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Hala Gorani Tonight

Trump, Clinton Make Final Pitch To Voters; Clinton: Must Heal Country, Bring People Together; CNN Team Trapped By ISIS Ambush For 28 Hours; Campaigns Blanket Battleground States; Trump, Clinton Rally In Battleground Pennsylvania. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired November 07, 2016 - 15:00   ET




HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Hala Gorani. We are live at CNN London. Thanks for being with us. This is THE WORLD


After months and months and months of a grueling fight, the American presidential race is down to the final hours. Can you believe it? Donald

Trump and Hillary Clinton are making a furious dash for every last vote before polls open tomorrow and both will be burning the midnight oil.

Trump just took to the stage minutes ago at a rally in North Carolina, the second of five states he is barn storming through today. The final stop of

his campaign will be a late night rally in Michigan.

Trump has been gaining momentum in recent days, but still faces an uphill battle if you look at the map. He referred to his campaign today as the

single greatest political movement in the history of the United States.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is it, folks. We will never have another opportunity, not in four years, not in years, it will be

over, with Supreme Court justices, people pouring into our country. This is it. This is it. Good luck, get out there.


GORANI: Hillary Clinton closing her campaign with a promise to heal a divided nation. She kicks off her day in Pennsylvania, an important state

and will rally supporters next hour in Michigan. A big wave was lifted from Clinton's shoulders yesterday when the FBI cleared her in its latest

e-mail investigation. That they would not be recommending any criminal charges.

But you won't hear anything about that when you listen to her on the stump. Even though this is technically good news for her, Clinton is focused on

looking forward, according to her campaign, drawing a clear distinction between herself and Donald Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: For those who are still making up your minds or thinking maybe it is not worth voting at all, let

me just say the choice in this election could not be clearer. It really is between division or unity, between strong and steady leadership or a loose



GORANI: Well, Clinton returns to Pennsylvania tonight headlining a prime time extravaganza featuring Barack Obama. She wraps up her campaign with a

midnight rally in North Carolina. Now polls show the race remains tight, but what matters now is turnout.

Let's bring in CNN senior political analyst, David Gergen, who is an advisor to four American presidents, both Democratic and Republican.

David, can you believe we're 24 hours away? What's the big takeaway from this preview of the campaign?

DAVID GERGEN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: There is an enormous amount of dissipation here in the United States today and also relief because so many

Americans are glad that this will be over, finally. I think that's one of the reasons we have had an avalanche of early voting.

Some 45 million Americans have already voted as far higher than we were four years ago. I think the main take away, Hala, is I hope we never see

this kind of race again. It has coarsened our democracy. It has left voters in many ways distrustful of both candidates.

I will only tell you this. That there are a lot of volunteers in the last 24 hours mostly on behalf of Hillary Clinton to try to get the vote out.

The early indications are from this early voting that especially Hispanics are giving a lift to the Democratic campaign.

It's way too early to tell which way this is going to go in the end, but I can just say a lot of people will be pleased when it is over.

GORANI: You know, we've seen over the last several days and here's the latest CNN poll of polls nationally, Hillary Clinton with a consistent edge

over Donald Trump. I wonder historically what that tells us about what to expect tomorrow?

[15:05:06]GERGEN: Well, historically, let's just go back to her husband, Bill Clinton, when he ran for the presidency, he went out in front in the

summer of 1992 and he never looked back. He was out in front consistently all the way through.

I think what we see here is that she's had a consistent lead. There was a Trump charge in the last closing days, but she seems to have withstood it.

Her numbers were going down, his went up, both have now stabilized and indeed she's moved back up a little bit here in the last hours.

GORANI: Yes, and I want to ask you just overall with your experience having served under so many presidents, the Republican Party, what's the

future for the GOP? Here you have Donald Trump, you know, the billionaire brash billionaire sort of businessman that no one expected to become the

nominee, essentially hijacked an established party to the dismay of the establishment on the right. What happens now with this party?

GERGEN: Hala, that is a question that a lot of people are starting to ask just like we are asking can the next president govern. I think both

questions are very, very important. What is important to understand is now that both parties have a main stream wing, one closer to the center.

And both parties now have a populous wing more extreme, more to the left and in the case of the Democrats more to the right. You know, if Mrs.

