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Royal Romance; Papal Politics; Volcanic Eruption; Massacre That Shocked the World; U.S. President Lashes Out At Media; Saudi Arabia Eases Blockade Amid Outcry For Aid; Volcanic Chaos Bali. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 27, 2017 - 10:00   ET



[10:00:21] LYNDA KINKADE, CONNECT THE WORLD, CNN: Spring fever. Britain a Prince Harry and his American actress announced their engagement and a

wedding next year. We are live outside Buckingham palace this hour for all the details. Also ahead, Pope Francis arrives in Myanmar and one of the

world biggest humanitarian crises. Our reporter travel to the country, we will hear from her juts ahead. Plus an eruption affecting more than 50,000

people. We'll have more on Indonesia's volcano next.

Hello and welcome to "Connect the World." I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta filling in for Becky Anderson. We begin in Britain where the royal family

is gearing up for another royal wedding. Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle are engaged to be married in the spring. They made an

official appearance just in the last couple of hours. Harry of course is fifth in line to the British throne. He met Ms. Markle 16 months ago.

Prince Harry has been in the public spotlight pretty much, since birth, but despite a public career as an actor, Meghan Markle L.A. life has left

known. Our Max Foster has the story of a world romance that is shaking up tradition.


MAX FOSTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They may be an unconditional couple when it comes to the monarchy, but by all accounts this marriage is welcomed by the

Royal family. Meghan Markle will be the first American to marry into the royal family since Wallace Simpson famously wed King Edward the VIII, 81

years ago, forcing his application from the throne. As was Simpson, Markle is divorce for an erase in Los Angeles by her African American mother and

white father. She rose to fame as one of the stars the American TV show "Soups." It was a long distance affair at first with Markle based in

Toronto. The relationship was kept mostly under wraps until tabloid, attacks on her background prompted Prince Harry to be take the

unprecedented step of issuing a sharp statement warning the press to back off his girlfriend. Calling out one tabloid for racial undertones, Harry

said a line had been crossed. In an interview with Vanity Fair Magazine, Markle said the couple met in London in July 2016. They were introduced by

mutual friend, reportedly at Harry's request and quickly learned a share philanthropy as a common interest.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Women make up more than half of the world's population and potential. So it is neither just nor practical for their

voices, for our voices to go unheard at the highest levels of decision making.


FOSTER: Along with the Duke and Duchess on Cambridge, Harry has worked to raise awareness of mental health, recently speaking about the death of his

mother Diana had on him.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I always thought, what's the point of bringing up something that is going to make you asked? When you start thinking like

that it can be damaging.


FOSTER: Talk of an engagement rapped up when Markle quits her job on Soups in October. When she was pictured with her dogs in London, a move to

Kensington palace look imminent. In a time when the monarchy is eager to stay relevant, Meghan Markle could be just the spark it needs.


KINKADE: Well, let's get the latest from Max Foster, he is outside Buckingham palace. Good to have you with us Max. Certainly some very

exciting news there, for the very loveable Prince Harry. Showing off the ring a short time ago.

FOSTER: They did. Just come back from Kensington palace well the couple are going to live. She is moved to London by all accounts and we're all

arranged on one side of the pond and they walked along the other side of the pond. It was a very brief moment. It was just a photo call, but

people did call out some questions. One of them was how they met. They didn't really respond to that, but he did say as soon as he met her, he

knew that she was the one. There was quite a dramatic moment really. It gave the media the pictures they wanted. They went inside and will come

out a bit later on for all the broadcasters based here on the U.K. We'll be running that a bit later on and be finding out more about how they met.

It was quite an intimidating start I think for Meghan Markle. A huge amount of media. Up until now she is been aware of interest. I think only

now will she really get a true sense of the pressure that come with that. Today it was a palace day, it was a happy day.

[10:05:17] KINKADE: And Max, certainly a happy day. Let us talk about Ms. Markle, because she is older than Prince Harry, she is divorce, an

American, mixed race, a Roman Catholic. She certainly breaks the mold.

FOSTER: She does break the mold. If you imagine, the queen who Buckingham palace behind me, she married into another royal family. That was always

the tradition in the past, she married Prince Phillip. Perhaps Prince Charles broke out from that a bit by marrying Diana. William married Kate

who was not part of the aristocracy part of the middle classes if I can call this that.

