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Don Lemon Tonight

President Trump Claims His Executive Order Was Great; More Than 2000 Children Are Still Separated From Their Parents; The Man In The Shocking Video Of Racism Speaks Out; Trump Slams Harley-Davidson Over Tariff Dispute; Woman Threatens To Call Police On An 8-Year-Old Girl For Selling Water; Netflix Special; CNN Hero Gives Rides To Sick Children. Aired 11-12a ET

Aired June 25, 2018 - 23:00   ET



DON LEMON, CNN TONIGHT NEWS SHOW HOST: This is CNN Tonight. I'm Don Lemon. It is 11:00 p.m. here on the East Coast, all the new developments for you right now.

President Trump defending the executive order that created chaos at the border and around the country really leaving more than 2,000 children separated from their parents.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No, no. The executive order was great. It was something that I felt we had to do. We want children staying together.


LEMON: But Homeland Security is only claiming that 538 children have been reunited with their parents. What about the rest of them? Plus the latest example of how low we're sinking when it comes to civility in this country. I'm going to talk to man, he is in this video, an American citizen, berated by a woman who even mentions President Trump.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why you hate us?

Because you're Mexicans.

We're honest people right here. How many people have I raped? How many drugs have I dealt? Oh, yes? Do you believe everything you see on the news? You see us working hard for you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (Inaudible) everybody else's yard. Come here little boy.

(END VIDEO CLIP) LEMON: I am going to get to that. So, stick around. I'm going to

turn now to the immigration crisis at the southern border. First, joining me now, CNN contributor, Walter Shaub, also joining me CNN national security analyst, Juliette Kayyem and CNN political commentator, Scott Jennings. Good evening, welcome one and all.

Walter, you first. You just returned from visiting the children at a tent camp in Texas, right? And you say it is clear America has crossed the line. What did you see there? Why do you say that?

WALTER SHAUB, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, to be fair, I didn't see the children. Because they kept us very far away. In fact, the whole place was kind of spooky. Because even though the terrain was very flat out there in the hot desert, they configured it in a way where you can't even see the tents. In the distance I made out the corner of one of them. But I was down there with hundreds of other people, objecting to this absolutely cruel and inhumane process of taking little children and keeping them separate from their parents. It is just absolutely horrific. I never thought I would be living in America and see this kind of thing happening.

LEMON: I just want to play this for you. This is what the President said about the migrant crisis at his rally. This was just tonight.


TRUMP: I have my own feeling. And when I heard them talking about the children, first of all, they were using pictures taken in 2014 when Barack Obama was President. I was not President. And what I learned is one thing. Our facilities are cleaner, better kept, and better run. That is the one thing I learned. OK? I saw that. But what we have is two extremes. And I liked it. I said this is fine for us.


LEMON: So, Walter, the details. The facts are the pictures of kids that Trump referred to from the Obama administration are unaccompanied minors, not children who are separated from their parents. They were in facilities, but the circumstances were different, but the fact that the President meant essentially though that it would be good to see the photos of kids, don't you think that we would know exactly what's going on, what the conditions are like. So what does that tell that you we can't see the kids?

SHAUB: Yes. I mean, it is really terrifying. The lack of transparency. If you have nothing to hide, why won't you let cameras in there? Instead they're sending out carefully cultivated photos created by the government and telling to us trust them.

Listen, a number of people have visited down there including members of Congress and that they said they walk in there. The conditions themselves are not horrific. What is horrific is taking these children from their parents. These are not people who crossed the border as unaccompanied minors. We created unaccompanied minors by taking them from their parents. That is the trauma. And medical health professionals have been on the news and elsewhere talking about the permanent effects this is going to have on these kids. And you hear horrific stories of children sitting alone crying, with no one to comfort them.

Imagine that happening to any of your children watching this right now. And not knowing for sure if they'll ever get them back. The government has made it pretty clear that they don't have a plan for returning them. But what they are doing is deporting these children's parents, while the children are still here. So it is not clear to me how they can ever reunite a number of them.

LEMON: It is true that there's no clear reunification process for the divided immigrant families. And but there are also, I think we have to understand this as well when you're dealing with children, especially minors, there are privacy issues, right?

[23:05:09] But there could be some pictures of the children somehow. They can let more journalists in. Not letting them in with cameras, but still there could be more transparency. So Scott, let me bring you in here. Still over 2,000 separated children who have yet to be reunited. And we don't know exactly how or when that is going to happen. That is a big problem.

