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Trump to Announce Visa and Refugee Restrictions; Trump Signs Executive Actions on Pipelines; Israeli PM Announces West Bank Settlement Surge; Eastern Mosul Liberated from ISIS; Singer Wyclef Jean Sounds Off About Politics; George Orwell's "1984" Now #1 on Amazon. Aired 12-1a ET

Aired January 25, 2017 - 00:00   ET



[00:01:09] JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR: This is CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles.

Ahead this hour --

ISHA SESAY, CNN ANCHOR: President Donald Trump set to make good on his signature campaign promise in the coming hours with executive orders to restrict immigration and build a wall on the border with Mexico.

VAUSE: Trump effect just (inaudible) into a new president in Washington; and Israel announces thousands of new homes will be built for Jewish settlers in the West Bank.

SESAY: And hip-hop artist Wyclef Jean will be here with new music and a message for America's new president.

VAUSE: Hello everybody -- great to have you with us. I'm John Vause.

SESAY: And I'm Isha Sesay. NEWSROOM L.A. starts right now.

While no single promise defined President Trump's presidential campaign more than building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. And soon with the stroke of a pen he will set the process in motion.

VAUSE: A White House official confirms Mr. Trump will sign an executive action on Wednesday directing federal resources to building the wall. The President will also announce new restrictions on visas and refugees coming to the United States.

SESAY: A congressional source says the executive actions will cover people from countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

VAUSE: Meanwhile, the White House is defending President Trump's false claim that three to five million Americans cast illegal ballots costing him the popular vote.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The President does believe that. He has stated that before. I think he stated his concerns of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign. And he continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence that people have presented to him.


VAUSE: Joining us here now in Los Angeles: California talk radio host Ethan Bearman, and Shawn Steel a member of the California Republican National Committee. Thank you both for being with us.

SESAY: Gentlemen -- welcome.

VAUSE: Ok. Let's start with the breaking news over the last couple of hours.

The executive order on Wednesday, the President tweeted this out a short time ago. "Big day planned on national security for tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall."

So Shawn, among other things, is this the moment when the Muslim travel ban comes into effect?

SHAWN STEEL, CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE: No, you're not going to see that at all. That's not in the agenda.

But gosh, don't you love Twitter?

VAUSE: The President does -- I'll give you that.

STEEL: Don't you like getting all that information that cuts through all the mainstream media press, goes right through the filters or over the filters, around the filters?


STEEL: We're going get ourselves a very beautiful good-looking border. Part of it is going to be a wall, part of it is going to be fencing. But we're going to have border agents that can actually be border agents. We're going to start looking like a country now. That's a good thing.

SESAY: Ethan, it's one thing to say you're going to divert funds to build a wall. It's another thing to actually get the wall. What do you make of all of this?

ETHAN BEARMAN, RADIO HOST: Yes. Well, first off I thought it was ridiculous since he promised us that Mexico is going to pay for it. But it's actually my tax dollars now that are going to pay for his beautiful fence which isn't actually a wall. So he is backtracking on his campaign promise.

But on top of it all, I mean if border security is really the issue we have internal issues in the United States like enforcement of laws against employers who knowingly employ people who aren't legal to work here. That has always been my approach, not a giant wall or a deportation force.

VAUSE: Ok. There has been swift criticism already in the past couple of hours. The spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations told CNN "These executive orders will not make our nation any safer, rather it will make our nation more fearful and less welcoming and such restrictions run contrary to the very founding principles of our nation."

The National Iranian-American Council said this. "This is discriminatory. This is un-American. And last but not least, this is dangerous as it pits Americans against Americans who are undermining the very principles of inclusivity and tolerance that define America."

Shawn -- civil rights groups, Muslim groups, you know, legal groups out there gearing up for a fight. This is not a done deal yet.

[00:04:58] STEEL: Complete rubbish. But you actually quote from CAIR which has already been indicted as a co-conspirator to a terrorist front in Texas, an organization that has a number of its leaders in jail committing quasi- or objective terrorist acts.

