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New Day

Trump on DNC E-mails; Clintons and Bushs to Attend Inauguration; Recounting of the Boston Attack. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired January 04, 2017 - 08:30   ET


[08:30:00] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Why was the DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info, exclamation point.

Is that the special information that Mr. Trump promised on New Year's Eve to reveal? Let's get "The Bottom Line" with CNN political analyst David Gregory.

So, David, this is curious, why is Mr. Trump seeming to side with Julian Assange, courtesy of a Sean Hannity interview, over intel chiefs?

DAVID GREGORY, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I think it's gotten a lot of people scratching their heads and will confound and disturb people for a while. Julian Assange has been called a high tech terrorist by Vice President Biden and the leader of the Republicans, McConnell. I remember President Bush wouldn't even speak at an event some years ago when he was president where he thought Julian Assange would be appearing as well. So, oh what a change. And this is just expedient because of what Assange is now saying.

Trump is making it very clear that as he comes into office, he is going to keep the intelligence community at arm's length. He is going to be the disrupter in that regard and challenge the institution. He also doesn't want anything that makes it look like his presidency should be challenged. The problem he's got, several fold, one of them is that there's a bipartisan group in Congress that's going to try to get to the bottom of this and is very disturbed by what Russia apparently did a lot more than the president-elect.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: And what do you think the end game is on his backing Assange? I mean put it to the side why he's held up in the Ecuadorian embassy in the first place. But just isn't it kind of a slap in the face to the intelligence community consistently tweeting him as his resource?

GREGORY: Right. Yes, tweeting and then tweaking them as people who can't be believed. Look, he is going to come into office as the president, and you can't constantly run against the government when you lead the government. It's one thing to talk about wanting to reduce the Department of Education. It's another thing when you have to rely in your formulation of foreign policy on our professionals in the intelligence community who risk their lives, don't always get it right, but who are a resource that are going to provide an incredible amount of information. So I think this is a dangerous game that the president-elect is

playing. We'll see what his tone and his comments are like after he has a chance to get the briefing and read it. That's what the current CIA chief, Brennan, is saying, look, have a chance to read the report and know what we know.

CAMEROTA: That will be fascinating after he meets with them. As we know, he's often, you know, impressed after he meets with people one- on-one and he then sort of comes around, much like he did with President Obama after first meeting him. So it will be very fascinating to hear what he thinks after he meets with the intel agency.

CUOMO: Except this would require him to admit that he was wrong.


CUOMO: We haven't seen that.

CAMEROTA: I know, but look at how he turned his about-face with President Obama, who he couldn't basically stand or questioned his legitimacy.

OK, let's move on because here's another interesting optic, Inauguration Day, and what's going to happen because it has just been announced that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are going to go to Donald Trump's inauguration. Did they - could they have skipped this one?

GREGORY: I think it's very hard. I mean the peaceful transfer of power is one of the things that makes America great, just one of the things that makes our democracy great. It's such an important part of who we are. Thinking back in history, despite the bitter political feud between Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln, there's the story of Lincoln standing up at his inauguration and looking for a place to put his stovepipe hat, and it's Stephen Douglas who takes it from him and rests it on his lap.

I think in that tradition, Hillary Clinton's going to be there. She's married to a former president. And Donald Trump is now part of a very small club of living former presidents. It's totally appropriate that, when they're able, that they should show up and mark this transition.

CUOMO: All right, David Gregory, appreciate it, as always. You always give us that "Bottom Line."

What do you think out there? You've got the chance to tweet me @chriscuomo, @alisyncamerota. You can post your comment on

Hey, is Gregory still with us? Did he leave?

Oh, so he's gone.

GREGORY: I'm here.

CUOMO: Oh, you're here. You know what, you and I, we're good guys, right? You think Alisyn likes you, right?


CUOMO: You notice how it's just me? Where do you think she went?

GREGORY: Where did she go?

