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Eminem's Anti-Trump Rap And Ultimatum To Fans; Trump: We Cannot Aid Puerto Rico Forever; Explosive New Allegations Against Harvey Weinstein. Aired 7:30-8a ET

Aired October 12, 2017 - 07:30   ET


[07:30:33] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: All right. So, rapper Eminem had an anti-Trump rap that has gone viral and he had an ultimatum for his fans that support the president.


EMINEM, RAP ARTIST: Any fan of mine who is a supporter of his, I'm drawing in the sand a line. You're either for or against. And if you can't decide who you like more and your split on who you should stand beside, I'll do it for you with this. The rest of America, stand up.


CAMEROTA: All right. Here to discuss, CNN political commentator Ana Navarro, and Ben Ferguson. Nice to have both of you in studio.


CAMEROTA: So, Ana, let me start with you. What do you think about what Eminem did?

You know, he obviously is a huge rapper. He has sold millions and millions of records. He has a big following.

Do you think that maybe -- and he's in Michigan which is significant, politically.

Do you think that this matters and gets any traction with his, you know, fan base?

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Look, I certainly cannot speak for his fan base. I am not a member of it. I can't -- you know, other than "Slim Shady," I'm not sure I could recognize a single song.


NAVARRO: I come at this from a broader freedom of speech aspect, right. And I think we are in the midst of a very broad and complicated freedom of speech debate in this country, whether it's flag, anthem. You know, right-wing, white supremacist acologists (ph). Whether it is freedom of speech like we just saw exercised by Eminem. The press -- you know, the President of the United States threatening the press with taking away licenses from networks that he thinks are against him.

There is a very broad freedom of speech going on -- debate in the United States and I think we have to be so vigilant about it.

I come at this also from the -- you know, the angle from being a political exile. I fled communism, as I said to you last night. I live in Miami.

In Miami, my friend Gloria Estefan's songs, they can't be played in Cuba. It's illegal to play Gloria's songs in Cuba. Willy Chirino, illegal to play his songs in Cuba.

Celia Cruz, illegal to play her songs in Cuba and they're not even profane. They're just talking about freedom.

So I think it is an aspect of America that makes us great, freedom of speech, and we have to defend it whether we like the content or not.

CAMEROTA: Do you think --


CAMEROTA: Well, hold on a second. Do you think that President Trump is encroaching on freedom of speech?

FERGUSON: I don't. I think he's challenging people, which is exactly what tells us we have real freedom of speech in this country.

I think Eminem and what he did, flicking off the president and telling people you're either on my team or you're not against this president, you're no longer a part of my group, is brilliant marketing by him. He's got an album coming out.

But let's look at the source of this. I have no respect for Eminem. This is a guy that talks about how to rape women, how to assault women.

This is a guy also, politically, that I don't put any stock in what he says because he's attacked George Bush when he had an album coming out. He attacked Hillary Clinton when he had an album coming out. He attacks now, Donald Trump when he has an album coming out.

He's an opportunist and understands that if you go out there and act like this Billy bad-A and you rap about it and you give the finger to the President of the United States of America, you're going to get millions of dollars in free press.

CAMEROTA: I think he might be giving the finger to his fans. But anyway --

FERGUSON: I think he's giving it to --

(CROSSTALK) FERGUSON: I think he's giving it to Donald Trump, too.

CAMEROTA: But it also gives a moral high ground.

FERGUSON: No, he doesn't have a moral high ground because the guy literally has made a living --


FERGUSON: If you listen to his lyrics about wanting to kill people, choking women's vocal chords to the point where they can't speak while raping them. These are his new lyrics. This isn't 10 years ago lyrics.

NAVARRO: But I think that --

CAMEROTA: Just one more thing about like the president saying that he's going to revoke, you know, news licenses for the press.


CAMEROTA: You don't think that's an encroachment on freedom of speech?

FERGUSON: I think the president has to be very careful to not go too far in that way. I think it's fine to point out bias or news stories that are inaccurate.

I make a living off of those airwaves, right, as a talk show host --


FERGUSON: -- as a T.V. commentator. That's --

CAMEROTA: Said Sean Hannity, by the way, who's dissing the media.

FERGUSON: But I have a -- I don't like it when we start talking about pulling someone's license. That --

CAMEROTA: That's too far.

