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Hala Gorani Tonight

New Information on Kim Jong-nam Murder Case; Woman Seeks Sanctuary during Deportation Fight; White House Outlines Tough Immigration Enforcement; Intelligence: ISIS Bomber is Likely Born in U.K.; Hong Kong's Vulnerable Domestic Workers; President Trump Golfs on the Job; Millions Of Undocumented Immigrants Risk Deportation; "Dreamers" Not Affected By New Guidelines; Trump Administration Sets Stage For Mass Deportation; Trump Vows To Build Wall He Promised In Campaign; Mexico Fiercely Opposes Trump Border Wall; Le Pen Staffers Questioned Over Alleged Fake Jobs; Iraqi Civilians Begin To Flee Western Mosul. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired February 22, 2017 - 15:00   ET




HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Hala Gorani live from CNN London. Thanks for being with us this Wednesday. This is


We begin this hour with two memos that could affect millions of lives. Donald Trump's administration is cracking down on the illegal immigration

dramatically widening the net for deportation. Many of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. could now be targeted, those

who've committed crimes, but also those suspected of crimes being considered a priority under new enforcement order.

Even a simple traffic violation technically could end up tearing families apart. The secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, and Homeland Security

Secretary John Kelly are heading to Mexico City today. The White House says they'll discuss the new orders with Mexico's president.


SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Secretary Tillerson and Secretary Kelly are going to have a great discussion down there and to walk

through the implementation of the executive order, but I feel very confident that any country who has a citizen that comes into this country

and that we send back, we'll make sure that they comply with this.


GORANI: Well, the new orders have immigrant communities across the U.S. on edge, but President Trump supporters say they are glad he's following

through on after all what was a key campaign promise. He said he'd do it. He's done it.

Let's bring in CNN White House reporter, Stephen Collinson. So it was a campaign promise and he's working at a rapid clip here, isn't he? I mean,

he's trying to get through all these campaign promises with executive orders and memos from the Department of Homeland Security in this case

asking some of these border patrol agents to enforce laws that are already in place much more vigorously.

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Yes, Hala. I don't think there's any other way to look at this than as a very rigorous crackdown on

undocumented immigrants in the United States is going to change the way a lot of them live their lives. When you have 11 million undocumented

migrants, you basically have a choice, either you prioritize people who you want to deport as the Obama administration did.

So they prioritized people who were proven to be criminals or national security threats or you do what the Trump administration is trying to do

and deport many more people by widening the criteria. So it's not just people who are proven criminals.

It's people who are charged with a crime who have not been charged with an offense that could turn out to be a crime or who in the opinion of police

officers who are now going to be used to, you know, enforce these immigration laws could be a threat to public safety.

So that's a huge net. Effectively that means almost all of the 11 million undocumented people in the United States could theoretically be prey to

deportations. So this is a real change and I think the way to look at it is codifying in U.S. law and U.S. practice.

The promises as you say that Donald Trump made, which were very attractive to people who thought that illegal immigrants were taking away their jobs

and making them less safe.

GORANI: But, of course, he's fulfilling a campaign promise. So presumably that means there is support in the United States. I mean, it's public

opinion in support of this initiative to widen the net of those who can be forcibly removed from the territory?

COLLINSON: I think there's public support among many Republicans and many people who supported Trump. The question is, if it turns that there is

widespread deportations going on. This idea of a deportation force, Trump has said he's going to hire thousands more Customs and Border agents, and

immigration personnel. If that were to happen, would that be a sustainable public position?

You know, police going door to door, taking people off the streets, that's the question. One of the questions about this also is the relationship

between local authorities and local enforcement authorities and communities throughout the United States, Hispanic communities, and immigrant


That could really raise tensions there and of course, perhaps people not to report petty crimes because they feel that the police might show up and

asked to see their papers and cut them off if they are not legal. So I think, you know, in theory, yes, there is public support of this, but in

practice, that could well be another thing.

[15:05:04]GORANI: But we don't exactly know -- I mean, because it is open to interpretation, this idea that if you have in some way committed a

criminal offense that therefore, you can be targeted for deportation. Just overstaying your visa technically is an offense. I mean, that would make

anybody who is undocumented in the United States, you know, potentially the target of deportation, right? So I mean, who gets to decide ultimately how

to interpret this sort of more vigorous enforcement of these laws?

COLLINSON: It looks like it's going to be immigration officials, the medium and lower levels who will actually get to decide the practice of how

these laws were enforced. As I said, one of the measures that Secretary Kelly outlined was to allow local law enforcement officers, discretion to

also enforce immigration laws.

So you've talked about this scenario, if there was a traffic stop and the person didn't have correct papers under the Obama administration is likely

that that would have been turned a blind eye to. Under the Trump administration, given the fact that the president has the ultimate law

enforcement official.

