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Donald Trump Gearing Up for "Salute to America"; Military at Center of U.S. Independence Celebration; India Hit By Deluge After Scorching Heat Wave; Climate Change Making Intense Weather More Likely; Iran Summons U.K. Ambassador Over Tanker Seizure; Christie's London Set to Auction Bust of Boy Pharaoh; Chelsea Appoint Lampard as Head Coach; U.S. Veteran Eyes Third Straight Final Appearance. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired July 04, 2019 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're going to have a great 4th of July in Washington, D.C. It'll be like no other.


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: A salute to America in addition to the celebration of all things USA, Trump's July 4thth showing for the first

time in a long time, a parade of U.S. military might.

Plus, monsoon rains so heavy the Indian Navy has been called in, and that's just after heat too hot to handle in the east.

And the ethics of antiquities, a valuable and ancient piece about to go on sale in London. Some say it may have been stolen. We get the low down

this hour for you.

Hello and welcome. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you in Abu Dhabi. We are less than an hour away from the kickoff of

the annual 4th of July parade in Washington, but this U.S. Independence Day, well, it will end like no other as President Donald Trump puts his

personal stamp on a holiday usually devoid of politics.

He says his salute to America this evening will be one of the biggest celebrations in U.S. history. The military will be front and center with

tanks on display, fighter jets flying overhead, and even a special appearance from Mr. Trump's own Presidential plane. Critics accuse the

President of trying to highjack Independence Day for political purposes. Pointing out that Republican donors are among the VIPs who all get special

seating for his address at the Lincoln Memorial.

Let's get you to the National Mall in Washington and to our Kylie Atwood. Salute to America, Kylie, a spectacle it seems produced by and starring the

President himself, that is at the end of what is a long day in Washington. What can we expect?

OK. Kylie, can you hear me?


ANDERSON: All right. I tell you what. We will get you back to Washington shortly. But let's just have a look at this report that Kylie filed



TRUMP: We're going to have a great 4th of July in Washington, D.C. It'll be like no other.

ATWOOD (voice-over): A celebration, clouded in controversy. In just hours President Trump's salute to America is set to begin, in what he is billing

the show of a lifetime. The event will include military vehicles and weaponry on the streets of Washington. Something he claims, quote, the

Pentagon and our great military leaders are thrilled to be doing.

But a source telling CNN some Pentagon leaders and military chiefs do not share his enthusiasm and worry that it will get political. The President

also breaking tradition by delivering a speech and saving VIP tickets in front of the Lincoln Memorial for his allies.

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): The 4th of July is supposed to be a national holiday. He is making it not only political, but he is making it all about


ATWOOD: President Trump downplaying the cost tweeting, quote, it will be very little compared to what it is worth.

But that claim is misleading as many of the aircraft involved in the ceremony will be flying in from around the country. F-35C fighter jets

from California, a B-2 stealth bomber from Missouri, Apache helicopters from Kentucky, and the Blue Angels from Florida.

The President is overlooking the additional cost of security, personnel and infrastructure required to put on an event of the size. Democratic

lawmakers now requesting a detailed accounting from the Interior Department on how those funds are being used after "The Washington Post" reported the

National Park Service is diverting nearly $2.5 million to pay for this.

REP. RAUL GRIJALVA (D-AZ): To divert that on a use that is not prescribed for that fund, for what essentially is, you know, self-aggrandization for

an event Trump is having for himself we believe is illegal.

ATWOOD: Despite the backlash, the White House maintains tonight's event is open to all.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO THE U.S. PRESIDENT: The public is welcome to come and celebrate our great country, the greatest democracy.

I'm not going to allow you to politicize it.


ANDERSON: All right. Let's get Kylie up. I think you can hear me now, Kylie. Mr. Trump describing this event as fantastic. His critics as

fascistic as it were or even farcical some are calling it. Is it clear why he's doing this?

[11:05:00] ATWOOD: Well, President Trump loves big crowds, and that's what he finds during his rallies across the country. But today those crowds are

coming here to him in Washington. I have talked to people from across the country who have come here, folks from California, from Florida, from

Texas, from Colorado, and they're all excited because they say President Trump has invited them here for the 4th of July celebration. They're also

excited because there is the fact that the U.S. military weaponry is on display. They want to see those tanks. They want to see the flyovers and

President Trump teased the potential flyover that would be low and loud, he said, during a tweet this morning, over the crowds after he gives his

speech later today.

ANDERSON: All right. Well, thank you, Kylie. Mr. Trump embracing the military, appears to be the ultimate display of patriotism. But other U.S.