CUOMO: She threw us under the bus for a better man.


CUOMO: That's what she just did.

CAMEROTA: Yoo-hoo.

CUOMO: Who is that guy?

GREGORY: You know, in fairness, I might have done the same thing.

CAMEROTA: I'm just here with my new best friend Mark Wahlberg.

CUOMO: I mean look at -

CAMEROTA: We're just hanging out here in the green room together.

CUOMO: Have you no dignity. Look at the look on Wahlberg's face. Oh, no, now it's dangerous.

CAMEROTA: You know what, Mark and I have a lot in common because we both love Boston.


CAMEROTA: I love Boston.

CUOMO: And you are both incredibly jacked.

CAMEROTA: And we're going to hear - we're going to talk about Mark's new movie "Patriots Day." It's a fantastic movie about our beloved Boston. So we'll talk about the making of it and why it's so important to see it, when we come right back.


[08:38:40] CAMEROTA: The new movie "Patriots Day" recounts the story of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and the four day manhunt that followed. Here's a clip from the film that takes us inside the investigation and the tough decisions that law enforcement faced that fateful day.


MARK WAHLBERG, ACTOR, "PATRIOTS DAY": Gentlemen, if I may, right now Boston's working against us. (INAUDIBLE) normally you've got a murder, no one rats. We don't got that problem because, in this city, when it comes to terrorism, everybody wants to talk. Look, you got a lot of people talking, but they're talking about the wrong people. Release the photos of our guys, sit back and listen. Trust me, you guys got to let Boston work for us. I'm telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, ACTOR, "PATRIOTS DAY": I understand Boston, but I can't just snap my fingers. The decision goes all the way up to the attorney general.

JOHN GOODMAN, ACTOR, "PATRIOTS DAY": Then give me his number. I'll call him right now. This is my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) city, Rick. Release the God damn pictures.


CAMEROTA: That was actor John Goodman portraying former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis, who led the city's law enforcement at that time. Commissioner Davis joins us now, along with actor and producer of the film Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg's character does not represent a real person, but rather a composite of several brave police officers.

Gentlemen, great to see you here.


MARK WAHLBERG, ACTOR, "PATRIOTS DAY": Thanks for having us.

DAVIS: I watched the movie. It was fantastic. It's hard to relive the pain of that time.

Mark, why did you want to make the movie?

WAHLBERG: Because ultimately the hope that came from it, and the inspiration, of seeing how not only my city, but the victim's families, survivors, how everybody responded. It was really, really a pivotal moment for me. A reminder of what "Boston strong" really means and how proud I am to be a Bostonian.

[08:40:15] CAMEROTA: I feel the same way. I love Boston also. And it's not just a slogan, I don't have to tell you guys, "Boston strong." It's a real spirit.


CAMEROTA: And I think that the movie captured that.

Ed, what were - I mean one of the things the movie does so well is capture the chaos of the attack and how gruesome and grisly the scene was afterwards. And then you having to swing into action and figure out who did it. What were those hours like?

DAVIS: Well, the first thing is the human toll. You know, the loss of life. So many people injured and hurt. We had to take care of them. But then, very quickly, there was an urgent sense to run these guys down. To make sure we get them off the street because we were afraid that they would do more damage to people. So it was an extremely complex investigation, and I think the movie shows how complicated these things are involving different agencies and different justice systems, you know, at the state and local level and the federal level. So it's a tough undertaking.

CAMEROTA: There's a great scene in it where you're sort of having to sift through all the surveillance video to try to figure out among that crowd of tens of thousands who the perpetrators were, and you do a great job of that. I thought it really brought to life how to zero in on that needle in a haystack. Was that accurate?

WAHLBERG: Ys, and it was - it was only because there were obviously hours and hours of sifting through this footage and a very smart FBI investigator had just noticed that the person - that one of the brothers had just moved a little bit left when everybody else had turned the other way. And that was the first key - you know, where the first light went off.

