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Laura Bush: Separating Families at Border "Is Cruel"; Sanford Fires Back at Trump & Says "Game Over" on Immigration Legislation; Supreme Court Rules on Privacy & Cell Phones; "Champions for Change" Focuses on Boston Charity West End House. Aired 11:30-12p ET

Aired June 22, 2018 - 11:30   ET


[11:30:00] ANTIA MCBRIDE, FORMER CHIEF OF STAFF OF FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: And has a keen awareness of what is going on in the immigrant communities in her state. And also, you know, at the time of the Bush administration, this was one of the great tragedies that happened. President Bush really tried hard to push immigration reform and it fell apart at the 11th hour, some of it due to, you know, politicians in his own party. And that was a huge disappointment.

So I think -- of course, you know, Cokie Roberts wrote a great piece this week about all of the first ladies collectively in their voice that has come out on this. And she pointed to Laura Bush stepping out on policy. But also said, can you imagine what Barbara Bush is saying, stomping around in heaven, being really mad about this?

KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: Great point. What is your take, Anita, on the jacket that Melania wore?

MCBRIDE: The jacket is unfortunate because it really detracts from the good visit that she had down there. I'm really never comfortable with the word first -- the word "first lady" and the words "I don't care" in the same sentence. Ever. So I think that that -- I don't know what statement she was trying to make. I know the White House is trying to give us an answer on that. But when you're in elected office or you're a spouse of an elected person, everything you say, you do, you wear, has meaning. And this is -- I'm sorry, it was unfortunate.

BOLDUAN: Sure was.

Thank you for coming in, Anita. Really appreciate it.

MCBRIDE: Of course. Thanks for having me.

BOLDUAN: Great to see you. Yes.

Coming up, "game over." That is Republican Congressman Mark Sanford's take on any hope for immigration legislation right now. And that's not the only warning that he has for his Republican colleagues.

Be right back.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [11:35:57] BOLDUAN: Republican Congressman Mark Sanford firing back at President Trump after he slams Sanford during a visit to Capitol Hill, calling him a, quote, "nasty guy" behind closed doors in front of Sanford's colleagues. Sanford is also offering his verdict following the president's tweet that he and fellow Republicans are wasting their time working on immigration bills now. Of course, bills that the president originally asked for. What does Sanford say? Listen.


REP. MARK SANFORD, (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: Game over. It takes a window in what might have been a fairly productive week in terms of looking for a compromise. I don't know how it happens. If you look at how contentious this issue is, how much emotion there is, you know, without the president being out front, without the president having legislators' backs, there's no way they're going to take the risk that would be inherent in a major reform bill.


BOLDUAN: Joining me now, CNN politics reporter and editor-at-large, Chris Cillizza.

Sanford says it is game over. Bob Goodlatte says they're going to push forward today and he doesn't think that the president's words have an impact on their efforts. Who do you believe, Chris?

CHRIS CILLIZZA, CNN POLITICS REPORTER & CNN EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Bob Goodlatte made a funny joke. I'll write that down in my diary, Kate. There's no way that it goes through. The Goodlatte bill had already failed, the more conservative version failed yesterday. They postponed the compromise legislation until today.

Then they double postponed it until next week because the leadership thinks, maybe, possibly, there's a window where they might able to get passage. When you are the president of the United States and come out and say, you know what, guys, forget about it, this isn't going anywhere, it gives every member who didn't want to take that vote, who has issues with the compromise bill, and gives this them a giant out not to do it. I guarantee you with less than five months before the election, they'll take that out.

BOLDUAN: So you got Trump slamming Sanford and Sanford says that cost him, in part, his election. Trump putting out endorsements this morning. Martha Roby is one of them. She was critical of the president, noteworthy critical of the president --


BOLDUAN: -- during the election after "Access Hollywood," saying she couldn't vote for him, his behavior was unacceptable. What is the difference here?

CILLIZZA: Honestly, I don't really know. This very much, the Roby endorsement, very much plays against type. After the "Access Hollywood" tape, Kate, she sort of condemned his behavior, his tone. It is the reason why she had a primary in Alabama. She is in a very Republican seat. Her primary opponent, much like Mark Sanford's primary opponent, essentially said, this incumbent is not loyal enough to Donald Trump. We need someone more loyal. Why he decided to endorse her in the runoff, I'm not sure, other than potentially Martha Roby leaned on Paul Ryan who leaned on Donald Trump. Though that's been done before and it hasn't worked out this way. So she's lucky because this almost certainly now means she wins this runoff. That could have been dicey.

BOLDUAN: Even on the loyalty threat, when it comes to endorsements in the election --

CILLIZZA: You never know.

BOLDUAN: -- you can't count on it.


BOLDUAN: All righty.

Great to see you, Chris. Thank you so much.

CILLIZZA: Thanks, Kate.