Clinton wins, as expected there will be a lot of inner tension in the Democratic Party, but they won't be as public.

On the Republican side, on the other hand if they lose, there will be a lot of recommendations. There will be -- Trump voters are going to blame the

Republican establishment.

They're going to argue we could have won this, look how close we came and we lost it because of people like Paul Ryan and other leadership of the

party didn't get behind us and therefore, they ought to kick them out.

And there will be a lot of fur flying on the Republican Party. It could fracture the party, we don't know. Indeed it could end the party. So

we'll have to wait and see.

GORANI: We'll have to wait and see as well what happens with the whole Trump movement that is sizable in the United States.

GERGEN: We have as many as 50 million people voting for Donald Trump, maybe higher than that and they're not going to go away. Their anger is

not going to go away. Their resentment is not going away.

Mrs. Clinton I think wisely is saying I would like to be president of all of the people and she will reach out to them. But whether they are ready

for that, for peace talks is very unclear.

These people really want change. They will be deeply disappointed. They do think the system is rigged. They buy into the Trump argument.

Salacious as it maybe, they think the system is all rigged against them.

GORANI: And I'm not sure there is any love lost for Hillary Clinton especially when you hear some of their slogans and read their t-shirts, but

David, we have to leave it there, but thank you for joining us. Thank you.

Let's bring in our CNN political commentators, Maria Cardona is a Democratic strategist, who supports Clinton, Scottie Nell Hughes is and backs Trump. Both coming to us from CNN New York. Thanks to both of you.

First, let's talk to Maria Cardona. We were discussing with David that in the national polls, Hillary Clinton has been consistently ahead. Are you

feeling good about tomorrow as a Clinton supporter?

MARIA CARDONA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I'm feeling very good about tomorrow, Hala. I think it's not just that she has been consistently

ahead, and let's remember that four years ago at this same point in time, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were going into election day in a virtual tie

and Barack Obama won by three points.

So she's in a very good position, but it's also because she has done the preparation. Her infrastructure that she has put in place for the last

year and a half is second to none. The millions and millions of volunteers and paid staff that she has on the ground.

The millions of phone calls and door knocking that they have done in these past several months and the message frankly of bringing everyone together,

making sure that everyone has a level playing field, and the same kind of chance to reach the American dream.

Versus someone who is trying to tear us apart, using fear, and divisiveness to try to appeal to certain segments of the country while Hillary Clinton

is trying to appeal to what is the new face of America.

So I feel very good about where we are. The voting numbers, the early vote, is looking terrific for her. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

GORANI: Scottie, I want to get Scottie Nell Hughes to also give me her prediction for tomorrow. I presume you're confident that Donald Trump will


SCOTTIE NELL HUGHES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I'm cautiously optimistic. (Inaudible) having firework show, wait a minute, Hillary Clinton canceled

hers for tomorrow. She did that earlier, but I am cautiously optimistic.

And while I will agree with Maria that yes, Hillary Clinton definitely had a better ground system ready to go. We knew that, that was the Clinton

machine. Mr. Trump started off with 17 people and he beat 16 others to get this nomination.

[15:10:04]Hillary Clinton only had to go against Bernie, and as we found through Wikileaks and other, it wasn't necessarily always a fair tipping

scale of that case either.

So this whole idea about uniting a divided country, I don't think Hillary necessarily had to face that yet. But I'm optimistic that she'll get a

chance to that maybe in another role.

But I think what we need to look at is different states. I'm more optimistic in the fact that I think it is interesting how we're not talking

about -- there is a good chance neither one of them could reach 270 tomorrow.

A lot of those paths show that. When you talk about it being dead even in 2012, I have to beg to differ with you. There was not the momentum. There

was not the energy and while polls as we have found have been interesting to say that they were dead tied even.

Actually Donald Trump has beaten Mitt Romney in Florida as well as in North Carolina by 140,000 more people have early voted today than they did then.

So we have the edge in those states.

GORANI: So Scottie believes it's going to be perhaps neither candidate to reach 270 and --

HUGHES: There is a chance. We need to be talking about that.

GORANI: Maria, can you respond to that? Dare to dream, you say, Maria, why?

