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Trump and Clinton Cast Their Ballots; Virginia Voting Underway. Aired 12-12:30p ET

Aired November 08, 2016 - 12:00   ET



[12:00:03] KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: We want to welcome our viewers here in the United States and around the world. I'm Kate Bolduan, everyone.


There are zero more days until Election Day. Zero. There are no more minutes until poll opens in most parts of the country and we are right now counting down to history, big history. Either the country elects the first president with no government or military experience -

BOLDUAN: Or the 45th president of the United States will be the first to be a woman. Either way, it has never happened before, ever. And that is clearly a very big deal.

So big that we will now tell you that the polls are just now opening in Hawaii. Meaning, all 50 states are now open for business. Millions of voters have been lining up all across - all across - all over the place over - since before dawn. Donald Trump and his wife Melania, they arrived to cast their ballots, as we saw a short time ago, here in New York City. A little while ago, Hillary Clinton also voted in Chappaqua, New York, along with her husband, Bill Clinton.




BOLDUAN: So much at stake in the race to 270. Our reporters are in place across the country, especially in the battlegrounds states that you may have heard us mention once or twice or 1,000 times over the past 18 months.

BERMAN: Let's go first to CNN's Jason Carroll. Jason Carroll outside the place where Donald Trump voted just a short time ago.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, back in New York, Donald Trump casting a vote for himself just a short while ago. The whole thing took about ten minutes here on East 56th Street when Donald Trump showed up with his wife, Melania, his daughter, Ivanka, her husband, Jared. They were met by cheers from voters who were standing in line. Some of them are still standing in line. They were also met by a lot of boos. A lot of people may not realize, Donald Trump not as popular here in Manhattan as he is in places like upstate New York or Long Island.

Trump, for his part, once inside, did talk about how he thinks the electoral map is shaping up.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) the plan for tomorrow?

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: (INAUDIBLE). We'll see what happens. It's looking very good. Right now it's looking very good.


TRUMP: We'll see happens. It will be an interesting (INAUDIBLE).

Thank you. Thank you.


CARROLL: I know it might be a little tough to hear there, guys, but Donald Trump basically saying that things are looking very good, very good, in his words. He has said in the past that states such as Ohio looking good for him, New Hampshire and North Carolina.

But as both of you guys know, he's also been very clear about this whole idea of the system being rigged against him. He's talked about this throughout his campaign. He talked about it again yesterday. So there's been some concerns about, if thing doss not go his way, would he concede? We do know that Hillary Clinton, for example, is working on a speech if she wins, a speech if she does not win. Donald Trump saying for his part saying in an interview earlier today saying, quote, he wants to see what happens before, quote, "accepting" the results.

Kate. John.

BOLDUAN: Jason Carroll. Thank you so much, Jason.

So let's go from New York City to outside New York City to Joe Johns, who is in Chappaqua, New York, where Hillary Clinton cast her ballot for, we assume, herself, a short time ago as well.

Hi there, Joe.


Hillary Clinton showing up here at the polls to vote with her husband, the former president. She hasn't done much else since that time. She's done a number of radio interviews, trying hard quite naturally not to make a lot of news. She did disclose to one radio station she hasn't had a lot of sleep, which we knew. Also said she's running on adrenaline.

Earlier today, going to the polls, Hillary Clinton once again very careful in what she was saying, projecting the image of a nominee who simply does not really, if she can avoid it, want to look like this is an inevitable situation. Listen.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: It is the most humbling feeling, Dan, because, you know, I know how much responsibility goes with this. And so many people are counting on the outcome of this election. What it means for our country. And I'll do the very best I can if I'm fortunate enough to win today.


JOHNS: Back in Washington, the current president, who is now awaiting word of who his successor will be, engaged a bit of an election-year ritual. He went to play basketball with friends out in Virginia. Now, President Obama has played basketball on a number of occasions on Election Day. Only this time, it's a little different, because it's his former secretary of state who's on the ballot.

[12:05:01] Back to you.

BERMAN: Yes, sort of playing basketball for someone else this time around. Joe Johns in Chappaqua, New York, thanks so much.

You know, it's interesting, one of the states that's really been fought over with more intensity than we have ever seen before is North Carolina. Both campaigns heading down there toward the last minute.