[11:39:08] BOLDUAN: What does this mean for legislation before Congress that they're working on it? Who the heck knows? Stick around with me. We'll figure it out.

The Supreme Court ruling today on a cell phone privacy case. An important one. Details ahead.


BOLDUAN: Breaking this morning, the Supreme Court issued a ruling on a key question when it comes to your privacy and your cell phone.

Let's go to the court to find out all the details. CNN's senior Washington correspondent, Joe Johns, is there.

Joe, what exactly are we learning today?

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTO CORRESPONDENT: Kate, this was closely divided Supreme Court, a 5-4 ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the opinion, also siding with the majority. The rule that comes out of this case, which could have a big effect on the way the authorities and the government track people, here it is. I'll read the rule. "The government has to get a warrant in order to obtain extensive locational cell phone records from third parties, especially the phone company before it can get certain information on individuals under criminal investigation."

Now, there were a lot of facts in this, but it's very simple. In 2011, a guy named Timothy Carpenter was implicated in a series of robberies of stores in the Detroit area. The authorities went to the phone company, got his location on cell phone records, discovered he was at the scene of four of those robberies, locked him up and sent him to jail. He was, in fact convicted. Now, of course, the question was whether he had a reasonable expectation of privacy in that information that was collected from the phone company. The Roberts decision says yes. The question is whether it was a Fourth Amendment search, if you will, that triggers the protects of the Constitution. Once again, Roberts says yes. There were a lot of descending opinions, very strong ones. And so it is an issue to go into the future wondering whether the court will revisit or further expand privacy protections for people who use cell phones.

Back to you, Kate.

[11:44:31] BOLDUAN: Technology always advancing faster than laws, the laws that cover them. Let's see if this is another of once of those cases and it will continue.

Great to see you, Joe. Thank you.

Coming up for us, the Conners are coming back, now without Roseanne. Will you tune in? What is Roseanne saying about it?

We'll be right back.


BOLDUAN: It is hard enough to run one marathon, but a 2013 "CNN Hero" is running the equivalent of 65 marathons, 1700 miles, from Seattle to San Diego. Why? He's hoping to raise a quarter of a million dollars to help provide free rides for children with cancer to their chemotherapy treatments. Watch.


RICHARD NARES, CNN HERO: Say good morning.

My son, Emilio, was diagnosed with leukemia.

I love you.

We were fortunate, we had rides to the hospital, to bring Emilio. Many families don't have that support.

UNIDENTFIIED FEMALE: You want to blow a kiss to the camera?

NARES: They can't start the fight without getting to the hospital. We get them here in a nice, clean environment and on time.

No child should miss their treatment due to lack of transportation.


BOLDUAN: To learn more about Richard's run, head to CNN While there, you can nominate someone you think should be a "CNN hero."

We'll be right back. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

[11:49:57] BOLDUAN: All this week we've been sharing the extraordinary stories of people who are making a very big difference. It's called "CHAMPIONS FOR CHANGE".

Joining me now is my former TV partner, John Berman, a man I admire beyond measure, even though I dumped him.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Everything you said there's true. You admire me and you dump me, and I wrote that. All three things --


BERMAN: All three things are true.

BOLDUAN: It's all true. It's all true.

BERMAN: Let's talk about "CHAMPIONS FOR CHANGE," shall we?

BOLDUAN: Let's talk about it. It's actually important.

BERMAN: This year, I spent time at a charity in Boston, a place called the West End House in Boston, a place my family has been connected to for about 100 years. This is such a wonderful place. Its job is to help immigrant underserved communities. They helped those kids move forward throughout the important part of their lives. Watch.



CAROLINA SCHOTT, WEST END HOUSE PARTICIPANT: My name is Carolina Schott, and I'm 16 years old. I attend Bossner Academy. Today, I'm performing Mendelssohn.


SHAW: I go to school from 8:00 to 4:00. Then I take the train to the Boys and Girls Club.

Hi, guys.

When I started going to West End House, I was 10 years old. I remember taking my first singing lessons. I went from being super shy to singing in front of 300 people.

Be a little bit louder. Be confident. Ready?

BERMAN (voice-over): Kids like Carolina has been coming here since it was founded in 1906 in the West End, a section of Boston that doesn't even exist anymore. (on camera): In some ways, the West End House is the story of Boston.

It's been a place where the immigrants of Boston could come and get help over the decades. One hundred years ago, that was my family. My grandmother had five brothers. They were Jewish kids, grandchildren and children of immigrants, and they were among the underserved. And they came here to get off the streets.

My great-uncle Alan, you can see him when he was a young teenager playing basketball.

How has the makeup of the kids who use this changed?

ANDREW MUSTO, BOARD PRESIDENT, WEST END HOUSE: Now we're supporting people from all over the world. It's a new need but in reality it's the same need.