VAUSE: Ok, just trying to get --


STEEL: They are a very bad set of actors. The other group I can't tell you anything about. But the concept of not having refugees coming in from terrorist-laden countries and maybe vetting them is something that probably 80 percent of Americans want. It's rational. It's appropriate because clearly though a lot discontented young Muslim males, if you bring into any society, you're going to have a certain percentage of them, higher than other groups that are not going to be working in the society, acculturating themselves or frankly they won't be very happy.

SESAY: But Shawn, (inaudible) there is no vetting process in place right now. There is and it's a stringent one and it goes for multiple months in cases over a year.

STEEL: You're my hero. You're completely wrong. It's actually run by the United Nations. The United Nations -- it's a Sunni religious Muslims that are actually controlling the vetting. There is no non- Muslims involved.


SESAY: There is no flood of refugees coming in here, we know that. There is no flood of refugees coming in to this country.

STELL: Good. Then there is no problem.

BEARMAN: And on top of it all, Germany did an extensive study, government study on crimes committed by refugees and it was lower than German citizens on a per capita basis.

STEEL: I totally trust the Germans about that. They know everything about immigration. I don't trust them -- come on.

BEARMAN: They have put the time to do a scientific study on it.

STEEL: Scientific?

BEARMAN: And they showed that -- the data showed that there is a much lower crime rate among refugees than there were of German citizens.

So you know, the issue becomes who are we as the United States? Do we welcome --

SESAY: What's the message you're sending to the world?

BEARMAN: Right -- do we welcome refugees or not?

STEEL: Sadly -- listen, our country has welcomed more refugees, the United States of America, than all the other rest of the countries combined.

VAUSE: It's true.

STEEL: We have actually -- we have brought in legally, just legally, 65 million citizens since the act of 1965; only 12 percent come from Europe.

We are rationally and logically bringing in non-whites to America and this is something that is a very good, positive experience. But to bring in people that have been -- young males particularly -- look at the overwhelming numbers of the migrants that are coming. I wish it were nice young family, children, mothers; no, they're mostly young males.

Young males ought to be at home protecting the women, protecting their mothers, protecting their daughters, protecting their wives. Those are getting help coming to America, and many of them are not happy being here.

VAUSE: Ok. Well, the other executive order which is causing a lot of controversy, a lot of outrage, it was the move by the President to revive the Dakota and Keystone oil pipelines. Both were blocked by former President Barack Obama because of environmental reasons.

On Tuesday after the order was signed, protests gathered outside the White House. Native American groups, celebrities, veterans and others have spent months camped out in North Dakota trying to stop the pipeline because they say it would disturb sacred burial sites and could pollute their water supply.

Well, joining us now from Mobridge in South Dakota is Linda Black Elk. She's a member of the Catawba Nation and she lives on the Standing Rock reservation. Linda -- thank you for being with us.

This decision by the U.S. President was not entirely unexpected. Donald Trump made no secret that this was his plan, that he was a supporter of the pipeline. So what do you do now? LINDA BLACK ELK, MEMBER OF CATAWBA NATION: Well, you're right. It

certainly wasn't unexpected. We knew that this would happen. But we will continue to stand. We will continue to oppose the Dakota Access pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline.

We can't leave. We can't back down now. We will continue to stand peacefully in prayer, in peaceful resistance with our people. And, you know, be the warriors that we were meant to be -- but the peaceful prayerful warriors.

VAUSE: You know, a pipeline in western Canada leaked over the weekend spilling about 50,000 gallons on aboriginal lands. Is that the example of the kind of environmental damage which the Dakota pipeline could cause? Is that what you're worried about?

BLACK ELK: That's exactly what we're worried about. Pipeline leaks happen every day. They leak hundreds of thousands of gallons of water -- of oil into our water systems. And so of course, we are concerned about our water.

But we're also concerned about our soil, our air. We are concerned about treaty rights. We're concerned about sacred sites.

These pipelines are akin to cultural genocide. They destroy sacred edible and medicinal plants that we as native people still use every single day. So this pipeline is about a lot more than just water.

VAUSE: Ok, Linda. We thank you for being with us. We appreciate your point of view. Linda Black Elk there from Mobridge in South Dakota.