FERGUSON: I think that's too far, in general.

But I -- but I also think that it's too far for a rapper to come out and to say that I'm going to give you that finger and I'm going to do this --

CAMEROTA: That's fine, but a rapper is different than the president. It's different than the president.

FERGUSON: Right, but look at all the people that -- I mean --

CAMEROTA: I mean, you'd have to be more careful.

(CROSSTALK) FERGUSON: Even Ellen DeGeneres tweets out "I love Eminem." This is a woman who says that she would never have Trump on her show but says she loves a rapper whose lyrics talk about raping women. How can we not call that out as being absurd?

[07:35:02] NAVARRO: Well, but it's equally absurd for people to support a man who talked about grabbing women and then, you know, get all holy roller when it comes to --

FERGUSON: Which, by the way --

NAVARRO: - a hip-hop rapper.

So, you know, it's beyond too far for Donald Trump to threaten to yank licenses because that he doesn't like the content of what a network is saying. It is authoritarian, it is undemocratic, it is un-American, it is unconstitutional.

And we should all be denouncing it strongly because you see, the big danger here is that we all get numb to the crazy stuff Donald Trump says and think it's not going to end up being anything, but it really may be something. And I do think that it's affecting the national psyche.

Look, what Eminem said -- and like I tell you, I can't even talk about his former lyrics because I don't know anything about his former lyrics.

I did hear what he said now and what he said now, yes, laced with a lot of profanity, is what a lot of people are saying about the wall. About, you know, how dare Donald Trump talk about patriotism when he has been beating up on John McCain, who is a patriot and who is a hero.

So, a lot of the things that he was voicing are being voiced around kitchen tables, not in rap and not with profanity. But yes, the content. And when he says --


NAVARRO: When he says to his fans, you know, here's a line in the sand, let me tell you that is very symptomatic of America right now. Certainly not in those words but it's going on in American families. It's going on in the American workplace --

CAMEROTA: There is division --

NAVARRO: -- where there are lands --

FERGUSON: Yes. But I also think the left has to be very careful to not wrap their selves around -- just like Ellen DeGeneres did, for example -- a guy who is so disgusting and vile towards women --


FERGUSON: Just because he's anti-Trump -- NAVARRO: But Ben, I could turn that exactly around --

FERGUSON: But hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Let me finish, let me finish.

NAVARRO: I could say the right has got to be very careful not to wrap --

FERGUSON: Let me finish, let me finish.

NAVARRO: -- themselves around a guy --

FERGUSON: Again, let me finish. Let me finish.

NAVARRO: -- who is so disgusting and vile --

FERGUSON: Let me finish. Let me finish.

NAVARRO: -- that he talked about grabbing --

FERGUSON: Let me finish. Let me finish.

NAVARRO: -- women.

FERGUSON: Again, I --

NAVARRO: You could fake that --

FERGUSON: -- denounced that --


FERGUSON: -- and I said that it was inappropriate when it happened. I never defended Donald Trump when he said that and I said it was absolutely wrong. I'm consistent in what I'm saying here about the standard.

But I think what we're also seeing, and it worries me, is that we now are in a culture where it doesn't matter what your resume says, how vile, how disgusting, how sick you are and misogynist towards women, that the left will come out and wrap their arms around Eminem and send out tweets saying I love you when this is what you're selling.

And remember -- Ellen DeGeneres should look at this.

CAMEROTA: No, no, no.


FERGUSON: Ellen comes out almost every day, though, and talks about women.

CAMEROTA: The president says vile comments.

FERGUSON: But let's look at Ellen here. She says she will not have the president on her show because of what he said, but she will tell all of her audience that she loves Eminem --

NAVARRO: But, do you --

FERGUSON: -- which is saying go buy his lyrics, go buy his album.


NAVARRO: Do you think we should a rapper --

FERGUSON: I think you hold both them to the same standard.

NAVARRO: -- to the same --

Oh, I don't. I certainly don't.

FERGUSON: I think you hold him to the same standards.

NAVARRO: I -- look, the rapper --


NAVARRO: The rapper doesn't have the nuclear code. The rapper is not an example to follow for children. The rapper is not representing me around the world.

FERGUSON: Oh, Ellen said yesterday it was.

NAVARRO: The rapper is not -- is not the President of the United States.

FERGUSON: Hollywood said it was yesterday.

