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The Lead with Jake Tapper

President Trump's Inaugural Parade. Aired 4-4:30p ET

Aired January 20, 2017 - 16:00   ET


[16:00:00] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: We want to tell you what we're seeing here from our vantage point. If you guys can hear us, the motorcycle division --

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN NEW DAY ANCHOR: Of the Washington D.C. Metro Police.

CAMEROTA: -- of the Washington D.C. Metro Police who are just passing us and it's pretty spectacular sight. All of their lights are flashing. It's almost like a -- bit of a mini fireworks show here, and that's -- they've parked right behind us so everyone here where the crowd is really dense, and it's really crowded, people are excited and waving to them.

CUOMO: And they're like the tip of the spear, they're even, you know, in that arrow formation. Now, The Beast just stopped for a second.

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen.

CUOMO: I wonder if that means the president is going to get out. He's moving again. The pace of the inaugural parade is intentionally slow. It is a mile and a half long and that they want to give as much exposure to as many people as possible. And there's also a chance to review so many different divisions. There we see the new President of the United States, Donald Trump, looking out the window of his vehicle at all of the people who have come here from all over the country to see the man who is the leader of the free world.

CAMEROTA: Do you know how long Grover Cleveland's parade was?

CUOMO: How long was it?

CAMEROTA: Six hours.

CUOMO: Six hours?

CAMEROTA: It took six hours for Grover Cleveland's parade. Ours will not be that long today.

CUOMO: Now that we're seeing this, can you imagine Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter walking this entire length?


CUOMO: How long that took?

CAMEROTA: Right, that took a long time as well.

CUOMO: Wow. We've got inaugural balls tonight. They'll be settling into -- to their new digs over at the White House. And there's all of these major institutions of America that they've passed. The FBI which was a rather controversial role played by James Comey.


CUOMO: They have a good (INAUDIBLE) I'm not sure. The Justice Department, of course, so, you know, this is all the import of the -- of the FBI and of course, as it gets closer to the White House, he'll pass by treasury as well.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, and a lot of them are empty metaphorically in terms of these guys being in charge. But his men and women with the cabinet, you know, all of them are not in place yet. We're going to have some votes today. We believe General Mattis, Secretary of Defense, Head of Homeland Security, General Kelly, Mike Pompeo, the congressman who's going to be taking over the CIA, his confirmation scheduled for Monday. So, there's a lot of work to do.

CUOMO: (INAUDIBLE) so you made this reference to Senator Schumer that there were some negotiations today. I think for democratic leaders, they want to be careful to make sure that national security posts get filled for the good of our - of our security in this country. Some of the others, they're going to make a decision about where to really take a stand. We're not sure if they have the votes and whether it will matter.

CAMEROTA: And by the way, it's not just the cabinet posts. There's something like 690 positions that need to be filled. None of which have been, all the ancillary positions, they have their work cut out for them in the day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And a lot of holdover - they've asked Obama administration folks -


CUOMO: There's work - there's work to do. Let's get back to the parade route. We have Pamela Brown out there. Pamela, where are you and what do you see?

PAMELA BROWN, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: I'm right here across the museum on 6th and Pennsylvania. We're seeing the President of the United States passing us by right here in The Beast. The crowd around me mostly Trump supporters all trying to catch a glimpse of a President Donald Trump in the car. Of course, it's too early as it is ready for him to get out of the car and start walking, but there's a lot of excitement and anticipation for this very moment. In fact, many of the people I'm standing by right here have been waiting for six, seven, eight hours just for this moment that is happening right now.

CAMEROTA: Yes. We know that. We know that six, seven, eight-hour wait. We saw people already - I mean, honestly, at 3:30 in the morning when we were heading to work, we saw people already who were dolled up and ready. They came here from around the country to have this moment that you're watching unfold live on television right now. And they wanted to see it firsthand with their own eyes. And you see -- you can hear people cheering already, with the anticipation of the 45th President about to come by and come down.

