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New Day Saturday

Government Shutdown Continues; Shocking "BuzzFeed" Report Could be False; Gas Pipeline Explosion Kills 21 in Mexico; A Second North Korean Summit Scheduled for Next Month; Winter Storm Impacts Northeast; Government Shutdown Impacting Federal Employees; Trump Travels to Dover Air Force Base to Honor Fallen Americans; Chinese Internment Camps Explored; Jason Van Dyke Sentenced; Third Women's March Scheduled for This Weekend; "American Style" will Air on CNN Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern; Largest Great White Shark Spotted. Aired 6-7a ET

Aired January 19, 2019 - 06:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump just tweeted he'll be making what he calls a major announcement tomorrow, 3:00 p.m. Eastern about the southern border and the shutdown.

SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I can assure you that he's going to continue fighting for border security.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're all the blame for this, every single one of us, in Washington, for making sure the government operates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a rare and stunning move from the special counsel. Robert Mueller seen with an explosive "BuzzFeed" report alleging that President Trump told Michael Cohen to lie to congress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: North Korea's envoy Kim Yong Chol arrived in Washington with a letter from North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un meant for President Trump. He left with the promise of another summit.


ANNOUNCER: This is "New Day Weekend" with Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul.

CHRISTI PAUL, CNN HOST: Good morning to you. Guess what there may be some movement as you wake up on the 29th day of what is now a record government shutdown. President Trump is planning to make another offer to democrats this time in a speech to the nation from the White House, it's happening this afternoon.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN HOST: A senior official says that the president will not back down from his demand for a border wall but he will offer other concessions. But this is coming after a week that saw the White House get a response from the speaker, asking the president to reschedule his State of the Union speech, A move that the president responded to by sabotaging the speaker's trip to the middle east. Will today's offer be enough to restart the stalled shutdown talks? Joining from us Washington, CNN White House reporter Jeremy Diamond. Jeremy, what are you learning about what the president will offer today if anything.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Victor, it appears that the president is poised once again to seize the power of the bully pulpit, that power of the presidency to capture the attention of the country. And he will make in this 3:00 p.m. address from the White House Diplomatic Reception Room, he's expected to make his latest offer to democrats to try and end this shutdown that has stretched now nearly a month, if you can actually believe it. But what we expect the president to say today is not to necessarily back down from any of his long-standing positions on the border wall in particular. But he will make some kind of a new offer to democrats to try and end this ongoing stalemate.

But what exactly will that be? Again, no movement on the border wall expected. My sources have been telling me all week that the president is not expected to move even one inch on that matter. So perhaps it's a question of funding, for example. But either way, democrats have made very clear that they do not plan to spend any money on the border wall, as long as this government shutdown is ongoing. They have urged the president to open the government first, and then allow for negotiations to take place on immigration, on border security, after this is finished.

The president, though, is still making his case to the country. He posted a video on twitter as well, saying that the country would be sad and a foolish lot if we do not take action on border security. And so far, democrats, again, sticking to their guns. But we will see if the president's speech this afternoon will make any waves and signal any possible movement. Aside from that, as this immigration debate is ongoing, the president is expected to attend a naturalization ceremony just today. We'll see for whom that is. The White House so far not providing any details.

BLACKWELL: All right. Expect something enhancements or sweeteners for democrats in this speech; we'll see what they are. Jeremy Diamond, thanks so much.

PAUL: CNN Political Commentator Errol Louis and political anchor for "Spectrum News" is with us now. Errol, do you see anything that the president would offer to them that they would take?

ERROL LOUIS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: No, I'm trying to imagine what it might be and that's partly why I'm going to be watching at 3:00 this afternoon Christi because the polls all suggest that every word we've heard from the democratic leadership suggests that both the democratic officials themselves and the base that elected them and gave them this historic sweeping victory in November, they don't want any part of trading a wall for operations of the government, that the entire bargain - bargaining position of the White House is just not something that democrats feel that they can accept politically.