CAMEROTA: Hold on. Let's table -- let's table this for a second.

NAVARRO: I can turn the rapper off.


NAVARRO: I can't turn Donald Trump off as President of the United States.

CAMEROTA: You can't turn him off.

FERGUSON: Many people endorsed him yesterday, and endorsed him of some sort of moral -- of moral leader. That's the problem we have.

CAMEROTA: OK. Well, because we're approaching the weekend, what's going to happen with the NFL? What do you think is going to happen with these protests?

So the president now says he expects everybody to stand.


CAMEROTA: I don't know that they're going to comply with that.

And this is -- do you see this is a freedom of speech issue?

FERGUSON: I don't see it as a freedom of speech issue. I think you have the right to do it. I think there's consequences for your actions. It's the same thing you teach children when they're young.

You have the right to do a lot of things in this country.

There are consequences and the NFL got it wrong. The NFL tried to come out and play both sides of this issue. And then they tried to say oh, we're America's team, we're America's game, we're America's sport while allowing their employees to disrespect this country.

You have the right to do it -- there's consequences.

CAMEROTA: Now, look --

FERGUSON: The NFL boycott is real.

CAMEROTA: I just want to be very clear. They say they're not disrespecting the country. They say that their protest is about the treatment --

FERGUSON: That's what they say.

CAMEROTA: But, they're the sources.

FERGUSON: But I'm saying --

CAMEROTA: They're doing the protests. You ask the protesters.

FERGUSON: I have the right to -- I have the right to disagree with them.

I'll say this. I think many of the NFL players are frauds. Most of them did not go and vote in the last election -- including Colin Kaepernick who has never voted in an election -- while coming out and claiming --

NAVARRO: Voting is not a requirement to protest.

FERGUSON: Let me finish. Let me finish.

NAVARRO: Voting is not a requirement to voice a political opinion.

FERGUSON: If you're going to be the leader of a political statement, as Colin Kaepernick was --

NAVARRO: Donald Trump's children didn't vote and they are advisers in the White House.

FERGUSON: -- and he's a -- and I criticized.

And I criticized them for that. I'm consistent in my logic here.

NAVARRO: Well, fine. You'll criticize them for everything but don't tell me then that they don't have the right to protest when -- FERGUSON: Again, Colin Kaepernick comes out here and says I'm going to disrespect this country.

NAVARRO: -- there are team advisers in the White House who didn't vote.

FERGUSON: Colin Kaepernick comes out and says I'm going to lead this group. When was the last time he went to a Black Lives Matter rally? This guy saw a bunch of T.V.s and said -- a bunch of cameras and said I'm going to kneel right now but I'm not going to back up.


FERGUSON: He has the right but it's almost means to a cross.

NAVARRO: How white of you to think that going to a Black Lives --

FERGUSON: No, no. Don't even go there.

NAVARRO: -- Black Lives Matter rally.

FERGUSON: I'm sorry. That's absurd.

NAVARRO: No, no, no. Who are you to tell a black person what makes them black --

FERGUSON: It's not -- it's --

NAVARRO: -- and what makes them, you know --

FERGUSON: No, it's fraud if you're --

NAVARRO: -- half black credible.

FERGUSON: I'm saying it has nothing to do with race. Listen.

NAVARRO: I mean, really --

FERGUSON: Listen. Listen to what I'm saying.

NAVARRO: Look at yourself in the mirror.

FERGUSON: Listen, this is insanity.

NAVARRO: You know, what he is saying may be -- might be --

FERGUSON: If I go out for it every day and I --

NAVARRO: Then go to one of their rallies.

FERGUSON: -- and I champion a cause but I never do it in real life, I'm a fraud. Again --

NAVARRO: Who are you? Who died and made you the judge of blackness to Colin what's his name, you know, whether --

FERGUSON: It has nothing to with blackness. This may be a great --

NAVARRO: -- the fact that he voted or not allow him to have a political opinion.

[07:40:02] FERGUSON: If you go out three every day and you fight for something that you say is so dear and near to your heart, and then I find out in reality you were never involved in the issue outside of being on national TV --

NAVARRO: Well, the -- the potential --

FERGUSON: -- you're a fraud. You are a fraud and a fake.

NAVARRO: Talk to Ivanka Trump --

FERGUSON: Again, you were talking about Colin Kaepernick.

