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Mass Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue; Leicester City's Owner's Helicopter Crashes; Erdogan Calls on Saudi Arabia to Extradite Khashoggi Murder Suspects; Polls Open Soon in Brazil's Election. Aired 4-5a ET

Aired October 28, 2018 - 04:00   ET




GEORGE HOWELL, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): A deadly mass shooting, a gunman opens fire at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, likely the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the United States.

NATALIE ALLEN, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Also this hour, a helicopter crashes outside the Leicester City football stadium in the United Kingdom. It belonged to the club's billionaire owner and it is still unknown if he was in the aircraft.

Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL (voice-over): I'm George Howell from CNN World Headquarters. NEWSROOM starts right now.


HOWELL: 4:00 am on the U.S. East Coast, a day after a tragedy. The pain in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is still being felt around the world. A mass shooting at a synagogue being investigated as a hate crime.

ALLEN: It happening Saturday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. A gunman stormed into the synagogue during morning services and a baby-naming ceremony was also going on. He killed 11 people. Six people were also wounded, including four police officers and SWAT team officers, who responded to the calls of an active shooter.

HOWELL: The gunman is in custody. He's identified as 46-year-old Robert Bowers. He was apprehended alive, wounded, shot multiple times, it is believed by the officers who took him down.

According to a CNN affiliate citing a police criminal complaint, Bowers told a SWAT team officer he wanted all Jews to die, that he claimed Jews were committing genocide to his people. He also believed to have posted numerous anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant slurs online. ALLEN: He's now charged with 29 criminal counts, including hate crime charges. Authorities say the suspect was not known previously to law enforcement.

HOWELL: They believe he acted alone in this. CNN's Jessica Dean is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with the latest on the investigation.


JESSICA DEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The investigation continues here in Pittsburgh. On Saturday night the Department of Justice announced it had filed 29 criminal charges against the alleged gunman in this case, Robert Bowers.

This as their investigators continue to pore over every detail of his life. They're looking at his home, his vehicle, his social media accounts, which have anti-Semitic messages all throughout them.

They're going to be digging through all of these pieces of evidence, trying to put together the story of what happened, how he ended up at the synagogue this morning.

In the meantime, here in Squirrel Hill, there was a vigil on Saturday night. A large crowd gathering here, coming from all over to be together, make sure that they could comfort one another, that they had a place to grieve but also to say that they wanted to stand against the hate with love.

They came out to the church here behind me. They also came outside for a candlelight vigil. Again, a lot of hugging, a lot of comforting. People I talked to here say Squirrel Hill is the type of neighborhood you grow up in and a lot of people don't ever leave. They get to know each other's children, their children go to school together.

Certainly this coming as a great shock to them. There is a large Jewish community here, a very strong Jewish community. But again, tonight, everybody here just trying to gather to support one another through what has been a heartbreaking day -- Jessica Dean, CNN, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


HOWELL: Jessica, thank you.

This from the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, saying it believes this was the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the U.S.

ALLEN: It's triggered condemnation around the world. Here is the somber response from the Israeli prime minister.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL: I was heartbroken and appalled by the murderous attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue today. The entire people of Israel grieve with the families of the dead.

We stand together with the Jewish community in Pittsburgh, we stand together with the American people in the face of this horrendous anti- Semitic brutality. And we all pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded.


HOWELL: Let's talk more about this with Nathan Diament in Jerusalem, the director of public policy with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.

Thank you for your time today. Look, getting a sense of what we heard there from the Israeli prime minister and also the strong condemnation from the U.S. president and many, many other world leaders. What happened in Pittsburgh, it is surely being felt in communities around the world.



DIAMENT: -- united the global Jewish community in sorrow and we're all sad and grieving, particularly with the families, both of the congregants and the law enforcement officers who were harmed by this madman.

But it also unites us together in resolve, to comfort one another but also to persevere and also do whatever it takes to try to make sure that our synagogues are as safe as they can possibly be because, in order to exercise your freedom of religion, you first have to have a freedom of fear or from fear.

HOWELL: Reminding our viewers of exactly when this happened on Saturday, as people came together in Pittsburgh for services and a baby naming ceremony.

Another shocking fact, we're hearing from the ADL, saying it's likely the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the United States.

Your thoughts on that?

DIAMENT: Statistically that's probably true. There have been attacks on various Jewish community institutions even over the past decade, Jewish community centers and other kinds of Jewish institutions.