PAUL: You know the red lines have been drawn here. The president vows border security with the wall has to be addressed before reopening the government. The democrats say we're not going to reopen the government without having some sort of -- we're not going to give you border security, we have to open the government first. If one of them moved, let's say if they made a provision, if they made some sort of edge over that red line that they've both established, would they be seen as weak or as a hero?

LOUIS: Well, there's how they'll be seen, and then there's what actually happens, you know? And there's a real division here, Christi. As far as the reality of it, the polls suggest that an overwhelming majority of democrats and democratic-leaning independents think that a wall wouldn't work, that it's just a bad idea in the first place.


So, you know -- and the majority - a solid majority...

PAUL: Is it about a wall though Errol? I mean at the end of the day both dems and republicans say we do need border security. This is about a number, about this $5.2 or $5.6 million the president is talking about or its about saving face politically?

LOUIS: Well, you know, when it comes to saving face politically, there have been multiple opportunities. I mean, there were lots of compromises that were offered in the 115th Congress before the democrats even took the majority, keeping in mind there was a republican majority. And they couldn't get a deal. You know, the reality is, there are a lot of people, especially in some of the border regions, some of the republican Congress members, as a matter of fact, think that the wall is a complete waste of time, complete waste of money, at a level where there is no acceptable number other than zero. And that's the hard truth that the president has been unable to kind of digest and maneuver through.

The reality is, he's going to have to decide whether he wants to play to the republican base for which the shutdown and the wall are both somewhat acceptable. And everybody else who finds that individually, and certainly a trade one or the other, is completely unacceptable.

PAUL: So, at the end of the day, we've got people who have bills to pay. We have people who have children to take care of, who are sick, who need medication, who are selling all kinds of things online that they value just to try to pay their rent. Let's listen here to TSA employee Robert Timmons, and he was in line, yesterday, to get food from a food bank.


ROBERT TIMMONS, TSA EMPLOYEE: The president and it's the congress, we pay them to take care of business of the United States. They are not taking care of business, and they want to put the blame on the people's shoulders; that's not fair.


PAUL: So, CNN's reporting is that most lawmakers, Errol, as we know it, they're gone for the weekend. There have been no meetings, no calls, no proposals shared between White House and Congressional dems in the last couple of days. You've got the TSA officials, you know, the air traffic controllers, they're still working without pay. With that said, should Congress be at it right now? How can they go home?

LOUIS: They're going to get an earful if they do go home. Here in New York City, we've done some reporting where there are about 18,000 Coast Guard families here, they're holding food drives for them. They're showing up at food pantries, Christi, it's disgusting, it's shocking, it's outrageous. The hidden person in this, by the way, Mitch McConnell, the Senator Majority Leader who could probably end this in a matter of hours by simply putting a bill on the floor that has already passed unanimously to reopen the government. The pressure that's going to start to descend on him from all of his members, from many of his members, I think is going to be one of the deciding factors in ending this. I don't know that the White House has the juice or political incentive, frankly, to end this.

PAUL: One other quick question here. The president can tout some pretty decent numbers when it comes to the economy. This shutdown, no - it's certainly likely going to affect those numbers negatively. With that said, there's low employment, there's consumer confidence, there's wages, there's job growth which is good right now, but once those numbers start to decline, if they start to deflate and nosedive, is that an incentive you think, for the president to turn things around, to do away with the stalemate?

LOUIS: Well, sure. Listen, it's a lagging indicator. So you know, to the extent that you're going to start seeing a quarter point coming off GDP and that kind of thing each week of a shutdown. It's not going to be felt for a few weeks, but it is going to -- if the economists are right, it is going to happen. And to the extent that Wall Street disregards these thing and you've got an entirely kind of casino going on, as far as the value of stocks, we're going to continue to report that. But the pain is going to be felt out of the country. It will take a few weeks to understand what it is and how bad it is and it will hurt. It will be blamed on the White House.

PAUL: All right. Errol Louis, always appreciate your insight, sir. Thank you.

