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Hala Gorani Tonight

Trump Blasts Republican Senator Bob Corker; Democrats Criticize Trump's Immigration Proposal; U.K. Prime Minister Lays Out Progress On E.U. Talks; Top Hollywood Exec Harvey Weinstein Fired; CNN Obtains Vegas Killer's 2013 Deposition; US And Turkey Suspend Visa Services In Diplomatic Spat; Catalan Leaders Vow To Declare Independence; Stop Child Prostitution In Dominican Republic; Egypt Qualified For First World Cup Since 1990; Trump's Scottish Gold Clubs In The Red; Western Automakers Eye Saudi Women Drivers. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired October 09, 2017 - 15:00   ET





HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Hala Gorani. We are coming to you live from CNN London. Welcome to the program. This


We begin this hour with an extraordinary public feud between the American president, Donald Trump, and one of his own party's foreign policy experts.

After a bitter exchange on Twitter, where else, Republican Senator Bob Corker is now warning that Mr. Trump could set America on the path to World

War III.

The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told the "New York Times," President Trump treats his office like, quote, "a reality show."

Corker accused him of making reckless threats toward other nations and said nearly every Republican senator shares his concerns.

President Trump hasn't directly addressed Corker today, but he is defending his policies where else on Twitter including his tough line on North Korea.

Two White House sources tell CNN they expect Mr. Trump to keep this fight alive saying he isn't finished with Corker just yet.

Let's bring in CNN White House reporter, Stephen Collinson. We are also joined by CNN political commentator, David Swerdlick. He's an assistant

editor at the "Washington Post."

So, Stephen Collinson, let's start with you. So, this Corker-Trump feud is incredible to the outside world because it's a Republican president picking

fights, sustaining fights with a Republican senator and he needs Congress to pass vital legislation that he's promised on the campaign trail. What

is he doing?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: That's right. I mean, this is the most high-ranking Republican elected official to rebuke Donald Trump

since he became president. It's been stewing for a long time. Corker started off actually being a potential secretary of state for Donald Trump.

But he's slowly been getting more and more critical of the president's behavior and as you say, it's extraordinary to hear anybody speak about a

president in these terms suggesting that the security of the world might be at risk let alone a Republican.

There is some context here, though, Bob Corker, has recently announced his retirement. He's not going to run again in the midterm elections in 2018.

That gives him a lot of freedom to say what a lot of other Republicans are saying quietly behind closed doors about the president.

You know, this is in many ways a fight that the president seems to want. It's the classic Donald Trump --

GORANI: Why does he want it? He needs the Republicans. He can't afford to lose more than a couple each time he tries to push through legislation?

COLLINSON: That's true. He needs Bob Corker's vote potentially on tax reform. He probably is going to end up needing his help if he decertifies

the Iran deal, but Donald Trump's political instincts are to fight the establishment wherever it is as his classic base pleasing strategy. And I

think that's the lens for which he is viewing this.

GORANI: Now, David Swerdlick, what is the strategy here for the U.S. president do you think?

DAVID SWERDLICK, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: So, Hala, I agree with Stephen. President Trump values his role in the public eye as a pugilist,

as someone who is always going to take on the establishment even if the establishment happens to be a well-respected senior senator from his own


And I think that he sees value in that even it may damage his prospects of getting major pieces of legislation like the upcoming fight over tax reform

legislation passed through the Senate especially when we are nearing the end of the year already and there is a limited amount of time for the

president to get members on his side to push this through.

He knows that even though he has relatively low approval ratings, this kind of combative style in public, on Twitter, resonates well with his core

supporters, with those 30 or 35 maybe even 40 percent of people who still like the way he's handled his first year in office.

[15:05:10] GORANI: And David Swerdlick, Doug Suznick (ph) wrote a piece, an editorial on how believes potentially there is a tap for two reelections

for Donald Trump in 2020 by just keeping his base happy. This could be part of that strategy.

SWERDLICK: Well, the White House is practical when it comes to that. I mean, what that piece points out is that just because President Trump has

had what by most accounts has been not a particularly successful year. He's not pushed a major legislation.

His approval ratings, which started on inauguration day at 45 percent are now in the mid to high 30s does not mean that he automatically --

GORANI: But that doesn't budge, that approval rating is not budging, though. It's staying put regardless of what the president does or say. Is

he making that calculation?

SWERDLICK: Yes. There is a ceiling on his approval rating, but there's also a floor and that, you know, we will -- I think it will be easier to

tell when we get through the 2018 midterms what the prospects are for the president for reelection.

But the reality is, is that right now Democrats are not poised united behind one agenda behind one candidate. Look, let's face it, you can't

beat something with nothing, and President Trump was not expected to win in 2016, and he did.