CUOMO: We have stands here behind us. So, this place is going to really erupt in applause when the procession comes closer this way. I mean, we've been hearing Brooks say, hey, they're 10 deep, they're 20 deep. I mean, here, you could easily be 50, 100 deep with these different layers of crowds that we have here, and the bleachers, you see a lot of those signature red hats. You all know what they say on the front -- Make America Great Again! That was a big part of the inaugural address. And now, it's about the ability to realize that promise. Brooke CAMEROTA in her signature red coat I think is a Canada goose coat, a little bit of "Ameri-can't" there, too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's on the bank of the trunk. Where are you now?

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN NEWSROOM ANCHOR: I'm keeping - I'm keeping warm. We passed -- I think we passed Pam Brown. I'm missing Pamela. But I just want to show you, so, you know, Trump is a couple, maybe two cars behind us. But let's just show Jay, show everyone what it's really like to be, like, we are in the parade, we're part of the motorcade on these flatbed trucks. And you see just the crowd getting louder and louder as we pass them.

[16:05:03] I've heard Trump chants, USA chants - Jay, let's swing around the other way just you can see we passed the museum. Let me hang on a second. We passed the museum, we passed 6th Street, we're getting a little bit closer toward that Trump Hotel. I see that famous Post Office clock tower, just down the way. And you know the question, guys, has been, does he get out, as many of, you know, the presidents and first ladies do and walk might it be in just a couple minutes at the hotel, we'll see. But, you know, the media is out in full force covering this historic day and the celebration.

And as I keep pointing out which I think is a beautiful thing, a lot of respect to our men and women in uniform, just continuing to line the parade route. And as The Beast gets closer to them, each and every one of them very slowly in such dignity, saluting with energy. Alisyn and Chris?

CAMEROTA: OK. Brooke, thank you very much. Kate, I want to bring you in as well. This is an overwhelming transcendent moment for anyone who

becomes president. But it's been pointed out that Donald Trump is used to riding around in a limo. He's used to riding around in his private plane. He's used to going to big fancy balls. For him, maybe it won't be all of that stuff, all of the trappings.


CAMEROTA: Maybe it won't be as overwhelming as, say, Jimmy Carter. That's true. Or even Barack Obama who was a senator. I mean, these - the luxury, the sort of the staff, the residents, those things are going to feel probably a little more normal to Donald Trump, to President Trump. However, you've added security, you've added a much bigger plane, you've added - you've added these sort of the perks and bells and whistles that I think he's going to be used to, but he likes doing his own thing. So, it's going to be interesting to see how he sort of maneuvers in this new parameter.

I mean, Michelle Obama famously said it. She couldn't wait to just go back and go to a CVS and go to a Target. I don't know if Mrs. Trump would say the same thing, but there is -- my point being, there is some sort of feeling a little bit trapped in this lifestyle.

BALDWIN: Oh, the fish bowl - the fish bowl. We hear about it all the time. And that will be hard for anyone.


CUOMO: They're coming down now. We're starting to see the military parade behind us. A quick story, you talk about being comfortable in the house and what Michelle Obama said. President Buchanan told the man who was succeeding him, "If you're as happy to be in this house as I am as happy to get home, then you're the happiest man in the world. It is not an easy place to be." The weight of the world is now on his shoulders.

So, the parade is coming behind us now. We're seeing the marines, we're seeing each different division of the military come past with their own honor guard, and, of course, they're all leading the way to the new President of the United States.

DAVID GREGORY, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: And they are the -- as the announcer has been saying, this is the traditional escort for a president. The military is and has been since the beginning, and you have all the branches represented. It's an impressive sight and great music, great bands and seeped into history.

CAMEROTA: And the weather is cooperating. It has stopped raining, people were very worried that it was going to be a very soggy day. Everyone along the parade route, they would have stuck it out anyway. But they're very grateful that they don't have to be drenched because they were banning umbrellas for security reasons. So, it would have been much less pleasant for everybody who's now cheering along the route.

CUOMO: So far so good. The inauguration went off basically without a hitch. Dissent is part of democracy. We've seen that. We'll see more organized protests throughout the weekend. There has been some violence, there were some rioters as opposed to peaceful protesters. The police have dealt with that, it has not bubbled up in a way that's been worth showing you since we showed it to you earlier. Now, the main event. The President of the United States making his way down Pennsylvania Avenue towards the White House.