And he has basically said that people should be deported for these kind of crimes or offensive, not even crimes, these people could find themselves,

you know, their immigration status call into question. So there's going to be a lot of discretion at the local levels and that's the reason why we

don't exactly how this is going to pan out.

GORANI: And David Swerdlick of "The Washington Post" can join us now. We were mentioning President Obama. Obama wasn't exactly soft on undocumented

migrants. Between 2009 and 2015, 2.7 million people were deported from the country. Rush Limbaugh was a conservative talk show host called Barack

Obama, the "deporter-in-chief." So this is a continuation in some ways of that approach, isn't it, David?

DAVID SWERDLICK, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes, Hala, hello. Indeed, Rush Limbaugh referred to the president at the "deporter-in-chief." Many

critics on the left as well used some version of that criticism of President Obama. He despite -- you know, the impressions of a lot of

folks, he deported more people than President George W. Bush.

In his eight years in the White House, he deported more people during his eight years than any previous president. So there is a continuation in a

sense of strict enforcement of the border or of illegal immigration from the current White House.

At the same time, Hala, I think flags have been raised and there is additional concern in the immigrant's rights community because of the

swiftness and the expansion of the sort of scope as you were just saying of the discretion of officers on the ground to detain and deport.

GORANI: So what's the expectation, David? Are we going to see these mass sweeps, you know, of border agents just going into border towns and

detaining dozens, hundreds of people, I mean, what is the expectation of how this will -- what this will mean on the ground and some of those


SWERDLICK: Well, I don't think we should get ahead of ourselves at the same time. You know, you have immigrant rights activists signaling that

they don't feel like this do over, this second pass by the Trump administration have this immigration executive order is in any way


I actually last night talked to Omar (inaudible), who is the Immigrants Rights Project director for the American Civil Liberties Union, and what he

said to me was look, you know, this was an opportunity for the Trump administration to show that they were going to take a more recent, more

humane approach to, you know, figuring out how they're going to deal with the issue of undocumented immigrants.

And signal the people that they are going the law, but at the same time, take into account that there are families involved, that there are real

people involved. They don't think, though, that this second pass of the order does that in any meaningful way.

GORANI: All right, David Swerdlick, thanks very much. Stephen Collinson, thanks to both of you as always. Let's talk more now about the legalities

of these new immigration orders and any court challenges they might face.

We're joined by CNN legal analyst, Laura Coates. She is a former federal prosecutor. Laura, thanks for being with us. Just to be clear, these are

not new laws here we're talking about?

LAURA COATES, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: They're not new laws. What they are doing now is that your guests were talking about it, but it changes who

gets to have the discretion. But the real issue we are facing here is when you have rhetoric that's trying to be realized.

And in here you have an issue of trying to give discretion to officers to decide not who should be deported, but who can even be suspected of a

crime. If we were just talking about deporting people or accusing people of crimes or convicting them of crimes, that will be a different issue.

We have the accusation alone of a crime, can be enough make you a very big priority for deportation, and that raises a whole lot of constitutional

issues in the United States.

GORANI: And what kind of issues would that raise? I mean, essentially and also there are concerns from people who oppose these harsher measures that

it could lead to racial profiling, for instance?

[15:10:11]COATES. In fact, it's exactly what it leads to, is racial profiling, but you know, just because you are somebody who is an

undocumented immigrant in the United States does not mean that you don't have some access to constitutional protections.

In fact, the Supreme Court has been very clear that they have the fourth, fifth and sixth, all very key amendments talking about how the police can

enter your life, how they can search, how they can see, your right to counsel, and your right, most importantly, to due process.

Meaning a notice and an opportunity to be heard, and when you have the discretion that's given to officers across the country to decide who can be

-- who's accused of a crime, whether that makes him a higher priority.

You often flout the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments, and our Supreme Court, although, we are short change, only having eight right now has been

clear for decades and decades that even people who are in our jurisdiction, without maybe a documented, entitling him to be there, do have those

protections available to them. And so --

GORANI: Regardless -- yes, I was going to say regardless of whether they are legal residents or whether they are undocumented migrants. It doesn't

matter. Those amendments apply to them.

COATES: They do and the reason for that is because, you know, the action we are talking about is, talk about the fourth, the fifth, any amendments

to the Constitution. The judiciary, the judicial branch has invested interest to making sure that no other branch violates the constitution.

It's about what type of laws or executive orders may violate our constitution regardless of whether there's an actual person who is harmed,

the government cannot make laws that will harm people or violate those amendments and this is case where you may have a situation where there is a

blue print for that very egregious conduct.

GORANI: But let's talk one last question here about and you were a federal prosecutor, you know this, it's getting people through the system,

processing people not just arresting them, detaining them, getting them a hearing. If we're talking about hundreds of thousands, potentially

millions more than we already have in the system, logistically speaking, I mean, that's a huge, huge challenge.