SESAY: And back to the gentlemen here in the studio.

So as you may know, Donald Trump met with auto executives on Tuesday. He said this. I want you to take a listen.


[00:10:00] DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm going to have friends that want to build in the United States. They go many, many years and then they can't get their environmental permit over something that nobody ever heard of before.

And it's absolutely crazy. And I am to a large extent an environmentalist. I believe in it. But it's out of control.


SESAY: Donald Trump saying he is an environmentalist. Many saying how? How can he say that?

SESAY: After just signing the executive order for the Keystone --

STEEL: He's not following a -- listen, the great thing about Donald Trump, over everything else is that he smashed PC into the ground. He is destroying it bit by bit, including the concept that only one group of people can actually like the environment. There is a whole lot of Americans that like the environment. But you don't have to make a religious cult out of it.

And the fact that he is taking a business-like approach to it, he is bringing another side of the debate in. He is not ignoring legitimate environmental concerns.

SESAY: Ethan.

BEARMAN: Of course he is. And what is sad for the Republican Party is the Republicans worked with the Democrats under Richard Nixon to create the Clean Air and Clean Water Act.


SESAY: Are you ok?

BEARMAN: And they were actually originally environmentalists, and you know this.


BEARMAN: And so for the Republican Party to step as far away from that as possible -- granted maybe there are regulations that need to be reviewed. But just to say I'm going to cut 75 percent out and immediately sign executive orders to move forward on that without taking a reasoned approach doesn't seem practical.

STEEL: We were disappointed with the 75 percent. We thought that was a little low.

SESAY: Oh, you did, did you?

STEEL: We think that Donald Trump could do much better. But he is compromising. He is a businessman.

SESAY: So what regulations do you want to see?

STEEL: I want to see something that's rationally and scientifically based. Not something conjured up in a university by a person who has never had a job in his life.

VAUSE: That doesn't make any sense --

STEEL: Is that reasonable?

VAUSE: No, it's not reasonable.

BEARMAN: Clean air, clean water -- get the toxic chemicals out.

VAUSE: And a planet that's not overheating would be good.

STEEL: You know, I'm going to walk out of the studio at some point tonight hopefully not sooner than later and I'm going to put on a jacket because it's freezing in Los Angeles.

VAUSE: Yes, because it's winter.

Ok. During the White House briefing, Sean Spicer continued to defend Trump's claim that millions of people voted illegally at the election, costing him the popular vote. Listen to this exchange.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you believe there is widespread voter fraud?

SPICER: Listen, my job is not --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How can he be comfortable with his win if he believes --

SPICER: He is very comfortable with his win.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- maybe he didn't win.

SPICER: No, he is very comfortable with his win. It's an electoral- based system. He got 306 electoral votes, 33 of 50 states voted for him.

I think -- look Jeff, I've asked and answered this question twice. He believes what he believes based on the information he is provided.


VAUSE: Ok. Now, the information that he's been provided, that Sean Spicer was talking about, the author of that study tweeted this. "We found millions of out of date registration records due to people moving or dying but found no evidence that voter fraud resulted."

So Shawn, why doesn't the President simply acknowledge the truth?

STEEL: No, all he said -- and you know, look, I don't think and I don't know and neither do you that millions of people did vote illegally or illegals did vote or didn't vote. There is a lot of data that has to be researched.


STEEL: And that's not impossible, of course.

Well, I'll give you an example here.


STEEL: You don't remember Luis Colasio in 1994. He was assassinated in Mexico. He was running for president. He was shot and killed in Tijuana by a Mario Martinez who lived in San Pedro, California who is a registered Democrat. Now --

VAUSE: Did he vote for Hillary Clinton? I'm a little confused.

STEEL: -- in 1994 -- I'm not so sure. But this goes way back 20 years. You had an illegal alien in America who assassinated a president in Mexico who is a registered voter in San Pedro, California.

VAUSE: There are problems with the roles, it doesn't mean that they --

STEEL: Yes. Well, I tell you --

SESAY: -- three to five million people --

STEEL: Here's good news.

