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Las Vegas Massacre; Trump's White House; Russia Investigation; Developing Story; Rohingya Refugee Crisis; Catalonia Expected to Declare Independence; Theresa May Struggles in Party Keynote Speech; Google Takes on Competitors With New Gadgets. Aired 8-9a ET

Aired October 05, 2017 - 08:00   ET



KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN NEWS STREAM SHOW HOST: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong and welcome to "News Stream."

Investigators want to know what the the man who carried out the Las Vegas massacre had helped.

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump visited Las Vegas but much of the spotlight was on more controversy inside his administration back in


Tension run high in Catalonia as the region could declare independence from Spain within days.

Did he act alone or could there have been an accomplice and that's one of many questions investigators are asking as more details emerge about the

gunman behind the Las Vegas massacre. Jean Casarez brings us the latest but a warning, some of the images in this report are disturbing.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Get down! Get down!

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A hail of bullets sending concert goers running for their lives in this chilling new video.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Run! Don't walk!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Run! Go! Go! Everybody go!


CASAREZ (voice-over): Rapid fire starting and stopping as the minutes go by.



CASAREZ (voice-over): A traffic systems technician heard directing thousands of frantic people to safety.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Keep your head down, run this way.

CASAREZ (voice-over): As investigators work to find out what trigger this heinous attack, new details continue to emerge about the killer's elaborate

plan. Authorities now looking into what happened last October that led the killer to begin stockpiling 33 firearms within the last year. Police also

discovering 50 pounds of explosives and 1,600 rounds of ammunition in the killer's car parked in the hotel's valet.

JOSEPH LOMBARDO, SHERIFF, LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE: We looked at the weapon obtaining the different amounts of Tannerite available. Do you

think this was all accomplished on his own? It would be hard for me to believe that.

CASAREZ (voice-over): Investigators also confirming that the killer rented a room at this condo building in downtown Las Vegas, across from a

different and much larger music festival the weekend before he opened fire at the Route 91 country music festival.



CASAREZ (voice-over): Investigators saying new evidence suggests the killer planned to escape and had blocked off the stairway near his hotel room.

Authorities releasing a more detailed timeline of how the carnage unfolded. The suspect fired the first shot at 10:05 and continued firing for 10

minutes. The gunshot stopping at 10:15.

During this time, an unarmed hotel security guard approached the room where the killer had set up cameras to see any approaching threats. The killer

firing more than 200 rounds into the hallway at the security guard, wounding him in the leg. A door riddled with bullet holes.

Twelve minutes after the shooting began, the first police officers arrived on the 32nd floor, finding the wounded guard and calling for backup before

clearing the surrounding hotel rooms.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): We have the hallway contained where the shots were fired.

CASAREZ (voice-over): After the SWAT team arrived, the first breach of the hotel room was made at 11:20, an hour and 15 minutes after the first shots

were fired. Police found the killer who they took his own life, dead on the floor surrounded by his arsenal and bullet casings.

The shooter's girlfriend, Marilou Danley, breaking her silence after being interviewed by the FBI. Her lawyer read a statement on her behalf.

MATT LOMBARD, ATTORNEY FOR MARILOU DANLEY: He never said anything to me or took any action that I was aware of, that I understood in any way to be a

warning that something horrible like this was going to happen.


LU STOUT: And so so many question left unanswered. That was CNN's Jean Casarez reporting.

The U.S. president and the first lady traveled to Las Vegas on Wednesday to meet with the survivors, doctor, and nurses. But during his visit, Mr.

Trump also had to address the scandal back in Washington. Joe Johns has more.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We know that your sorrow feels endless. We stand together to help you carry your pain.

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): President Trump paying an emotional visit to survivors and medical workers in Las

Vegas Wednesday, praising first responders while avoiding any talk of gun control.

[08:05:00] TRUMP: Americans defied death and hatred with love and with courage.

JOHNS (voice-over): The White House press secretary posting this video of a survivor shot in the leg standing to greet the president and first lady.