CAMEROTA: Right, he was going in the opposite direction.


CAMEROTA: And that tipped their -

WAHLBERG: He just knew what was happening.


So, commissioner, there was a debate in the movie, and I wonder if - how real this was - about what we just saw there, when to release the suspects' photos. Why was that - why not just release them right away? Why was that such a heated debate?

DAVIS: Well, there was a disagreement. And some of the prosecutors and high level investigators wanted time to try to catch up with these guys before we let them know that we knew what they looked like, OK? So they wanted to sneak up on them basically. I was on the other side of that argument because people from Fenway Park and, you know, the Boston Garden were calling me to see if they could open up the - the park that day. And how could I let, you know, people come to that game and possibly be attacked by someone when we knew what they looked like. And I made it clear that I was not on board to keep these images private.

CAMEROTA: So how did it work? So you knew who they were. Well, you had suspects. You had the photos. How long did it take for you to release them?

DAVIS: Well, it took a full day. We found the photographs in the middle of the night between Wednesday and Thursday. And then they were finally released Thursday evening, which prompted this other incident to occur in Watertown.

But, in fairness to Rick, Rick was - Rick DesLauriers (ph), the FBI agent, was supportive after the first few hours. He came back and he said, I think you're right, we're going to go to Justice and fight to get the pictures out there. So it was - it was a difficult situation, but it was a short-term thing. And when you think about the complexity of the investigation, it was really the only problem that we had.

CAMEROTA: Mark, in portraying this police officer, did you go back and spend time with the police officers who were involved?

WAHLBERG: I did. I - well, I had - obviously being from Boston, I - you know, I had to - and wanted to and welcomed the fact that I could go and speak with everybody. I first and foremost needed to make sure people understood what our intentions were, the kind of film that we wanted to make and how we would pay tribute to everybody.

CAMEROTA: Were you getting pushback on that? Did people not want the film made to relive - to have to relive this?

WAHLBERG: Well - well mostly with the media. So I had assumed that that was also the public's feeling. But once I went to Boston and I had an opportunity to speak to people, I realized that that was not the case.

Now, when you talk about survivors, victims' families and things of that nature, you're reliving or reenacting the worst day of their lives. So I don't think it's ever going to be a pleasant experience. But, ultimately, they were going to make the film regardless. And so I said, OK, if it's going to be done, it's going to be done the right way and I'm going to make sure we do that.

CAMEROTA: There is one Boston police officer's family who has expressed some displeasure, or at least I think disappointment and maybe hurt that he - there is a Boston police officer who died a year later from his injuries sustained from the explosion and he wasn't included in the movie. Do you want to respond to that family?

WAHLBERG: Yes. Well, obviously, in telling a two-hour story, it's extremely difficult. If you look at my character, it's a composite character based on three police officers. We didn't want to give credit for people - to people for things that they didn't do, which is why we created a composite character. And we're telling the story in two hours. And it's extremely difficult. We obviously have the utmost respect for the Simmons (ph) family and for DJ (ph) and we - that's why we pay tribute in the movie as in honor of all law enforcement, including him.

[08:45:02] CAMEROTA: That's beautiful.

What does "Boston strong" mean to you, Ed?

DAVIS: Well, it stands for the toughness of the city and the fact that people responded so well when we asked them to help. But I'm so proud of what Mark has done here. He's a tough kid from the street. He never forgot where he came from. He came back to Boston and took care of something that needed to be done in a way that no one else could because of his connections here.

WAHLBERG: Well, the great thing about the message of the movie is that love will always win and we will always come together as one. And that is - these kind of attacks are happening. You look at what happened in Istanbul and it's happening all over the world and people need to come together and know that good will always win.

CAMEROTA: It's a hard movie to relive, and it is a beautiful movie. You do so well in it. And I recommend that everybody go see it. It's called "Patriots Day," opening this week.

Thanks so much, guys, for being here. Great to talk to you.

