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Hala Gorani Tonight

One Dead, 108 Injured In New Jersey Train Crash; ; Donald Trump Looks To Rebound From Debate; Hillary Clinton Rallies Supporters In Iowa;

Aired September 29, 2016 - 15:00   ET




HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Hala Gorani. We are live at CNN London. Happy Thursday to all of you around the world.


It was supposed to slow down, of course, but the speeding train careened through the station in Hoboken, New Jersey turning a typical morning

commute into a scene of bloodshed. The impact demolished part of that very busy station just outside New York City.

Take a look after some of the aftermath there. Now there is one death reported. A commuter who was standing on the platform, wrong place, wrong

time sadly for that person. A 108 people were injured, some of them very badly.

Looking at these pictures, it's a miracle no one inside the front car of the train was actually killed. Several, though, are in serious or even

critical condition including the engineer.

Now for what caused the crashed, the governors of New York and New Jersey say it is just too early to know.


ANDREW CUOMO, NEW YORK GOVERNOR: There is no real point as to speculating what happened. Why did the train come in so fast? Was there a medical

condition? What happened with the conductor, et cetera? We have no idea and I don't think the speculation is especially helpful.

The NTSB will come up. They will do a full investigation. You'll have the facts. Once we have the facts, if there is a lesson to learn, we will

learn it.

CHRIS CHRISTIE, NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR: We will let the law enforcement professionals pursue the facts. The folks from NTSB and the Federal

Railway Administration, they're working in coordination with our state attorney general and our state police to gather all the facts and then

they'll brief us appropriately when they come to conclusions.


GORANI: Well, you can see some of the carriages actually just came off of the rail. Some of them were airborne and pure chaos is how passengers are

describing the crash and also the terrifying the moments that followed.

One of them who was on that first airborne car but escaped serious injury talked to CNN.


JAMIE WEATHERHEAD-SAL, PASSENGER ON NJ TRAIN THAT CRASHED (via telephone): We had to move away from the scene because they were concerned about the

structural challenge. So people were panicked and going away from the area. It looked like it was a little more stable, but it was so crazy to

see people who were yelling.

But all in all, I think people, everyone was just so resilient and folks just tried to help people where they could. Strangers asking if everyone

was OK. It's surreal to me, but I'm just glad that it wasn't as bad as it seemed initially.


GORANI: Well, Deborah Feyerick joins me now from Hoboken. Now Deborah, I know we don't know the cause, but do we know that for sure that the train

was coming into the station much too fast?

DEBORAH FEYERICK, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, we do officials confirmed what witnesses also confirmed. That usually that train comes

into the station about five miles an hour, but it was traveling at a significantly higher speed.

What we can tell you also is that the testimony of the engineer is going to be critical. Now the New Jersey governor says that he is in critical

condition, but he is cooperating with law enforcement.

Now earlier a witness, another engineer who was at that accident moments after it happened heard that explosion, and he was able to get to the cab.

He told us that he saw the engineer slumped over the controls, and that it appeared when he was taken from the train he was unresponsive.

So clearly that is a key point of the investigation. What happened to the driver of this train and why did he failed to stop? Also why did the

emergency system activate?

Usually when the conductor's hand is not on the throttle for a certain number of seconds, this train will begin to slow down. That appears not to

have happened, but that is under investigation.

Hala, we can tell you when the train did arrive at this Hoboken station, it came with such force that the front car hit a bumper and then jumped

several feet up into the air landing on the concourse platform.

A number of people there were standing. It did so much damage it simply basically tore out and crushed the supports so that the ceiling caved in

partially. There were beams, exposed electrical wires and water as well.

So the rescue effort was really complicated by all of that. The power has subsequently been shut down because clearly they do not want those

electrical wires.

There is a heavy presence here. They are looking at this area. The NTSB, the investigators who look at these crashes, they're on their way. A go

team is being sent, and they're the ones going to piece everything together to find out what happened.

But one woman, Hala, who mentioned, who appears to have died in this accident was standing on the platform, unclear whether it was the train

that caused the injury or if it was falling debris. All of that being looked at very, very carefully. Two others in very critical condition as

well -- Hala.

GORANI: And has everyone inside the train been extracted from the train and the train carriages?

FEYERICK: Yes, and I have to tell you the first responders did a really remarkable job. The fire department and the police department getting

those people out of the train. They had to push out windows in order to bring them out of some of the cars because there was damage to the actual


So they were essentially jockeying people out however they could. Those who get out of the doors did, but again, you know, there's a lot of

electricity and so there was concern as to how you get all these passengers out safely.

But the majority were taken off of the train really within about an hour or two after the accident -- Hala.

