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Connect the World

Battle For One Group's Last Strongholds In Iraq; U.S. Has Been Arming Kurdish Fighters In Syria; U.S. Defense Secretary Lands In Kiev; Jared Kushner On Mission To Revive Peace Process; Iran Calls IAEA-U.S. Meeting Futile And Pointless; Aired 11-12p ET

Aired August 23, 2017 - 11:00   ET




DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence.

That's me speaking on Saturday.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: Where vision is history. That's certainly not all he said on Saturday. And now the American president's combated

campaign start speech causing more controversy.

Well list of what Mr. Trump's told supporters Tuesday in Arizona and White House, so many worried. Plus, while the president face a backlash for the

home of members of his administration, are finding out across the globe trying to attack on his most pressing foreign policy problems.


ANDERSON: Hello, I'm Becky Anderson, welcome to Connect the World. This week live from Paris for you. We're going to have a lot more on all that

straight ahead.

First though, I want to start with CNN's exclusive interview with a central figure in the U.S. investigation of Russian influence in last year's

presidential election.


ANDERSON: As Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak commit with several key people in the Trump campaign. Those meetings and the fact they

were not initially disclosed let to the firing of U.S. President Donald Trump's first national security advisor and fourth Attorney General Jeff

Sessions to recuse himself from the ongoing Russia investigation.


ANDERSON: Well, Kislyak has not spoken to west media until now, that is on Matthew Chance joins us now from Saransk in Russia. Let us be very clear.

The U.S. president completely consumed by the fall out from this Russia investigation and Kislyak is key to that. What did he tell you?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. I mean this -- this whole affair, this whole allegations about the connections between the

Kremlin and the Trump administration have been something that that administration is simply not been able to shake off.

And at the center of those allegations is this man. For a good 12 years, he was the ambassador from Russia to the United States. He met with key

figures from the Trump team -- the Trump campaign at the Trump administration, as you mentioned that led to the ending of the careers.

The meetings that he had with several members effectively of that campaign -- of that campaign team, most high profile of which was General Flynn,

National Security Advisor.

So it was an important thing to do, to get the opportunity to meet Sergey Kislyak face-to-face and to put to some of those important questions that

have continued to dug the Trump administration. Take a listen.


CHANCE: Mister Ambassador quick question, did you discuss distinct sanctions with any members of the Trump team when you are in the United


SERGEY KISLYAK, RUSSIA'S AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES: With due respect I'm here to talk to Russian people.

CHANCE: I understand that you say you've got no secrets.

KISLYAK: I've said everything I wanted prior to this.

CHANCE: The issue to discuss opening secret channels with the Kremlin with Jared Kushner for instance?

KISLYAK: I've said many things that we do not discuss the substance so to hold -- discussion to American intellect out of respect to our


CHANCE: Fair enough but when you met Donald Trump, the president, were you surprised when he disclosed secret information to you about Syria?

KISLYAK: I'm not sure that I heard anything (Inaudible). But I'd lost a good meeting and we were discussing things that were important to your

country and to mine.

CHANCE: What about this allegation that you're a spy master, a spy...

KISLYAK: Nonsense.

CHANCE: Did you recruit any members of the Trump administration?

KISLYAK: You should be ashamed because CNN is the company that keeps up appointing to this allegation. It's nonsense.

CHANCE: U.S. security officials -- intelligence officials that made it, of course.

KISLYAK: I've heard dozens of statement by them and also by former (Inaudible) that was a diplomat. I have no reasons to go into that. He

knew what he said.

CHANCE: Just one last question.


CHANCE: What's your predictions to the future of U.S.-Russian relations?

KISLYAK: I'm afraid this is going to be critical and it's not because of asset that goes on the U.S. political dynamics. The anti-Russian laws of

the Islam going to help Russian-Americans discussion...


[11:05:00] KISLYAK: That's essential (Inaudible) -- essentials as an instrument, it's basic to the statement that began to Russia. That is the

most important thing and that's not going to be restored.

