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Hala Gorani Tonight

Trump Signs Executive Order To End Family Separations; The American Dream In Tatters; Where Brexit Voters Stand Today; Doctor Accused Of Prescribing Deadly Opiate Doses; U.N. Report Blasts U.S. Treatment Of Its Poor; Hungary Passes Anti-Immigration Legislation. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired June 20, 2018 - 15:00   ET



HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. Live from CNN London, I'm Hala Gorani.

Tonight, President Trump flips and says he will sign something soon to end those family separations at the border with Mexico. We have full coverage.

Also, ahead, Hungary passes a new law that makes it a crime to help migrants.

And a horrifying discovery as an investigation finds a doctor overprescribed strong painkillers to the elderly, causing hundreds of


Donald Trump has abruptly changed course on an immigration policy that's come under criticism in America and even around the world. After insisting

for days that Congress pass a law to stop family separations at the border, he's now taking matters in his own hands after saying an executive order

was not possible to end this.

Mr. Trump says he will sign that piece of paper, the executive order that would keep migrant children and their parents together when they are

processed after entering the united states undocumented.

Now, of course, over the last several days heartbreaking images of separated families, children detained in cages, all of that has fueled

outrage among Americans across the political spectrum. Mr. Trump announced his decision a short time ago.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We are signing an executive order in a little while. We're going to keep families together,

but we still have to maintain toughness, or our country will be overrun by people, by crime, by all of the things that we don't stand for and that we

don't want.

So, I'm going to be signing an executive order in a little while before I go to Minnesota. But at the same time, I think you have to understand

we're keeping families together, but we have to keep our borders strong. We will be overrun with crime and with people that should not be in our


We don't want crime in this country. We don't want people coming in. We don't want people coming in from the Middle East to our border using

children to get through the line. We don't want that. We're doing too good a job to allow that to happen.


GORANI: All right. So, they're saying he'll sign something before he travels. With those familiar themes, unproven really that the country will

be, quote, "overrun," that people from the Middle East will use children to infiltrate America, all this terminology that the president of the United

States has been using for months now and again today to create a crisis atmosphere at the border.

To tell people, Americans, that this is in their best interest, that they are not safe if these immigrants come into their country. We're starting

to get some details on this executive order.

Let's bring in CNN's Sarah Westwood at the White House. We're also joined by Tal Kopan on Capitol Hill, and Nick Valencia near the U.S./Mexican

border in Brownsville, Texas. First of all, Sarah, what will this executive order -- because the executive order would be to reverse a policy

of the Trump administration that could presumably have been reversed with a phone call. This was not legislation. Why the executive order and what

will be in it?

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN REPORTER: Well, that's right. President Trump gearing up to sign that executive action that sources tell CNN will not end the

zero-tolerance immigration policy that resulted in so many family separations. What it will do is perhaps make changes to the way that

families are detained at the border.

That, of course, is vulnerable to a legal challenge. But make no mistake, this represents a complete reversal from what the Trump administration was

saying as recently as this morning.

The administration has worked to frame this as a binary choice between enforcing the law and asking Congress to change it. Now, of course, that

obscured the reality that the Trump administration bears responsibility for this policy and could have changed it at any point.

GORANI: Right. Tal Kopan, as Sarah mentioned, this is not reversing the zero-tolerance policy. Rather than having children and parents separated,

from what I understand, they will be detained together, correct?

TAL KOPAN, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: That's right. You know, this is going to, as Sarah mentioned, instantly raise some legal questions. Because keep

in mind the backdrop to all of this is that there's a court settlement on the books that mandates some protections for children in government care.

And one of those things the court settlement does is make it against the law or against the court's ruling to detain those families with children

longer than three weeks. So now we're waiting to find out exactly how the administration approaches this.

[15:05:03] But you're almost certainly going to see legal challenges instantly from folks in the legal representation of immigrants and advocacy

community to say, you can't just detain families indefinitely as a way to get around the fact that you created the zero-tolerance policy that would

otherwise separate them.

And this particular court settlement is something the administration has wanted to roll back basically since day one. So, we're waiting to see

exactly how they approach this and whether it's just an attempt to flout this court settlement.

GORANI: Why this flip, Sarah? I mean, the White House is saying maybe the first lady had something to do with it, that the president's daughter,

Ivanka, also might have had something to do with it because as late as yesterday the president was saying he's not budging.