COATES: It is and one that President Obama tried to combat by allowing people who were going to be detained to return to their families at some

portion to avoid the backlog of people who are going to be waiting for sometimes up to two years to even have a hearing and have their due process

rights given.

Now this new administration cited that no longer applies. That you're going have a backlog of people who are detained without a hearing for maybe

years at a time unless you also have more judges who are put in place to try to combat that, but right now we're talking about appropriations and

the funding of that.

And you really still have the underlying concerns in the states which says, listen, you cannot allow so much discretion about trying to figure out who

is suspected perhaps of committing a crime or who might be likely to commit a crime because that is a blueprint for profiling and a blueprint for a

constitutional violation.

GORANI: All right, Laura Coates, there is going to be a lot of very passionate certainly conversations and debate taking place over this as

always. Thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it.

Let's take you to the ground where this is all playing out, the U.S. immigration orders could lead to some hardship for people from Mexico who

are in the United States undocumented.

Now anyone who crosses the border illegally could be sent back to Mexico whether they're Mexican or not. That's an issue too. Many migrants from

Honduras, Guatemala, and other Central American countries attempt the journey every year.

And Mexico's foreign minister making clear his country will not accept unilateral U.S. immigration proposals. He said Mexico could ask the U.N.

to intervene.

Let's go to Polo Sandoval. He's live along the U.S.-Mexico border. He's covering a visit to the region by the House speaker in the United States,

Paul Ryan, and other Republicans as well.

Polo, I want to ask you first just what the border patrol agents that you're speaking to -- those people who are in charge of protecting that

border, are they supportive of these new harsher measures?

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hala, I could tell you that many law enforcement officials here, for example, in South Texas, those that are in

the front lines of this border battle. They have told me that they welcome any help that they can get because as you just mentioned, this is

essentially the center of what -- this large number of people that continue to pour into the United States.

In fact, the reason why the U.S. -- at least, Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States traveled here is because this

place here in South Texas since 2013 carries the title of being the place that sees the most apprehensions of undocumented people along the roughly

500 river kilometers or so, part of it that you see behind me.

And this is the House speaker landed today. This is where he end up too to speak to some of those law enforcement officials. So I think we're seeing

here is this concern that they may not perhaps have those -- the manpower that they need to be able to closely monitor as much as the border as they


[15:15:10]This is an issue that has been playing out for years. It's been playing an issue when I was a local reporter down here many years ago and

it's something that people are still talking about. So they simply hope that when some of these high level officials like Speaker Ryan traveled to

the region, then perhaps that brings the spotlight back to the region be frontlines of what is this debate.

GORANI: So where you are that's a crossing point that's used a lot by undocumented migrants, is that -- is there some sort of fence or wall

there, or is part of Donald Trump's proposed wall or fence going to go there? What's the landscape like where you are?

SANDOVAL: Yes, a bit of both, Hala. If I may, I may step out of the shot here, just so you can see for yourself what the border looks like. We are

several hundred yards away from the real grand itself, which that boundary that separates both the U.S. and Mexico.

There is what it is referred to as a border wall levy here, which is the Army Corps of Engineers back in 2006, they basically went in here and

reinforced a levy that I'm standing on right now with concrete. So it serves two purposes there.

It is protecting some of the communities from flooding, but it is also helping funnel some of the illegal traffic, undocumented people, and also

some of the narcotics. Its area is similar to what we're standing on.

This is where we often see border patrol agents stationed. This is where they typically encounter not just some of those undocumented families, but

also some of those unaccompanied, undocumented children, and also some of those (inaudible).

But yes, this is one of the regions that could potentially be affected when or if Donald Trump's wall is built. For now, though, people just are

hoping that a solution comes together especially if the wall is a solution. But many people here, they obviously feel very strongly about that and even

oppose that.

GORANI: Sure. But the other issue too is that it's not just Mexicans that might be driven back to this border. It's other Latin Americans as we were

reporting as well. They are not from Mexico. Some people are saying, OK, so you're going to throw out all these Guatemalans or wherever they come

from and -- where are they going to go?

They're not from that country. Is this going to lead to like camps along the border? I mean, these are -- people have so many questions about that?

Is that the concern you're hearing?

SANDOVAL: Well, absolutely. I can tell you that U.S. officials have tried to put some pressure on their Mexican counterparts to be able to enforce or

at least strengthen some of their current immigration laws because as you mentioned there.

You have people from, for example, Central American countries who are just using Mexico as a channel, as a way to make their way to here where I'm

standing right now, South Texas, because this is essentially the shortest route between Central America and the United States by setting foot on U.S.

soil right here.

So yes, as you may imagine there is some pressure there from some U.S. officials for their Mexican counterparts to have anything strengthen some

of their current immigration and to try to essentially stop some of these individuals before they cross the river that you see behind me and set foot

here on U.S. soil.

GORANI: All right, Polo Sandoval, thanks very much there from the border. Thanks for showing us where you are as well. It's interesting to see the

landscape, the environment behind you.

