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Voters Hitting the Polls; Voting Machine Snafus in North Carolina, Utah; Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit on Breaking Rules at Polls in Nevada. Aired 1:30-2p ET

Aired November 08, 2016 - 13:30   ET


[13:30:00] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. So then i went to listen to Donald Trump Jr yesterday. And I have one family member that won't trust Trump. My husband is voting for Clinton. And i really -- honestly, i really am undecided. I am. I'm going to go in there and -- vote somebody.

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And she did come in Here, she did vote for somebody. She told me who she voted for but asked me not to report on That. Leaving the poll, i still feel Conflicted, actually feel Guilty. Her husband wanted her 20 do one Thing, her brother to do Another. In the end, she wasn't happy with Either candidate. I will tell you she did vote for One of t two major candidates. I just don't say which one. Again, very conflicted, Undecided. We haven't seen a lot of that Here. People walking out saying, yes, Trump, or yes, Hillary, but she Was an interesting one to talk To. Brooke?

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN ANCHOR: i think we're going to see a Lot of therapy. Going to see a lot of yoga Classes, drinking for people who Have been so conflicted soar foe Long.

Jessica, thank you so much for Sharing her story.

And from Michigan to New Hampshire, Chris Frates has been stashed out in Manchester.

We love talking about New Hampshire, don't we? We talk about Dixville Nosh, All eight voters there. Will be coming in this Evening. The ultimate tally in this town of the eight vote was what? Hillary Clinton?

CHRIS FRATES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It was for Hillary Clinton, exactly right. Four votes for Hillary Clinton, Brooke. Two for Donald Trump. One to Gary Johnson and then we Had one to Mitt Romney. Somebody writing in Mitt Romney There. Obviously maybe a Republican That doesn't feel Donald Trump Is a choice to go with. Tell You lots a lots of people Coming in. New Hampshirites are excited About voting and you see that Here today, about 1,700 people Have come into the precinct so Far today. Election officials tell me That's above average for an Election. They might be on a record here, and part of the reason is, it's A battleground state, this Go-round. New Hampshire is small but Mighty, Brooke. Right? Four electoral votes but Could matter. Go back, talked about this over the weekend, right? Back to 2000. Al Gore, if he had won New Hampshire would have become President regardless what Happened in Florida. That didn't happen and the Clinton people took that lesson to heart, because this is really Going to turn, this election, will turn on turnout. And just like Pennsylvania, where we heard from Miguel and Jessica in New Hampshire, no Early voting happens today.

Getting people out to the polls for the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Campaigns. What they've been up to, Hillary Clinton knocked and more than a Million doors. Called 2 million people. 12,000 volunteers out in these Final days trying to make sure They get people to the polls. Donald Trump and Republicans Doing something similar. 1.8 million doors knocked. 1.7 calls made to make sure you Show up in precincts like this all over the state and it's Going to come down to Independence. You and i kw this. Covered and spent time in New Hampshire. More independents here in New Hampshire than Democrats, or Republicans, and in fact back in 2012, 43percent of the people who cast Ballots were independents. Those independents broke for Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton hoping they'll Break her way this go-round. Donald Trump, of course, trying to make sure they get out to Vote and that the independents Deliver New Hampshire to the Republican column the first Time in a number of presidential cycles. That would be huge for him Breaking the blue wall Hillary Clinton erected in lean Democratic states for him to get To the White House, that magic Number, Brooke, of 270. People still coming in. Seeing long lines. See what happens throughout the Rest of the state as the day Wears on -- Brooke?

BALDWIN: He should would like to break through.

Chris Frates on the New Hampshire beat. Chris Frates, thank you.

Coming up from these more traditionally blue states, this blue wall, to the red state defense. We're look at the Mitt Romney red states that Trump needs to hang on to tonight.

Also, ahead, we're hearing about some voting machine snafus involving counties in two, states. What election officials are doing to make sure every vote is counted.

