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CNN Newsroom

Kim Jong-un Releases Three U.S. Citizens; Changing of the Guards in Trump's Legal Team; Bombshell from Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani; From Children's Hands to World's Titans; North Korea To Release Three Detainees; EPA Chief's Ties To Lobbyist Under Investigation; Without U.S., There Is No Deal Left; Decision Day Looms On Iran Nuclear Agreement; Venezuelans Economic Crisis Creates Humanitarian Disaster; Top Ten Polluted Cities; Cambridge Analytica Going Out Of Business; U2 Embraces Augmented Reality On World Tour; Putting Markle To The Test. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired May 03, 2018 - 03:00   ET



ROSEMARY CHURCH, HOST, CNN: A source tells Kim -- tells CNN Kim Jong- un may soon free three Americans detained in North Korea. Just ahead, the details on this decision with a live report.

Plus, a shocking statement from one of Donald Trump's lawyers as the president shakes up his legal team. What Rudy Giuliani is saying about the hush money used to pay off Stormy Daniels.

And just one day after CNN's report on children working in cobalt mines a major car company plans to take action.

Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church, and this is CNN Newsroom.

A major breakthrough to free three Americans detained in North Korea could be coming very soon. An official with knowledge of those negotiations says the release of Kim Dong Chul, Tony Kim, and Kim Hak Song is imminent.

Now, this has apparently been in the works for some time, but the timing of the announcement, well, that is noteworthy of course just weeks before a potentially historic meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Earlier, Mr. Trump actually teased this news on Twitter. Quote, "As everybody is aware the past administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a North Korean Labor camp. But to no avail. Stay tuned."

But remember, Tony Kim and Kim Hak Song were detained after President Trump's inauguration last year.

Our Alexandra Field joins us now live from Seoul with the latest on this. So, Alex, there's no time line of course for the release of these three American detainees. All we're hearing is that it's imminent. But what all do we know about we got to this point and what the next step is?

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Right, one source has indeed said that it is imminent. But certainly it has seemed to be in the works and it's been made very clear by the Trump administration that this is something they are fighting for.

That said we have heard from the son of one of the detainees, Tony Kin's son spoke out saying he's been given no indication of a release at this point, but the president did tease stay tuned. And certainly those family members are very much tuned into what is going on right now.

They have heard the president talking about the fighting for the release of these detainees, they have also heard the secretary of state talk about the fact that this is an issue that was on the agenda when he went to Pyongyang and spoke to Kim Jong-un directly not just about the release of those detainees about of course about the broader goal of denuclearization.

And it is something that the national security advisor John Bolton has also been talking about. He was recently asked if these three detainees must be released before a sit down between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. He said that this was something that North Korea should be strongly be considering.

Then you have the source that has told CNN that this is something that was discussed by the North Korean foreign minister some two months ago when he made a trip to Sweden, that apparently that was the time when this plan was set.

But it was also made clear at that point that U.S. officials were not willing to tie in anyway the release of these hostages to the broader issue of denuclearization. But certainly we can't say enough but the time certainly seems right for North Korea to release these three hostages perhaps in advance of this summit. And certainly that's the goal that the administration has made clear that they are working toward, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Right. And of course, the United States gets these three American detainees released. What does North Korea get in exchange?

FIELD: And certainly no one will believe it until they see those three men coming off a plane. And as we don't know when that's happening, but every good intention here it seems I've seen optimistic at this point. As far as what North Korea gets, well, they're getting a sit down with the president of the United States. And that's certainly more than anyone should have imagined just some months ago, perhaps.

But what we are seeing in the run-up to that summit which could happen say three to four weeks from now. No official date set, but that's the time line that we've been led to believe could be the date of the summit is that you are seeing efforts to maintain a better atmosphere that was certainly created by the North Korea-South Korea summit that happened just days ago. That's when both sides came out and said that they were committed to

the total denuclearization of the peninsula and working towards a peace treaty.

So, we have seen North Korea in advance with the summit with the U.S. trying to make some good faith gestures, not just the agreements that were made at Panmunjom during that summit but also announcement about shutting down a nuclear testing in North Korea and also other gestures like turning off the propaganda that blared from the loud speakers from North Korea into South Korea.

So certainly, there seems to be an effort from all sides right now to really create an atmosphere that could be conducive to some real progress when Trump and Kim Jong-un sit down with one another, Rosemary.

[03:05:03] CHURCH: That is certainly what we're seeing. Alexandria Field bringing us that live report from Seoul in South Korea, just after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Thank you so much.

All right. So let's bring in John DeLury now who joins us from Seoul as well. He is an associate professor at Yonsei University and an expert on North Korean affairs. Thanks so much for being with us.