SCOTT JENNINGS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes. The government does need a plan to reunify these families. I think the American people prefer the families be not separated in the first place. Reunited it now and sent back to their country of origin. I saw some polling from CBS news this weekend and that was the clear preference of the American people, 48 percent, I think in that particular CBS battleground tracker said they want the people to stay together. The families to stay together and to be immediately sent back to their country of origin.

The Democratic position right now which is to keep the families together and then release them inside the United States was by far a minority position. So I think right now the most important thing the Trump administration can do is get together a plan to get all these families back together and to get moving on the process to send them where they came from. Because I think that is what frankly the American people expect them to do.

LEMON: So, let me talk to you about something I mentioned in the opening of the show. The top of the hour here that DHS clears a 538 kids have been reunited with their families so far. When you take into account all of the lives, all the changing stories, coming from this administration about this particular policy, and that, those are the facts. How can we verify any of those numbers?

JULIETTE KAYYEM, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY ANALYST: You can't. And DHS was careful to say that those 538 were actually children within customs and border patrol sort of, you know, ownership, I guess I would say at this stage. CVP is an entity of DHS. So, here's the deal. We are now almost six days since that executive order, that complicated executive order was passed. There's a commitment to reunify these kids. There is no execution. I have dwelt family reunification issues just operationally. These are and I know this sounds not nice, but these are sort of ideal conditions. You have a limited pool. The children and the parents are both being detained. You have a limited number of places where they are being detained.

This is the United States of America. We have pictures. Our telephones are working. This is not like Thailand after the tsunami. We have ways -- we have some information about everyone. This is not a, this is not complicated. This is not a failure of an ability to do it. This could have been done within two to three days after the executive orders. If there had been a plan and if there had been a commitment. So there's no plan and there is no commitment.

And the proof of no commitment is that we are sending parents away without their children. I don't get that. I do not get that. That makes no sense to me. We're going to hold these kids as wards of America indefinitely? That is not -- that is like, it sort of boggles the mind at this stage.

So while there is the moral issue and the immigration issue, just operationally, their failure to get this done is just proof again that they create crises, rather than solve them. We are now in another crisis that they have created.

LEMON: So, ethics is your thing, Walter. President Trump tweeted this, he is calling for the immediate deportation of undocumented immigrants with no judges or court cases. And then he added this at his rally tonight. Watch this.


TRUMP: We have thousands of judges already. So, if a person comes into our country, steps one foot, they take their name, they bring them to court, they then release them, they go into the country. You never see them again. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. So, I said today, I said to day, I don't want judges. I want ICE and border patrol agents.



And we want to tell people, I'm sorry. You're coming into the country illegally. We don't want you in the country.


LEMON: So Walter, no judges? Is that constitutional?

SHAUB: Well, first of all, people who set foot on to this country have constitutional rights. There is some complicated process and some case law that allows for expedited removal that gives them the absolute bare minimum, unfortunately. But let us just step back and remember that, what makes this country great is due process. Is free speech. Is all the constitutional guarantees. And dehumanizing people who come here by calling them name like invader or illegals or infestation is what leads to the kind of atrocities we read about in authoritarian regimes around the world. It begins with the dehumanization and then catastrophe ensues.

{23:10:02] Let us also not forget that the President has proven to us that he is incapable of logistics or even realizing that logistics exist. It is not such a clear situation that they are going to be able to return these kids. Because they've offered us no proof that they took the time to record these children's names in their parentage. What we do know is that they didn't give the parents any kind of tracking number.

You know, it might sound dehumanizing, but you could attach a hospital band around the wrist with a barcode to keep tracked of this kids. But they snatch them from the arms if their parents, put them into a vast bureaucracy and loose them possibly forever.

So without violating privacy they could prove to us at least that they have a mechanism for tracking them. But they are not giving us that transparency.

LEMON: Just because you don't see judge doesn't mean you are not receiving due process. That is a quote. That is what Sarah Sanders said today. Juliette, do you agree with that?

KAYYEM: No. I mean, it's a ridiculous statement and everything about this due process argument that the President said is just another way for him to create sort of a complication, a reason for people to debate something that is just not debatable. And I just, I want to make it clear to the viewers. President Trump lost this one big time. Not only did he have to change, remember, they wanted to separate children from parents. That was their deterrent philosophy.