He's one of the frontrunners from France's top job, switching gears, a controversial figure, hoping to become the president, no fan of immigration

either. Marine Le Pen though is now having some issues. She's embroiled in a scandal after her bodyguard and chief of staff were questioned by


Her chief of staff, Catherine Griset, is now under formal investigation. Now they're alleged to have been paid for jobs that didn't exist at the

European parliament with E.U. funds. Le Pen has denounced the allegations.


GORANI (voice-over): The French far-right leader was visiting a prison this morning when the news of her latest judicial troubles broke. As she

toured the facility east of Paris, two of her closest aides were in police custody not far from the National Front Office.

Thierry Legier, Le Pen's bodyguard, seen here arriving at police headquarters in (inaudible) this morning and Catherine Griset, her chief of

staff were brought to answer questions about allegedly being paid for no- show jobs paid for with E.U. funds.

Griset's attorney tweeted that he's not making any statements and Legier has an attorney, but has not made any comments. The European Anti-Fraud

Office said Le Pen admitted they've been paid, but later during a radio interview, she denied having met with those officials.

That office has already ordered Marine Le Pen, who is a member of the European parliament to pay back the nearly 340,000 euros it says were paid

to the two aides for parliamentary works they never carried out.

She's refused. Now the French judiciary wants answers as well. The allegations are similar to those made against the Republican state,

Francois Fillon. Allegations that his family members were paid for no-show parliamentary jobs are the subject of an inquiry.

[15:20:09]Although he and his family have denied the allegations, they've already cost him his lead in the polls. Polls that Marine Le Pen now leads

and she doesn't that compromised by allegations that her party workers were illegally paid with E.U. money.

MARINE LE PEN, FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): The French people are well aware of the difference between genuine cases and

political intrigues. The French people know perfectly well despite all your attempts that are well aware of the difference.

GORANI: Le Pen's party is blaming the media for the scandal saying their aim is to hurt her reputation. Le Pen's aides can be kept by police for 48

hours. If they're charged, Marine Le Pen would be the next in line for questioning.

She's already said though that any charges against her would not prevent her standing in an election. She's confident she's going to win.


GORANI: Well, let's go live to Paris. Melissa Bell is there. So Melissa, just update our viewers, it appears as though, the chief of staff, has been

released. But they are under investigation, these two, I'm not sure about the bodyguard whether he's still detained or not. But will this hurt

Marine Le Pen politically because she's leading in the polls?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Well, she's been speaking in French media within the last hour, Hala, saying that this is an old investigation,

and to be fair to her, this has been going on for some time. This all began as a European inquiry and indeed she's been ordered by the European

Anti-Fraud Office to pay back some 340,000 euros in salaries paid to those two aides.

That Europe says was not parliamentary work actually carried within the context of her work at the European parliament. She's of course a member

of that European parliament. Now there has been a development. You're right, those two aides, Catherine Griset, who is her chief of staff has now

been charged in this case.

And that could not prove damaging for Marine Le Pen essentially this is part of the French investigation. So leaving aside that European

(inaudible) to those allegations. This is the French judiciary looking into those same allegations.

And the flip side of that same case, which is, if those aides were paid European money, they should have been paid. That means that they were

essentially carrying out work here in France for a political party that was paid for in a fraudulent way.

So could this damage Marine Le Pen? Certainly. She's after all the frontrunner now in an election where as you heard in that report, what the

man who had been leading the Republican candidate has lost his lead as a result of these kinds of allegations.

So she's fighting back against them, but they are almost certain to do her damage particularly because her principal opponent, who is now Emmanuel

Macron had a really good bit of news today when he discovered that (inaudible), an established centrist here in France was in favor of joining

his ranks.

And his popularity is really likely to rise as a result of that. So Marine Le Pen facing judicial (inaudible) even political trouble as well.

GORANI: All right, Melissa Bell, thanks very much. It's nearly upon us, April 23rd, first round of the French election. The eyes of the world are

on French politics these days.

Still to come tonight, families flee from Western Mosul as Iraqi forces advanced, civilians are in serious danger of getting trapped once again

between soldiers and ISIS fighters. We'll be right back.


GORANI: Now an update on a battle that's been fought inch by inch for months. Iraqi force backed by the U.S. are edging towards the city limits

of Western Mosul. And civilians are starting to flee the ISIS stronghold to avoid getting trapped in what's expected to be a fierce battle.

Seven hundred fifty thousand civilians are stuck in territory held by the terrorist group right now. The United Nations warns that narrow streets

also it's very crowded there. That this is all going to make things very dangerous for civilians once again.

Our senior international correspondent, Ben Wedeman, is in Erbil, southeast of Mosul. So what's the latest there on the operation to liberate the

western side?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Hala. Well, we understand that the Iraqi artillery continues to pound the airport from the

south of the city, but have yet to actually move there. They're only about a kilometer and a half away from the airport itself. That's their first

major objective.

