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Trump Meets with Theresa May; Jeopardy Winning Streak Ends; 30 Years After Tiananmen Square Massacre; New CNN 2020 Democratic Polls. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired June 04, 2019 - 06:30   ET


[06:30:00] MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: On a lot of those organizations and perhaps of a slightly different perspective from President Trump. So, Angela Merkel very much speaks to this as well. He'll be meeting her on Wednesday here in the U.K. She speaks about how the E.U. is actually a peace project. It's not an economic project. So we and, you know, some in Washington come from completely different perspectives on these institutions and I think very subtly, or not so subtly as your sort of suggesting, both the prime minister and the queen are coming together on that message they're pressing home with the U.S. president.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: And as this week progresses, those institutions will come even more into the forefront, obviously, with the D-day commemoration on the beaches of Normandy, which will be on Thursday. That is the world coming together to remember what happens when the United States acts in concert with European countries to battle tyranny.

Abby Phillip, as we're waiting, again, the president and the prime minister will enter this room very shortly and view what I believe right there to be a copy of the Declaration of Independence. There's a bit of an unknown today and I'm wondering if you have any reporting about what the president will do during a bit of down time. Do we know, has the White House yet told us definitively whether he will wade into British politics and meet with Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage or any of these figures very much involved with the Brexit discussions?

ABBY PHILLIP, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: We do not know yet, John. The White House has not said what the president is doing in this time, if he's going to have these meetings. But we were told from a source yesterday that nothing had been set in stone yet and it didn't -- there wasn't any indication that the president had directed his staff to organize such a meeting. It's clear that the president is open to the meeting and that Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage want to meet with him, but I think they're also mindful of the fact that 10 Downing Street probably doesn't want them to meet with them.

And there's already been so much talk about President Trump, you know, sort of, you know, not treating Theresa May with as much respect as perhaps he would like to be treated with. And I think here in the U.K., you get a greater sense of her being perhaps snubbed. The White House has really denied that. They say that all of these plans, the bilateral meeting versus a one on one, these had all been set in stone before.

But there is a perception that she is not being listened to even in these final days of her tenure as party leader. But at the same time, President Trump really wants to meet with these individuals. He's talked repeatedly about how he likes them, how they are friends of his. And so we will see what happens. But as of yesterday afternoon, London time, we've been told that nothing had been set in stone.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: On a lighter note, Kate, in terms of the optics of all of this, we know that the first lady puts a lot of thought before she goes on these trips into the optics, particularly the wardrobe, which, of course, is part of the optics. And yesterday we saw this sort of unified front in terms of the color palette. You know, she had chosen cream, as Ivanka did, as Prince Charles' wife did. And then last night, at the state -- which, here's the picture of them with the queen. Last night there was also this beautiful picture of all of them.

And so just tell us what she -- how she's been preparing for this.

KATE BENNETT, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well, Melania Trump has been preparing for many weeks I'm told by her staff, doing everything from attending protocol meetings, to making sure the gifts that were given, that Max was discussing, are appropriate. They gifted the queen a Tiffany and Company piece of jewelry inside a wooden box made from White House wood. We're trying to determine if it was the White House tree that the queen planted on the lawn with George Bush when he was president. So we're trying to determine whether that was the White House wood the box is made of. Those sorts of thoughtful things are very much Melania Trump.

Now, again, the outfits yesterday have been many weeks in the making. That custom hat does not happen quickly overnight. That has been in the works for some time. And, you know, she wore a Dior dress. Dior is not a British label and oftentimes first ladies use fashion diplomacy, as we call it, wearing a designer from the country they're visiting or wearing an American designer, as Michelle Obama did when she had a state banquet here at Buckingham Palace. She wore American designers, as did Laura Bush. Melania Trump didn't. She doesn't often. But she certainly was wearing white, which seemed to be the popular color.

Tonight, though, Alisyn, is sort of a big deal for Melania Trump. She is hosting at Winfield House and has been prepping this dinner back from Washington for many, many weeks.

CAMEROTA: That will be very interesting. I certainly hope they didn't cut down the queen's tree to make that box. Please report back as soon as you find that out, Kate.

BERMAN: All right, we're going to come back to 10 Downing Street as soon as we see the president and prime minister.

[06:34:50] In the meantime, an historic end -- historic run ends on "Jeopardy!" How James Holzhauer finally got tripped up. That's next.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) BERMAN: Breaking overnight, champion no more. They say all good things must pass and so it was for "Jeopardy's!" James Holzhauer. He met his match after a remarkable run of 32 straight wins, leaving him just shy of the all-time "Jeopardy!" earnings record. Holzhauer had looked unbeatable. So how did he fall? CNN's Stephanie Elam explains.


STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): What is too small of a wager, Alex?

ALEX TREBEK, HOST, "JEOPARDY!": Closest it's been in a while.

ELAM: If you're James Holzhauer, the answer is $1,399.

TREBEK: A modest one for the first time.

ELAM: Yep, Holzhauer, "Jeopardy's!" king to the massive wager --

JAMES HOLZHAUER: All of the chips, please.

TREBEK: All of it.

ELAM: Put up only a fraction of his $23,400 pot when he entered Final Jeopardy in second place.

TREBEK: So, Emma, it's up to you. If you came up with the correct response, you're going to be the new "Jeopardy!" champion.

[06:40:02] ELAM: All three contestants got the answer right. But Chicago librarian Emma Boettcher, who was in the lead, took a page out of Holzhauer's playbook and wagered a hefty bet. His only hope of winning his 33 game hinged on her getting the question wrong.

TREBEK: What did you wager?

Oh, gosh, $20,000. What a payday.

ELAM: Holzhauer took the loss like a champ, immediately giving the new champ a high five.

Since early April, "Jeopardy!" fans watched to see if Holzhauer would break the non-tournament earnings record of $2,520,700 amassed by Ken Jennings in 2004.

HOLZHAUER: What is Mario?

TREBEK: Mario, yes.


HOLZHAUER: What is Miolyn (ph).

TREBEK: Right.

HOLZHAUER: What is New York? TREBEK: That's the state.

ELAM: But chatter of Holzhauer's loss hit the Internet Sunday night as video of the end of the game was leaked online. Then he seemed to confirm the loss. In response to CNN's Brian Stelter about "Jeopardy!" reruns playing at a bar, Holzhauer tweeted, if it's a rerun, I probably got this.

TREBEK: We're going to say good-bye to James too.

ELAM: Of course it's not like Holzhauer's leaving empty handed. He solidified his place in the "Jeopardy!" Hall of Fame with a string of single game earnings records and raked in a total of $2,462,216. About his loss, Holzhauer told "The Naperville Sun," quote, I know I played my best and did everything I could, so I will hold my head up high.

But if any Holzhauer is happy about his loss, it might be the champ's daughter. He tweeted, my kid cried about the possibility of her dad losing, so I told her we could have a party the day after it inevitably happens. Now she cries when I win.

Time to party, Holzhauers.

Stephanie Elam, CNN, Los Angeles.


BERMAN: All right, to be clear, he got beat. I mean Emma Boettcher, the woman who won, was fantastic and she played a brilliant game and she got the double jeopardies and everything.

CAMEROTA: So it wasn't just that he was tame in his final bet?

BERMAN: No. No. No, no, no.

CAMEROTA: That's good.

BERMAN: He had already pretty much lost. He went into Final Jeopardy in second place because she was dominating.

CAMEROTA: Well, he can still be proud. What a run.

BERMAN: Yes, amazing (ph).

CAMEROTA: And it captivated everybody.

All right, meanwhile, the massacre at Tiananmen Square was 30 years ago today, and it is being remembered everywhere around the world, exempt for China. How the communist nation is making sure scenes like this could be forgotten.


[06:46:14] CAMEROTA: Today the world marks 30 years since the Tiananmen Square massacre. Hundreds of people were killed on this day in 1989 as troops cracked down on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing. But any coverage or discussion of the event is censored in China.

CNN's Ivan Watson is live in Hong Kong with more.

What's happening, Ivan?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Alisyn, this is the only place in modern day China where people can talk about the massacre that happened 30 years ago in downtown Beijing. It's strictly censored. You can't even reference the dates in mainland China, it's censored on social media.

But here in Hong Kong, because it's a former British colony with more democratic freedoms, people can remember the hundreds if not thousands of people who were killed when the troops and the tanks, when they stormed in and crushed violently democratic protests that had occupied downtown Beijing for weeks.

Now, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has chimed in on this calling on China in a statement to help account for those people who were killed on that bloody day. And also saying, quote, China is a one- party state that tolerates no dissent and abuses human rights. The Chinese embassy in the U.S. responded furiously, accusing Pompeo of intervening in China's internal affairs and claims human rights are in a better state than ever in China.