CARDONA: Dare to dream because if you look at the electoral map, you know, the discussion center on if Hillary Clinton wins Florida, it's over for

Donald Trump. If Hillary Clinton wins North Carolina, it's over for Donald Trump, if Hillary Clinton wins Pennsylvania, it's over for Donald Trump.

There is never an instance the other way around where if Donald Trump wins one state it's over for Hillary Clinton. What that means is that Hillary

Clinton has a much broader, much more flexible path to 270.

Donald Trump, of course, there is always a possibility that he could win, but the path is narrow. It is steep, it is full of thorns and holes that

he has dug by himself in the past year and a half.

GORANI: Very briefly, I have to go Scottie Nell Hughes and give her the last word in this segment. Scottie, he needs Florida. I mean, without

Florida, it's over. How confident are you that Florida might go in the Trump column.

HUGHES: Absolutely. I agree he needs Florida. I actually want to commend the Hispanic community for getting out to vote. I think it's wonderful

(inaudible). I hope that they will continue that and try to actually learn and hold whoever is elected president accountable for bringing in jobs and


Because unfortunately we have not heard that as much from Hillary Clinton if she wins, how she's going to do that for the Hispanic community. It has

all been about building a wall and a pathway to citizenship.

Something that will add on more to our $19 trillion of debt and I'm really interested to see if Hillary is elected, how she's going to pay for those

wonderful programs she wants to put into office.

GORANI: All right, Scottie Nell -- OK, Maria Cardona, Scottie Nell Hughes, thanks to both of you.

CARDONA: Thank you.

GORANI: And hopefully we'll see you on the other side of all of this. We were just showing a Florida poll here showing tied virtually, 45-45. Still

to come this evening, take a look --


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The house is surrounded, our only defenders are mostly the walking wounded.


GORANI: Our CNN team and Iraqi fighters pinned down by ISIS, their incredible story, next.



GORANI: We are going to show you now the fight against ISIS in a way you've never seen it before. CNN's team were side by side with Iraqi

Special Forces humpturing (ph) into Mosul when they were trapped in an ISIS ambush.

Here's the exclusive story from our Arwa Damon and photojournalist, (inaudible), of the 28 hours they were pinned down. We caution you, some

moments you may find disturbing.


DAMON (voice-over): After three weeks of this offensive, the Iraqi military is at last about to enter Mosul. The men of the elite

counterterrorism force (inaudible) regiment are in high spirits. But after the open plains of Northern Iraq, they were about to meet a terrible new

reality. This is not a place these soldiers know, but their enemy does.

(on camera): The challenge they're facing right now is that there are snipers on rooftops and they are receiving incoming mortar fire that ISIS

is shooting from areas that have civilians in them, which makes it almost impossible for the counterterrorism units to be able to fire back. The

three cars have disappeared down the side street.

(voice-over): Already there is a sense that this will be a different battle. Civilians are still waving white flags, but the roads are getting


We're in ISIS territory, it's clearly marked. The convoy slows down and on the soldiers' faces, nerves begin to show. And then the roads give way to

muddy allies.

There's nowhere to turn. It's so claustrophobic and every car here, every garbage can, could be a bomb. It's heartbreaking that some families are

still here. So is his 19-year-old daughter.

She's crying. She's accepted into the university, but she never went. Her younger brother is paralyzed with fear. Cowering with his mother in the

back. Then a car approaches. Frantic shouted warnings.

Clearly, he's not a bomber, but he's critically injured. Minutes later, he is dead. An innocent taxi driver, it would seem in the wrong place at the

wrong moment. Now there's more incoming fire.

(on camera): They have been coming across quite a bit of sniper fire, gun fire, mortar rounds, rocket-propelled grenades and, of course, those car


(voice-over): Even in the midst of battle, moments of humanity, but they're all too fleeting. ISIS fighters are on the rooftops. Three

grenades land in the street.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just I look at this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How did you get this?


DAMON: Bullets ricochet off our vehicle intensifying as we go forward. Then a suicide car bomb right behind us. There was a flash of orange.

Ears ringing. Then, another.

(on camera): That was the second massive explosion like that. The first one we heard was a suicide car bomb and it exploded on the vehicles that

are just behind us.

[15:20:10]There are a number of soldiers just running in the street. One was carrying his buddy who seemed to be wounded.