You talked about the civilians, we understand that 480 people left the Yarmuk (ph) neighborhood in Western Aleppo. They were taken in by Iraqi

forces and moved them to an area to the south. Now by and large, we understand from relief groups that there hasn't been a mass exodus or

anything like that from Western Mosul yet.

So far most of the fighting is taking place in areas that civilians have already abandoned. But those civilians still inside according to the

United Nations, as many as 800,000 are in increasingly dire conditions.

Food is running low. Medicine is running low and one relief official I spoke to said that people are drinking out of contaminated wells. So there

is the problem, the possibility that disease is going to spread on top of all the other complications of life in Western Mosul -- Hala.

GORANI: Right. Well -- really the last thing they need, of course, these poor civilians. But what are the strategic challenges of Western Mosul

versus the eastern part of the city? Is it a harder operation, more difficult?

WEDEMAN: The population of Western Mosul is actually smaller than that of the east, but the problem is it's more dense and therefore, for instance,

getting Iraqi armor, tanks, armored personnel carriers, through some of the narrow roads inside the western part of the city is going to be difficult.

Of course, we know that ISIS has probably built a complex network of tunnels underneath the city.

They are using suicide car bombings and increasingly they're also using armed drones. Now these are just drones that can be bought on the open

market, which they rigged with explosives and then drop on the oncoming Iraqi forces making their job also a lot more complicated -- Hala.

GORANI: All right, Ben Wedeman, keeping an eye on that important developing story. Thanks very much.

Coming up, we're getting more information on the killing of Kim Jong-Nam in Malaysia. We'll have the latest from Kuala Lumpur.

Also this --


GORANI: She's been in the U.S. 20 years, no amount of time can protect this woman from the threat of deportation. A human story there on this --

our top story is coming up later in the program. Stay with us.


[15:31:34] GORANI: A high-level U.S. delegation is heading to Mexico City to talk about the Trump administration's new immigration order. Now, they

dramatically widened the net for deportation. Many of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. could now be targeted.

French police have questioned members of Marine Le Pen's staff over claims they were paid for jobs that didn't exist and that they didn't do. The

French presidential candidate's bodyguard and her chief of staff were questioned today. Her chief of staff, Catherine Griset, is now under

formal investigation. She was released. Le Pen has denounced the allegation, saying they're politically motivated.

A diplomatic spat between North Korea and Malaysia over the death of Kim Jong-nam. It shows no sign of letting up. Pyongyang is demanding Malaysia

immediately release three suspects in custody, and it called the investigation insulting to North Korea's sovereignty. This comes as police

in Malaysia provide new information on the case that Saima Mohsin has for us.

SAIMA MOHSIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: For the first time, we've heard how Kim Jong-nam was specifically in a well-planned attack. This was no prank T.V.

show, police say. With the help of four other suspects, the two women in custody attacked him, and I quote, "with their bare hands."


KHALID ABU BAKAR, INSPECTOR GENERAL, ROYAL MALAYSIA POLICE: The four suspects will give them the liquid, you know, will put the liquid on their

hands. They are supposed to wipe it over the deceased's face. So the Indonesian be the first and followed by the Vietnamese lady, who wiped the

face of the deceased. And after that, they went away. They were instructed to clean their hands, and they know it is toxic.

MOHSIN (on camera): Investigators say the two women carried out trial runs or exercises here at the pavilion mall in Kuala Lumpur, under the KLCC Mall

below the famous Petronas Towers. Their final act was on the victim.

MOHSIN (voice-over): And these four North Korean men named suspects are the ones police tell CNN poured the liquid.

BAKAR: So we strongly believe four of them has left the country, and we strongly believe that they have arrived, Pyongyang.

MOHSIN (voice-over): Three other men, wanted for questioning, all still believed to be in Malaysia.

BAKAR: One attached to the North Korean embassy and the other one, a staff of North Korean airline.

MOHSIN (on camera): The national and international friends have camped out outside the North Korean embassy where any movement, in or out, is captured

on camera, hoping questions will be answered. Malaysia's police chief says there has been no cooperation so far from the embassy. They have asked for

assistance in contacting the victim's family and requested help in getting a DNA sample.

Now, when asked if that would include the North Korean leader himself, Kim Jong-un, the police chief said --

BAKAR: Correct. Or any of his family members, not necessarily his half- brother.

MOHSIN (voice-over): The North Korean embassy says this is all an insult to their sovereignty and have called for all three suspects in custody,

including the North Korean man, to be released.

[15:35:06] Saima Mohsin, CNN, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


GORANI: Let's take a look now at the human face of our top story I was telling you before the break. Jeanette Vizguerra is undocumented. That's

undeniable. She's a grandmother, though, as well. And she has been fighting deportation since 2009. And she's found a sanctuary to try to

avoid all of that from happening to her.