But this is certainly the first on a synagogue that we can recall and obviously had a very significant casualty count. It's something we feared for many, many years and our organization has worked for nearly 20 years to increase synagogue security, to work with the federal government and state governments, including in Pennsylvania, to provide financial resources to synagogues to make their buildings more secure. We've worked with the FBI and local law enforcement to try to train

people in synagogues. And hopefully some of those measures helped mitigate the tragedy yesterday to some degree.

But we're committed to redoubling our efforts and to do whatever we can to keep people safe and secure in synagogues and in all houses of worship in the United States.

HOWELL: That does play into the gun debate here in the United States. The U.S. president has chimed in, saying perhaps had an armed person in front of the synagogue to guard it, perhaps it could have been a different outcome, from the U.S. president. Certainly a debate that is front and center here in the United States.

Look, this is being investigated here as a hate crime.

Is there a sense that threats like these are on the rise, not only here stateside but around the world?

DIAMENT: There's no question that there's been a resurgence of anti- Semitism over the past several years. Looking around the world, there have been terrible incidents in France, including shootings at a Jewish day school in France, attacks on Jews in France.

There's a terrible surge of anti-Semitism in England, politically and otherwise, and also in the United States. It's been documented that anti-Semitic threats and hate speech have sadly been on the rise.

But we appreciate the fact that responsible political leaders, certainly in the United States, across the political spectrum, have all spoken out with one voice in condemning this and this kind of thought and this kind of action.

But the ultimate test is going to be translating those strong statements into the necessary actions to both keep people safe and to also somehow better deter and intervene when somebody, who is probably deranged, is prepared to go and take action that's going to cost people's lives.

HOWELL: One thing that is certainly going to be a topic for today around this country will be the gun debate. We'll talk more about that with Scott Lucas later in this newscast.

Nathan Diament, we appreciate your time and perspective. We'll continue to follow this story.

ALLEN: The alleged shooter was not known to authorities. He went from somebody being not known to, as our guest said, being deranged. Something is not right there. We'll have more on the mass shooting later in this hour.

Another story out of England, a helicopter belonging to the owner of Leicester City football club crashed just outside their stadium near Birmingham, England.

HOWELL: This happened about an hour after a home game. No word yet whether the club's owner, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, was on board.

ALLEN: Sports journalist Mark Bolton is on scene in Leicester right now.

Mark, what is the latest on the crash there?

Have they figured out who was on the helicopter?

MARK BOLTON, SPORTS JOURNALIST: We've heard very little officially.


BOLTON: Some of the reason for that rationale may well be to pay respects or to inform family of the tragedy. We have witnessed with video footage of our own as to the unfortunate events last night.

The club so far have been limited in what they tell us. Leicester City, likewise the emergency services, but we can confirm that the air accident investigation branch have been handed this case by the fire services and the emergency services in England in the English Midlands to investigate a helicopter crash, which occurred here just after 8:30 last night, an hour after the English Premier League game between Leicester City and West Ham United.

That's the only information we know. We do know that the helicopter belonged to the owner of the Leicester City Football Club. It's normal practice for him to fly into the game, arrive on the pitch and to leave using that mode of transport.

Whilst we haven't had it officially confirmed he was on board, we know little more officially. We can naturally conclude that that perhaps was the case. If that is the logical conclusion we draw, then we fear the worst insofar as the accident that followed, resulted in a fireball and the complete destruction of the helicopter, so we believe and that would seem to lead to the tragic conclusion of the death of anybody involved.

Completely unconfirmed. That's nothing more than what we've gleaned from those we've spoken to, who are eyewitnesses here. A little confusion, as is often the case around these stories, as to what exactly occurred.

What we've deduced from the people we've spoken to and having amalgamated several eyewitness accounts is essentially the helicopter took off and almost immediately cleared the roof of the stadium behind here, about 25 meters high.

There was a problem with potentially engine, the rotary blades ceased. There was a noise somebody described as a popping sound. It was a splintering, shattering sound. The vehicle then descended extremely rapidly into the rear car park here, as you can see, only about 40 meters away from the stadium itself.

The crash was immediately impacted, as you'd expect, was hard. Then there's a little confusion as to whether the fireball ensued immediately or it was moments later after a police officer tried to allow the passengers on board to exit the vehicle.