Let's get to Victor Blackwell right now in Raleigh.

Victor, what are you seeing?

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, John, let me tell you what's happening right here just to my left. The Republican governor of the state, Pat McCrory, is coming here to speak with a few voters, shake hands and take pictures with some voters. He's come here to this very Republican - reliably Republican precinct here that went to Romney in 2012, McCain in 2008, and he's locked in a very tight race with the state's Democratic attorney general, Roy Cooper.

Now, there are some irregularities, let's call them, next door in Durham County. We've learned from the Durham County Board of Elections and the State Board of Elections that there had been some problems with the computerize check-in system there when people show up to vote. Now, out of abundance of caution, we're told, that they've now switched to polling books and checking people in on paper.

Now, from the president of the state's NAACP branch, we hear that that is a problem for them because the lines are growing in this reliably Democratic county. Democrats in Durham County outnumber Republicans 5- 1, with a substantial number of unaffiliated voters. So they have - the NAACP has attorneys going out trying to extend the hours, trying to make sure that this glitch is fixed so that they can get the people who are in line to vote and make sure people stay.

Now, if this - the lines stretches beyond 7:30 tonight when polls close, anyone who is in line at 7:30 will be able to vote. So remember that. But, again, this is Wake County, where I am, a battleground here within the battleground of North Carolina. We know that, and we know the candidates know it because each of them was here within the last 18 hours of their campaign.

John. Kate.

BOLDUAN: Victor Blackwell. Thank you so much, Victor.

So let's head to a key toss-up. Let's go now to Boris Sanchez, who's outside a polling location in Hialeah, Florida. A state, of course, whose significance is lost on no one at this point.

Boris, what are you seeing there?


Turnout so far has been somewhat slow at this location right behind us. There were about three dozen people lined up outside this morning when polls opened. Now it's kind of quiet out here. But we're expecting things to get heated up as we get later into the evening. So far more than 6.5 million people have voted in the state of Florida. That's more people than voted in the entire 2000 election.

And the big story is turnout in the Latino community. We're up 89 percent from where we were in 2008. And that has major implications for both candidates. For Republicans, they're hoping that a lot of that turnout is here in Miami-Dade County because Cuban-Americans here in the city of progress Hialeah, Florida, tend to trend towards the GOP. Further north in Orlando, they tend to trend towards Democrats. Those are Puerto Ricans. So they're hoping that if they can win Cuban- Americans here, they get closer to the gap that they have right now with Democrats.

They're facing about a 90,000 vote deficit in early voting. Keep in mind, President Obama, and the Democrats, had about 100,000 vote advantage going into election day on 2012. They were able to hold on to about 70,000 votes. A lead of 70,000 votes and win. The Republicans are hoping they can close that gap here today and a lot of that has to do with the turnout in places like Miami-Dade.

John and Kate.

BERMAN: All right, Boris Sanchez for us in Florida. Thanks so much, Boris.

I want to talk more about what to watch for in Florida and the rest of the country. Joining us right now is CNN political analyst David Gregory.

David, you know, we've been saying that one of the ways we'll know whether this will be a short night or a potentially very, very long night is by what happens in Florida. DAVID GREGORY, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Right.


BERMAN: And you've dug down a little bit into the state from an understanding of exactly where we should be watching and when.

GREGORY: We talk a lot about the early votes. Well, those early vote statistics tell us about this surge in Hispanic Latino voting. We've got 36 percent first-time voters this go-round in the early vote. So when those results start coming in, one of the things you're going to look at, obviously, is Miami-Dade County, because you look at the results in 2012. Fifty percent -


GREGORY: No, actually, that's overall Florida. But the results in Miami-Dade were huge for Barack Obama in 2012. So we're going to get a sense of whether Hillary Clinton is able to match that or even exceed it. That's going to tell us a lot. Up here around Orlando, we're going to look at those returns as well. So look for the same thing.

A lot of Puerto Ricans have moved into Florida, in addition to the Cuban community, which used to be a little bit more conservative. So here we look for these returns. We look for the margins. I think that's going to tell us a lot about whether Florida is realistically for Donald Trump or whether it's going to go for Hillary Clinton. And if that is the case, she starts to cut off the paths for him to get to 270 pretty quickly.