VAUSE: You have three million more of us?

SESAY: Yes, exactly.

STEEL: No, no. Here is the good news. There is different states with attorney general, secretaries of state that are looking at the voter rolls. You had entire precincts in Detroit, for example, that voted 200 percent of the population. But the other part of town that had honest votes were typically normal vote.

Those precincts, those areas have to be investigated. It will take years to find out the extent.

SESAY: I'm going to let Ethan weigh in. Final word to you --

BEARMAN: Yes. I mean we now know that that study was flawed. I used to cite that study on the air as something that we needed to investigate. It's the one from George Mason University where they used the Harvard data.


BEARMAN: And for the author to come out and say no, we had flawed data that was underlying the entire study. Yes, we need to have integrity in our elections. To question the validity of the election by the President who just won is insane.


SESAY: Gentlemen --

VAUSE: Next hour -- round two.

SESAY: Round two.

VAUSE: Shawn and Ethan -- thanks so much.

SESAY: We look forward to it. Thank you.

Now civil rights groups representing immigrant Americans are already speaking out against Trump's plans to impose restrictions on people with visas and refugees from several Muslim majority countries.

One Iranian group says Trump is taking the first steps towards enacting a Muslim ban. Another group says legal immigrants and refugees already in the U.S. are expressing concerns about how this would affect their families. VAUSE: Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the countries that

Trump plans to target are already living in the United States. The largest number of them are from Iran, Iraq, and Somalia according to the estimates from Migration Policy Institute.

[00:15:09] And with that we'll take a short break.

When we return, Israel makes some bold moves with the renewed support of the United States. We'll look at a surge in West Bank settlement construction. That's ahead.

SESAY: Plus, Grammy Award-winning artist Wyclef Jean is sounding off about U.S. President Donald Trump. Hear his call to action.


SESAY: Hello, everyone.

Israel is wasting no time in the early days of the Donald Trump administration. The new U.S. President has made his intention to strengthen the two countries' ties abundantly clear.

VAUSE: Elise Labott explains how Israel is taking that notion and running with it.


ELISE LABOTT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moving forward with one of the largest settlement expansions in years. 2,500 new homes in the West Bank just two days after his phone call to President Trump and promising, quote, "no daylight between the U.S. and Israel". "We are building," he tweeted Tuesday, "and we will continue to build".

On Sunday, Netanyahu lifted all restrictions on settlement construction in a contested part of east Jerusalem and announced 500 new settler homes there telling his cabinet that was just the beginning.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): On the issue of settlement, we will continue to look out for it wisely and responsibly for the benefit of the settlement enterprise and the state of Israel.

LABOTT: The new settlement built in areas that Israelis claim will always remain part of Israel were a blow to the Palestinians who rejected the move and promised consequences.

MAEN AREIKAT, PALESTINIAN REPORESENTATIVE TO THE U.S.: We will continue to use whatever available means available to us -- diplomatic, nonviolent, political -- to defend the rights of our people against these Israeli policies.

LABOTT: In 2003, Trump donated $10,000 to the Beit El settlement, one of the same sites of the planned expansion in honor of his friend David Friedman, Trump's hard line pick as ambassador to Israel. Friedman supports legalizing settlements, annexing the West Bank and promised during the campaign to back Israel's government in whatever policies it chooses.

DAVID FRIEDMAN, TRUMP PICK FOR U.S. AMBASSADOR TO ISRAEL: Israel is a friend. The United States under a Trump administration is going to be loyal to its friends. It's going to trust its friends.

LABOTT: A welcome sentiment for Netanyahu after eight years of sparring with President Obama.

TRUMP: We have to protect Israel. Israel to me is very, very important.

[00:19:55] LABOTT: President Trump has promised to have Israel's back, and recently lobbied to head off a controversial U.N. vote criticizing Israeli settlements. The Obama administration's decision not to veto the measure allowed it to pass.

AARON DAVID MILLER, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: The peace process is dead. You've got an outgoing administration that has been hyper critical. You've got an incoming administration that has a very strong pro-Israeli sensibility. It's the perfect storm. And I think Prime Minister Netanyahu sees it to his advantage to move now.

