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New Evacuations As Six Blazes Scorch California; Trump Gives High Profile Boost To Roy Moore; Macron Calls For Negotiated Two States Solution. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired December 10, 2017 - 10:00   ET


[10:00:20] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: After the announcement, a furious fallout in parts of the Middle East after the U.S.

recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital. We're live for you in Beirut and in Jerusalem for the very latest.

Also ahead, to blazing a trail across swaths of California. Deadly wildfires continue their rampage as California governor says such extreme

fires on out the new normal. Two major stories will following few this hour here on CNN.

Hello and welcome, this is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. It is just after 7:00 in the evening here from the streets of

Beirut to the halls of power in Paris. Tensions over Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel are flaring on a

global scale. Violent protest have been taking place near the U.S. embassy in Lebanon.

Meantime, Israel's Prime Minister is in France this hour, a country that's been urging the U.S. to reconsider its decision on Jerusalem. Well, the

Arab League has also condemned the move with the Lebanese foreign minister saying, "Pre-emptive measures must be taken beginning with diplomatic

measures, then political, then economic and financial sanctions." Well, we are tracking events from across the region this hour. Ian Lee is in

Jerusalem for you and Ben Wedeman has the latest from Beirut. Let's start with you in Beirut, a very large and vocal demonstration. Ben, what was

the profile of demonstrators today and their move?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's interesting to see actually that their worse -- the demonstrations, where there were more

than a thousand people there. The initial group seemed to be largely Palestinian with an Islamist tinge to it, and they were replaced by and

large by Lebanese leftists who came to the rally. But they all seemed to be united in what they were calling for, was for President Donald Trump to

resend his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

And we heard, for instance, speakers thanking President Trump because his decision seems of united many within the Arab and Muslim world which were -

- who were divided over things like Syria, the situation in Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. They do all seem to agree on one thing, is that they do not

approve of this decision by the American President. We also spoke with demonstrators who also were angry at Arab leaders who with met in Cairo

yesterday with the Arab League. Fill is one man said, they're all sheep, its a league of sheep who come out with condemnation and little more than

that, Becky?

ANDERSON: It was then interesting to hear the Lebanese foreign minister at that meeting. Let me just quote for you and our viewer's sake just one

thing he said, "Could this calamity bring us together and wake us from our slumber?" He questioned, "Let it be known that history will never forgive

us and our future will not be proud of what we have done." And pushing those Arab League ministers to call for financial sanctions against the

U.S. A very muscular approach by the Lebanese foreign minister. Are you surprised?

WEDEMAN: Well, let's say muscular rhetorical approach by the Lebanese foreign minister, but the question is, where will they carry through with

that? Keep in mind, for instance, with Donald Trump when he went to the -- to Riyadh earlier this year, he came away saying that he concluded $110

billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia. As the United States and the Middle East, there word a huge amount of business together, and they would

both lose if there were to be actual action on the financial or economic front. So, it really remains to be seen whether those words will translate

into anything concrete. But the problem, of course, is that the people in this region are very well aware of the fact that time and time again, the

Arab leaders have come together and put out a great -- bringing declarations of condemnation of the Israel and the United States. But when

it comes to real action, it's just words, Becky.

[10:05:19] ANDERSON: Ben Wedeman is in Beirut, Ben, appreciate it. So, Israel's prime minister is in France this hour. Ian, meantime, trouble on

the streets, what have you seen, what have you heard?

IAN LEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, it's been pretty calm today here in Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. We really haven't seen any protests

materialize, and he is the kind of trend that we've been tracking since Thursday. Where really kicked off, we had thousands of people who were out

on the street in Ramallah, in Jerusalem, people in Bethlehem and Gaza. But, as the protests had continued, we've seen the numbers dwindle.

Still a lot of frustration, but, as far as the street movement goes, they're waiting to hear what their politician, their leaders are going to

come up with next to figure out how to move this forward, Becky.

ANDERSON: All right. OK, Ian is in Jerusalem for you. I know we've got some sound, tell me who is that sound from?

LEE: Becky, we -- the earlier today, there was an incident at the central bus station. Now, there was a stabbing attack where a perpetrator was

described as a Palestinian man. He attacked a security guard at the bus station and this happens from time to time here, Jerusalem and the West

Bank and another places across the holy land. But, this attack, we were able to get there, we talked to the police spokesman, asked them though, if

it was related to what is going on, what's the tension here. Take a listen.