Presidents have chosen different ways to celebrate the birth of American independence. Here is George W. Bush back in 2008 hugging immigrants who

had just received U.S. citizenship at a naturalization ceremony. He said they and families like them over generations had helped turn the 13

original U.S. colonies into a great and glowing nation.

Barack Obama also spent time congratulating new Americans on Independence Day at this special ceremony in 2014. He honored immigrants who had risked

their lives to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces even before attaining citizenship.

Well, Donald Trump has made no secret that he loves displays of military might. Critics say his 4th of July commemoration belong more in a country

like North Korea than the United States. Pyongyang, of course, is well- known for its extravagant and highly choreographed parades, flaunting its weapons arsenal. But Mr. Trump's desire for a military parade of his own

also drew inspiration from a European democracy. Melissa bell picks up that part of the story from Paris.


MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tanks on the streets of Washington, D.C., ahead of Donald Trump's salute to America, a new way

of celebrating the 4th of July. This was its inspiration, the 14th of July in Paris, a military parade held to remember France's revolutionary past

and shaped by two world wars. Bastille Day is also a celebration of France's current military operations.

The American President saluted it in 2017 and was clearly impressed by its music, it's airplanes, its marching in step and its tanks. So what will

the American version look like? Donald Trump tweeted that military leaders were thrilled to be showing the strongest and most advanced military

anywhere in the world. How closely it will resemble its French inspiration remains unclear.

In 2017 bastille day involved 63 planes, 29 helicopters, more than 200 vehicles and nearly 4,000 men and women. By September of 2017 at the

United Nations, Donald Trump made clear his admiration for what he'd seen.

TRUMP: Because of what I witnessed we may do something like that on July 4th in Washington, down Pennsylvania Avenue. I don't know. We're going to

have to try to top it, but we had a lot of planes going over. We had a lot of military might.

BELL: Thierry Arnaud who covered Trump's visit on bastille day for French television said that it is clear why Trump would want one of his own.

THIERRY ARNAUD, JOURNALIST: It's the same for the U.S. President and the French President. President Macron is the commander in chief. The French

constitution makes him that as well as the U.S. constitution does the same for President Trump. So in a sense he is the boss of what is being shown

on that day, and the power that is being shown is not only that of the country but, of course, also that of the President.

BELL: We'll probably never know just what Donald Trump whispered into Emmanuel Macron's ear that day or whether he had already made up his mind.

As for the cost, one taxpayers' association puts the figure for Bastille Day in 2014 at just over $4 million. "The Washington Post" reports that

almost $2.5 million will be taken from National Park Service fees, but the event's overall price tag remains unknown. Melissa Bell, CNN, Paris.


ANDERSON: We've reported that some Pentagon leaders had reservations about tonight's salute to America extravaganza and involving the military in what

has become a political event. Well, joining us by Skype is CNN military analyst, U.S. army Lieutenant General Mark Hertling.

[11:10:00] This, Mark, is a President attempting to display power, U.S. military power. No different you could argue from the French and their

Bastille Day celebrations. So what's wrong with what Trump is up to here?

LT. GEN. MARK HERTLING, CNN MILITARY ANALYST: Well I heard the French spokesman talk to you just now, Becky, and it's not completely the same.

There's a very big difference between the heritage and the heraldry of the French military and that of the U.S. military. The commander in chief and

the military, leaders in the military don't see the equipment as being the powerful force. They see the people behind the equipment.

And you also have to take a look at what is the inspiration for the different holidays in the United States. We have days to memorialize

military personnel. Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day. Fourth of July is more of an inspirational holiday for our people. It is not

usually connected to the military. It has to do with the signing of our Declaration of Independence which is really the basis for who we are as a

people, our values and our virtues. So it's very different and I think that's why there's been some contention centered around this event.

ANDERSON: Why is he doing this? And does he care about the contention at all?

HERTLING: Well, I don't know if he cares about it or not, but I think he may be attempting to switch the focus of that inspiration from being one

that celebrates our values to one that celebrates the strength of our military. And many of us -- many in the military, active duty and retired,

believe that that's critically important not to do. Our strength comes from the power of the people and the diversity of our nation. It doesn't

come from a site of tanks or our aircraft flying overhead. Although those are certainly important parts of national power. They're not any more

important than our diplomacy, our values and what we see as information going out to the American people.

This has always been a holiday that's focused primarily on hometown values. You know, the face painting, the ice cream cones, the hot dog eating, the

watermelons, it is a celebration of America. It isn't a celebration of America's strength or weakness.