(voice-over): They spot enemy movement. The incoming fire is now intense. The bulldozer is hit. Our vehicle takes more fire. Soldiers shoot at a

motor bike racing towards us. It's hit. We hear the hiss of a tire losing air. We realize we're trapped. Vehicles, wreckage, everywhere. Takes a

direct hit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are we doing?

DAMON (on camera): I don't know. I honestly don't know. We need to go in this house. He's in there.

(voice-over): We take cover. Injured soldiers and a terrified family. Reece, too, has a small head wound. More wounded arrive. Injured himself,

Staff Sergeant Ahmed treats hiss head wound. ISIS has systematically targeted and disabled almost every vehicle in our convoy. There are only

three working Humvees.

(on camera): It's been hours since they called for backup and none has arrived. They need to evacuate their own wounded. They don't even have

enough vehicles to get everyone out and that's assuming that they would even be able to do so because they say there's still ISIS fighters on all


(voice-over): Later, ISIS released its own video of the battle. They had filmed the very house where we were taking shelter from just across the

street. It's almost dark. The front line has moved right next to the house where we have sheltered.

We need to move, but every time we try, gunfire drives us back. It's complete chaos and absolutely terrifying. We need to get to a Humvee five

steps away. Finally, we make a run for it. Clambering in as quickly as we can.

But there are so many damaged vehicles in our way, our Humvee gets entangled in another. We break free, but go just ten yards. A long and

frightening night in hiding follows. We had no idea that ISIS fighters were filming the war they recovered from the regimen's wrecked vehicles

just down the street.

It's dawn and we're still alive. We're with more than a dozen wounded soldiers. Only six who are not. Ammunition is running low.

(on camera): It's been almost 20 hours since they first called for backup and sent out the alarm that they were surrounded and we are still waiting.

(voice-over): The soldiers with us are exhausted but determined. They know they're in this fight alone. On the rooftop, they scan for ISIS

fighters. The soldiers get ready for the attack they know is coming.

Someone has been shot. The grief of a woman yards away is almost hideous. Where is she, she yells and then it erupts, again.

[15:25:05]ISIS has the house surrounded. Our only defenders are mostly the walking wounded. A grenade lands in the courtyard. More wounded are

brought in. They tell us it was tossed by an ISIS fighter in the house behind us. An air strike hits the house and brings down the outer wall of

the home we're in.

The family we're with hide under the staircase. One of the boys cries, I don't want to die. Hours later, a moment of utter relief. Our regiment

has arrived as backup along with the Humvee to evacuate us.

It's less than a mile to safety. We are lucky, we can leave the combat zone. These men will have to return. The battle for Mosul has only just



GORANI: Arwa Damon joins us now from Irbil with more on this incredible reporting. First of all, obviously, Arwa, very happy that you and Reece

are safe. I have to ask you, you end your piece by saying the battle for Mosul has just begun, or this is just the beginning, so what happens now?

DAMON: I think there will be have to be an adjustment in strategy to a certain degree because the defense that ISIS has put in place, the

sophistication with the attack that they're using to try to stop the troops from moving forward.

At least according to the soldiers and others who we spoke to is really a lot stronger and fiercer than they had originally anticipated. The ambush

that caused our convoy to stop, and then cause us and the troops we were with to basically be besieged for 28 hours was very, very well planned.

And it's also clear that even on the outskirts, on the Eastern part of the city, ISIS has some pretty strong defenses in place. I personally shutter,

it makes my stomach turn to think about what it's going to be like as these troop push forward through the city with their population of 1.2 million

people and what it's going to do to the civilians, the city, and the soldiers.

GORANI: And you say essentially it was surprising that here are Iraqi forces on the outskirts of the city meeting just tremendous resistance

right at the very beginning of trying to push through, and getting to the center is a whole other battle, Arwa?

DAMON: It really is, but one also need to bear in mind that I don't know when the last time was that an army tried to invade a city the size of

Mosul facing an enemy like ISIS. If we go back to the U.S.'s toughest battle here, it was Fallujah 2004 and it was basically ISIS' predecessor

there, al Qaeda in Iraq, and I was there.