That they are going to do 100 percent prosecution. And they were going to separate parents to children, he has to turned back on that and then today and over the last couple days, today's CBP, Customs and Border Protection finally admitted that they're not even doing 100 percent prosecutions, because it is not sustainable. Because now they cannot go after the drug dealers and the child abusers and the people bringing, you know, illegal stuff into this country. They lost big time. And so they're throwing out these silly arguments about, you know, about the courts and whatever else. Because they lost.

No one should be defending this. Not even his supporters. He knows he lost and so he moves on to some, you know, talk show host. I don't know what he is doing now.

LEMON: Right. So, Scott. Listen, I have to ask you. Sarah Sanders also blamed the Obama administration. And said that Congress needs to fix this, but the fact of the matter is that, it was this administration's zero tolerance policy that led to the separation of families in the first place. As a matter of fact, this law was signed under President Bush. And as I said, the circumstances of children being separated from their families, rather than children who came over unaccompanied. There is a huge tremendous difference here. They bear responsibility for what's happening right now.

JENNINGS: Yes. They made this decision. Although I would say that the Obama Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson was on Fox News Sunday and he admitted, they did have some cases, families separated. He said, I think on the show that he was controversial at the time. So administrations have struggled with this. The Trump administration did make this decision. They should not have made this decision. They have surely regretted it. It was good that the President moved tried to end it. Although, I think, the Congress now has to step in, Don, because I'm not sure the executive order is going to stand up base on some previous court rulings.

So, the Congress is going to have to step in and that is the most likely outcome, to pass the law, a narrow law to fix the family separation issue. One thing we have to keep in mind about the politics of all of this though, is that for whatever the Republicans lost because of the debacle that has been this family separation, we had seen -- I'm sorry, the Republican lost, we have seen the Democrats, I think swing wildly back the other way.

We saw, you know, what Maxine Waters has done. We have seen harassment of Sanders and Bondi and others out in public places. I think the Democrats are playing with fire here by simultaneously going back to a position of catch and release and creating sort of this hostile environment for Trump's people and his supporters. I think they may have been on some political offense when Trump made the decision. But they are squandering that with I think their political actions and policy views they put on display since.

LEMON: Scott, Juliette and Walter, thank you. I have to run. Thank you guys. I'll see you next time. When we come back, American politics getting more and more coarse, or coarser.

Whatever happened to -- I don't know -- when they go low, we go high. I remember that line, it was from former first lady Michelle Obama. But we're not hearing an awful lot these days from President Barack Obama. Should he speak out? Where is he? What's going on?


LEMON: We've seen countless politicians, past and present, speaking out about the humanitarian crisis at the border, but for the most part, one person has been notably quiet. The question tonight is, where is President Obama? Here to discuss, national correspondent for a New York magazine, Gabriel Debenedetti, he wrote the New York magazine cover story called Barack Obama, where are you? Also, national correspondent for the "New York Times," John Eligon.

So good to have both of you gentlemen. It is a fascinating conversation here. A fascinating article that you wrote, Gabriel. And here's what you write. This is in part, let's start out, welcome, everyone. Good evening.

So listen, over the course of the presidency, Obama cast himself as the country's secular minister as much as its commander in chief. Someone who understood the moral core of the nation and well compelled to insist that had we live up to it. What explains his near absence from a political stage where he might argue publicly against the reversals of his policy accomplishments and also for American life more broadly? What is keeping him from seeking more frequent -- for speaking more frequently about the need to protect Democratic norms and the rule of law to be decent people? So, what is your answer? What is the answer there?

GABRIEL DEBENEDETTI, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, NEW YORK MAGAZINE: Well, it is not a simple one, but a short answer is, this is a strategy that he is been planning for a very long time. And he was planning this more or less even if Donald Trump had not won. He was going to -- sort of sink into the background. When he talks to people about his goals these days, even when people ask him to speak up about what Trump is doing, what he says his first goal is to respect the transfer of power, a peaceful one, and do more or less what George W. Bush did for him.

Step back and not criticize him. The other part is that what he really wants to do is make sure that there's room for other leaders of the Democratic Party and the left to step up and for them to be the voices against Trump. He thinks it is healthy for them to be that kind of progress. And then number three, he is working on his own things, but he realizes that if he does get out there and speak up against Trump, it is going to turn into partisan argument 100 percent of the time and he realizes, that his presence in the fray very frequently, does nothing more than consolidate the Republican base against Democrats and makes Trump's life easier. And he doesn't want to do that.