NAVARRO: -- who didn't vote. Talk to Trump's -- no, no, because you want --


FERGUSON: I said this. I said this.

NAVARRO: OK, then I want you to say right now --

FERGUSON: It's the same thing. I've been consistent.

NAVARRO: -- Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. are frauds because they didn't vote --

FERGUSON: They should have voted in the election.

NAVARRO: -- in the Republican primary.

FERGUSON: I said that.

NAVARRO: Those are fake words.

FERGUSON: You also voted for Hillary Clinton and you say the Republicans, so that's a little bit of fraud, isn't it?

NAVARRO: Oh, no, no. There's a lot of people that --

FERGUSON: You come out here and say you're a Republican --

NAVARRO: You voted for a man --

FERGUSON: -- and you voted for Hillary Clinton.

NAVARRO: You voted for a man who --

FERGUSON: So you're not a Republican, by your standards.

NAVARRO: You voted for a man who was a Democrat, and then an Independent, and then when he saw an opportunity -- FERGUSON: Again --

NAVARRO: -- he became a Republican. Really, don't go there for me --

FERGUSON: Again, you voted for Hillary Clinton.

NAVARRO: -- because I have been supporting Republican candidates for president probably while you were still in diapers.

FERGUSON: Again, you didn't -- you voted for Hillary Clinton and you say you're a Republican. You're going on a --

NAVARRO: I voted for Hillary Clinton.

CAMEROTA: Maybe -- listen --

NAVARRO: I voted for Hillary Clinton --

CAMS: Guys --

NAVARRO: -- because I refused to vote for a racist misogynist, even though he was the Republican nominee.

FERGUSON: And that -- and you have the right to do that.


NAVARRO: And it was the first time in my life that I did not support a Republican nominee because I found him absolutely disgusting.

FERGUSON: And that's your -- and that's your right.

NAVARRO: And I was going to put country over party. And you are nobody to question Colin Packernick (sic) or what's his name's --

FERGUSON: Colin Kaepernick. I have to divide this.

Again, it has nothing to do with violence. It has to do with --

NAVARRO: -- blackness or my Republican pick.

You are not judge and jury. You can do whatever you want for yourself.

FERGUSON: -- authenticity.

NAVARRO: You cannot judge me, you cannot judge whether he is black enough.

FERGUSON: I can judge Colin Kaepernick. It has nothing to do with his blackness.

This is the weakest argument --

NAVARRO: No, you're saying --

FERGUSON: Let me finish, though. This is the weakest argument.

NAVARRO: You're saying he's not black enough --


FERGUSON: I'm going to defend my point here. I'm going to -- no, no, no.

NAVARRO: -- because he didn't go to a Black Lives Matter rally.

FERGUSON: Again, I'm going to finish my point here because it's really important.

NAVARRO: And you aren't black because you went to a Black Lives Matter rally.

FERGUSON: Let me finish. Let me finish. Again, let me finish.

CAMEROTA: Go ahead.

FERGUSON: Colin Kaepernick coming out --


FERGUSON: -- and saying this is a big issue to him but he never goes out in the community is involved it -- doesn't even care enough about the issue --


FERGUSON: -- which he says everyone else should care about, to go register to vote and vote.

That is hypocrisy. It has nothing to do with being black or white. It's called being a hypocrite.

Colin Kaepernick is a hypocrite for not being --

CAMEROTA: I understand. I understand.

NAVARRO: Why don't you let the members of the community --

FERGUSON: They have.

NAVARRO: -- that he is representing or that he -- you know, I think he is talking for himself. Why don't you let those members of the community talk about it, not just say that?

FERGUSON: I can have an opinion about them and it's --

CAMEROTA: And you both have had very compelling, interesting, and lively --

FERGUSON: We still have opinions.

CAMEROTA: -- opinions, yes. NAVARRO: Not so much.

CAMEROTA: It's a one-way street.

Ben Ferguson, Ana Navarro, thank you for the --


CAMEROTA: -- very spirited debate here -- Chris.


President Trump tweeting about Puerto Rico this morning. What he's saying about FEMA and how long that they will be on the island, next.


[07:46:25] CUOMO: President Trump is tweeting about recovery efforts in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

The president says Puerto Rico's infrastructure and electrical grid were a disaster before the storm and added, "We cannot keep FEMA, the military, and the first responders, who have been amazing under the most difficult circumstances, in P.R. forever."