CAMEROTA: Gosh. David, you've covered a lot of these. So, how does this one strike you? GREGORY: Well, I mean, I think they're all different. I mean, I - for me, covering President Bush back in 2001, it was - it was a wonderful event, but there was also the division after the Supreme Court decided the election. This has those contrasts in 2009, and President Obama who was a history-making president, of course, our first African-American President, but also represented a lot of change in the country. This has a different kind of excitement that we talk about, this kind of return of the official power to the people.

And I just think in our conversations as we've walked around, that's been palpable for me. People feeling it, like, hell, yeah! You know, this guy may not live like me, but he represents me and he represents something totally foreign to Washington. He is not of this place, he's not part of the establishment. It's very powerful. And for opponents of Trump who think he is an extreme version of that kind of change.

[16:10:02] They have to pause and think about how we got here, got to a place where the electorate would want this much change, even though we know Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and there were tens of millions who supported her. A close election. And we're going to see some of that division again on display here in Washington tomorrow, with the Women's March, and we're seeing both of it.

CUOMA: His campaign energized the base that we hadn't seen be as active in the process recently. And his victory energized the resistance, which now, he's going to have to deal with as well.

GREGORY: I think it's entrenched. I really think that the left has made a decision in Washington in congress to say we're -


GREGORY: I think so. I think they made a decision. They'll cooperate where they can and where they feel they must, but I think they're laying the groundwork to really build a resistance for the midterms. And that you're seeing it on issues like health care. Your Chuck Schumer said to you today, "Look, if he wants to talk about repealing it, then he's going to have to negotiate with us. And I don't think he's going to have takers to get to 60 votes to get a replace plan through.

So, I think there's some of that friction where people are digging in because of that -- the resistance that's in the country and the division that's in the country -- why did so many democratic congressmen and women boycott today? Because they're in districts that do think Trump is illegitimate. And that's part of the backdrop of even this wonderful ceremony today.

CAMEROTA: All of the people that I've spoken to here, the Trump supporters, who have come from all around the country, I sat down with them yesterday. I actually had a panel of them, we'll air it tomorrow. They talk about everything that you're saying. They like that he is breaking the mold. They like that he's shaking it up. They like - you know, the idea that he hasn't named all of the 690 people who have to be part of this administration, they say, good, get rid of the sort of dead weight, get rid of the, you know, lard that might have larded up some of these things. They've like everything they've seen so far. They see good signs that he's doing things in such a different way and you can see the enthusiasm in all of them.

GREGORY: And it's - and it's also expectation among his supporters, among middle of the roaders and among opponents. President Trump now owns this. He's responsible. He says today that the carnage will end here and now, that he sees in America. He is going to bear responsibility for some of those changes.

CUOMO: All right. So, The Beast, which is of course holding the Vice-President and the President of the United States, making its way down, getting close to the Trump Hotel. So, let's go to Robin Meade -- she's there. What's the guesswork like now? Are you still getting the feeling that that could be the stopping point where the new president gets out?

ROBIN MEADE, HLN MORNING EXPRESS ANCHOR: Oh, yeah. And right behind me -- so, you can see all the employees are out and now that area is really filled in behind me. I put my glasses on because I wanted to see how far away Brooke may be and then, I mean, President of the United States. So, Brooke, I see a big truck with a bunch of people standing on it. Are you on that truck? She may not be able to hear me.

BALDWIN: And these are an amazing -- Robin, I can hear you loud and clear. I can hear you loud and clear. So, the motorcade has just stopped and we are assuming now as I can see, we're a stone's throw from the Trump Hotel, which is kind of where we thought. Let's wait to see. We've got secret service swarming The Beast right now. Back door opening. There he is, waving to the crowd.

MEADE: I can tell you that the crowd is getting excited here because they can see, and there's cheering -

BALDWIN: Here's Melania. Here they come. Here they come towards us.


BALDWIN: Looking to grab his hand. We'll see. Waving to all the on- lookers here as we're approaching Trump's new hotel here in Washington. Look at that. Thumbs up.

MEADE: I can't understand what she is -

BALDWIN: Robin, can you see them?

MEADE: I can.

BALDWIN: Can you see - can you see the president?