[23:20:04] LEMON: I just think he does not want to be associated with any of that at all. I mean it is like, he treats with it a long handled spoon. It is just that -- I don't want to touch that. Though, you lie down with dogs, you get fleas. So, John, you wrote a piece about how Trump and Obama, you said, were both divisive in their own ways on race. Are you surprised that for the most part, that the former President has chosen to stay silent as Trump, you know, peddles racism in his administration?

JOHN ELIGON, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, NEW YORK TIMES: Well, I'm not very surprised by that. I really can't speak to Obama personally, but I can speak to you know, what we've seen from him over the years in terms of the way he calculates and the way he goes about addressing things. And as you said, I've covered him in terms of how he addresses issues of race.

And in those instances, I think it is very similar to what Gabriel wrote here is that, when it came to race, he really had to make that (inaudible) what he symbolizes the person, who he was being the first black president and then what that symbolized to some people? You know, people of color, people who are progressive and want to see a person of color there and people who are concern about, you know, what does this represent that we have a black person in office?

And I think it is a similar thing as Gabriel really did a great job on capturing here in the story is you know, he could mean one thing and I am sure there are lots of progressives, lots of Democrats who would love nothing more than Barack Obama step up, giving one of his grand speeches and kind of shoot down a lot of things that Trump is saying.

But the reality is there is a segment of America, no matter how small nor big -- no matter how big, but a very fervent segment for them. Barack Obama symbolizes something bad. And so, it seems like he is making a political calculations in terms of, hey, if I step in the fray, what does this mean? You know, how does this is against the cause versus how this is rally Republicans and make me a symbol of something that, you know, a lot of folks, you know, was going in the wrong direction.

LEMON: I think it is interesting Gabriel, that you write in this piece I'm looking at now, that you talk about when President Obama is made aware of something that this President, the current President tweeted. He just ignores, he rarely speaks about Trump at all. Why is that you think?

DEBENEDETTI: Well, one of the things --

LEMON: He change the subject.

DEBENEDETTI: Yes, and he is hyper intentional about the way that he thinks about all of this, but this is totally in keeping with how he was as president and even before that. His refrain when talking to friends and people who are talking with him about politics, is to look at the long term, look at the long arc of history. He says, this moment is but a blip. And he really does not want to get weighed down in the Obama versus Trump narrative.

His folks are often frustrated with what they see as that sort of narrative. You know, Obama has not said the Trump name in public. He has not said the word Trump, since leaving office and that is something that reporters often point out and it really is frustrating to him, because what he basically says is, I'm focused on the long term here.

So, when President Trump does specifically tweet about Obama, accused him of wiretapping him or other things that, you know, are basically without evidence, Obama says don't bother me with that.

LEMON: Right. Or if there's something that he wants to respond to, he'll have someone do it. It is a policy issue rather than a direct criticism of President Trump.


LEMON: I also think you talk about Harry Truman's, I see him hand over to Dwight Eisenhower, but you said, there's been no direct contact between the two since inauguration day.

DEBENEDETTI: That is right. They clearly has no relationship or whatsoever.

LEMON: That is odd.

DEBENEDETTI: It certainly is odd. You know sometimes, it is not very frequent, but sometimes Presidents do rely on their predecessors to advice and remember after Donald Trump won the election, he went to the White House, talked to President Obama and there was a very brief moment there, when a lot of folks thought that they might have some sort of relationship very quickly it switched. And of course, it is not surprising given that, of course, Donald Trump's rise to prominence of politics came with the birther conspiracy. But the reality was that, very quickly it turned into a Trump administration where the main goal was to undo everything that Obama did.

LEMON: John, do you think that there is a very good lead into your question? Because it seems like he wants to undo everything, right? Do you think it is just that President Obama is upset? He campaign like crazy 2016. Said everything accomplish in eight years was on the line and then his supporters did not show up and now a number of his policies -- it looks like they are being rolled back?

ELIGON: Well, it is hard to say whether or not he is upset about that. Whether he is upset. I mean, I'm sure that is his, you know, personal feelings. But I think it is important to know that, I think Obama sees that arc, sees the long arc of history. And he sees the fact that hey, me getting involved, me getting in the fray, what does this going to do to stop -- to make something happen and I think he is much better working behind the scenes and working with people, working with Eric Holder or working with other folks who are doing things on the ground.