GORANI: Let's talk a little bit about the next big headlines coming out of Washington and that is that that White House is putting forward a quite

long list of conditions that it wants attached to reaching a deal on the Dreamers, those who were brought in illegally as children to the United

States and whose situation could run into some trouble if the executive order signed by President Obama runs out?

This is what Kellyanne Conway, one of the president's advisers, said on another network about this.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, SENIOR ADVISER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'd like to know what Chuck Schumer thinks is reasonable because you almost every day, every week

certainly have somebody on, has lost loved ones because an illegal immigrant has murdered them or killed them.

I've (inaudible) shoulder to shoulder. I've met these families. The president more importantly has acknowledged them and if we would just

enforce the laws that exists, if we would stop providing sanctuary to folks who have been deported and multiple times broken the law. If we would lift

up the American worker, raise their pay --


GORANI: So, Stephen Collinson, once again, this is a Trump narrative conflating immigration with criminality, but they want things like funding

for the wall -- things that would make immigration legislation a lot more stringent and strict in order to come to a deal on the Dreamers. Will it

happen? Democrats don't want this deal.

COLLINSON: Well, the conditions of the White House laid out seemed very likely to (inaudible) any deal with the Democrats on looking after these

undocumented people who were brought to the United States as children and it's putting their fate in a lot of jeopardy.

Now the question is, is this the White House sort of going back to its hardline strategy on immigration that helped Donald Trump get elected with

that base we are talking about or is it the opening bid of a president, who is actually wanting to get a deal and he's sort of laying out a tough

opening bid, which is then willing to retrieve from.

He got a lot of stick for presaging a deal with the Democrats on immigration especially from his right. So, it's possible that what's

really going on here is it's just an opening bid and want to see a negotiation unfold.

The problem is these are very complicated issues. They are going to take months Congress to sort out. We have a six-month plug that's already runs

out early next year with the crash of business in the Senate, budgetary issues, the tax bill.

It's very difficult to see how Congress is going to get this done in time and I think that is one of the most significant issues here as well as all

the politics of swirling around this issue and it's going to make it very difficult.

GORANI: Lastly, David Swerdlick, funding for the wall, why? We were told Mexico is going to pay for it.

SWERDLICK: Yes. It's a promise that the president made over and over. It sounded good to his supporters on the campaign trail. Not only has he not

sort of found a way to move forward with that, but I also think that he's going to have a hard time even getting Democrats or even possibly some

members of his own party on board with this idea of the U.S. government, U.S. taxpayer funding the border wall.

Just going back to what Stephen was saying a moment ago, look there is a scenario where you can imagine that the president could put pressure on

Democrats to reach a compromise with him if he asks for things like E- verify or more border patrol agents.

But once he starts throwing in things like funding for the border wall or for putting all these restrictions on refugee status, on those who are

classified in the DACA program.

[15:10:11] He's making it easy for Democratic leadership, Senator Schumer, Congresswoman Pelosi, to say no, to say the president isn't negotiating

with (inaudible) to walk away and then the president is left right back where he started, trying to get all the votes just from his party to do

anything on immigration.

GORANI: David Swerdlick, Stephen Collinson, as always, thanks very much to you both.

It's been a pretty ugly week for Britain's Theresa May, calamitous party conference speech culminated and members of her own party plotting to get

rid of her. But she has attempted to turn the page speaking today to parliament about that one issue no one could not escape from and that is,

of course, Brexit. She said the ball is in the E.U.'s court.


THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Look forward to the next stage, the ball is in their court, but I'm optimistic it will receive a positive

response because what we are seeking is not just the best possible deals for us, but I believe that will also be the best possible for our European

friends too.

While of course (inaudible) will not always be smooth, by approaching these negotiations in a constructive way in a spirit of friendship and

cooperation and with our sights firmly set on the future, I believe we can prove the doomsayers wrong.


GORANI: Parts of her speech were released before hand so before she spoke the E.U. had this to say on which court the ball is actually in.


MARGARITIS SCHINAS, SPOKESMAN, EUROPEAN COMMISSION: There is a clear sequencing to this (inaudible) and there has been so far no solution found

on step one, which is the divorce proceedings. So, the ball is in entire in the U.K. court for the rest to (inaudible).


GORANI: Let's talk with Robin Niblett, the director of Chatham House. Thanks for being with us, Robin. So, this is her first speech, Theresa

May, since that pretty disastrous party conference address and her first since Florence when she basically made a series of proposals to the E.U.

Has anything changed today?

ROBIN NIBLETT, DIRECTOR, CHATHAM HOUSE: I think a couple of things. One, she had a disastrous time because of the party conference. She's regained

initiative, but to be frank, many people thought (inaudible) prime minister to deal with Brexit not just to try to remake the country and by focusing

on what people expected to deliver which is Brexit. I think she's back in a safer space.