And now Prince Harrys breaking out even further by marrying someone from abroad, someone mixed race as you describe, but also a divorcee as well.

There was a previous American divorcee that married to Royal family and that was Wallace Simpson. She never could become queen, in fact her

husband had to advocate. And that was 80 years ago. Actually quite a progression in terms of royal history. All about change in just 80 years.

Now divorcee can marry into the royal family. It fits into a pattern of history that goes back 1,000 years.

KINKADE: Incredible. We'll stay on this story and much more, later. Good to have you with us, Max Foster, outside Buckingham palace, thank you.

Pope Francis is in Myanmar on a delicate mission of diplomacy. He landed in (inaudible) Monday morning bringing a message of peace and

reconciliation to a country accused of brutal atrocities against Rohingya Muslims. Francis is now the first leader of the Catholic Church to ever

visit a Muslim Buddhist nation. Earlier he met with Myanmar's military chief and is scheduled to speak with a de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

She of course has been severely criticize for her response to the Rohingya crisis. The pope has expressed concern for this minority before calling

them our persecuted brothers and sisters.

He has been advised to stay clear of using the word Rohingya on this trip. Our Vatican Correspondent Delia Gallagher is travelling with the pope and

joins me live now from Myanmar, Delia, this is the leader of Christianity in a Buddhist country talking to them about their treatment of Muslims and

he has already met with Myanmar's military chief. What sort of impact could he have there?

KINKADE: All right. We seem to have lost our connection with Delia there. We'll try and come back to that, shortly. This, of course, is far from the

first time the pope has made an appearance in a place that is politically sensitive. Sometimes almost redefining the role of the papacy. Here have

a look at these pictures. He is at Jerusalem's western wall, the holiest place for Jews to pray. At the U.S. Mexican border where he prayed and

lamented to the migration of people from Central and South America. And finally, on the tiny island where he celebrated mass to more than a

thousands of migrants who have died crossing the sea from North Africa. The pope is expected to deliver a message of compassion for the country's

Rohingya. As Ivan Watson explained, many people in Myanmar feel threatened by the Muslim minority.


IVAN WATSON, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: When the cheering crowds met Pope Francis, welcomed him when he made the first papal trip

ever to Myanmar arriving in Yangon. Already Pope Francis's trip, his schedule has changed somewhat. Unexpectedly pushing forward a meeting with

the very powerful commander in chief of Myanmar's armed forces, the Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. The Pope Francis is making this visit to this

country at a time of surging Buddhist nationalism in the midst of a terrible humanitarian crisis with hundred s of thousands of Rohingya who

have fled across the border to neighboring Bangladesh and at a time when there's been a dramatic growth in Islamophobia.

Funeral from a fallen man. This is a scene in January after the braising daylight shooting of a well-known lawyer in Myanmar. The victim was an

outspoken member of Myanmar's the tiny Muslim religious minority. His daughter says he was gunned down while cradling his 2-year-old grandson

outside Yangon international airport.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I turned around and looked and my father was on the ground, so I just run and held him, but at that time, there was no sign of


[10:10:04] WATSON: His killing came during a surge of religious tension in this overwhelmingly Buddhist country. A phenomenon CNN reported on two

years ago.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who is threatening Buddhist in this country?



WATSON: Muslims only make up around 5 percent of the population, but some Buddhist monks preached that they post an existential threat to the



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are worried they will explode, in the heritage cultural buildings, our religious monuments, when they carry out suicide



WATSON: Nowhere is this fear of Muslims more acute than in Rakhine state where a deadly attack by the Rohingya Muslim militants against security

forces last August triggered a campaign of reprisals. More than 600,000 Rohingya Muslims have since been driven from their homes across the border

to neighboring Bangladesh. Refugee accused the military of torching their villages, mass rape and murder. Myanmar says it's fighting against a

terrorist insurgency and denies deliberately attacking civilians. The U.S. and the United Nations call it ethnic cleansing. There is little public

sympathy in Myanmar for the Rohingya, for decades authorities labeled them illegal immigrants and denied them citizenship. The Rohingya crisis has

raised fears among other Muslims in Myanmar who do enjoy full citizenship right.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The hate speech overwhelmed the minds of most of the people in Myanmar. If you look at these people, it's all because of fear

and because of this fear they are afraid of us and we are afraid of them.