MICKY ROSENFELD, NATIONAL SPOKESMAN TO FOREIGN MEDIA, ISRAEL POLICE: Part of the investigation is focusing on what took place over the hours, 24 to

48 hours where we had a number of incidents that took place, a number of (INAUDIBLE) riots and disturbances in and around the old city. But here,

relatively it's been quiet over the last 48 hours. In fact, even more, 72 hours, but our units quickly responded to the attack, dealt with the

attack, contained the attack and at the moment heightened security continues.


LEE: So, Becky, its unknown right now if this attack is related to the tension going on or what really is the motive behind it. But, there is

that tension here in Jerusalem and across the region as this situation plays out, and where it goes from here is anyone's guess. Will it

continue, will we see more protests? You know, we have seen more protests probably in Jordan. Lebanon, where Ben is in Turkey, then, we have here in

Jerusalem and the West Bank.

It seems like the people when you talk to them, they do feel somewhat defeated and they are looking for leadership on how to move forward.


ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating, all right. So, Ian's in Jerusalem, Ben, is in Beirut for you. We've been seeing then just how significant Mr. Trump's

declarations are for Palestinians, Israeli's and the Arab world as a whole. But as our correspondents were pointing out, could that decision actually

pay off to some extent for the U.S. President in the long run? CNN's Nic Robertson, takes a look.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Clashes like these in the past few days, stone-throwing Palestinian youths, goading well-armed Israeli

security forces, part of what world leaders openly worried might happen following President Trump's announcement, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's


Their fears weren't misplaced, there have been casualties. Yet, this is only partial picture, many of the Palestinian protests have been relatively

peaceful, and overall have lacked the scale and zeal of past Palestinian actions. In other words, way too soon to know how all this is going to

turn out. It raises the question, can President Trump, capitalize on his announcement?


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER, ISRAEL: We're profoundly grateful for the President for his courageous and just decision to recognize Jerusalem

as the capital of Israel.

ROBERTSON: Israelis from the prime minister on down have been gushing in their praise.

NAFTALI BENNETT, MINISTER OF EDUCATION: It's a good step forward towards peace.


ROBERTSON: One lawmaker suggested Trump's name should be carved into Judaism's sacred Western Wall. Another said, he'd name a park after Trump.


ROBERTSON: Of course, there's been much speculation about why Trump made the announcement. His critics say it was just to fulfill a campaign

promise. Yet, the careful framing by the White House and the positive Israeli response perhaps gives Trump leverage other U.S. President's


Throughout the region, pro-Palestinian protesters have united to say Trump is biased towards Israel, and the U.S. can't be a fair peace talk

negotiator. The Palestinian's chief negotiator told CNN, Trump had effectively shut down talks for a two-State solution.


SAEB EREKAT, MEMBER, PALESTINIAN PARLIAMENT, JERICHO: President Trump made the biggest mistake of his life.

ROBERTSON: But the Palestinian protest, I talked to people who said this too, but they also told me they aren't happy with their own leadership.

GEORGE ASSAD, CHRISTIAN CONSULTANT: I think, the leadership has the -- had many opportunities in terms of a wakeup call and they haven't listened to

(INAUDIBLE), listen to the street. I hope that it's a wake-up call for them to pursue a different course of action.

ROBERTSON: Frustrations hang in part on Palestinian authority President Mahmoud Abbas. His post-Trump's statement was seen as weak, but also with

regional leaders.

AHMAD TIBI, LEADER, ARAB MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE: Some of the Arab States are locked. Reacting in a very vigorous and obvious way. The statement was

dangerous, the reaction should be strong.


ROBERTSON: Helping Israelis and Palestinians find peace has been one of the bigger challenges for recent American Presidents. It's bedeviled the

best minds and negotiators the U.S. has been able to master. Too soon to say, if Trump's gamble against advice an orthodoxy will pay off. Nic

Robertson, CNN, Jerusalem.

ANDERSON: All right. Now, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris set to meet with the French President Emmanuel Macron. France urging the U.S. to

reconsider the Jerusalem decision as and when we get more on that, the set stage -- the set stage -- the stage is set as you can see in Paris there as

we get more, of course, we will bring that to you.

Well, elsewhere in the Middle East, the fight against the ISIS in Iraq involved dozens of countries, thousands of civilian deaths and millions of

refugees. The whole world was watching when Iraqi government troops recaptured the last major ISIS stronghold earlier this year. But in recent

months, while many of us have been focusing elsewhere, Iraq has been mopping up pockets of resistance. The Iraqi government declared total

victory on Saturday but that's still not the end of the story. There's some ISIS resistance left, for example, in Syria, and (INAUDIBLE), reports

the job of rebuilding Iraq, well that is just beginning.