WAHLBERG: Thanks. Thanks for having us. Appreciate it. Thanks.

CAMEROTA: Let's get over to Chris.

CUOMO: Important to remember. I spent a lot of time with the commissioner and his men and women. They did a hell of a job up there.

All right, so we've got a different kind of strength for you on this show now. Two-year-old strength in the form of a boy named Bowdy. Can you imagine God forbid this ever happened in your house. Look what this little boy does. Guess what, he's here with his brother and his big brother and his beautiful mother and father. They're all OK. Bowdy keeps picking stuff up and throwing it around. We're going to get him out here in an exclusive to tell their story, next.


CUOMO: Oh, this video has been all over the world, and with good reason. It's something parents hope never happens to them. You've seen it. The dresser goes down. Two little boys, one trapped underneath it. Who are they? Bowdy and Brock Shoff is who they are. But watch Bowdy. Look what he does. He keeps trying to find ways to move this off his brother. And eventually he figures it out.

[08:50:18] This is the beginning. Dresser goes down. There's a lesson in that as well that we're going to talk about here. We've got them all here, the whole family exclusively, running around the whole dang place. Bowdy and Brock, along with their father and mother, Ricky and Kayli, and their big brother Crew (ph) is here. He's happy that he didn't have anything to do with this.


CUOMO: The one time he escapes any kind of blame.

It's great to have you. Thank you for being here.


CUOMO: Thank you for being here.

R. SHOFF: Thanks.

CUOMO: So, let's talk about what this was like for you as parents. You've got twins and the five-year-old. You know chaos. Nanny cam in the room. Who saw this first? Who knew what was going on?

K. SHOFF: Mom saw it first.

CAMEROTA: You saw it on the video.

K. SHOFF: Yes, I saw the a video.

CUOMO: Like a live feed? Like - well, how did you know that this happened?

K. SHOFF: Um, so it was live on my phone, and I just saw the dresser had fallen down and no kids to be seen. So I jump out of bed, run down stairs, fling open the door and -

CUOMO: Heard nothing?

K. SHOFF: Heard nothing.


CUOMO: What time was this about?

K. SHOFF: What would you say?

R. SHOFF: 8:30.

K. SHOFF: 8:20, 8:30.

R. SHOFF: Twenty or 30.

CAMEROTA: So these guys get out of their cribs -

CUOMO: Morning or night?

R. SHOFF: Morning. Morning. At first -

K. SHOFF: They - they're just in toddler beds, so they can get out and, you know, play for a little bit and then we go get them. But so I fling open the door and they're just quietly playing in their room in the corner. No injuries or anything.

CAMEROTA: Brock wasn't even crying anymore?

K. SHOFF: No, not crying at all.

CAMEROTA: So how did you - when did you figure out what had actually happened?

K. SHOFF: We went back and looked at the video, because it records all movement.

R. SHOFF: So I pulled it up and watched it. And we already knew they were OK, and I was just like - my heart dropped, as you can imagine. And I'm like, how did this happen? And then I'm watching the whole thing unfold for like a minute, minute and a half that he's under it. I'm like - and then Bowdy does what he did.


R. SHOFF: And I was just like -

CAMEROTA: How do you explain, unless Bowdy's bionic, what he did?

R. SHOFF: He's pretty tough. He's - he's a - he's a tough one.

K. SHOFF: Yes, he's a strong kid. But we think there was a little bit of extra help in there.

R. SHOFF: Definitely.

CAMEROTA: Hey, Bowdy - Bowdy -


R. SHOFF: Bowdy.

CUOMO: He's looking at himself because he's so handsome.

CAMEROTA: I know he is.

CUOMO: I have that problem. It took me years to get over it.

K. SHOFF: (INAUDIBLE). A little kiss (ph), bud.

CUOMO: He likes that licorice though. You guys are smart. I learned that lesson early on, too. For us it was - for us it was Fig Newtons. You could get the kids to do anything.

R. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: So you run into the room. You realized they're OK. But could you believe that they were OK after that. God forbid, if that drawer hadn't been open that way, right, because it looked like Brock kind of got protected by that extra space.

R. SHOFF: Right.

K. SHOFF: Yes. Yes. No, we couldn't believe it. We thought he would have had to have been hurt somehow and -- yes.

R. SHOFF: Right. Searched him and he's like fine. It's like not even a scratch.

K. SHOFF: He's good. Yes.

CUOMO: And then who put the video out?

K. SHOFF: It took a couple days. We were really hesitant because it's hard to watch, as you can all see, but we just - we both did.

CUOMO: Why did you put it out? What did you think?

K. SHOFF: Just - yes, awareness.

R. SHOFF: Just - ultimately it was like - it was like, yes, I mean, something really personal, but there's probably a lot of other parents - in fact, a lot of people have messaged us since like, hey, we've now got our dressers bolted down like - and that was the first thing we did, obviously, the second this happened. Like, I got all my tools out and did it, put it up on the wall.

CAMEROTA: Look, I'm the mother of twins. I have twin girls, who were not quite as rambunctious as your climbers, but they still did, obviously, move around the room and everything. I never bolted my dresser.

K. SHOFF: Right.

CAMEROTA: I bolted a big bookshelf that seemed more precarious.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

R. SHOFF: Right.

CUOMO: You've never bolted anything anywhere in your life.

CAMEROTA: Good point. I actually had never lifted a hammer. But I mean my people bolted a big bookshelf that was precarious. But I didn't know to bolt down a dresser until I saw your video.

K. SHOFF: Right. Good. That's what we want.

CUOMO: I did. I give you no break on that.

K. SHOFF: You did?

CUOMO: We all know that that hardware comes with a lot of these pieces of furniture.

R. SHOFF: Right.

CUOMO: We've all assembled them.


CUOMO: But you never think that this is going to happen to you. What was the response? Did you have people coming at you saying, you got lucky, you know, bad on you, bad on you?

R. SHOFF: Sure.

K. SHOFF: Oh, of course, you're always going to get that. But, honestly, we've just had positive - we've had a lot of positive.

CUOMO: I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of you. What do you have in your mouth? Let me have half. What is that? No, I'm kidding. Look, he'll share.

R. SHOFF: He really would share.

K. SHOFF: That's so nice. You're so nice.

R. SHOFF: He likes you a lot.

CUOMO: This kid's the best kid in the world.

K. SHOFF: I know, right?

CUOMO: My kid would take my whole hand off.

K. SHOFF: We all got to be like Bowdy. CUOMO: Uh-oh, I'll get you another one.

CAMEROTA: Go grab that.


CAMEROTA: Chris will eat that.

CUOMO: I know where this floor has been. Go ahead, run around.


CAMEROTA: That's so - right. So, Crew, what do you think about this? What do you think of your little brothers?

CUOMO: Don't let him get it. No. Right back in the pie hole. Seven second rule.


Were you surprised that they did this?

R. SHOFF: Come here.


CUOMO: Crew, you're nervous but -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I - I heard them -


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I comed in the door and I said, oh, my God.

CAMEROTA: You did? Wow, that is a good response from an older brother.

K. SHOFF: Yes, good job, Crew.

CUOMO: Did you see - did you see Bowdy trying to move the dresser or, no, you came later? Later you saw it.



K. SHOFF: Oh, you did.


K. SHOFF: Perfect.

CAMEROTA: I get that.

CUOMO: Is Bowdy strong?



Now, so you work for the camera company, the surveillance camera company -

[08:55:02] R. SHOFF: Yes.

CAMEROTA: And some people have thought this was a publicity stunt.

R. SHOFF: Sure. Sure.

CAMEROTA: What do you say to those crazy people?