CHURCH: So what's your reading of this news regarding the imminent release of these three American detainees?

DELURY: Well, it looks very positive. And obviously, first o4all, you think about these men and their families. And so, we all hope for a speedy release. It makes me slightly nervous that it's still somewhat unconfirmed. You know, so until they're on a plane and back home to safety you just want to see it happen.

I think in terms of the broader issues as you're reporting is saying and as U.S. government I think insist, this is really not related to denuclearization. I do think the bigger thing this is related to, though, is the question of normalization and whether what we're seeing as a process here still in early stages but maybe moving more quickly than we realize, where Kim Jong-un wants to move his country into a much more normal relationship with South Korea as we saw in their summit and potentially with the United States.

And so resolving the issue of these three imprisoned detained U.S. citizens, that could lead to lifting the travel ban. You know, the U.S. State Department has a travel ban that prohibits Americans at this point, in most cases, from visiting North Korea. You know, potentially down the road that could be lifted.

CHURCH: Right.

DELURY: And you could get -- you know, it could be part of essentially a movement toward normalization.

CHURCH: Right, and of course, not linked to denuclearization as you said, but certainly a sign of goodwill. The timing critical here. Just weeks away from that face-to-face meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un.

So if the U.S. gets these three detainees and we don't know until we see them as you point out, it's very important to be cautious here. But if this happens, what does North Korea get in return?

DELURY: Well, you know, it ultimately it's very important for these individuals and their families. But we shouldn't exaggerate this sort of larger diplomatic or geopolitical significance. I mean, from a U.S. perspective they shouldn't be -- they shouldn't have been arrested in the first place.

And you know, many Americans will see this as a kind of hostage taking. And so, it's very possible to some extent even a release, you know, has this kind of mixed impact where people say why are they detaining, you know, our citizens and arresting their citizens for their -- for goodwill in the first place?

So, you know, I think that it's positive. It should happen, but there needs to be more in the wake of it. You know, assurances from North Korea from Kim Jong-un, and this is the kind of thing that could be part of the summit to say that's not going to happen anymore.

CHURCH: Right.

DELURY: You know, when people come to your country they'll be safe and then again you could see a reciprocal lifting of the travel ban. So it's just one piece in a very complex puzzle that we're seeing.

CHURCH: Yes. And I did want to ask you what are your expectations at this meeting between the two leaders and how risky might it be do you think?

DELURY: Well, this kind of diplomacy that we're seeing is much less risky than the lack of diplomacy last year. As you were reporting on and as everyone was watching. Certainly that we were watching here in the Korean peninsula where, you know, in the absence of any talking there was serious consideration of military options and relentless sanctions which in and of themselves are not going to make any progress on the fundamental issues.

So, yes, it's risky. You know, President Moon took risks meeting with Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un is taking a lot of risks and next Donald Trump will take risks. But you know, if you want to make progress you have to take risks. I think these are the right kind of risks that these leaders should be taking.

CHURCH: And of course, a location for the talks has still not being decided, although Mr. Trump did indicate in a tweet that we will be hearing that location in just a few days. Where would you expect it to be because, you know, a few critics have suggested if it is the DMZ, which is the preference for both leaders, it would look like the United States is going there, is going there to Kim Jong-un rather than meeting in a more neutral place, perhaps Singapore. DELURY: Well, I've given up speculating. I think I'm already going to

lose the number of bets on various locations that seemed to be wrong, you know. And I think President Trump is enjoying keeping us waiting leading us on.

So with this, what I think let's just wait to see what they announced. It should be soon. There are pros and cons to any place you can pick. Right now the focus is on Panmunjom, the DZ. I think there is a good logic to that where it can be secure for both sides. And it is in a strange way a kind of neutral territory.

[03:09:58] So I think of the options that we're looking at that does seem like a good choice, but again, I think we should probably wait and see.

CHURCH: Yes, indeed. Both leaders want it, so presumably they will have the last say on that. John DeLury, thank you so much for joining us and bringing us your analysis. We appreciate it.

DELURY: My pleasure.

CHURCH: Well, a lawyer for Donald Trump now says the president has reimbursed his longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen for a hush payment to a porn star. Cohen has admitted he paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 days before the 2016 election to keep her silent about her alleged affair with Mr. Trump.

The president has denied the affair and knowing about the hush money. Meanwhile, Trump attorney, Ty Cobb has quit the president's legal team. Emmet Flood who represented Bill Clinton during his impeachment has joined on.

So let's get some perspective on all this from CNN legal analyst Michael Zeldin who was Robert Mueller's former special assistant at the Justice Department. Good to have you with us.

MICHAEL ZELDIN, LEGAL ANALYST, CNN: Thank you for having me.