President Trump thrust into consoling victims of another tragedy as his administration tried to dispel new reports of infighting in the White


NBC News reporting Tuesday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called the president a moron after a Pentagon meeting back in July. Tillerson blasting

the report during a hastily called press conference while the president was flying to Las Vegas, but sidestepping the question when asked directly.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Could you address the main headline of this story that you called the president a moron, and if not, where do you think

these reports are --

REX TILLERSON, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that.

JOHNS (voice-over): The secretary of state also reaffirming his loyalty to the president, heaping praise on Mr. Trump during remarks that at times

appear designed for an audience of one.

TILLERSON: He's smart. He loves his country. He puts Americans and America first.

JOHNS (voice-over): The president publicly dismissing the report and affirming his support for Tillerson.

TRUMP: Total confidence in Rex. I have total confidence.

JOHNS (voice-over): But two sources tell CNN the president already knew that Tillerson had called him a moron, but is wary of another high-profile

departure from his administration. The simmering tensions between Tillerson and Trump on display after Trump undercut Tillerson's diplomatic

message on North Korea this past weekend. Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker offering this stinging assessment of the president.

SEN. BOB CORKER (R), TENNESSEE: Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mattis, and Chief of Staff Kelly are those people that help separate our country from



LU STOUT: There's so much in pack in that report. A great wrap-up there from CNN's Joe Johns.

Now, the U.S. congressional probe into Russian meddling in the U.S. election is looking at the use of social media. Both Facebook and Twitter

have agreed to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee next month.

Multiple sources say that there is evidence Russian used Facebook ads to target two states critical to President Trump's victory. The intel

committee's chief says that they continue to look for any hint of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Senior congressional correspondent Manu Raju joins me now live from Washington. Manu, welcome to the program. As you know, President Trump, he

is up this morning, he's already tweeting and slamming the Capitol Hill investigation. And you asked Committee Chair Richard Burr about whether

Donald Trump is right, whether this is all a hoax. How did he respond?

MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's right. He actually did not agree with the president. He said that is still an open

question about whether or not there was collusion between Trump associates and the Russians during the election. When I said directly, is this a hoax,

as the president said? He said this is something we're still looking into.

This is investigation. It is really wide ranging, expanding at this point, looking at not just whether or not there were any Trump associates who

improperly coordinated with the Russians, but also the extent to which social media may have had impact as well.

Facebook, these Facebook advertisements that have now been turned over to the congressional committee, some of these linked to Russia, roughly 3,000

of these ads, and some of these ads appearing in key swing states including Wisconsin, Michigan, two two states the president ultimately won by the

narrowest of margins.

The question for investigators is whether or not any of these advertisements or anything else in this matter that Russia did to try to

stoke division in this country, to try to push Donald Trump presumably to victory, whether or not they got any help from anybody in the Trump


That's something that the committee said very clearly they're still looking into, will be part of the investigation going forward. Kristie, this

probably one of the reasons why the president is up tweeting this morning criticizing the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation because he's

going into an area that he has long said was no -- there's no reason to investigate, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yes. As you mentioned, the next area of investigation will be focusing on social media next month. We know Twitter along with Facebook

will testify before the panel about Russian ads on Facebook in particular. Committee leaders say the ads will have to be released publicly by

Facebook, but is Facebook going to do it?

RAJU: It doesn't seem that way. I put that question directly to senior officials at Facebook after that press conference yesterday, and they

directed me to a statement that Facebook put out after they had given those advertisements to the senate and house intelligence committees and the

senate judiciary committee. They said in that statement that they wanted to protect user information while --

[08:10:00] despite their decision to provide it to congress. That meant reading between the lines that providing this publicly could compromise

user information. So, that's one reason why they do not plan at this point to put these out publicly.

But I can tell you, Kristie, there's a lot of pressure on Facebook to come forward. Members of both party say it's time for them to release these ads

to the public as a good sense of what Russians try to do during the election.

But some of the members in the committee said they can't release it because of their own committee rules. They do not allow them to put out something

that was given to the committee in a classified setting. So, we'll see what Facebook decides to do, but pressure almost certainly going to ramp up.