That battle, those tactics that al Qaeda in Iraq used back then in terms of sophistication does not even compare to what ISIS is capable of right now.

And the Iraqi army is not the U.S. military. It is going to be much more difficult than anyone could have possibly imagine.

GORANI: And you spent time in civilian homes with terrified families, on the front lines of this battle. Tell us what happened to those civilians

after you left.

DAMON: That family you saw cowering under the staircase. At one point in time, they actually just made a run for it. They were barefooted,

terrified, screaming, and they just wanted to get over to their house and over to their neighbors.

I don't know what happened to them right now. I don't know where they are. I don't know if they have survived. That is probably one of the more

haunting thing that has stayed with me and with Reese, what to all of these people, all of the ones that we have not even met yet.

They were so kind and so generous. They fed us. They fed the soldiers. We talked to at night and tried to trade stories about things that have

nothing to do with the war just to be able to escape from it, from a brief few moments.

And you know, Hala, a lot of people ask why we go in and do these stories, if we can bring that raw sense of what war is like for the soldiers and for

the civilians, then maybe we can create a little bit more understanding and compassion for what it is that this population is going through.

GORANI: Arwa Damon, thanks very much, in Irbil with that amazing reporting there, bringing up once again the hospitality of Middle Easterners in the

worst of times offering them food and drink while they were sheltering in that house, remarkable.

Still ahead, the candidates crisscross America and CNN reporters are right there with them. Next, we go live to two key battleground states. We'll

be right back.


GORANI: It all comes down to this one final flurry of campaigning. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are racing to hit battleground states in a last

minute bid for support. Let's cross to two of those key states.

Martin Savidge is live in Cleveland, Ohio and Gary Tuchman is in Charlotte, North Carolina. Martin, I want to start with you and it appears as though,

according to the latest poll of polls for Ohio, Hillary Clinton has a little edge there?

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. But right now it appears that the new numbers that are coming out are going in the favor of Donald Trump.

I think --

GORANI: Apologies, I'm sorry, absolutely my bad there. I was looking at the wrong set of numbers. Of course, Ohio, Donald Trump has had an edge

for a while there.

SAVIDGE: Right. He is up by about five percentage points, which is surprising to a lot of people because, you know, normally, Ohio would be

considered at least in the northern part of the state where I am, a Democratic stronghold.

Let me just read you some other numbers that just came out. Early voting in this state ended just about an hour ago. They have been voting since

October 12th here.

In Cuyahoga County, which is roughly the most Democratic county you are going to find here in the state of Ohio, 40 percent of registered voters

have cast their ballots already.

However, here is the bad news for the Clinton campaign. The voter turnout total for this county is expected to be 67 percent. Four years ago, it was

70 percent. In other words, fewer people will be voting in this heavily Democratic county by the time all the voting is done, which means fewer

vote will be cast for Hillary Clinton.

It is a problem up here because the further south you go in the state of Ohio, the more that is Donald Trump territory. Donald Trump has been very

successful in winning over a group that normally was always Democratic, blue collar workers.

He's done so with his arguments that the trade deals the U.S. had were not fair deals and he also says he's going to bring back the manufacturing jobs

that have been lost by the hundreds of thousands in this state.

If you're going to get your job back and if you've been suffering financially as many have, that is very appealing language.

[15:35:02]It's part of the reason why Hillary Clinton is not doing as well in the state as many would have hoped and you have to win Ohio especially

if you're Donald Trump if you want to get to the White House -- Hala.

GORANI: All right, thank you very much. When I was looking at the numbers, I was looking down at North Carolina where Hillary Clinton does

have a very small edge over Donald Trump in the latest Quinnipiac poll, and that's where we find Gary Tuchman. Tell us about the mood there one day

before the big day.

GARY TUCHMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hala, hello to you. We are at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The people here -- the people

throughout the entire state of North Carolina seemed very enthusiastic about this race. Not necessarily because they love the candidates, but

because they recognize the importance of being from North Carolina.

As you know, the presidency doesn't hinge upon a national vote in this country. It doesn't matter who wins the popular vote, as Al Gore learned

in 2000 when he won the popular vote but lost the presidency.

It is up to the math in the individual state, the electoral map. There are 15 electoral votes here in the state of North Carolina. You need 270 to

win. There are six or seven states including Martin's Ohio where you just saw him, and here in North Carolina.