CHURCH: Now one of the additions to the Trump legal team is Rudy Giuliani, and he dropped a bombshell Wednesday in an interview with Fox News when he told Sean Hannity that Donald Trump paid back $130,000 to long-time personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

Money that Cohen had paid out of his own personal funds as hush money to adult film star, Stormy Daniels. Let's just listen to a portion of that interview.


SEAN HANNITY, HOST, FOX NEWS: They funneled it through a law firm.

RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: Funneled it through a law firm and the president repaid it.

HANNITY: I didn't know that he did.


HANNITY: There's no campaign finance law?


HANNITY: Did you know the president didn't know about this? I believe that's what Michael Cohen said.


GIULIANI: He didn't know about the specifics of it as far as I know. But he did know about the general arrangement that Michael would take care of things like this.


CHURCH: So, Michael Zeldin, a lot to break down here. So first, Giuliani insisting this proves this does not violate campaign funding laws. Is that the case?

ZELDIN: Well, it depends on the timing and some of the facts that we don't know. So, for example, if Cohen made this payment of $130,000 of his own accord with no expectation of being repaid given the timing of the payment so close to the election, I believe it was a campaign reportable offense and that Cohen would have exceeded the amount that an individual is allowed to pay.

If alternatively the president knew that Cohen was going to pay this and that he intended to repay it, then it's a loan to the campaign and has to be reported as a loan. And to our knowledge it was not reported as a loan.

So if in the sense that Giuliani said they funneled this through the law firm and then it was to be repaid, if that implies that they is the campaign and that the campaign fully intended to repay this, then it's a loan that was unreported and that is a campaign violation.

Giuliani said I'm going to tell you a fact no campaign law violated. That's not a fact. That's a conclusion of law, and that depends on the facts that we just were talking out.

CHURCH: So Rudy Giuliani is doing Mr. Trump no favors in actually saying this. Because we have to keep this in the context that Michael Cohen himself has said he was never paid back.

ZELDIN: Well, that's right. And the president said he knew nothing about it. So in the best case scenario, and I think that when Rudy Giuliani gets to the office in the morning they're going to say, really, that's what you said? We've got to now walk this back in some way or create a new narrative.

The best narrative potentially is that the president or then, you know, candidate Trump knew nothing about this. Cohen paid it all on his own. Thereby violating the campaign limits, but that's all on Cohen. Then when the president later learned of Cohen having done this, he said, that's not fair to Michael, I'm going to repay him. And that's what he did.

But it doesn't seem to jive with exactly what Giuliani said about funneling it through a law firm. But I think we might start seeing facts changing to somehow make sure that the president is acting out of his own sort of generosity in respect to the loan that he didn't know anything about at the time it was made.

CHURCH: Right. And we heard there also Giuliani saying Mr. Trump knew about the general arrangement regarding this payment to Stormy Daniels but didn't know about the specifics. Where does that leave Mr. Trump legally?

[03:14:58] ZELDIN: Well, again it puts him in this no-man's land of if he knew generally that Cohen was making payments to people who had bad things to say about the president, Karen McDougal, Stormy Daniels, whomever else, the president knew about that in general terms and he understood that Cohen would take care of it as an initial matter and that he then would repay Cohen because of the proximity of the payment to Stormy Daniels so close to the election. I don't see there being any way of not concluding this was payment that had been reported.

And so the president knew generally that these payments were being made and that it was in relationship to the campaign in silencing a negative voice, then I think that he may have implicated some campaign finance law violations for himself.

CHURCH: And just very quickly, I want to ask you what does a departure from the Trump legal team of Ty Cobb and the addition of Emmet Flood along with Rudy Giuliani signal to you in terms of the way President Trump and his team plan to respond to the special counsel's investigation?

ZELDIN: I think that's knowable at this point. Honestly, if I had my voice to be heard in the president's inner circle I would say bring in Flood, keep Ty Cobb and Martin and Jane Raskin and Jay Sekulow, and then you have a good solid working class team of lawyers.

I don't think you need Rudy Giuliani for the reason that we just saw this evening. So unfortunately, Ty is gone, and we'll have to see what that means in terms of if it changes the strategy of the president vis-a-vis Mueller and the interview. I just don't think at this point it's noble nor do I think it's safe to conclude that it signal something at this point.

CHURCH: Yes. And we shall see in 24 hours whether Rudy Giuliani is still on the team as you point out. Michael Zeldin, thank you so much for your legal analysis. We always appreciate it.

ZELDIN: My pleasure.