LU STOUT: Yes, absolutely. And the timeline for this senate investigation? You know, committee leaders, you saw them yesterday, they brought out the

charts showing the hundreds of interview hours logged, the thousands of transcript pages, et cetera. A lot of evidence. How long is this going to


RAJU: Well, that's a great question. It seems that it is probably going to spill into next year. I can tell you that the Republicans are under a lot

of pressure particularly from Trump supporters to try to wrap this up this year. Senator Burr has said that his aspirational goal is to get this

done by the end of this year.

But that Republican chairman of the committee also said that there's a lot more they have to go through. A lot more leads that come up, the more that

they investigate. And now his goal is to get this done before the primary season, before the next year -- before the congressional midterm election

next November.

He wants to have it done in the spring time or so, the early spring. That is still pretty ambitious. Expect this to go well into next year. We will

see if they can get it done by the end of next year because there's so much more that they plan to investigate here, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Still some time yet. This again is just one of many panels looking into Russia meddling into the election. Manu Raju, we'll have to

leave it at that. As always, thank you. Take care. We'll talk again soon.

RAJU: Thank you.

LU STOUT: Now, U.S.-backed Iraqi forces. They have retaken one of the last major ISIS strongholds in Iraq. The military says that they now have

control of the city center in Hawija after a nearly two-week battle. This is a significant victory for Baghdad, but the fighting is still going on in

other parts of the town.

The U.N. says up to 78,000 civilians could be trapped by ISIS in the northern Iraqi city. Three U.S. special ops members and five Nigerian

soldiers were killed while on patrol in southwest Nigeria. Two other U.S. Green Berets were wounded in the ambush.

The U.S. military has maintained the small presence in the northwest African country, advising local forces as they battle the terrorist group

Boko Haram as also branch of Al Qaeda. CNN's David McKenzie joins us now live from (INAUDIBLE) with more on the story. David, this was a deadly

attack on U.S. troops at (INAUDIBLE) border. What have you learned? How did this all enfold?

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We can bring you some new information on the story, Kristie, that a U.S. defense official says that

there is "ongoing partnered operation" in the area to locate those who conducted the attack on U.S. and Nigerian forces. So it appears into

Thursday we're having an operation from the U.S. and its partners to try and locate and counterattack it would seem those who are responsible for

this initial what appears to be an ambush.

The U.S.-African command saying that this was an operation to assist the Nigerians in a counter-terror operation on that volatile border between

Nigeria and Mali when they came under attack. As you said, three U.S. service members, Green Berets, killed in action. According to a Nigerian

official, five of their forces killed and two American servicemen are now recuperating in Germany and their condition is said to be stable.

This area has seen attacks like this in the past. These two that I know of that earlier this year against Nigerian forces, there is a small contingent

of special operations forces, Americans, in the country but a much larger contingent dealing with a drone base that in fact is moving from the

capital (INAUDIBLE) as we speak. It's a major move by the American military to use Niger as kind of a ground of operations for that region in

(INAUDIBLE). Kristie?

LU STOUT: And so there is a reason why there is this U.S. military operation base there. So what impact will this attack have on efforts to

battle active terror groups in the region?

MCKENZIE: Well, certainly the American command seems to be committed to Niger as the

[08:15:00] host country of these bases to try and take on these desperate groups. They're both Islamic state-affiliated groups and Al Qaeda-

affiliated groups operating in these porous borders between Niger-Burkina Faso, Niger-Mali and other countries in that region. In recent months and

years, we've seen almost a re-grouping of those organizations, particularly because of the collapse of the government in Libya.

So, it's a very real threat to those countries and to western interests in those countries and that is why the French, Germans, and now the Americans

are placing a lot of emphasis on their military and intelligence operations in that part of Africa. Kristie?

LU STOUT: Yes, absolutely. As you report, just in, terror groups are regaining strength and regrouping there in the region. David McKenzie

reporting live for us, thank you.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the de facto leader of Myanmar, has fallen a step farther from grace. The city of Oxford, England is stripping her of the freedom of

Oxford Human Rights Award. Suu Kyi has recently come under fire for dismissing claims of violence against Rohingya Muslims.