BOLDUAN: Pretty quickly. I mean Florida is either - is the beginning and could be the very quick end for Donald Trump.

[12:10:00] GREGORY: That's right. I mean so if we - if we go back here and we'll look at the electoral map, as we start, just to start off, we look at, she's here at 268.


GREGORY: So we don't even have to talk about Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. She could be done if she - if she gets Nevada, if she gets New Hampshire. He's got to really kind of run the table.

If we look, for example, where they were in their final night of campaigning -


GREGORY: Again, she was in Pennsylvania. She was in North Carolina. She's thinking about the minority vote in Pennsylvania. The college educated white vote in the collar counties of Philadelphia. North Carolina.

Here, too, the Latino vote is so important. We have the largest percentage increase in the Latino vote in the country is in North Carolina. So it becomes very important. The story for Donald Trump where he ended Michigan, that was his final rally, he's got to rely upon a surge of basically white, working class voters in the upper Midwest if he's going to make a go.

BERMAN: But, look, Sean Spicer, the chief Republican strategist, was on moments ago and told us that he thought Michigan would be the biggest surprise of the night. He claims that they love what they're seeing there. And the math tells the story. If you flip Michigan, if the Republicans flip Michigan, all of a sudden the map gets very, very different here and the math gets very, very different when you're talking about Florida and North Carolina.

GREGORY: Well, I think that's right. So, look, give Donald Trump Michigan. Let's give him - let's say he's going to hold on to Arizona. You know, you want to give him Florida. That gets him to 260. And, again, with Michigan, if he - you know, he wins if he gets North Carolina. so there's no question that he's still got to run the table with a lot of these other battleground states and then flip something really big.

Democrats will tell you to flip Michigan, to flip Pennsylvania is kind of fool's gold in past elections where Republicans thought they had a shot. But, again this is where we could have a big surprise. We know about the enthusiasm for Trump among those supporters in a largely white state with more working class voters. That's what they're banking on.

BOLDUAN: Right, and you look back at 2012. You - Romney's team making a big effort in Michigan.

GREGORY: That's right.

BOLDUAN: Making a big effort in Pennsylvania. He got closest to breaking through the blue wall in Pennsylvania of losing by like 5 percent, I think, in Pennsylvania. But this - Republicans do feel very differently about Michigan in this late part of the race. They seem to see something different than they saw even in '12.

GREGORY: Well, because they saw some trend line where they saw polls moving in their favor and thought he had an ability to close. Again, Democrats would argue it's still a little bit more difficult for them to do that. Look for Oakland County, this is outside Detroit, this is where Mitt Romney was from, he lost that. We can look at those early returns and say, is Donald Trump making up some ground in that county, it could tell us something about whether Michigan can go for him.

BERMAN: And circle New Hampshire and Pennsylvania for me today if you will, David, because those states are interesting because those are states with no early voting.


BERMAN: No real early voting in New Hampshire or Pennsylvania. Michigan has a little bit, but it's, you know, you have to be over 60 years old and it's weird there. That's another reason why these campaigns work so hard there in the closing days. GREGORY: Yes. Well, and then we could add to that, of course,

Pennsylvania, right? Or maybe that's what you said I should circle initially.


BOLDUAN: OK. It's all good.

GREGORY: But I wanted to circle Michigan again because I just felt moved to draw a lot of circles.

BOLDUAN: You like Michigan.

GREGORY: Right. That's exactly right. I mean, look, Hillary Clinton finishes there. She's got the president, Mrs. Obama, her husband, of course, and all the, you know, stars, Springsteen and Bon Jovi, because they - they really want to take advantage of Election Day and getting people out. And that's what it's all about.

BERMAN: There's no day but today, as they say in the musical (INAUDIBLE) love.

GREGORY: That's right. Every - every day is election day, especially Election Day.

BERMAN: Especially Election Day. David Gregory, great to you have with us. Thanks so much, my friend.

GREGORY: Thanks so much. You, too.

BOLDUAN: It's so deep, David. So deep. Thank you so much.

All right, stay right here on CNN all day, all night for the very latest on the election. We're covering it all for you.