The second thing, the government is being steadily since the summer showing it is doing some works so alongside the speech, two papers were released.

One on the future trading approach that the British government will take. The other one what kind of customs union arrangement they want to have with

the E.U.

So, they are trying to put the ball back in E.U.'s court and in the end, the British government is not going to give numbers on the divorce right

now. They are going to save the ultimate numbers at the end by having an implementation period. They're implying 20 billion as a starting amount of

numbers on the table, 20 billion euros.

And they made some concessions with the European Court of Justice on supervising E.U. citizens' rights in the U.K. In the end, I think the E.U.

stuck itself in a slight problem because they've said you've got to fix Ireland first.

You can't fix the relation with Northern Ireland unless you work out what the future trading relationship is with the U.K.

GORANI: But I think people are still wondering when you reject the existing models as Theresa May has done, the Canadian model, the Norway

model. We want something that is unique and ambitious, a unique and ambitious partnership. What does that mean?

NIBLETT: I think what it means in essence is the U.K. is doing something that no other country, that knows how to deal which has ever done. It is

not trying to get in. It's not trying to raise its stance to E.U. standards. It's pulling out.

GORANI: Right.

NIBLETT: It never happened before. Trying to keep therefore as much of (inaudible) it has and therefore have a unique relationship of a country

that already has the regulatory systems that are the same that has zero custom tariffs already. So, yes --

GORANI: It's the positive aspect of being a member of the E.U., but then I guess, require control of its borders and its --

NIBLETT: Yes, look in the Florence --

GORANI: -- justice system.

NIBLETT: In the Florence speech, I think the prime minister made an important initial concession. She said we understand you can't have the

same access, benefits, if you don't take the same obligations.

GORANI: Right.

NIBLETT: So, if the U.K. is pulling out of the E.U. Court of Justice supervision and also to various of domestic law, it's not going to have

exactly the same access. But it's saying, let's not pretend we are starting like Canada or do we want to deal of a second class (inaudible) --

GORANI: Is that realistic?

NIBLETT: Is it realistic? We are in a negotiation. So, she's not going to start negotiating from the last position. She'll negotiate from a

stronger position.

GORANI: But what leverage? I mean, I guess, I think -- when I get questions about Brexit, most people ask me what's the leverage of Britain?

That it buys German cars? You have 27 other countries on one side including Germany, the largest economy by far in Europe and then Britain on

its own. What leverage does Britain have? Why would the E.U. make this easy for the U.K.?

NIBLETT: Look, the U.K. -- there's two separate things (inaudible). The E.U. is not going to make easy for the U.K. because it cannot show that a

country could do as well outside as it would have done inside.

So, the E.U. right from the beginning has to make it clear that the U.K. will be somewhat worse off. On the other hand, the E.U. needs money and

with the U.K. pulling out on an 8 billion euro a year net (inaudible) net contributor that's a hole that has to be plugged and it has to be plugged


So, it has some leverage there. In the end, if the U.K. drops out from the cliff edge, there would be a real hit as well to the E.U. economy. There

is some leverage here, security and other areas as well.

GORANI: Robin Niblett, thanks very much. Always a pleasure having you on the program. We appreciate your time this evening.

Now onto something completely different, disgraceful, coercive, and inexcusable, strong words from Hollywood's most celebrated actress, Meryl

Streep. She's speaking out about film producer, Harvey Weinstein.

Reacting to the allegations of sexual harassment he faces, Streep said, she was appalled, quote, "One thing can be clarified. Not everybody knew.

Harvey was exasperating, but respectful with me in our working relationship. I did not know about these other offenses."

In the past 24 hours, Weinstein has been fired from his own company, the one he co-founded. He was one of the most powerful men in the cinema

business. While you may not have heard his name before this story broke, it's likely you've seen at least one of his films.


GORANI: He co-founded Miramax, the studio behind films like "Pulp Fiction" and "Shakespeare In Love."


GORANI: After selling Miramax to Disney, he and his brother started the Weinstein Company. There he produced the "King Speech," "Lion and Jango

and Jane." Twenty of Weinstein's films have been nominated for best picture Oscars, five of them won. Altogether dozens of Oscars went to

Weinstein produced movies.

Let's bring in CNN Money's senior media correspondent, Brian Stelter, in New York and on the west coast is Rebecca Sun, a senior reporter for the

"Hollywood Reporter" and she joins us from Los Angeles.

Rebecca, I want to start with you. Meryl Streep said I want to make one thing clear, not everyone knew about this. We've been reading over the

last few days that it was basically an open secret in Hollywood. Is this something that you'd heard in your reporting before?