About half a million Rohingya left for neighboring Bangladesh to escape a military crackdown. The United Nations accused (ph) Myanmar of ethnic

cleansing. But the government says it is only fighting Rohingya militants. Suu Kyi was given the award in 1997 for her struggle for democracy and for

her ties to the city where she studied.

You're watching "News Stream." Still to come, Spain's highest court is jumping into the fight over Catalonia's controversial referendum. Why a

judge has summoned the Catalan police chief, next.

Google takes on the competition with a new range of gadgets for the holiday shopping season.


LU STOUT: Coming to you live from Hong Kong. Welcome back. This is "News Stream."

Police have arrested Brazilian Olympic Committee President Carlos Nuzman on charges of corruption. That is according to Brazil state-run news agency.

Nuzman was allegedly involved in buying jurors' votes during Rio's bid to host the 2016 Olympic games.

The general director of operations for the organizing committee, Leonardo Gryner, was also arrested. Both men are being indicted for corruption,

money laundering, and organized crime.

A Spanish high court judge has summoned the Catalan police chief to appear on charges of sedition. Spanish authorities say it's all in connection with

the event leading up to Sunday's referendum. The president of Catalonia is expected to declare independence on Monday. And he lashed out at the king

of Spain who called the vote illegal and disloyal.


CARLES PUIGDEMONT, PRESIDENT OF CATALONIA (through translator): I want to address the kind directly in the language that I know he understands and

speaks. This is not the way. With your decision yesterday,

[08:20:00] you disappointed many people who appreciate you and who have helped you in difficult moments. These people expected a different tone and

a call for dialogue and agreement.


LU STOUT: Now, for more on the war of words, what could be the next step for both sides? Erin McLaughlin joins us now live from Barcelona. Erin, as

just reported, Catalonia is expected to declare independence on Monday. How is Madrid responding to that?

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, not well, Kristie. We heard earlier today from Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, he gave

an interview to Spanish media and the first time that we heard from him since Sunday's referendum in which he reiterated his call to the government

of Catalonia to stop their push for independence, saying that it will only make the situation worse.

That interview building on what we heard from Spanish government last night in which they accused the Catalan president of being on the path towards

radicalization. So, we're hearing heated rhetoric which is really highlighting just how emotional the situation has become, how polarized the

sides remain, and there's seemingly no solution in sight.

Now, the Catalan government has been calling for a negotiation. They want a third party mediator involved though Madrid so far rejecting the idea of a

third party mediator, wanting the Catalan government to adhere to the laws of Spain. We do expect some sort of declaration of independence

following the parliament session on Monday. If and when that happens, the focus will very much be on how Madrid will respond then, really no one

knowing what would happen next at that point, Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yes. The tension is rising. This is all leading to some sort of a showdown. What do ordinary Catalans make of it all and do they want

independence? Do they believe that it will really happen?

MCLAUGHLIN: You know, it's interesting, Kristie. When you look at the results of the referendum on Sunday, there was about a 40 percent turnout,

around 90 percent voted in favor of independence. Of course, there were voter irregularities, reports of voter irregularities, reports of people

voting multiple times. Also, if you were against independence, you certainly were not going to turn up at that referendum to actually vote.

There was a poll taken in July which actually showed the majority of people in this region do not support independence, but they did want the right to

vote. So, it's really unclear at this point how people here feel. What is clear is that this is making the division that exists within Spain that

much more worse.

People are becoming polarized. CNN was at a protest demonstration last night against independence, talking to people there. They were expressing

their fear at the backlash of voicing their views. It gives you a sense of the emotion running through this region and the country right now. Kristie?

LU STOUT: Erin McLaughlin reporting live for us from Barcelona. Thank you, Erin.

It has been uphill battle for Theresa May ever since she lost the majority in the last election, but things didn't really get better during her

keynote speech at the Conservative Party Conference. The British prime minister not only had to deal with an expected interruption, even parts of

the venue behind her started to fall apart. Max Foster has more on May's bad day.