WATSON: In 2015, there was hope that the election of Nobel peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi would calm religious tensions. The murdered Muslim

lawyer was one of her top legal advisers and a defender of the Rohingya Muslims. The government labeled his killing an act of terrorism, a trial

of several suspect is under way. But even one of Aung San Suu Kyi's Muslim supporters argues the political climate in Myanmar is toxic.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They keep on using religion as a political tool and there were a lot of (inaudible). So she has to be very careful. I will be

very blunt if she comes out and defends the Muslim, it would be a political suicide for her.


WATSON: Her daughter warned her father to be more careful about challenging Buddhist nationalists. For that he may had paid the ultimate


Lynda, Pope Francis says he is coming to Myanmar deliver a message of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace. In the past he has been very

critical of what he has seen as the oppression of the Rohingya Muslims so we'll be watching closely to see how he handles that with his host in the

government of Myanmar. Lynda.


KINKADE: Thanks to Ivan Watson for that report. Well in Indonesia, after 54 years, now Mount Agung has erupted. The volcano spilling ash for

thousand meters into the air and as many as 40,000 evacuees making their way to safety. Authorities have issued the highest level warning yet,

causing a 24 hour cancellation of all flights in the main airport in this hotspot tourist destination. Over 59,000 local and international

passengers remain stranded. To get a better feel how massive is eruption is, we're going to speak to meteorologist Chad Myers. Chad, authorities

said and warning an imminent massive eruption. What can you tell us?

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Right. Well there are so many different types of eruptions, Lynda. You can have just the ash cloud. You can have

a lava flow. You can get an explosion which of course we don't want that. That would be equal to or greater than many and many nuclear bombs. So

that is the least thing, but the good news is released a little steam and ash over the weekend. The slower you release it and the more you release

at the time, the less likely you have of an explosive eruption. That is some good news. The wind is still going to be in this area. This is a map

of the wind. It's going to be very windy for a while. 30, 40 kilometers per hour. That may blow some of the ash away. We'll make the ash fall go

down. The ash all is all the way here in to the eastern sections of the ocean. So we have the column of the eruption of the ash going up. We have

a lahar possible. And also they pyro classic flow, certainly something we do not need. This would be the worst possible thing for this eruption,

because of all that gas that flows downhill. We have a ten kilometer ring right now. We may need more.

[10:15:02] Here is why planes are not flying. This is mockup of a plane. All the red surfaces would get just so much abrasion from the ash in the

air, the pilot wouldn't be able to see, because the window would look like frosted glass, but it's the surfaces. The left wings, the frontal surfaces

of this airplane that would get eroded. Because there's palm mist in the air. When the air gets into the jet engine, it re-melts almost back into

magma or lava, not really, but as you get back toward the nozzle, it gets cold again. So all of a sudden, you can freeze up a jet engine. And it's

happened in the past. And they look terrible. When they come out of this ash cloud, there is holes in places there should be solid metal. There are

not holes in places they should be the cooling places. And so you cannot put a jet engine into an ash cloud because there's rock up there. It is

lava awaiting to re-melt. That is why planes don't go there. So all of these travelers that are stranded, if this continues for days, weeks,

months, a month isn't a long time in geologic time, they may have to be on ferries in other Islands to get to other airports to get out of that area.

Now if you are going there, this is a huge tourist season. I just want to tell you, there are 60,000 kilometer of shoreline in Indonesia, obviously

this is one of the most popular areas. You don't need to cancel your flights, but you need to make different arrangements to different airports

and maybe search different resorts.

KINKADE: We know that tens of thousands of people have been evacuated. You said it would go weeks or months. Is there any indications of how long

it really could last and when people could expect to go back to their homes?

MYERS: You know the '63 eruption probably lasted a good one year. It's little bit difficult to say how much and what the magma chamber looks like

and what's going on under there compared to the 63 eruption. Because plates move. Lava moves. Magma move. Magma chambers move, Tubes move.

What we would like to see from this is a nice, just flow like in Hawaii where the lava comes out, it gets down to the sea and that is it. It's

that explosive eruption that would be so devastating to the island itself. That is why people are moved so far away. But also to tourism for that

island. It would take months for that to come back if we had that type of explosion. Certainly that is not what we're looking for here. If it

states and smokes and you can't fly over the airport, people still live through that

KINKADE: Hopefully they get the best possible outcome. Some great graphics from the weather department. Good to have you with us Chad.