CHURCH: And it is worth noting Washington Post reporter Robert Costa tweeted just a short time ago. "Giuliani tells me he just spoke with the president tonight by phone. The president very pleased. Giuliani says he says they discussed his revelations of the reimbursements long in advance, does not expect to be fired, insists his remarks on Fox News Channel were approved by Trump." All right, coming up next, car makers say they are taking action after a CNN investigation found child labor is mining crucial component for electric vehicles. We're back with that in just a moment.


CHURCH: Just hours after CNN exposed child labor in the cobalt mines of Congo, the industries that use those minerals are taking action. Carmaker Daimler has announced a major order of its supply chain after CNN found the cobalt used to power electric car batteries is often being mined by children.


NIMA ELBAGIR, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: We arrived at the Musonoi River mine where the cobalt ore is washed and grinded down. Although we've been given permission to film here, as so as they see us officials begin to scare the children away. Not all of them, though, are fast enough. Some work on. One young boy staggers under his load. His friend sees the camera and he drops his sack. They clearly have been warned.

A mining ministry official spots this boy carrying cobalt has been captured by our cameras. His response is brutal.

Later we ask him why he struck the child. He refused to answer. We've now witnessed for ourselves that children are working here, that they are involved with the production of cobalt. And we've seen the products of that child labor loaded onto a variety of different vehicles.


CHURCH: And Daimler says it has explicitly forbidden child labor for years but admits it is difficult to verify the source of its cobalt. The company says it will work with 1,500 suppliers worldwide to stop any violations. The head of supply quality at Mercedes which is owned by Daimler says "We actively create transparency in the supply chain right down to the mine if necessary."

Well, our Nima Elbagir was part of the CNN team that investigated this story and she joins me now live from London.

Nima, incredible reporting from you and your team, opening all of our eyes to what is going on behind the scenes with this. And interesting that Daimler has said it will definitively prove there's no child labor in its supply chain. Is it even possible to say that given how difficult it is to police this level of child labor?

ELBAGIR: Absolutely. You put your finger on the key issue here. Because for us, our key finding was that at present stage impossibly for car manufacturers to say, 100 percent to consumers that the product of child labor hasn't ended up in their electric cars.

And when you go out and there and you buy an ethical car you buy it because you believe that it's reflective of the values that you embody, you buy it because you believe in a world that where sustainability, where ethical sourcing are priorities. You don't buy it because there's, you know, there may or may not be a chance that children have worked to create this product.

And that is something that we found across the board. And although others have spoken about this issue of child labor before and there was a growing body of evidence really for us it was being able to pin down the fact that the supply chain at the moment as it stands is pretty much ungovernable, Rosemary.

CHURCH: And Nima, what's incredible is that you went to this site in Congo, you found evidence of child labor. How hard have any of these carmakers tried to ensure that no children are involved in the gathering of cobalt for these electric car batteries. And going forward, what measures would need to be put in place to stop this from happening?

ELBAGIR: Well, you saw the complicity of the Congolese officials in the piece, these are officials that car manufacturers are relying on to police their supply chain. They are the ones who are the ministry of mining officials are the ones who signing off on the certificate of origin of the cobalt being child labor-free.

And it's not like we don't know what's going on in the Congo. It's not like even those who haven't visited the Congo are unaware that Democratic elections have been suspended for the last two years.

So, none of this should come as a shock to manufacturers. What's going to be interesting to see is how much public pressure has had an impact. How much they are going to be willing to be transparent, because with a lot of these manufacturers when we went to them and said we know you can't prove that you can trace your supply chain. So, help us, help us by being transparent. Help us by showing us how far down the supply chain you can actually trace.

[03:24:58] And a number of them said that for competitiveness reasons they weren't willing to do that. Hopefully, and there has been, you know, just the most amazing response to this piece, hopefully that response will mean that car manufacturers now know that consumers are demanding more and that competitiveness money is not a good enough excuse for allowing this to continue to happen.

CHURCH: Yes. And how much of this, Nima, is turning a blind eye, I mean, how much sincerity is there on the part of these manufacturers to really stop this from happening?

ELBAGIR: Well, our experience was pretty disappointing. For example, Tesla, we went back and forth with them and it was only when we went through financial filings, the Securities Commission filings that they are legally liable to make in the U.S., that we were able to pin down the reality that they cannot trace their supply chain.

And we were able to go back to them and say are you sure? You have told us that you believe that you can trace your supply chain, and yet, in these legal filings to the federal government where you are legally liable, you're admitting that you can't. And at that point they declined to comment any further. So I think you do bring up a very good point.

CHURCH: Nima Elbagir, again, congratulations on an incredible expose on this industry, and we will continue to watch to see what happens. Many thanks.

Well, the U.S. military wants to find out why a cargo plane on its last military nosedived and crashed here in Georgia. All nine crew onboard to Puerto Rico Air National Guard plane were killed.