They are so tight we don't know who will win. The CNN poll of polls right now shows Hillary Clinton leading her by 2 points, but anything can happen.

The last two elections in this state have been very close.

What is fascinating about this state, Hala, North Carolina, is before this time, from 1864 to 1964, for 100 years in 26 political elections, the

Democratic candidate, the Democrat won 25 of the 26 elections. Only in 1928 did a Republican win.

And then everything shifted in 1968, from 1968 until now a Democrat has only one twice. In 1976, Jimmy Carter, who became the president of the

United States won here. He is from the neighboring state of Georgia, a governor there.

And then in 2008, Barack Obama won here by less than 1 percentage point over John McCain. In 2012, Barack Obama won the presidency again, but he

lost here in the state by 2 percent. So it has been very close in the last two elections.

It's expected to be close this election and this could be the decider of who becomes the president of the United States who wins in the state of

North Carolina -- Hala.

GORANI: And Martin, we saw Hillary Clinton there with Jay-Z and Beyonce, big superstar names, trying to get out the vote in a state like Ohio, where

she's been behind pretty consistently. Does it appear to have any kind of impact on turnout or enthusiasm for her campaign this type of star power


SAVIDGE: Well, it did, on top of that they also had Lebron James who is a sports hero. I think what you saw was the fact that there was a star power

effect. Saturday and Sunday, early voting again, there were large crowds that showed up here.

The problem is they didn't have the large crowds in the days and the weeks preceding. So it appears that any spike you saw at the end didn't make up

for what was a lackluster sort of interest at the beginning of early voting. Of course, we don't know who will show up tomorrow on Election


GORANI: All right, and you will be covering it. Thanks very much to Marvin Savidge in Ohio. Gary Tuchman in Charlotte, North Carolina, we'll

be in touch with you and the rest of our team as we cover Election Day.

This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. The 2016 U.S. election campaign is almost over and if you have been watching, you know it's been anything but

traditional. Ahead, we'll talk a look back. Stay with us.



GORANI: We have been discussing battleground states. The election hinges on them. Pennsylvania is another one, 20 electoral college votes. Both

candidates are keen to win Pennsylvania, of course.

My next guest is Michael Nutter. He is a CNN contributor and a Hillary Clinton supporter. He is also the former mayor of Philadelphia. Thanks,

Mr. Nutter, for being with us.

Looking at the latest CNN poll of polls for Philadelphia, it appears as though Hillary Clinton has an edge, but she is still making two campaign

stops in Pennsylvania today alone. So it doesn't appear she thinks this is a done deal for her in that state.

MICHAEL NUTTER, CNN POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, the one thing you always know about Secretary Clinton is that A, she doesn't take any for granted,

B, Pennsylvania certainly is very important, and C, quite frankly you just really want to lock down a number of places, make sure that folks

understand Election Day is tomorrow, and it is very important that folks come out to vote.

We also just had a transit strike that was settled early this morning. One of our great leaders worked to make sure that we have mass transit

tomorrow. You'll see something tonight that I think we've quite frankly have never really seen before, which is President Barack Obama, First Lady

Michelle Obama, Secretary Clinton, President Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Jon Bon Jovi and The Boss somewhere all around about the same time in the birth

place of freedom, liberty, and democracy.

And so Secretary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination in Philadelphia. During my time as mayor, I helped bring the convention to

Philadelphia, and it will really put a bookend on this whole campaign.

So it is a very, very exciting time throughout the country, but certainly for all of us from Philadelphia, we're honored to be the host.

GORANI: I was going to say, Mr. Nutter, the fact is that when you look at the national poll of polls, Hillary Clinton despite the FBI set back, the

good news for her campaign that the FBI has not changed their conclusion on these e-mails based on verifying the tens of thousands that were found on

that Anthony Weiner laptop.

All of that is positive for her, but at the same time, there is still a path to the presidency for Donald Trump. How much, as a Hillary Clinton

supporter, concern do you have that perhaps that could happen still?

NUTTER: Well, as a Clinton supporter and as an American, I would be very concerned about Donald Trump being president of the United States of

America, but more importantly, again, Hillary just doesn't stop working.

