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Davos 2018; Trump White House; x-USA Gymnastics Doctor Gets Up To 175 Years As Abuse Victims Applaud; Myanmar Opens Holding Camps For Rohingya Returnees; Aid Groups Temporarily Suspends Operations In Afghanistan. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired January 25, 2018 - 02:00   ET



[02:00:00] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: A few hours. Bringing with him his trademark "America First" agenda. Mr. Trump left Washington late on Wednesday. He will met with the British and Israeli prime ministers after he arrives here in Davos, but he is not likely to get a warm reception from others in this Alpine resort. Protesters have been out in force, and although most world leaders are mentioning Mr. Trump by name, the policy disagreements are clear.


PAULO GENTILONI, PRIME MINISTER OF ITALY: Europe is not there to give our opinion on what the elected president of the United States decide. Every one of us can have his opinion and when our interests are involved, for example on free trade, as I said, or in climate change, we are openly saying what we think and the differences that we have.

ANGELA MERKEL, CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY (through translator): The fact that Europe has not been the most active continent in terms of foreign policy and has often relied on the United States which is now concentrating more on itself, must lead us to the conclusion that we need to take on more responsibility. We must take our fate in our own hands.


ANDERSON: Let's bring in CNN's international diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson, in Davos in Switzerland with me. This is the first U.S. president to visit this meeting of the global elite here in Davos in Switzerland since Bill Clinton back in 2000. There is some anxiety about his appearance here.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Very interestingly, he doesn't get to speak until the end of the week, and what we already heard laid from Tuesday with, you know, Indian prime minister and Norwegian prime minister and prime minister of Canada, et cetera, et cetera, Merkel, Macron, Gentiloni, very much circled the wagon.

Circled this sort of global trade wagon, if you will, with their own message about Trump's populism, Trump's isolationism, Trump's "America First," a very strong message. The time he gets to speak, that will put their message forward. It is quite interesting.

Today, President Trump arrives. One of the people he will meet will be Theresa May, who is speaking today. When you look at her speech, she positioned herself somewhat differently. Perhaps, a little surprised she wants a special relationship. She is very studiously avoiding what all the other leaders here are sot of setting out theirs stalls with.

ANDERSON: There is huge U.S. delegation ahead of the president's arrival here. And what we are hearing from them is the following. That "America First" co-exists as a policy with globalism. It is not (INAUDIBLE). There is something in that, isn't it, definitely?

ROBERTSON: You know, if you get your own house in order and strengthen your own house, then you can work with others around you. If you don't have a strong house, then you can't work with others around you. And the way President Macron alluded to this, in the way that he framed France and Europe, you know, through a strong Europe, I can have a strong fronts.

President Trump framed it in a different way. You know, if I have a strong America, then I have -- you know, I can work in (INAUDIBLE) step with the rest of the world. But, you know, his economy (INAUDIBLE), the people who have come ahead of him here, may sell that message but it is not the way it is read here, listen to the gibe from Macron, the French president, about climate change.

There is a sense that, you know, President Trump really has become an (INAUDIBLE). The United States has become an (INAUDIBLE). He doesn't want to work with the rest of the country on climate change. You know, his sort of advanced guard here, if you will, setting the ground, setting the train, softening of the audience for what he will say, it doesn't jibe because of what he has done already in his leadership.

ANDERSON: Rolling out the red carpet. America is open for business. They are saying -- and it has to be -- that there are many CEOs of global organizations who are applauding tax reform in the U.S., applauding the unraveling of so much complicated regulation.

They say -- and you hear those voices here -- they say, this is good for the U.S. They say, therefore this is good for global growth. And certainly, there is some motivation to get involved with the U.S. from many of those global leaders of big industry that we are seeing here. It is gong to be interesting to see for the next 24 hours for everybody here.

John, for the time being, back to you.

JOHN VAUSE, CNN INTERNATIONAL NEWSROOM HOST: Becky, thank you very much. At first, it was 100 percent guaranteed that maybe we'll see, now, well, back to looking forward to it. The U.S. president says he wants to meet the special counsel, Robert Mueller, in the Russia investigation. And the president says he will be testifying under oath.


[02:05:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Are you going to talk to Mueller?

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (voice over): I am looking forward to it, actually.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): You want to?

TRUMP: Yes, H#here's the story, just so you understand. There has been no collusion whatsoever. There is no obstruction whatsoever. And I am looking forward to it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Do you have a date set?

TRUMP (voice over): Here's the story.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Do you have a date set, Mr. President?

TRUMP (voice over): I don't know. No. I guess they've talking about two or three weeks, but I would love to do it. You know, again, I have to say, subject to my lawyers and all of that, but I would love to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Would you do it under oath, Mr. President?

TRUMP: You mean like Hillary did it under -- who said that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): I said that. Would you do it under oath?

TRUMP (voice over): You said it. You did say it. You say a lot. Did Hillary do it under oath?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): I have no idea and I'm not asking you that.

TRUMP (voice over): I think you have an idea. Don't you have an idea?


TRUMP (voice over): Wait a minute, do you not have an idea? Do you really not have an idea?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): I really don't remember.

TRUMP (voice over): I will give you an idea. She didn't do it under oath. But I would -- listen, I would do it. And you know know she didn't do it under oath, right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): She would do it under oath.