Well, here in Hong Kong, many people are concerned that their democratic freedoms are being chipped away at by the central government in China. And that's why people are here commemorating the people who died 30 years ago and, they say, fighting for their democratic freedoms that they're afraid will be taken away from them.

Alisyn and John.

BERMAN: All right, such an important day and I know one that's vivid in your memory from having worked on this.

CAMEROTA: Absolutely. This was my first huge news event. I worked for Ted Koppel at the time. We did a whole show called "Tragedy at Tiananmen, a whole prime time special. And just watching -- I mean everyone remembers that image of the one sole guy trying to take -- trying to take on the tanks. You know, the David and Goliath story and that he, you know, sort of represented --

BERMAN: Defiance.

CAMEROTA: Defiance and democracy -- the attempt at democracy that day.

BERMAN: All right, we'll have much more on that a little bit later.

We also have a new poll on the 2020 race. Joe Biden still ahead of the Democratic field, but slipping a little bit. What's underneath the numbers that maybe should give the former vice president pause? That's next.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) [06:52:49] CAMEROTA: OK, new this hour, CNN out with a fresh poll on

the 2020 race. Former Vice President Joe Biden remains at the top of the crowded Democratic field, but his support has dipped slightly in the past month, while Senator Bernie Sanders is seeing a small gain.

So joining us now is CNN political director David Chalian.

What do you see, David?

DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: Well, I do see that Joe Biden is still in a league of his own in this race, but there's no doubt that seven point drop is something to note. And you have to raise the question, is that the beginning of a slide that we're going to see in polls coming out in the future, in the months to come, or was that just losing some altitude after the post announcement glow? That April poll was taken right as he was bursting out of the gate. And so I don't think we know the answer to that yet. But we do know he's still in a front-running position in this race in a league of his own.

BERMAN: Yes. If you're north of 30 percent in a field with 23 candidates, you're doing very well. But, as you said, it's the next poll that will tell us whether or not this slide continues.

If you look at where the former vice president has lost a little bit of support, it does seem to be with people younger than 45 years old. Walk us through those numbers a little bit, David.

CHALIAN: Yes, I think this is really key. I mean we see Sanders giving Biden a run for his money among self-identified liberals, among independents. But it's this youth category that I think, if I were in the Biden camp, I would sort of be like, oh, we need to pay attention to this a bit more.

Look here. Under 45, Sanders is actually beating him there, 26 percent to 19 percent. Now, obviously, Biden is dominating older than -- 45 and up. That's one of his best categories. But that under 45 crowd is critical if they become a turnout machine. If we see increase in that younger voter turnout, that disadvantage for Biden could be significant. So it's something he clearly wants to pay attention to and something like rolling out his, you know, approximately (ph) green new day policy, his environmental policy, will certainly be aimed as a messaging factor towards this younger group as well.

CAMEROTA: But explain the calendar. Why has the under 45 contingency soured on him since April? They were more -- in April they liked him 31 percent, now just 19 percent for Biden.

[06:55:03] CHALIAN: Yes, it's one of the biggest drops we've seen. I -- perhaps it's in response to what they've seen from Joe Biden on the campaign trail. But also this was always a category that Sanders had real resonance with. So I don't think it's terribly surprising to see Sanders having some strength here against Biden, but it is certainly what is underneath that overall seven point slide that we're seeing among Biden.

BERMAN: And, again, just one other notable thing in this poll, the very high number of Democrats saying they will definitely support the candidate that they're backing right now. At least it looks high to me, some 44 percent.

CHALIAN: Yes, it looks high to me too. That really jumped out at me when I saw these numbers, John. I -- first of all, I'm a little skeptical of it just because we haven't had debates yet. I -- it's hard to believe that somebody who answers today, they're locked in, really remains so if real events occur in this campaign. But 44 percent saying they're definitely going to support their candidate that they're with today, that is a very big number. It just doesn't leave -- it only leaves half the electorate, not much more than that, to woo as the campaign goes forward.

BERMAN: And just to be clear, it's Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders who are doing -- both doing particularly well among the voters who say they will definitely support the candidate they're backing now. So their support is --

CHALIAN: They're the better known quantities.


CAMEROTA: All right, David, thank you very much.


CAMEROTA: So, Clarissa Ward has just sat down with London's mayor about his escalating feud with President Trump. So we'll tell you what he is cautioning about when the president meets with the prime minister. That's next.


[07:00:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: President Trump meeting with Prime Minister May. One (ph) message is political gridlock in both countries. You see rising disillusion (ph) on both sides of the Atlantic.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's putting (ph) himself into politics here.