WESTWOOD: That's right. CNN's Kate Bennett is reporting that First Lady Melania Trump was putting pressure on her husband behind the scenes to try

to get him to do something about the images of the families separated at the border.

President Trump telling Republicans on Capitol Hill last night that his daughter, Ivanka, was also pushing him to take action. Pressure was

mounting on the administration to revert this policy or to do something to end the family separation.

Republicans as well as Democrats were raising the temperatures making a public outcry over this policy. So, certainly, the White House was

beginning to realize that this was an untenable position for them to be in.

GORANI: And Tal, the other big question is, those kids that have been separated, it could take a very long time to get them back to their

families. And if their family members are deported, what happens to these little kids in foster care or in the system? Some parents are worried they

might never see them again.

KOPAN: That's right, Hala. I mean, if you talk to folks who are working on this issue and working on behalf of the immigrants to try to navigate

them through this process, they say that there are some families, who may never be put back together again.

You see, what happens is, when these families are separated, the children are essentially deemed unaccompanied and transferred into the custody one

government agency. When the parents are done in the criminal process, they are put back in Department of Homeland Security custody.

Their cases are separated. It is on the parents -- and if they have a lawyer, which they are not given one, but if they have a lawyer, it's on

them to try to track down where their kids are, all while being in detention with limited access to phones.

It's not a guarantee that these parents, whose court proceedings may go faster than their kids, will have a chance to get back with their kids

before they're deported. This is an area of extreme concern for the community that's representing immigrants as to whether these families will

ever be put back together again.

GORANI: Well, and Sarah, so what happens next? We are expecting this order to be or this action to be signed today, right?

WESTWOOD: That's right. President Trump has said he plans to sign it before he leaves for a political rally in Minnesota. This all comes,

though, as the White House continues to try to rally support on Capitol Hill for separate broader immigration legislation that includes some of

Trump's priorities, including funding for his border wall, ending the visa lottery program that Trump has railed against.

But certainly, the introduction of this executive action complicates the process because the White House was trying to create a sense of urgency

around this legislation by pointing to the family separation issue. If that's taken off the table, at least temporarily, it definitely makes an

additional hurdle for the immigration legislation to clear in the House.

GORANI: All right. Sarah Westwood, Tal Kopan, thanks to both of you.

And this is after days of the president saying it cannot be done with an executive action. That it could only be done with legislation.

I want to get now to Nick Valencia. He has been reporting all day from outside a detention center for infants and children in Brownsville, Texas.

There are three such facility that the government calls tender age shelters. That is a gentle term for places housing basically babies and

toddlers forcibly separated from their parents.

Nick joins us now live. Any reaction that you've been able to gather around you to this announcement that the president would be ending this

family separation through executive action?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It was just a short time ago, Hala, that I spoke to a Democratic representative here who said the last six weeks

have been absolutely crazy. It was also an interesting time ago over the phone with a Honduran migrant, who's currently detained in Georgia.

It was recently that he was separated from his 3-year-old son. He actually tells me he was asking for asylum legally at a legal point of entry and he

was still separated from his 3-year-old. He told me he wouldn't have crossed if he knew that was going to be the case. In fact, he only has a

vague idea of where his child is.

I asked because I spoke to him just a short time after the announcement from President Trump what he thought about this executive order. He said

he thought it was a good thing, but essentially said that he's going to believe it when he sees it -- Hala..

[00:10:05] GORANI: I believe can we hear from the gentleman you spoke to? I understand we may have that sound. That's my mistake. Nick, you spoke

to a Democratic congressman, who was able to actually go inside one of these detention centers. What did he tell you he saw and witnessed?

VALENCIA: Two of these facilities of the three facilities listed by the Associated Press with owned by a nonprofit called Southwest Key. It's a

very profitable nonprofit. In fact, the CEO, according to tax records, had a salary of about $770,000 last year.

These facilities -- the way they define tender age here -- we're getting different descriptions from the government. DHS saying it's 13 years and

younger. Here at this facility they define tender age as any child under the age of 10.

It was a Democratic congressman here, the representative of this district, Filemon Vela, who I spoke of after he toured that facility. He talked to

me about what he saw inside including an infant as young as 8 months old.


REP. FILEMON VELA (D), TEXAS: When you walk into a room and there are two children, one the age of 8 months. Another the age of almost 1, who is

without their parent, and you begin to think and realize that this -- these children that are toddlers are being held hostage by the president of the

United States.