CNN's Leyla Santiago, live in San Juan with more.

There's a little bit of a logical inconsistency there. The president seems to recognize the desperation there which is, in part, because of the infrastructure challenges that existed even before this. But then, he seems to say that that's somehow an explanation for not keeping the help that's needed on the ground there forever.

So the question to you, Leyla, is what is it like there now in terms of seeing any turn in the tide of need?

LELYA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. So, Chris, here's the reality check. The president is already tweeting about possibly pulling aid when some of that aid isn't even making it to the homes of the most vulnerable.

We have been out -- outside of San Juan. You know, the area that President Trump did not visit when he came to Puerto Rico. And what we found, many people still without power. As a matter of fact, as of this morning, 90 percent still without power.

We found homes without water. A third of this island still without water.

When we visited hospitals, doctors told us they need help. They cannot continue operating the same way they've been operating.

I mean, you go outside of the capital and it's a completely different story.

FEMA aid is moving. That's something that we've seen change in just the last week. But somehow, it's not making it into the homes of the most vulnerable.

And when you talk to first responders, when you talk to people already working for FEMA right now, they'll you this isn't a matter of days, this isn't a matter of weeks. This is months, possibly years for recovery for some sense of normalcy for Puerto Rico.

And here's something that really paints the picture. We actually went to an area that we visited four days after Hurricane Maria and when we went back, just in the last two days, they told us nobody else had been there to deliver aid beyond the mayor with one box of food, Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: Leyla, it is so helpful to have you there on the ground to give us the reality of what's happening. Thank you very much for the reporting.

So, it is the joke that Seth MacFarlane made four years. Listen to this.


SETH MACFARLANE, HOST, 2013 OSCARS: Congratulations. You five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.



CAMEROTA: Well, MacFarlane says he made that joke because of what happened to his friend, actress Jessica Barth. She joins us with her story, next.


[07:51:15] CAMEROTA: We have new developments in the Harvey Weinstein scandal. We now know the motivation behind this Seth MacFarlane joke during the nominations for best actress of the 2013 Oscars.


MACFARLANE: Congratulations. You five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.



CAMEROTA: Well, yesterday, MacFarlane tweeted a message that reads in part, "In 2011, my friend and colleague Jessica Barth, with whom I worked on the "Ted" films, confided in me regarding her encounter with Harvey Weinstein and his attempted advances. She has since courageously come forward to speak out.

It was with this account in mind that when I hosted the Oscars in 2013, I couldn't resist the opportunity to a hard wing in his direction. Make no mistake, this came from a place of loathing and anger."

That woman, actress and producer Jessica Barth, joins us now. Good morning, Jessica.


CAMEROTA: So tell us about your story.

I know that in 2011 you met Harvey Weinstein at a Golden Globes party. He invited you to a business meeting at The Peninsula Hotel. Then what happened?

BARTH: Yes, he invited me to a business meeting that we were supposed to talk about career stuff. And we were supposed to meet in the lobby and when I got there he wasn't there. And so he called me and asked me to come to his room, which I was very hesitant about.

And I was texting my sister that he wanted me to come to his room and I didn't know what to do, and she suggested that if I was going to go to his room that I text her as soon as I get there to let her know how it was going.

So I did, and when I got to his room he was very casual. I was dressed up professionally and he was very casual -- unbuttoned shirt, baggy pants.

The room had champagne and sushi. And we sat on the patio and at first, he started talking about career stuff and how he wanted to fly me to New York and give me a role in Sarah Jessica Parker's new film.

He alternated between that and asking me to give him a naked massage in the bed. So, I told him that that wasn't going to happen.

I asked him if he was married because I had looked up that information before I agreed to the meeting just because I was a little bit hesitant to have a meeting at the hotel, so I wanted to see if he was married. And it turned out that he was and he, in fact, just had a baby as well, so that comforted me a little bit.

He told me that he had an open relationship with his wife and I told him that I didn't. And so it fluctuated between -- you know, back and forth with that.

CAMEROTA: And then he -- and as I understand it he began also fluctuating between sort of complimenting you and berating you. And you told him that you were not interested in giving him a naked massage.

And how did you extricate yourself from the situation?