Ana Cabrera first brought us her story a few days ago before the government released new immigration guidance. Take a look.


CROWD: Hey, hey.


CROWD: White supremacy has got to go.

ANA CABRERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Demonstrators outside the immigration office in Colorado, supporting a mother of four from Mexico,

Jeanette Vizguerra, scheduled to check in with ICE. Unlike other check- ins, her attorney and pastor entered without her.

HANS MEYER, JEANETTE VIZGUERRA'S ATTORNEY: We're going to go in and talk to immigration. We'll be back in a second.


CABRERA (voice-over): Vizguerra chose not to show up, instead taking refuge inside a church where she received the bad news by phone.


CABRERA (voice-over): Her request for a temporary stay denied, despite six previous stays that were granted. Vizguerra first speechless, then in

tears. Her nightmare coming true. We talked with her prior to the check- in about her fear.

VIZGUERRA: It's difficult. My kids are my life. My family is my life. No, it's my country. But it's my house. It's the house of my kids. It's

the country of my kids.

CABRERA (on camera): And so this is your home, your country?

VIZGUERRA: Yes, it's my home. I live in more years here than my country.

CABRERA (voice-over): Vizguerra came to the U.S. in 1997. She has three children, ages six, 10, and 12 who are citizens, born in the U.S. Her

oldest, Tanya, is 26 with three children of her own. She has legal status through DACA, an Obama administration policy that protects immigrant youth

from deportation.

TANYA VIZGUERRA, DAUGHTER OF JEANETTE VIZGUERRA: She's basically the backbone of our family. So without her, my kids would not know their

grandma anymore. They wouldn't see grandma.

CABRERA (voice-over): This family's future in limbo since 2009, when Vizguerra was arrested following a traffic stop. She had a fake Social

Security Number on a job application in her car. She's been fighting deportation ever since.

CABRERA (on camera): Did they give you specific reasons for denying the stay this time.

MEYER: When you have a blinded deportation policy, you don't need to have specific reasons. You just say no, and that's exactly what they did.

CABRERA (voice-over): The local ICE provided the following response, saying, "Jeanette Vizguerra-Ramirez, from Mexico, has two misdemeanor

convictions. On November 18, 2011, a federal immigration judge originally issued her final orders of deportation to Mexico. Based on these factors,

Vizguerra-Ramirez is an ICE enforcement priority."


GORANI: Well, there you have it. So this is one example out of many that I'm sure will be hearing about in the coming weeks and months.

This is the tricky issue. Opponents are citing examples of immigration enforcement ripping mothers from children. In this case, that would be the

case. The mother would be sent away. The children and grandchildren would stay.

But proponents of the reform say, those mothers, they broke the law. The crossed the border illegally, and therefore, they must pay the


My next guest spent a lot of time in conservative strongholds during the campaign. CNN Contributor Salena Zito joins me from Pittsburgh today.

So, Salena, among Trump supporters, obviously -- and I remember during the campaign, we were told, you know, don't take Donald Trump literally, take

him seriously. But clearly, we should have been taking him literally because this is exactly what he promised to do.

SALENA ZITO, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I mean, this is the human side, as you said, about illegal immigration, right? I mean, there's always going

stories after stories about families that possibly might be split apart.

You know, as I've talked to voters along the campaign trail and today, I mean, it was really important to them that their communities are safe. And

part of the problem with the illegal immigration is the criminal element that is a part of it. It's not a large part of it. I would argue it is a

very small part of it.

Nonetheless, it's the most visible thing and the most impact you would have in a community. And that's where there was the most strident objection to

not enacting the laws that existed.

[15:40:01] President Obama, between 2009 and 2016, deported 2.5 million people, but he did have a more relaxed attitude and enforcement as opposed

to sort of the Trump doctrine on illegal immigration.

GORANI: OK. That said, as you know, Barack Obama has deported 2 1/2 or 2.7 even, I think, if you take that last year, a lot more than George W.

Bush and more --

ZITO: Yes.

GORANI: -- than several presidents combined before him. But I wonder, among Trump supporters, is the idea, OK, this people broke the law just by

entering the United States, and therefore, if all 11 million would be, you know, driven to the border and dropped on the other side, I'd be fine with

that? Is that what you were hearing, or was it a different type of --

ZITO: Yes, absolutely not.


ZITO: American people are very compassionate people. And well, you know, you saw during campaign events, he got people riled up when he talked when

he talked deporting illegal immigrants, the understanding was that he was talking about the bad elements. You know, the people that are involved

with the drugs or you know, people that habitually commit crimes.

You know, if you look at how Republican voters and Democratic voters, if you break it down, when you look, I think, at the last Pew poll, I think it

was 60 percent of the people -- a big majority of people -- did not want people broken up. And they did not want DREAMers deported.

But they do believe, as with what Obama said, if you commit illegal acts, you're out of here.