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN PRODUCER: After more than three years of battles and bloodshed, Iraqis can finally celebrate its victory day, an end to the war

on ISIS.


HAIDER AL ABADI, IRAQI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): We announce to our people and to the whole world that our heroes have reached the final

strongholds of Daesh and purified it. Raising the Iraqi flag over areas of western Anbar which were the last Iraqi usurped territories. The Iraqi

flag flies high today over all Iraqi lands and over the remotest border areas.

KARADSHEH: Congratulations poured in from allies around the world on Saturday. The USS Presidential Envoy for the global coalition to defeat

ISIS, Brett McGurk, tweeted, "Prime Minister Abadi announced it today, for the first time in four long years, ISIS controls no significant territory

in Iraq. We congratulate the prime minister and all the Iraqi people on this significant achievement which many thought impossible.

The victory came with a heavy cost, thousands of fighters and civilians were killed, countless others injured, millions have been displaced from

their homes and entire cities and towns now lie in ruins. While its military operations may now be over, Iraq's government faces the battle to

win the hearts and minds of all Iraqis. Their country has been through this before. Before ISIS, there was Al Qaeda in Iraq and other extremist

groups could still rise from the ashes of the so-called Caliphate.

JAN KUBIS, U.N. REPRESENTATIVE FOR IRAQ: Daesh is down but not yet out even in Iraq. The military victory is only one component of a complex

battle, only by defeating its succeeded ideology, choking off its external support and addressing the causes that prompted so many Iraqis to join or

tolerate Daesh can this terrorist organization finally be terminated.

KARADSHEH: While it no longer controls major territory, ISIS still possesses the ability to carry out devastating attacks, something Iraqis

know all too well. But for now, they take a day to celebrate, to be proud of their hard-won games. (INAUDIBLE), CNN, Amman.


[10:15:05] ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE) British foreign secretary has wrapped up meetings with top Iranian leaders in Tehran. The U.K. foreign office says

that Boris Johnson had constructed jokes with the Iranian President and foreign minister about Britain's support for the 2015 nuclear deal. But

the fate of a jailed British-Iranian aid worker is still unclear. There had been hopes that Johnson would be able to negotiate to release for

Nazanin, Zaghari Ratcliffe, a mother from London.

But there is still no court hearing inside, Zaghari Ratliffe has been held in Iran since last year on charges of spying which she denies. A month

ago, Johnson caused a furor when he told lawmakers she was in Iran to teach journalism. Her family has always maintained she was simply visiting

relatives. We'll hear from Nazanin's husband tomorrow right here on CONNECT THE WORLD.

Well, still to come tonight, deadly wildfires tearing through Southern California. Now there, the governor has a dire warning for the future of

the State.


ANDERSON: A new normal. That is what the California Governor Jerry Brown calls these raging wildfires. He is sounding the alarm saying extreme fire

activity will happen on a regular basis for decades. The governor is calling for better resource management to combat climate change in a place

that is getting hotter.

Well, the governor has declared an emergency for California to assist the thousands of firefighters working nonstop across the State. Six different

blazes are tearing through Southern California right now. Deadly flames have scorched more than 70,000 hectares and destroyed hundreds of

buildings. Firefighters have made progress containing the fires but wind - - the gusts are fueling the fast-moving flames.

Well, red flag warning is in effect for much of the Los Angeles area, smoke is clogging the air. The flumes seen from space stretching out over a

thousand kilometers across the Pacific Ocean. Paul Vercammen is monitoring one of the largest fires in the State history for you.

[10:19:58] PAUL VERCAMMEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, the Thomas fire, the biggest of all the fires burning in Southern California took a wicked turn

overnight. I am now in the eastern part of Carpinteria. This is a lot of Avocado orchards, by the way. And if you look over my shoulder, you can

see the flames burning.

They had to issue some mandatory evacuations for this part of eastern Carpinteria. This is in Santa Barbara County, the fire had been burning

along the Santa Barbara County, Ventura County fire line on one of its place.

The problem for firefighters is it got up into the backcountry. Twisting, turning canyons, steep canyons and when these fires do this, it can be very

difficult to corral them. They can't go having the firefighters go up to these canyons chasing fires. They would say, that's extremely dangerous.

So what they're going to do right now is they're going to try to hold the line in the eastern part of Carpinteria, and keep the Thomas fire which is

now among one of the biggest fires in California history, from knifing into the small city of Carpinteria, population 15,000.