TRUMP (voice over): If you didn't do it -- if you didn't know about Hillary, then you're not much of a reporter.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): To reach a higher standard, you would do it under oath, correct?

TRUMP (voice over): Oh, I would do it under oath. Yes, absolutely.


VAUSE: OK, let's discuss all of this with political commentator and talk radio host Mo'Kelly and Republican strategist Chris Faulkner.

OK, Mo, so absolutely looking forward to it. Well, follow what my lawyers say. Well, the lawyer has spoken out. Ty Cobb telling New York Times, Mr. Trump was speaking hurriedly and intended only to say that he was willing to meet. He is ready to meet with him, but he will be guided by the advice of his personal counsel.

And surely that advice from any good lawyer to Donald Trump would be, run away, run away, don't go, do not go anywhere near Robert Mueller, just stay clear.

MO'KELLY, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR AND TALK RADIO HOST: I don't know if the president understands all the pitfalls which would await him having nothing to do with guilt or innocence. There are just so many ways that he can unintentionally implicate himself or walk himself into a perjury charge or an obstruction of justice charge.

There is nothing good which will come of it, but Donald Trump being Donald Trump and his ego leading the way, he is going to demand it and, you know, (INAUDIBLE) gets what he asked for.

VAUSE: Chris, Bill Clinton couldn't get through a special prosecutor grilling without committing perjury. Can Donald Trump get through this without perjuring himself?

CHRIS FAULKNER, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: The president said there obviously is no collusion because there is no evidence of it. So, why is he looking forward to talking to Mueller? The White House so far has been extremely cooperative with Mueller. There has been (INAUDIBLE) White House with that. So, when the president does eventually talk to Mueller, we will see.

VAUSE: Whitewater started out as a dodgy real estate deal and Clinton got impeached with perjury for life about having an affair with an intern. What is the difference? That's what happened to the investigation. You know, the risk here is Donald Trump.

FAULKNER: The risk is that the president could contradict himself under oath, absolutely. And anyone of us who are, you know, asked a series of questions over long period of time could contradict ourselves. And so, yes, certainly his attorneys are looking for the (INAUDIBLE) proper amount of caution before approaching something like that.

VAUSE: OK. As an example perhaps of the president going off message, which he is going to do in that brief exchange with reporters, he was asked about a report that he had summoned the deputy FBI director, Andrew McCabe, to the Oval Office, this was not long after the president had fired FBI Director James Comey, Trump then asked McCabe, according to this report, who did you vote for? And the president was asked about that. This is his answer.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Did you ask McCabe who he voted for? Did you ask him that?

TRUMP (voice over): I don't think so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): You don't think you did?

TRUMP (voice over): No, I don't think I did.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): You did not?

TRUMP (voice over): I don't know what's the big deal with that. I would ask you, who did you vote for? I don't think that's a big deal. But I don't remember that. You know, I saw that this morning. I don't remember asking him that question.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Is it possible you did?

TRUMP (voice over): I don't remember asking him that question. I think it is also a very unimportant question. But I don't remember asking the that question.


VAUSE: Putting aside that Donald Trump says (INAUDIBLE), Mo, there's two things here. Clearly, the president doesn't think there is anything wrong with asking, you know, a federal government employee, how (INAUDIBLE), and I don't think so. That's not an outright denial.

MO'KELLY: Right. If you look at that answer in a vacuum, it's innocuous. But if you look at it in a larger context of this loyalty test and why James Comey was allegedly fired in conjunction with the Russian investigation, if you believe what he said with Lester Holt, all these things are politically damaging and very dangerous if he actually does it down with Robert Mueller's team.

VAUSE: But the president, he is a man who values loyalty, as long as it is loyalty to him.


TRUMP: We have to be loyal in life. You know, there is something called loyalty.

A scout is trustworthy. Loyal. We could use some more loyalty.

We have been so loyal.

He has been loyal to Trump from day one.

I have the most loyal people.

I want somebody that is loyal from the beginning, not somebody that is loyal because they are afraid or because of this or because of that.


VAUSE: Chris, to Mo's point, you know, when you start pulling of his friends together,

[02:10:00] are you starting to see anything? You know, (INAUDIBLE) a picture for you. What do you see?

FAULKNER: The picture is incomplete because the whole purpose of why the president may or may not have asked McCabe -- the whole reason why it is relevant isn't because McCabe was basically on the payroll for Hillary Clinton's campaign.

VAUSE: His wife.

FAULKNER: Excuse me, I'm sorry. Which in of itself --


FAULKNER: Absolutely. Absolutely. There is nothing criminal about that. But, as always with politics and certainly anything this sensitive, the appearance of impropriety was really dangerous here.

MO'KELLY: Is that an appearance of impropriety --

FAULKNER: Absolutely.

MO'KELLY: -- because his wife has a career?


MO'KELLY: Andrew McCabe?

VAUSE: It's 500 grand from Terry McAuliffe for her campaign, but that was her campaign. I mean, you can't make (INAUDIBLE) because the wife received campaign donations. You know, from Clinton because Clinton (INAUDIBLE) Democrats and wife of a Democrat, that means that the husband is guilty or something or influenced by that. I mean, that seems like a bit of a stretch.