Nick Valencia reports now from the scene.

NICK VALENCIA, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: According to officials this military plane crashed at about 11.30 a.m. here on this busy highway just outside of Savanna. I did talk to the Puerto Rico National Guard earlier and the spokesman for the unit said that it was an incredibly difficult time.

And you could tell from the tone of his voice that it was an emotional one as well. The last time the Puerto Rico National Guard had a fatal military crash was back in 2010.

This plane specifically had undergone routine maintenance in the last number of day according to the National Guard but it had been cleared to take off and go on a mission to Arizona. We don't know specifically what this crew was going to do in Arizona.

And usually these planes are used for veteran reconnaissance. We know as well according to officials here on the ground that this plane was seen in the moments before it crashed doing a nosedive hurdling into the ground here. And it is miraculous when you consider just how busy this thoroughfare is that no one was injured on the ground and no cars were touched.

Just off camera here also is a gas station and that plane crash narrowly missed landing here next to this gas station. In fact, a witness said, he's a truck driver and spoke to our Simon Daz (Ph), he said that his truck company transports hazardous materials just about four miles south of here, and he thought it was a miracle that that plane didn't land there. He said that it appears that the pilot in this case was deliberately trying to avoid injuring anyone on the ground. And that this large debris field, this massive crash site could have been a lot worse.

Nick Valencia, CNN, reporting just outside of Savanna, Georgia.

CHURCH: And still to come here on CNN Newsroom, a startling report about the cities with the dirtiest air. Is yours on the list? Check it out on the other side of the break. We'll find out.


CHURCH: A very warm welcome back to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. I want to update you now on the main stories we've been following. The release of three Americans detained in North Korea is imminent. That is according to an official with knowledge of the negotiations. We are told North Korea's Foreign Minister proposed their release two months ago. But at the time, U.S. officials insisted the release should not be related to the issue of denuclearization.

The U.S. military says, it's transferred an al-Qaeda terrorist from the Guantanamo Bay detention center to Saudi Arabia. He is the first detainee moved out of Gitmo since President Trump took office. The detainee will serve the rest of his 30-year sentence in Saudi Arabia.

Rudy Giuliani a member of Donald Trump's legal team says the President reimbursed his Attorney Michael Cohen for the 130,000 in hush money that Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels. Cohen has admitted paying the adult film star to keep quiet about an alleged affair with Mr. Trump. The President has denied the affair or any involvement with the payment.

Well, the man President Trump chose to head the environmental protection agency has been mired in controversy from the start. Sarah Ganim, reports on the challenges facing Scott Pruitt.

SARAH GANIM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Already facing almost a dozen different probes related to allegations of unethical behavior new details are emerging about EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt's expensive international trips. Once again his close ties to lobbyists are mixing with official EPA business.

SCOTT PRUITT, ADMINISTRATOR, U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTION AGENCY: I've met with stakeholders across the country on these issues, people that we regulate, that their voices have not been heard for many years.

GANIM: CNN has learned that Pruitt's controversial December trip to Morocco was arranged by this man, Richard Smotkin, a lobbyist and longtime friend of Pruitt's now also registered as a foreign agent making a hefty $40,000 a month to promote Morocco's interests according to a "Washington Post" report.

RICHARD SMOTKIN, LOBBYIST: I can't for the life of me imagine why an EPA administrator would be over their promoting energy sales.

GANIM: Smotkin, accompanied Pruitt on a four day trip which cost taxpayers more than $100,000. "The Post" reported, Pruitt said he went to help negotiate a free-trade agreement.

PRUITT: We were there in December to negotiate the environmental chapter. That was the focus of the trip.

GANIM: But the focus of his trips don't tell the whole story. Another example, Pruitt's international trip to Italy in June was also arrange by Pruitt's friend. Activist Leonard Leo, the head of the federalist society. It cost $120,000.

PRUITT: The trip to Italy was a G-7 trip, occurring a week after the Paris decision.

GANIM: An EPA spokesperson said the office of International and Tribal Affairs organized the trips. Attempt to reach Smotkin and Leo were unsuccessful. Despite the controversies, Pruitt's policy has been popular with his supporters, but now House Republican are moving forward with their own investigation. Among the items for them to look into "The New York Times" reports that lobbyist Steven Hart was e-mailing recommendations for an EPA Science Board, while his wife rented Pruitt $50 per night apartment in Washington.

PRUITT: We got documents Friday. We are scheduling witness interviews. We're going to interview those witnesses and we got permission Friday to start scheduling those.

GANIM: Pruitt's more controversial staffers, his head of security and his longtime banker from Oklahoma who was running the EPA's program to cleanup super fund site, both left the agency abruptly this week. They had become wrapped up in bad Pruitt headlines especially the Security Chief, Nino Perrotta, who oversaw the expansion of Pruitt's security team and justified more than $200,000 in first class travel for Pruitt.