LOUIS: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: Let's talk about now about this very rare statement now from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office. They're disputing aspects of a "BuzzFeed" report that President Trump told his former lawyer to lie to Congress. Here's Sara Murray.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: The Special Counsel's office on Friday, taking an extraordinary step and disputing a report in "BuzzFeed" news. The report had said that President Donald Trump had convinced his longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about the Trump Tower - Moscow deal. We rarely hear from the special counsel's office. Here's what the spokesman, Peter Carr, said in a statement, "BuzzFeed's" description of the specific statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office regarding Michael Cohen's testimony, not accurate Peter Carr said.


And we also got a statement from "BuzzFeed" on Friday evening. They are not backing away from their story. They said, we are continuing to report and determine what the special counsel is disputing. We remain confident in the accuracy of our report." Now that report sent Washington into a frenzy on Friday. We saw a number of democratic lawmakers coming out pointing to the "BuzzFeed" story, saying look, if this is true, if Donald trump did in fact convince a witness to lie, if he did try to obstruct justice, that is grounds to move forward to try to begin with impeachment proceedings.

One of the big questions for lawmakers, though, was they wanted to seed underlying documents that the "BuzzFeed" report was based on. What we're seeing now from the special counsel's office is they are saying, "Look, these underlying documents, these underlying witness interviews, they do not show what the "BuzzFeed" story says they're going to show."

And it's so rare, so rare for the special counsel to speak out about anything. Just to give you a sense, last year they refused to even comment to "The New York Times" about what one of their prosecutors was having for lunch at Paul Manafort's trial. So just an extraordinary day here in Washington. Sara Murray, CNN, Washington.

BLACKWELL: Sara thank you. President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani tweeted his response to the special counsel's statement. He said this, here's part of it. "I commend Bob Mueller's office for correcting the "BuzzFeed" false story that President Trump encouraged Cohen to lie. Now the DOJ must reveal the leakers of this false "BuzzFeed" story which the press and democrats gleefully embraced. And maybe House dems should wait to investigate until the Mueller report is filed."

PAUL: We're going to have more on that, of course, throughout the morning. And if you are in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, the Northeast, looking out the window it might look pretty good now but guess what, there are 100 million of you who are going to be battling heavy snow and dangerous, dangerous ice over the next 24 hours. We're going to talk about exactly what is coming your way.

BLACKWELL: Plus, dozens killed or injured and a lot of people forced to leave their homes when a massive - look at this - a massive gasoline pipeline explodes.



PAUL: Oh, my gosh, look at these pictures. Twenty-one people have died because of this massive gas pipeline explosion. Officials say at least 71 people are injured. This happened roughly 80 miles north of Mexico City, of course, in central Mexico. Listen to this, the oil company said the blast was caused by people illegally tapping into the pipeline in an attempt to steel gasoline. Several gas stations in Mexico have been running dry for nearly two weeks. Mexico's president is meeting with officials in that area now.

BLACKWELL: So, the White House says President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will meet for a second summit next month.

PAUL: The president spent 90 minutes yesterday talking to North Korea's lead negotiator on nuclear talks in the oval office. CNN International Correspondent Matt Rivers following the very latest for us. Good morning, Matt, what are you hearing from there?

MATT RIVERS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, it's interesting that that meeting between Kim Yong-chol North Korea's top nuclear negotiator and President Trump went for 90 minutes in the Oval Office.

Initially, we were expecting more of a just a meet and greet between the two men but it went for a full 90 minutes and obviously both sides have a lot to talk about. What we know, according to Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is that Kim Jong-un and President Trump could be having another summit very soon. The current timeline is for late February though we don't have a specific date announced as of yet, nor do we know not only what exactly the conversation that went on yesterday in the oval office, but also what the agenda could be for a second summit between Trump and Kim.