GORANI: All right, Deb Feyerick in Hoboken, thanks very much for reporting on that train crash so far one person killed, more than 100 injured and

some very dramatic images after that derailment. Thank you very much.

Back to U.S. politics, stick to the issues is the message from supporters of U.S. Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, in Congress.

They're advising him not to resort to personal attacks as he looks to rebound from his first debate with rival Hillary Clinton.

There were some reports that he was advising some of his supporters to bring up past infidelities by Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's response

to them.

Let's get more from the campaign trail. Jason Carroll is covering Donald Trump for us and he joins us live from Bedford, New Hampshire. What have

we've been hearing on the campaign trail today by Donald Trump? It was deemed that he did not perform as well as his rival, Hillary Clinton.

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, if you talk to Donald Trump, though, Hala, he says he performed very well, at least publicly, and

publicly that's the message that's being put out. That he was the one who performed well during the debate, and that he beat his opponent Hillary

Clinton. That's publicly.

Privately clearly there are some different things happening behind the scenes. Privately, we are being told that Trump made it very clear to some

of his surrogates and supporters who have been out talking to the media and saying maybe Trump could have done a better job here and there.

Maybe there were some missed opportunities apparently privately he has been telling them that he is not happy with surrogates out telling the media

that and to stop it right away, and to instead put out the message that he did do well and that he was the outsider and performed like an outsider,

and Clinton was the one who performed like a political insider.

A lot of things happening behind the scenes, not just with that, but also with this whole idea of what the message should be going forward, and

apparently there's been some sort of conflict about whether or not there should be talk about Bill Clinton and his past infidelities.

A number of GOP leaders have been saying publicly they don't think that is such a good idea. There has been talk about whether or not Trump will go

there. Trump has said publicly he's not going to go there in terms of mentioning this whole idea.

But privately behind the scenes, we are hearing that what the Trump camp is doing, Hala, is telling surrogates to be the ones to go out there and push

this idea of Bill Clinton and his past infidelities.

And to do that, if anyone happens to bring up this whole sort of controversy involving Donald Trump and that former Miss Universe, Alicia

Machado, as you know, Hillary Clinton during the debate brought up the fact that Trump had made these discouraging remarks about her talking about her

weight and calling her Miss Housekeeping.

Apparently in reference to her ethnicity, she is Latina. So behind the scenes, there was this thought that if somebody brings that up then you can

push this idea of Bill Clinton and his past infidelities.

But again, you've got a number of GOP leaders who are saying stick to the issues going forward. We'll have to see if Trump decides to do just that.

GORANI: Has it happened? Have we heard from any of his surrogates bringing up these Bill Clinton issues from the past? It's not exactly

breaking news, you know, everything surrounding Bill Clinton's various scandals including Monica Lewinsky. So I mean, what is the strategy there

to try to achieve what against Hillary Clinton by bringing this up again?

CARROLL: Well, we actually have, I know you hear the music sort of playing now, but before that happened, there was one of the surrogates who was up

on the stage and eluded to Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and how they treat women.

So they sort of eluded to that so some of the surrogates have been out there, sort of pushing this idea. But where it really has impact is the

candidate himself, and the candidate's campaign manager, we should point out, Kellyanne Conway, pointed out on a morning show this morning, she said

she reprimanded him for A, talking about Alicia Machado.

And also suggested that she did not want him to -- to see him go that route in terms of bringing up Bill Clinton's past infidelities. But as you know,

Hala, Donald Trump is his own man, and he will do what he ultimately ends up wanting to do.

GORANI: All right, well, no truer words have ever been uttered. Thanks very much, Jason Carroll in Bedford, New Hampshire. We're waiting, by the

way, those are live images of the stage for you. We are waiting for Donald Trump to make an appearance in this 3:00 p.m. Eastern hour.

Early voting is now underway in Iowa, a battleground state even though it doesn't have many electoral votes, every vote counts. Right now Trump has

the edge there.

So Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, rallied supporters in the city of Des Moines earlier in hopes of gaining ground on him in Iowa.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You know what the debate the other night, one of my well-known supporters, Mark Cuban was there in the

front row. And he really, I think, unsettled my opponent, but Mark Cuban is a real billionaire that uses profit sharing.


GORANI: Well, Hillary Clinton is in Iowa. Well, in Iowa, we find our senior political correspondent, Brianna Keilar, who is in Des Moines. Any

response from the Clinton camp about these reports that Donald Trump is encouraging his surrogates to bring up past Bill Clinton infidelities.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: They are not responding directly to that, but I'll tell you, Hala, when you talk to

surrogates who are very close to the campaign, especially women, they say bring it on.