REBECCA SUN, SENIOR REPORTER, "THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER": You know, absolutely. You know, I think that Meryl Streep, you know, if you take her

word for it, she occupies a very verified position. It's possible that she herself did not know, but I think any journalist working in Hollywood for a

while and you inevitably come across these stories.

It was something that the "Hollywood Reporter" was trying to break. You know, my colleague, Kim Masters (ph), wrote a column this morning saying

that, you know, this was the big story.

Harvey knew she was chasing him for this, but as long as nobody was willing to go on the record, it was something that no outlet was able to sort of

publish, you know, a sort of a fully pledged expose on this.

GORANI: And Brian, he went on leave, Harvey Weinstein, after the "New York Times" report, and then he was fired over the weekend. What changed?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: There are a couple of factors. First, the idea there are more stories coming. Not just from the

"New York Times," but from the "New Yorker," maybe "The Hollywood Reporter," and Reuters, and other outlets. We were going to hear about

even more women accusing Weinstein of harassment.

I think there were some business factors as well. We were starting to see clients of the Weinstein Company say, I don't want to be associated with

this company as long as Harvey is still there.

Mike Brezinski (ph), for example, the TV host, said, I've got three-book deal with the Weinstein Booking Print. I'm not going to write those books.

I don't want to turn those books if Harvey is still involved. So, there were business considerations as well.

GORANI: Now, Rebecca, there are actresses that have tweeted, been quoted in articles, but is there still -- it seems to me like there are still

reluctance to really come out. Is there may be some concern that speaking out -- and this happens I think with women in other industries as well.

That speaking out will get you branded unless you're extremely powerful and famous yourself like Lina Dunham, for instance, but will get you branded

sort of a troublemaker and that this could hurt your career?

SUN: Sure. I think that that stigma and that fear exists for women, you know, and every industry from Hollywood and even down to, you know, like

college campuses and that sort of thing. I think there are strength in numbers, though, and so what you've seen with, you know, that initial "New

York Times" report coming out and then various -- you know, I think there was the local New York television reporter who shared her story.

[15:20:06] And you know, a young producer who talked about, you know, a friend when she was in her 20s, and so I think that does embolden women who

are in positions of, you know, less power to be able to say, you know what, this is survivable. It's OK. This guy, he's in the throes of being taken

down. I can add my own account to the mix.

GORANI: Right. And we've seen that with other celebrities and very powerful men once a few women come forward then you start hearing other

stories. Brian, "Saturday Night Live" didn't bring this up at all and you know, some conservative pundits and commentators have said, see, look, once

the liberals have their own issues with, you know, a man who's allegedly acted inappropriately in this way, they don't talk about it.

STELTER: You know, I'm not a comedian. I'm not a good (inaudible) comedy, but I think it was troubling that "SNL" didn't bring this up. I think it

was disappointing that "SNL" didn't bring this up.

There have been a lot of stories unfortunately about a lot of powerful men exposed for harassment. We were talking about the head of Fox News, Roger

Ailes, or of course, the Bill Cosby case, the ongoing litigation in the Cosby case.

There are a lot of comments to be had both jokes, but more importantly, social commentary and so as like "SNL" have a powerful platform to do that.

So, I'm sure their answer is we just couldn't think of a funny enough joke that would make everybody laugh.

But come on, guys, and by the way, I think we will hear from the late-night host tonight now that Weinstein has been fired, it may, you know -- it's

something that will come up on the shows.

But it is important for even liberal late-night hosts to weigh on these things. There are a lot of talk about hypocritical Hollywood right now

trying to stay quiet in the wake of the Weinstein allegations. It's not a good look.

GORANI: Right. Well, the investigation did come out in the "New York Times," which is not exactly a, you know --

STELTER: It's what the president calls the failing liberal "New York Times." That's right.

GORANI: Right. Well, they are the ones who broke the story. Thanks so much, Rebecca Sun and Brian Stelter. Appreciate your time this evening.

Still to come, a CNN exclusive, Las Vegas killer, Stephen Paddock described his mind in his own words the odd habits he revealed in a 2013 deposition.

We'll be right back.


GORANI: The Las Vegas mass murderer, Stephen Paddock, called himself anxious and a big gambler. CNN has exclusive access to a document that

gives a look inside the mind of the man who would become a killer. Kyung Lah has our story.


KYUNG LAH, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT voice-over): Before Stephen Paddack unleashed his murderous assault on an innocent concert crowd, he called

himself the biggest video poker player in the world, gambling up to a million dollars in a single night, overnight sleeping during the day.

Prescribed Valium for anxiousness.

[15:25:04] These are Stephen Paddock's own words as he testified in 2013 in his lawsuit against the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas. The suit stems

from this moment. Security cameras catching Paddocks slipping and falling in a casino walkway.