I'm Brooke Baldwin, live in Washington. You're watching CNN's special live coverage.


[13:38:00] BALDWIN: Just in, new to us at CNN, reports of some technical issues at the voting booths, the polling places, in both Utah and North Carolina.

Victor Blackwell is in recall North Carolina.

Stephanie Elam, we begin with You in Salt Lake City.

Reports of voting machine Problems. What exactly does that mean and How many are affected?

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. This is coming from Utah Election officials saying that This is a problem in Washington County which is in the southwest Corner of the state. Saying whatever this technical Snafu, they didn't expand upon What it is, it's affecting all 37 polling locations in that County. Very different picture from here In Salt Lake count the most densely populated County in the state where They're saying no problems. Just checked in with the county Clerk. Saying they've had no issues Here. She was concerned here, though, Lines. Take a look Lines here at this polling Place, something she tried to Avoid because they had mail-in Ballots here. Trying to get people out to do That and early voting that ended Friday. They do have people coming in. You can register to vote here in Utah today. Line to Vote. Saying people are doing that. One thing people should know, you still have the mail-in Ballot. Fill it out. Drop it at any polling places And the boxes around the county as well, because that will work. The other thing to keep in mind They're clear about, if you get In line by 8:00 p.m., local Time, you will be able to vote, but you've got to be in line by 8:00. Seeing a robust turnout as far as people in line here today, but turnout people mailing in Ballots, hoped they'd get more to have less lines here. They did say there was a surge in people registering to vote in the county, and so they were Hoping that meant a lot of People would try to send in Ballots early. Because not as many came in as Expected saying there are people Standing in line today. As you can see, people standing In line, making their way Around, and then go in there and Handle their civic duty. A beautiful day in Salt Lake. No reason to not get here and Vote. Brooke?

[13:40:17] BALDWIN: It matters. Sun shining out. Gets you to the polls. Get in line by 8:00.

Stephanie Elam, thank you.

From Utah to North Carolina, Victor Blackwell, issues, switching to paper poll box out of an abundance of caution. What do you have?

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, in nearby Durham county, we've learned at 6:45 this morning, just after Polls opened at 6:30, at least Five locations we're told by the State Board of Elections, there Were glitches with the Electronic check-in system. Not the ballot machines. Voting machines. This shouldn't affect the Tabulation, we're told, but when People arrive, how they're Checked in. They've switched to these Polling books which sound Exactly like what they are. Books with the names and lists of voters in that precinct and Their names can be checked off When they show up. We've heard from the president of the state branch of the NAACP, Dr. William Barber, this Created long lines in Durham County and some walked away. The NAACP has attorneys, lawyers Watching this and asking that Justice department monitors in North Carolina but in other Counties to come to Durham, to Durham county making sure voters can vote. Why is Durham so important here? We know out of the 230,000 or so Registered voters there, Democrats outnumber Republicans About 5-1. So, that's why we know that They're watching closely here. In Wake County, at this Precinct, 1310, the shortest We've seen the line all day, with just a few people in line, but there had been hundreds of People with more than an hour Wait at this location. Brooke?

BALDWIN: Yeah. Just looking at the CNN air, the Picture on the left side of the Screen with the drones and the Lines across the country. We've got you covered.

Victor Blackwell, thank you so Much.

On some of the glitches, some of these polling places are having to deal with, glad to see people turning out and voting.

Up next, Nevada, one of six states officially in the battleground zone on CNN's electoral map. Live to Vegas and two states that Obama took in 2012 definitely not guaranteed this go-round.

You're watching CNN.


[11:46:04] BALDWIN: Welcome back to Election Day Coverage here. Live in Washington, D.C. I'm Brooke Baldwin. Thank you for being with me.

Listen, a lot of attention is paid to east coast battleground states like Florida, like North Carolina. Some of the closest races will be actually west of the Mississippi.