MAX FOSTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): With her job as prime minister under pressure, and the government still reeling from a bruising election

campaign, Theresa May came prepared with a mea culpa.

THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: I hold my hands up for that. I take responsibility. I led the campaign and I am sorry.


FOSTER (voice-over): And a heavy dose of self-deprecation.

MAY: I don't mind being called things like the ice maiden.

FOSTER (voice-over): Her speech was meant to be a turning point silencing her critics and resetting the government's agenda. But it was soon up stage

by an intruder in a breach of security. The man was able to reach the prime minister's lectern handing her a P-45 unemployment notice.

While he was being led out of the conservative party conference, Prime Minister May tried to get back on message.

MAY: I was -- I was about to talk about somebody I'd like to give a P-45 too, and that's Jeremy Corbyn.


FOSTER (voice-over): But soon it was her voice that gave way.

MAY: Our economy is back on track. Why we will met -- excuse me.

FOSTER (voice-over): Led by the U.K. cabinet, the crowd rose to its feet to give her time to recover.

MAY: Thank you.

FOSTER (voice-over): The chancellor handing the prime minister a throat lozenge.

[08:25:00] MAY: I hope you notice that, ladies and gentlemen. The chancellor giving something away free.


FOSTER (voice-over): Despite several rounds of talks in Brussels, there's a growing sense of frustration at the slow pace of resolving differences

between the two sides.

MAY: I believe it is profoundly in all our interests for the negotiations to succeed. But I know that some are worried whether we are prepared in the

event that they do not. It is our responsibility as a government to prepare for every eventuality. And let me reassure everyone in this hall that is

exactly what we are doing.

FOSTER (voice-over): And the reassurance too. She wants E.U. citizens already living in the U.K. to stay.

MAY: That we value the contribution you make to the life of our country. You are welcome here.

FOSTER (voice-over): In politics, though, imagery can be everything. Nearly an hour into her speech, the sign behind her head began falling apart. One

letter at a time. For a prime minister with her back up against the wall, some might see it as metaphor for her leadership.

Max Foster, CNN, Manchester.


LU STOUT: OK. Now, these right here, these are the new products that Google is hoping to tempt consumers with this holiday season. It unveil two new

flagship phones, Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 Excel. Google is taking a page out of Apple's book. It is getting rid of the headphone jack but what's really

special is the Pixel's camera can tap into Google AI assistant. You can point the camera on something and your phone will give you information

about that object. For example, if you point it at a dog, the phone will let you know what species it is.

Now, another Google's new product also uses AI, the Pixel Buds. These wireless headphones can translate 40 languages in close to real-time. Some

have pointed out that the Pixel Buds are Google's direct take on Apple's AirPods. In fact, many of Google's new products are aim at its rivals.

Google's tiny home speaker, the Google Home Mini, is an answer to Amazon's Echo Dot mini speaker. And the new Google Pixelbook laptop, it can fold

back to act like a tablet (INAUDIBLE) on Microsoft's Surface Pro.

Following the mass shooting in Las Vegas, the debate on gun control is once again in the national spotlight. After the break, we'll take a look at how

the killer was able to build up his massive arsenal weapons without raising suspicion.


[08:30:00] LU STOUT: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong. You're watching "News Stream." These are your world headlines. Authorities say the gunman

in the Las Vegas had planned to escape after the shooting.


[08:30:00] KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong. You're watching News Stream and these are your world headlines.


LU STOUT: Authorities say the gunman in the Las Vegas massacre had planned to escape after the shooting, but instead, she left a note and then killed


Fifty-eight people were killed annually 500 wounded when Stephen Paddock rained bullets on a concert crowd. Authorities say he spent decades of

acquiring the weapons.

The chair of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee says the group is looking for any hint of collusion between Donald Trump's 2006 election

campaign and Russia. The committee is coming to documents and conducting interviews next month. Facebook and Twitter will testify before the panel

of over use of social media in elections.