Because they would love to talk over and over about Donald Trump and his three marriages, his infidelities, and they think that actually when Donald

Trump brings up talk of Bill Clinton's infidelities that it actually plays to Hillary Clinton's favor.

Certainly it's not something very comfortable that she wants to talk about. She's talked about how it was obviously a difficult time period, but for

Hillary Clinton, she never had higher poll numbers I think than shortly after the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal happened.

And she sort of rode some of that into being elected to the U.S. Senate. It's something that actually endears especially female voters to her

because she was cheated on. And so Donald Trump has a real problem with female voters, and so I think more than anything, the Clinton campaign is

looking at that strategy.

And they're wondering why he would do that because they think it actually just increases his problem. I think the argument that they would be more

concerned with is the one that we hear during the debate.

But certainly hasn't been the one that really percolated to the top of all discussion, which that she is a career politician. That she has been in

Washington for decades. Donald Trump was saying over and over, what have you accomplished?

And as he emphasized that you're not a change candidate, I think that was something the Democrats were a little wary of and that Republicans thought

was the way to go.

GORANI: And she's in Iowa, of course, that's a battleground state, do you get the sense covering Hillary Clinton so closely that the campaign is

energized post-debate?

KEILAR: I think they are. I think the campaign is energized. The question is, are voters energized especially in a state like Iowa?

Enthusiasm has been a problem for Hillary Clinton. When you get to a state that is a much more white state, remember this is a state that she narrowly

won against Bernie Sanders during the caucuses. That is really the concern.

Can she compete in states where she doesn't have that diversity that plays to her favor because people of color are more likely to vote for her than

white Americans?

So that's certainly the concern, but she's here today because of this early voting. You had volunteers staffing this entire event. They were actually

trying to funnel people to the polls. Four in ten people vote early here. That goes on in other states as well. So they're already doing this get

out and vote operation in a number of states.

GORANI: All right, Brianna Keilar, thanks very much. Joining us live from Des Moines, Iowa following Hillary Clinton as she continues to campaign.

There is a lot to talk about with the vice presidential debate coming up and two more contests between Trump and Clinton still ahead before

November, Election Day.

I want to bring in CNN Politics executive editor, Mark Preston, who is in New York. So Mark, what many people are waiting for now is the first set

of polls post-debate number one. We don't have those yet though, right?

MARK PRESTON, CNN POLITICS EXECUTIVE EDITOR: We don't. You know, the only we have seen is a CNN poll that was taken immediately after the debate.

That was a small sample size, but again it was the most scientific. Skewered a little bit Democrat. It showed that Hillary Clinton

overwhelmingly won the debate.

But for the more general polls, the more expansive polls, potentially we could see them come out as early as tomorrow afternoon. They usually go

into the field meaning the questions are asked over several days so we could potentially see if Donald Trump was hurt by his debate performance,

his very poor debate performance earlier this week.

GORANI: We're still actually talking about what happened at that debate. One of the big issues for Donald Trump has been that controversy

surrounding the former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado. He spoke to Bill O'Reilly on Fox News about that. Let's listen to what he said.


BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Do you have anything further to say on this Miss Universe thing?

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: No, not much. I'm not going to say anything, I couldn't care less. It's someone I don't know, don't know

certainly very well. I saved her job because they wanted to fire her for putting on so much weight and it is a beauty contest, you know. They know

what they're getting into. It's a beauty contest.


GORANI: All right, so he is still having to respond to this. This can't be something his campaign is happy about, right?

PRESTON: No, absolutely not because what it's doing is side tracking away from where he could potentially be scoring points against Hillary Clinton.

You go back to the debate, Hala, remember, Donald Trump did OK when he attacked Hillary Clinton, and criticized her for her position on trade here

in the United States in supporting trade agreements.

That he says it has taken jobs away from U.S. workers and in many cases she correct, but when you're talking about beauty queens, their weight, and

being critical of them, that doesn't play very well specifically with women voters where he already has a big problem with right now.

And quite frankly the independent voters were actually looking for plans and proposals from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and not getting it

from Donald Trump right now.

GORANI: Right. He even brought up Rosie O'Donnell even though he wasn't asked to comment on her. Now Kellyann Conway, the campaign manager for

Donald Trump, was asked about this idea, perhaps, that Donald Trump asked his surrogates to bring up past Bill Clinton infidelities as a strategy to

attack Hillary Clinton. Here's what she said about that.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: I'm not inviting to go there. It's fair game to think about how Hillary Clinton treated those women after

the fact. She called Monica Lewinsky -- hold on, it is talked about all of the time (inaudible) to answer your question. It's really the treatment

when --


GORANI: So Mark, interestingly a lot of leaders are telling him don't go there, it will backfire big time.