Certain policy things that could in fact, you know, influence the American people. Influence certain folks in terms of policy that involves and influence people in Congress. And we'll have to see what happens with the mid-terms. You know, as Gabriel pointed out, you know, it seems like Obama does want to get out there eventually when the midterms coming out and that may be at place where he does get influence that, because all you see, you know, it could turn -- turned the House or the Senate, but then, then maybe you can better protect his policies.

[23:25:00] LEMON: Gabriel, do you think we'll see him out there?

DEBENEDETTI: Yes. Absolutely.

LEMON: 2020 as well?

DEBENEDETTI: Yes, he has promised to a number of Democratic Party leaders that he is going to be out there in 2018, starting in September. So, he is already started to raise money for some Democrats. He'll be hitting the stump for some people that he really supports in 2018. As far as 2020 goes, he has made very clear to folks that he does not intend to endorse early in the primary process. But he is been meeting with potential candidates behind the scenes in Washington. You know, he is been involved. He has been paying close attention to what is going on.

It is not as if, he is totally, you know, detached from all this. But the truth is that he is sitting down with a lot of these people, they are asking him for advice and he sort of set himself up something to be a consultant. He is not saying, you know, here's where you need to go in Iowa. Here is where you need to go in New Hampshire, but he is willing to talk through the problems with the modern left with them and he is willing to basically say, this is what it is like to run a presidential campaign. This is a toll that takes on you personally and this is a conversation with someone that, you know, there are very few people in the party that they can have this conversation with. So, he is sort of offering himself up in this way.

LEMON: It is called the high road. We haven't seen the high road in a long time in the environment. Thank you both. I appreciate it. When we come back, the president slamming Harley-Davidson, after the company announced that they are going to be building some -- some of their bikes overseas from now on. The President's trade war hurting the very workers he promised to protect? Plus, I am going to talk to the man on this video. He is an American citizen, he is berated by a woman and even mentions President Trump.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are honest people right here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I can't wait (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many people have I rape?



LEMON: Harley-Davidson, the classic made in the USA motorcycle, says it is moving some of its production out of the United States. The reason, tariffs imposed by the European Union in what looks like a trade war with the Trump administration. President Trump claims that is just an excuse.

Let's discuss now. Joe Capra is here. He is the district representative for the International Association of Machinists Union. Joe, thank you for coming on. I appreciate it. Are you doing OK?


LEMON: So Harley-Davidson is shifting some production of motorcycles from European customers out of the U.S. to avoid E.U. retaliatory tariffs. What does this mean for U.S. jobs at Harley-Davidson?

CAPRA: This means there will be cuts. It just -- in a matter of days here, on Friday, when the announcement was made, and now today, they've already made the announcement that they're going to move jobs overseas.

This, we don't know the devastation. It could be for more American jobs. From the American icon, the people see the Harley-Davidson out there, that this is an American-made bike, and we're seeing it go overseas even more.

LEMON: How do you and the rest of the union members feel about the tariffs that apparently the Trump administration led to the higher E.U. tariffs? Who do they hold responsible for these tariffs?

CAPRA: Well, when we look at the tariffs that we're having here, I don't want to think that we're anti-tariff against them. What we are is I think it needs to be fair. Fair on both sides. That's what we need. We need these jobs in America. When we see that Harley-Davidson has put out, it will cost $2,200 per bike more to do these, it is just, it is an excuse for them to take the jobs away.

LEMON: So you think it should be fair. So you're not against the tariffs. You just think they should be fair. The reason I asked that last question is because of the retaliatory ones. Who do you owe responsible? Is it the responsibility of this administration? Do you hold both Europe and this administration equally as responsible?

CAPRA: I look at this administration. I think that we need to get our leadership here together and be able to sit down in fair dealings with the European Union and sit down and have fair talks over this.

LEMON: Got it. So this is what the president, how he used to talk about Harley-Davidson. Watch this.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Scott Walker has a wonderful company called Harley-Davidson in Wisconsin, right? Great.

I was with Harley-Davidson, a great company from Wisconsin. Who has a Harley-Davidson? A lot of you.

You know, Harley-Davidson makes great motorcycles. They were in my office.