MEADE: I cannot see the president. I do see a bunch of people walking around in their suits though, and I imagine this right here. Can you guys come closer?

BALDWIN: They're coming towards you. You're in the opposite. We're really close. I mean, both sides of the street are flanks with people, and in between, all the people running along, you have every bit of law enforcement, Secret Service.


MEADE: Right. I kept my (INAUDIBLE) it's mine.

BALDWIN: -- other family members.

MEADE: (INAUDIBLE) what you're saying?

BALDWIN: Go ahead Robyn. I'm looking for you.

MEADE: Yes. I have a hard time understanding what you're saying. It maybe is because how many crowds are cheering behind me.

BALDWIN: Oh, I see you.

MEADE: So, how long is he been basically walking out on the street? Is that what's going on here? They approach, and we see all the media members here. And the crowd is getting the chants.

BALDWIN: I see Barron.

MEADE: I see him now. So, the crowd is getting a chance -



MEADE: OK. This way guys.

BALDWIN: There's Barron Trump in the middle of the street. And there's his dad, and Melania holding hands as they're approaching - I see you in your red jacket. Look across at the street to me, Robin. There we have the president and Baron and Melania.

Just listen to the crowds. The cheers.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Let's pickup this moment by letting you listen to how the people in the streets are regarding the new president of the United States.

You see his son there, Baron. He's ten years old. That is a tall, good looking young man right there. Let's listen to the crowd.



CAMEROTA: As we've been saying all along, Chris, for Mr. Trump this is a family affair. It has been throughout the entire campaign. It will be throughout his presidency. And you saw his wife, Melania, get out in her beautiful robin's egg

blue suit there and his very as you pointed out, tall, handsome ten- year-old son Baron get out, who seemed overwhelmed and excited.

CUOMO: He got into. He started waving.

CAMEROTA: Absolutely.

CUOMO: Imagine the enormity.

CAMEROTA: That's a lot, the enormity, yes, for the son.

CUOMO: There is a dynamic that's new for us. The kids, the children of the president are adults.

CAMEROTA: Most of them.

CUOMO: They have their own families. But Baron is really the only kid that they have. This is such a world changer for him, even with all the money that the Trumps have, he's never experienced anything like this.

CAMEROTA: Of course. I mean --

GREGORY: Eleven-year-olds, they don't like all the attention the way that his father does. And how much poise, and how overwhelming it must be. Having said that, Baron is a tall young man.

CUOMO: He is.

GREGORY: And there is no better youth basketball than the DMV. I can make some good recommendations for a top team.

CAMEROTA: I was struck also by Mr. Trump's grandchildren. One of his grand daughters was there in the arms of either Eric or Don, Jr.'s wife drinking her bottle.

CUOMO: Let's get over to Robin Meade. She's at the Trump Hotel. Maybe we'll see the president stop there as well -- Robin.


Yes. OK. So, we can see all the different motor cads and the family gone by. There are some boos and protests, but all in all such a warm reception, too, especially across the street and the fact that he got out right here. Can you see some of the motorcades behind us?

Some of the -- how many different of the limos that we had? Wow. But you can also see that we have the protesters behind us, but nobody has made a skirmish and there's really been a great moment of excitement here, especially as Mr. and Mrs. Trump got out and walked around for such a good long time to greet the crowd here.

So, will they get out again? I wonder because now they're getting closer down to where you guys are at the reviewing stand where they get to sit and then watch the rest of the parade and where everyone else gets to be nervous as they march on by them. So, you're probably getting a glimpse right now from the television trucks ahead and then the crowd as they get very excited to see them going on past. Nobody is out of the car just now, though. It appears to be back in.

CUOMO: Yes, we're watching them come this way, this parade of lights behind us. We have all the different parts of the military escort. You have trucks filled with media and then, of course, the entourage that surrounds the president and first family and second family.

CAMEROTA: People around us know that he is just yards away. You can feel the excitement here building. People are getting excited and starting to yell a little bit more loudly and we can see from our vantage point all of the blinking lights as he heads here and makes his way down Pennsylvania Avenue, of course, to the White House.

And now the announcement that he, the president of the United States, is on his way and the crowds going wild.


CAMEROTA: OK. Now, here come some of the flatbed trucks past us.