R. SHOFF: I mean, it's ironic that it actually worked at my house, like we caught something like that. It's for security, but also just to keep track of the kids. And we were able to go pull up a he clip, because it's recording constantly.


R. SHOFF: So we were able to pull up the clip and see the miracle that unfolded.

CUOMO: We'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't want a dresser to crush your kid just for publicity.

CAMEROTA: Just for publicity, yes.


R. SHOFF: Initially we -

K. SHOFF: Why - yes, why would we put our child in harm's way.

R. SHOFF: Initially we'd (INAUDIBLE) we did the smaller clip without it falling. So people were like, hey, it looks like he's just under there.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

R. SHOFF: You put it down. The drawers are open. We're like, yes, we put our kid under a dresser.

CAMEROTA: What's wrong with people?

K. SHOFF: It's kind of silly.

R. SHOFF: But, I mean, I can understand that.

CUOMO: Well, look, it's a cynical society. There's an important message in it.

Let me ask you, though, the experience after it now, did you pick up any difference in the vibe of the boys after this happened? Like was there any kind of - like the dynamic between Bowdy and Brock. Bowdy's a little bigger than Brock, right?

K. SHOFF: Yes. Yes.

R. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: So has that dynamic always been in place that like -

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: If one of them's going to be the strong guy, it's usually him? I would take it against probably this guy, right?

K. SHOFF: Yes. Yes.

R. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: So probably a little triangular pain going on.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

R. SHOFF: Right.

CUOMO: Any difference since then?

K. SHOFF: No, not really. They -

R. SHOFF: They were - when we went down to check on them, where we found them, but they were -

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: So the dynamic's the same? Like, you know, Bowdy's not more protective now or anything like that?

K. SHOFF: The same. The same.


K. SHOFF: No, he's just the same. Just a curious two-year-old. So -

CAMEROTA: He's roaming the studio.

K. SHOFF: He's always - yes, he's always going to - I think they'll always have a special bond and a love for each other that -

CAMEROTA: That's Bruce.

CUOMO: I'm hoping that with - Bruce is holding Brock.

K. SHOFF: That's -

CUOMO: I want to see if Bowdy sees what he's doing and runs over and kicks him in the ankle.

K. SHOFF: Be nice. Be nice.

CAMEROTA: This is our floor director who is corralling them around the studio.

K. SHOFF: It's perfect.

CAMEROTA: Your life, Kayli, your life of three boys -

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CAMEROTA: What is it like?

K. SHOFF: It's chaotic.


K. SHOFF: Every single day is something new. Every single day they get a scratch or a bump. They just do. They're boys. They're curious. They do crazy things.


CUOMO: How has life changed because of the video? How many millions of views do you have? What has it done to your life?

R. SHOFF: I don't even know.

K. SHOFF: Oh, it's crazy.

R. SHOFF: The last -

CAMEROTA: Guys, ignore that (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: That's OK.

R. SHOFF: That was - that was (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: Luckily that didn't make video.

R. SHOFF: (INAUDIBLE). That was just him kneeling down.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: So, how's it different now? All these people know who you are. Do people in the community kind of know that you're the dresser kid video parents?

K. SHOFF: I - we haven't been quite home quite yet to, you know, experience it, but I think so, yes.

CUOMO: How long was it out there, the video?

K. SHOFF: It's been out two days.

R. SHOFF: Like two and a half. Sunday I think is when we (INAUDIBLE) -

CAMEROTA: Because this just happened on Friday? This just happened on Friday?

K. SHOFF: This happened Thursday and then we waited two days.

R. SHOFF: No, Friday. It was Friday.

K. SHOFF: Oh, Friday. And then we waited two days to think about it, you know.

CAMEROTA: To put it out. But do you think it was the right decision to put it out?

K. SHOFF: Oh, yes, I'm really happy with our decision.

CUOMO: Because?

K. SHOFF: Because we've gotten a lot of positive input. And I'm reading my FaceBook messages and a lot of people are like, I bolted my dresser now. It's done.