Kyung Lah is in Las Vegas, Rosa Flores in Iowa, and Ana Cabrera in the hotly contested state of Colorado.

Kyung, we mentioned at top of how in Nevada the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit regarding early voting issues. What more have you learned about that?

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORERSPONDENT: We are learning That a hearing is about to start in just about 15 minutes from Now, Brooke. A legal challenge that is Election Day here In Nevada. These were legal briefs filed overnight by the Trump campaign and in the lawsuit, the Trump Campaign alleging some early Vote locations were allowed to Stay open late. That they broke the rules. We believe he's talking about Location that was a very popular Early vote location, and if you Pictures and video, you Can see it is predominantly Hispanic voters. Yes, the line was very, very Long, and, yes, votes did vote Late into the evening. Trump is saying that they Violated county rules, state Election rules. The county, though, calmed Immediately when the allegations Started to fly. County said, -- the count Saying, it's simply not true. Did followed the rules. Cut off the line when t Polling place was supposed to Close, and then they allowed Everyone in line to vote, and That's what happened across the County. The county says as a reality Check, that the people who voted Latest were the ones who came from an area that the GOP Considers a GOP stronghold. That those were t people who Voted late. Not the voters So we can argue about the Validity of the market.

Why it's important. Why everyone needs to pay Attention to what's happening in Nevada right now. This lawsuit, what Trump's Lawyers are asking for that they Are asking for the early vote ballots in places like this Market to be set aside. Essentially not counted, if Nevada is close. We're talking about thousands of Voters. So, if Nevada is close, they're going to contest it according to this lawsuit. They are laying groundwork for Potential legal challenges today and tomorrow -- Brooke?

BALDWIN: We know both sides have Lawyers fanned out across the country, but to the point on This lawsuit in Nevada, we'll Listen in and see what those Lawyers are saying, as you Mentioned, at the top 67 the Hour.

Kyung Lah, thank you from Las Vegas.

To Iowa. What are voters telling You there?

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Brooke. Poll workers take the award. Keeping the lines very short, working very hard to make sure Voters can come in and then head Out to, whether it be work or to Their families, whatever the Case may be.

But we are in Iowa. Six of the last seven elections Have gone to the Democrat in the Presidential elections. But this time it's a bit of a Swing here. Only because it all started blue Initially and then turned into a Dead heat state and now the Latest poll shows that Donald Trump has a 10-point margin in his favor. So, that's why a lot of the folks Here are wondering. Talk about Hillary Clinton, this Is not Hillary country at all. Let's not forget in 2008 she Lost the caucuses, and this time Around only beat Bernie by Slight margin.

When you talk about Donald Trump, this is Ted Cruz country. It's a hill battle for him as Well. Brooke, I have to say that I've Talked to some Ted Cruz Supporters. They say they are going to vote For Trump and what helped him? That Ted Cruz actually leading Up to the election was actually Campaigning with Donald Trump.

Now, Brooke, before i let you go, I've got to tell Brooke, people in Iowa are having fun with their Selfies. People are coming here, taking Their sell fist and making sure They share it on social media Because my vote counts in Iowa.

[13:50:44] BALDWIN: I love it. By the way, let me thank you for showing you that. I love everyone having a sense of humor and collective wrath on Election Day.

Send us Instagram's. Make sure you hashtag your Pictures "my vote."

Rosa Flores, thank you in Iowa.

Ana Cabrera has been standing by in Colorado.

And it's not Necessarily in Colorado who is on the ballot but what? Tell me about the ballot Initiatives that are getting Voters out.

ANA CABRERA, CNN CORERSPONDENT: Some voters are focusing on. Some people who would consider to do assisted suicide. We have minimum wage increases on our ballot. That's generating the interest in voter turnout.