What we do know after the first summit in June 2018 it appears there hasn't been a lot of progress made towards trying to get North Korea to denuclearize, to tear down its nuclear program. Publicly at least there have no verified steps, things that have really been concrete that would show that North Korea is doing what the United States wants it to, which is to tear down its nuclear program. So this second summit perhaps yet another chance for Donald Trump to convince Kim Jong-un it's the right way to go and also for Kim Jong-un to try to convince Donald Trump to take those sanctions that have been in place on North Korea for a while now off the table.

BLACKWELL: Hey Matt, how about a location? Any idea of where it would be?

RIVERS: Yeah, it seems it's going to be in another warm climate. Last one was in Singapore. Right now CNN has reported that U.S. teams have already scouted different locations including Thailand, Vietnam and even Hawaii. Now officials have told CNN that there could be other locations beyond those three. We know those three have been scouted so far, though final determination has been set as of yet. Not a lot of time to figure out if that summit takes place in late February.

BLACKWELL: Yes just a few weeks. Matt Rivers with us. Matt, thanks so much.

PAUL: Well Lindsey Graham is in Turkey and he's criticizing Saudi Arabia while he's there. The Republican Senator has already been very outspoken regarding President Trump's decision to pull out of Syria. He met with the Turkish president this week to discuss the war there - the war in Syria to point out. This morning, Graham weighed in on Saudi Arabia's allege role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. (BEGIN VIDEO)

REP. LINDSAY GRAHAM, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: The brutal murder of Mr. Khashoggi in Turkey, violating every norm of international behavior, I have concluded that the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States cannot move forward until MBS has been dealt with.


PAUL. Just as a side note, Senator Graham did travel to Turkey on a commercial airline because of the government shutdown.


BLACKWELL: Yeah, it's coming. It's coming for a lot of people. More than 100 million people are under some type of winter weather alert from the Midwest to the northeast, all happening this weekend.

PAUL: You expect snow, but it's the ice that is expected with this that can be really damaging. Heavy rains, severe weather could slam the south in the meantime. CNN's meteorologist Allison Chinchar in the CNN weather center this morning with the latest. Mother Nature is none too happy it seems?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: No, she's giving us a little bit of everything this morning too as we take a look. On the southern edge of this storm, you can see a lot of that lightening. In fact people say in Houston, Memphis, even Jackson, Mississippi, waking up this morning likely at times hearing that thunder. But it's the northern edge of this, this is where the biggest issues over the next 24 to 48 hours are going to occur.

It's snowing right now in cities like Chicago and Detroit and we're getting awfully close to that mark for a city like, say, Indianapolis. This is a live look at Chicago you can see there on the sign. It's hard to tell, the one thing you focus on is the poor visibility. And that is going to impact pretty much of all of this area that you see here. Anywhere you see pink or purple, those are the people under the winter weather alerts.

It stretches from basically Missouri all the way over to Maine. We've got snow, we've got ice, we've got a little bit of everything mixed in. Here's that main low pressure system. It's going to impact the Midwest mostly this morning, but move into areas of the Northeast really by dinnertime tonight. The concern is, say, by 8:00 tonight, you've got very heavy snow for a city like Cleveland, but you've got ice for cities like Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh. Snow will start off for us in New York City. But New York City is going to end up with everything starting with snow, transitioning to ice and freezing rain, then going to rain then back again to snow, once the storm wraps back up. And you get those wrap-around moisture bands that will come back.

The question is, how much does everyone get. Well a lot of that depends on this track. If this low shifts even as much as say 20 or 30 miles, it can make a huge difference in the amount of snow and ice a lot of people get. This is our best thought as of right now, what we are going with, places like Columbus, Cleveland, you can get 8 to 12 inches out of this. Notice interior New England, 18, 20, even 24 inches is not out of the question for some of these locations. Again, look at the ice. Yes, it is possible; you could have some places that pick up an inch of ice. That will trigger widespread power outages and unfortunately, also cause a lot of travel delays.

Obviously, you think about it on the roads, but also airways, cities like Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, New York, Boston, all expected to have significant delays not only today but also tomorrow. But also take a look at Atlanta, that city is likely going to have travel problems, too. But not necessarily for the winter aspects of this storm, Victor and Christi, it's actually going to be severe weather. The main threats here, damaging winds and tornadoes.