He is going to stay. He's going to spoil ability if both countries to resume a normal a scene in our relations and normal scene in our relations,

exactly what is missing.

CHANCE: Have you lost faith that Donald Trump is going to be out to do what he said during his campaign make things better with Moscow?

KISLYAK: I'm not sure that I operate with definition of fait-- absence of faith. We work with the United States based on the policies that evade.

We have seen so many different things about us. And we pretty come forward what we do for Russia and by the way, I'm here to do exactly what is

important to us.

CHANCE: Sergey Kislyak, thank you so much.

KISLYAK: Thank you, God bless.


CHANCE: All right, well, Sergey Kislyak there, the former Russian ambassador to the United States. Very much the diplomat writes until the

end of that adhoc improvised interview that we got within here in Saransk.

Towing the Kremlin line refusing to really disclose the contents of those very controversial meetings he had with various members of the Trump --

Trump team and the Trumpet administrations.

But again, this is the first time that a western media organization has had the opportunity to put those questions to him and get his response, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating stuff. All right, Matthew, thank you for that. Now that Russian cloud then continues to cost a huge shadow over the White


I want to turn now to the U.S. and the president's speech to a huge crowd of supporters in Phoenix, Arizona. It is being met with outrage.

This was Mister Trump's favorite type of event. He's already tweeted about it, calling the crowd amazing. He is certainly played to his base like a

violin bashing the meteor and Republicans, he believes that betrayed him.

But the language and tone has shocked his critics who say it was divisive, filled with invective and hateful words. And he circled back to the events

of Charlottesville, defending what he said about a racist rally.

Well we went back and reviewed the evidence, and the president left a few things out. Here's Boris Sanchez.


TRUMP: We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. That's me speaking on Saturday.

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: President Trump attempting to revise history selectively recounting his past statements about the deadly

violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and purposely omitting his off-the- cuff responses that spark uproar.

TRUMP: We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides -- on many sides. You also

had people that were very fine people on both sides.

SANCHEZ: The president blaming the media for the backlash.

TRUMP: I hate them with neo-Nazi, I hate them with everything. I got the white supremacist, the neo-Nazi. I got them all there, let's say, they are

KKK, we have KKK.

I got them all. So they're having a hard time. So what do they say, right? It should have been sooner. He is a racist.

SANCHEZ: And accusing the press of giving a platform to hate groups. A charge the president reiterated on Twitter after the campaign rally.

TRUMP: They are bad people and I really think they don't like our country president.

SANCHEZ: President Trump also fermenting division by attacking the removal of Confederate statues.

TRUMP: They're trying to take away our culture. They are trying to take away our history and our weak leaders, they do it overnight.

SANCHEZ: Mister Trump also threatens to shut down the government over funding is border wall, but he made no mention of his promise to make

Mexico pay for it.

TRUMP: We have to close down our government with building that wall.

SANCHEZ: The president throwing more red meat to his base.

TRUMP: I think we'll end up probably terminating NAFTA at some point, OK? Probably.

SANCHEZ: Before once again attacking Arizona's two Republican Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain who is battling brain cancer without saying

their names.

TRUMP: One vote away, I will not mention any names, very presidential, isn't it? A very presidential. And no body wants me to talk about your

other senator who's weak on voters, weak on crime.

SANCHEZ: President Trump also firing up the crowd at teasing a potential pardon of controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

TRUMP: So was Sheriff Joe convicted for doing his job? I will make a prediction. I think he's going to be just fine, OK?


[11:10:00] ANDERSON: Boris Sanchez joining us now from Phoenix, Arizona. And Boris, the former director of national intelligence, a man with decades

of experience serving the U.S. government is calling the president speech last night, and I quote, down right, scary and disturbing. Here is what

James Clapper told CNN on Tuesday night.


JAMES CLAPPER, FORMER DIRECTOR, U.S. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: I really question his ability to -- his fitness to be in this office and I also

beginning to wonder about is his motivation for me -- maybe he is looking for a way out.