It's abhorrent, and the fact that in the United States of America, in 2018, that we're allowing this to happen is just really shameful and what we need

is for the president to rescind zero-tolerance right now.


VALENCIA: Here in this facility, there are about 80 children. Half of them have been recently separated from their parents as a result of this

zero-tolerance policy. The Congressman tells me that about seven to eight of them are children between the ages of 4 and 5 years old.

Also, there are four infants in a toddler room. Two infants are with their teenage mothers who are given an exception to be with their children here.

But the two other infants are currently being cared for by staff.

Some of them he said he couldn't really go into detail about whether or not they're getting the right kind of care, but they are getting care from the

staff here at Southwest Key. We've asked to go inside.

We demanded to go inside. We said the world needs to see how you're caring for these children. They've given us the stiff arm here. They asked us to

call the Office of Refugee Resettlement. They're working hand in hand with that federal government agency. We've called them multiple times, Hala,

and we've yet to hear back.

GORANI: And also, we've not seen -- we saw with the government handouts boys and young teenagers, but we have not seen girls or much younger

children in any of these photos that were handed out and video that was handed out.

In the United States, some states some governors of some states including Virginia and Maryland are recalling their National Guard troops in protest

at the forced family separation policy.

I wonder if now -- there you have a map of the United States highlighting the states that are recalling their National Guard troops in protest. I

wonder if this will change -- this executive order by the president will change anything there.

VALENCIA: Well, they're waiting with anticipation here. I asked Congressman Vela if he had any indication as to how this will physically

happen, how they will go about reuniting the more than 2,300 children that have been separated over the course of the last six weeks from their

parents. He said he has no details.

We need to remind our viewers these are families, Hala, that were faced with a choice between life and death, running from gangs like MS-13. Ms-13

was founded in America. So, in many ways, this is an American manufactured problem.

These central migrants show up here with absolutely nothing, asking for asylum. In the case of the individual that I spoke to a little while ago,

they expect to at the very least be treated humanely and not separated from their children.

Of course, the critics to those migrants who have come across with their kids, they say it's the migrants that are putting their children in danger.

But I know a lot of people that we've spoken to on the ground take exception with that. Now President Trump signing this executive order that

will change it -- Hala.

GORANI: Right. He has signed it. Now we'll get to that video to our viewers as soon as it's made available to us. He has signed this executive

order. This is before a trip that he's planning to take in a few minutes. So once that video becomes available, we'll air it right here on CNN.

You mentioned something important, which is reuniting the kids with their parents and the concern that if the parents are deported while the children

are in the foster care system or in a detention center, how do they get back to their families? I mean, some parents are worried they may never

see their kids again.

VALENCIA: That's a great question and one that we've really not gotten any clarification on so far. What is the plan in place that the federal

government has to reunite these children? In the cases you mentioned -- in some cases, the parents have already been deported. We know that.

[15:15:10] How will these children get back in touch with their relatives? That is going to be the issue going forward. Of course, it is infamously

slow, the federal government in the United States. We don't know how long this will take, the reunification process, and a lot of people here --

GORANI: Nick, we're seeing Donald Trump in the oval office with Mike Pence and Kirstjen Nielsen. Let's go to this video now.


GORANI: There you have it. The president moments ago in the oval office signing that executive order to terminate the policy to separate families

of migrants who enter the United States undocumented. He was joined by the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and the vice

president, Mike Pence.

As he was signing this document, the president said, we're going to have a lot of happy people. He said that it continues to be a zero-tolerance

policy. Enforcing the laws will continue to be a priority. Immigration laws, the president said, while keeping families together, shifting the

responsibility of the blame now to Congress as well.

He also said that he's dealt with North Korea, he's dealt with Iran, he's dealt with the economy and he is going to deal now with the next big hot

topic issue, and that is immigration. He also said that immigrants could come in through ports of entry and there would be no issue there.

We have heard reports that people coming through ports of entry seeking asylum, that some of those individuals say they have been separated as

well, that those families have been separated.

Sarah Westwood joins me now live from Washington. We don't know what -- and Nick Valencia is with us still from Texas. Sarah, we don't know what

is in the text of this executive order that the president just signed, the exact wording of it?