ANDERSON: Some of our viewers may remember the celebrations of 1991 after the first Gulf war. I've got some of those images now for our viewers to

see. Mark, explain how that was different from what we can expect to see tonight.

HERTLING: Well, that was, in fact, the President of the United States wanting to do a parade specifically to celebrate a fast and dynamic and

unbelievably intense military victory. It was not held on the 4th of July. It was not held on a national holiday. It was specifically set aside to

honor the soldiers and sailors, airmen and marines of Desert Storm. So it was a victory parade in the nation certainly has had those in the past.

Just like France has, the United Kingdom has. Where you march down a certain part of the capital and pay honor and thanks to the troops who have

recently fought in a war. That's not what it is. It is a history of the United States being celebrated on Independence Day, on the 4th of July, and

it always has been that way.

ANDERSON: Are you going to watch?

HERTLING: I am not. Truthfully, I am going to go to my hometown celebration, which inspires me because it has fire trucks rolling by with

firemen on the top throwing candy at children, and there's a watermelon eating contest and a hot dog eating contest. And in my view, you know, the

young children with face painting and with waving flags on their bicycle represents more of the power that is our society than having tanks and

large-scale aircraft flyovers, but that's just me. Certainly there are many people that feel differently.

ANDERSON: From the team here in Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, happy 4th of July to you, your family and all of those that you are going to spend some time

with later on today. Mark, thank you.

HERTLING: Thank you so much, Becky. Have a great day.

ANDERSON: Well this story good -- thank you. This story just into us at CNN.

Iran has summoned the British Ambassador in Tehran after British authorities detained an Iranian fuel tanker in Gibraltar. Now bear with me

on this. I'm just getting the details. The U.K. believes the tanker was carrying oil to Syria. Which would violate European sanctions against the

Assad regime. Iran says the seizure was illegal. Now according to maritime recorders the tanker had loaded up months ago and it turned off

its tracking signal. More on this as we get it. Clearly an incredibly important story given the context of what has been going on in this region

specifically and in the Strait of Hormuz just off the UAE's coast.

[11:15:05] Still to come tonight, imagine getting a month's worth of rain - - a month's worth of rain in just two days. How climate chaos is wreaking havoc in India and around the world. That is just ahead.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. You're watching CNN and CONNECT THE WORLD. If you are just joining us, you are more than welcome. We are just four days

into July, and as we have already seen -- well, it's been some really mad weather. Just have a look at this.

A huge tornado sweeping through northeastern China in an area where tornados are almost never seen. And on Monday a freak hailstorm burying

the Mexican city of Guadalajara and just days before people had been basking in in the warm summer sun let me tell you. Right now in Japan

heavy rains and the risk of landslides putting more than a million people under evacuation orders. And strange weather by no means equals climate

change, but scientists say climate crisis is making these extreme weather events much more likely. CNN's Nikhil Kumar tells us how and unpredictable

climate is taking its toll on India.


NIKHIL KUMAR, CNN NEW DELHI BUREAU CHIEF: The worst rainfall in more than a decade, Becky. That's what caused the chaos in India's financial

capital, Mumbai, this week with more than 50 people dying in the wider Rajasthan state where Mumbai is located as a result of the downpour. In

one Mumbai suburb than 20 people were killed when a retaining wall collapsed onto nearby huts. Meanwhile, in Pune about three hours from

Mumbai, six construction workers died also as a result of a wall collapsing on them. At least 16 people died elsewhere in the same state

following the bursting of a small, rural dam.

The rainfall was so severe the Indian Navy had to be called in. They deployed special teams to help Mumbai residents stranded as a result of the

weather. The city's airport was also hit with partial closures affecting air traffic.

Now, the chaos follows a brutal summer and a heat wave that killed more than 130 people nationwide. Drought conditions in parts of the country

have caused massive water shortages. But as the monsoon now finally spreads across parts of the country the situation in Mumbai highlighted the

country's infrastructure challenge that the beating heart of India's economy almost ground to a halt -- Becky.


ANDERSON: Nikhil Kumar reporting there. Let's talk this through with CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam. Derek, and unpredictable climate then taking

its toll on India. Last week's record-shattering heat wave across Europe I'm told was made at least five times more likely because of climate


[11:20:05] There will be skeptics out there. They'll say, you know, weather, extreme weather, it happens. Explain what is going on to your

mind at this point.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes, and then over a month's worth of rain in a 24-hour period in Mumbai. Incredible. When it rains, it pours,

right? Well, when we are coming at it from a climate perspective, think about this. A warming planet, global climate change, global warming, the

atmosphere has the ability to hold more heat and more moisture content. So the more moisture we have in the atmosphere, the more ability for the

atmosphere to produce rainfall and that's what it did to Mumbai. I mean, this is incredible. 375 millimeters in 24 hours, that's the most rainfall

in a 24-hour period since 2005.