FAULKNER: To say that a wife or a husband might influence you in terms of decision is a stretch, I don't think so.




VAUSE: (INAUDIBLE) multiple administrations.

FAULKNER: But to ignore the sensitivity of his job especially in terms of the Hillary Clinton investigation and the fact that his wife is literally on the payroll for the campaign, again, isn't criminal --

VAUSE: This is a separate --

FAULKNER: Agreed. The appearance of impropriety though. And certainly from a career FBI standpoint, I know the FBI would probably very sensitive about something like that, not want the appearance of something like that.

VAUSE: Well, here we go. Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein explained why this could be a problem.


SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D), CALIFORNIA: I think that's part of a whole misconception that the president has of the FBI. And that is that it is his agency and that the director or I guess the number two should serve him. That is not the case.


VAUSE: Mo, there is this recurring theme with the Trump administration. It is a failure or a willful refusal to understand the fundamental principles of how the government works and how democracy works.

MO'KELLY: Not only that, what's troubling for me is that question is innocuous going back to Andrew McCabe, but not in the middle of an investigation which could implicate your administration. And I am not so sure that President Trump can claim ignorance and in that regard.

Yes, he is not the president who is going to respect established norms as far as the presidency, but I don't believe that he is completely ignorant of the questions and also the context in which he's asking them.

VAUSE: OK. Let's get on to the party of law and order waiting war on the FBI which is going on with some Republicans. You know, these text messages between two agents. They are part of Russia investigation, having an affair that removed after revelations that they were critical of Donald Trump.

Adding another light to this, the FBI (INAUDIBLE) Congress text messages between those two agents have not been kept because of a software glitch. President says this, it is all worst than Watergate.


TRUMP (voice over): I am very disturbed as is the general, as is everybody else that is intelligent. When you look at five months, this is late great Rosemary Woods, right? With a step, right? This is a large-scale version.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Eighteen minutes.

TRUMP (voice over): This is -- that was 18 minutes, this is five months. They say it's 50,000 texts and it's prime time. That's disturbing.


VAUSE: Worst than Watergate, comparing it to Watergate, because Rosemary Wood is basically Nixon's secretary back from the day. But, Chris, is this reaching Watergate level scandal at this point?

FAULKNER: First of all, before referring the Republican Party as the party of law and order and Democrats aren't, sure. Most Republicans --

VAUSE: I was (INAUDIBLE) actually.

FAULKNER: No, no. I think what's important here is that what we've seen so far and we all agree that we should have a full investigation to know what is going on here. But what we've seen so far is very damaging in the terms of these texts.

And then to the fact that there is a whole (INAUDIBLE) of these text messages where there is 50,000 or 10,000 or 5,000 that are missing, (INAUDIBLE) for the worst, which is obviously very dangerous. If there was an investigation, FBI was investigating me, also I didn't have those messages, I am pretty darn sure they will find the way to make sure I found those messages. And so I am sure for them it is very sensitive and probably very embarrassing they can't produce these information to Congress.


MO'KELLY: I don't know -- I understand and agree with and accept everything that Chris has said because the appearance of the impropriety is sometimes worse than what have might actually happened. But I am not so sure that Trump administration gains any ground by trying to throw the FBI under the bus in terms of trying to distance itself from the Mueller investigation.

VAUSE: It does muddy the water though.

MO'KELLY: It does in terms of public sentiment, but it's not going to change what actually is going to happen.

VAUSE: From Mueller investigation, good point. Mo, good to see you. Chris, thank you so much. Good to see you as well. I appreciate it.

President Trump's message of "America First" (INAUDIBLE) with his base in the United States, but that isolationist term may not go well

[02:15:00] among the movers and shakers in Davos. Globalization and international corporation, well, that has been the overriding principles for a very long time. Becky Anderson is standing by in Davos where the U.S. president is due to arrive there. Oh my, you can almost sense the excitement in just a few hours now.

ANDERSON: It is palpable, John. Yes, three hours from now, he will be arriving at the top of this mountain in Switzerland, in Davos, this key town here, where this meeting has been going on for years. Let's talk about the reception Mr. Trump's message might get her in Davos.

Joining me is the former U.S. congresswoman, Jane Harman. She is now director, president and CEO of the Wilson Center. This is the first time that a city U.S. president attends this meeting in 18 years since Bill Clinton. We think that to a Bill Clinton's message would have been here. How might we set that up with what we should expect to hear today from the U.S. president?

JANE HARMAN, DIRECTOR, PRESIDENT AND CEO, WILSON CENTER: Let's call this the globalist swamp. So, here we are. I think the message -- it depends which Trump shows up. He can be very combative or he can be very conciliatory. His message is pretty combative. His message is, that his plan, "America First," has succeeded and the rest of the world was wrong about him.

But I think the audience is split. The CEOs here really want to meet him. And he is going to meet with a lot of European CEOs for a reception, for dinner, and speak to the group tomorrow. I think the governments are not so much any he is not meeting with the heads of government. And the heads of France, Germany, and Canada all spoke in the last two days, barely mentioned him, but did talk about the world moving forward on trade --


HARMAN: -- and alliances which they are planning to do.

