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Trump Renews "Go Back to Where You Came From" Attacks; U.S. House to Introduce Resolution Condemning Trumps Remarks; U.S. Enacts New Rule to Drastically Limit Asylum Claims; Interview with Amin Awad, UNHCR Director for Middle East and North Africa Bureau, Refugee Crisis, Syria, Yemen; Tech Companies Face "Top-to-Bottom Antitrust Probe; Macron to Speak to Trump, Putin, Rouhani to Ease Iran Tensions; British Police Bust Huge Slavery Operation. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired July 16, 2019 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: These are people that in my opinion hate our country. If they're not happy, they can leave.

REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI): The continuation of his racist and xenophobic playbook.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): I want to tell children across this county is that no matter what the President says, this this country belongs

to you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Trump administration has put a new rule in place that bars migrants traveling through Mexico from claiming asylum at the

U.S. southern border.


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: Tonight, nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nowhere to turn. It wasn't always like this. Once, millions flocking together to

forge a new Colossus, America. This hour, it's a new reality. The American President going all in with straight up racist attacks. His

message if you're here and don't like it, leave. And if you're coming, well, don't.

If you think he's alone in thinking that, he's not. Around the world there are some 70 million people, often forced to flee their homes only to find

themselves shunned, abused, attacked. Connecting you to a truly global story. We are doing what it says on the tin.

This is CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson. Well it's 7:00 p.m. here in Abu Dhabi, 11:00 a.m. in Washington.

And let's start there. Where Donald Trump is at it again this morning. He's ignoring what's been a fierce backlash over his racist remarks about

four Democratic women of color. In fact, doubling down on the insults and name calling, accusing the lawmakers of, quote, filthy statements and lies.

The U.S. President insists he doesn't have a racist bone in his body, according to him. And he is standing by his tweet that said the Congress

women all American citizens should, quote, go back to where they came from. One of them, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted a response saying, Mr. Trump

can't handle America's enshrined tradition of dissent. Adding, quote, we don't leave the things we love.

In some Republicans have now criticized the President for his blatantly racist remarks. Others though are basically shrugging their shoulders.

Saying things like the President's going to tweet what he tweets. Well we'll soon see who is willing to go on record. House Democrats are

expected to introduce a resolution today condemning Mr. Trump's remarks. They say they hope it unites lawmakers across party lines.

I want to bring in senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns and Congressional reporter Lauren Fox. And I'll come to you in a moment on

what's going on in the House. But let me start with you, Joe. Critics argue this is a little late but we are now seeing and hearing some

Republican lawmakers coming out in not defense necessarily of these women but at least suggesting that Donald Trump needs to reign in his language.

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: That's true, and we do sort of have multiple things happening now on both sides of Pennsylvania

Avenue. On one hand we have a member of the Senate leadership, Joni Ernst, essentially saying that she disagrees. That she does think, in fact, that

the President's remarks on Twitter are racist.

Meanwhile, there is a continuing push in the House of Representatives -- as you mentioned -- as a move towards that vote on the resolution condemning

the President's language. And of course, they're trying to get as many votes in support of this as possible. While at the same time, the

President now clearly on Twitter pushing back, in that tweet you mentioned a moment ago. Saying that Republicans should not show weakness and fall

into what he refers to as their trap. He says this should be a vote on the filthy language, The Statements and lies told by the Democrats.

So the President is urging members of his own party in the House of Representatives not to vote for this resolution condemning his language.

While also in that tweet, the other thing that I think that's important is, this is really the President's first direct explicit denial that the

language he used was racist. Where he says those tweets were not racist, I don't have a racist bone in my body, the so-called vote to be taken is a

Democrat con game as he put it. So those are some of the moving pieces of all this right now, but the big event is as they move toward the vote on

the hill -- Becky.

[11:05:00] ANDERSON: Yes. Lauren, this resolution or con game as the President wants to call it. This resolution's language -- this is about

the President's language, right? Even if they get the support for this resolution, what's the upshot of that?

LAUREN FOX, CNN POLITICS CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER: I think Democrats here are trying to make a statement. Right. They're trying to make a statement

that they are unified behind these four members, that they are sticking together. You know, you have to remember, before the President's tweets

over the weekend, Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democratic caucus in the House, was at a bit of a feud with the four freshman members. Now, of

course, Democrats standing together against the President's tweet. And the resolution does mentions President Trump by name. It does address the fact

his comments about these four members and some of the mischaracterizations of their beliefs, as well as their immigration status are to be called out.