Thank you.

Still to come, this is "Connect the World." A massacre in Egypt. We'll show you its true horror in never before seen exclusive video as it was

carefully planned, as it was horrifically brutal. It's awful but important to watch. Stay right here.


[10:20:45] KINKADE: You're watching "Connect the World" right here on CNN. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Just before the break, we are looking at Myanmar.

They're actually victims. Take Egypt on Friday, a terror assault in fact disguise disgusted the region which is already use to horror. We want to

warn you that the video of the aftermath is extremely graphic. This is just a small amount of the blood from the more than 300 people that were

murdered. And here is how the attack unfolded. First the bombs went off. The survivors running outside, fleeing the building. Outside there was an

ambush. Waiting gunmen fired countless bullets into the crowd. Exits were blocked off with cars set on fire. As you'd expect in Connect the World,

we're right there in the region. Our Ben Wedeman in the Egyptian capital of Cairo. Ben, no one is saying they carried it out, but this has all the

hallmarks of an ISIS attack. We do know from according to a report this particular mosque had had threats in the past. What can you tell us?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We're not allowed to go nor are any other international media organizations allowed to go to the

Sinai, but our stringer did speak to somebody who said that the mosque had been threaten five times by the militants and another eyewitness told us

that when the militants showed up, the terrorist showed up at that mosque, some of them were wearing combat uniforms. Some had their faces covered

with masks. But they said that they were shouting we've come to kill all the infidels. And so many people do believe that the mosque had been

targeted, because it was affiliated with the Sufism that is a Muslim mystics. They are not really -- they're not a minority. They are really

part of the mainstream of Sunni Islam in this country, but as far as ISIS goes they consider the Sufism is a disease and the followers of Sufism are

heretics and that may be why the mosque was targeted. However, it's also an area where it's been relatively peaceful. It's more in the center of

northern Sinai, not in the eastern part where much of the fighting has been taking place. And many of the town's inhabitants did not join the

militants. They have resisted pressure from them and some of them have been cooperating with the army and the police. That may be why this

mosque, this town was targeted by the terrorist. Lynda.

KINKADE: And Ben, while the ISIS caliphate is crumbling in Iraq and Syria, what does an attack of this size say about the ISIS influence in the Sinai


WEDEMAN: Well, it may be that some of those who he fled Syria and Iraq are coming back. We've spoken with analysts who say that the root they're

taking is they're getting into Turkey. From Turkey they're going to Libya. There's a very long route through Egypt. They're smuggled through Egypt

through the dessert is vast and Libya and Egypt and they go down to the southern part of Egypt and then go back up along the eastern coast and go

by boat from the eastern coast into the Sinai.

And in fact, some of the accounts that we've received from eyewitnesses say that the people who were masked, who had their faces covered, they were

local inhabitants. But those who didn't have their faces covered, some of them were speaking with accents from Cairo, there are suggestion by others

that some of the militants who carried out the attack came from Syria or Iraq.

[10:25:02] So definitely this may be some of the blow back from the defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Now they are coming in a sense back to Egypt

and back to take part in this low-level insurgency that is been going on essentially since 2011 in the northeastern Sinai, Lynda.

KINKADE: Ben Wedeman for us in Cairo. Great to get your analysis from the region. Thank you very much.

We are live from the CNN center, this is "Connect the Worlds." Still to come President Trump is back to work and back to tweeting. What's

happening in Washington when we come back?


KINKADE: You're watching CNN. This is "Connect the World", I am Lynda Kinkade. Welcome back. Well after months of speculation, Prince Harry and

Meghan Markle made it official. They're engaged to be married in the spring. The couples showed out a new ring which apparently Prince Harry

designed himself. Harry of course is the fifth in line to the British throne and met Ms. Markle 16 month ago. For more we are join by CNN World

Commentator Kate Williams, who is at Buckingham Palace and Kate I have to say I have just got the front cover of the "London Evening Standard" hot

off the press here comes the bride. Queen is delighted as Charles tell the world I'm thrilled. Give us a sense of the feeling there in London.