New information continues to come out about the way that Scott Pruitt is spending money. Democratic lawmakers now say they have information that he wanted an EPA office in his hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. A secure facility with soundproof booth where he could work and make phone calls. The EPA said, that it didn't end up happening, but it's these kind of requests that have people concerned about his priorities while leading this agency. Sara Ganim, CNN, Washington.


[03:35:12] CHURCH: President Trump is just over a week away from a deadline to decide whether to keep the U.S. in the Iran nuclear deal. European leaders have been pressing him not to withdraw, but Iran's ambassador to the U.K. says they shouldn't appease Mr. Trump. In an exclusive interview with our Christiane Amanpour, he had this blunt warning.


HAMID BAEIDINEJAD, IRANIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE U.K.: When the United States is out of the deal, it means that there is no deal left. The consequence would be that Iran would in fact, would be ready to go back to the previous situation.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: That means enriching uranium at a vast speed and capacity.

BAEIDINEJAD: It could be enriching uranium. It could be redefining our cooperation with the agency and some other activities that are under consideration.


CHURCH: By May 12th President Trump must decide whether to continue waiving sanctions on Iran or effectively pull-out of the agreement. Iran's ambassador says it is working and must be honored.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BAEIDINEJAD: The modalities that are suggested totally unacceptable

to us, because there is some kind of conditionality that if the amount to continue the implementation of the JCPOA, there should be agreement on other elements, which is totally unacceptable. JCPOA was negotiated on its own merits and still it is working, and it should be continued to be enforced. If there are other issues which the parties, all parties reach to a conclusion that they can have dialogue and understanding, certainly that is a possibility for the future.


CHURCH: We turn to Venezuela now, and its economy is a disaster. People are starving, they are sick and they are very desperate. With pharmacy shelves empty, some are turning to pet's store to get the medicine they need. Rafael Romo, reports.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORREPONDENT: In a country marred by a deep economic, political and humanitarian crisis, Venezuela's are scavenging for food in dumpsters and fleeing by the thousands. The economic crisis has also created a humanitarian one. Aside from the lack of food most of pharmacies nationwide like basic medications such as antibiotics and pain killers, according to the Venezuelans, pharmaceuticals federation. Kristina Quintana, experienced the shortages first hand. After searching for antibiotics to treat on infection, a pharmacy manager suggest that she look for it in a pet shop.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (TRANSLATOR): Heath comes first and unfortunately we have to make do with that we have.

ROMO: And she is not the only one. Moe and more desperate Venezuelans are turning to veterinary clinics for medicine and other basic health care supplies. Quintana says she was surprised after finding out that humans consuming pet medications had become an increasingly common occurrence and the medicine helped.

Jonathan Veyo (ph) and his family also felt the crisis first-hand. The entire family suddenly started to suffer from itch symptoms.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (TRANSLATOR): I don't know why all that itching. I think it was the water or soap, because at the time there was no soap. So we had to buy industrial soap.

ROMO: They too resorted to a pet shop for help.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (TRANSLATOR): I went in and asked. I was quite embarrassed since they had animal products and I got a solution. They said it was scabies.

ROMO: Venezuela's collapsing economy has left the socialist government without enough money to buy medical supplies. The country also refuses to accept outside aid. In April U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, said the U.S. will provide $60 million in aid to Venezuela's who have fled in supports the neighboring countries taking them in.

MIKE PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: United States believes now is the time to do more, much more. Every free nation gathered here must take stronger action to isolate the Madura regime. We must all stand with our brothers and sisters suffering in Venezuela.

ROMO: While desperate times have led many in this starving country to figure out creative solutions, the U.S., the United Nations and many of Venezuela's own neighbors say, they stand ready to help as soon as the country is ready to receive it. Rafael Romo, CNN.


CHURCH: A Southwest Airlines flight was forced to make an unscheduled landing after a window cracked. A passenger on the plane sent this picture to her son. The airline says the outer pane of a multiplane window is the part that is damaged. The flight from Chicago to New York, New Jersey, was diverted to Cleveland.

[03:40:00] The Federal Aviation authority is investigating the cause.

Well, a new report has some devastating news about the health of our planet. It says, nine out of every 10 people in the world breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants. And parts of Asia and Africa are the most severe. Our Lynda Kinkade has the details.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Several million people die each year from a man-made cause, air pollution. That is according to a new study by the world health organization. They also found that nine out of every 10 people on the planet breathes air that contain high level of pollutants. The WHO says it's the world most comprehensive database on pollution. The organization collected data from more than 4300 cities and 108 countries. Although air pollution affects people worldwide, low and middle income countries experience far worse.