Spanish High Court judge has order Catalonia's police chief to appear in court to answer charges of sedition. Supreme says it's connected to what

happened in the lead after Catalonia's independence referendum.

The Catalan president is expected to declare a split from Spain on Monday. And the 2017 Nobel Prize in literature is being awarded to author, Kazuo

Ishiguro. The 62-year-old has written eight books, as well as film and T.V. scripts. The 1980s, arguably his most famous book, Remains of the Day

was made into a noted film.


LU STOUT: Now more now on the Las Vegas massacre, 47 guns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and that's what police have found so far from the

gunman's hotel room, his car and homes. But does he acquire all of that without setting up any alarm bells. Jessica Schneider explains.


JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Law enforcement sources say Stephen Paddock amassed 33 guns just in the past year.

Many of those 33 may have been stockpiled inside his Mandalay Bay hotel suite where he orchestrated a shooting massacre. The spray of bullets

lasted nine to 11 minutes, killing 58 country music concertgoers. Inside the suite, investigators counted 23 weapons.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is still being determined which firearms were used in the shooting.

SCHNEIDER: Twelve of the weapons inside Paddock's room were equipped with bump fire stocks, a device demonstrated in this YouTube video. It allows

the weapon to fire in rapid succession simulating fully automatic fire. A bump fire stock is legal and easy to obtain.

SAM RABADI, FORMER SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, ATF: Very easy. It can be purchased directly from the company or in different online sales from a

number of vendors.

SCHNEIDER: Investigators have uncovered 47 firearms so far, 23 from inside Paddock's hotel room and another 24 from his homes in Mesquite and Verdi,


Law enforcement sources say Paddock has been accumulating his collection of weapons for the past 20 years. The sales apparently never raised any red

flags since Paddock had no criminal history. And out west, the possession of large quantities of firearms by hunters and collectors isn't uncommon.

RABADI: There are states in the country where there's a lot of hunting that goes on and outdoor activities. There are also areas where you have a

higher population of collectors. So the purchase of that many firearms, in and of itself, would not necessarily be an indicator for us.

SCHNEIDER: Rabadi estimates Paddock's arsenal cost tens of thousands of dollars, with some weapons costing $2,000 to $4,000 each. Paddock

purchased his guns in four separate states, Nevada, Utah, California, and Texas, according to the ATF, frequenting shops in Nevada.

He bought several long guns at Cabela's in Verdi, according to a law enforcement source. In Las Vegas, he bought a shotgun and a rifle from the

New Frontier gun shop, and two rifles and one handgun from Discount Firearms & Ammo in November and December of 2016.

In Mesquite, Paddock purchased a handgun and two rifles from Guns & Guitars within the past year. And the owner of Dixie GunWorx in St. George, Utah

sold Paddock a shotgun.

CHRIS MICHEL, OWNER, DIXIE GUNWORX: He passed all of our background checks here in the store. He passed every red flag that could have popped up.

But it's still -- it's still there. It's still something that I'm still going, what else could I have done better.

SCHNEIDER: There is no national registry of firearm ownership in the United States. So even though Paddock acquired 33 guns in the span of one

year, since they were from different locations and he presumably passed background checks, no red flags were ever raised, enabling Paddock to carry

out his horrific attack. Jessica Schneider, CNN, Washington.


LU STOUT: Now the Las Vegas mass shooting is the deadliest in modern U.S. history, but over the years even with the shooting in Sandy Hook,

Connecticut that killed 20 children.

There has been little change in the U.S. gun law. But Representative John Lewis says leaders must now take action. He spoke with our Christiane



CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What do you make then of these talking points that have been issued by the White House.

[08:35:00] And probably they are issued every time there is something like this recede the parade of Congress, Congressional leaders saying now is not

the time. I read one of those talking points and here is another one.

Let's be says the White House. New laws won't stop a madman committed to harming innocent people. They will just curtail the freedom of law abiding

citizens. I mean, how do you argue with that logic?

REP. JOHN LEWIS (D), GEORGIA: Well, we don't need more talking points. We don't need more people sit and die, and getting bombed down in the

paralysis of analysis.