And that's what this resolution is about today. It's about Democrats showing unity. They did say they hope some Republicans would vote with

them. The President, obviously, encouraging Republicans not to do that. Kevin McCarthy, the top Republican in the House, just a few minutes ago at

his press conference also said he was not going to be voting for the resolution. He was encouraging Republican members not to give into

Democratic politics on this feud.

But you know, a lot happening on Capitol Hill. I talked to one Republican Senator earlier, Pat Roberts, who told me he just thought everyone needed

to take a deep breath, set this aside. But obviously, a lot of Democrats feeling like this is a moment that they need to speak out. They need to

address the President's comments. And then some Democrats arguing this morning after caucus, then they need to move on to actually legislate --


ANDERSON: Both Lauren and Joe are in Washington for you folks. Where it is mid-morning there on The Hill. While President Trump telling these

American Congress women -- and let's remember these are elected U.S. lawmakers -- to go back to where they came from -- in his words, go back to

where you came from.

His administration is now making it nearly impossible for some migrants to enter America, to come in. On Monday, the White House enacted a new

regulation that will drastically limit asylum claims by those from Central America. Now the rule requires migrants who have lived in or traveled

through a third country to first seek asylum in that country. Nick Payton Walsh, my colleague, joining us now from Mexico City. And that, Nick,

means that most migrants passing through Mexico will now be blocked from seeking asylum at the U.S. border, correct?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, if this law holds. I say law, it's a rule that was published today in the federal

register, giving it some degree of force. Now you've been talking about the vast amount of noise, some of it really quite terrifying coming out of

Washington. This is a moment of actual action though. And it's designed really, I think after a number of weeks in which the U.S. policy in the

region has kind of stumbled.

They wanted Mexico. They wanted Guatemala to agree to be countries that we refer to as safe third countries and they would essentially allow migrants

to apply for asylum in those countries. Mexico and Guatemala didn't seem to want to get on board on that. So unilaterally the U.S. has come forward

and said, well, forget that frankly. Anybody who comes to the U.S.-Mexico border who's crossed through another country on the way -- and that's

pretty much everyone unless you're Mexican -- is ineligible for an asylum application.

Now there are many rights groups that say that violates different principles of United States law. It's kind of closest some say to -- as a

European, a lot of asylum claims are dealt with in Europe. Whereas the first safe country you get to where you're supposed to necessarily claim


The issue here, is that many of the migrants say Mexico -- well compare to Donald Trump -- is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, and

Guatemala also a pretty dangerous place. Which the transit countries are themselves not necessarily equipped to deal with vast numbers of asylum

cases or necessarily that welcoming or safe for migrants anyway.

This may not last. It is being taken to court by the ACLU. It will face legal challenges. The point I think though is here that it certainly takes

away the legal possibilities for Central American migrants who make up the vast majority of those making the trek towards the U.S., Mexican border.

Remember, in the last weeks, the U.S. has done everything it can to get Mexico and Guatemala to make that journey practically harder. Now really,

there might be a point. Because when you get to the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S. law as it stands -- if it's not knocked down -- may simply say

you're not eligible for asylum -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Nick Payton Walsh is in Mexico for you. Nick, thank you.

[11:10:00] Well the United Nations refugee agency is expressing deep concern about the new U.S. asylum regulation. Saying in a statement.

This will endanger vulnerable people in need of international protection from violence or persecution.

There are many refugees around the world who would like to go home but they can't go back due to conflict or disasters. In fact, the U.N.'s refugees

agency tweeted this.

More than 70 million people have been forced to flee their homes by the end of last year.

That is more people than live in many countries around the world. More, for example, than the population of the entire United Kingdom. Well one of

the worst refugee crises in this region stems from the war in Syria. Millions of people have been forced out of that country and into

neighboring countries like Lebanon. Russia supports and helps keep the government in Damascus in power, of course. I just sat down with Amin

Awad. He is the UNHCR's regional director for the Middle East and North Africa. And he has just returned from Moscow where he talked to officials

about the humanitarian situation in Syria. Have a listen to this.