So far, they are holding the line here. We'll see if the strategy includes setting some backfires later on as we go forward with the advance of this

Thomas fire. Back to you now, Becky.

ANDERSON: A devastating situation for man and for beast. Some owners were even forced to let their elite racehorses to lose, to try and save them.

However, at least 29 died in one of the fires and those that were rescued, sustained severe burns. My colleague, CNN's Hala Gorani with more.


HALA GORANI, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Is there anything we can do to help?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, come and grab a horse.


It is all hands on deck in California to try to save hundreds of horses trapped and petrified by the California fires. Even reporters on the scene

put down their microphones to lead some of the horses to safety.

All right, come on, come on, come on. All right.

These are some of the lucky ones, saved by good Samaritans who were there to pick up the reigns.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was screaming to people walking and driving by, come in here and help us.

GORANI: But it was too late to help horses stranded in other fires, dozens have died already, and some have been seen running wild through the smoky

hills. A staging center has been set up at the Delmar Fairgrounds to shelter the rescued horses. Many have no identification and are in need of

food and medical treatment.

You can tell this guy has been through a lot, his coat has a lot of damage to it and you can tell he hasn't, you know, been taken care of very well.

Safe, yet scarred from the fires that are taking a toll on anything and everything in their path.

ANDERSON: Hala Gorani, reporting. Wind gusts are early exacerbating conditions for the firefighters. Senior Meteorologist Allison Chinchar,

joining me now live from the CNN Weather Center, with more on the Santa Ana winds. Tell us more about the weather conditions on the ground and how

that impacting the effort to contain these dreadful fires.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN SENIOR METEOROLOGIST: That's right, Becky, and unfortunately it's going to get worse before it actually gets better. The

main concern is going to be the wind. Now, as we go through the rest of the morning and into the afternoon hours, their local time, the winds are

still expected to be about 40 to even 70 kilometers per hour. Now, as we gradually go into Monday, they do start to come back down, but even then

you're still talking 30 to 40 kilometers per hour and that is still enough of a strong wind to take some of the smaller fires, turn them into big

fires or take the big fires and expand them even more.

Here's a look at our main large fires that we have right here, the main six. You can see the Thomas fire, that's the largest one burning. That's

on the far northern end of this main region. Now, here's the problem that's about 155,000 acres for that particular region. Just for some

perspective, we're talking 627 square kilometers, that's about the similar size to Madrid in Spain, again, just to kind of give you some perspective


Some of the things we've been talking about, none of the top ten worst fires in California State history had ever occurred in December, that's why

this is such a big deal. California gets fires, they do, that's nothing new, but normally it's from June to October. Even if you stretch this out

to the top 20 worst fires, there's only one and that would be the Thomas fire that's occurring right now.

There has been about a 30 percent increase in the number of fires from just last year to this year. Now, one good thing is some of the fires they've

been able to make some large improvements and containment, including the Lilac Fire. But the Thomas fire, that's the big one, it's still only about

15 percent contained.

Now, one thing that is one of the bigger concerns that we have to talk about here is the fact that the embers, those the tiny little things can

get picked up by the wind and taken into other places. Sometimes we're talking tens of kilometers away from the original fire. That's one of the

big concerns with those winds that we've been talking about because it can be something so small, take it over highways, over top of homes, things

like that, and create brand new fires in areas that they're simply not prepared for.

[10:25:11] ANDERSON: We've heard the governor telling people this is the quote, new normal, because of climate change. Is this the case? And if

so, what is the outlook for places like Southern California in the decades to come?

CHINCHAR: Right. So, (INAUDIBLE), we talked about climate change and its effects on fires. Basically, what it means is you have fewer rainy days

and more dry days and the outlook would mean for California, that where they now have a typical fire season if you will, that runs from June to

October. It would no longer be a season but rather would now become just a year-long thing that could happen at any point in time, and that's going to

be the concern going forward.

ANDERSON: Well, that will leave it there. We thank you very much indeed for joining us. That dire warning from California's governor, drawing

attention to the relationship between wildfires and climate change. To read more about the governor's message and these blazing infernos scorching

the State, do use That is

Right now, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is in Paris meeting with the French President Emmanuel Macron. France urging the U.S. to reconsider its

decision on Jerusalem. As we get more on that, you will get it from us live from Abu Dhabi. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Coming up, to see

Arab world protests the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. makes the case for the Jerusalem embassy move. Hear what Nikki Haley says, how the decision would

advantage, nor hinder the peace process. That is up next.