Having some understanding of the -- whatever is that president can exercise, I worry frankly, you know that, access to nuclear codes.


ANDERSON: Was the dust settles in the Arizona desert, Boris, your reflections on the speech and the disturbances that ensured afterwards?

SANCHEZ: Yes, Becky, the Donald Trump that we saw last night feeding red meat to his face is very different from Donald Trump that we saw on Monday

night when he was by the book, by the Teleprompter.

Really subdued in his remarks when he was asking Americans to trust him in his efforts to end the war in Afghanistan or at least make it turn toward

the American side against the Taliban.

Very different Donald Trump last night, he initially asked Americans to unite to come together and he went offer 77 minutes, as you heard attacking

some of his favorite targets going after of the press, going after Democrats, Republicans, going after Jeff Bezos the owner of

Promising to up and NAFTA, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get the funding to build a border wall, so it is a very different

style from what we saw on Monday, much more typical of Donald Trump when he is with his most ardent supporters.

You mentioned some of the protest outside. There was widespread speculation that there might be some unrest, especially following the

president's divisive comments on the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, dating back to about two weeks ago.

We knew that there was going to be a crowd outside. There were some clashes with police, several hundred, about a thousand protesters that we

understand out there, only three arrests. This is something that is likely going to continue following the president.

So he did spend a lot of time yesterday trying to clarify his remarks on Charlottesville. It is clearly a low point in his presidency, and as we

noted in that piece you played earlier, he left out some very important parts of his remarks. And that's something a lot of people are not going

to forget, Becky.

ANDERSON: If this week had been an effort by his administration to reset the moral authority of the presidency. It looks as if it was going quite

well on Monday with the sort of quintessentially presidential speech to the nation about Afghanistan.

And then we has that campaign rally, that divisive language once again, a 77 minute rant as some have described it in Arizona, what next? He is on

his way to -- you know, what can we expect from him there?

SANCHEZ: Likely not to get as animated as he was last night. He is actually going to be speaking to a group of veterans with the American


We have seen him make an effort to spend time with veterans groups, not just throughout the campaign, but also as president. He did spend some

time with Marines yesterday after getting a tour of a border patrol facility in Yuma about three hours from here during that event in Reno


He is going to sign a bill of Veterans Appeals and Modernization Act, which is intended to help America's veterans. It is something that he has

followed through on after several campaign promises pledging to do more to help veterans.

ANDERSON: Boris Sanchez is in Phoenix, Arizona for you today. Boris, thank you. We're going to stay on this topic because it's important. The

president speeches in his revisionist history, up next.


ANDERSON: You're watching CNN. This is Connect the World with me, Becky Anderson. Welcome back. We're in Paris for you this week.

Well we have a little earlier in our show, rather dramatic omission from President Trump when discussing how he reacted to the deadly violence to

that white supremacist rally last week in Virginia.

We think it is worth another look. A closer look at what was said and what wasn't. So listen closely.


TRUMP: Here's what I said on Saturday, were closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia. This is me speaking. We

condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. That's me speaking on Saturday.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides -- on many sides. It has been

going on for a long time in our country.


ANDERSON: Some reaction to the president's strong words to journalists and those in his own party. Our guest Larry Sabato has a unique perspective.

He is the founder and director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, joining us from effectively ground zero of the violence at

that recent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in Virginia.

And Larry, you would think that Donald Trump will be anxious to put all these deeply divisive moral equivalency in response to Charlottesville,

well untruly behind them but him. It seems last night's 77 minute rant in Arizona, unscripted, yes, unrestrained, absolutely, unfiltered, no

questioned about it, unhinged, Larry?

LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR POLITICS: Oh, absolutely -- absolutely unhinged. Look, you're correct. You think that a president would leave

this behind -- a normal president. Donald Trump is not normal.

He is the great admiration in so many ways. There are two Donald Trumps. The Donald Trump reads reasonable speeches from the Teleprompter, speeches

that were written by staffers and cabinet officials who understand that every word that president speaks matters.