PAUL: Good heavens, everybody hunker down. Take it easy, mom and dad. Thank you Allison.

BLACKWELL: Still to come, the government shutdown is making some people very desperate. We see federal workers and their families lining up for blocks for food at grocery stores and food banks across the country. We'll talk to the CEO of one of those food banks in Atlanta, about how they're handling the surge. That's next.



PAUL: So glad to have you with us, 27 minutes past the hour. I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Good Saturday to you.

PAUL: Former President George W. Bush says we need to end the government shutdown. He posted a picture of himself on social media delivering pizzas to his secret service detail. The agents aren't getting paid as a result of this. He said it's time for leaders on both sides to put politics aside, come together and end this shutdown. His message, of course, as the government shutdown is entering its 29th day today and no telling when it could end.

One coast guard pilot tells CNN, some of their fellow pilots, at least one air station are cancelling flights. Other units are considering scaling back flights because pilots are stressed. They're distracted and they feel unsafe to fly because of the shutdown. We are also seeing cars line up in parking lots for groceries at food banks across the country, in addition to the people that they already serve, here's the thing, food pantries are helping their furloughed workers and their families because they just need these basic necessities.

BLACKWELL: Here with me to discuss is Afemo Omilami. He's the CEO Hosea Feed the Hungry, a food pantry here in Atlanta. Thanks so much for being with us, this Saturday.


BLACKWELL: What are you seeing, because we see across the country an increase in federal workers who now after missing that first pay are desperate looking for food? What are you seeing at the organization?

OMILAMI: We're basically seeing a lot of people that have never come to us before, first of all, because they have regular job, were getting paid regularly. So, now, they find themselves on the far end of this situation. But the people we've been serving all along know what it's like because they've been going through it. But this is traumatic for a family that has never had to worry about where my food is coming from.

BLACKWELL: And they have to set aside a considerable amount of pride to come and get in line and ask for a box of food. We understand the group handed out some boxes of food, what, just a couple days ago?

OMILAMI: Yes, at least 200 families affected, half are minors. That's the part that get to us. These babies shouldn't have to suffer because of lack of imagination by the powers that be. But what better time for us to rise up as a civil rights organization, because that's what we were birthed out of, and meet with Dr. King at 90 years old would have been saying my heart is broken for what's happening and sent his troops out there. That's what we've come from, the Hosea Williams, put your boots on the street.


You have to go out. So, we're not waiting for them to come to Hosea Feed the Hungry's office, we're actually going out to where they are, apartment complex, churches, wherever it is. We give the churches the food to help. We give schools, other social service organizations, the ability to be able to help. And Dr. King's birthday is a sign that we will come together and we are going to be victorious by the time all of this really is over.

BLACKWELL: So, I understand that there's a special dedication of your annual event of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. Tell us about that and how that relates to the shutdown for the federal workers?

OMILAMI: We could do nothing less. This is the most appropriate thing you can do to honor Dr. King, Hosea Williams, all of the great leaders that taught us, my wife and I, Elizabeth, how to do this. To do anything less -- I mean, parades are fine. I'm not knocking anything. But you have to put action to the hurting people who say what are you going to do? It doesn't matter, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, black, white, this is about people coming together and continuing the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the highest way possible.

BLACKWELL: Now, you have extra families that need help because of the shutdown, because of the furlough furloughs, but this is traditionally I understand, a difficult time for food banks, for charities, because you're coming right off the holidays.

OMILAMI: You just spoke it right there. People are willing to give to you from a window, let's say, October through the end of December. After that, the window starts closing down. And now, with the need coming from more families, we're hard-pressed to try to meet the greater demand. But we have no choice but to go into the bottom of what we have and pull it all out for these families because but for the grace of God, it could be me. Two or three paychecks, I don't know what my life would be like, and many Americans. But this is the way Atlanta is saying we will stand by these dedicated workers. Many are heartbroken, feeling betrayed, 20, 30 years of faithful, loyal work to a government, and now you have to question where you get your meals.