BERMAN: The West End House offers 1600 kids and teens a home away from home. A place to learn new skills, succeed in school and create lasting friendships.

MUSTO: We have four pillars to our program, leadership and life skills, education and high school preparedness, performing and visual arts, and fitness and nutrition.

BERMAN: The kids we were playing Foursquare with, or the kids who run to get meals or play in the music room or doing the art, they all feel connected to this place. They all feel it is a part of them and they are a part of it. And that's a wonderful thing.


SCHOTT: My parents are from the Dominican Republic. At home, I speak a mixture of English and Spanish.

OLIVO: (through translation): I want Carolina and Kathy, both my daughters, to have a better life here in the United States. Their language makes it very difficult.

SCHOTT: I am a Latino woman. You definitely can face many challenges, but I've been lucky enough to not face so many where I feel less than.

MUSTO: I think the organization is breaking stereotypes of what an after-school program is. What we endeavor to do is have our young people shatter our stereotype of what it means to be an urban young person from a first-generation family.

BERMAN (voice-over): It's a cause close to my family's heart. My sister is on the board. And this year, she convinced me to help raise money by running.

(on camera): I started training in December for the Boston Marathon, and I trained for four or five months. I hurt my knee about five weeks before the marathon, but I wasn't going to not do it. I figured, what could possibly go wrong? Which was before I saw the weather report. I was soaked before I started the race. I didn't really train in the

driving, pouring rain with 20-mile-an-hour wind gusts in your face. This was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life.

(voice-over): But worth it to support the work of volunteers like Carl Schiff.

(on camera): How far was your drive? How long did it take to get here?

CARL SCHIFF, VOLUNTEER, WEST END HOUSE: About 90 minutes. My wife and I support this.

BERMAN: Why is it so important to you to do the 90-minute drive here?

SCHIFF: I think I'd have to tell you a story and you'll understand. The story is about a kid who is poor, no money. The kid has had to trade off school for working. He had one thing going for him. And that was the West End House. A shining light. A place where he was treated with respect. I'm talking about Eddie Schiff, my dad. And maybe that's why I'm here, is to fulfill his destiny.

BERMAN: Your father needed this place?

SCHIFF: Big time.

SCHOTT: How are you, Carl?

BERMAN: Tell me about Carolina. You help her in math?

SCHIFF: Math but all sorts of subjects. She would have essays. My favorite was the one about stereotyping.

[11:55:06] BERMAN: Why?

SCHIFF: Because she taught me a lot.

BERMAN: You're supposed to be tutoring her. It sounds like she was teaching you.

SCHIFF: Isn't that what life is all about?

BERMAN: How has your relationship sort of changed since you met him?

SCHOTT: At the beginning, I was kind of scared of him. As the relationship got bigger, we kind of trusted each other more.

BERMAN: People say you guys make an odd couple.



I think we're different, but we're not different.

BERMAN: We should all be lucky enough to have someone like Carl. You get the sense that she's going to lean on him forever.


BERMAN: Look at those faces.

BOLDUAN: So good. So good. You know what, even before -- obviously, you didn't plan this -- but this is what we're talking about right now. This is a story of immigration.

BERMAN: Look, it's really the story of the West End House. My great- uncles were there when Carl's father was there. It's a place where young Jewish and Italian ruffians from this neighborhood in Boston, which doesn't exist anymore, got them off the street and got them doing productive things. That was 100 years ago.

Now the faces are literally different.


BERMAN: If you look at the faces on the wall, it goes white Jewish kid, white Jewish kid, then it changes and changes and changes, and now it's kids like Carolina, West Indian kids. The kids and faces are different, but their mission is exactly the same. Exactly the same.

BOLDUAN: And as needed as ever.

BERMAN: More needed than ever.

BOLDUAN: You played some Foursquare. How did you do?

BERMAN: They play for keeps. The kids there play for keeps. When I was going to jump in, the advisers said, you need to be careful. They know my knee is a little sore from the marathon. You need to be careful.


BERMAN: I got to the third square, the third square, which is way further than anyone thought I could do, but then they got me out.

BOLDUAN: I don't remember the rules of Foursquare. We can talk about that.

BERMAN: Foursquare is good.


BERMAN: As good as anybody in my age level. I really think that's a virtue.

BOLDUAN: You are an old man.

BERMAN: Yes, it's all true.

BOLDUAN: But it's great to see you.

BERMAN: It's great to be back. Thanks for letting me back after all this time.


BOLDUAN: Thank you so much.

John, I love you.

You can see more inspiration stories just like John's during the "CHAMPIONS FOR CHANGE" one-hour special tomorrow, at 8:00 p.m.

Coming up for us, uncertainty and chaos not only along the border but also in Washington after the president says Republicans are wasting their time on immigration. How does this affect the Republican Party's chances come November? Stay with us.