And then, there is the unhinged Donald Trump, the ranting and ripping Donald Trump that we saw last night or we saw after his formal speech on

Charlottesville in which he took back every good thing he has said the day before. This is just regular operating procedure for Donald Trump.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about why that is significant. The president spent a lot of time attacking establishment Republicans, so he blames for failing

to repeal and replace Obamacare for example.

And this is important, he mentioned Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell by name saying he has to speak to Mitch about a rule that required 60 votes

for legislation to move forward. Now, McConnell has opposed any change to the rules.

The New York Times reporting that the president and the Senate are now locked in a -- and I quote, political Cold War and haven't spoken in weeks.

And it reports, Larry, that the majority leader has expressed doubts that Mister Trump can save the presidency. For those of our viewers who may not

be quite up to scratch on the significance of McConnell support, all out there for Donald Trump explain if you will.

SABATO: Certainly, Donald Trump depends heavily on Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate to deliver on his programs and his promises.

They are both Republican control. But in the Senate, the margin is quite slow since 50 to 48. What Trump is arguing for is a change in the rules, I

will get into those arcane matters but he is saying a simple majority should be enough to pass anything.

When he ignores this, even if you he have a simple majority rule which he did, under the rules for the healthcare bill, it's still (Inaudible), they

were not Republican defections to stop it. Mitch McConnell who was the Senate Majority Leader, who is a Republican -- a conservative Republican

from Kentucky whose wife is in Trump's cabinet is key to got him from success.

But Trump is gone after him in public and speeches. He has tweeted nasty things about Mitch McConnell and somehow, he -- Trump thinks that McConnell

will still work with him, while McConnell has other ideas.

He will work with him on some things, but he is sending him messages that either do not get off Mister President or you can forget about your agenda.

ANDERSON: Larry, job the week -- last week was a week after Charlottesville when many were questioning the moral authority of these

presidents who can talk this week.

Well it sort of quintessentially presidential speech about Afghanistan and then last week, sort of as many of his critics and you have suggested sort

of reverting to tie the base that he was speaking to last night with cheering came on.

And the approval ratings of course suggest that he is still supported by that based but it was interested to see a poll recently sharing that he has

lost some of his electoral coalition that propelled him to the White House.

I'm talking about places like Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Wisconsin. My colleague or our colleague David Chalian talking about this yesterday in a

podcast, how important are there polls?

Not the polls, not the approval ratings from his base but these other polls that we are beginning to see, this electoral coalition that is said to be

got him in to the White House.

SABATO: It's a danger sign to any president. Now, of course the next presidential election isn't until 2020. So he has a lot of time left to

repair the damage but it is significant who are these people showing up at his rallies like the one last night in Phoenix.

They are of the cult of the base that is there is a base that supports Trump strongly and then there is literally a cult that believes every word

he says and disregards everything in the print, and televised media that contradicts what Donald Trump says.

They are the ones who show up at the rallies. They will cheer at anything. They are still screaming lock her up, referring to Hillary Clinton. They

still boo every time Barack Obama's name is mentioned but are not representative of the general public.

Remember, he only got 46 percent of the vote, 54 percent voted for somebody else, Hillary Clinton got 3 million more popular votes than he did. You

would think a president under those conditions would try to expand his base? Not a chance.

Donald Trump has doubled down on his base and it is obvious he has no intention of reaching out to parts of the country that are with him.

ANDERSON: Regular guest on the show, we always appreciate your analysis, Larry, thank you. Refreshing story about two Washington insiders view now,

Melania Trump and Chelsea Clinton begin civil and even gracious to each other, and this is new.

It is all about some criticism that was aimed young Barron Trump for his casual clothes. You may have seen the images. The former first daughter

came to 11-year-old Barron's defense tweeting, a time the media and everyone leave Barron Trump alone and let him have the private childhood he


[11:55:00] Spoken by someone who has been Barron's mother, First Lady Melania Trump tweeted back, thank you, Chelsea Clinton, so important to

support all of our children being themselves #stopchildhoodbullying, refreshing. I think you would agree.