In the 97-page deposition obtained exclusively by CNN, Paddocks testifies about that fall and gives us fresh insight into his mind four years before

the shooting. Paddock moved from Las Vegas casino to casino at one point staying maybe upwards of three weeks out of a month he said.

A high roller, his hotel stays were comped 95 percent of the time. Bets ranged from $100 to $1,350 each time I pushed the button. Speaking on of a

peak year, asked an attorney, how many dollars are we talking?

"I average 14 hours a day, 365 days a year, over 200-million coin threw." Paddock says on a given night he will bet a million dollars. An attorney

replies, that's a lot of money. No, it's not.

Paddock called video poker a game of discipline, at times appearing condescending and sarcastic as he explains to his attorney why he stays

sober while gambling. At the stakes I play, you want to have all your wits about you.

Paddock's home in Mesquite, Nevada suggests an upper middle class retired life. For easy access to a doctor, Paddock testified he paid a yearly

retainer fee to Nevada internist, Dr. Steven Winkler (ph).

Paddock says Winkler prescribed him Valium. Why? It's for anxiousness. Rage, aggressiveness and irritability are among the possible side effects

of taking Valium, according to the manufacturer of the drug.

The "Las Vegas Review Journal" reported that Dr. Winkler prescribed him Valium in June of this year. CNN could not independently confirm that


Despite all the claims about his high rolling ways, Paddock testified on the day he fell in the Cosmopolitan, he wore his typical clothing, "I

always wear black Nike sweat pants that are nylon or polyester."

On his feet, black flip-flops that he wore 98 percent of the time. Life was better before the economic meltdown, he testified, saying Vegas casinos

comped less and less, meaning he visited sin city less.

"What happened to the economy to 2007?" he said, "It tanked. Las Vegas went into the gutter with a lot of other things. They quit giving away

freebies. It just wasn't worth coming out here as often."


LAH: An arbitrator ultimately ruled in the Cosmopolitan Hotel's favor. That's according to two sources. CNN did try to reach out to Dr. Winkler.

He did not respond to our e-mails or our phone calls.

And there is one other thing in the deposition, Paddock was asked a handful of times, do you have any history of mental health illness, anything in the

family history, any addiction issues. He always said no. Kyung Lah, CNN, Las Vegas.

GORANI: Coming up, two NATO allies and one big feud. We'll tell you how an arrest in Istanbul is causing friction between the U.S. and Turkey.

Plus, a potential showdown in Spain as Catalonia standoff with Madrid reaches a tipping point. Stay with us.


GORANI: Two leaders unwilling to back down and one arrest that could affect thousands of travelers in Turkey and the US. If you're an American

and wanting to go to Turkey or vice versa, this will have an impact on you. Potentially, Washington has suspended all non-immigrant visa services for

Turkey after the arrest in Istanbul of an American consulate employee.

Ankara swiftly responded with a tit-for-tat move. The US government worker detained last week is accused of having links to a US-backed cleric, who is

a big opponent of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In the last few hours, Mr. Erdogan has spoken out, calling the US decision saddening.

So, where do the two countries go next. I'm joined by Matthew Bryza. He's a former senior US official covering Turkey and a senior fellow at the

Atlantic Council and he's in Istanbul this evening.

Is this significant what's going on now, this diplomatic date for that, do you think?

MATTHEW BRYZA, NONRESIDENT SENIOR FELLOW, ATLANTIC COUNCIL: It is significant. I mean, in my 23-year diplomatic career, I never imagined

using visas as a political tool or a political weapon.

And the Turkish response actually has been somewhat muted. I mean, it's conventional diplomatic practice to respond in a reciprocal or tit-for-tat


I think President Erdogan signaling subtly he might like to de-escalate. But the underlying tension in US Turkish relations will continue.

GORANI: And who is the individual who was arrested? What do we know about him?

BRYZA: We know he's a Turkish national, Turkish citizen, employee of the US Consulate. There actually was a second person, at least he's being

sought after right now. There's an arrest warrant for him.

So, reports here in Turkey, I mean, I don't have any inside information, but reports in the media suggest one of them worked for the US Drug

Enforcement Agency.

As you just said, they reportedly had all sorts of ties with Fethullah Gulen, the cleric who I think the vast majority of Turks believe really did

mastermind the coup attempt last July.

So, we're in a perverse situation where the Turkish government is saying we believe these people were somehow involved with the coup attempts against

Turkey. And the US government seems to be saying, well, because they worked for us, for our consulate, they're not going to be subjected or

subject to the Turkish legal system. That's a difficult position for the United States to be in.

GORANI: Because as a Turkish national, I guess, Turkey would disagree with that. So, do you think that the US overreacted here?

BRYZA: Well, I think it shows a wrong tactic. I think it doesn't make any sense to punish the people who most want to come to the United States. The

people who get a visa are people the US essentially says we'd like you to come to our country.