I want to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes in Jefferson of the state. We are at election headquarters R& Votes have Already been counted and we here in the vote-counting room. The ballots that have been taken Out of the envelope, since it's a mail-in election, they've been Brought here to the election County official site and they've been put in these boxes. About 1400 Ballots, we're told. Then they are sent through this Machine. The vote counting is happening as we speak. You can see the machine working Very quickly. The bottom shelf is ones that Get through without issues, the Middle shelf is write in Candidates and top shelf they Have those ballots that have been damaged or destroyed in Some fashion, maybe they got Some coffee spilled on the Ballot, couldn't be read by the Machine. Those will have a human eye take A look. All of the ballots that are Processed have not been tallied Yet so votes are being counted in a closed electronic network and they will Be tallied with a hit of a Button at 7:00 p.m. local time tonight.

Brooke, as i toss it back, keep in mind, two-thirds of Colorado registered voters have already returned their ballot prior to this Election Day.

BALDWIN: Ana Cabrera, thank you so Much.

Just a couple more minutes with my panel before i hand my seat over to Erin Burnett and her team.

So, before we let everyone go, I'd love to go around, biggest take away from this election.

Let me add, we know the Obamas -- I'm reminded by this big Beautiful House that they are so indelibly involved on Election Day, that we found Out the president of the United States called into a Philadelphia radio station, get out and vote. They're not finished.


KAREN TUMULTY, NATIONAL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, WASHINGTON POST: On that, you have to go back to 1988 Where there was an outgoing Incumbent president in the White House that his party's nominee Would even want to be seen with. You would have thought with this Being a changed election that Hillary Clinton would have Wanted to forge her own path. But president Obama's approval -

BALDWIN: The big embrace.

TUMULTY: -- has totally - he's become -- he and Michelle Obama, not necessarily in that order, have become her most powerful surrogates.

BALDWIN: What do you think, Dave?

DAVID SWERDICK, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: That's right. President Obama and the first Lady are the best retail Candidates. It helps Clinton to have them and their surrogates on their Side that Trump does not.

BALDWIN: Moving off the Obamas, though, just looking back at This wild strange trip of 18 or so months --




BALDWIN: And by the way, tonight who Knows what tonight could bring.

POWERS: There are so many things. But i think one of the things That i focus on a lot in my Writing is gender and one of the Things that jumped out to me is How much people don't understand sexual assault and that was one Thing i would not have predicted Would come up in an election with president of the United States but there is a real division in terms of Understanding this. So, you know, that's pretty surprising.

BALDWIN: Glad you added about it as Much as you do.

POWERS: Thank you.

BALDWIN: 30 seconds, Ryan Lizza?

[14:55:08] LIZZA: My take away is us in the media. Trump presented an enormous challenge for the non-partisan Press in how do you cover Someone who doesn't -- that Violates the traditional norms, that says some things that Weren't true, that had authoritarian impulses, that had Anti-First Amendment impulses. I think all of us as reporters Who were trained to be fair to Both sides and fairness meant on the one hand on the other Hand --

BALDWIN: Like an assault.

LIZZA: -- learned in real time that That's not how you cover Politics when someone like Trump Comes along and that's something We all need to reflect on long After the election is over.

BALDWIN: Thank you so much for spending time with me on this Tuesday afternoon.

I'm Brooke Baldwin, in Washington.

Reminder, polls start to close in some states just five hours from now. We'll take you live to Clinton And Trump headquarters. Keep in mind, they will be fewer Than two miles apart from one Another this evening in New York City.

Stay with us for CNN's special Live coverage of this historic vote.


BALDWIN: We're back live in Washington. As polls start to close in the Next couple of hours, you are the star today. This is your Election Day. We're looking at these photos from so many of you across the Country with your "i voted" Stickers. Here's the deal. Send them, pop them in Instagram, hashtag it "my vote" and we'll continue showing all Your handsome faces throughout the day here on CNN.

I'm Brooke Baldwin. Thank you for being with me. I'll hand it over to Erin Burnett. Live coverage continues right now.