Our allegiance will be to the American workers and to American business like Harley-Davidson.


LEMON: So, Joe, here's what he tweeted today. He said, I'm surprised that Harley-Davidson of all companies would be the first to wave the white flag. I fought hard for them and ultimately they will not pay tariffs selling into the E.U. which has hurt us badly on trade, down $151 billion. Taxes just a Harley excuse. Be patient. What is your reaction to that?

CAPRA: I do believe that Harley is doing this. It was one thing I will agree with with this administration, that they are using those as just an excuse to take these jobs overseas. They've already shown that they've already taken jobs overseas and will continue.

LEMON: Joe Capra, we appreciate your time. Thank you very much. I want to bring in now CNN global economic analyst, Rana Foroohar. She is the author of "Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business."

So, Rana, let me ask you this. Harley-Davidson said it is to lose as much $100 million a year. Explain to us how tariffs work.

RANA FOROOHAR, CNN GLOBAL ECONOMIC ANALYST: Tariffs are basically a tax on doing business. Countries impose tariffs on other countries and it makes products imported to the U.S. from Europe or vice versa, from the U.S. to Europe, more expensive. That's what happens in a trade war. It's a kind of a tax that consumers end up paying.

And we are in for a lot more of this, Don. You know, I think that these tariffs that's we're seeing on iconic companies, on wide variety of companies, are not just a negotiating posture on the part of Donald Trump.

[23:35:07] That is something that has been talked about a lot. I think this is in some ways the new normal for global trade. You know, this president has done exactly what he said he is going to do. Put tariffs on countries that he feels are not playing fair.

I think it is terrible strategy that we've ended up in a trade war with allies like the U.S., Canada, Mexico, at the same time that we're fighting China, which is really the real issue here. China and the U.S. have real trade beefs. The rest of it is a little more of a sideline to the real core issues.

LEMON: So, listen, Harley-Davidson is shifting production out of the U.S. Is that a natural consequence in this sort of trade fight? Do you think that we are going to see other U.S. companies follow suit and do something similar?

FOROOHAR: You know, if companies are going to play by the rules of globalization of the last 40 years, then yeah, they are going to shift jobs abroad. They're going go wherever they think they can get their cost benefit analysis down, make products cheaper. That's the way business has been run for the last four decades.

But I think they're going to face some real difficult decisions as potentially these trade wars heat up. They're going to become complicated. It is going to be difficult to know exactly where you can and can't go and who is going to get hit with what tariff.

I think that also companies are going to face a lot of domestic pressure from the administration to stay here. I think we're going to see regionalization of supply chains. I think global supply chains have become very complicated.

That is something that didn't start with this president. That is something that has been talked about for a lot of years. And I really think that we are entering a new era of global trade.

LEMON: Interesting. Do we have Joe? Is Joe still there listening?

CAPRA: Yes, I am.

LEMON: OK. Joe, I want to bring you back here because President Trump said that his corporate tax cuts, they were going to help employees. But you say that's not the case. So, what happened?

CAPRA: When the tax cuts came in, what happened here is that the employees didn't see any of that. They didn't see the actual money that other companies have seen. That they passed on to their employees. What we've seen is they buy back their stock. And to make, to try to buy back their own stock and make millions off that.

LEMON: Joe, Rana, thank you so much. I appreciate your time. When we come back, imagine you're at work when this happens.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know why you hate us. Why do you hate us?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because you're Mexicans.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because we're Mexicans?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're honest people right here.





LEMON: We're going to talk to the man in that video right after this.


LEMON: We have talked tonight about civility in America and how it appears to be in decline. So here is just one example. A California woman berating a man, an American citizen, and his mother, who both work as landscapers. The woman mentioned President Trump and used words that the president himself has used. The rant was caught on camera and it has gone viral on social media.


ESTEBAN GUZMAN, VERBALLY ATTACKED BY CALIFORNIA WOMAN: I don't know why you hate us. Why do you hate us?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because you're Mexicans.

GUZMAN: Because we're Mexicans?


GUZMAN: We're honest people right here.



GUZMAN: Rapists?


GUZMAN: How many people have I raped?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're drug dealers.

GUZMAN: How many drugs have I dealt?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The president of the United States says you're rapists.

GUZMAN: Huh? Oh, yeah?


GUZMAN: You believe everything you see on the news?