She's going to keep fighting until vote tomorrow. Probably do some other campaign work, we're going to work until there is no more work to be done,

until the polls are closed all across the United States of America.

And that's how you win campaigns, on the ground, you have record voting going on already in the early voting states, Pennsylvania is not one of

them. Michigan is not one of them, and a couple others. There is work to be done and you work until the work is done. That's the way you win


GORANI: But the other -- I guess the other challenges, of course we know the GOP is going to have to figure out where it goes from here with Trump

having become its nominee, reluctantly the establishment embraced him eventually.

But on the Democratic side, you also have a wing represented by Bernie Sanders, how will that change your party? Because some changes will have

to happen. These establishment candidates have been rejected one after the other.

NUTTER: It will be the challenge of governing. There is naturally the difference between campaigning and governing, you know the poetry and the

prose as Governor Cuomo used to talk about.

But I think there's also a need for a great healing in the United States of America. I mean many, many things have been uncovered in the course of the

campaign that, of course, have been building up for some time.

On the Republican side, Donald Trump, you know, as Tim Kaine talks about, he is a one-man wrecking crew and he has pretty much wrecked the Republican

Party. But as you point out, we do have some challenges within the Democratic Party.

Everyone is not happy, everyone has not seen prosperity. There are things that need to change and so that is why it is also very important that with

Hillary Clinton on the rise, with momentum, and having a good win tomorrow.

[15:45:10]It is also important that we at least flip the Senate to a majority, which will help her to not only be able to govern, but hopefully

bring people together and start to heal the United States of America. We need to be the world leader of that. We have some things we need to fix

here at home.

GORANI: Certainly the world has been paying a lot of attention over the last year and a half or so. Michael Nutter, thanks very much. We really

appreciate your time.

NUTTER: Hala, thank you.

GORANI: Americans across the U.S. will be lining up on Tuesday to cast their votes. Of course, millions have already voted early. In 24 hours,

the long campaign season will be over, and it has been a wild ride. Here is a look back.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm running for president.

TRUMP: I'm a candidate for president of the United States.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Donald Trump just announced he is running for president.

TRUMP: They're bringing drugs, crime. They're rapists.

BERMAN: We all might look back and say we remember where we were when it happened.

TRUMP: We will build a wall and you know who is going to pay for the wall, Mexico. They're going to pay for it.

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering into the United States.

I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Justice Department asked to open an investigation into Hillary Clinton's e-mails on her private server.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You know, I don't -- I have no idea. That is why we turned it over.

Before there was something called Obamacare, there was something called Hillarycare.

I take a back seat to no one in taking on income inequality.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Republicans kicked off their first presidential - -

MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS: You've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs --

TRUMP: Only Rosie O'Donnell.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her -- wherever --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said.

TRUMP: I think she has a beautiful face and she is a beautiful woman.

JEB BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You will never be president of the United States by insulting your way to the presidency.

TRUMP: Let's see, I'm at 42 and you're at 3 so, so far, I'm doing better.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you seen his hands? They're like this. You know what they say about men with small hands --

TRUMP: He referred to my hands, saying they're small, something else must be small, I guarantee you there is no problem.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Just for the record, are you a progressive or a moderate?

CLINTON: I'm a progressive, but I'm a progressive who likes to get things done.

SANDERS: The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.

CLINTON: Thank you. Me too.

He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter.

I'm not a natural politician like my husband or President Obama.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: Dr. Ben Carson has risen to national frontrunner status, a big night for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Senator Ted Cruz built a blow to Donald Trump.

BEN CARSON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone.

TRUMP: He went after a friend and he lunged, but it hit the belt.

CLINTON: If fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card then deal me in.

BERMAN: Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic nominee.

TRUMP: We are going to make America great again, but we're going to do it the old fashion way.

COOPER: Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee.

TRUMP: The next vice president of the United States, Governor Mike Pence.

CLINTON: The next vice president, my friend, Senator Tim Kaine.

CAMEROTA: A lot of excitement as the RNC kicks off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What happened to "There's no black America? There's no white America --

SANDERS: Hillary Clinton must become the next president.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you ever read the United States constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy.

MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: You work hard for what you want in life.

MELANIA TRUMP, DONALD TRUMP'S WIFE: That you work hard for what you want in life.