PRESTON: Because they have seen it backfire in the past whenever Hillary Clinton was attacked, her approval ratings went up because she was the

victim. She was the cheatee. She was not the cheater much like her husband was.

It is interesting on that television show, that show is called "The View" here in the United States, that has a huge women demographic. It's

interesting what Kellyann said right there. She said I'm not advising him to say that yet they were talking points (inaudible) campaign.

So clearly there are some people in the campaign that want Donald Trump's surrogates to go out there and to bring up Jennifer Flowers and Monica

Lewinsky, two women, who former President Clinton has admitted having affairs with.

GORANI: Well, he's in New Hampshire. We'll see if he brings it up during his campaign appearance today. Thanks very much, Mark Preston, as always.

Still to come this evening, a devastating airstrike in Aleppo flattens an apartment building, but from the rubble, from deep within a small child is

pulled out alive.

And bidding farewell to a founding father, Israel prepares for the funeral of Shimon Peres. All that and much more when we come back.


GORANI: Moscow reportedly is, quote, "outraged" by Washington's threat to pull out of talks if the bombing of Eastern Aleppo does not stop.

According to Task News Agency, Russia's deputy foreign minister called the, quote, "ultimatum" like tone of the U.S. unacceptable.

Meanwhile, something else that is unacceptable, bombs that keep falling on civilians every single day. Our Frederik Pleitgen reports on one little

girl pulled alive from the rubble of what had been her home. A word of warning, some of the images are graphic and disturbing.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Cries from beneath the rubble as rescue crews frantically search for

survivors after a massive airstrike flattened the building in Eastern Aleppo.

A young girl trapped weeping. Her uncle who is on scene responds. The girl (inaudible) is 5 years old, almost the exact duration of Syria's

conflict. In her lifetime, she's known only war. Now she lies trapped under the dark and dusty debris. Rescuers pouring water into a crack,

hoping to give her some relief.

Finally, they manage to put her out, covered in dust, clearly in pain, but at least she is alive. The others in the house were not so lucky. Rescue

workers say 24 people were killed in what they report was an air strike on this residential building.

The dead including (inaudible) four siblings and her mother. Her father and uncle could have shared the same faith, but they were not in the house

when it was hit.

Hold my hand, Daddy (inaudible) cries as the rescuers rush her to an ambulance.

By all accounts, she is lucky. The sole survivor of the massive bombing, but she is also a girl wounded now without her mother and siblings trapped

in a war that never seems to get worse by the day. Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Beirut.


GORANI: Israelis are paying tribute to one of their founding fathers, Shimon Peres. His body in lying in state at the building where he spent

many years of his life, the Knesset, in Jerusalem.

The man who served as president and prime minister will be laid to rest at Mount Herzl on Friday. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton paid his

respects to the man he called his brilliant and eloquent friend. He will soon be joined by the current U.S. President Barack Obama who will be

speaking at the funeral Friday.

Well, Israel has deployed 8,000 police officers ahead of the funeral saying they're on alert for potential lone wolf terrorist attacks. Nic Robertson

has more. His report contains graphic images.

OK, we'll get back to that report, a small technical report there. Nic Robertson, we'll try to get back to his reporting a little bit later.

So we'll take a quick break. How much is Donald Trump really worth? Is it $10 billion as he claims? "Forbes" magazine says no, no, no. We'll speak

with an editor about Trump's shrinking bottom line.

And tensions spike once again between India and Pakistan. We'll tell you what is behind this latest flare up? We'll be right back.


GORANI: A look at our top stories, one person was killed, 108 were injured when a speeding passenger train careened into a station in Hoboken, New

Jersey. The impact actually sent the front car airborne and demolished part of the station. The engineer survived the crash. He is in bad shape,

but we are told he is cooperating with investigators.

Both major American presidential candidates are spending today on the campaign trail, Democrat Hillary Clinton is in Des Moines, Iowa to mark the

first day of early voting in the state. Recent polls there show her trailing Donald Trump, her Republican rival by about five percentage

points. She has some work to do there and she clearly knows it, we'll go live to a Trump event in New Hampshire in just a minute.

OPEC is aiming to trim its daily output by between 400,000 and 900,000 barrels of crude a day. It was a surprise announcement. The

organization's secretary general spoke exclusively to CNN's John Defterios (ph) about how the deal came about. Listen.


MOHAMMAD SANUSI BARKINDO, SECRETARY GENERAL, OPEC: No single member country of OPEC including our non-OPEC friends that is today insulated from

the impact of the price crash that we have seen since 2014. This is probably the most severe cycle in the last five cycles that we have seen in

30 years or so.