[10:30:00] KATE WILLIAMS, CNN ROYAL COMMENTATOR: Well, London is absolutely thrilled. We've been on tend to hooks waiting for this

engagement indeed at the weekend. Some of the newspapers were saying come on, Harry, get on with it, we're all waiting. We've been all primes.

So it's absolutely thrilling news. We had the photo call earlier. Harry looked so happy. Meghan looked radiant, so beautiful. And it really was

great to celebrate this young couple in love.

And Prince Harry has had a tough time over the years. We all remember him as a young boy following Diana's funeral procession and here he is, having

found happiness of his own, giving his wife to be a beautiful engagement ring, using some two stones in Diana's collection.

So it's a wonderful story. London is absolutely excited. Well, wishes everywhere. Kensington Palace has full of excitement. It is only going to

mount until the wedding in spring.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR: And of course, let's talk about Ms. Markle, future princess. She is older than Prince Harry, an American and a

divorcee, and of course mixed race, and a roman catholic. How is that being perceived there, all those sort of things that don't normally fit in

Buckingham Palace.

WILLIAMS: Well, ever since Prince Harry has been a baby, they've been saying who will Prince Harry marry. And it's always been women of the

British aristocracy and Meghan is completely different. She is an American. She's older.

She's a Hollywood actress. She's got her own career. She's also a very powerful advocate for women. And she's talked very movingly and partly

about her experience of being mixed race. It's actually windy here -- her experience of being mixed race, enjoying her life.

And so basically I think this is a real movement forward for the royal family. Going to -- hopefully this means that Meghan -- although she's

going to finish her acting career, she's going to start her new career as a princess, as a duchess, that's her title will be.

And that will be (Inaudible) which she can really use to royal family as a platform for charity work, her endeavors for women and also endeavors to

conquer racism. So I think this is an exciting move for the royal family and shows that they're not as stuffy as people think.

KINKADE: And there are of course, Kate, is a lot -- there's a lot going on next spring in the royal family. This wedding, which we've just found out

about, but also a third baby for Kate Middleton and Prince William.

WILLIAMS: Yes. And it's very interesting, as you say, Lynda, that the baby's going to be in April. And we've had the statement saying that the

wedding is going to be in spring. So we presume we're not going to have baby and wedding in April.

But certainly this is getting -- all going to very close and be rather thrilling scream for royal watchers. And it doesn't really give much time

to plan the wedding at all. But I suppose like most couple you have to spend a long time trying to find the right venue.

Harry and Meghan, they've got the venue. Buckingham Palace behind me is going to be the venue for the reception. That's booked, so they don't have

that worry but certainly it's going to be a busy year for royal watchers and indeed a busy year for the queen. Prince Philip retired last year, but

he's going to be out in show for some quite big engagements next year.

KINKADE: I'm sure it was difficult for them to book the palace for the wedding. But of course, just give us a sense of the reaction from Ms.

Markle's family. What did say they about what she has in common with the prince?

WILLIAMS: So we saw these wonderful reactions this morning. And it's really beautiful statement from Ms. Markle's parents in which they said

that she's always been a kind and loving parent -- person and it has been a joy to see her with Prince Harry because he shares those same qualities.

And they wish them a lifetime of happiness. They know it's going to be wonderful but that as it was very striking that she is kind and loving and

he is, too. And I think that really underlines how in private, they're obviously a very kind and affectionate couple.

But in public Prince Harry and Meghan have done so much for people who have been struggling in society. Harry in particular with his real efforts

towards mental health awareness, talking about mental health, really following the mantel of his mother Diana, and really saying how can I help


And that's what think in a public sense they have in common. They obviously are two glamorous young people who love traveling, who love

Africa, who love -- who also obviously, Prince Harry loved her TV program Suits.

But what I think is important is how they both want to make the world a better place. And so there will be a lot of comparisons with Meghan to

Diana, I think in the future. Well I guess quite a lot.

KINKADE: Yes, no doubt. And no doubt this couple could do a lot of good for the world. Kate Williams, good to have your perspective. Thank you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, it's Monday morning here in Washington. And it's back to work for the American president after the thanksgiving holiday. The White

House has to focus on getting a tax bill passed, but there are other challenges.

The Trump administration faces a legal fight over who will lead the nation's top consumer watch dog agency. President Trump is being sued to

block Budget Director Mick Mulvaney being appointed. He has caused as a local critic of the agency and the president wants him to take over.