BERMAN: All right, we heard from the Republican Party, also Donald Trump, they are projecting a winning attitude. Trump also says, though, if he doesn't win, this whole thing will have been a huge waste of time. We'll discuss that coming up.

BOLDUAN: And we're going to show you some live pictures from Manchester, New Hampshire. Voters making their choice today in the presidential election. We'll have much more on this after a quick break.


[12:17:07] BERMAN: One the newest addition to the universe of blue states is the Commonwealth of Virginia, this was a Republican state for a long, long time until President Obama won it twice. Now it's 13 electoral votes are essential to Hillary Clinton and they will be some of the first to report in tonight as the results come in.

BOLDUAN: That's exactly right. Let's get over to Brian Todd right now. He's in Ashburn, Virginia, where voting is, of course, underway as we speak. Brian, you've been there since early, early this morning. What are you

seeing now?

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Very robust turnout, Kate and John. State officials telling us it is impressive so far. They're not going to give numbers until after the polls close at 7:00 p.m. But at this precinct at Sanders Corner Elementary School, pretty heavy turnout all morning. Lines were snaking out the door and around the building when the polls opened at 6:00 a.m.

Taking you inside here. This is where people check in with a photo I.D. And if you look at these voting stations over here, there are 14 of them. They've been pretty full all day long. So it's been very, very heavy turnout here in this precinct. The precinct captain told me a short time ago that this is crazier than it was in 2008 where they had a very heavy turnout. But, again, state officials not going to give numbers here until after the polls close at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Donald Trump has to perform in this county, in Loudoun County. It's kind of a hybrid county. It's a little bit suburban and a little bit rural. And he came here on Sunday night to hold a last-minute rally after midnight. Thousands of people lined up to see him. We were there. A very impressive turnout for that rally. Donald Trump and his campaign counting on Loudoun County because it is a swing county. It did go to President Obama in 2012, but only slightly. So Trump and his campaign really wanting to - just to kind of pull out these, you know, suburban and rural counties in Virginia to see if he can pull the upset. This race has been tightening as we've gotten closer to Election Day.

This is where people go to get their votes scanned. This is the sample ballot here. It's about eight slots to fill out, including presidential candidates, congressional candidates. You fill it out by paper with a pen. Then it gets put through the optical scanner over there. Pictures are taken on both sides.

I just talked to a state election official, says they're going to do away with all the touch screens in this state by the year 2020. Too much maintenance and too many questions about reliability. They're going to get rid of those. They want these paper ballots. And the scanning of them is really what they rely on, guys.

BOLDUAN: Brian Todd, love watching it along with you. Thank you so much. Brian's going to be there all day watching how the vote comes out.

There's a lot to watch today, of course. Let us discuss. The panel here with us now. David Gregory, CNN political analyst, journalist and author. Jackie Kucinich, CNN political analyst, Washington bureau chief for "The Daily Beast." Errol Louis is here as well, CNN political commentator, political anchor for Time Warner Cable News. And Carl Bernstein, CNN political analyst, investigative journalist, to say the least, and author.

Great to have you all here. Thanks, guys. So we started this conversation just a short time ago with David on the early things that he's - that he's looking out for. Errol, pick up on that as well. What are the early signs if you're kind of looking into the future - not so far future?


BOLDUAN: What are the early signs you're looking for?

LOUIS: If you're still in the prediction game, and this is probably the day to sort of have that tail off since we're going to get real results, is, I think one of the big stories here is Latino turnout. That registration, mobilization and actual votes are way, way up. And it's not just Chicanos (ph). It's not just Mexican-Americans. It's Puerto Rican-Americans. It's, you know, it's a big, growing movement and it is going to be a critical part of the Hillary Clinton coalition. We'll see if that coalition comes through for her. So - in the I-4 corridor, in Florida for sure, you keep an eye on that. In Nevada you definitely keep an eye on that. And, frankly, even in California and Texas, in some of the areas where the outcome of the state is not in doubt but what's going on I think is really important.

BERMAN: What we're sort of asking here is, you know, a how-to guide to watch the election tonight as the results start coming in at 7:00. And the first thing that will pop up and say to you, Jackie, ah-ha!