GORANI: Yes. Well --

ZITO: And I think that that is what Trump is doing, but there's, you know --

GORANI: But the question is, how do you define who is -- because you can really widen the scope of who you can target under this new harsher rules

of people suspected of criminal activity. And also, it allows medium and lower level custom border protection agents as well to make some of these


ZITO: Yes. I mean that's the overall challenge, and I don't know the answer to it. But I think it's something you're going to see us argue and

debate in a very loud way as this process goes forward and you see how they enact these deportations. It may be the same as Obama's; it may be much

broader. That's sort of what we don't know at this moment.

GORANI: Right. And what do you also with the undocumented immigrants from Asia and other parts of the world? Do they get put on a plane? What do

you do? I mean, we still need, you know, learn and understand a lot more about how, logistically, this will play out.

Salena Zito, as always, thanks. Great talking to you. We appreciate it.

ZITO: Thanks for having me.

GORANI: Thank you. Now, to a bizarre story grabbing headlines in this country, the U.K. We're learning more about the identity of a suicide

bomber who carried out an attack Monday, south of Mosul. Evidence shows the bomber was actually born in the U.K.

CNN's Fred Pleitgen takes a closer look at the bombers twisted path to terrorism.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: ISIS media affiliates identify the man who blew himself up, south of Mosul, as Abu

Zakariya al-Britani. Of course, in reference to the fact that they say that he was British.

The statement from the ISIS media affiliate says Abu Zakariya al-Britani, "May God accept his deed," was one of the executioners of a suicide bombing

operation in Tal Kisum village, which is, of course, south of Mosul.

Now, C.N. affiliates here in the United Kingdom identifies him as a certain Ronald Fiddler from Manchester who later changed his name to Jamal Udeen

al-Harith after converting to Islam.

Now, it is believed that he was at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility for at least two years there. He later complained to the European

Commission where he says that he was mistreated while he was there, and it wasn't until 2004 that the British government then, under Prime Minister

Tony Blair, managed to secure his release.

Now, apparently, compensation was paid to him. It's not clear to us how much. There's figures floating around British media, saying it could have

been around 1 million pounds that was paid. We have not been able to independently confirm that number, but it does appear as though it was in


He then apparently went to Syria. His family is saying that they tried to go to Syria as well to try and convince him to come back. That, of course,

didn't work. And now, ISIS is saying that it was this man who conducted the suicide bombing operation south of Mosul.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, London.

GORANI: All right. Thanks to Fred. And check out our Facebook page, We'll post some of our show content on there,

and you can always comment us questions and check out our page online.

[15:45:01] We'll be right back. Stay with us.


GORANI: A majority of migrant workers in Hong Kong are domestic helpers, laboring and living inside people's homes. So that's quite isolating.

There's often a language barrier and a lack of awareness about the laws that could protect them.

Here is CNN's Alexandra Field.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Life in the shelter is simple but better than the job that broke her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I was in a lot of pain. I was very sad. I was very lost, but I didn't have anyone to tell.

FIELD (voice-over): This woman from Sri Lanka is free now, but the decision to stay in Hong Kong and fight for justice has also trapped her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): They didn't care how I survived. They just took work out of me.

FIELD (voice-over): She claims her old boss broke Hong Kong's employment laws for domestic workers, underpaying her, failing to feed her and

overworking her. A story that's now a lesson for women like her, Hong Kong's foreign domestic workers.

JANICE TSANG, SOCIAL WORKER, STOP: You know, she didn't know anybody. She didn't really speak English. She finally was able to meet somebody who

told her that, you know, this is completely illegal and that you need to get away because your employer is abusing you and exploiting you.

FIELD (voice-over): Activists are working to educate the city's most at risk population for forced labor and human trafficking, domestic helpers

and sex workers.

Hong Kong law requires domestic workers to be paid at least a minimum of about $555 a month, and that they get at least a day off a week. Many

don't know that.

TINA CHAN, PROJECT MANAGER, STOP: They don't realize they're being exploited or they're the victim.

FIELD (voice-over): The government says its taking more steps to protect domestic workers, including introducing a Web site educating them on their

rights, prosecuting and revoking licenses from employment agencies that break the rules, and jailing at least one employer for abuse.

But activists are -- without a dedicated anti-trafficking law, the government isn't providing the support victims' need to take on abusive

employers. A law requiring them to live with their employers means those who are abused can be left entirely isolated.

CHAN: The truth is sad because victims of trafficking, they're still invisible. You don't even get to see them. And even if you come across a

victim of trafficking on the street, you don't see that there's a label on their forehead saying that she's a victim.

FIELD (on camera): In 2016, in a report on human trafficking, the U.S. State Department put Hong Kong on a watch list, putting it on par with

countries like Ghana, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan, saying that the government authority's investigations were inadequate to the scale of the

problem, and citing that there is no specific criminal offense related to the crime.