But believe it or not, in terms of the whole monsoon season that's slowly progressing across the Indian subcontinent, we are still below where we

should be this time of year. We are about 27 percent below in the 2019 monsoon season. So that means that we're seeing a stretch of time that it

takes for people to wait for the monsoon rains to come to actually help quell the extreme heat that builds up before the rain actually moves in.

We're also talking about several seasons, several monsoon seasons in the past five years with below average rainfall as a whole for the entire

subcontinent. So this is significant when you start to factor in what is actually taking shape here on a planetary level but also more locally here

within India.

Now just back in 2010 there were 21 heat waves. Now, compare that to just last year alone, there were nearly 500 heat waves recorded across all of

India. Remember, we wait in India for the monsoon to actually occur so we can cool the temperatures down. And unfortunately, when we start to see

the intensity and frequency of these heat waves starting to take their toll on the population, by the way, which continues to blossom, 1.3 billion now.

Projected to increase to 1.5 billion by 2030. That means we will have competition for resources. That is why we're having water scarcity in

places like Pune. Of course, the rain has moved in. It is helping replenish some of the reservoirs and the dams but maybe a little too

little, right?

We know that this burgeoning population has also put heat-related fatalities in India at over 6,000 just since 2010 alone, an incredible

figure here showing just how much this is impacting people. And unfortunately, it takes about two days for the body to actually adjust to

heat waves. But when we are waiting for that monsoon to bring the relief, it takes two full weeks for the body to fully acclimatize and unfortunately

those numbers are shown here in some of the deadliest heat waves that have ever occurred across the planet -- Becky.

ANDERSON: When I was introducing -- this is fascinating. When I was introducing you, we alluded to what has been going on in Europe of late. I

know that your colleagues at CNN weather have published an article saying that the climate crisis made last week's record-shattering heat wave in

Europe at least five times more likely. Can you talk us through the science here?

VAN DAM: You know, Becky, that was actually a conservative figure, by the way. What they're doing is they're comparing it to last -- the last 100

years. So in some of the models, the computer models that they actually ran in that particular study you are quoting, it talked about this being

100 more times likely. So they wanted to show more of the most conservative figures, that being five times more likely. But it's just

incredible to see what's happening across Europe.

Last week alone is a great representation of a warming planet. For instance, in France they had their all-time nation record-setting

temperature of just shy of 46 degrees Celsius. By the way that didn't occur at one weather reporting station. That occurred at 13 different

reporting stations, so we literally smashed the record at 13 different spots across France. And not to mention Germany, the Czech Republic and

Poland, they set their all-time June record temperatures.

And the problem here is, Becky, that we're seeing the heat waves occur a little bit earlier in the season. Again, hence global climate change, a

changing pattern across the planet. When we see this heat wave coming full ferocity in the months of June -- we really expect it to happen in July and

August and that's not when it is occurring unfortunately.

ANDERSON: I'm listening to everything you say. This is fascinating stuff. Just so that you know in Abu Dhabi today, a high of 42. Humidity at

present 66. Feels like 50, and that's I would say normal to below what we -- yes, exactly. Normal to below what we would expect at this time of the

year but at least it is consistent. That's what I'm saying. Always a pleasure, sir, thank you.

VAN DAM: Thanks, Becky.

ANDERSON: The latest world news headlines are just ahead.

[11:25:00] Plus outrage in Egypt. A likeness of the boy pharaoh is set to go under the hammer in London. We speak to a former antiquities minister

who wants that sale stopped.


ANDERSON: From our Middle Eastern broadcasting hub you are watching CNN and CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson.

People gathering at the national mall in Washington where it is just before 11:30 a.m. for the annual July 4th parade, due to kick off in just minutes

from now. The parade not to be confused with President Trump's somewhat controversial celebrations in several hours later tonight. The salute to

America's spectacle that will feature a speech by the President and a display of military equipment. He says it will be, quote, the show of a


Many Democrats say it is a waste of money. Senator Chuck Schumer specifically calls it a desperate cry for attention. More on that towards

the end of this show. And stick with CNN. You'll get your full days' worth of July 4th celebrations right here on this channel, as you would


I'm going to get you more now on that seized Iranian oil tanker that I told you about a little earlier on. We're getting more details from British

authorities who say that this tanker was violating sanctions by trying to deliver fuel to Syria. Now, Iran is warning the seizure could enflame

tensions. CNN's Nick Peyton Walsh is in London with more. We've got relatively sketchy details here, so layout what we know at this point and

if you can give us some context it will help enormously.