Many of the top cities on the list are in India, while attention is usually paid to Delhi and Mumbai, the WHO founded the cities Kanpur, Faridabad, and Varanasi are the top of the list.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This -- it should open our eyes now and we should instead of using vehicles we can bicycle, we can walk. Even I as a student I come by walking. And I guess that doesn't harm me.

KINKADE: Environmentalists warn that India is sitting on a toxic time bomb. The U.S. based Health Effect Institute found that over 1 million people die every year in India alone from the impacts of air pollution.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is a national problem. And that is the reason why we are looking with lot of interest on great urgency at the national clean air action plan which the ministry of environment is developing right now. KINKADE: This pollution is created mostly by car and truck emissions,

manufacturing, power plants and farming. The particles in the air are a mix of solid and liquid droplets that get embedded into the lungs when we breathe. It leads to multiple health conditions including asthma, lung cancer and heart disease. Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


CHURCH: A victim of sexual abuse in Chile's Catholic Church says Pope Francis apologize for his handling of the crisis there. Pope Francis met privately with three men who were victims of Father Fernando Karadima. In 2011, the Vatican found Karadima guilty of abusing boys in 1970's and 80's. Karadima denied the allegations. The Pope appointed Bishop Juan Barros in 2015 despite allegations, he covered up the abuse by Karadima. Barros has said he was unaware of any wrongdoing.


JUAN CARLOS CRUZ, ABUSE VICTIME: The pope was truly sorry about what he told me. I felt also that he was hurting, which for me was very solemn, I don't know what's word to use, because it's not often that the pope really say sorry to you and apologizes to you for something. He says, I was part of the problem. I caused this, and I apologize to you. I believe that he was sincere.


CHURCH: In a letter to the bishop last month Pope Francis said he made grave mistakes in handling that crisis.

Well, coming up after this short break, the data firm at the center of the Facebook scandal now says, it has lost all of its customer and will go out of business.

Plus YouTube fans, get unique experience on the rock band's new world tour with the help of augmented reality. We'll have that for you in just a moment.


CHURCH: Welcome back everyone. Well, two African-American men whose arrest at a Philadelphia Starbucks sparked protests over racial bias have now reached a settlement. The city agreed to give them what they asked for, $1 each, but it must also fund a 200,000 grant to establish a program for high school students who want to be entrepreneurs. As for Starbucks, it reached a confidential financial settlement will work with the men on its diversity effort, it also agreed to give them an opportunity to complete their college degrees for free.

Well, Cambridge Analytica the data company at the heart of the Facebook scandal is calling it quits. The Trump presidential campaign had been among its clients, but the firms says, business dried up, after Facebook accused it of misusing the personal information of millions of its users. CNN's Brian Stelter reports.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: The shadowy political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica is shutting down. The company says it can no longer operate, because its customer base has dried up. This comes in the wake of "The New York Times, Guardian and Channel 4," news investigations into the company's use or misuse of data to target voters and other members of the public in incredibly sophisticated ways.

You'll recall that Facebook kicked Cambridge Analytica off the platform back in March, when those stories were about to come out. Facebook said the company had essentially misused data from tens of millions of users. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, then went to Capitol Hill to testify on the matter and vowed to make changes.

Meanwhile Cambridge Analytica has essentially defended itself and said it's been innocent of these charges. In a statement on Wednesday the company reaffirmed it always acted ethically with people's data. Here is part of the statement, the company says despite Cambridge Analytica's unwavering confidence, that its employees had acted ethically and lawfully, the siege of media coverage has driven away virtually all of the company's customers and suppliers.

As a result it has been determined that it is no longer viable to continue operating the business which left Cambridge Analytica with no realistic alternative to place in the company and to administration.

Staffers in New York and London and elsewhere where told to pack up and go home on Wednesday. They apparently will restore receive sovereign, et cetera. The company is also still under investigation. We know that British lawmakers and British investigators are probing the company's practices and so are some lawmakers here in the United States.

Now, the company was creating these detailed psychographic profile of voters. It worked for the Trump campaign and other campaigns as well. There's been a lot of debate about just how effective the company's practices are. Now what remains to be seen is whether Cambridge Analytica will reemerge in some new form or some new name. But this practice of targeting voters and trying to get much data as possible and then reaching individuals on a one-to-one basis, it seems likely that is going to continue in various forms and in fact it will get more sophisticated with every passing election. But Cambridge Analytica, the company, the name, that is shutting down. Brian Stelter, CNN, New York.