We need to act and the Congress, their leadership, the majority should bring a vote to the floor of the House and to the Senate to deal with gun

violence and will pass it.

AMANPOUR: Let me just ask you, you know that there is a measure about enabling these silencers. Do you think in the aftermath of Las Vegas that

that is going to get pass?

LEWIS: But as some discussion about delay in it right now, it was supposed to be on the calendar this week but I think it would be a great debate all

across our country and not just in the floor of the House or the floor of the Senate.

AMANPOUR: Let me just remind you know our viewers and everybody of again - - you know, you talk about the paralysis of analysis but what about the paralysis of -- of the political leadership in Congress. This is what the

Senate majority leader said again in response to you all calling for legislation.

LEWIS: I think it's particularly inappropriate to politicize an event like this. It just happened in last day and a half, entirely premature to be

discussing about legislative solution defending.

AMANPOUR: Congressman, how do you tell people that it's not about politicizing an issue, it is about trying to enact some safety, some equal

protection for people as they are for guns?

LEWIS: Well, then let's use common sense. The time is now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, the thing laws of hundreds and thousand of

people. We have to act. We have to do something. What is this all about?

We came hear as I said earlier today, to be head likes and not tail like, to be leaders. But you see something that is not right, not fair and not

just -- we have to do something. We have to act. That's what they did during the height of civil rights movement.


LU STOUT: Now is not the time for talking points. Now is the time foe action and that was lawmaker and Civil Rights Leader John Lewis speaking to

Christiane Amanpour about the need to take action on gun violence. We have more News Stream after this short break.


LU STOUT: The series Nobel Prize in literature goes to the English author, Kazuo Ishiguro.


LU STOUT: The 62-year-old has written eight books, as well as scripts for film and television. Perhaps his most renounced novel, The Remains of the

Day, that was turned into film in the 1980s.

So the committee says he is most associated with themes involving memory, time and self-delusion.

[08:40:00] His latest novel is called, The Buried Giant explores how memory relates to oblivion, history to the present and fantasy to reality.


LU STOUT: Now, while surveying the very real damage in Puerto Rico, the U.S. President Donald Trump visit with survivors and help distribute

supplies but one moment, got some laughing and others crying foul. Jeanne Moos has more.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is how not to distribute aid especially if -- unlike paper towels, you're not very absorbent when it

comes to criticism.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, the goof ball is at it again.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Acting like, you know, Steph Curry shooting paper towels to people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does he really think like the paper towels are to sop up the flood?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look at that. I'm having fun. This one was a three- pointer.

MOOS: Twitter was brutal. Here Puerto Rico have a paper towels the caption above photos of devastation. This isn't a giveaway. You're not

Oprah, tweeted someone else. Our president is basically a t-shirt cannon, wrote a senior editor from Cosmo.

Conservative David Frum tweeted, as if dispensing dog treats to pets. President Trump's towel tossing was compared to other presidents hugging

disaster victims.

But at least when the president jokingly threatened to lob a can of chicken, the crowd laughingly said no. They seemed to be enjoying things

amid the bounty of criticism, Trump supporters came to the president's defense.

Trump just tried to make people laugh for a few minutes and he gets nothing but grief, commented one. Wrote another, oh geez, first they whine he's

not in Puerto Rico. Now they're pissed he's helping out. The president handed out other items normally and lobbed only six rolls of towels on

camera but that's the part that sticks.

JIMMY KIMMEL, TV HOST: He really puts the ass in compassion, doesn't he?

MOOS: The president found himself compared to Marie Antoinette.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let them eat paper towels.

MOOS: The next time President Trump gets the urge to toss maybe be better stick to his make America including Puerto Rico great again hats, as former

Democratic Congressman John Dingell tweeted, heck of a job, Brawny. Jeanne Moss, CNN, New York.


LU STOUT: That is the U.S. president and that is News Stream. I'm Kristie Lu Stout but don't go anywhere, World Sport with Christina Macfarlane is
