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Election Day Explained; Effects of Smart Phones; Undersea Hotel

Aired November 06, 2018 - 04:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to CNN 10 on this November 6th. It is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November and that according to a law

established in 1845 makes it election day in America. Of course, many Americans have already cast their ballots in early voting but many more

will be lined up in polling places across the country today to decide the results of the midterm elections. They`re called that because they happen

in the middle of a President`s term but why the first Tuesday after the first Monday? That has to do with farming.

In the mid-1800`s most Americans did that and they didn`t live near a voting place. Because of the time it took them to travel and because of

scheduling conflicts at times like market day and during the planting and harvest seasons, Congress picked a Tuesday in November for it`s

convenience. And that`s when elections have been held ever since. Flash forward to now. And while society and the way people cast their ballots

have changed, they`ll be deciding on many of the same positions.

Who will serve dozens of U.S. states as governor? Who will represent Americans in the U.S. House of Representatives? Who will fill about a

third of the seats up for election in the Senate? And who will get thousands of available state and local political jobs? Campaigning was in

full swing right up to the eleventh hour.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We know every day with every knock what we`re fighting for dignity and decency for our families. Education. Healthcare.

The environment. Voting rights. Civil rights. Equal rights. Human rights.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s a choice between what you voted for in 2016. To rebuild this country. To make America strong again. To make America

prosper again. To make America safe again and yes to make America great again. That`s what we voted for.


CARL AZUZ: Of course, no one knows yet what the midterms results will be. We will have an update for you in tomorrow`s show. But regardless of where

you or your community stands politically, there`s a tool you can use to forecast how the vote could go.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hello. I`m Harry Anthony. And I`m here to talk with you about the forecast. It`s a new tool that CNN is launching. What we`re

trying to accomplish is fairly simple, we`re trying to forecast each of the 435 House races as well as each of the 35 Senate races that are up for

grabs. When you go to the CNN House page, you`ll notice a number of different features that are on there. I think one of the coolest things

that you`ll see is that you`ll be able, if you want a specific race or you know your specific address. You can look it up.

You can go there and you can click and you can actually see an estimate. Let`s go back to the overall page. You`ll see a number of interesting

features on there including who`ll have the most likely scenario. That is what we think`s going to happen but there`s also a wide margin of error

around that estimate. The reason we have this margin of error because we`ve tested this model throughout different election cycles and we`re

trying to give you the most accurate assessment. Not just where the race is but where our uncertainty is as well.

You`ll also notice a forecast map. Some will have all 435 House Districts on there. If you were to click on an individual district page, you`ll see

again what I think are a number of cool different things on there. You`ll see an estimate. You`ll see a margin of error. But more than that, if you

go down to the bottom you can learn a lot about the districts themselves. You can learn about how they voted in the past Presidential election. How

they voted in the last House election. Something that we`re calling their weighted average partisanship, which is essentially taking into account all

these different elections over the last six years.

To give you an understanding whether or not this is a Democratic leaning district or a Republican leaning district. Finally, you can see the

demographics within each district. You can see how rural or urban they are. You can see how white or non-white they are. You can also see the

education level.


CARL AZUZ: The United States is turning up the heat on Iran and the Middle Eastern nation is responding with defiance. This is over an international

nuclear deal that was reached in 2015. It was made between Iran and six other countries led by the U.S. under the Obama Administration. Iran

agreed to limit it`s controversial nuclear program at least temporarily and allow international inspectors to make sure the country was doing it. In

exchange, the U.S. along with China, the European Union, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom, they all agreed to remove penalties on Iran

that were hurting the nation`s economy.

Supporters of the deal say it helped prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Critics say it didn`t go far enough in doing that and that it

didn`t address other actions of the Middle Eastern nation like it`s growing missile program. U.S. President Donald Trump, who`s repeatedly called the

agreement the worst deal ever, has put America`s penalties on Iran back in place. The latest action on that was taken Monday. The new sanctions, the

penalties are expected to hurt Iran`s economy and it`s important oil industry and the Trump Administration says the goal is to stop Iran from

taking actions that the U.S. blames for destabilizing the Middle East.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says his nation will quote " proudly break the unjust sanctions". He called the U.S. action bullying and said it

would hurt ordinary people. Most of the other nations involved in the 2015 deal look like they`re going to stick with it. The European countries say

it`s working and that it`s important for global security. The White House says more sanctions on Iran are possible in the days ahead.

10 Second Trivia. Which of these technological inventions first became available to the public in 2007? IPhone, YouTube, Smart Watch, or

Facebook. It was the IPhone that was first launched in 2007 and it was the blueprint for the smart phone as we know it.

More than 10 years later the presence of smart phones has impacted millions in expected and some unexpected ways. Just like there was a day when

people only dreamed of having email, social media and movies on a pocket computer. There was a day when some never dreamed there`d be something

called nomophobia. A term for no mobile phone phobia, a way to describe smart phone addiction. And while the technology has improved dramatically

in a short amount of time, it`s brought concerns about how the brain responds to notifications or messages and what kinds of effect this

technology is having our attention spans. Some young adults that CNN spoke to said that face to face communication has been affected.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I definitely think that cell phones are impacting millennial or just young people`s ability to enjoy face to face moments.

It`s so much easier to text someone than to even call them right now. Like calling someone is crazy. It seems like when you call someone it`s like

what are you doing? Like this should be illegal. You`re encroaching on my space.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think millennials are going to have issues with being able to have - - make eye contact, talking to others. But I`ve also

seen a lot of millennials that have done great things and (inaudible) do those things. I think that is just what will set you apart as a


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think with cell phones there`s pros and cons. On the one hand it helps bring people - - it helps people stay connected and

tuned in even when they`re thousands of miles away or halfway across the world from each other. But at the same time also threatens that face to

face contact and ability to build closer relationships.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I definitely think it`s going to impact the way that the future generation connects and communicates with each other in real

life. And empathy, like empathy comes not through phones it`s through being with each other and understanding each other in a real way. And it`s

kind of scary to think that like you - - like the future generation won`t get those cues that you get when you see someone face to face.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re uniting ourselves virtually and digitally but that`s kind of a facade. We united ourselves on a platform and on the

digital platform which is great and can be great because you can keep touch with people on the other side of the planet with ease. But at the same

time, we almost ignore our - - our neighbors and real time that are walking right by us. You look down the street, everyone`s walking with their

phones but we are so distracted by this - - this instrument that we stop paying attention to the real world.

Whether it`s - - you know, traffic laws or whether it`s, you know, just social standards I guess. The less communication, the less face to face

interaction, the less even physical contact perhaps that we have with people, the easier it is for us to create - - to feel that we`re different.

And to feel that, you know, we`re separated from somebody else.


CARL AZUZ: In the Maldives, an island chain in the Indian Ocean, a place has just opened that allows you to sleep under the sea. It`s a two level

hotel. It comes with a butler and a chef. It includes an infinity pool just above the water and a master suite about 16 feet below it where sharks

will swim overhead as you fall asleep, or try. But some folks will find it a little on the pricy side. A four night stay costs $200,000.

And that`s a little high considering the place is a "dive". You`re friends might wonder "aquatic" you thinking. They`ll see red if you spend that

much green for night in the blue. But as you`re not "claustroaquaphobic" and you don`t mind shelling out a couple $100,000 "clams", it takes some

"piratical" will power not a "call them" and "tell them" all about it. I`m Carl Azuz and that`s CNN 10.