Those people, students, family members or tourists have nothing to do with the spat between Turkey and the United States. So, I think it was a

mistake to react in this way by the United States.

And I really hope the US will see that - I think - that Erdogan's trying to de-escalate - President Erdogan - and walk through that slightly open door.

GORANI: Because it's puzzling as well because the US needs Turkey in the Middle East. It needs its air bases. It needs its cooperation inside

Syria among other places. Why act this way now, do you think? What's behind it?

BRYZA: I very much agree. I think that this has the hallmark of a decision taken maybe by more political people than career diplomats.

Again, as I was saying, in my 23-year diplomatic career, the thought of using visas as a political tool never entered my mind. So, it suggests

that maybe someone more politically focused in the White House listened to what Donald Trump said, President Trump said, last - I guess it was on

Saturday when he said, Secretary of State Tillerson, OK, we have a great relationship, but sometimes he's not strong enough.

So, maybe someone, for an ideological reason, decided to be stronger and maybe stepped a little bit too far.

GORANI: I mean, if we have American citizens wanting to visit Turkey, and vice versa, what's the tangible impact of this decision for them?

[15:35:02] BRYZA: Well, people are still trying to figure out what this means. But, theoretically, people who were in the air today, flying from

the United States to Turkey, who would normally get their visas at the airport in Turkey, in Istanbul, would not be allowed into the country. So,

that's very disruptive for individual human beings.

But I think, in the long run, the tangible impact on US-Turkish relations will be marginal if you look at the depth of difficulties and tensions

already on the US-Turkey agenda.

Leading those concerns, as you already mentioned, is that the cleric Fethullah Gulen is in the United States. He has permanent residency

status. The US has not yet decided to extradite him.

And also, of course, in Syria, the United States has chosen to ally with a group that former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said was affiliated

with the PKK terrorist organization. So, to ally with them, and contrary to long-standing US policy that there aren't your terrorists or my

terrorists, a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist.

So, those are very difficult issues to resolve and will sustain tension in the US-Turkey relationship for some time.

GORANI: All right. Really appreciate your analysis this evening, Matthew Bryza. Thanks for joining us live from Istanbul.

The Catalonian government insists it wants to talk, but says Madrid just is not listening. The president of the autonomous region is due to address

the regional parliament Tuesday. And the big question is, will he stand there and declare independence.

Protests such as this one, though, during the weekend are putting pressure on Carles Puigdemont to hold off. The top Catalan official says the

government is willing to listen to an offer for Spain because these are protests in favor of staying unified with the central government.

Political divisions there are deep after Catalonia held a referendum to break away. Madrid is standing firm against independence. And France says

such a move would leave Catalonia isolated.

These were some of the violent scenes that you're seeing there on referendum day.

CNN's international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson joins me live from Barcelona. So, that is the big question. What will the president of the

Catalonia region say tomorrow? Will he just announce independence, secession from the central government?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Sure. I mean, that is a question everyone here is asking themselves undoubtedly. Carles

Puigdemont has been talking about it behind closed doors with a few select trusted colleagues.

He won't want to day his intentions to be leaked out. He's certainly feeling the pressure behind those closed doors and publicly. One of his

coalition partners, CUP, the left-wing, really pro-independence party, they've come out publicly today and said, look, that referendum has given

us a political position, don't squander it by getting into long-term political talks, use this essentially to call for independence.

We've had the socialist party here coming out and saying, don't push for independence, this is not the path forward, we don't want this to happen

here for Catalans. We also heard from the mayor here in Barcelona, who is trying to appeal to all sides here, to talk their way through this.

This is what she said.


ADA COLAU, MAYOR OF BARCELONA (through translator): What we need now are gestures toward dialogue and not escalating facts because it will not

benefit anyone. Now, we need to build bridges, not destroy them.


ROBERTSON: So, she has also appealed this evening to the Prime Minister, Spain's Prime Minister Rajoy not to invoke the sort of strongest laws that

he could, known here as Article 155, which he has essentially indicated he may do if Puigdemont calls for independence.

He has said he will use the full strength of the law to overturn such a decision here. But the mayor is very clearly calling on the prime minister

to back away from that as well.

The feeling here is people really don't know what Puigdemont will say. There's a sense that this is a man who's been committed to independence for

his life, for his political career since he's been president - since he's been Catalan president now for about 18 months.

So, there's a sense that this is a real moment in history for Catalans and for him. The hand of history sitting on his shoulder. It will be his

words tomorrow, Hala.

GORANI: All right. Nic Robertson live in Barcelona. Thanks very much. We'll be watching and waiting tomorrow.

Still to come, the very dark side of paradise. We'll look at one human rights organization is trying to tackle human trafficking in the Dominican


We'll be right back.


