know what I wanted to do. It was clear for Bill what he wanted to do, he wanted to go into politics. And I thought before I get married I should know what I want to do. And I said, no, and he asked me again and I said no, I'm still not ready.


BALDWIN: Pamela Brown is with me. It was interesting watching Bill Clinton give that speech at the DNC, and hearing the interview with her, her side of things, I know you he embarked on this journey, but what has surprised you the most in talking to all these people in her sphere?

BROWN: We talked to about 30 people in her inner circle. Family, friends, friends since the fourth grade. What I think struck me is that she has really been a reluctant politician. In fact, I asked her when she said Bill knew he want today go into politics, I asked if that made her attracted to him or whether it made her hesitant.

And she said she both. So has never known anyone in politics before and she didn't know if that was the life that she wanted to be involved with. And here she is now all these years later running for president of the United States. But so much of her life, her friends say, she wanted to be behind the scenes.

She is happiest dealing with policy, a policy wonk she was an attorney in the Nixon impeachment. Behind the scenes, low profile, and she emerged in her own right. Some degree, she still has a need for privacy. She is very guarded. Part of that is being in the public eye.

My DVR is set for both of these. 8:00 p.m., the Essential Hillary Clinton, and then Donald Trump. There you have it. 8:00 and 10:00.