LABOTT: Elise Labott, CNN -- Washington.


VAUSE: Josh Lockman joins us now. He is a lecturer in international law at the University of Southern California. Josh -- good to see you.

The Israeli government here is sort of arguing that almost all these new homes we built within the existing settlement blocs. That's land which they say would be included within Israel's borders in any peace deal with the Palestinians.

This is an agreement they had in place back in 2004 with President George W. Bush. So does that still hold?

JOSH LOCKMAN, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Well, no. There is probably a new understanding and agreement that will come into fruition between President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

But it's important to note here, John, that this move, while it may not be as inflammatory as certain outposts that Israel has created or expanded upon way deep into the West Bank like Amona, the optics and veneer of this settlement building on the heels of Trump's inauguration isn't an inflammatory move in my opinion.

With Bibi now feeling emboldened perhaps by Trump assuming power, he and his government in Israel may embark upon additional measures which could enflame the region -- more settlement building. And possibly even there has been talk of annexing certain settlement blocs like Ma'Ale Adumin, which is considered a suburb of Jerusalem by many in Bibi's government.

VAUSE: And also Ariel, which is smash bang right in the middle of the West Bank.


VAUSE: The White House spokesman Sean Spicer was asked specifically about settlement expansion at Tuesday's briefing. This is what he said.


SPICER: Israel continues to be a huge ally of the United States. He wants to grow closer with Israel to make sure that it gets the full respect that it deserves in the Middle East.

And what he is going to do, as I mentioned yesterday, we're going to have a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu who will continue to discuss that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does he support the expansion of settlements?

SPICER: Well, like I said, we'll have a conversation with the Prime Minister.


VAUSE: How out of step is the United States right now compared with, you know, other countries in Europe, for instance?

LOCKMAN: Well, I mean I think what we're seeing here from the press secretary's statements and obviously from what Trump has said during the campaign -- just a disastrous foreign policy move in this arena, which is so emotive and sensitive, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On the macro level, Trump seems to be intent on supplanting the liberal international order that we've seen since the end of World War II. And in this arena, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Trump is actively destroying the central American role that has been forged for three decades -- over three decades where the United States has been a broker but in the Arab-Israeli conflict and then in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict as well.

So this is just another example of where words and actions do matter. You can see from what you mentioned earlier about Trump nominating David Friedman to be U.S. ambassador to Israel, a man that has trafficked in hate, a man who is Islamophobic and has said vile things about Muslims, Muslim-Americans.

This only underscores the fears that Trump himself could enflame the region not just by supporting Bibi Netanyahu and giving him support or at least carte blanche for actions like the one we saw today. But in the event of a future intifada if one were to occur, that that type of violence would be used by Trump for politically-expedient ends.

VAUSE: Very quickly, a spokesman for the settlers group said this. "We hope that this is just the beginning of a wave of building across our ancestral homeland after eight very difficult years. So clearly there are those settlers who see the times are changing.

LOCKMAN: Right -- they do. I mean there is a cheering corner in parts of Israel for this incoming administration.

But it's important to note, John, that as you all know, the center left in Israel is growing. Bibi Netanyahu has a tenuous hold on power. And if opinion polls are to be believed in Israel right now, it's as tenuous as ever.

So he is definitely subject to the whims and vicissitudes of Israeli democracy. And his alliance with Trump may not bode well for him in the short or long-term.

VAUSE: Ok. Josh -- good to speak with you. Josh Lockman joining us there --

LOCKMAN: Thank you.

VAUSE: -- with some of the legalities and some of political implications. Thanks -- Josh.

SESAY: We take a quick break now. Iraqi forces have scored a big victory against ISIS in Mosul. But hear why the next part of their fight could be much more difficult.


VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause.

SESAY: And I'm Isha Sesay. The headlines this hour --

U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive action directing federal resources toward building a border wall with Mexico. Mr. Trump will announce new restrictions on visas and refugees for people coming to the U.S. from countries associated with terrorism.