[10:35:00] But the agency's deputy director was all set to take the job and has filed a legal challenge. Meanwhile in Capitol Hill, sexual harassment

claims are also taking center stage.

And of course the U.S. president is taking to Twitter to lash out at the media again, including this network. He's tweet a little over an hour ago,

suggested a contest to see which of the networks, plus CNN and not including Fox is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its

political coverage on what he calls your favorite president.

He says they are all bad and the winner would receive the fake news trophy. Well, Brian Stelter CNN's Money's senior media correspondent is following

all of this.

And, Brian, the president continues his assault on -- on the free press and we've heard many come out defending his attack on CNN International,

including a media critic that you spoke to. Give us a sense of what was said.

BRIAN STELTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, indeed. David Zurawik from the Baltimore Sun, and other TV critics has also weighed in and saying this

kind of rhetoric from a U.S. president really flies in the face of decades of president.

And it does create a dangerous climate for journalists operating all around the world. You know the president -- he tweeted over the weekend

specifically about CNN International.

One of his comments was that this channel does not reflect the U.S. to the world and in the proper way. He said the outside world does not see the

truth from this channel.

Well, CNN responded within a matter of minutes with a pretty pointed statement saying, quote, it's not CNN's job to represent the U.S. to the

world. That's your job. Our job is to report the news.

That by the way has been shared more than three times as much as President Trump's original comment. But you know, whether it's about CNN or whether

it's about Time Magazine or any other network, anybody else has complained about.

The thrill line for President Trump is that he's trying to tell his supporters not to believe what they hear unless it's from one of the

outlets he approves of like Fox News. When the job gets tough, the news gets fake.

That's the message he continues to relay over and over again. I think it definitely has an impact amongst some of his most loyal supporters, but

many other Americans and folks around the world see it for what it is, which is an attempt to just kind of attack the messenger as opposed to make

progress here in the U.S.

KINKADE: And, Brian, I took to twitter as did many at CNN anchors and correspondents, pointing out his criticism. And it comes at a time when

many correspondents are putting their lives on the line to uncover the truth. What does this sort of a message from a U.S. president send to

rogue regimes?

STELTER: Normally American presidents stand up for a press freedom. They try to be a symbol for the world. They try to be a model for other

countries especially for undemocratic countries that maybe seeing a blossom, you know, of the press.

What we've seen in recent years instead is the opposite. We are seeing some countries cracking down on relatively free press trying to shut down

independent news outlets.

And when you have an American president being so critical over the press in the U.S., it does damage in other countries as well. It sends a bad

message to other leaders of other countries.

So that's one of the concerns that we've heard in the last couple of days as the president has renewed his complaints against the media. You know,

this is one of those flash points we see every so often.

I really think it is correlated in some ways to when the president is frustrated by his lack of accomplishments, frustrated by legislative

delays, frustrated by the Russia instigation. He lashes out at the news coverage of those issues.

But obviously, I don't see journalists backing down f down. If anything we see really impressive reporting on a daily basis from the CNN and the New

York Times, as in the Washington Post of the world, all trying to dig in to what is being accomplished in Washington and so far what is not.

KINKADE: Absolutely. And of course, Brian, this comes on the same weekend that the president sent a tweet out saying that he was effectively turning

down chance to be Time Magazine's person of the year. Time Magazine called that contently incorrect. The president seems overly concerned about how

he is perceive in the media.

STELTER: And that goes back to his days as a businessman on the Rise New York in the 1980s trying to build billions here in Manhattan. He cared a

lot about being on the cover of the New York Post.

He cared a lot about the gossip items in the tabloids. We see that through to this day. He cares deeply about something like Time Magazine which

honestly was a lot more relevant in 10 or 20 years ago.

But because of that status as a print publication often seen on the desk in the Oval Office, President Trump says he doesn't want to be man of the

year, person of the year, but we'll see what the editor's ultimately decide to do.

You know, the magazine apparently asked him for an interview. That would make a lot of sense even though the magazine won't confirm this.

But President Trump primarily only speaks to interviews from Fox News and from other outlets perceived as really, really friendly to him. He's not

taking questions from outlets that are mainstream networks or newspapers, or magazines.