WESTWOOD: That's right. We don't know exactly how this executive order will end the practice of family separation at the border. We do know from

sources telling CNN that the Trump administration has no intention to end the zero-tolerance immigration policy that led to this crisis in the first


Obviously, President Trump acknowledging during his remarks there how the separation expects potential legal challenges to this executive order,

because it will take aim at some issues that courts and Congress have settled before. That's why you saw President Trump again repeating his

argument that Congress needs to act.

Of course, the very fact that he's signing this executive order represents a total retreat from the administration's stance as recently as this

morning that the White House had no ability to affect the family separation problem -- Hala.

GORANI: Nick Valencia, the president said that migrants and people seeking asylum can come in through ports of entry. I heard some immigration

officials say in the last few days that it's only people crossing the border outside of official ports of entry who have had their children taken

from them. We're hearing that's not correct, that people who have come through official ports of entries have seen their kids taken from them. Is

that the case?

VALENCIA: We've also heard reports that people trying to come through legal ports of entry and being turned away by Customs and Border

Protection. When we asked the Department of Homeland Security about that, they said in many cases they don't have the resources.

So rather than put these migrants through a process that they can't handle on the U.S. side, they're humanely, in their words, turning these migrants

away. We were at the border a couple of hours ago at the Hidalgo points of entry, one of the legal points of entry and I was talking to locals there.

They told me it was just a few weeks ago that they saw migrants camped out, migrants who were presumably looking for asylum, but as this zero-tolerance

policy took effect in the last six weeks, those crowds dispersed.

We also as I mentioned, I just talked to a migrant from Honduras who've said that he tried to cross a legal point of entry and was still separated

from his child -- Hala.

GORANI: All right. Well, so Sarah Westwood, we're going to wait and see what happens beyond this executive order because that's why I was asking

you about the wording. It's about how it is actually described in words in this document that the president just signed. We don't have enough details


WESTWOOD: That's absolutely correct. Keep in mind, Hala, that this comes as the White House is trying to rally support separately for legislation

that could also address this problem, but it includes broader provisions such as providing funding for President Trump's border wall, ending a visa

lottery program.

These are things that President Trump had pushed for previously, although, some Republicans are perhaps nervous that by him signing this executive

action, he's taking away some of the urgency surrounding an immigration bill that was already considered very difficult if not impossible to get

through Congress at this point.

GORANI: Sarah Westwood and Nick Valencia, thanks to both of you.

[15:25:02] And peppering all along his statements with words like "infestation" and "overrun" and people using migration to infiltrate the

country and do Americans harm. This is just a theme that the president goes back to again and again and again. We're going to have much more on

our top story coming up. Stay with CNN.


GORANI: Recapping our breaking news this hour, U.S. President Donald Trump has just signed an executive order to end family separations at the border.

He's been under pressure to end the policy after heartbreaking images have circulated showing children in cages and other detention facilities.

Mr. Trump says his order will still keep the border safe. We know the president has signed the intention to keep families together, but you are

keeping them together still detained. The zero-tolerance policy is still in place. The president was very clear about that using again and again

terminology describing migrants as a threat to national security and a threat to ordinary Americans.

He had been in the past blaming Democrats using those words to describe the presence of illegal immigrants in the U.S. It certainly feels like a

dramatic about-face. The question is why.

Brian Stelter is with me from New York? So, Brian, there was that "ProPublica" recording, these images of kids in cages, the first lady,

Melania Trump, tweeting out that it should be a nation of laws, America, but also of heart, et cetera. Was it an optics thing for the president?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: According to a number of reports, he was bothered by the images, not so much the children, but the

images of the children. According to multiple reports, that's been one of the factors here. This is one of those cases where the word press really


The news media, the press has been pressing for answers, pressuring government officials for explanations. What we saw was a surge over the

weekend, a big surge in coverage over the weekend where there was a sense this policy was wretched.

The more information that came out, the worse and worse it looked. As there were some photos provided from the government. Then there was that

leaked "ProPublica" audiotape. Now there's reports coming from various news outlets about some of the treatment in some of these children.

It was getting worse and worse and worse. That was causing news outlets to ask for Republicans to comment, Republican lawmakers to comment. Those

lawmakers were putting more pressure on the president. What you were seeing here, I think, reached a boiling point largely thanks to news media


GORANI: And speaking of optics, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen went to a Mexican restaurant in Washington yesterday.

The choice of restaurant itself was interesting in this current environment, but protesters shouted her down. This is some of the video

that this group of activists posted online.