GUZMAN: You see how we're working hard right here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I can see what you're doing. You're also blowing it in everybody else's yard.


GUZMAN: Look, we were working.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Come here little boy. Come here little boy.


LEMON: Joining me now is Esteban Guzman. He is the man in that video. Welcome, Esteban.

GUZMAN: Hey, Don. It's a pleasure to be here with you.

LEMON: Thank you for coming on. I hope that you're OK. So let's talk about this. That was you in the video. Your mom was shooting the video.


LEMON: How did this all start?

GUZMAN: Well, let me just clarify something. I work as an assistant administrator --

LEMON: Right.

GUZMAN: -- in Culver City. Saturday and Sunday, I go home --

LEMON: You were cleaning up the property, right?

GUZMAN: And I work construction/landscaping. Anything I can get my hands on. I don't take any days off. We're hard working people. So we had a new client. They said, hey, we need some landscaping, we need some yard clean-up. Can you do it? I said yes. I'll be there Saturday, Saturday at 10:00 a.m. And I was there with my mom because she actually cleans that home.

So I do the yard work and she cleans the house. She was done with the cleaning. She comes out and says, hey, do you need help? I'm like, yeah. Do you want us to get blower and start from the front of the property? And next thing I know, I hear this lady yelling at my mom. Go back to Mexico. Go back to Mexico.

It's loud because you can hear in the video, my mom has the blower on, and I can hear her from the other side of the property yelling at my mom. I rushed over and I say, hey, what's your problem? And she said, you're all illegal, go back to Mexico. And I say, I'm a United States citizen, what are you talking about?

And she said, you're a rapist, you're an animal. And you can see from the video how I reacted. Hey, how many people have I raped? How many drugs have I dealt? I'm not that person that the president of the United States says I am. People look at me and they see what he said on TV and that's not true. That's not true for any of us.

LEMON: You asked her that. You said, do you believe everything you see on television? Is that right?

GUZMAN: Yeah, I asked her --

LEMON: Were you referring to the president?

GUZMAN: I was referring exactly what she saw on the media, in the news. And that's not OK.

LEMON: So let's just be clear about this.


LEMON: You are a U.S. citizen.

GUZMAN: Yes, I am.

LEMON: Born in California.

GUZMAN: Born and raised in Lake Arrowhead, California.

LEMON: So, this is your own hometown. This is your home.

[23:44:57] LEMON: So, do you feel --


LEMON: -- fearful, uncomfortable in your own home now, in your community? Did you know people were harboring these -- I'm sure you've dealt with some similar things.

GUZMAN: Yeah, I mean, who hasn't? Go ask anybody and they'll tell you, hey, like I had my fair share of racism. It is alive and well today and that's not OK.

LEMON: Is it worse now?

GUZMAN: It's sparked back up, I guess you can say. You see it a lot more. I feel like people are a little more entitled to say, hey, you know, go back to Mexico. And I'm like, why? I live here. I have a mortgage here.

LEMON: We didn't show it in the video but this woman gave you the middle finger right in your face. I mean --


LEMON: Yes, she was flipping me off. And I'm like, that doesn't do anything. That looks bad on you.


LEMON: What do you say to the people who are watching this? It's a very simple and people ask that question a lot, but I think it applies here. What do you say to folks who are watching?

GUZMAN: I feel that -- if you're watching and you say, hey, this country has laws and you're here illegally, I think that's very wrong because people who come here illegally are dying in other countries. They don't have time. They don't have days. They don't have weeks.

Human beings need to eat and drink water every single day to survive. They come to this country looking for an opportunity to survive, to live, to give their -- the people, you know, like their family, a chance, a hope to live and survive. That's why we're here. I'm living proof that my mother came here legally.

She came here with two boys in her hand. My brother is a year older than me. And we were very young when we got here. We were born here. Unfortunately, through some circumstances, we had to cross illegally. But we're legal U.S. citizens, my brother and I. So if you're watching and you say, hey, man, I stand with you. I'm proud to call my friend.

I'm proud that you joined the movement. Thank you for listening to what I had to say. When I stood up for my mother, I stood up for everybody that is scared to speak up. I stood up for the little people. For the people that don't have a voice.

LEMON: Esteban, we are happy that you came on. And we want you to keep us informed as to what happened. And good luck to you and your family. And I'm glad your mom is doing well as well. Thank you so much.