CUOMO: You're going to hear a mix of applause, you're going to hear a mix of boos.

[16:20:01] Again, dissent is part of democracy. This election has created a lot of strong emotions in the base that got Trump elected and also those who opposed him, and he's hearing both of those here today.

But I'm sure on balance this is one of the best days, if not the best day, of Donald Trump's life, president of the United States.

CAMEROTA: OK. The Beast is right behind us. Of course, the huge armored vehicle. They are slowly creeping up the street towards us. We'll see if they stop here. The crowd is certainly cheering him on and wanting him to stop, make a stop here.

I don't know if you can see, but the car is right behind us there now. That is carrying the 45th president of the United States and the vice- president right now.

The crowd is waving, taking pictures, holding up signs.

All right. Secret Service is moving at a pretty steady clip past us.

CUOMO: He's waving, but they are speeding up a little bit here. It doesn't appear that he's going to get out.

CAMEROTA: He's waving through the window, but they are walking at a pretty brisk clip.

CUOMO: Baron waving, too, certainly into the flow. You have more cars than usual because you have more family than usual.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Remember Malia and Sasha Obama were 7 and 10 when we visited them. And they were wearing the Easter egg color clothes. It was a fun moment. Laid eyes on them the first time.

CAMEROTA: As Baron just drove by here in the beast, his face was pressed up against the window and he was waving to the crowd.

CUOMO: So, they're going to make their way. And remember, this is just the beginning of what's going to happen here. The president makes his way down to the White House. He'll then get into the reviewing stand with the second families. And they will watch all of this come by them again. So, it is a long day.

CAMEROTA: As Don Lemon is right now. Don Lemon is there in the crowd. Let's see what's happening in the crowd -- Don.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: He's just passing by right now. We can see the president of the United States and people here are going crazy as he walks by. You can see Baron sticking his head out of the window just like any 10-year-old would. And people are screaming.

One side of the street screaming Donald, the other side screaming Trump. And, so, this is usually the spot, though, guys, where he usually gets out at the reviewing stand. But it's interesting because he chose to get out in front of his hotel. But usually they get out here and they walk to the White House. But they kind of just sped by and you see the motorcade now going by. And again as you guys said, he'll go here.

The White House is just one block away. We're between 14th and 15th streets on Pennsylvania Avenue and the entrance to the White House, if you've ever been there, especially to the East Wing as you're going in to go to any reception or the holiday party or something, is right here. And that's where we are.

I think they just announced that he's not going to get out and people started booing. But anyways.

CUOMO: No, Don, you know he what that was?

LEMON: What was it?

CUOMO: Don, you know what that was? They're announcing the different leadership that's here. And when they announced Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat minority leader, that's when you heard the boos.


CUOMO: This is a Trump crowd, this is a Republican crowd.

LEMON: Yes. So, yes, I can barely hear it's so loud, Chris. But the people here really wanted him to get out here at the reviewing stand, and he didn't. He got out earlier so the folks down there got to enjoy it.

But now, the cheers are back up again. So, no Nancy Pelosi. It's all Trump cheers now out here on Pennsylvania Avenue.

(LAUGHTER) CAMEROTA: Well, what a sweet, sweet image that we just saw. As the

president went by in the Beast, there was Baron's face pressed up against the window waving to the crowd. And I could see it from here. He was looking out at the crowd and he seemed happy and overwhelmed and excited. And they were cheering him.

And I won't forget that image. That was really special.

CUOMO: You know, it's something completely new for him, but also for Donald Trump. I mean, I mean, just imagine, you know, for everybody else here, this is a celebration, but for him it is the introduction of the biggest moment of his life. Not just the pageantry, not just the pomp, but the circumstance, the leadership, the issues, the responsibility.

I mean, it is hard to calculate what it means. But, David you, you said earlier and it stuck with me. You cover presidents. When the office descends upon them, there is a grace in that but also a realization of the weight of the world.

GREGORY: Yeah, and how they can be tested, how much responsibility they have, you know. When he was then president-elect visiting Arlington yesterday and the Tomb of the Unknowns, he now is the commander in chief, right now. And he will make decisions that send our men and women potentially to their death. That's an awesome responsibility.