[15:49:56] FIELD (voice-over): Hong Kong's government responded, saying, "The findings of the report have displayed a total disregard of the

continuous and strenuous efforts of our law enforcement agencies to tackle trafficking in persons," and that, "we cannot accept that Hong Kong is a

destination, transit, and source territory for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor."

But activists estimate that around 29,500 people in Hong Kong may be in some form of forced labor or exploitation. A group of women from

Madagascar who say they are those victims are also looking for justice.

MARINA FABIENE FANJANIRINA RAZAFINDRAKOTO, DOMESTIC WORKER (through translator): I'm angry because they lied.

FIELD (voice-over): She was betrayed, she says, by an agency that sent her and others from Madagascar to Hong Kong, promising good domestic work and

good pay. But she says they took most of her paycheck, leaving her with less than a quarter for wages Hong Kong law requires.

RAZAFINDRAKOTO (through translator): I'd like to go back to Madagascar and bring money back to my children when this is all over.

FIELD (voice-over): But she knows the fight for the missing money will be long and nothing is certain.

Alexandra Field, CNN, Hong Kong.


GORANI: Well, CNN is teaming up with young people for a day of action against this type of treatment of people, against modern day slavery.

"#MyFreedomDay" is March 14th. The simple question is, what does freedom mean to you? You can send us your answer via text, video on social media

as well, using the hashtag, #MyFreedomDay.


GORANI: Back on the campaign trail, Donald Trump often criticized Barack Obama for golfing. So now that Mr. Trump is Commander-in-Chief, is he

managing to resist those grassy fairways?

Here is Randi Kaye with the answer.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: He played more golf last year than Tiger Woods, to think of it! We don't have time for this. We

don't have time for this. We have to work.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Then candidate Donald Trump, taking a few shots at President Trump for playing golf.

TRUMP: And I won't be playing golf instead of going to see the people in Louisiana, who have been devastated by floods.

KAYE (voice-over): But that was then. This is now.

TRUMP: Look at that. Look at that.

KAYE (voice-over): As President, Donald Trump has visited two Florida golf courses he owns near Mar-a-Lago, nearly every weekend since taking office,

playing six times so far.


KAYE (voice-over): Not that his aides want you to know that. They won't even say if President Trump actually play the courses. But social media

shows he did play during most visits.

Just this past Sunday, the President teed it up with professional golfer, Rory McIlroy at Trump International. The golf blog, "No Laying It Up,"

posted this picture from Clear Sports of McIlroy with the President and their foursome at Trump International Golf Course. McIlroy told the blog

the President played 18 holes and shot around 88 strokes above par.

While Mr. Trump is quick to brag about his golf skills --

TRUMP: Those hands can hit a golf ball 285 yards.

KAYE (voice-over): -- his golf game seems to be a cloak and dagger operation. A White House spokeswoman told reporters Sunday that the

President played a couple of holes. Then after learning that McIlroy had shared the President played 18, the spokeswoman explained that the

President intended to play a few holes and decided to play longer. She was quick to note that he had a full day of work afterwards.

[15:55:12] Unlike Trump's team, Obama's aides allowed cameras to show him on the links and told reporters who he played with.

Thanks to this tweet from the President, we know when Mr. Trump played with Japan's Prime Minister earlier this month. They were also joined by

professional golfer, Ernie Els.

TRUMP: It's great to play golf, but play golf with heads of countries and --

KAYE (voice-over): The President leveled some harsh tweets over the years, like this one suggesting President Obama was out golfing while the TSA was

falling apart. Mr. Trump even offered President Obama free lifetime golf at any of his courses if he would just resign.

But President Obama always said he golfed to relax, a habit supported by another president who took heat for golfing during wartime.

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I know the pressures of the job. And to be able to get outside and play golf with

some of your pals is important for the president.

KAYE (on camera): Every stroke counts in golf, so let's take a look at the score. Mr. Obama didn't play his first round of golf as president until

more than three months into his term. He reportedly played 333 rounds of golf in office, far less than Woodrow Wilson's estimated 1,200 rounds. So

President Trump has some catching up to do.

Randi Kaye, CNN, New York.


GORANI: There you have it. Before we leave you tonight, one big glass ceiling has been broken right here in London. This woman, Cressida Dick,

is London's new top cop. It is the first time, in the history of this country, that a woman is appointed Commissioner of the Met, the

Metropolitan Police.

There she is! She's in her mid-50s. I believe she's 56, in fact. After having served as head of counterterrorism in the U.K. government. And this

is the first in the Met's more than 180 years of U.K. policing that this has happened.

So there you have it, a female there leading now the Metropolitan Police for the first time. And, of course, the U.K. has a female Prime Minister

as well. So an interesting picture for the United Kingdom.

Well, this is going to do it for us here at THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I'm Hala Gorani. Thanks for watching. I'll see you tomorrow at the same time and

the same place.

Do stay with CNN though. After a quick break, "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" will pick up our coverage.