There's no clarification of that so varying reports. And again, that's something we have to bring clarity to you as the morning unfolds.

But what we do know, it's obviously a very serious episode. The pictures tell the story and we fear the worst for whoever was on board the helicopter. The club as yet have said little more than what I just told you. We anticipate they will later on this morning.

Of course, when we have the latest, we will bring that to you.

ALLEN: Mark Bolton, we really appreciate your reporting.

For more now, here's George.

HOWELL: Fans of Leicester City Football Club love the team's owner, he's popular for turning around the club with his attention and investment.

ALLEN: CNN's Patrick Snell talks about why the Thai billionaire is so beloved.


PATRICK SNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He's the 60-year-old billionaire, self-made businessman that really transformed the fortunes of Leicester City Football Club. Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha really having a huge impact on the English Midland-based team, best known for founding the duty-free giants King Power back in the late 1980s, one of the richest men in Thailand.

But it was what happened in 2010 that was highly significant in terms of the Foxes when he acquired the club for around the $70 million mark at the time when they were in the second tier of English football, namely the championship.

And within six years, he would take the club to the highest possible height, winning the English Premier League title against all the odds. Speaking of odds, they were 5,000:1 at the start of that 2015-2016 season under the management of the Italian.

Just look at these scenes from Leicester. Those are images that fans will never, ever forget.

When you win a Premier League title, you really do put yourself on the global map. The King Power company based in Thailand. And it's there the team traveled as well to continue the celebrations as well, sharing the moment with the fans there in Bangkok, in Thailand, a really special moment, really further developing the bond between the club and its fans there in Thailand.

Of course, reaction has been swift in coming in. At times like these, you know the global football community really does come together as one. We have been getting reaction from Leicester City, most notably Jamie Vardy, leading striker from the 2015-2016 campaign. He along with his teammate, Harry Maguire --


SNELL: -- the England International, very much the order of the day, the emoji, quite simply prayer at this time.

Another Premier League club as well, arguably the country's biggest, Manchester United taking to social media, quite simply with these words, "The thoughts of everyone at Manchester United are with Leicester City Football Club and those affected by tonight's incident at King Power Stadium."

With that, it's back to you.


ALLEN: Thank you, Patrick.

Again, no official word who was on board the helicopter.

HOWELL: Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, people around the world know him and love him, appreciate what did -- does for that team. So this is something we'll continue to follow.

Still ahead on NEWSROOM, the U.S. president condemns the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue but it doesn't stop Donald Trump from hitting the campaign trail. We'll have that story for you.

ALLEN: Also an expert on hate crimes explains why he expects more incidents like what we saw in Pittsburgh.





UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think everyone will remember --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- October 27th. I think that's going to be a day that's etched in everybody's mind. But I think that Squirrel Hill is strong and we're going to remain that way.


ALLEN: There are just too many dates etched in people's minds, a tragedy. It was grief mixed with resolve, a community heartsick over the mass killing at a local synagogue as it gathers to remember the victims and to comfort each other.

HOWELL: The reaction from the U.S. president, Donald Trump, to what happened in Pittsburgh, Mr. Trump suggesting an armed guard could have prevented it.

ALLEN: The tragedy didn't deter Mr. Trump from making scheduled campaign rallies in the Midwest. Here is CNN's Boris Sanchez.


BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: President Trump admitted to supporters here in Southern Illinois that he considered canceling Saturday night's rally in light of the shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ultimately the president deciding to move forward though.

Earlier in the day he called the rally "an obligation," one of more than a dozen campaign stops the president has made in October as he stumps for Republican candidates before the midterm elections.

He told supporters that he decided to move on because, quote, "we can't make evil people important." The president called the attack an assault on humanity and for the second time he called on Americans to unite in the face of domestic terror, saying all Americans have to come together to fight the scourge of anti-Semitism.

Here's more from the president.

TRUMP: This evil anti-Semitic attack is an assault on all of us. It's an assault on humanity. It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of anti-Semitism from our world. This was an anti-Semitic attack at its worst.

But this is a case where, if they had an armed guard inside, they might have been able to stop him immediately. This would be a case of, if there were an armed guard inside the temple, they would have been able to stop him.


SANCHEZ: It's of course, not the first time the president has brought up the concept of armed guards. You recall that earlier this year after a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the president suggested that schools should be equipped with armed guards, clearly believing that guard with weapons at schools or places of worship are a better idea than passing gun control registration -- Boris Sanchez CNN, traveling with the president in Murfreesboro, Illinois .