GUZMAN: Thank you very much, Don. I appreciate the time.

LEMON: Absolutely. Kamau Bell, when we come back.


LEMON: The host of "United Shades of America" here on CNN. Kamau Bell joins me now. Good evening, sir. You saw Mr. Guzman. You know what happened with him. Awful, the video there. But then there was, first there was "Barbecue Becky." Now we have "Permit Patty." Her real name is Alison Ettel. Called the police on this 8-year-old girl who was selling water without an official license. She wants to go to Disney. She called the cops. What's going on here?

KAMAU BELL, STAND-UP COMIC, CNN HOST: You know, this is the rhetoric of Trump and the Trump administration that is being put into action by people who feel they are deputized by the president and the people around the president. These is -- you know, we are talking about civility all day long.

These people don't think they are being uncivil. They think they are doing the president's job or being good American. That is what is happening. And it is happening here in the bay area. "Barbecue Becky" was in Oakland and "Permit Patty" was in San Francisco, the allegedly most liberal place in the world.

LEMON: Yeah. Her last name is Ettel. She denied that this was an issue about race and that she was only pretending to be calling the police.


LEMON: So, but I mean --

BELL: You can tell when somebody -- yeah.

LEMON: She considers. Police are allies. Right?

BELL: I am sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. I am just pretending to call the cops on you. Like the little girl and her mom can tell that she is pretending to call the cops. That doesn't help the situation. And she doesn't get to determine whether or not it is racist or not. That is the job of the people who she is oppressing (ph) with her behavior.

LEMON: Right. When I say allies, she is on equal footing. She by herself is an extension of law which is the police.

BELL: She has no worry if the cops show up. She has no worry it is going to go poorly for her. She has no worry at all. There are many situations in this country where black people calling the cops for help and ending up in the wrong end of the gun.

LEMON: I want to talk about your Netflix special, "W. Kamau Bell: Private School Negro." I got to play a clip.


BELL: Jeff Sessions was once found to be too racist to be a judge in Alabama. Look, I'm not even trying to make fun of Alabama when I say that. But Alabama is still in large part, Alabama. You know what I mean? There are black people walking around right now going, are we free? I heard we're free. Somebody said we're free.

(END VIDEO CLIP) LEMON: I have seen you perform before. I have seen you on the internet. You don't hold back. You really go there. So tell me about it.

BELL: For me, I am a stand-up and that is my core. I do "United Shades" and I love doing "United Shades." But this is me at my basic level. That is what I love to do. I love going to stage and doing stand-up. And so for people who like me and "United Shades," this is a more pure version of me. People like the fact that I have good conversations. This is still a good conversation except I am doing all the talking.

LEMON: Do you call the police on anyone?


BELL: No. No one -- no one gets the police called on them. Everybody gets to eat their meal in peace during the entire special.


LEMON: I was trying to come up with a name for you quickly. I don't know.


LEMON: It doesn't work. I'll just call you this. "Private School Negro." What about that?

BELL: "Private School Negro," yes. White people, yes, you can say, I just saw Kamau in "Private School Negro." You can say that. I give you permission to say, I just saw "Private School Negro" and it's hilarious. And it is on Netflix in a few minutes if you're on the East Coast.

LEMON: I had the whole tease right there on the prompter but you already said it. I will say it again. "W. Kamau Bell: Private School Negro" will be available tomorrow on Netflix. I can't wait to see it. Thank you, Kamau. I appreciate it.

BELL: Thank you. You're mentioned at it, Don. Your name comes up in it just so you know.

[23:55:00] LEMON: All right. I have Netflix. I'll see. All right. We'll be right back.



LEMON: Not many of us can run a marathon. But Richard Nares, a CNN hero in 2013, is running the equivalent of 65 marathons, 1700 miles from Seattle to San Diego. Along the way, he is hoping to raise a quarter of a million dollars to give children with cancer free rides to their chemo therapy treatments when their parents can't afford them. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

RICHARD NARES, CNN HERO: My son Emilio was diagnosed with leukemia.


NARES: I love you, bat man.

We were fortunate we had drives to the hospital to bring Emilio. Many of the families don't have the support. They can't start the fight without getting to the hospital. We get them here in a nice clean environment and on time.

[24:00:03] No child should miss their treatment due to lack of transportation.


LEMON: Learn more about Richard's run. Donate if you wish at CNNHeroes --