You could see the pressure on ministers from their counterparts in the ministries of finance, their colleagues, and governors of central banks not

to talk of their leaders. Everybody has been on (inaudible) asking what the hell are you up to?


HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Well, Donald Trump as we were mentioning is holding a campaign rally right now in Bedford, New Hampshire.

It's one of the battleground states that could go either way in November. This is Trump's fifth visit to that state since winning the nomination back

in July.

Voters there may be very interested to know whether Donald Trump actually pays federal taxes because Hillary Clinton suggested he didn't

during the debate, and Trump famously responded with "that makes me smart." Here is what he said later to Fox News about that.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I never said I didn't pay taxes. She said maybe you didn't pay taxes -- and I said that would make

me smart because tax is a big payment. But I think a lot of people say that's the kind of thinking that I want running this nation. But I think

that's the kind of thinking we need in our country.


GORANI: Well, Trump has long claimed he has a net worth of about $10 billion. No one knows for sure and it's a claim that goes largely

unchallenged. But "Forbes" magazine believes Trump is not worth even half of that amount.

According to its latest investigation, Trump's net worth is about $3.7 billion, down according to "Forbes" $800 million from a year ago.

"Forbes" wealth editor, Dan Alexander joins me now from New York with more on this reporting. How did you come to this number, Dan?

DAN ALEXANDER, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, WEALTH, "FORBES": Well, every year we go through and count all of his assets. What's happened this year is that New

York real estate has decreased pretty significantly, and at the same time like every year we dug our heels in and we found out new stuff. Some of

that revealed that his assets were not worth as much what we thought he was and certainly not anywhere near what he says they are.

GORANI: And because why, because you basically compiled a net value of real estate and business holdings and come to this figure?

ALEXANDER: That's right. Yes, we go through all of the world, and we count up all of the buildings that he owns. We figure out what those are

worth. We see how much debt they have on them, and we see how much of it he owns. If you add all of them up all over the world, you get to $3.7


GORANI: But we don't -- he has not released his tax returns so we don't know any of the details, right? It's difficult to know how much taxes he

pays, how much he contributes to charity, what his business relationships might be outside of the United States, in terms of holdings, and things

like that, right?

ALEXANDER: Well, we're talking about two sort of separate things. What we do is we go through and we count assets and liabilities. How much he is

actually declaring his income on his income on his tax return actually doesn't have that much of an impact on how much his buildings are worth.

Real estate guys are known for declaring low incomes even as the value of their assets are appreciating.

GORANI: And they do that to avoid paying taxes?


GORANI: So, I mean, how much leverage -- because you're saying the reporting a low yearly income, but being highly leveraged in real estate is

something that is typically done in this type of industry, and in a way you're just taking advantage of tax laws. He is saying $10 billion but

we're nowhere near there?

ALEXANDER: No, he is very rich, and for most people $3.7 billion would be quite enough, but he's nowhere near as rich as he says he is.

GORANI: All right, so because you talked about the value of real estate specifically going out, what about foreign holdings, any impact on his

overall wealth calculation there?

ALEXANDER: So overseas, you know, he has a lot of licensed deals and we've gotten into arguments with him in the past about the value of his brand and

we see it as, hey, great businessman, take brands and they turn them into profits.

He has done that overseas in many cases and we count that. We count the revenues and the value of his licensing deals. However, what we

realized this year was that in past years we have also been including properties that he was counting with his licensing companying and


And we parsed that out and that decreased the value of that holding even though this year he struck more licensing deals than he has in the


GORANI: Well, because now the Donald Trump brand, if you think about it, the Donald Trump name, is probably the most -- the best known it has ever

been all over the world. You cannot come across anyone that has not heard the name "Donald Trump." What impact on the value of the brand itself?

ALEXANDER: It is certainly impossible to avoid and we've been hearing different things from different corners of the world. Some of his Middle

Eastern partners as you might imagine have had issues during the campaign about some of his comments.

Some folks over in Asia have told us that now everyone knows him. Before lots of people knew him, but as you pointed out, now everyone does,

and this is actually a good thing for our business.

[15:35:04]But the bottom line is that these licensing deals for Donald Trump, although, he talks about them a lot, whereas real assets are and the

hard buildings that he owns and so how his licensing deals are performing year to year will not affect his fortune all that much.

GORANI: Now what would releasing his tax returns, how much would that add -- how many pieces of the puzzle would that add to your reporting, for

instance, on his holdings? Would it just tell you what his income is, but not really shine more of a spotlight on his actual net worth?