HOWELL: Let's talk about this now with Scott Lucas, a professor of international politics at the University of Birmingham and the founder and editor of "EA WorldView," live via Skype from Birmingham, England,

Scott, a pleasure to have you on the show. Mr. Trump suggested an armed guard might have been able to stop this gunman, also doubling down on the concept of the death penalty here in the U.S. Both of these issues part of an ongoing debate; your thoughts here. SCOTT LUCAS, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM: Donald Trump is repeating lines he's used over other mass shootings to stay away from the key issue about whether access to guns makes it easier for people to carry out these attacks.

The idea yesterday that a gunman went in and was ready to fight police officers, eventually wounding four of them, that he would have been stopped by an armed guard, who possibly may not have been trained, just simply standing in a synagogue, it's nonsense.

Secondly, what Donald Trump is saying is we can stop this if we fortify all our schools, all our churches, all our synagogues; in other words, turn these into almost semi-military zones.

Is that really the path you want to go down?

I think it far better to confront the fundamental question here, which is it's arms in the hands of people that make these events much more likely and much more deadly rather than trying these evasions that don't actually deal with the core issue.

HOWELL: I also want to get your thoughts on Mr. Trump's tone during times of tragedy. He's been criticized before for leaving room, for not going far enough in his condemnations and even allowing space for extreme right-wing sentiments to merge into the mainstream during delicate times.

Given this attack on a synagogue, how do you view his response to what happened?

LUCAS: I want to be frank with you and your viewers because I'm very concerned. Donald Trump's statements yesterday were closing a hateful Pandora's box, which he himself has helped open arguably with his statements.

Specifically Robert Bowers, the alleged gunman yesterday, referred to Jews funding caravans of immigrants trying to overrun America. This follows upon weeks of rhetoric, some of which has come from the president, which has talked about that caravan of about --


LUCAS: -- 7,000 people, which falsely said it includes unnamed Middle Easterners and it follows Donald Trump's statements, including this week, basically going after globalists and even specifically laughing when a crowd said that George Soros, the Jewish billionaire, should be locked up.

I'm not saying that Donald Trump put the gun into Robert Bowers' hands. I'm not saying that he put the pipe bombs in the hands of Cesar Sayoc, who has been accused of 13 attacks and has also fervently supported the president's rhetoric.

But I am saying that Donald Trump's language does provide justification for those who might carry out these attacks and it is time, in my opinion, for him and, of course, all other politicians to stop this, to absolutely stop, as he did last night, repeating his endorsement of the chant "lock her up" about Hillary Clinton.

HOWELL: Scott Lucas, live from Birmingham, England, thank you for your time.

LUCAS: Thank you, George.

ALLEN: Coming up here, I'll talk with a hate crimes expert. He'll share with us data on how there is correlation between rhetoric and violence that has occurred in this country.

Also, we'll tell you why police cordoned off the alleged shooter's neighborhood.

HOWELL: Also the 9-1-1 dispatch audio, the first responders as they arrived at the synagogue, what the armed suspect told SWAT officers he wanted to do to Jews. That story ahead. Stay with us.




ALLEN: Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL: I'm George Howell. We're following a developing story this hour in the United States --


HOWELL: -- 11 people are dead, six others wounded in what one FBI agent calls the most horrific crime he's ever seen, a deadly mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

ALLEN: He choked up when he was trying to describe the crime scene. The suspect is identified as 46-year-old Robert Bowers. Investigators are trying to learn more about him. Miguel Marquez has more from outside the apartment where the suspect lived.


MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: For several hours, federal agents have been going through Mr. Bowers' apartment just behind me here. They took no chances coming into this neighborhood. They cordoned off the roads for several hours and then brought the bomb squad in to make sure there was nothing dangerous so they could get in there and do their jobs.

Now members of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been in that apartment for several hours, in some cases bringing things out, in others taking gear in so they can look into and paint a full picture of this man, as full as they can, and also gather as much evidence as the case against him moves forward. We spoke to several neighbors. Most had very little to say about him.

One said he saw him come and go, didn't seem very remarkable. Another said he had a couple of conversations. But there was nothing more than a hi and a bye.