ANDERSON: Still to come, as President Trump goes on the offense of his defense secretary meets with the U.S. ally is bringing you that latest and

what is his visit to Turkey. That's up next.



ANDERSON: A very warm, windy welcome back from Paris. This is CNN Connect the World with me, Becky Anderson. Well, while the headlines are dominated

by President Trump, who spent Tuesday night vocally, loudly, criticizing various groups, defense secretary James Mattis has been touring the Middle

East, trying to sue U.S. allies.

He was in Turkey this Wednesday meeting with the president there Recep Tayyip Erdogan, sets for international press has been very limited, I have

to say, but it is safe to assume, the fight against ISIS was discussed extensively. Here is what Mattis said about that when he was in Baghdad in

Iraq on Tuesday.


JAMES MATTIS, DEFENSE SECRETARY, UNITED STATES: A security for the Iraqi people that grave him through cities that have liberated people free from

ISIS, from death, the economy is recovering.

The (Inaudible) Iraq reengaging with the regions and ISIS on the run, they have been shown to be unable to stand up to our team in combat and they

have not retaken one inch of ground.


ANDERSON: All right, that's James Mattis and we'll discuss his visit to Turkey. Now he's touched down there and more details in a moment. First,

Jomana Karadsheh brings is up to speed on the latest battle against ISIS in Iraq.


JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A little over a month after declaring it second city Mosul liberated, Iraqi forces are on the offensive again to

recapture one of ISIS' last stronghold in the country.

The city of Tal Afar, under ISIS control since 2014, the one strategic city on a main ISIS supply line from the Syrian border to Mosul cut-off,

surrounded by security forces and militias for most of the past year.

HADER AL-ABADI, IRAQI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): All access had been mobilized today to start the operation to liberate Kalafat. I tell

dash that you had no choice, but to surrender or get killed.


KARADSHEH: No one expect this to be easy fight, once again in what seemed to be this endless war in Iraq. It is the civilians who are bearing the

brunt of the battle. Thousands are believe to be trap in this city of Kalafat and those who managed to flee, they have a 10 to 20 hour trek in

that unforgiving summer heat of Iraq to try to reach U.N. camp.

Civilians caught in the crossfire the fight against ISIS not just in Iraq, across the border in Syria. Civilians trapped in a living hell, with the

battle of Baraka, ISIS defectors capital and (inaudible) and with ISIS believe to be holding civilians as human shields more and more reports of

casualties as a result of coalition airstrikes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have seen the reports increases to be in casualties and probably logical to assume that there had been some increase in Syrian

casualties, because our operations had increase intensity there. But I would ask someone to show me hard information that civilian casualties



KARADSHEH: ISIS push out more than half of Baraka and main Iraqi cities, its fighters now squeezed into the oil-rich desert province of (inaudible)

in eastern Syria described as ISIS's last stand, but in the complex. The Syrian battlefield it is not just forces backed by the U.S.-led coalition

that will try to root ISIS out of the province. The Syrian regime and its allies are making a major push on DideSur. U.S. officials believe the

groups command and control has been disrupted.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are still ISIS leaders. There orders had already been given and their ISIS fighters are going to follow those orders. Just

because their higher commander is dead or fled, that doesn't mean those guys are going to stop fighting.


KARADSHEH: So-called Kalafat is collapsing its ideology is far from defeated with followers across the globe this terror group remains as

dangerous as ever. Jomana Karadsheh, CNN, Oman.

BECKY ANDERSON, CONNECT THE WORLD, CNN: In the past hour, an Iraqi commander announced that his forces had quote, liberated to neighborhoods

near Tal afar mentioned of course in the general package. Let get you now to James Mattis visits to Turkey. Our Arwa Damon is joining us from

Istanbul, the U.S. defense chief has said he wants to focus point like a laser beam, on the defeat of ISIS and let nothing he said it's tough to the

end to use determined to ensure that the regions U.S. allies are on board. Why is that a total order as this point? And what is the significance of

his stop in Turkey?