[10:30:00] ANDERSON: You're watching CNN. I'm Becky Anderson, this is CONNECT THE WORLD. A hotly contested U.S. Senate race in Alabama is just

two days away and President Donald Trump is giving another high-profile boost to embattled candidate Roy Moore. He recorded a message of support

for Moore to be used in a phone call that's being rolled out to voters this weekend. Moore denying accusation that he molested a 14-year-old girl,

sexually assaulted a 16-year-old and pursued other teenage girls when he was in his 30s. Well, Mr. Trump is fully embracing Moore despite the

controversy telling crowds at a Friday night rally they cannot afford to lose the seat to a Democrat. Moore's opponent Doug Jones is ramping up

campaign appearances as he seeks to become the first Democratic Senator from Alabama in 25 years.

Couple stories for you, a reminder of our top story this hour from this region. The Middle East braced for more protests over Donald Trump's

decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Demonstrations have broken out near the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Some protesters clashed

with Lebanese Security Forces, this as the Israeli Prime Minister has been meeting with France's President who has urged the U.S. to reconsider its

position. The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley is defending President Trump's Jerusalem decision, pushing back at the suggestion that

it hinders the peace process. She appeared on CNN's "STATE OF THE UNION" with Jake Tapper a short time ago. Have a listen to what she said.


NIKKI HALEY, UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: In Jerusalem, you've got the parliament, you've got the President, you've got the Prime

Minister, you've got the Supreme Court, so why shouldn't we have the embassy there. Secondly, I will tell you that for 22 years, you have had

presidents and the American people ask for the embassy to be moved and no president, not Clinton, not Bush, not Obama, actually made -- had the

courage to make that move and listen to e will of the American people. The Senate just overwhelmingly again voted to have the embassy moved. So the

President did the will of the people. When it comes to those that are upset, we knew that was going to happen but courage does cause that. When

you make a decision you're going to have some that see it negatively and you're going to have some that see it positively. But I strongly believe

this is going to move the ball forward for the peace process.

TAPPER: How is it going to move the ball forward for the peace process? One of the things that's been pointed out -- first of all, let me just say,

that I'm sure Presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama would dispute the idea that this was -- that they didn't do it because of courage. But putting

that aside, President Trump is supposed to be a master negotiator, isn't this just cashing in a chit and getting nothing for it? How does this move

the peace process forward in any way?

HALEY: Not at all. And I will tell you, all the presidents wanted to do it and everyone around them kept saying don't do it, don't do it. This

President said, for 22 years, that waiting didn't help us. Now let's try and move the ball. What I will tell you is you know, you have to look at

the situation that he just took Jerusalem off the table. He just took it off the table. So now they get to come together, they get to decide what

borders will look like, they get to decide the boundaries and they get to talk about how they want to see Jerusalem going forward. All we did was

say this is not something that we're going to allow to happen in the middle of your negotiations. You come together and you decide what you want from

the Israelis and the Palestinians for the peace process to look like.


ANDERSON: Nikki Haley speaking earlier. I want to get you to Paris, because right now Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting there with French

President Emmanuel Macron. We know that France has been urging the U.S. to reconsider the Jerusalem decision. Let's just have a listen in to what's

being said at present.


NETANYAHU: Jerusalem has never been the capital of any other people. I think the sooner the Palestinians come to grips with this reality, the

sooner we'll move towards peace. And this is why I think President Trump announcement was so historic and so important for peace. On the quest for

peace, there is a serious effort underway now by the United States and all I can say as I said related to President Macron, I think if you'll pardon

the expression, we should give peace a chance by bringing things to their historical truths, by opening up the possibility of renewed negotiations,

with a renewed initiatives. Now peace requires not only that you recognize reality, but that we also fight aggression. President Macron and I agree

that we must stop the main source of aggression in the Middle East, which is Iran. Iran is all over the place. It's in Iraq, it's in Syria, it's

already in Lebanon where the president is valiantly trying to change the situation, taking a real initiative, which we appreciate and support. It's

in Gaza, it's in Yemen. We have to do what we can do to stop Iran.

[10:35:33] What Iran is trying to do regarding Israel, whom it openly calls for annihilation, is to do two new things. The first new thing is to

entrench itself militarily with land forces, air forces, and naval forces in Syria, with the expressed purpose of fighting and destroying Israel. We

will not tolerate that. We back up our words with actions. The second thing that Iran is trying to do is put inside Lebanon game-changing

missiles, precision-guided missiles to manufacture them and add to over 100,000 statistical missiles and rockets to add precision-guided munitions,

thousands of them, that could be a great danger to Israel, its cities, and its people. We will not tolerate that either. We look towards responsible

leaders and to important leaders such as yourself, President Macron, to help us roll back this aggression, to help us give peace a chance, not only

with our Palestinian neighbors but in the region as a whole.