ALEXANDER: Yes, but believe it or not, it would not tell us all that much for counting his net worth. It tells us a lot of other information. For

instance, you mentioned how charitable he is, how much he has taken advantage of the tax system, but the value of say Trump Tower in New York

City will not move significantly based on anything that we see in those forms.

We know how much that building brings in in net operating income and we can value it based on that after talking with dozens of real estate

experts around the world.

GORANI: Any response from the Trump camp to your reporting?

ALEXANDER: I have not heard anything yet. Of course, we're always in touch with all of the people who we cover beforehand and they certainly

always weigh in, but I have not heard anything since it came out.

GORANI: And how did they weigh in while you were compiling this or putting together this list of properties and estimating the net worth of Donald


ALEXANDER: Well, as you might guess, like in past years, they're generally trying to push us up and what we do is we say, all right, show us the

numbers, the facts, and we're willing to talk about things if indeed they should increase, but in this case, we came to a number that we felt

comfortable with and the end result was significantly lower than the $10 billion that he claims.

GORANI: Dan Alexander, thanks very much, the wealth editor of "Forbes" magazine joining us from New York. We appreciate it.

Well, the Libertarian presidential candidate has blanked again. MSNBC anchor, Chris Matthews asked Gary Johnson to name one world leader

that he respected, just one. Johnson responded this way.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC ANCHOR: Can you name a foreign leader that you respect?

GARY JOHNSON, LIBERTARIAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I guess I'm having an Aleppo moment in the former president --

MATTHEWS: Anyone in the world you like, anyone, pick any leader?

JOHNSON: The former president of Mexico.

MATTHEWS: Which one?

JOHNSON: I'm having a brain --

MATTHEWS: Get him off -- any foreign leader.

JOHNSON: Merkel.

MATTHEWS: OK, Merkel, can't argue with that.


GORANI: Well, that, quote, "Aleppo" moment he referred to was a similar blunder when he appeared to not know what Aleppo, Syria was. Meanwhile,

recent polls for Johnson support at about 8 percent nationally.

The season premiere of "Saturday Night Live" this weekend is going to be huge.


GORANI: It just would not be election season without relentless mockery of the candidates on "Saturday Night Live." The show has recruited Alec

Baldwin to play Donald Trump. The actor has hosted a record 16 times.

Don't forget you can get all of our news and analysis on our Facebook page,

Moving on to another part of the world now, India and Pakistan are trading accusations over a new spike in violence in Kashmir. The two

nuclear armed neighbors have long fought over the territory. CNN's Alexandra Field looks at both sides of the latest flare up.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tensions spill over between two nuclear powers. India says it acted in its own defense

carrying out surgical strikes in long disputed Kashmir.

LT. GENERAL RANBIR SINGH, DIRECTOR GENERAL OF MILITARY OPERATIONS: The operations were basically focused to ensure that these terrorists do not

succeed in their design of infiltration and carrying out destruction, and endangering the lives of citizens of our country.

FIELD: Indian officials say they targeted terrorist launch pads from the other side of the line of control. Pakistan rejects that saying it was an

exchange of fire triggered by the Indian Army and that two Pakistani soldiers were killed.

(on camera): After years of relative quiet, there's been mounting unrest in Kashmir controlled on one side by India, controlled on the other

side by Pakistan and that is threatening the peace between two nuclear powers. The area has been in dispute since the partition of India and

Pakistan back in 1947.

[15:40:00](voice-over): Pakistan's prime minister (inaudible) unprovoked in a naked aggression. India says the strikes at the line of control were

based on specific credible information that terrorists were planning to carry out attacks in Indian cities. Pakistan's defense minister issued

this warning.

KHAWAJA ASIL, PAKISTAN DEFENSE MINISTER: If they try to violate the line of control or the ceasefire then we will respond strongly and with great

force, God willing.

ASAD ALI, IMS GLOBAL INSIGHT: Their actions are dictated by a domestic postures as much as they are about external affects.

FIELD: Earlier this month, the #makepakpay started trending after a deadly attack on an army base in Indian administered Kashmir. Eighteen Indian

soldiers were killed in an attack by armed militants in (inaudible). The Indian Army said the terrorist carried gear which had Pakistani markings,

but Pakistan denied any involvement. It isn't clear if the latest strikes targeted anyone connected with that attack. Alexandra Field, CNN, Hong



GORANI: Well, right there on the ground, CNN News 18's Punjab bureau chief, Jyoti Kamal, it is right there at the India-Pakistan border and he

filed this report.


JYOTI KAMAL, PUNJAB BUREAU CHIEF, CNN NEWS 18: Very clearly the strike launched by India, it has led to heightened tensions between India and

Pakistan. (Inaudible) currently located the border is just about 10 kilometers from here and every day a ceremony takes place where the flags

are lowered. That did not happy today.