ARWA DAMON, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Becky, the trial order first and foremost because a lot of Americans regional allies can

have pretty competing interests of their own, plus there is quite a bit tension at this stage between various different nations that are using both

Iraq and Syria as proxy battlefield when it comes to specifically Turkey. Turkey's relations with the United States right now is quite tenuous, a lot

of battered around America that supports for Syria Kurd, Kurdish fighting force the YPG that is proven to be quite effective when it comes to the

fight against ISIS and fight Syria, but Turkey use the YPG as bring a terrorist organization and being one as the same as the PKK. And Turkey

not necessarily feel that the United States appreciate the severity of the situation or Turkey's concerns with the U.S. continuing to arm the YPG,

Turkish repeatedly said that their number one worry at this stage that those guns will eventually be turned against Turkey, plus when we talk

again about these battlefield of Syria and Iraq, it is not just the U.S. and Turkey you have the Iranians were involved, you have the Russians that

are involved in Syria, you have the various different gulf countries so while they all pretty much agree that ISIS needs to be defeated, how by

whom? What happens next? That is going to be a hugely deciding factor, Becky.

[11:35:00] ANDERSON: Talking with competing interests the same day that Mattis was in Turkey, Iran military leader also visited the country which

is rare. Now officials say was there to discuss operation in the Syrian conflict and counter terrorism, but just explain what (inaudible)

relationship with Iran is like at this point and given the U.S. attitude towards Iran. How would a closure relation between Turkey and Iran affect

the U.S. fight against ISIS in the region?

DAMON: I mean just that question that really illustrate the complexity of the dynamics that are placed here when you talk about Ankara and Iran it is

very stressed relationship but also becoming a relationship of convenience but the two countries are opposite sides of the Syrian battlefield with

Iran on forces on the ground and the government very openly backing of Syrian President. Turkey as we know very well and very strong supporter of

the opposition is also militarily involved in criteria by Turkey and Iran gives you a common interest when it comes to the current situation this

stage, so that is one avenue that they would potentially want to try to cooperate on, plus Iran and Turkey also realize that to a certain degree

they can't allow the region to fall fully under the control of the United States and the Russians and one of the main ceasefire that broke by the

U.S. and writes eloquently the involvement of Tehran and Ankara, those two countries they want to make sure that they still remain political power


ANDERSON: In Turkey we are connecting well, James Mattis will continue his international tour in Ukraine were told he has now just landed for the

discussion there, will likely focus on a new cease-fire in the eastern heart of the country and announcement will be expected sometime today, more

on that of course as we get it live from Paris, this is Connect the World coming up, a lightning round of shuttle diplomacy, Donald Trump son in law

in the Middle East. Trying to kick start crucial peace talks, more on that after this.


[11:40:37] ANDERSON: You are here watching CNN, this Connect the World with me Becky Anderson. Welcome back. Donald Trump's son in law taking

another crack at what is one of the longest running conflicts in the world. Senior adviser Jared Kushner making rounds in the Middle East, looking for

ways to revive is rarely Palestinian stooled peace (inaudible). Kushner hit the ground running after arriving in the region earlier this week's

delegation has already been to Saudi Arabia to Jordan and to Egypt.

Up next, separate talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders themselves let's get you a preview now from CNN's Oren Liebermann who is with us live

from Jerusalem, Orin?


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORESPONDENT: Becky it is a smart move on the part of Jared Kushner to visit all the regional players in the region that could

play a significant role is some sort of regional peace initiative. When it comes to Israeli Prime Minister and the Palestinian President is going

encounter a different set of problems.