[15:42:14] GORANI: It looks like a vacation paradise, but there's also a dark side to the Dominican Republic and it's hiding in plain sight.

Let's turn to The Freedom Project now, our efforts to help end modern-day slavery. In the Dominican Republic, tourists and locals alike prey on

children in the sex trade. CNN's Don Riddell tells us how one charity is helping authorities crackdown.


DON RIDDELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is a classic beach, the Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. It's 85 degrees. We've got sun, sea, sand.

Everybody is having a great time. Everybody seems to be free, except if you look a bit closer, you might see something quite different, something

not quite right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They approach you and offer any kind of woman.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you prefer, they have older ones, they have minors as well.

RIDDELL (voice-over): In a country that attracts more than 5 million tourists every year, there is a very dark side. And it's often hiding in

plain sight.

Up until 2003, the Dominican Republic didn't have any legislation to prevent human trafficking. But passing a law and having the resources to

properly enforce it are two very different things.

So, the NGO, International Justice Mission, arrived to help in 2013 with Fernando Rodriguez heading up the operation.

(on-camera): How would you describe the situation here in the Dominican Republic, if you can give me a broader review of what's going on here.

FERNANDO RODRIQUEZ, FIELD OFFICE DIRECTOR, IJM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: We are looking for cases and confronting cases of children being sold for sex,

children being paid to have sex on purpose by pedophiles, the production of pornography using children.

We have one rescue operation in which we were involved where a mother is now being accused of producing pornography with her 5 and 7-year-old girls.

RIDDELL: When IJM arrived, baseline research revealed that they found examples of minors being sold for sex in 90 percent of the communities that

they look that.

Many experts here say the real problem is poverty. According to the World Bank, a third of all Dominicans live below the poverty line. And it's easy

to spot when you drive away from the all-inclusive vacation resorts.

DAISY NUNEZ, DIRECTOR OF AFTERCARE, IJM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: In our culture, it's very common for teenage girls, especially, to be emancipated

when they're 11, they're 12, 13, 15 years old. So, they're on their own and they're exposed to that kind of crime and they need money to survive.

[15:45:02] RIDDELL (voice-over): One investigator told me that the price for having sex with a minor here is incredibly cheap, as little as 1,000 or

2,000 Dominican pesos. It's unthinkable that you can ruin a life for that, that something so damaging can be acquired for just $20.

It would be very tempting to think that the problem is fueled solely by international tourists and their vacation dollars. But IJM's research has

revealed that it's a cultural problem too. Many of the victims don't even see themselves as victims. Abusers can be locals as well as visitors.

And according to one investigator, the Dominican culture of secrecy only facilitates the trafficking. You can find these cabanas all over the

capital city, motel-like rooms to rent for as little as $10. Tinted car windows conceal your identity on arrival, complete anonymity is guaranteed

during your stay.

Investigators that I spoke with say around half of the victims they rescued were taken to places like these. But despite the scale of the problem and

all the obstacles, there remains real hope.

NUNEZ: We see changes in the government. The government is doing their best with what they have.

RODRIGUEZ: I know, in 2015, the human trafficking department of the national police conducted zero rescues of sex trafficking. And this year,

we've engaged in five rescue operations of sex trafficking with this department. So, it's beginning to change. It's beginning to get

mobilized, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

RIDDELL: Don Riddell, CNN, Dominican Republic.


GORANI: And don't forget to check out our Facebook page for more,

A quick break. When we come back, Donald Trump's Scottish businesses are losing millions and millions of dollars. We have the details next.


GORANI: For some countries, qualifying for the World Cup is just second nature. It's just expected. But, for Egypt, it's a once-in-a-generation

thing. And they were pretty happy about it.


GORANI: You'd think they won the World Cup. That was the feeling in Cairo.

But it wasn't just in the streets. Take a look at this.


[15:50:12] GORANI: Well, that's what it meant to one man who was waiting for a long time to see Egypt qualify or be at the World Cup for the first

time since 1990 after scoring a goal in the very last minute, in the 94th minute, in fact, they scored a goal with a penalty. There you have it.

Speaking of sport, the golfer-in-chief Donald Trump is spending Columbus Day holiday on his private course in Virginia. He is playing with Senator

Lindsey Graham, often a vocal critic of the president.

Mr. Trump's golf courses in Scotland are some of the jewels in his business empire. He calls one resort in Aberdeen his baby.

Well, his Scottish baby is losing Trump a huge amount of money. The losses that his two resorts nearly doubled to $25 million.

Samuel Burke joins me now with more on that. First of all, how big are the losses?

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: They are very big. And you don't have to be a golf or a business expert to know that he is not

hitting a hole in one with these.