BLACKWELL: Well, I thank you for the work that you do. Listen, I know people have to give around the holiday season.


BLACKWELL: But children have to eat every day not just when there are Christmas carols on the radio and people feel generous. Children have to eat every day. Afemo Omilami, Thank you so much for what you do and all the folks there at Hosea Feed the Hungry.

OMILAMI: And thank you.

BLACKWELL: Certainly. Christi.

PAUL: Thank you so much, so appreciate you. The state department says as many as two million people may be in Chinese detention camps all part of this growing crackdown of Muslims in the far west region of China. We have a special look inside this whole thing. That's next.



PAUL: We have this just into CNN, President Trump is traveling to Dover Air Force Base today to honor the four Americans killed earlier this week in the bombing in Syria. The U.S. says ISIS was responsible for that attack. But again, the president tweeting just a short time ago, that he will go to be with the families of four very special people who lost their lives and service to our country.

BLACKWELL: Lawmakers are reintroducing a bill to hold China accountable for the mass internment of its Muslim ethnic minorities.

PAUL: Yes, according to the U.S. State Department, Chinese authorities have indefinitely detained at least 800,000 Muslim minorities since April of 2017. CNN's Ivan Watson spoke to a refugee, about the horrors going on inside the internment camps.

IVAN WATSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There's a lot of love in this apartment in Virginia between a mother and her children, but something, someone, actually, is missing here. In 2015, (inaudible) Mihrigul Turson, then a citizen of China gave birth to triplets in Egypt, where she'd been living and working. And barely a month later, she flew home with them to Shenzhen, a region of Western China. At the airport, she said Chinese police detained her and took away her babies.

MIHRIGUL TURSUN, MOTHER OF TRIPLETS: I asked her, where's my baby? Please give me my baby. (Inaudible)

WATSON: Taped your mouth? TURSON: Yes.

WATSON: Mihrugal says police jailed and interrogated her for the next three months. The day of her release, she went to the children's hospital in (inaudible) to see her infants.

TURSON: When I come close the doctors say, "OK my baby can go outside." Those at the hospital say, "Yes, he died." I loved him. What - what die? They say, "Your son died yesterday morning at 6:00." I don't believe and I scream, "Why you kill my son?" And they say, "If you scream, I call police and stop. Be quiet." And they give me my baby so cold. I say, "Why he die? What happened?" They say, (inaudible) and then he was not strong so he died.

WATSON: CNN reached out for comment from the (Rochee) children's hospital but did not receive a response. The surviving siblings have scars on their necks.


A CNN medical expert says that suggests, they like their deceased brother, received intravenous tubes for nutrition at a time they should have been breast-feeding. Mihrugal says her son's death was just the beginning of a three-year nightmare during which she was jailed two more times and tortured.

TURSON: They asked questions. When I say I don't know they started hit me so hard.

WATSON: During the second imprisonment she said she was put in a crowded cell with 50 other women, all ethnic Uyghurs from her hometown in Cherchen.

TURSON: Someone is my doctors, someone is my middle school teachers. Some are our neighbor; 80 percent I know.

WATSON: The U.S. government alleges this is part of a much larger frightening pattern.

SCOTT BUSBY, DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE: Since April 2017, Chinese authorities have indefinitely detained at least 800,000 and possibly more than 2 million Uyghurs, ethnic Cossacks and members of other Muslim minorities in internment camps.

WATSON: Beijing has gone from denying these alleged mass detentions to saying prisoners are getting vocational training. Authorities recently took some diplomats and journalists on a carefully-supervised tour of some of these facilities. Some detainees told journalists the camps re-educate them.

DETAINEE AT AN INTERNMENT CAMP: (through interpreter): All of us found that we have something wrong with ourselves. And luckily enough, the Communist Party and the government offer this kind of school to us for free.