JACKIE KUCINICH, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: It depends on the state. I think, you know, we might know Florida very early because two-thirds of folks have voted there.

BERMAN: Such a big deal Florida is.


BERMAN: You just can't get past it.

KUCINICH: Yes, it really is. It really is. But I will talk a little bit about my home state of Ohio. I'm watching Cuyahoga County. Turnout there matters. It's a big Democratic county. Also there's this little - little bit - little known, Ottawa County. "Cleveland Plain Dealer" pointed out today that it has gone, it has picked the actual, you know, president for - it has the longest streak running in Ohio. So it's been for a long time.

BOLDUAN: Does it hurt your feelings when people say like Ron Brownstein that Ohio is no longer the bellwether? Does that hurt your feelings?

GREGORY: Does she take it personally? Do you take it personally?

KUCINICH: Maybe a little. I'll have to find Ron later.

GREGORY: But it is interesting, Florida is such a big deal because it's going to tell us something about Nevada. It's actually going to tell us about North Carolina as well, in terms of that surge of the Hispanic vote. But I do think, given all of the predictions, if people are terribly

wrong, and we've been wrong about what Donald Trump is capable of before, we really have to wait to see what the results of Michigan are. We have to wait to see whether he has the capacity and the upper Midwest to mobilize a turnout among working-class white voters that we have never seen before that might even rival that of Ronald Reagan in 1984. Without that, he simply cannot be competitive with the losses he's going to have among non-white voters and college educated white voters, and women. So we know how the deck is stacked against him. We also know where his strengths are.

BERMAN: But that gets to - that gets to this notion that a lot of people have discussed, the idea that there's a secret Trump vote out there. That there might be voters who aren't slowing up in the polls. Now Sean Spicer, with the Republican Party, says they have no secrets. They have, you know, tons of data showing them everything they need to know. But, still, the notion is out there, Carl. Do you buy it?

CARL BERNSTEIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: What we want to know is, are all of these advanced polls holding? And if there is an indication early on in a place like Pennsylvania, in a place like Michigan that they're not holding, then the expectations could be very different than the assumption that Hillary Clinton has this thing almost locked up.

I think there's another thing to watch through the day, and that is voter suppression, voter intimidation. Regardless of whether it's an impact on tonight, it is an underlying issue in this campaign that ought to concern Republicans all over the country, that is going to have a lot to do with the future of how elections are fought in this country. It's a disgrace how Republicans have embraced through their secretaries of state, through voter intimidation, the idea that they don't want a bigger tent and won't say it out loud is a real underlying issue that I think we ought to keep our eyes on. We also need to watch out for outside interference, anything having to do with the Internet through today and tonight by the - by the Soviet Union, yes, the old Soviet Union people, masquerading as new Russians. I think we have to watch out for that as well. There still could be some surprises. Let's hope not, that there are no non-actors of the - our own political class involved in this.

BOLDUAN: You talked about a kind of expectations as, you know, the polls hold. Donald Trump was kind of play with expectations and has been as he did an interview this morning, and also at a rally yesterday in Raleigh, North Carolina, and how well they're doing. Listen to this.


TRUMP: We're winning Ohio. We're winning Iowa. We're winning, with think, New Hampshire. We're going to do great in New Hampshire. I hear we're winning North Carolina big. I hear. We're winning Florida. Winning Florida. Doing really well. Headlines today on Drudge, how well we're doing in Florida. And I think we're going to win the great state of Pennsylvania.


[12:25:03] BOLDUAN: One, two, three, four, five, six big states he's listing out that they're winning and chances he wins all of those, David?

GREGORY: Yes. Yes. Well, look, I mean, you know, you're a candidate, especially if you're Donald Trump, this is what he's done all along.


GREGORY: Whether it's true or not, he's going to be out there and talk about it.

One of the things that he has done is to try to suppress her turnout by - and he did it there, suggesting, look, we're winning so big already so that there has an effect potentially of people saying, oh, is this thing lost already? I don't think anybody's going to buy that. I don't think they'll buy it from either side. We have very enthusiastic supporters of Donald Trump who are going to show up and perhaps we'll see it in record numbers. And I think the same is true among Democrats as well.