SESAY: Meantime, the White House is defending Mr. Trump's claim that three to five million Americans voted illegally in November's election. No one in the Trump camp has offered any proof. Mr. Trump claims he would have won the popular vote if not for all of those illegal ballots.

SESAY: Israel has approved the construction of 2,500 new housing units in the West Bank. The settlements have been condemned internationally in the past. But the Trump administration does not appear likely to continue that trend.

VAUSE: Iran, Russia and Turkey have agreed to monitor and ensure compliance of a ceasefire in Syria. The agreement was announced in talks in Kazakhstan's capital. The joint statement also noted the only way the conflict can be resolved is through a political process.

After months of fierce fighting, Iraq's prime minister says eastern Mosul is finally liberated from ISIS control.

SESAY: Now Iraqi forces are preparing to retake the western half of the city, which may prove more difficult.

Arwa Damon has more.


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Celebrations did break out in some parts of the country following Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's announcement that the security forces had managed to recapture all of eastern Mosul from ISIS.

He also promised a quick and swift victory in the western portion of the city as well. This is a fight that has lasted well over 100 days, one that has proven to be unspeakably tough and difficult, costly for the Iraqi security forces, namely, the counterterrorism forces that were the tip of the spear pushing through these various different neighborhoods, coming across wave after wave of ISIS' suicide bombers and a variety of other tactics also backed up by police forces and various different army elements.

[00:30:10] It's really only now to a certain degree that we're beginning to understand the sheer scale of the horror of what life under ISIS was like for the civilian population.

Life in Mosul today does have traces of what it was and of what so many in the population hope that it will become. Markets are open. Things that were banned under ISIS like cigarettes and cell phones are on sale.

Women do not have to wear the full black Niqab covering that ISIS forced them to don. Men can shave their beards. We have also seen ISIS prisons that they had established inside residential civilian homes.

Various different bomb making factories as well as stories from family upon family about the pressures that ISIS put on them. Little school children talking to us about how their fathers were taken away and lash about how they witnessed people's hands being chopped off and all sorts of other unspeakable horrors.

(on-camera): This is a battle, though, that is far from over with many military commanders acknowledging that in the western part of the city, where the streets are a lot narrower, the population density a lot greater could prove to be even more difficult than what we have already seen.

Arwa Damon, CNN, Erbil.


SESAY: Difficult days ahead.

Next on "NEWSROOM L.A.," singer Wyclef Jean turns to the power of music to help unite a divided country. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

SESAY: Shortly after the election of Barack Obama, Grammy-award winning hip hop artist Wyclef Jean released this song.




SESAY: That song is called "If I Was President." And now in 2017, there is a new man in the White House and Wyclef's concerns have only grown. He re-released the strong just before Donald Trump was elected with new lyrics and an urgent call to action.




SESAY: It's Wyclef's first new album in seven years. And I'm thrilled to say we have him here in the studio.


SESAY: Welcome, Wyclef.

JEAN: I'm excited.

SESAY: We are excited to have you here.

JEAN: I'm a fan.

SESAY: Aw, thank you.

JEAN: To see you now go from the stage to CNN. CNN international.


SESAY: We appreciate the transition. But like I just said, this is your first album in seven years.


JEAN: Yes, yes.

SESAY: Where have you been?

JEAN: I mean, really, I had a reunion with the Fujis. I think like over seven years ago, Dave Chappelle. We did Dave Chappelle block party. After that I was in Paris one night. And I was watching TV. And when I was watching the TV, I saw what was going on in Haiti.

At the time, they took Jean-Bertrand Aristide out. And the kids were speaking Creole. And they said look, the only person that can make us put our guns down is Wyclef Jean.

So I decided that, you know, after 100 million records in, this is not the legacy I want to leave behind. I had to go down there and use myself as a vessel to try to help move my people forward. So I just dived into Haiti, you know.

SESAY: But now you're back. You're back in the music.

JEAN: Yes, yes, yes. We're back into music. You know, we have a new president in Haiti and I'll be working with everybody. But I'm so happy to be back in this music space.

SESAY: And, you know, we just played a clip of the song, the remixed "If I was President" taking some pretty serious jabs at Donald Trump.

JEAN: Well, not really. Not at all.