BARTH: Well, once he told me that if I ever wanted to compete with people like Mila Kunis that I would need to lose 10 pounds, I pretty much had it at that point.

And there was an argument between us. I stood my ground. I told him that I was never going to trade sexual favors to advance my career and I was under the impression that this was a career meeting.

All while doing this, I was covering -- you know, tears that were coming up but I was trying to hold my ground. And then he said no, no, no, you misunderstood me. I'm going to set up a meeting with a female associate of mine.

[07:55:08] CAMEROTA: And then you sort of figured out that it was all B.S., even from the beginning.

And so, I know that you then -- when you got out of there, obviously, it was traumatizing and you did share the story with people, including Seth MacFarlane. And when Seth MacFarlane made that joke at the 2013 nominations that we just played, what did you think? What did you think about him saying it publicly and what did you think was going to happen next?

BARTH: It was, I believe, two years after the incident so I was happy that at least somebody was saying something about it at that point.

When it had initially had happened I requested that he didn't -- he didn't say anything. I wasn't comfortable coming forward at that point being what I assumed to be my word against his, a huge Hollywood mogul. I just -- how do you think that's going to play out, you know.

So -- but at that point two years later, I was appreciative of the joke because nobody else in Hollywood was saying anything about Harvey and at that point, I had heard rumors about him and was wondering why everybody was turning such a blind eye for this many years.

CAMEROTA: And so -- I mean, after that joke, why do you think it took four more years, now, for this groundswell of people -- women to come forward?

BARTH: I think it was fear. I think that's why there's very few people in Hollywood right now speaking out still.

I think for me personally, with Ashley Judd, when I first heard her encounter in 2015 where she didn't even name Harvey Weinstein, I knew that it was him because her story was so eerily similar to my own. And I reached out to her agent because I wanted to maybe come forward then. I never got a response.

But I think that, you know, if you don't have somebody like Ashley Judd coming out there and speaking and it's an unknown actor or a receptionist or a coworker and they're coming out, I don't think that you think they're word alone is going to encourage other women to come forward because he is such a powerhouse in the industry --


BARTH: -- with a high-profile legal team, and how do you fight that -- one girl? It's your word against his.

And that's why I feel a lot of people have settled with him and signed disclosures. This is their way of silencing women and that needs to end. CAMEROTA: And let's talk about that. So now, from where you sit -- now that you have come public with your story and see that the floodgates have opened and there are so many women, what is your advice to young women who find themselves in that situation?

BARTH: Well, I understand, obviously, how difficult it is to come out against somebody in such a power position. But there is strength and safety and community in numbers and if you can find that courage to speak out, the support is there, you know.

It's not just Harvey Weinstein, it's not just producers, it's everyone in Hollywood. I'm sorry, it's not everyone in Hollywood but it's all --

CAMEROTA: Meaning this is a -- this is a common experience in your -- you believe this is a common experience for young women in Hollywood.

BARTH: I do, firsthand, yes, absolutely.

And I would encourage every single woman to have confidence in their voice that if they know and that's their instinct -- they know that they did not want this to happen. They are there pursuing their dream as innocently as possible in the hopes of -- listen, I was excited to have the meeting with Harvey Weinstein.


BARTH: I was thrilled. I didn't know any of the rumors at that point about him.

I called my mother. My mother was excited for me. And I walked out there humiliated.

I understand how difficult it is being young and raising your voice, but come forward because your voice is important and you will be believed. And I believe that this is a shift in Hollywood at this point --


BARTH: -- and hopefully, it will be easier. It will be not only easier but commonplace to come out -- come out with this -- as easy as it is to report any other crime.

CAMEROTA: Well, there you go.

And Jessica, very quickly before I let you go, do you know if your friend Seth MacFarlane has heard from Harvey Weinstein through all of this?

BARTH: I'm not aware of that.

CAMEROTA: Not after the joke. After he made the joke in 2013, was there any sort of blowback against him?

BARTH: Blowback from Harvey, himself? CAMEROTA: Yes, or the industry.

BARTH: I know he's getting blowback now but I'm not sure if he had -- as far as I know, he hasn't had any contact with Harvey.

CAMEROTA: Well obviously, it takes the whole community, you know, to stand up and talk about all of this, and so that's what you're today and we really appreciate you being here with us. Thanks for sharing your story.