R. SHOFF: Like a lot of people out there haven't done it. And, obviously, we hadn't. And thank heavens, like it didn't turn out worse than it did.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

R. SHOFF: But if it helps one person or one child from having an accident -

K. SHOFF: Then it was worth it.

R. SHOFF: It was worth it.

CAMEROTA: Look at these guys. I mean this is what your life is like all the time. They are so curious. They're cruising around the studio, tripping over things, picking up electrical wires.

R. SHOFF: Yes.

CAMEROTA: Look at these guys.

CUOMO: Let's be honest, you can never be safe enough. It's easy to look now and say, I should have bracketed the dresser, you should bracket, you know, everything you can that's freestanding.

K. SHOFF: Right.

R. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: But there's always something. Do you have the gate up in front of the stairs?

R. SHOFF: Right.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: Is the door alarm on?

K. SHOFF: Yes. CUOMO: You know what I mean? Are they too close to the stove? There's always something.

K. SHOFF: Yes. And what I've been telling everybody is, you can't 100 percent child proof your home. I think it's impossible. And if you have then, you know, kudos to you, but I think it's impossible to 100 percent have your child -

R. SHOFF: When people come over to our house and they're like - they can't get open - get silverware out because everything's like locked.

K. SHOFF: (INAUDIBLE) the drawers.

CUOMO: Oh, those stupid - you have those latches on the drawers?

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: Oh, I don't like these people.


CAMEROTA: Right. Of course.

R. SHOFF: So, I mean, but it's - yes, so, I mean, it's - you just do - you do your best.

CUOMO: These kids are going to have no interesting scars if you keep them safe from all of these different things.

K. SHOFF: I know. I know, right?

CUOMO: All the stories that our generation has.

R. SHOFF: They'll get them from each other, maybe.


CUOMO: So it was worth - I can't believe it's only been two and a half days. Doesn't it figure - feel like it's - I see this everywhere, this video.


CUOMO: That's why we're doing it. It's not like we're starting it. It's out there everywhere already. Why do you think?

R. SHOFF: I think it hits home to a lot of people because it's really something I think a lot of people haven't - just haven't thought about really a lot.

CUOMO: I don't know what I'm more impressed about, that the - the luck - because there's luck, right, because the dresser -

K. SHOFF: Yes. Oh, absolutely.

R. SHOFF: Definitely. CUOMO: But the kid trying to - my kids don't do that?

CAMEROTA: They would just leave one of them under the dresser if one of them got trapped?

CUOMO: I mean he was like actively thinking at two years old, how do I move this thing.

CAMEROTA: I know. That part is remarkable because you see him thinking, right?

K. SHOFF: Yes. Like ten or - eight or ten seconds he's like analyzing the situation, like, my brother's hurting.

CUOMO: Yes, look at him.

K. SHOFF: I've got to help him.



K. SHOFF: What - what can I do for my brother?

CAMEROTA: That part was remarkable. He was clearly deliberating -

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CAMEROTA: To figure out, which is great to see.

K. SHOFF: Yes.

CUOMO: At two years old, human beings know what the right thing is to do.

K. SHOFF: They know.

R. SHOFF: Right.

K. SHOFF: They know. Right. Intuition.

CAMEROTA: Well, guys, thank you so much for coming here and sharing it with us.

K. SHOFF: Sure.

R. SHOFF: You bet.

CAMEROTA: And sharing your sons with us. The crew's having a great time with them, corralling them. They've been a blast and it's great to talk to you. Thanks so much. I'm sure you will save another child.

[09:00:07] K. SHOFF: Thank you.

R. SHOFF: Thank you.

CUOMO: The next media - the next media exposure I think will be some type of photo shoot because you are all gorgeous.

CAMEROTA: And here they come now.

K. SHOFF: Great. Come on. Hello.

CAMEROTA: All right, on that note, time now for "NEWSROOM."