Actually, these golf courses are his biggest investment anywhere outside the United States. But I want to just put some numbers on the screen

because if you look closely here, you can see not only are things not getting better for these golf courses, they are actually getting worse.

Losses just at Trump Turnberry Resort, which is in the southwest of Scotland, which I'm sure you're familiar with, Hala, 2015, $11.3 million;

2016, we just got new documents that revealed those losses have ballooned to $23.1 million. So, that's one golf course.

If you combine that with the losses at his other Scottish property, the other Scottish golf course, $25 million total. He is loaned $200 million

to these golf courses already and neither of them have turned a profit. So, the losses are huge and mounting.

GORANI: And why is that?

BURKE: Well, it is funny because I immediately wanted to know, is it because Trump is such a divisive figure especially overseas here in the UK.

And it actually turns out, we did some digging, and the fact that he's a polarizing figure actually has brought some traffic in, brought some people

out. That's anecdotally.

We found out some people were visiting from the South in the United States and wanted to see the golf courses that the president earns.

And we spoke to the manager of one of these golf courses. He said actually foot traffic has been up overall. So, what this really says is the art of

the deal doesn't really look like a good deal here.

A lot of people say, fundamentally, these two businesses are just very weak businesses.

GORANI: Why? Because they cost more, obviously, to operate than they bring in?

BURKE: Exactly.

GORANI: So, it's not that it's Trump who's the owner. And, in fact, what is his relationship with these courses? Is he still the owner of it?

BURKE: That's what's tricky here because you remember these government ethicists had recommended, these experts, before he became president, you

should sell all of your business, they recommended, do as other presidents have done. But he didn't take their advice.

So, he was director of these golf courses, but now he's just the owner, which you wouldn't expect for a US president, but threw a trust.

So, Eric Trump is the director. So, if there's any profit to be had by the end of his term in office, whenever that is, then he will get the profits

then. The problem is there's just no profit to be had right now.

GORANI: There are just losses. So, on this one, he is losing on these businesses.

Samuel, stay with me because I also want to get your thoughts. I know you were recently in Saudi on another story we've been closely following.

Next June, women in Saudi Arabia will be allowed to drive. That was a royal decree a few weeks ago that announced that. And it's a big shift.

It's a big symbolic shift in the conservative kingdom.

And, of course, when you're a business, you can smell a new market when one becomes available and Western carmakers are trying to appeal to a new


Ford shared this picture of a woman's eyes in the rear-view mirror, looking like a sort of like a faith veil there on her.

Volkswagen said it's your turn, take over the driver's seat. You can see a woman holding the wheel with traditional henna tattoos.

Nissan joins the marketing campaign with this picture of a license plate, saying 2018 GRL in Arabic bint, you see it there on the right as well.

You were in Saudi and you spoke to female - were they tech entrepreneurs?

BURKE: Here is what fascinated me in Saudi, is that a lot of these very successful women who had business degrees, wanting to be in business were

kind of pushed out of the oil sector.

It was kind of the old boys' club. And so, they were forced basically to go into the tech sector because there aren't already male CEOs there. It's

not a male-dominated force, create their own companies.

But here I was, trying to interview these women, who have now become very successful, doing all different types of things in tech, and they would

still have to call their driver and say, I'd love to give CNN an interview, but let me call my male driver first and figure out if he can come and pick

me up because we hadn't planned for that.

GORANI: What were their thoughts on the driving thing?

[15:55:05] BURKE: Well, obviously, as you can expect, female CEOs in Saudi were for it, but they were so nervous to say it on camera for us. Some of

them did, but they said you have to realize that we see this as taking a risk.

Just to say we want to drive could be perceived as us going against the royal family. But some of them did it and I saw their tweets when it came

through and then all of the women were tweeting. Even the ones who had said I can say it to you off the record, but I can't say it to you on the

camera, they were all tweeting how excited they were.

But it's still great that they don't have to then - the CEO of a company doesn't have to call her driver to figure out if a man can tell her if he

has time to take her to do a CNN interview.

GORANI: But you still have, though, I know it's pointed to me for our viewers, it's not always enforced and that you can have these guardianship

permits extended to five years (INAUDIBLE 0:49) country. It was not necessarily having a male relative to give you permission every single

time. But you still have quite restrictive laws there that limit movement for women.

BURKE: The one thing that really struck me there was, even though, an American being there, I could see how restrictive it was from my point of


But they're seeing all these changes. So, for them, things like not having the religious police come so often and take people away if men and women

are sitting together, so for what an American could perceive as being very backward, for them, they're seeing - what are small leaps for us look like

hue leaps for them.

GORANI: Yes. We're seeing some changes, significant ones there. Thanks, Samuel Burke.

I'm Hala Gorani. "Quest Means Business" is up next.