One person who lived right next to him, his apartment, shared a wall with him, said that the only thing that was odd is that he watched television at very loud volumes at odd hours. He said -- his fiancee said he was a truck driver. It sounded like he was listening to news at strange hours of the day and that he was here sometimes and then gone for many days.

This is one of several locations where Mr. Bowers, who had bounced around in this area over several years, it sounds from neighbors that he had been here for about two years. But as quiet as he was in his life here in this neighborhood, he was certainly much more vocal online, expressing anger at Jews, at the caravan coming up from South America.

In particular he was angry at a Jewish resettlement organization called HIAS or the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. They had gone to the border in support of the caravan, an organization that resettles individuals of all colors and creeds and countries in places like Pittsburgh and he was particularly angry about them, had posted about them.

And then minutes, shortly before opening fire at that synagogue, he posted, "I can't stand by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics. I'm going in." Back to you.


HOWELL: Miguel Marquez, thank you.

ALLEN: And he is in prison of course. I believe the first court appearance will be next week. Chilling audio has been released, revealing the shooter's attitude towards Jews. It's radio chatter between first responders and dispatchers as the rampage at the synagogue unfolded.

HOWELL: The gunman had barricaded himself inside the synagogue on the third floor. After encountering police, he was wounded in a gunfight with officers and eventually surrendered. You get to hear some of this in this audio. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Be advised suspect (INAUDIBLE) is injured (INAUDIBLE) yards. SWAT is talking to him, telling him to continue to crawl at this time. (INAUDIBLE) suspects talking about all these Jews need to die. We're still communicating with him.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, be advised, he's got on khakis, red shirt at this time. We don't know if he changed clothes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the suspect, keeps telling about killing Jews, he doesn't want any of them to live.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right. I already relayed that. I'm on the other side of the stairs. Copy that.


ALLEN: Joining me now from Los Angeles is Brian Levin. He's director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism.

And, Brian, we appreciate you coming in and offering your insights. And I also want to mention that you were on our air 24 hours ago, talking about the arrest of the man who sent pipe bombs across the country. Sadly, you are back after another horrific act of violence.

What stands out to you about what has just happened in Pittsburgh?

BRIAN LEVIN, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF HATE AND EXTREMISM: Natalie, first of all, thank you so much for having me on and also thank you for promoting a free press. I think it's important for us to say that.

I'll tell you what I thought. You know how on CNN the hurricanes are coming up and it shows it on the bottom of the screen, that's what a lot of us in the monitoring world felt about what's happening.

Just in recent days and weeks, we've seen white supremacists and neo- Nazis indicted federally, many here from California. We've also seen two African Americans murdered because of their race in --


LEVIN: -- Kentucky, these pipe bombs as well as information about right wing groups in the West Coast storing weapons on rooftops around public demonstrations.

One of the things I've said in my meetings with officials as well as the media, don't expect to see this fisticuffs taking place at public demonstrations to be the end of it. Since Charlottesville, we've seen a fragmentation of these far right and alt-right hate groups as well as a disintegration of their leadership, which means that the most unstable and violent folks are rising to the top.

And we've been quite worried about this in particular because the last time around an election, we saw the worst month for hate crimes, it's November 2016, than we've seen in 14 years, since the first anniversary of 9/11.

And the day after the election we saw an anti-Muslim bomb plot and the highest number of hate crimes on November 10, 2016, than we've seen since 2003. It looked like we were heading in that direction in recent days. So we were kind of girding for something and unfortunately this terrible massacre happened.

Our prayers go out to not only the Jewish community but all people of goodwill and the law enforcement officers who risk their lives.

ALLEN: With the midterms bearing down on us, what are we looking at?

Where does this country go?

Is it going to get worse before it gets better and are there moderate voices out there that we need to hear from if it's not going to come from President Trump?

LEVIN: Natalie, you're completely right.

Please, Mr. President, tone down the rhetoric. It has an effect on real world violence. It doesn't always but sometimes at critical junctures it does.

I would encourage leadership on all sides of the political spectrum to start working on civility, because, particularly with unstable people who respond to demonization and negative stereotypes, they're like loose time bombs.

The terrorists are already here, they're not Honduran mothers with two children trying to come across the border. We have people who respond to this and it's important that he disassociate from this rhetoric. Just this week he said he's a nationalist. We know the underbelly of nationalism can oftentimes take a hard turn.

My father was a POW In Nazi, Germany. I think he needs to look at our civic history and promote the most important aspects of our creed, a free press, religious freedom as well as civic cohesion. And I think he's failed to do so.