They're saying they're not clear about when if they restart, but for now it's very indicative of the heightened tension that is there between

the two countries because this is a ceremony that normally is not kind of canceled like it was today.

But nonetheless, this (inaudible) state of Punjab, the government here had an emergency cabinet meeting in the evening and they decided a ten

kilometer stretch of the border across this entire western state of Punjab which borders Pakistan has to be evacuated.

That is going to be a huge logistical challenge in terms of getting people out from 935 villages and that is almost 100,000 people that need to

be moved out. That will be a challenge, and school holidays have been declared so children will not be going to schools tomorrow.

And also doctors have been called back who are on leave, and the emergency ward seven hospitals are going to a heightened state of

readiness. On the ground, very clear indications that the Indian government and this western Punjab state government are taking things very


Because it is definitely a heightened state of alert between the two countries, but people here on the ground asking questions as to what to go

and where will they be staying so those are the challenges in front of the administration.

But nonetheless, the police, the paramilitary organizations, the security agencies are being moved forward and across the state in

heightened state of alert. Definitely it's a heightened state of tension between the two countries even as the administration to say that this is

just anticipatory action that is being done.

It is not something untoward is likely to happen. It is something the administration is saying, but nonetheless people here at the border are

concerned. Jyoti Kamal, CNN New 18.


GORANI: Amnesty International is accusing the Sudanese government of using chemical weapons against its own people in Darfur. We want to share an

image with you that shows a child's arm covered in lesions consistent with a chemical attack, but a warning that it is graphic.

Now witnesses quoted in a report from Amnesty say their skin turned white and fell off in chunks after they were exposed to the smoke. Amnesty

estimates up to 250 people were killed by chemical weapons there since January.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Amnesty International has documented at least 29 villages where we believe the suspected chemical attacks took place. On

top of that, we have documented 174 villages in Jebel Marra, which were affected by intentional attacks by the Sudanese authorities and irregular

groups working in concept with them.


GORANI: Well, Sudan says allegations that it used chemical weapons against civilians are just, quote, "rumors."

Let's return to Israel now, thousands of police officers deployed to protect all these dignitaries that are expected at the funeral of Shimon

Peres on Friday. Nic Robertson has the latest.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Under the watchful gaze of Israel's security services, a steady stream of mourners

file by to pay their respects to the loss of the nation's founding fathers. It looks low key, but behind the scenes not so much.

MICKY ROSENFELD, FOREIGN PRESS SPOKESMAN, ISRAEL POLICE: It's one of the largest security operations involving special patrol units, undercover

units, border police that will secure the different areas and of course make sure that everything goes according to the assessments and plans.

ROBERTSON: A plan that will need to keep dozens of former and current world leaders safe, Bill Clinton one of the first to arrive. Barack Obama,

John Kerry, French President Francois Hollande, Britain's Prince Charles also all on the way.

Outside a nearby hotel hosting some of the dignitaries, police relax ahead of their arrival. No specific threat yet, but the city, Jerusalem, is

never far from trouble.

ROSENFELD: We saw in the last two weeks we saw six attacks taking place where our police units responded to.

ROBERTSON: One of those authorities say a lone attacker trying to stab a policewoman. The response is swift and decisive. He was shot dead.

(on camera): Amidst all the security, there is one positive unintended consequence playing out during these sorrowful events. The world's most

powerful men and women will be able to meet face to face, a rarity in itself.

(voice-over): Obama and Kerry in the twilight of the current U.S. administration will get to greater satisfaction than trying to rekindle a

Mideast peace process both they and Shimon Peres struggled to ignite.

Aside from that perennial pursuit, conflict in Syria will be one of the most pressing international issues. As relations with Russia deteriorates,

Israel's allies will be looking for assurances, President Putin's unruly Mideast machinations can safely be managed. Nic Robertson, CNN, Jerusalem.


GORANI: This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Still ahead, class action, meet the students taking a stand against modern day slavery.


GORANI: It's a crisis that predominantly targets young people around the world, sex trafficking, but now a growing number of young people are

fighting back to try and bring an end to this global atrocity. Boris Sanchez has more on the high school students trying to take action.


BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Audrey Daugherty is a 16- year-old senior in Coral Reef High School in Miami. She is a good student. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just the ten jobs, that should be good.

SANCHEZ: She is a typical American teenager in so many ways, but one of her biggest passions sets her apart. Audrey hopes to be part of a new

generation of activists in the fight against modern day slavery.

[15:50:06]AUDREY DAUGHERTY, U.S. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: I think it's important to engage students because a lot of the people that are in sex

trafficking are our age, girls 14 to 16, children, and it is people that we could be going to school with.