Jared Kushner the so-called secretary of everything back in Jerusalem trying to push in Israeli-Palestinian peace process on his third official

visit to the region. After getting credit for helping the competitions in Jerusalem in July the Trump administration sees a window of calm. But as

President Donald Trump faces his own problems at home's his delegation will do with two leaders seemingly unwilling and unable to show flexibility.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under criminal investigation has shifted sharply to the right appealing to his voter based at a rally earlier this



BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (TRANSLATOR): The day before yesterday Senior Palestinian officials and I quote, all of you who are

fortunate Netanyahu fault, because of the investigations obviously they want us to withdraw to the 1967 lines to establish a Palestinian state. My

friends they too will be disappointed because it won't happen.


The positioning leaves Netanyahu little room to maneuver on concessions to the Palestinians.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In that situation politically, domestically and I would say personally resolve the problems that he has back home. It almost

impossible to create new plans and you are just -


LIEBERMANN: Meanwhile Palestinian President is waiting for Trump to openly endorse the two-state solutions, an international consensus on the future

of the region. Trump's comments have never gotten more specific than this.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: So I'm looking at two-state and one-state and I like the one that both parties like.


LIEBERMANN: Palestinians growing frustrated with the lack of a clear vision.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If we don't know where we are heading if we don't know what is the endgame then we in it is that without we have seen that happen,

we are not to repeat the same story again.


LIEBERMANN: (inaudible) internal problems as well, as he fight Hamas in Gaza for influence in political control. Trumps vision of the ultimate

deal in danger of becoming nothing more than a marketing slogan.

It is important to notice that at this point, as Kushner coming for the third time, somebody so high level from the White House, Trump is still

very interested in trying to make progress here, he keeps sending his delegations and the meetings at least with his special envoy for Middle

East, peace process seems to be at least productive, but the growing frustration that they are not moving anywhere. This isn't making any

progress and that, that idea of repeated meetings without making progress has a very short shelf life especially in this region, Becky?

ANDERSON: Oren, while Kushner then pushing for Middle East peace the Israel Prime Minister himself laser focused on Iran Benjamin Netanyahu.

Met with Vladimir Putin in Russia today before he gets back of course to meet Kushner. And he has stressed his concerns with Iran's action in Syria

saying they are threatening the entire world, now Russia of course, a key player in Syria and like Iran. A drawback to the fight against ISIS, he

warns that when ISIS vanishes, Iran steps in and Netanyahu clearly looking to ranch it up, and Iran rhetoric, but Russia effectively on the same side

as Iran. In Syria and Iranian back groups providing the fight against ISIS in Iraq.

[11:45:18] How much for support does he get at this point from the Russians and others?

LIEBERMANN: well I would say that Netanyahu is not looking for support from the Russians because like you pointed out. He knows he's not getting

any. He turn to the Russians because meeting with Washington didn't go so well, he didn't get what he was looking for. He wanted some sort of

guarantee from the Americans that they would keep Iran or Iranian forces away from Israel in Syria. The problem is that America doesn't have that

kind of always have that kind of influence, so he has to go to his only other option there and that when he turns to the Russians essentially

trying to convince them that whatever comes next Iran, is as far away from Israel as possible inside of Syria. He also wants to explain to Russian

president Vladimir Putin, Israel's position on Syria. Israel's redlines we know from Netanyahu that Israel has struck Syria, dozens of times over

recent months and years he wants to make sure that Israel still has the ability to operate over Syria and that requires careful coordination and

cooperation with the Russians notably back in the read house we got from the Russian's and Israelis, it was nothing from President Putin, it was all

Prime Minister Netanyahu, expressing Israel's position.

ANDERSON: Providing you some connective tissue across was a myriad story is a region that is so important. Oren on your side thank you. Jared

Kushner and James Mattis is not the only high level Trump officials out on the diplomatic road. The U.S. ambassador to the United Nation Nikki Haley

is in Vienna, meeting members of the International Atomic Energy Agency there to review Iran's nuclear compliance. Now this is amazing that Iran

called futile and pointless. CNN's Nic Robertson is there and he joins us live, clearly not futile or pointless to Nikki Haley?