CHURCH: Well, Kanye West is facing a backlash after suggesting this week that Africa-Americans chose to be slaves for 400 years and proclaiming his affection for the U.S. President. Well, now a radio host Charlamagne tha God, has released another interview with the rapper.

[03:50:00] He told CNN anchor, Hala Gorani, about Kanye's pews on Donald Trump. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, RADIO HOST: I think that Kanye is not aware of Trump's policies, I don't think he is aware of Trump's ideologies, I don't think he is aware of how Trump is oppressing and marginalizing a lot of people in this country. I think that he is just intrigued by the fact that Donald Trump reminds him of himself just by being a person that is outspoken and will say whatever they want, when they want to say it. The unorthodox way that Donald Trump has become President, you know, I think that is what Kanye is intrigued by. But, you know, I'm not here to celebrate style when it comes to a President. I want to celebrate substance. And I think Donald Trump lacks a lot of substance. So, you are right. That is the question that all of us are asking. Why is somebody like Kanye West is standing next to somebody a lot of us consider a racist bigot?


CHURCH: Charlmagne said he told Kanye he's comments on TMZ were dangerous and harmful. He also said, Kanye should apologize.

U2 is kicking off its new world tour in Tulsa Oklahoma in the coming hours.

The rock band is bringing fans a unique experience with the help of augmented reality. Fans will get a new perspective of lead singer, Bono, like never before using their smart phones. Laurie Segall got a look at that.


LAURIE SEGALL, CNN SENIOR TECHNOLOGY CORRESPONDENT: -- Thinking behind using augmented reality to kick off the show?

THE EDGE, LEAD GUITARIST, U2: Total emersion is our gig. And I guess it just helps, it is use to really make the -- amplify the sound so that it gets across in a more clear, direct, potent way. So if it doesn't serve the sound we would not consider it.

BONO, U2, LEAD VOCALIST: You'll see that this kind of image we have of consciousness is like this big iceberg and then it starts to melt. And we had to compact that experience, because of battery life. And then we want to do some intimacies. We wanted this very raw, naked version of the singer. I mean, we tend to use my story in U2, because I'm the singer. It could be anybody's story in general.

SEGALL: I don't know what it's like to be you guys on the stage and looking out at a thousand bazillion screams, right, but I am sure that is complicated, because you want people be present for you, but now --

THE EDGE: -- don't worry about the phones, it when they held up a laptops -- it get a little over the stuff.

BONO: You remember -- it's a very unsound thing to think that people should be interested in your most private thoughts to a bunch of (inaudible) maniacs. And we want people's complete attention, are we really getting cross, you know, if somebody goes to the bathroom during one of ourselves.

So I think to try and have fun with this potential for distraction and make the phone part of the actual experience of being on the show that is part of the appeal of using A.R.


CHURCH: Fantastic, all right, well, even the future wife of a prince apparently has to pass the test. We will take a look at the questions Megan Markle faces to become a British citizen. Back in just a moment.


CHURCH: So guest at Universal Studios in Japan got a thrill and scare that no one was expecting. About 30 riders in the flying dinosaur in the Jurassic Park section were left hanging upside-down, imagine that after a sensor triggered an emergency stop. Now, it took workers two hours to release those passengers. No injuries were reported thankfully and the ride was back in operation a few hours later. I wonder if they will go up again.

Well, even though Megan Markle is about to marry Prince Harry, that doesn't automatically make her a British citizen. To do that she is got to pass the same citizenship test as anyone else. And a fair number of applicant don't actually make the grade. I think she will somehow. Michael Holmes has a look at these questions.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What country did Britain fight against during the Crimean war?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When did the English Civil War begin?

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Its high stakes trivia, all people applying for British citizenship must pass a life in the U.K. test. Even if you're Meghan Markle marrying into royalty. Successful applicants have to answer question on history and culture. When put to the same task the average brit on the street was stumped.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I did not pass. Oh, that is shocking. That is actually quite hard.

HOLMES: The questions range from the practical like, how often is the general election held to random facts and figures like how high is the London eye or how old is Big Ben. It's a British citizenship test that very few British citizens can pass.

Would be citizens are doing much better, according to the U.K. government more than a third of the applicants have failed the test in the past two years.


HOLMES: The House of Lords is looking in to changing the questions to include more relevant information. But back on the street most people think that despite the difficulty Meghan Markle will get high marks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is a bright girl. She'll get half.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she'll have a coach. So she might be OK.

HOLMES: After all she does have the help of one of the most British families around. Michael Holmes, CNN.


CHURCH: She is very smart and a good study, too. She will be just fine and think you could ace this test? Well, head over to to see how you would fair. And thanks so much for your company this hour. I'm Rosemary Church, the news continues with our Max Foster who is in London right now. You're watching CNN. Have yourselves a great day.