[10:40:00] He's really insulated himself with outlets that are supportive of him. It's a disappointing development for anybody here in the U.S. or

other countries that wants to see thorough questioning of the American president.

KINKADE: Brian Stelter, always great to get your perspective for us. Thanks for joining us from New York.

STELTER: Thank you.

KINKADE: You're watching Connect the World. Still to come, critical food and medical aid has arrived in Yemen after Saudi Arabia relaxes a blockade.

Millions of people are desperate for help. We'll have their stories next.


KINKADE: You are watching CNN and this is Connect the World with me Lynda Kinkade. Welcome back. Well, much needed relief aid has arrived in Yemen

over the last 24 hours as Saudi Arabia eases the blockade of the country after international pressure.

Food and medical aid were allowed to enter parts of Yemen controlled by Houthi rebels for the first time in weeks. The blockade has choked off

food delivery, so millions of people already at risk of famine. It also stopped the supply of vaccines for children. Jomana Karadsheh has the



JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The human toll is staggering, the images heartbreaking. Yet there seems to be no end in sight for what is

the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

With millions on the brink of famine, aid is slowly trickling back into Yemen. A U.N. plane carrying urgently needed vaccinations for more than

half a million children made it into Sana'a on Saturday. Speaking with a man on Sunday, a top U.N. official warned that this is not enough.

GEERT CAPPELAERE, REGIONAL DIRECTOR, UNICEF: And so yesterday is just a small step forward. We hope that this step forward will be sustained. But

as I said, there are many more steps to follow. So yesterday was not an end. It is just a very small step.

[10:45:00] KARADSHEH: The Saudi-led coalition that's been locked in this two and a half year war against Houthi rebels, tightened its blocked of

Houthi controlled territory including the capital Sana'a earlier this month.

Saudi Arabia intercepted a missile targeting its capital, Riyadh. The Saudi-led coalition said the blockade was to stop weapon shipments to the

Houthis, it accuses Iran of supporting. This comes as the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia escalates.

But the blockade has impacted relief efforts in Yemen making an already desire situation even worse in one of the world's poorest countries where

more than half the population is reminded on aid.

With its health sector on the verge of collapse and the devastated bought here in sanitation system, the largest ever recorded cholera outbreak hit

Yemen this year. Other infectious diseases are spreading.

Like so many other conflicts, the youngest pay the heaviest price. According to the United Nations, every ten minutes a child dies in Yemen of

infectious diseases malnutrition.

CAPPELAERE: Children are one of the biggest victims of a war that is not of their making. I hope very much that world leaders, wherever they are

sitting, will come to realize that the current situation in Yemen for children, but for the Yemeni people as a whole, cannot continue. The

situation is catastrophic.

KARADSHEH: Pleads that so seemed to go unanswered. Jomana Karadsheh, CNN, Oman.


KINKADE: Well, still to come, a stunning scene and a natural disaster. We'll talk to a photographer about his work in the effort to help those

fleeing the danger zone around a volcano in Bali.


KINKADE: Well in today's Parting Shots, in almost 3,000 meter volcano spewing ash into the air. Imagine sitting at home one minute and finding

yourself rushing to safety, hiding in makeshift tents and fear of suffocating from the ash or worse, getting caught up in the lava.

A terrifying experience for tens of thousands in Bali right now. Well, our next guest is not a stranger to the geologic chaos in the Indonesian island

and all these astounding photos resulting from it.

He's a photographer, writer and volunteer for evacuees there. Rio Helmi joins me now. Rio, just give us a sense of the situation you're seeing

right now on the ground given that tens of thousands of people have been evacuated.

RIO HELMI, PHOTOGRAPHER, WRITER: The initial evacuation happened a couple months ago and there was some confusion about it and then people were

allowed to go back. And they've been moved out again. So in the meantime it's not as frantic as it was.

[10:50:00] Still -- there's still a little bit of, you know, chaos. A little bit of misunderstanding. But the situation is much better than it

was two months ago. So you have tens of thousands of people, yes, going out -- out of zones.

They are some zones in there which are extremely dangerous. The pyroclastic flows could happen. They haven't happened yet. What we're

seeing at the moment is what we call a magnetic eruption. But it infusive eruption, it's not explosive.

It's not going up into the air as it will probably eventually. So at the moment it's still somewhat subdued compared to what it could be. I mean

it's big. It's -- we have 3,800 meters of smoke, volcanic clouds going up.