ANDERSON: So U.S. delegation pretty much turned up yesterday. You could feel that presence here as the European and other leaders sort of wrapped up the moment in the snow. The American energy secretary, Rick Perry, explained how the world and industry leaders should think about "America First." let's take a listen to that.


RICK PERRY, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF ENERGY: I think one of the things people are interested in, is when the administration talks about "America First." What's that mean? And I'll suggest to you -- I can tell you in one word. It is competition. That the United States wants to be competitive. That when your country is looking for a place to purchase LNG, that you think about America first.


ANDERSON: That was Rick Perry. There is, as you rightly pointed out, a friendly audience here for Trump among the moneymakers. Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey told CNN earlier that Trump is doing something right.


JAMES QUINCEY, CEO, COCA-COLA COMPANY: Clearly at a lower tax rate in the U.S., more opportunities will be attractive in the U.S. because you will make a greater return ultimately or you will be out to chase other opportunity.

So I think over time, it will lift the economy and we will see more opportunities to invest in the U.S. that we need to focus. In the U.S., the tax rate has gone from 35 to 21, so clearly there will be things we are interested in that we weren't necessarily before.


ANDERSON: So we are likely to hear likely from the U.S. Trump and you are right to say, you know, we are not sure which Trump will turn up, but anyway, what we will like to hear is, look, this "America First" policy can completely coexist with globalism that so many those at the top of this hill are interested in.

Don't worry about us, he says, although let's not be naive. Everybody's leader works in the national interest. In some extent, he is right, correct?

HARMAN: He is right about that. It is also true that the new tax law has given the economy in America a bump. I mean, there is repatriated earnings. There's a huge tax bill that will be paid and jobs to be built by American companies. That's true. But whether that will trickle down to the anxious middle that put Trump in office remains to be seen.

Other countries are doing well too, though. So don't underestimate the fact that Europe and Asia which is booming could conclude that they can move ahead with TPP 11 and do a lot of things without America.

ANDERSON: This will be a diversion for Mr. Trump from what is going on in Washington. Read me the tea leaves as it were your sense.

HARMAN: Well, Bob Mueller became FBI director when I was in Congress in a very senior role in the Intelligence Committee. He is incredibly competent and I think will treat this investigation in a nonpartisan manner, but Trump will be interviewed in the near future and says he welcomes it and I don't know what comes from this but I think it's being handled by the right person.

[02:20:00] ANDERSON: Should Trump be uploaded? Has he been underestimated for the successes that he has had? I know that may not fit comfortably with you but let's be quite honest here.

HARMAN: I think he has had successes. I have commended him for focusing on the North Korean nuclear problem first. Obama didn't do that. And for bringing at least some fresh eyes to the Middle East. Whether things will work out with a two-state solution, I don't know, but I think there's a new chance.

Someone said recently that he is asking all the right questions. He may not be providing all the right answers. But it is important, it seems to me, to look at our 70 year of alliances with them, some new thought, no rethinking. Innovation matters. And fracturing is not necessarily a harmful thing. Fracturing can lead to a better, it seems to me, international order and everyone here wants a better international order.

ANDERSON: Donald Trump is accused of praising an era of misogyny and yet up here, how important is it that the entire pilot of co-chairs, all women given a defining (INAUDIBLE) with this hashtag "Me Too." You applaud this? HARMAN: Well, of course I do. But Davos has evolved. I mean, the rap on (INAUDIBLE) back in the day was there were no women.

ANDERSON: Correct.

HARMAN: And it was beautiful to see Christine Lagarde moderating six brilliant women. I also did a panel at the Wilson Center and the Bank of America did a panel yesterday on why women leaders matter, the facts. And Christine and I had a conversation. She's my dear friend. And wow, does it make a difference.

ANDERSON: I heard that. It was brilliant. Thank you for joining us.

HARMAN: Thank you, Becky.

ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE) one of the most visited websites in the world. Google has this doodle on its main home page, celebrating what would be the 136th birthday of Virginia Woolf, one of the greatest and most innovative writers of the last 200 years, by nod and a wink as it was to women's empowerment today.

It is only January and there have already been at least 11 school shootings in the U.S. The latest, from Kentucky.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) so I just took off. I started running. I was scared for my life.


ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE). How the Trump administration is reacting to the new ways of shootings.

And we will speak with the executive director of UNICEF on how the World Economic Forum here in Davos can help address humanitarian crises around the world. Do stay with us.



CATE BLANCHETT, AUSTRALIAN ACTRESS: This apprehension that the developed world shoulders the burden of refugees. I mean, it is up for the 66 million people around the world. Twenty-two million of those are refugees.

[02:25:00] And half of that number are women and girls. And only one percent are being legally resettled in developed countries like Australia, Europe, U.K. and the United States. And so it is the developing world that is actually shouldering the deep burden.


ANDERSON: Actress and goodwill ambassador Cate Blanchett is in Davos calling for a more compassionate approach to the world's refugees. Here to talk more about getting private sector help with the world's humanitarian emergency is Henrietta Fore. She is executive director of UNICEF. Some 25 days, I think, I am right in saying into the jobs. Congratulations on that.


ANDERSON: How do you at the top of this hill gained the attention of those who have the catch to help you guys out with the work that you do?