ANDERSON: Give peace a chance, says Netanyahu. There is a series effort, he says, underway by the U.S. to provide a solution to the Middle East

peace process. And he said that he and the French President agree that we must stop the main aggressor in the Middle East, that being Iran, moving

away from what has been this provocative and controversial decision by the U.S. to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Mr. Macron, to his

part, at the same press conference, told -- had said that he has told Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, of his disapproval of the U.S.

recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. A decision Trump said was simply a recognition of reality, remember, that's what he said last week.

Mr. Macron also said he condemns threats to Israel, he insisted that any solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict must be negotiated through a

two-state solution. So that press conference continues. As we get more we'll bring it to you.

My next guest says there are few things to keep in mind when viewing President Trump's decision on Jerusalem. Atlantic Council's Senior Fellow

H.A Hellyer writes in the National newspaper, "the first is that it really does matter and the second is that it doesn't matter for the reasons many

populists in the region insist it does." H.A. joining me nowhere on set for insight and analysis. Explain what you meant if you will.

H.A HELLYER, SENIOR FELLOW, ATLANTIC COUNCIL: So, I think that we have to keep very much in mind that there's no universe in which we can imagine

that the declaration of an occupied piece of territory becoming the capital of the occupying power somehow advances a peace process between the

occupied and the occupier. I think that we have to view this decision as being very much rooted within American domestic politics. Mr. Trump paying

homage to that part of his base that is very keen to see these sorts of moves take place. And in that regard, he's been quite successful. And

keeping in mind, across the aisle, Democrats and Republicans has signed declarations many times over the past decade actually saying that Jerusalem

is the capital of Israel in spite of international law on this particular issue.

ANDERSON: You have heard the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. effectively say give peace a chance. Trump is effectively with this declaration on

Jerusalem, just setting the scene for a simultaneous effort on peace. We've just heard Netanyahu effectively say the same thing. There is a

serious effort he says underway by the U.S. to provide a solution. The problem is, none of us and nobody else around this region seems to have any

details on that potential solution that would be brokered by the U.S., the dishonest broker so far as many Arab leaders are now concerned.

HELLYER: So I think internationally, not simply within the region, there must be few people, indeed, that takes seriously the notion that

Washington, D.C., particularly under a Trump administration can be considered as a neutral broker or arbiter between these two parties.

Assumingly the Palestinians do not believe that. And with very good justification with this particular declaration, it's been very, very clear

indeed, that the interests of the Palestinians are not being taken to account even as a fraction as compared to the Israeli side.

[10:40:14] ANDERSON: This announcement by Mr. Trump has sparked global outrage wide and far, especially strong words coming from a number of Arab

leaders, not least that of -- sorry leaders around this region. Arab leaders as well as President Erdogan earlier today, saying, "Palestine is

an innocent victim. As for Israel, it is a terrorist state. Yes, terrorist. We will not abandon Jerusalem to the mercy of a state that

kills children." A bold statement from a Muslim leader. I haven't heard that statement specifically echoed by an Arab leader, but we may do in the

coming hours .does this change anything?

HELLYER: I don't think so, to be honest to you. I think that one thing that we've seen from Ankara a number of times when it comes to this

particular file is that, indeed, Prime Minister - well President Erdogan will make these sort of populist statements. But whether or not this will

translate into any policy shifts on the ground, I'm not so sure. There might be a downgrading of diplomatic relations. I don't think that we can

be sure of that though. And the question is whether or not there's going to be any real policy change that goes across the region with regards to


ANDERSON: It is interesting today, Lebanese Foreign Minister perhaps as vocal as it gets of the Arab League meeting on Saturday calling for

diplomatic and economic financial curbs on the U.S. as a result of this, talking about sanctions. I'm not sure that anybody else around this region

would really believe that the Arab world is likely any time soon to impose sanctions. One of the arguments being made is while there is undeniable

outrage in the Arab world, the Palestinian cause if you will, is not priority anymore to some Arab leaders. In fact, an op-ed in the Atlantic

said this. Most Arab countries won't care much about Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, which might seem

counterintuitive the official announcement comes at an important and peculiar time when Arab regimes find themselves more aligned than ever with

Israel on regional priorities. How true and important do you think that statement is?