WATSON: The climate of fear in Shenzhen, can be felt halfway around the world.

ARFAT AERIKEN: UYGHUR REFUGEE: I lost contact with my family in 2017 and...

WATSON: I guess that was the last time you heard your mother's voice?


WATSON: And your father?


WATSON: Twenty-one-year-old Arfat Aeriken came to the U.S. three years ago to get a university education, but gradually, his parents stopped sending tuition money and stopped calling him. Then last September, Arfat made this desperate appeal on YouTube.

AERIKEN: I have confirmed that my father is sentenced to nine years in prison and my mom is in concentration camp.

WATSON: If both of your parents are detained, who is taking care of your 10-year-old brother?

AERIKEN: I don't know.

WATSON: If you could say something to your parents, what would you say?

AERIKEN: I hope they're just alive.

WATSON: Afraid to go home, Arfat has since been granted asylum in the U.S. Many Uyghur students are similarly stranded here.

SEAN ROBERTS, PROFESSOR AT GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: They're terrified because they don't know want to do. They don't necessarily want to declare asylum on the United States because that reflects badly on the family but they've also been getting messages from the region that they shouldn't come back because they will definitely be put in one of these internment camps.

WATSON: During her incarceration, Mihrugal Turson claims she saw former prisoners die in detention.

TURSON: One woman die, I see. So much people die (Inaudible), I will become crazy.

WATSON: The Chinese government denounces criticism of its human rights record, saying these counterterrorism measures protect more people from being devoured by extremism. Mihrugal and her children are now in the U.S., going through the asylum process, but it's not easy. The 3-year-old suffers chronic asthma attacks and Mihrugal can't afford a pediatrician. One day, she tells me, she'll tell her surviving children, the Chinese government killed their brother. Ivan Watson, CNN, Washington. BLACKWELL: Arizona police have released body camera footage of the

moments just before a police officer shot and killed a 14-year-old. We'll tell you why investigators say the officer may have thought that teenager was a threat.

PAUL: And the march against the Trump Presidency, they have the pink caps on, they took Washington by storm. This year, the women's march said they're not just a march, they have a specific agenda. We'll talk about it.



BLACKWELL: A former Chicago police officer will spend more than six years in prison for the 2014 shooting death of a black teenager. A judge sentenced Jason Van Dyke to six years and nine months for the shooting of Laquan McDonald. The City of Chicago released video of Van Dyke firing repeatedly at the 17-year-old a year after McDonald's death that led to protests. McDonald's family says the sentence felt like a slap in the face.


REV. MARVIN HUNTER, LAQUAN MCDONALD'S GREAT UNCLE: This sentence represents the sentence of a second-class citizen and it reduced Laquan McDonald's life to a second class citizen.

JOSEPH MCMAHON, SPECIAL PROSECUTOR: We know that no sentence will bring back Laquan McDonald or undo the hurt to his family and friends. Just like no sentence will fix the concerns of the African-American community.


BLACKWELL: Now the day before the sentencing, three other police officers were found not guilty of falsifying police reports to protect Van Dyke.

Police in Tempe, Arizona, have released body cam footage of a police officer who shot and killed a 14-year-old this week. Police say the teen was, watch this, running from the scene of the burglary at the time, and was carrying a stolen replica of an airsoft gun when shot. Now according to investigators, other stolen items were found on the teen. The 14-year-old was taken to the hospital where he later died.

PAUL: All right. You're going to be seeing quite the pictures today from Washington, D.C. Let's take you back for a moment. Hundreds, not hundreds, I should say, but millions of women, marching to protest the Trump Presidency, just a day after the president took office. In just a few hours, they're going to be back on the streets of Washington and around the country for the third women's march. What began as a grassroots movement is becoming more substantial than that. Nicole LaRue, illustrator and graphic designer is with us now. She actually designed the Women's March logo. Nicole thank you so much for being with us. Let's keep that logo up there if we could please and Nicole help us understand the meaning of this design for you.