FORE: It's a really important question and an important mission. So, I just came back from South Sudan. And sometimes we get donor fatigue and we forget about countries that we haven't visited recently, that they are in a crisis, they are in a crisis of malnutrition, they are in a crisis of violence, they are in a crisis of refugees, internally displaced persons.

And so part of this is just catching people's attention. And if you do, then the world begins to wake up that there are people who are in great need and that we can help.

ANDERSON: So give me some examples of how the private sector does help.

FORE: Well, we have been talking to several of our partners here in Davos. And so we've been focusing on the first 1000 days of the child's life which is a crucial time period. We need nourishment and you need interaction with your mother.

And so keeping those children alive in that time period. In keeping the mother's health is something that both the private sector and nonprofit organizations and governments do together.

We've also been talking about the health issues of eradicating polio, eradicating malaria. All of that we do as a group. Yesterday, we were talking about the site of young people. Are we giving them the education that they need for the future they are going to live in?

So do we have digital and nondigital education in our secondary schools? Are we teaching life skills? Are we doing enough to prepare them for a world that is going to be very different?

So, all of these are private sector and nonprofit and public sector solutions. It is an excellent area to talk with national governments and others about solution.

ANDERSON: And half of those that you seek to help will be girls?

FORE: Yes.

ANDERSON: Young women?

FORE: Yes.

ANDERSON: How important has what has been this defining moment of 2017, and at the beginning of 2018 you will continue to ensure it stays front and center? Hashtag "Me Too" campaign, the idea that here, we have been discussing during this morning, that there is all female co-chair panels at Davos for the very first time. How can all of what we've been discussing across the industry help your messaging for these young girls and women?

FORE: You're absolutely right. The girls and women are the most important development actors. Is it that relationships starting from birth can be very strong and educational, then children can grow up to have a very fine lives, lives of opportunity.

What Davos shows you is that women can be great leaders and as such they become role models so that a little girl growing up in South Sudan or in Kenya can say, I want to be prime minister, I want to be a leader, I want to run an NGO, I want to help my people grow. And that is a very important message.

ANDERSON: If there was one message, one specific message that you had for those watching around the world, what would it be?

FORE: There are a lot of crises in the world, but we know how to solve them, so with attention, with immediate funding, and with all the partners work, we can solve these problems and we can save thousands and thousands of lives.

ANDERSON: How much money are you talking about? What is the cost?

FORE: Well, in South Sudan, for instance, we need about $180 million. And that is to try to help repatriate child soldiers back into their life, to reunify families, education and health. But no one can do this by themselves.

You need the local governments to have a commitment, set aside money for the education of their own people, their own health systems. So the amount of money in the world to improve the quality of life for all of us will be very large. But if we can just help one crisis or one development program at the time,

[02:30:00] then we can help millions of lives.

ANDERSON: We wish you the very best in your role. I am big fan. Good luck.

FORE: Thank you, thank you.

ANDERSON: Good luck to the guys up here as well.

FORE: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Still ahead, some more anticipated response here in Davos as the arrival of the U.S. President with his message of America First nears.


(COMMERCIAL BREAK) VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause with the headlines this hour. A symbolic moment at the DMZ with this bus crossing from North Korea to South Korea. The North Korea's Ice Hockey Team was onboard and they'll be competing alongside South Korean in the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. The unified team represents a moment of reconciliation after the two governments agreed to combine their teams. So the (INAUDIBLE) former USA gymnastics team doctor will spend the rest of his life in jail. The judge sentenced Larry Nassar up 175 years for sexually abusing scores of girls in decades. All out though from the case is not over. Michigan State University also employed Nassar and Wednesday the University's president resigned.

Donald Trump set to arrive in Switzerland in just a few hours for the World Economic Forum. His America First agenda in sharp contrast. So a theme of globalization which we've heard so far in Davos. The President is scheduled to meet on Thursday with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Well, for more on the World Economic Forum get back to Davos, Switzerland and Becky Anderson.

ANDERSON: Thank you, John. One recurring theme you will see in air World Economic Forum here in Davos is a desire to help the entire world. Not just a select few nations, the goal of the people who come here each year is to address numerous problems faced in the world including poverty, disease, war, refugees. What's in it for me is not supposed to be part a discussion. So well soon, President Trump arrives here to explain what it means by America First. Listen to what he said as he prepared to leave Washington.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm going to Davos to get them to bring back a lot of money. We're going to invest a lot of money in this country.


ANDERSON: Going to bring back a lot of money he said is why he's coming here. Joining me now is CNN Global Economic Analyst Rana Foroohar. We don't know which Trump will turn up.


ANDERSON: But he's nearly here. What do you suggest we might hear?

[02:35:02] 0FOROOHAR: Well, I think if you look back in what we've seen so far in terms of protectionism in the U.S., there's been a lot more bark and bites. There have been a couple exceptions to that. I mean, we have seen some tariffs, you know, put on the things like still Chinese solar panels which has cost a bit of a stir here. But, you know, so far, there's been a lot more rhetoric than there has been action. What's interesting to me is a lot of CEOs are just plowing ahead. What I'm hearing from multinational CEOs here is, you know, we don't really care which Trump shows up. We're doing business, we're moving ahead, we're making our deals and we're going to go where it's easiest to do business.