HELLYER: So there's a couple things. First, when it comes to the threat of Iran, particularly within the Gulf Region, there's certainly a priority

on putting back Iranian influence on the regions. And in that regard certainly, they share something with Tel Aviv. There's something else that

I think is very important. The broad mass of Arab public opinion views Jerusalem as an incredibly sensitive issue because it represents the denial

of Arab autonomy in the 20th and 21st century. So for that reason alone, I don't think that Arab leaders can simply put it aside.

ANDERSON: I'm going to stop you there. But we'll he you back. Always a pleasure. A regular guest on this show.

HELLYER: My pleasure. Thank you.

ANDERSON: Thank you H.A. I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching. Stay with CNN.



[10:45:00] JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNN ANCHOR: Coming up on MARKETPLACE MIDDLE EAST, the future of mobility, from electric cars to driverless taxis.

Could this be the future of autonomous travel in the region?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We see Dubai connected to Abu Dhabi connected to Riyadh and being able to go between those places or any place in the Gulf within

basically an hour.

DEFTERIOS: And the biggest shift in energy consumption since the industrial revolution. Is the motor industry set to turn the oil industry

on its head?


DEFTERIOS: In the land of oil and gas, many people would be surprised that Middle East cities like Dubai are embracing electric vehicles and the push

to go electric is coming from the very top of government.


DEFTERIOS: They are super sleek. This all-electric Tesla car is now part of Dubai's taxi fleet. 50 of them entered service in September with 150

more on order. It's part of the city's plan to have 10 percent of all government vehicles fully electric or hybrid by 2020, and 50 percent of all

taxis hybrid by 2021. Dubai wants to be the forefront of future mobility. At its annual motor show recently the big, the glitzy, the fast and the

future were on show. This industry is facing profound upheaval, and this year the electric car revolution was center stage.

MIKE AGOSTA CFO MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA, FORD MOTOR COMPANY: Our strategy is not always to be first. Our strategy is to be fast and vast.

DEFTERIOS: This is Ford's, Mike Agosta. Between now and 20 they're investing $4.5 billion on electric with 13 new electrified models in the

pipeline, four of which are destined for the Middle East market.

AGOSTA: There's several reasons we're bringing electrified product to the Middle East. Saudi Arabia implementing fuel economy standards for all the

consumers and in Dubai we have a push by the government to deliver 10 percent electrified product by 2020. Along with that, we believe that

electrification is the way to enhance our vehicle product lineup.

DEFTERIOS: The Dubai government is also encouraging motorist to embrace electric. Incentives like free use of charging stations until 2019, free

parking, vehicle registration and toll tags are being offered. It's part of the city's aim to have the lowest carbon footprint by 2050. One crucial

problem is infrastructure. There are just a few hundred charging stations installed. Marcus Dold believes it's a chicken and egg situation and he's

willing to provide a solution.

MARKUS DOLD, FOUNDER & CEO, ECHARGE: If we (INAUDIBLE) it like that, vehicle technology so -- and then the charging session starts.

DEFTERIOS: He wants to place 10,000 of these solar powered enabled charging stations at hotels and malls across Dubai and Abu Dhabi over the

next 12 months.

DOLD: All the car manufacturers all over the world have such an amazing car in the pipeline, but they need infrastructure. And each of us will

bring the infrastructure all over the world with our project of 50,000 charging stations next year and 10,000 I reserved for Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

DEFTERIOS: It's this kind of infrastructure that General Motors is hoping for. Because of the government's embrace of electric, Chevrolet is

launching its Bolt EV in Dubai three years ahead of plan at the end of next year. It's currently being tested around the streets of the city.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People look at electric vehicles and think they have to give something up. And you know, what we want to do with the Chevrolet

Bolt EV is you don't need to give anything up. You've got long range, it's a 520 kilometers NEDC and a great package. It's fast and nimble, it's a

200 brake horsepower and great fun to drive.

DEFTERIOS: These old traditional carmakers are facing intense competition. New car manufacturers are entering the market and tech giants like Google

are also getting in on the act.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We see more change in the next five to 10 years than there has been in the last 50. You just have to look the number of

disrupters, number of startup companies in automotive, whether they're building vehicles or whether they're building technology for vehicles.

Mobility is absolutely changing.


[10:50:00] DEFTERIOS: It's not only about electric vehicles. Here on the highway between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, in less than a decade, we could see

large tube-like structures traveling over ground between the two major cities.