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, let's start from the beginning. We know that according to shipping experts this tanker, the

Grace 1, was in early April in Iranian waters, possibly having been at an Iranian oil refinery on the coast there. And then all the way it appears

to have switched off some of the transmission devices that normally enable people to work out where it is. And then made an incredibly circuitous

route all the way around Africa and through the Gibraltar Straits where it seems is where this morning the Royal Marines under what according to the

Spanish foreign minister -- we haven't gotten it from the U.S. yet.

But the Spanish foreign minister saying perhaps and acting under instructions from the U.S. seized it. Made a relatively normal boarding

and stopped it, because under their belief it was carrying some kind of fuel oil.

[11:30:03] Shipping experts say it was probably laden heavily enough to suggest it may have been fuel oil that was bound for the Syrian port and

refinery of Banyas. No course, selling to Syria is against EU sanctions but also too this is possibly also an instance in which they may have been

violating U.S. sanctions against Iran. Because Iran has sanctions against part of its petrochemical industry. We don't know any of that for sure.

Frankly, we know that the vehicle is registered in Panama. That's relatively common. And we know that it's now once again enflaming tensions

in this particular region. But quite what was on board and quite why the British took this extraordinary step we don't have clear from all sides yet

-- Becky.

ANDERSON: The context of this, of course, these sanctions on Iran at present, these whingeing sanctions, it's maximum pressure campaign by the

U.S. and the recent uptick in rhetoric and incidents on the Strait of Hormuz?

WALSH: We don't really know what was on the ship. And that's key, because these new rounds of petrol sanctions the U.S. put in was in June. Now this

ship left in April. Now you could potentially speculate that the Iranians knew more sanctions were coming so put large amounts of oil out there on

the open seas to move around, to give them greater flexibility. But there's no evidence to state that up at this particular stage.

What we do know, as you say, is this is again raising tensions. The Iranian media using words like this boat being held hostage. We don't know

what the outcome of this may necessarily be. We do know there was a large amount, 300,000 tons worth of some kind of liquid on board this tanker, and

that may well be certain millions of dollars in play here which many people feel they wanted to intervene. Or is this simply a new way of cracking

down on Iran's sort of darker oil trade here. We don't know many of the answers to these questions. We do know that the British Ambassador

according to Iranian media, has been summoned in Tehran to talk to the foreign ministry in protest of this. And once again, here we are where

escalating rhetoric on both sides -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. All right, Nick Paton Walsh on the story for you.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. In the U.N. investigating reports that guards shot at

migrants as they ran from yesterday's airstrikes in Libya. Authorities now say at least 53 people including six kids were killed in that attack. It

targeted a building where migrants and refugees were being held.

Sudanese state news reports that negotiations between the country's opposition and the ruling Transitional Military Council have now resumed.

Those talks broke down last month after security rated a pro-democracy sit- in in Khartoum. More than 100 people were killed.

An Australian student who was detained in North Korea touched down in Tokyo a little over two -- a little over an hour ago. In fact the 29-year old

had been studying in Pyongyang when his family reported him missing more than a week ago. His father says he is safe and sound. It is still

unclear why he was detained.

Tutankhamen, Pharaoh, the boy king, one of ancient Egypt's most recognized figures. You will recognize his sarcophagus, gilded, regal, immortal.

Here is another lesser-known likeness of him, one that's nonetheless important. It's said to be a 3,000-year-old stone bust of Tutankhamun.

And it's set to go on auction in a matter of hours. But Egypt has demanded that the auction House, Christie's in London, stop the sale. The country's

foreign ministry says the bust may have been stolen and wants more information on it.

Well joining me now one of the world most famous Egyptologist, Zahi Hawass, is Egypt's former antiquities minister. He joins us now live from Los

Angeles. And there is nothing to suggest that the sale won't go ahead tonight in London as scheduled. You have a big problem with that.


ZAHI HAWASS, ARCHAEOLOGIST AND FORMER EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES MINISTER: You know, I want to say that actually this is a very black day for archeology.