ANDERSON: Which will be music to Donald Trump's ears because many of them are saying and it looks like America will be easier to do business in going forward.

FOROOHAR: When it comes to -- let me -- let me just do this. When it comes to arguing for more global trade though, Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba had this to say.


JACK MA, CEO, ALIBABA: I think globalization cannot be stopped. Nobody can stop globalization. Nobody can stop trade. And I believe, if trade stops war starts. Trade is the way to solve the -- to dissolve the war, not cause the wars.


ANDERSON: Now, those comments were being music to the ears of German Chancellor Angela Merkel essentially echoing those remarks warning against protectionist moves. Again, have a listen.


ANGELA MERKEL, GERMAN CHANCELLOR (via translator): We think that shutting ourselves off and the rest of the world, isolating ourselves will not lead us into a good future. Protectionism is not the answer.


ANDERSON: Interestingly as well, Wilbur Ross here just yesterday gave the impression that he sort of feels like that trade wars are up and running and didn't see that bother (INAUDIBLE)

FOROOHAR: Yes. You know, I think that's a lot of bark. You know, what's interesting is digital trade is really where the action is now and it's interesting what Jack Ma is saying. A lot of people are voting with their feet. I think when you -- when you look at digital trade, you are sort of saying three patterns emerging the U.S., the Europe, and Asia are kind of going in different directions regulatory. I think there are real issues with protectionism. I think there are real issues with globalization. We've seen some very strong speeches here. Macron giving a really, really strong and eloquent speech on this topic here. It's going to be fascinating to see what kind of reception Donald Trump gets.

ANDERSON: Strong and eloquent from Macron. Can we expect strong and eloquent and sticking to the script from Donald Trump?

FOROOHAR: Well, it depends on your definition of eloquent but strong, probably off the cuff maybe. It's, you know, we've never seen anything like it in Davos. The weather or our president.

ANDERSON: There's not -- an awful lot of snows certainly will (INAUDIBLE) leave it at that. This is -- let's talk about the timing here. I wonder where do you think the timing is sort of perfect for Donald Trump getting out Washington that time when it can't be easy for him.

FOROOHAR: Well, exactly. And, you know, it's interesting because he has really capitalized in recent weeks and months on a fact that many business that have made announcements, let's say about new factories or deals that they're planning, these have been in the works for a long time. The recovery in the U.S. has been in the works for a long time. The President has taken a lot of credit for it but frankly, I would give Janet Yellen a lot of credit for keeping rates low, you know, getting world bankers getting, you know, such a bankers getting the economy back on track. But the administration has been pretty opportunistic. Now I do want to say I think that animal spirits are up, I do think that, you know, CEOs love this tax cut. What's not to love about the tax for them.

ANDERSON: Many calling what he has done with the greatest of respect to what you just said, underrated, not underestimated.

FOROOHAR: Oh boy. Yes. You know, I just see it as the -- I wouldn't give -- to be honest, I wouldn't give any president too much credit for the economy. I think what any administration gets too much credit for the economy. Central bankers have really kept the world on track for the last eight years. And, you know, everyone is kind of crossing their fingers that it will be that way going forward.

ANDERSON: It's been a pleasure having you on.

FOROOHAR: And you.

ANDERSON: We'll talk again.

FOROOHAR: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Richard Quest's special coverage from Davos all this week throughout the day, Thursday, you'll be joined by an exceptional lineup of guessing clearly. Prime Minister of Pakistan, the president of Ukraine, the Saudi Finance Minister, the chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase International and the Prime Minister of (INAUDIBLE) see it all of course right here on CNN. Still to come on CNN NEWSROOM. A veteran U.S. diplomat is quitting an advisory board on the Rohingya crisis. The reason why just ahead.


[02:41:47] VAUSE: The year is not even a month old but already there have been 11 school shootings in the United States, the latest in Kentucky. Two students were killed, Bailey Holt here on the left and Preston Cope, both just 15. More dozen other students were wounded. The day after the shooting, President Trump offered his thoughts and prayers in a tweet. We have the very latest now on CNN's Nick Valencia reporting in from Marshall County.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In the midst of this tragedy, the friends of the two teens who lost their lives earlier this week try to celebrate their life, find any way they can to remember them and remember what good they stood for. I spoke earlier to Johanna Davis, she's the best of Bailey Holt. She says that she's going to miss her tremendously. But what she's going to miss most about her is her smile.


JOHANNA DAVIS, BAILEY HOLT'S BEST FRIEND: She was goofy and funny and super sweet. Her smile was so contagious. Everybody loved her.


VALENCIA: Miss Davis went on to tell me that she also knows the other 15-year-old who lost his life, Preston Cope. She said she didn't know him as well but then he was a gifted athlete, a great baseball player and very quiet but very smart. He's not only going to be missed by Miss Davis but also by everyone in this community. Everyone has been impacted by this seemingly senseless tragedy. There is still no motive as for why this 15-year-old allegedly opened fire on Tuesday morning as he entered school. We do know though however, the assistant county prosecutor is going to recommend that the 15-year-old be charged as an adult. He's facing two counts of murder, 12 counts of assault in the first degree. Ultimately, the grand jury is going to decide whether or not he's going to be charged as an adult and that will happen sometime next month, February 13th. Nick Valencia, CNN, Marshall County, Kentucky.