STELTER: And this is activism in the digital age. These are democratic socialists of America organizers in the Washington area that were able to

find out where she was going and they went inside the restaurant, they would not leave. And you see the secretary sitting at the table nearby.

It's notable that this organization was able to get this video out so quickly and it went viral overnight. So their message originally only

heard in the restaurant was heard around the world. It's a really interesting example of protest in the digital age. Even though there's

been a lot of backlash at the same time from people saying, hey, this is how it's going to go from now on. Democrats going to get shouted down the

way this Republican woman was shouted down. Certainly some questions there. But I think this activism is an important piece of the puzzle as

well. The news media created a lot of pressure, but it was immigration advocates and democratic lawmakers who were also creating a lot of

attention around this issue over the weekend by holding protests and that led into the working as well.

GORANI: Brian Stelter, thanks so much, appreciate it.

Still to come tonight, no home, no healthcare and no hope. This is reality for many in the world's wealthiest country. We'll hear from some Americans

on their struggle to survive.

Plus, Theresa May ducked a Brexit wrecking ball. We'll talk about that and hear from people who voted for Brexit. Do you think people who voted for

Brexit are changing their minds now?


GORANI: Well, the days' long furor over separating families at the U.S. border has seen strong reaction from around the world. Here in the U.K.

Theresa May had this to say in parliament.


THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: On the very important issue that he's raised of what we have seen in the United States, the pictures of children

being held in what appear to be cages are deeply disturbing. This is wrong. This is not something that we agree with. This is not the United

Kingdom's approach.


GORANI: Well, remember President Trump will be visiting the U.K. in just a few weeks. But that wasn't the only big moment for Theresa May at

Westminster, because yet again, we should start calling her Teflon Theresa. She survived another key vote on Brexit, negotiating a possible rebellion

from within her own party.

Let's get right to the Houses of Parliament. Political analyst Carole Walker is there with more. And first, Carole, I want to ask you about what

the U.S. ambassador to the U.K. said about Donald Trump's visit that he would be meeting the queen, which surprised me because I thought it was a

working visit where there wouldn't be all the pomp and circumstance.

[15:35:06] CAROLE WALKER, POLITICAL ANALYST: Absolutely. But -- excuse me. The U.S. ambassador today confirms that he was going to behaving tea

with the queen. He said meeting the queen was the most important thing about the visit and it seems that for Donald Trump it's more important to

meet the queen even than Theresa May, the prime minister. Excuse me. We know that these two haven't had the easiest of relationships. The

president thinks that the prime minister is somewhat school mistress-y in her approach. Certainly, it's going to be a hugely controversial visit.

GORANI: All right. I'll let you clear your throat a little bit. I think I know what's going on. There's a lot of pollen around there right now and

you might have breathe the thing or a little speck or two in there. So I'll let you just clear your throat. Let's talk about Theresa May. The

rebels within her own party who do not want a hard Brexit, they want say on a final deal, they backed down. These are the least rebellious rebels I've

ever seen. What happened?

WALKER: Yes, absolutely. There was an awful lot of arm twisting and maneuvering behind the scenes. There was some last-minute assurances that,

yes, the speaker could intervene to make sure that, if there were to be no deal with the E.U., then MPs could get a say on what happens next.

Ultimately, I think rebels decided that they simply didn't want to inflict the huge damage, the hugely destabilizing effect that a defeat would have

had on the prime minister at this stage. What they fear is if the prime minister's government were to collapse, they could end up with a much more

hardline leadership that would not leave them with the sort of close ties that they want to retain with the European Union even after Brexit.

But this episode has really underlined just how shaky, just how precarious Theresa May's government is. These rebels simply decided it was more

dangerous to remove her than to keep her in place, but there are many more really difficult votes coming up here in parliament and a huge amount still

to be negotiated. We're still such a long way from that agreement. There's no agreement with the E.U. on trade, on customs, on the future

trading relationship, on immigration, on what the arrangements are going to be for aviation, for rules and regulations on a host of different sectors

and Theresa May is really struggling to make headway on this.

GORANI: Right. But she's still prime minister, so she's got that going for her. Carole Walker, thanks so much for joining us.

By the way, we asked some Brexit supporters if they'd changed their mind in the last couple of years and this is what they had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I voted for Brexit and I don't regret it. I'm really for the sake of our economy. And I think even though a lot has changed and

lots of scare mongering and things like that of, you know, changed prices for fuel and other things, but I'm still totally for it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I voted to leave the European Union. Like, I feel like now it's sort of been a bit of a mess that we're trying to get out and all

that. And I think sort of the amount and time and effort that's gone into it so have made it almost not worth it, I think, anymore.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I voted to remain in Brexit elections. The reason why I think we're stronger together as one unit rather than individually.