SANCHEZ: Engaging students in the anti-slavery movement is a big goal for the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. That's why they hosting

this workshop for college students and high school seniors teaching them how to plan, strategize, and ignite an activism movement against human


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Young people now have the intelligence, the tools, the commitment and strategies and I believe we'll get there.

SANCHEZ: Richardson is quick to draw parallels to the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s when a majority of activists were students.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Those young people brought about a seminal social change in America 60 years ago. So what are the lessons in and how can we

apply them to modern day human rights?

SANCHEZ: The first step is awareness. Audrey says she first learned about the issue when she read a book about child sex trafficking in India. She

was moved but she just assumed it was a third world issue. She found out that sex trafficking is also happening to children her age right here in

Miami and she knew she had to get involved.

DAUGHERTY: It was like, wow, I'm stressed about school and they're stressed about where they will sleep tonight, or be abused tonight. It

could be anyone around me, it was eye opening. I never thought about it like that before.

SANCHEZ: Daniel Alvarez had a similar experience. He's a graduate student at Florida International University working on his masters in social work.

He recently attended a course at the center for Civil and Human Rights where he heard a quote and it stuck with him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are bad people out there working hard to exploit human beings. The good people need to try twice as hard, need to work

twice as hard to do something about it. It resonated with me and made me ask myself what am I doing to help address this issue, to help bring an end

to this issue?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel that the human trafficking awareness campaign has done an amazing job in building awareness, but we have not done as much

due diligence in giving people tools that they can interrupt it.

SANCHEZ: Tools like boycotting businesses that have not taken steps to ensure their supply chain is free of slave labor. Audrey says she's

learning as much as she can and she is determined to make a difference.

DAUGHERTY: You just have to be passionate and if you're passionate, I think people really see that and they are like, wow, they are working with

that issue. Maybe I should work with that and I think that if I try to talk more about it and get out there, people will see what I'm doing and it

will inspire them to make a difference, too.

SANCHEZ: Boris Sanchez, CNN, Miami.


GORANI: Still ahead, remember the deep water horizon explosion and that massive oil spill from 2010? It is now the focus of a big block buster

movie. We'll hear from the cast and crew on what it was like to make this coming up next. Stay with us.


GORANI: Maybe it's back in the spotlight over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the 2010 deep water horizon disaster has been made into a movie now.

CNN Money's Nina Dos Santos spoke to the cast and crew.


NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN MONEY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was the biggest disaster in U.S. history with long lasting consequences for the Gulf of


[15:55:10]But Peter Berg's film "Deepwater Horizon" focuses on a side of the story less well known, the human cost.

PETER BERG, DIRECTOR, "DEEPWATER HORIZON": We all know about the environmental disaster. How much trouble they were having stopping the oil

flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, and then I thought about how did this happen. Who did this happen to?

DOS SANTOS: The movie is inspired by the testimony of Mark Wahlberg's character, Mike Williams, the last person to jump from the burning rig.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have seen the film several times now and it puts me back on that night, the exact moments, the emotions, they pour over me

instantly. I can't control it.

DOS SANTOS: The plot focuses heavily on the friction between Transocean, the owner of the rig, and BP which leased it portraying the British oil

giant is putting profits before safety. Something the company has denied.

BERG: I never wanted to attack BP specifically. These were decisions that were made by BP executives. That certainly was a huge part of why that rig

blew out and we tell that story.

DOS SANTOS: But taking on big oil was a big ask.

BERG: BP was not thrilled that we were making the film and BP and the other oil companies throw a lot of weight down in the U.S. We had a lot of

difficulty getting on a real rig. We decided to build our own.

DOS SANTOS: And for Wahlberg, getting into character meant mastering both the terminology and the dangers posed by offshore drilling.

MARK WAHLBERG, ACTOR, "DEEPWATER HORIZON": The writers did an extremely good job, and anything inaccurate Mike was basically able to kind of walk

me through and teach me.

DOS SANTOS: "Deepwater Horizon" hits theaters six years after an incident, which drew fresh attention to safety in the oil industry. And in this era

of cheap oil, the tale of cost cutting and cavalier attitudes may offer a poignant message to energy firms today. Nina Dos Santos, CNN Money,



GORANI: This has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Thanks for watching. I'm Hala Gorani. Do stay with CNN. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is coming up next.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nowhere near Halloween, and yet bank stocks continue to spook Wall Street. It is Thursday, September 29th, a second bruising

(inaudible), Wells Fargo CEO returns to Capitol Hill for more punishment from Congress. China's richest man made his fortune in real estate --