DEFTERIOS: It's called the Hyperloop. It aims to transport passengers at 1200 kilometers per hour. It could cut journey times between Dubai to Abu

Dhabi from an hour and a half to a mere 12 minutes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The greater Gulf countries are prime for it for a number of reasons. One, they don't have existing infrastructure already.

Two, they're looking to grow and connect their people, their cities together quite a bit more. And then three, the abundance of solar power in

this particular area. You can completely unplug this thing (INAUDIBLE) here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three, two, one, fire.

DEFTERIOS: Testing on a prototype has taken place and it could be a key element of Dubai's plan to have 25 percent of all passenger journeys as

autonomous or driverless by 2030.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We see you know, Dubai connecting to Abu Dhabi and connected to Riyadh and being able to go between those places or any place

in the Gulf within basically an hour. Dubai already has driverless metros and the Tesla taxi fleet is fitted with autonomous technology. The

Volocopter, the world's first self-flying taxi is being tested in the skies around Dubai. Powered by clean electricity, this two-seater can cruise at

up to 50 kilometers per hour for up to 30 minutes. And within the next decade, this driverless transport mix could include the hyperloop.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think we offer something that's a bit more than just coming in with the product. We offer that we're not going to come in and

ship concrete in, ship steel in or anything like that. We're going to use the local materials, use the local labor force, really add to the ecosystem



DEFTERIOS: Coming up, could electric and new vehicle technology finally brings the end to rising demand for crude.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Peak oil demand has become a really hot question within the oil industry, and it used to be something that was theoretical and far

off. Now people realize that it may be somewhere on the horizon.



DEFTERIOS: As electric vehicles gain traction and new technology improve fuel efficiency, there's a growing consensus in the industry the global

demand for oil is set to peak.


DEFTERIOS: After decades of growth, oil companies are preparing for the biggest shift in energy consumption since the industrial revolution. For

producers across the Gulf, it could present a big problem as sizable portions of the revenues still come from oil and gas.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Peak oil demand has become a hot question within the oil industry and that it used to be as something that was theoretical and

far off and now people realize that it may be somewhere on the horizon. There are a lot of estimates as to when it's going to come but I think from

a planning point of view probably the most reasonable view would be sometime in the late 2030s or in the early 2040s.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For gasoline, peak demand difference is going to come by 2030 and for all of Asia, maybe 2040. But there is no peak demand for

jet fuel, there's no peak demand for diesel fuel. The market continues to grow at a much smaller rate, but it will continue to grow indefinitely.

[10:55:21] DEFTERIOS: One reason is that there's a growing backlash against gasoline. Paris is set to ban diesel cars from its streets in 2024

and petrol vehicles from 2030 and many other cities are considering similar measures. But will a sizable shift to electric vehicles make significant

in roads and drive down demand for oil?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even in a scenario in which you have 30 percent of the new cars sold in 2040 are electric cars, world oil demand in 2040 could be

20 percent higher than it is today. In a more radical scenario, it might be 10 percent lower. But you're going to have to produce tens of millions

of barrels of new oil to make up for completion and keep in mind something else, economic growth and a world population that's 2 billion people more.

So demand for energy is going to grow. The big question, the big debate is what's going to be the mix.

DEFTERIOS: Seeing peak oil demand on horizon, many large producers are overhauling their long-term investment plan and diversifying away from


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have very big investments in renewables, large biofuel in Brazil, a big wind business in the United States. But rather

than going out and making a big bet now, we're going very wide, really understand the technology so that when we're ready, we can make a bigger


DEFTERIOS: Many uncertainties remain including the pace of technological changes that will make renewables and electric vehicles more competitive.

But predicting peak oil demand accurately is important for an industry sitting on trillions of dollars of crude reserves.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The world needs all forms of energy. Once peak oil is reached, it's also going to gently decline. It's not going to fall off a

cliff either. So as companies, we'll be able to adapt and change and be part of the transition to a low carbon economy, absolutely.

DEFTERIOS: And it's at prediction that probably ensures oil will play a big part of the energy mix for a long time to come, especially in the Gulf

which has the lowest production cost in the world. On average it costs less than $9.00 to produce a barrel of oil.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This oil which it has lower cost like the one which is produced in Abu Dhabi will be produced. The last drop of oil will come

from this region, you know. So let's concentrate our assets on the oil which is the most affordable for the customers. If it's affordable because

that's local, then it will be produced. I'm convinced of that.


DEFTERIOS: Peak oil demand has become a major preoccupation for energy economists and has sparked an intense debate and intrigue in the industry.

The impact of electric vehicles remains to be seen. But what is clear, getting the timing right on peak oil demand will separate the winners from

the losers.