There are -- there is ash falling over the place around -- in the zones. Also the winds are carrying the ash quite a ways away. Sometimes the winds

are blowing towards the east.

We've had reports of the ash going as a far as Lombok. There is a little bit of fine ash falling around the western and southwestern areas. So the

airport has been closed down.

KINKADE: And as a photographer, you get up close to the activity. We know from our meteorologist that there's expected to be an imminent massive

eruption soon. Where do you expect to be when that happens and how dangerous could it be?

HELMI: Well, I'm hoping that I'll be somewhere where I can get close enough but also, I don't really want to be, you know, terminated right


But it is -- there are different zones. So if I'm within, you know, say nine, 10 kilometers, you know, that's fair enough, that's close enough.

But I could be closer because of my volunteer work. I don't know exactly where I'll be.

KINKADE: And it's not just the lava and the torrents of mud but that ash cloud is quite dangerous, right?

HELMI: Yes. Well, the ashes are made of a very fine -- it's very fine mineral. They looked at it under the microscope. It's very sharp edge.

So it's dangerous for your breathing, it's dangerous for your eyes.

You know, people need to be wearing masks. And also need to be wearing some sort of goggles or some sort of covering of the eyes because it is

extremely dangerous.

KINKADE: So what does it mean to be a photographer amidst a volcanic eruption?

HELMI: Well, you know, my colleagues and I -- you know, it's shifting sands. You know, you start the day on one thing and then suddenly

something else is happening. It's not a like -- it's not scheduled, you know, perfect orderly thing.

You know, the winds change. The mountain is unpredictable. It's what we call a closed system volcano. It's one of 58 volcanoes in the world, but

it's hit a volcanic index of five. It's one of seven that's done that consecutively.

And we don't really -- we can't tell exactly how it's going to go. It's the first time that they've -- they've actually measured it with


Before in '63, there were no instruments in place. So we don't really exactly know what will happen next. So it's, you know, every day brings

something new.

KINKADE: So you also work as a volunteer, an evacuation volunteer. Are there any people refusing to leave the evacuation zone?

HELMI: There are some. Yes, there are some. But I think, you know, with this latest what we call -- it started off as a triadic -- what you call a

triadic eruption about a week ago which is mainly because of the water, in the hydrothermal systems.

And now we're seeing, you know, the last couple days we're seeing for the first time in magmatic you know where you see the actual, you know,

magmatic material coming out.

And I think a lot of people have changed their minds. But there are still some people -- there are still some people who are waiting. And I am not

sure how long they will wait because I'm going to say 1963 nothing happened to them. So it's difficult with this kind of belief.

KINKADE: Yes, but we do know obviously that 1963 volcanic eruption was deadly and it lasted almost a year. So it looks like people are building

some permanent structures to evacuate into right now. Just give us a sense of what your work involves as an evacuation volunteer and the needs of the

people there.

HELMI: Well, my particular job is because I'm very mobile -- my particular job is to check and monitor what's happening. There's a team of very

dedicated volunteers who work with me.

And they're actually the people who spend a lot of time, you know, with each individual group or spend time, you know, bringing people down. I


I check the evacuation routes. I try to check what's happening with the evacuees. But there's a lot of camps. There are hundreds of camps. And

some of them are registered. Some of them aren't.

You know, it can be a good thing that they're in more what we call self- reliant camps because that way they're not as alienated. They're not -- you know, they're not sitting in a camp getting depressed. So they're

actually involved in village life.

[10:55:00] So those situations are better. There have been situations where in bigger camps where people are getting really depressed because

they're just sitting there and they have nothing to do, and there's no engagement.


HELMI: The first couple days you don't feel it, but after that you feel it.

KINKADE: All right. Rio Helmi, really good to get your perspective on all of this. We wish you the best in your work over the coming days and weeks.

And we will stay on this story. Thanks so much.

HELMI: Thank you very much. Bye.

KINKADE: I'm Lynda Kinkade. That was Connect the World. From our team here in Atlanta and in Abu Dhabi, and London, thanks so for watching and

joining us today.

The news continues right here on CNN. The International Desk is up next, that's my colleague Robyn Curnow. Until then, we leave you with the image

of the day. A royal romance and the wedding fever it has sparked.