VAUSE: CNN Law Enforcement Contributor Steve Moore joins me now. Steve is a retired special agent with the FBI. OK. So, when you look at the school shooting, relay a few more details about how this whole played out. It happened at a large gathering place called commons, it's the center of the school, it's where all kids gather, you know, before class begins, in breakfast, they talk. So he went there, he managed to get a gun to the school and then he opened fire. And at one point, he apparently went into a classroom and pretended like nothing happened (INAUDIBLE) this together. How -- what were your thoughts?

STEVE MOORE, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRIBUTOR: Well, as far as going into the classroom after the shooting, that's common -- well, it's been common in the past. What some shooters do is try to blend in with the crowd which is -- which is one of the complicating factors.

VAUSE: OK. And the fact that it seems very random that he just opened fire and just --

MOORE: It was extremely --


VAUSE: He wasn't targeting anybody.

MOORE: Right. And that's what you look for at the beginning that helps you a little bit to wrap your head around motive, though it's going to be impossible to understand how people resolve their mental issues.

VAUSE: Right. Because right now we don't know the motive. Some people say he was bullied, some will say he wasn't. You know, he's quiet, he wasn't quiet, so we just don't know at this point I guess. It is incredible to think that, you know, we had 11 school shootings so far and they barely really mentioned.

MOORE: That surprised me too. I mean, I think you have to realize that people see what -- what's on T.V.

[02:45:03] And if they don't see it a lot on T.V. they don't take it as a big deal. If they ever stepped over blood in a school, you'll -- they'll see it differently.

VAUSE: It's a -- yes, there is a descent to sensation, I guess. The White House is asked to get this on Wednesday, and the spokesperson Sarah Sanders says that the administration is taking steps to deal with this. Listen, here is what she said.


SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The president has instructed the Department of Justice to crack down and make the crime wave that took place long before the president ever came into office a major priority. And you're seeing that happen. You're, seeing a Department of Justice that is being active empowering its law enforcement to crack down on crime. And that's what those results that I just read out to you, show is that they're putting a focus on that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) crime wave solution. They seem to be their own category. We agree we don't want crime.

SANDERS: I think, they're part of a crime wave, absolutely. I don't think you can completely separate the two.


VAUSE: And Sarah Sanders was very definite and very comfortable of what she said, this is not of a (INAUDIBLE). I've never heard a school shooting being described as being part of a crime rate. We know like this (INAUDIBLE). As we saw some crime thing together. So it was --

MOORE: I think that's the missed categorization or a missed statement.


MOORE: Because if we were to -- we in law enforcement or the FBI, we're -- look at this as a crime wave, we would be handling at the wrong way. This is a phenomenon, a psychological violent phenomenon that you have to look at in different ways. You can't go with this and say, "Well, that's a roundup to usual suspects. There is never a suspect until it happens.

VAUSE: You know, what's amazing is the school shouldn't be (INAUDIBLE) at 20 years ago, the school shootings.

MOORE: Yes, yes. VAUSE: And here, schools are done everything to this camera, this (INAUDIBLE), about metal detectors. This you know, bulletproof backpacks. And you know, this argument out there that schools are, in fact, incredibly safe for kids despite what happened. His point of one study, which could be really heard fatalities. A

young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need more lifeguards at pools as oppose to guard at schools." What, you will take on this?

MOORE: I think that there is a place for that. One of the -- we used to have a lot of drowning depth, we used to have a lot of fire depths at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. And what we did was change all the procedures we used to prevent fire, to react to fire and drownings

We have to have a sea change in how we protect children. The problem is, it's not just at the schools anymore, where finding it at the malls.

VAUSE: There is this visceral reaction though when -- well, that used to be -- I -- it doesn't seem that it happen anymore. I guess if you know that the effect to blast school shooting. But if you are -- it isn't, it is an awful feeling. And obviously, clearly traumatic for those directly involved as first to those watching on T.V. So, there is still stopping that at school shooting which is particularly horrible.

MOORE: It better be --


MOORE: If we, as a society come to accept that as a part of life -- as a normal part of life. Then, we are -- we are sliding down a hill, to a place we don't want to go. I think it's important that we see were as revive about this. As we are things like the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

VAUSE: Right.

MOORE: Right now, if you looked at what happened with Harvey Weinstein is -- and it's horrible.


MOORE: But, there is more news on that than a shooting of 15 kids in a high school.

VAUSE: There is also -- you know, one of the research suggests, obviously clearly, the best way to deal with this is to stop them from happening in the first place, and the FBI does all at work on that. Right?

MOORE: Absolutely.

VAUSE: So, what was the key to that?

MOORE: There's going to -- it has to be a holistic approach. First of all, the FBI has the national center for a -- against violent crime. And if that profiles people that help understand why people do this? And helps bring out kind of the profile of somebody who might do this. And we have to go light years down the road here to get to the point where we can accurately predict that, we can't do it right now.

At times when it's really egregious, we can say this is -- this is somebody like that. The other thing we have to do is be aware as regular citizens of the people around us. And it cannot be any more that you have some loner kid with violent writings and you ignored.