GORANI: All right. You have a sampling of opinion there.

Now, to a shocking story also in the U.K., more than 450 patients at a hospital in England died after being given life shortening opioids, quote,

"without medical justification." It has all come out in an independent report which alleges that a single doctor, this woman Jane Barton,

routinely overprescribed strong painkillers over a period of nearly 20 years that has left family members outraged understandably.

Erin McLaughlin is live in Portsmouth. How did this go on for 20 years, Erin?

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, that is certainly the question and it's something that the British prime minister

Theresa May actually apologized for that it took some 20 years for the families of these victims to reach the truth. But the families are saying

they don't just want an apology. They want accountability in the form of criminal charges.


ANN REEVES, DAUGHTER OF ELSIE DEVINE WHO DIED AT GOSPORT WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: First and foremost, this is about my mum. She was a wonderful

mother. She was our rock.

MCLAUGHLIN: 88-year-old Elsie Devine was admitted to hospital to help her recover from a urinary tract infection. Four weeks later, she was dead.

Her daughter Ann believes it was the high doses of pain medication. Medication she insists her mother did not need.

[15:40:10] REEVES: It would kill you. It would kill anybody. She had no chance. I'm her voice now. And I will not stop until someone in this

government, in the Department of Health can sit me down and say this is why we gave your mother those drugs.

MCLAUGHLIN: And so began Ann's 19-year odyssey for truth and accountability. What exactly happened to her mother and hundreds of other

patients at Gosport War Memorial Hospital. The answer for Ann and dozens of other families arrived Wednesday. And it's chilling.

JAMES JONES, LED THE INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT FUNDED INQUIRY: There was an institutionalized practice of the shortening of lives through prescribing

and administering opioids without medical justification. The hospital records demonstrate that 456 patients died.

MCLAUGHLIN: James Jones led the independent government funded inquiry.

JONES: There is no closure.

MCLAUGHLIN: Which took four years and over $18 million to reach that conclusion. To call out this woman, Jane Barton, responsible for the

practice of prescribing medication at Gosport. Barton retired in 2011 following a separate investigation that found her guilty of professional

misconduct. She couldn't be reached for comment, but according to the BBC, she issued a statement in 2010 that said, "Throughout my career, I've tried

to do my very best for all my patients and have had only their interests and well- being at heart."

The inquiry makes clear the culpability extends beyond Barton to include hospital staff and those responsible for holding hospitals to account.

Well, as you can see from this displays set up by the families, over the years there have been any number of inquiries, even criminal

investigations. The families say the cries of the whistleblowers have fallen on deaf ears. Those investigations inadequate. That is, until the

current inquiry.

Now families are urging a fresh criminal investigation.

REEVES: My mum came from a time when they thought doctors were Gods. They believed everything the doctor said. But the world's moved on now. We've

got the internet. We've got the process of checking what drugs we have. And certainly for us, we will always be checking the medical file and

making sure that we know what's going on.


MCLAUGHLIN: Well, CNN reached out to Gosport War Memorial Hospital. No comment or response so far. The health secretary here in the United

Kingdom, Jeremy Hunt, says that the crown prosecution service as well as the police will review the findings of this inquiry and consider next

steps, Hala.

GORANI: All right. Erin McLaughlin, it's been a long time coming for the family members of the people who lost their lives.

Still to come, a new U.N. report blasts the U.S. for its treatment of the poor. We'll hear from some Americans on what they say is a struggle to

survive. We'll be right back.



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're going to have a lot of happy people.

[15:45:00] GORANI: Donald Trump signing an executive order just a short time ago that will end a very unpopular policy of separating illegal

migrant children from their parents at the border. Mr. Trump says the government is keeping families together while at the same time keeping a

very powerful border and maintaining the zero tolerance policy. As we've seen immigrants take great risks to reach the U.S. In fact, the late U.S.

president Ronald Reagan saw the United States as a shining city on the hill, you'll remember. But a new U.N. report claims that under President

Trump, the American dream is not necessarily a dream for many of its low- income citizens. Lynda Kinkade talked with some of them.