Because to sell the head of a famous king like Tutankhamun and to maybe a prince or a rich man will buy it and put it in a dark room that no one will

see, and instead that this would be in a museum for the public to see. This head of Tutankhamun came from Carnac and it came after 1970. In this

case it left Egypt illegally.

[11:35:02] Christie's has to show any legal document that this piece left Egypt legally. Because anything that left Egypt before 1983, they should

have a document from Cairo museum to prove it left Egypt legally.

ANDERSON: Zahi, Christie's gave CNN this statement. When Egyptian authorities first raised the alarm about the sale it was in June. The

auction house said, I'm going to quote them here. We would not offer for sale any object where there was concern over ownership or export.

Christie's strictly adheres to bilateral treaties and international laws with respect to cultural property and patrimony.


ANDERSON: Christie's has also released a list of the bust's previous owners. Hang on. Is that not enough?

HAWASS: No, it is not, because, first of all, they don't have any document to prove that the bust or the head of Tutankhamun left Egypt legally. On

return, we have the evidence based on the UNESCO convention that this piece has to go back to the country. What I am saying, it could be a good fit

because there's no ethics here to sell the bust of a famous king like Tutankhamun that captured the hearts of people all over the world. And

sell it to be shown in a dark room in a house of a rich man. And therefore, I really believe it will be fantastic of the owner of this head

and Christie's to give it to Egypt back. Then we can show it in an exhibit that's going on for Tutankhamun in Paris now. It will be in London in

November. This will be something to the world to show really a good faith and to show that --

ANDERSON: All right.

HAWASS: -- you cannot sell a famous king like Tutankhamun. This is a black day --

ANDERSON: It would be good faith as far as you are concerned.

HAWASS: -- for the history of our country

ANDERSON: Yes, all right. You say this is a black day. The controversy is the latest in what has been a long struggle, hasn't it, by Egypt to

prevent the sale of stolen artifacts and to bring them back. But they're not alone. Egyptians are not alone. Greece has been decades in demanding

the return of the Elgin Marbles, the sculptures -- and you can see them here -- were acquired -- and I will put them in inverted commas -- acquired

by the British Lord Elgin in the 1800s. Which were then sold to the British Parliament and later presented to the British Museum. Now, the

British museum has so far refused requests by Athens to return them, saying the statues are part of the world's shared heritage and transcend political

boundaries. Zahi, does the British Museum have a point here?

HAWASS: No, there is no point. This is imperialism. In the time of the imperialism, many European and American museums took artifacts illegally.

You know, like the Bust of Nefertiti in Berlin or the Zodiac at the Louvre or the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum, it is the same. There is no

ethics, but I'm glad that the French recognized that they took many objects from Africa in the time of imperialism. I think Greece has to return what

they have in the Cairo Museum back, and I think there is no ethics there for a museum to show to the public stolen artifacts when you have evidence

that the bust of Nefertiti left Egypt illegally and it should come back to Egypt.

ANDERSON: It has been a pleasure having you on, sir.

HAWASS: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Your analysis, your thoughts, incredibly important. Zahi Hawass, thank you. Live from Abu Dhabi. You're watching CONNECT THE

WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson. Coming up, Donald Trump insists his 4th of July celebration is one for the ages. But will a party crasher full of hot

air ruin his festivities? That's next.


All right. You are watching CNN. This is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you.

Beach goers, beware. You may want to rethink dipping your toes into the water after -- well, after hearing these shark tales. Stand by. A

father's drone camera captured this shadowy figure lurking around his own kids at a Florida beach. It was -- yes, it was a shark just meters away.

A surfer was bitten on the foot in the same area just days earlier. Isn't that remarkable? Also in Florida, a helicopter spotted several sharks

swimming near the shore of Daytona Beach, including one just hanging out in the waters, the shallow waters it seems, just a few arm lengths away from


Parting Shots. In Washington the July 4th celebration is kicking off as Americans celebrate their independence from Britain 243 years ago. These

are live pictures for you. It is the beginning of what is going to be a very long day because his year Donald Trump putting his own spin on the

holiday with a costly and controversial celebration this evening in the nation's capital. He insists it will be the show of a lifetime. But Mr.

Trump's 4th of July bash will have a party crasher fill of hot air, quite literally. The infamous 20-foot-tall baby Trump balloon or blimp will in

attendance not far from the Lincoln Memorial where the President will give his speech.

I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. From the team working with me here, it is a very good evening. "WORLD SPORT" up next. Then more

of course from those parades in the hours to come here on CNN. Thank you for watching.


[11:45:00] (WORLD SPORT)