VAUSE: Yes. That is should being aware of your surroundings and stipulate what's happening. I mean, whether school shootings or whether -- weird awful parents who abusing kids in California. You know, there's a lot to be (INAUDIBLE) for that to see. Thanks so much.

MOORE: Thank you.

VAUSE: Good to see you. Well, holding camp have been opened in Myanmar. Ahead of the expected return of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims who fled the country last year. Men, that's is where they will stay, will being vented for repatriation. Nearly 700,000 refugees fled the country that have brutal military crackdown.

U.N. says Myanmar has the responsibility to protect an already traumatize minority and to ensure they're not subjected to feel a pain and abuse. Earlier, Justin Forsyth, UNICEF deputy executive director, spoke to my colleague, Isha Sesay.

[02:50:25] JUSTIN FORSYTH, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, UNICEF (via telephone): Firstly, we need humanitarian access. We are on the ground in Rakhine State, but we can't go to the very eastern. And even if we win some other times we not be counteract to the village which where much of this violence is happened.

Secondly, we need on not to return people to camp like it open prisons where people are controlled, where they don't really have any freedom. Many to go back to their villages, I need some guarantees and security from the military. We also need to make sure we infest the law. I mean that villages have been burnt, die, and people have no schools, hungry and malnourished.

For the time they get into Bangladesh, there would no going to meet them by day when they go back to Myanmar. I mean, I talked to lots of children and they're family here in Bangladesh, and all of them want to go home.

For they all believe it's premature. I mean, some of them had even been speaking to relatives one and on in Rakhine. And we know from reports from our own staff and the violence is continuing. People still coming across the border, and we can't push people back into that level of violence. VAUSE: The aid agency save the children has temporarily suspended all operations to Afghanistan after militant stage a deadly attack on its compound in Jalalabad.

This exclusive video shows the battle between security forces and four attackers who stormed the building after a suicide bomber and a car exploded outside the main gate. 4 people killed and dozens more were wounded during a 10-hour long siege, the attackers were also killed. Here's the CNN's Nick Paton Walsh.

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: ISIS have claim responsibility for this attack in Jalalabad, that's a venture camp full of Nangarhar. And now, when in recent Afghanistan where they do have quite a substantial presence.

Since, admittedly, their capacities even flow off and due to sustained American back in a campaign. It gains their man Afghan military operations. But the fact they chose the target like Save the Children, a charity. That is all to see by now to maintain the presence there. Where is four secure area in the city quite a number of years shows the kind of soft tongue as then for and how they seemed to be certainly publicly and some sort of battle with other insurgent factions to appear to more extreme, more hardcore?

And of these in a comfort verse, they lost their lives there and it comes just after the attack. By seeing the Taliban faction have colony network. Colony is in continental hotel in Kabul which killed a number of Americans and Afghans, and then, other foreigners too. So, more broadly, as real sign of having security in key cities in Afghanistan. Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, London.

VAUSE: Well, coming up here, don't go breaking my heart, Elton John. What's all this about your goodbye yellow big road? Detail is next.


VAUSE: He's not just the Rocketman, he's the knighted legend of music, Sir. Elton John. And now, he has announced his retirement. CNN's Miller, tells us the pop legend is actually saying goodbye, not farewell.

[02:55:13] CHLOE MELAS, CNN ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER: Elton John announced on Wednesday that his upcoming tour will be his final tour. And that it's actually going to take him three years to do this farewell tour because he has a lot of people and many countries that he want to say, goodbye to. But the primary reason for this being his tour is because he wants to focus on his children.


ELTON JOHN, ENGLISH SINGER: This has been a work in progress, leading out to the based announcement. And I'm so looking forward to doing the tour because I don't really do big tour, I'm always working, I do a hundred tours a year.

So, this is an elaborate tour, with an elaborate production and elaborate stage that -- and I'm going to be saying, thank you to all the people around the world that made my career so successful. And the boys will be a big part of that. And then, when I finish, then, I 'll have the full attention and I'll they'll have my full attention.

MELAS: But we will be seeing in this weekend performing at the Grammy Awards with Miley Cyrus. And I asked him, how he thinks this MeToo movement will play out at the Grammy Awards and what his personal take on what's going on in Hollywood.

JOHN: This going interesting in the Grammy as to see what people say and what they do. We lived in a funny climate, disturbing time at the moment, when people are accusing people at doing this not -- and it's all happen because of Harvey Weinstein and quite right his hand.

I think the great thing about women's empowerment is the -- is the wage got this well. I think that is a big thing. And this happening in England where all people are saying. You know, "I'm got to getting paid this, and he's getting paid off -- you know, I think women have had it by for a long time. And amid the triumph that started out, and I make it better for themselves.

I'm not -- I don't agree with people being accused of something and not having due process. I think that's bad, I think the law should -- you know, I think, people who accused of something shouldn't be dropped to television series until I prove to be guilty. Well, on the other hand, I can understand how women have been abused for years -- time beyond, hello.


MELAS: Elton also told me that when he is on touring, he's not going to stop making music. And that he wants to make a couple more albums. Back to you.

VAUSE: OK. Chloe, thank you. And you've been watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles, I'm John Vause. The news continues with Rosemary Church, and Richard Quest, after a short break.


RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: A very good morning to you from Davos in Switzerland.