NOLAN ENGLISH, DIRECTOR, SAFEHOUSE OUTREACH PROGRAM: There are people out on the streets in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet that are

struggling for meals, for shelter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Things are tight right now. Rent's high everywhere.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Had you ever been homeless before?


KINKADE: These are America's working poor, earning so little they can't afford a home, not even one for rent.

DEMETRIUS PHILIPS, WORKING POOR: You might work today, might not tomorrow. It puts you in a bind because you're only making like 40 to 50, maybe $60 a


KINKADE: So, how much were you earning an hour?

PHILIPS: No more than like eight bucks an hour.

KINKADE: And you're 30 --



PHILIPS: Yes, ma'am.

KINKADE: Maudine Fall (ph) works several jobs in catering and cleaning, but most businesses won't give her more than 30 hours a week will avoid

paying healthcare. She's been homeless 18 months.

So, do you ever feel vulnerable when you're living on the streets?

MAUDINE FALL, WORKING POOR: You really cannot risk like you --

KINKADE: You can't relax?

FALL: No, you can never in either way.

KINKADE: You're on the edge?

FALL: I am.

KINKADE: John Bobitt (ph) used to own his own maintenance business.

JOHN BOBITT, WORKING POOR: I had four people working for me.

KINKADE: Today, he's making grilled cheese sandwiches at Safehouse Outreach in Atlanta. Losing everything in New Orleans when hurricane

Katrina hit forced him on the streets for the best part of a decade.

BOBITT: You may not take a shower for two or three days. I wouldn't hire myself if I was looking like that. I never was really religious up to that

point, but I started praying to God at that point.

KINKADE: He decided to start walking, New Orleans to Atlanta, over 700 kilometers in 32 days. Safehouse Outreach helped him find a full-time job,

but he was jobless after just 18 months due to illness. Now he oversees the kitchen here which serves hundreds of meals a day to the homeless.

We should take this down?


KINKADE: The official unemployment rate might be at record lows, but Safehouse Outreach says they've seen an increase in the number of


JOSH BRAY, CEO, SAFEHOUSE OUTREACH INC.: On a given year, we'll see about 4,000 people.

KINKADE: This is the report being presented to the United Nations that finds if you are one of the 40 million Americans living in poverty, you're

likely to stay that way. The American dream it says is rapidly becoming an American illusion.

Across the U.S., people working for tips can often earn as little as $2.13 an hour and have to make up the rest in tips just to meet the federal

minimum wage of $7.25.

ENGLISH: They're not livable wages. These are little tokens that they're throwing. These are the crumbs from your table.

KINKADE: Nolan English is the director of the outreach program.

ENGLISH: At least 40 percent of the people that we serve are working. They're holding down two or three jobs.

KINKADE: Around the clock seven days a week, they send out teams to talk with people who are struggling, living below the poverty line. One man

living in a park started convulsing in front of us. Had Nolan not being there to call paramedics, the situation could have been far more dire.

The U.N. report found unlike other wealthy nations, the U.S. has neglected its signed international agreements which state that access to healthcare

and food are basic human rights.

ENGLISH: The only thing that can be done with this current administration would have to be a total change of heart.

KINKADE: Lynda Kinkade, CNN, Atlanta.


GORANI: So far we've so received no official U.S. response to that U.N. report, but when you add it to the controversy over U.S. immigration

policies, it could be seen as another blow to America's international image.

Joining us to talk about these very public divisions in the U.S. is Robin Wright. She's a contributor at the New Yorker. She's with the U.S.

Institute of Peace and the Woodrow International Center. Thanks for joining us, Robin.

So first, I want to get your reaction on the President Trump basically flipping reversing course on this family separation policy at the order.

He said Friday an executive order wouldn't end it. And today, he ended it with an executive order.

[15:50:54] ROBIN WRIGHT, CONTRIBUTOR, THE NEW YORKER: We still don't know the details, but the fact is the administration was under extraordinary

pressure not just from Democrats but from within their own party. Former first ladies, all those who are surviving have weighed in on this very

humanitarian issue and it comes at a time that the United States is under the lens, as you've just pointed out, on human rights issues, whether how

it treats its own or how it treats those who are struggling in the name of freedom and repression. And so this is probably a short-term action. I

think the White House is still going to be looking for legislation that will figure out what to do in the future on immigration. But this is a

tough time. Today is World Refugee Day and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came out with a statement, said the United States is still willing to

accept all those who are legitimate refugees. But the reality is what's happening on our border and the separation of children and there seems to

be extraordinary hypocrisy.