[16:25:02] Not only that, that which will most likely define the Trump presidency has not happened yet. That's a fact. And we have recent examples of that, and that realization is tough, too, because you can make a lot of plans. You can campaign on things, but it's what happens when you're in office that is unforeseen that defines for history your presidency.

CUOMO: It will be the test of the signature motto. We're hearing from one of his biographers this morning that one of the philosophies, if you want to call it, that Trump loves is from Mike Tyson, the heavyweight fighter. And he said that everybody's got a strategy until they get punched in the face.

And to your point, something that Trump has lived with as a motto will be tested in a way he never imagined. He just doesn't know when and doesn't know how.

GREGORY: When President Bush 43 came into office, he came in talking about tax cuts, education reform, and then, 9/11 happened and then, his approval went through the roof, 80 plus percent. And then came down with the Iraq war and we all know that history.

But the thing is, everything he campaigned on even the controversy was then displaced by a major change for America and the world. President Obama didn't expect to have to deal with rebuilding the economy as he came into office. So, President Trump is talking about returning power to the people, trade deals, restoring a manufacturing base. But again, it's what awaits the president in the world that we can't anticipate. CAMEROTA: Kate, you've been covering him so much recently. I don't

know if you felt the same way, but I thought that last night at the Lincoln Memorial, today at the inaugural, all of the inaugural events, that he did have, to me from watching for the past 18 months, a different demeanor, his facial expression looked heavier.


CAMEROTA: And just more serious.

BENNETT: He's feeling it. Even President Obama said you don't really know what the job is till you sit behind this decks, right, in the oval office. And maybe this is starting to set in. He's also surrounded by his supporters. He's in Washington.

He spent a lot of time in New York these past few weeks. Remember that, too. He's now physically here and that's got to sort of set in with the way he talks and his delivery. Exactly.

CUOMO: So, is Brooke back out there? What's it look like from her vantage point? Are we able to get brook on the back of the truck?

BALDWIN: Are you with me, Chris, are you with me?

CUOMO: Yes. What's it like now?

BALDWIN: Yes, yes, we're now making the turn and the White House will be on my left in just a moment. Wow, I'm looking -- this is the final stretch before essentially the president goes home.

We would -- can you flip your camera around? I'm talking to Jay right now.

We're not quite at the White House just yet. We can show you we just passed treasury to my left, your right. Treasury there. A lot of people in ponchos waiting for that glimpse. John Carl, our friend at ABC News. Good enough to share the flatbed truck with me. And we can see some of the scenes for the primo seats in front the White House.

We're almost there, we're almost there. We're making our way. I promise as soon as we get in front of the White House, it's been tremendous watching everyone along the parade route and all of our crews and seeing you guys sitting there over by the Willard Hotel and watching everyone with the red and Make America Great Again hats. Everywhere in Washington right now.

CAMEROTA: Yes, yes.

There were a lot of exciting moments for us covering the parade, but one of them was when you went by, Brooke, because your electric red jacket and you and I actually made eye contact and waved at each other.


BALDWIN: Chris was too busy. CAMEROTA: I know, because he was looking for the president and that

was also another very exciting moment. As the president went by here, everybody erupted and the crowd cheered and it was just a really electrifying moment here on Pennsylvania Avenue.

CUOMO: Look, that's part of the motivation, David, of the pomp and circumstance of the pageantry, of the weight of the tradition. All of these things are geared toward reminding people that it's bigger than the man, it's about the process. It's about the democracy, it's part of our institution. If you like it, or you don't, you're happy with the outcome or you're not, it's bigger than all of that eventually because it's -- winds up being about what the country stands for at its best.

CAMEROTA: OK, the president has gotten out again, or is about to.

GREGORY: No, I think he's about to.

CUOMO: Now, this will be the part where the first and second families enter the White House for the first time together and then take to the reviewing stand and watch the rest of the parade come through.

GREGORY: And so, here, and as he walks along on his right is Lafayette Park which is a scene of perpetual protest, often audible when you are in the White House and the residence at different points. He'll now get used to that.

BENNETT: And he'll go to the stands they've been building in front of the White House and Lafayette Park for about eight weeks, just getting ready for his arrival.