And, again, the Latino turnout, it's very interesting. You know, in the play "Hamilton," the great line is that immigrants get things done. It's not just Hispanics who are voting because of some of the talk from Donald Trump about building a wall, about Mexican rapists and about deporting them. It is an attitude towards immigrants. And Hispanics and other non-white voters are sensing that the Republican Party is really becoming an enemy of immigrants in this country. They've come a long way from the campaign we covered in 2000. George w. Bush as governor who said, family values don't stop at the Rio Grande, to now we're going to a wall. This is really scary for Republicans beyond Trump.

BERMAN: Look, Ann Coulter tweet - you know, who's a big supporter of Donald Trump, tweeted this morning that if this election were hold only among people who had four grandparents born in the United States, Donald Trump would win.


KUCINICH: Well, Donald Trump wouldn't be able to run.

BERMAN: That's true too. But that's a - an astounding thought.


KUCINICH: So - but they didn't - they didn't even run - they didn't even run Spanish language ads. They didn't do any meaningful outreach to Hispanic voters. I don't remember a campaign that didn't even - didn't even bother having a Spanish language website for goodness sake. So what - they - he hasn't give a reason for these folks to cast their vote for him. so, why would they?

BERNSTEIN: Let me suggest the most important word that Trump said there is "Drudge." That he's looking at Matt Drudge and his polls on Matt Drudge's "Drudge Report" site and the alternative universe of Drudge alt-right, the different press and social media that we have seen almost dominate to some extent a big part of the electorate is a wholly new phenomenon and it is maybe the other most important part of this election. And if it turns out, and I look at Drudge, and if it turns out that Drudge is right in what he has been putting up on his site, Donald Trump is going to win. But it also is not going away. The alt-right universe is going to be a huge part of the next presidency, of where we're going in this country and we're going to have to learn what it means and how to be an alternative to it that is fact-based and truthful because it is not.

LOUIS: Well, I mean, we - we do what we do all the time.

BOLDUAN: (INAUDIBLE) real quick, Errol, just so voters know - viewers know what we're looking at, and voters, they're looking at our screen. We're looking at Tim Kaine arriving at the airport in Richmond, where he will be taking off to come to New York City for the election night event here in New York.

Errol, I was going to cut you off, but you also - I want to hear what you have to say but there's - it's also a tale of two campaigns. You've got Donald Trump on the stage saying, Drudge and what he's seeing there, but you also have seen some really impressive stories about how there is a real data operation behind Trump, not just the Republican Party, but he's got a data operation that they are looking at, not Drudge, to say the least.

LOUIS: If they're doing what they should be doing as a national campaign, then they are doing nightly samples with big sample 5,000, 10,000 people that they track every night. If that's where he - if he had said, we're hearing, based on our own internal data analytics -

BERNSTEIN: That's right.

LOUIS: That we've got a chance in Michigan, Pennsylvania, or wherever, that would be one thing. When he's going down for the third time is when you hear him saying, hey, somebody call Sean Hannity, hey somebody look at Drudge, that kind of a thing.

And Carl's right, there is this alternate reality that's out there, but the interests of the Breitbart media operation or of Drudge are commercial. There, you know, reality is not what they're selling. They're selling eyeballs so they can make some money.

BERNSTEIN: They want to change the country, though, in their - in their image.

GREGORY: Only - only if we let them.

BERMAN: The one thing we know for sure is that there will be a surprise tonight.


BERMAN: There's always a surprise to every election night, whether it's in the presidential race or in the Senate race. BOLDUAN: There always is, right.

KUCINICH: Aren't we all surprised out?

BOLDUAN: There can never be enough surprises.

BERMAN: We have room for a few more.

BOLDUAN: October or not.

BERMAN: But I'm curious if anyone wants to take a gander, Jackie, David, you know, what might the surprise be tonight? Is it a state that someone wins that we didn't think they would win? Is it the secret Trump vote? Or, on the flip side, is it this not so secret Latino surge? It could be any one of these things.

KUCINICH: I mean not knowing what the surprise is, by nature of it being a surprise, it does seem, at this moment, that the Latino vote is going to be the biggest story coming out of this election. But as we've seen throughout this election, it has been just a, you know, anything can happen. It really can. I don't mean to not answer your question.