ALLEN: We appreciate your insight so much, Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, Brian, thank you.

LEVIN: Thank you and we stand with journalists and religious freedom and people of goodwill everywhere. Thank you so much.

HOWELL: Much appreciated.

A famous U.S. actor is making a statement about the synagogue shooting. Tom Hanks is in Pittsburgh now, filming a movie.

ALLEN: He tweeted a photo of a sign he found there that says, "Love Thy Neighbor, No Exceptions."

Hanks commented, quote, "To me this photo is the spirit of Pittsburgh -- with a broken heart today for those in Squirrel Hill." That is the district where the synagogue attack happened. And we want to say that picture was also in a story on "The New York Times" website.

And I made a copy of it and put it on my social media and a shout out to Gene Pascar (ph) of the Associated Press who took the picture in that article.

HOWELL: Other news we're following around the world including the latest development in the case of the murdered journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. We have a live report from Istanbul.

ALLEN: Also Brazilian voters go to the polls soon to choose between a candidate known for his racist comments and another that's close to a huge corruption scandal. Yes, those are the choices. We'll have a report.





HOWELL: The president of Turkey wants answers and the suspects in the case of a murdered journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is calling on Saudi Arabia to turn over 18 suspects in that case.

ALLEN: He wants to know who sent them to Turkey and who they may have worked with. The Turks believe Khashoggi was murdered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul earlier this month.

HOWELL: Our international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson has been following the story live in Istanbul this hour.

Nic, thanks for being with us. The Turkish president certainly in a position to apply a great deal of pressure on Saudi Arabia and the overall investigation.

The question now, is there a sense that pressure might get him what he wants?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: It doesn't seem to be. The Saudi minister of foreign affairs, who said this was murder, the Saudi energy minister has also said it's a case of murder.

But what we've heard from Saudi officials is a shifting narrative but it's one that comes back to that point that the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was committed by rogue elements. And the foreign minister this week said very clearly that these are Saudi nationals, these 18 people in their detention, that were detained in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi justice system is quite capable of trying them.

The Saudi justice minister last week said this was Saudi Arabia's responsibility, the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman said the same thing. So we're seeing a deep division between Turkey and Saudi Arabia on the issue of jurisdiction.

Now we're expecting today the chief prosecutor from Saudi Arabia to come here to Istanbul to meet with his Turkish counterpart.

But what will he put on the table, if anything; what will be discussed?

Clearly the issue of jurisdiction will be front and center. But primarily for Turkish investigators right now, they want to know what these 18 people being detained in Saudi Arabia ostensibly know, if Saudi officials are correct; that is, where is Jamal Khashoggi's body and who is the collaborator that Saudi officials say they handed the body off to?

These are very, very big and central questions in the investigation. What the Turkish president is saying is, if Saudi Arabia really is committed to transparency, to showing the international community that they want to reveal everything they know about this investigation and help and collaborate on the investigation, then these men should be sent to Turkey for trial.

And extradition warrants have already been issued to Saudi Arabia from Turkish authorities. It's --


ROBERTSON: -- something of a standoff at the moment, George.

HOWELL: You touched on this. Of course, the suspects -- the Turkish president wants them back in Turkey.

But the body, how important, significant is it, Nic, to have the body, to know where it is, to recover the body, not only for the investigation but also for the family?

ROBERTSON: For his family, for his fiancee, who was waiting outside the consulate when he disappeared, who raised the alarm, hugely important. His friends as well, journalists here and friends in many countries that he had, very important.

For his family, a sense of closure but also may bring them a step closer to justice. And to that point the investigators, if it's accurate, what Turkish officials have said privately, that they believe Khashoggi was murdered brutally, his body dismembered and we see this in the charge sheet, premeditated intentional homicide, premeditated, that this was with monstrous feelings, meaning it was intended to make the victim suffer.

If all of that is correct, as Turkish officials say, then finding Khashoggi's body would go a long way to answering those forensic questions in the investigation.

Again, if that were to happen, this would ratchet up pressure on Saudi Arabia to come clean about something that the world seems to understand at the moment was an absolutely horrendous murder of the worst proportions.

HOWELL: Indeed, some really gruesome details, Nic. One's heart goes out to the fiancee, to the family, again, hoping for closure but so many unanswered questions. Nic Robertson, thank you for your time.