NICOLE LARUE, DESIGNER OF THE WOMEN'S MARCH LOGO: Well I guess as you might expect, it's no small task to design something to represent all women. There's always going to be someone who thinks you've failed at it right? It was our hope to suggest a united voice with women with whatever voice they needed at that time and I think it was perfect. People marched together for different reasons and I think that was kind of its power.

PAUL: How did you craft this? I mean were there many different versions of it before you settled on what you have?

LARUE: Well, honestly, it was a day turnaround. I was asked in a day. And I kind of relate it to there's a famous and well-known designer named Paula Scher. She's a Pentagram partner and she drew the Citibank logo and apparently the story goes she sketched it on a napkin and she was given criticism but she said, "It took me a few seconds to draw it but it took me 34 years to learn it how to draw it in a few seconds." Maybe that's a similar story here.

PAUL: That is something else. What is your hope for the march, say, this year, as opposed to what we saw last year?

LARUE: Well, that's a good question. I know everybody has a new agenda. I think, you know, people are still marching for different reasons. My hope is just the unity. You know, I think it's been so powerful, because everybody has come together, not to fight, but to fight peacefully maybe, against all of this, all that's going on, you know, fighting for human rights. And my hope would be that it just keeps moving forward.

PAUL: They say that there is an agenda attached this year. Do you know much about that, as opposed to it just being a march?

LARUE: I know that they've come up with kind of a lengthy agenda, actually. I've only just skimmed it a bit. I haven't read it in depth. But it does seem like there are LGBTQ things. There are just a number of new agenda items, as opposed to what the current administration was, back when we started it all.

PAUL: I know that you're not in D.C. You're in New Hampshire. Is there a march there that you're going to participate in? Are you going to be doing something to honor it?

LARUE: Yes, it's in Concord this -- at the state house. And yeah, I will be going, for sure.

PAUL: Alrighty. And it must be really special to you. I mean, it funny if you go out and you see your logo all over the place?

LARUE: It is incredibly funny, yeah. When I went to the D.C. march, a friend of mine said, you know, you're going down in history. I thought, well, yeah, maybe. But I think we all made history that day. And those words ring true, yeah, it's pretty great.

PAUL: Well Nicole LaRue, thank you for sharing. Beautiful logo. Thank you for explaining to us the inspiration for it. Have fun today. Good luck.

LARUE: Thanks. Thanks Christi.

PAUL: Absolutely. Victor.

BLACKWELL: Ever heard the advice, "Look before you leap?" Usually people talking about relationships and that's good advice but this is about jumping into the water because there was a great white shark swimming with divers off the coast of Hawaii. We'll talk more about this in a moment.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dapper Dan is a New York legend. Dapper Dan early on tapped into black culture's fascination with labels.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I started playing with logos probably around mid '84, '85, something like that. I had to come up with something unique and real, I said if I can do it on leather which nobody else is doing I think that will be a phenomenal thing to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He appropriated fabric, some of the shapes and it was completely underground and none of it was approved by the brands.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He started making clothes that the companies themselves hadn't thought of doing yet. And he made this incredibly powerful, really post-modern look.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eventually, the outfits and the look and music all got popular at the same time.


BLACKWELL: "American Style" airs Sunday night at 9:00 Eastern only on CNN.

PAUL: Imagine jumping into the ocean and you come face-to-face with this. Great white shark spotted off the coast of Hawaii, believed to be the largest on the planet. How do they determine that?

BLACKWELL: I don't know. Her name is Deep Blue. That's nice. Divers say she's more than 50 years old; at least 20 feet long. The great white was caught on camera five years ago in a video that quickly went viral. The divers who snapped these new pictures say they really discourage people from purposely jumping in water with great white sharks. I don't know if you need to do that, but good advice.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump just tweeted he'll be making what he calls a major announcement tomorrow, 3:00 p.m. Eastern about the southern border and the shutdown.

SANDERS: I can assure you that he's going to continue fighting for border security.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're all to blame for this, every single one of us, in Washington, responsible for making sure that the government operates.