NIC ROBERTSON, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CNN CORRESPONDENT: She has been in position board six months or so now this is our first visit here it's a

transfer her to speak with the director general here about the way that the monitoring verification process is going of course the IAEA is the

organization international political watchdog if you will that oversees the JCP away that was a nuclear deal made with Iran and the IAEA's in charge of

the monitoring and verification of six nations along with Iran that signed up to this. Really are the ones are determined whether or not Iran is in

compliance about Nikki Haley was doing was coming here for that first meeting with the director general to tell him you know she praise the

professionalism of the organization, but she was very clear as well in her messenger -- in her meeting that she wants to make sure that Iran strictly

adheres to his obligations and she affirmed that the meeting as well with Armando that the United States will give the IAEA or will make sure that

the IAEA has the resources for robust, what was described as robust you know measures between shorts Iran's compliance is a strong message of

support the IAEA, but also the same time that President Trump has been very critical of the JCP away and Haley here will be getting the firsthand look

at some the labs as well.

And of course because if you say Iran is pushing back on this. Foreign Ministry spokesperson there just yesterday describing this is potentially

an attempt to subvert potentially undermine the JCP away. This is how he put it.


TRANSLATOR: The U.S. government or its representatives have meetings with the International Atomic Energy Agency that a lot of them are positive to

weaken a nuclear deal or if they want to create problems for the nuclear deal than that is a futile and pointless efforts.


ROBERTSON: So Iran clearly has concerns about what Nikki Haley was doing here about this perhaps one of many, many more similar meetings that she

may be having here as U.S. representatives may be having here. They will as she says are paying close attention to Iran's adherence to his


ANDERSON: All right why is that cross -- possible for or a very frosty relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Iranians news agency reporting

that the countries will exchange diplomatic visit soon. Now this comes after this two men, Iran's Jaffid Saris and Saudi Arabia (inaudible)

exchange a handshake a few weeks ago. The two rivals set the diplomatic ties last year, our viewers could be confuse by the fact that it was only

early this year that Donald Trump was in Riyadh and Saudi with seemingly strengthening its rhetoric against Iran. Do we still have Nic? Not sure

we do. We do, we do, Nic how significant would that be?

[11:50:39] ROBERTSON: It would be very I think that was settled nerves in the regional that cause a lot of concern about the way the Saudi views what

it sees as Iran's growing desire to expand its influence in the region in particular Syria to the fact that you perhaps have this exchange whereby

the Saudis who send a representative to Tehran to look at their embassy was -- was damaged by fire when a crowd broken that last year for the Iranians

to go to Saudi as well that will double that would build confidence in the region of the two nations and perhaps trying to engage a level and take

down the temperature at some of the rhetoric of the relations of recent months. I think we had a hint of that as well, a handshake between

(inaudible) and (inaudible). The Iranian foreign minister that you also had crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman just recently within the past couple

of weeks meeting where the other very important Shia cleric trained in Iran and outsider from Baghdad. So clear reaching across the sectarian Sunni

Shia divide and I think you know across the region that will be warmly received, see where it goes from here there is certainly the scope of the

potential for the rhetoric to ranch it up again over any tension that may arise. Speaking, this will be welcomed.

ANDERSON: You have been across the world a sprint in this past 45 minutes and so we will be taking a break, short break, back after this.


[11:55:00]ANDERSON: If you are a regular viewer, you will know that we have been coming to you from this scene from Paris bureau for CNN's the

past couple days and this is the rooftop is a little like no other, I wanted to show you just how beautiful the working conditions can be when

you've got an environment like this, a company provide rooftop gardens for establishment, not just here but around the world. Look at this, you got

strawberry, you got tomatoes, and you got the breeze passing around, an incredible environment that I just saw. I share with you the beautiful day

here in Paris. I hope you have enjoyed the show, we are out of here that is the end of our broadcasting from here. We will see you in a regular

location soon, but for me Becky Anderson and the entire team working with me here in Paris and with those working around the world. I will leave you

this iconic show.