GORANI: And also they not, the United States, taken in the number of Syrians, for instance, that they had accepted, that figure certainly they

haven't reached that figure that was publicized. The U.S.'s image, though, the U.S. is withdrawing from big international accords. The U.N. Human

Rights Council, the Paris Accord, the Environmental Accord, the Iran deal, TPP. I mean, what is that doing to the country's standing around the

world, its influence, also its credibility with partners around the globe?

WRIGHT: You haven't seen a period of isolationist moves like this since the aftermath of World War One when the United States voted against joining

the League of Nations. There is this sense that the United States , a century later, doesn't really understand globalization, is trying not only

to be America first but to be kind of America alone or be the one that is dictating the terms for whether it's trade or environmental standards to

other countries around the world. And this, of course, has led to a kind of resistance, you've seen whether the hope reaching out today and saying

that this dance by the United States on immigration is creating psychosis among children. The fact that you even have right wing leaders like Marine

Le Pen in France criticizing the United States. It's really striking the boldness and the language used by our allies. In Britain the Labour Party

opposition has even asked Theresa May, the prime minister to withdraw the invitation to President Trump to visit next month.

GORANI: Well, she's not withdrawing it. And according to the U.S. ambassador, he's meeting with the queen. So they are certainly organizing

something. If it's not a state visit, at least something sort of resembling it.

But what about Donald Trump's influence and how does he serve as an inspiration to other leaders? You mentioned Marine Le Pen. Viktor Orban,

the prime minister of Hungary, that government just passed a law criminalizing the act of helping a refugee, so criminalizing their own

citizens for even giving information to migrants asking for help.

WRIGHT: Well, that's a grave concern. And when you look at some of the countries with which the president has most identified, whether it's Kim

Jong-un or President Erdogan in Turkey, who faces an election this weekend, or President Sisi in Egypt, that he's identified with many of those who are

the toughest. Viktor Orban, he had a conversation with over the weekend. This is a time the administration, the United States seems to be allied

with those who are unfriendly to ideas of freedom, unfriendly to ideas of refugees and doing very little to foster either globalization or


GORANI: All right. Robin Wright, as always, pleasure talking to you. Thanks for joining us on the program.

Still to come tonight, you may not know their names, but their stories are history in the making, as the planet marks World Refugee Day. We'll show

you an astonishing representations of just how big the crisis really is.


[15:55:24] GORANI: As we were just telling you, Hungary is cracking down on immigrants. The Hungarian parliament has given overwhelming approval to

a bill called Stop Soros after financier George Soros that makes it a crime to help undocumented immigrants including asylum seekers. The law I

expected to take effect in one or two weeks, Amnesty International calls it a new low, noting that it was approved on, of all days, World Refugee Day.

The images we've been seeing at the U.S. border may be heartbreaking, but as we know they are not unique to the Americas. As we have reported year

on year, Europe is struggling with its biggest refugee crisis since World War Two. The scale of trauma and devastation that that has caused as

simply too great for anyone of us to comprehend fully. In fact, that's why we often hone in on one particular story, one particular face. Because it

feels like the only way we can begin to relate is to do that.

But to mark World Refugee Day, one activist group is trying a different approach. Now, look at this. It was printed today in a British newspaper,

The Guardian. And I can show you this right here. So the text may be too small for you to read at home, but it lists, as best as we know, the name

and cause of death of every single migrant who has died trying to reach Europe since 1993. Many of the names are unknown. You see it, not known.

But unfortunately, their stories are not. Some of them died when their boats sank or when they were shot by border guards or when they simply

vanished without a trace. There are stories of electrocution, there are heart attacks, there is suicide. But if nothing else, laying this

information out in black and white that some people for instance died trying to cross freezing to death trying to cross a mountain range or

others died because they couldn't take it anymore. They were told they would be deported, so they killed themselves in their detention cell. And

it's this type of thing that I think brings home because the scale of it -- you see how thick it is -- brings home the magnitude of the crisis as

Europe continues to try to find a way to respond to it.

I'm Hala Gorani. Thanks for watching tonight. We always appreciate your company. Stay with CNN. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next.



[16:00:56] RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Closing bell ringing on Wall Street. The early gains in that way that the Dow is down but this is

clearly much better than it was earlier on the session as trading comes to an end. One, two. Oh, look at that. That is strong and --