ALLEN: We'll show you a building engulfed in Lima, Peru. This is a historic building going up in flames. Local media says dozens of firefighters worked since early Saturday morning to put out the fire. No one was killed. The firefighter's bodycam shows a woman being rescued inside the

building right here. It was gutted but the exterior is mostly intact, we're told. Investigators are looking into what caused the fire.

HOWELL: We're following the election in Brazil. Voters there head to the polls in the next few hours to cast their ballots in one of the most heated presidential elections in recent history.

ALLEN: The runoff election pits a far right candidate, known for making racist comments against a leftist candidate, whose party is embroiled in a huge corruption scandal. Our Shasta Darlington reports from Sao Paulo.


SHASTA DARLINGTON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): These days, Jair Bolsonaro really draws a crowd, a wave of green and yellow flags, patriotic jerseys, even Bolsonaro masks. They flood the streets a week before Election Day.

Even though the candidate himself isn't here. Bolsonaro talks to fans via video linkup.

"Brazil will no longer be mocked around the world," he says. "There won't be room for corruption any longer."

Last month Bolsonaro was stabbed in the gut at a campaign rally and spent weeks recovering in bed, posting defiant selfies. The incident only improved his standing in polls. Bolsonaro came close to an outright majority with 46 percent of the vote in a first-round election with 13 candidates earlier this month.

Now he faces off against his nearest rival, Fernando Haddad, from the left wing Workers Party, he's tried to appeal to Brazil's poorest by promising to expand the social programs introduced during his party's 13 years in power.

"I'm going to raise minimum wage above inflation," he says in this campaign ad.

Haddad was a last-minute entry in the race. In September he stepped in for jailed former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva after a court barred da Silva from running. Lula, as he's popularly known, is serving a 12-year sentence for corruption and money laundering.

With the country's political establishment engulfed in a corruption scandal and da Silva behind bars, Bolsonaro has positioned himself as Brazil's Donald Trump, a maverick who will drain the swamp and tackle endemic violence.

For years, Bolsonaro was a controversial figure in Congress, known for his misogynist and racist comments and for his support of the military dictatorship that ended in the '80s, here backing their brutal methods.

"I support torture. You know that," he says. [04:50:00]

DARLINGTON (voice-over): In a country with one of the highest murder rates in the world, his tough-on-crime message resonates. Nonetheless, many voters are still conflicted, with protesters organizing marches against Bolsonaro under the slogan "Ele Nao," or "not him." For others, he's sold himself as an agent of change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The population is tired of corruption.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): What is paralyzing us with fear is violence.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I'm really afraid he'll want to go back to a dictatorship.

DARLINGTON (voice-over): But like many Brazilians, she's going to cast her vote for Bolsonaro because she considers him the least bad option.

DARLINGTON: With a Bolsonaro victory looking ever more likely, the question is, will he deliver the kind of change Brazilians want, eradicating corruption and crime, for example?

Or will he embark on a new era of strongman politics? -- I'm Shasta Darlington for CNN, Sao Paulo.


ALLEN: Here in the United States, another mass shooting, this one happening at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The suspect now facing federal hate crime charges. We'll have more on the investigation coming up.






UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Pittsburgh community is -- our hearts are broken for the Jewish community here. This was a senseless hate crime. People were in a house of worship and were killed by a person who hated them because of their religion.

It's something you just don't think about when you go into a house of worship, that something like that could happen.


ALLEN: So many people feeling the pain, hearts broken over what happened in Pittsburgh, saying they feel so much sadness in the wake of this mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

They have been mourning the victims at candlelight vigils. This scene is repeated across the United States when these mass shootings happen.

HOWELL: There's the scene there. Here is what we know at this point, 11 people killed, six others wounded. This when a gunman went into a synagogue during morning services and opened fire.

The suspect barricaded himself on the building's third floor and then got into a gunfight with police and SWAT team officers before he finally surrendered.

ALLEN: Police identified him as 46-year-old Robert Bowers, according to a CNN affiliate, citing a police complaint. Bowers told a SWAT team officer that he wanted all Jews to die.

He's charged with 29 criminal counts, including federal hate crimes. Members of the community gathered last night, as we mentioned, near the synagogue and, at one point, sang a classical Hebrew song.

We'll have more coverage of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh in a few moments. I'm Natalie Allen.

HOWELL: I'm George Howell. This is CNN.