OBAMA: That your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do.

MELANIA TRUMP: That your word is your and you do what you say.

CUOMO: Who takes the fall for cribbing Michelle Obama's speech in 2008?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To think that she would be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy.

OBAMA: Our motto is when they go low, we go high.

FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: She is still the best darn change maker I have ever known.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: There has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody, more qualified than

Hillary Clinton.

[15:50:11]IVANKA TRUMP, DONALD TRUMP'S DAUGHTER: When you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down.

TRUMP: I am with you.

CLINTON: I will be a president for Democrats and Republicans.

TRUMP: I will fight for you and I will win for you.

CLINTON: For all Americans together.

Donald Trump simply does not have the temperament.

TRUMP: If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.

CLINTON: You can put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.

TRUMP: She calls the patriotic Americans deplorable and irredeemable.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hillary Clinton we just learned in the last hour diagnosed with pneumonia.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It appears that the candidate fainted.

TRUMP: You think Hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why the concealment?

CLINTON: I thought that there wasn't really any reason to make a big fuss about it.

CAMEROTA: Trump's surprise trip to Mexico today.

TRUMP: We did discuss the wall. We didn't discuss payment of the wall. That will be for a later date.

CUOMO: Clinton and Trump, one on one, people are saying this could be the most consequential debate in modern political history.

TRUMP: I have much better judgment than she does. There is no question about that. I also have a much better temperament than she has.

CLINTON: I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate, and yes I did. He called this woman miss piggy. Then he called her Miss

Housekeeping because she was Latina.

One down two to go.

TRUMP: Look, what do you have lose? You're living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs, what the hell do you have to lose?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Donald Trump's closing argument is what do you have to lose? The answer is everything.

BERMAN: Donald Trump caught on tape in his own words vulgar words.

TRUMP: When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whatever you want.

TRUMP: Grab them by the pussy.

I'm very embarrassed by it. I hate it, but it's locker room talk.

CLINTON: He has said the video doesn't represent who he is. I think it is clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A ninth woman now stepping forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault.

TRUMP: These vicious claims about me of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false.

CLINTON: It is just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.

TRUMP: Because you'd be in jail.

The press has created a rigged system and poisoned the minds of the voters.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Donald Trump is already talking about how the game is rigged. That means he's losing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you saying you're not prepared?

TRUMP: What I'm saying I'll tell you at the time, I'll keep you in suspense.

CLINTON: Every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is it's rigged against him.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: News from the FBI, new information pertinent to the Hillary Clinton server investigation.

CLINTON: I am sure they will reach the same conclusion. There is no case here.

COOPER: The FBI director, James Comey, weighing in yet again saying that the investigation is over.

TRUMP: You can't review 650,000 new e-mails in eight days.




GORANI: Musicians, performers, and stage stars have played a big part in the campaign, so we spoke to two deejays to see if either of them got the

tone right.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Trump is for the odds and ends, Hillary goes on about midnight and gets the kids moving and they're like it has a beat, but I

can't really dance to it.

DARREN REDICK, PLANET ROCK: He fights against himself and yet at the end of the day, he is totally an entertainer. So if you have a helicopter to

land to dramatic music, whatever he uses, he will go for that every time. Quite frankly, if I had a helicopter, in that situation, I would be tempted

to do that, too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Trump is like as if a pensioner (inaudible) playlist for the gym titled one day I'm going to be president.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please welcome the next president of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump.

REDICK: Talking to teenagers from the 80s, which would be me, these are the songs that get us pumping our fists and shouting USA, USA!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He probably gets himself pumped up backstage watching Rocky and the montages. Eye of the tiger, man. I think she missed the

trick as well. It is really lame karaoke like -- they have to be women singers. Got to be women singers.

Just with fight song, the intention is good, but the song is wrong. It's not that much of a rousing song when you listen to it.

REDICK: That is totally apt for what she is trying to do. She has been constantly pushed into a corner by Trump, his supporters and surrogates and

she comes back fighting.


GORANI: There you have it, the musical angle for you. I'll see you after the election. Our colleagues at CNN USA are picking it up from here. This

has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I'm Hala Gorani. "THE LEAD" with Jake Tapper is next.