JEAN: What I'm doing is if you look at -- you know, because, what -- as an artist, it's important that we understand that we don't approach this on an emotional level, but on a level of policy where it's going matter. The video actually took a shot at everyone.


JEAN: I took a shot at Hillary, Bernie, Trump in the sense of humor. My concern is really just a bipartisan one. It's like at the end of the day, if we don't find a middle ground, then we're going to be in trouble. And that was the whole idea of doing this song and crowning everyone.

SESAY: OK. And now there is a new president, Donald Trump.

JEAN: Yes, yes.

SESAY: What do you make of the decisions he has made in the last couple of days?

JEAN: Well, I mean, one of the things that probably personal to me really is probably going to be the immigration issue, you know. Coming from Haiti, getting a chance to come to the United States.

My parents came in. They were good people. They raised great kids. And the idea of, you know, right now with laws getting enforced for me, was to get out and do stand the idea of immigration laws where my concern are great citizens that are living here, you know. That might, that face that subject, you know.

The other day I was watching Speaker Ryan. And then there was a woman who was with her child. And she was like so are you going to send me back or send my child back. That is one of the -- you know, that's definitely one of my forefront concerns as a child who came from Haiti. I even had before me cousins that even came over that were considered refugees over on boats.

SESAY: So this is close to your heart. This is something that you're following very closely.


JEAN: Oh, yes. Definitely yes. Definitely close to my heart. Like I said, it's not personal. It's just we have to find policies and legislation that's going to work.

SESAY: You know, a couple of days ago, we saw tens of thousands of women and a lot of men take to the streets in Washington in protest and defiance, if you will, of the new administration, of Donald Trump.

What's the role of music at a time like this as we see a country really quite divided?

JEAN: Well, I mean, I would tell the artists really just express yourself, you know, but at the same time, be careful because they use our sound bites as movies, you know what I mean. So when you're out there and you're marching, remember what the cause is.

And I think the women that organized this march, it was incredible. And the idea of them saying this is what we want, this is what we're going to fight for, that's the idea of what America is about. And just we had an election. And then the next day all of these women, they hit the streets. Men hit the streets. What it is important that you all stay on message. And that's the most important thing.

Do not get distracted. You know, you are electing your senators, your mayor, your governors. And it's like the we, the people are very important. And I want people to understand that.

SESAY: Just last question before I let you go. As we talk about messages, what's the message behind the new album? What's the message behind the new sound where you go in?

JEAN: Man, this album, if you can't make to the Caribbean Island, you just throw on that album and we're going to take you there. The whole album is about love.

SESAY: Wyclef Jean, thank you so much for coming in.

JEAN: Thank you.

SESAY: Thank you.

All right. Well, Wyclef will perform "If I Was President" in just a few moments.

John, back to you.

[00:40:10] VAUSE: Isha -- Isha, thank you.

Well, alternative facts are everywhere in George Orwell's "1984" is now Amazon's best-selling book.

The 1949 classic is set in a dystopian future as a totalitarian state, where facts are distorted and the public is manipulated by state propaganda.

It's considered one of the most influential novels of the 20th century. And a lot of people felt they heard echoes of "1984" when Donald Trump's senior adviser refer to false claims as alternative facts.

Well, Donald Trump laid out an "American First" vision in his inaugural address last week. Now a Dutch comedy show has put together a fake tourism ad with a message for him.

"America First, The Netherlands Second."

Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a message from the government of The Netherlands.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dear Mr. President, welcome to this introduction video about The Netherlands. It's going to be a great video. It's going to be absolutely fantastic. We speak Dutch. It's the best language in Europe. We've got all the best words, all the other languages failed. Danish, total disaster. German is not even a real language. It's fake. It's a fake language.


VAUSE: And it goes on and on and on. The video has racked up millions of views online.

Thank you for watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause. A live edition of "World Sport" with Kate Riley is up next. With all of the Aussie open highlights. I cannot speak right now. Then Isha and I will be back with another hour of news from all around the world.

We will leave you with a performance of "If I Was President" by Wyclef Jean. You're watching CNN.