AMID AWAD, UNHCR DIRECTOR FOR MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA BUREAU: Russia is engaged with Syria. And I think that also gave us an opening to also

talk to the Russians about many of the humanitarian issues. We don't talk politics. When I shuttled to Moscow -- and I did go about four times -- we

talk about the humanitarian situation, about the return. About obstacles to return, clearly conditions for return, having access to people.

ANDERSON: You work with as many as 5 million people who need help inside Syria today. There are another 5.5 million outside. They will need to be

repatriated. They will need to return at some point. Let's talk about the work that you do in Syria at present and in regime held areas. You work to

rehabilitate these areas. You work to construct hospitals and schools. You're very much part of the reconstruction of the fabric of this country.

And your agency is being criticized for effectively feathering the nest of Assad, the President, and his cronies. What you say to that?

AWAD: I think that's a misunderstanding of the type of work we do, the humanitarian imperative that we have. And also when it comes to sanctions

let's say. Again, it's companies or individuals in Syria, maybe the security council sanctioned committee, there's a list of people and

companies and we abide by that. We don't deal with them.

ANDERSON: How do you know you're not working with companies that are associated with the regime?

AWAD: You have to pay due diligence. You have to be aware. You have to check and recheck and you have to work with your headquarters. You have to

comb all your suppliers.

ANDERSON: But you said in the past you can't comb all of those suppliers. You can't comb --

AWAD: You comb them all as much as you can.

ANDERSON: You acknowledge you must be working at times with members of the regime.

AWAD: With difficulties, we try not to really work with anybody from any regime for that matter. Syria is not the first place. This has been a

standing committee on sanctions. Every country got sanctioned with whoever is in power. The UNHCR don't have to abide. It's not like we're going

through back doors and through windows. It's not as black-and-white as that. It's difficult. But I think we have to move from that obsession for

a moment. Our humanitarian work is the frontline stuff, the boys and girls, the men and women are frontline, have to deliver to the frail, the

sick, the injured, the needy. They have to do that work.

ANDERSON: We know there are reports in Lebanon, for example, that Syrian refugees' accommodation is being bulldozed as they are being more than

encouraged, forced to go back to Syria. We spoke to one minister, one Lebanese minister recently, who said, the ideal situation would be to

create a no man's land in Syria run by the U.N. and put all of the refugees there. Is that realistic? Is that even on the table? Or is this just

empty rhetoric by the Lebanese.

AWAD: Well from my experiences in the U.N. before, creating such zones are dangerous. They could be a false sense of security. They're not under the

U.N. protection. Where is it? In the desert? In the border? Is there active fighting or not? So I think we should not be driven by that

thought. I think Lebanon should be helped. There should be international burden sharing, responsibility sharing, leadership and Assad -- and the

U.S. said that, European leaders and donors' leaders said that. The pledges made by donors, we asked for 8 to 9 billion for Syria and the

surrounding countries.

ANDERSON: How much did you get?

[11:15:00] AWAD: Today or in July, seven months later, we only get 18 percent.

ANDERSON: Eighteen, 18 percent.

AWAD: Eighteen percent.

ANDERSON: Let's talk Libya. More than 50 refugees and migrants were killed in an air strike on the Tajoura detention center in the east of

Libya's Tripoli. After appeals from your agency and others, that center as I understand it, is now closed. But local reports suggest that only a

fraction of those who survived have been processed and rehoused by the UNHCR, the rest left to fend for themselves. Is that true?

AWAD: I think there's not much truth to that. I think in the same area, the same center, whoever could be saved, I think --

ANDERSON: So what happened?

AWAD: This is a problem in -- and Libya is beyond the 50 people. It's beyond that center. It's throughout the country. 450,000 of people are

throughout. Some are in detention centers, some are in isolated areas, and in this heat in the desert, a huge machinery of people trafficking and

smuggling. There is no governance. And that is also an issue. And I think the world have to come together really to tackle the whole issue of -

- there ought to be a new international order to deal with human trafficking and smuggling.

ANDERSON: The international community has certainly woken up to the issue of Yemen, the fifth round of talks on Hodeida between the warring sides

have started. That of course, is after a six-month delay on implementing the Stockholm Agreement. How likely is that these negotiations lead to a

political solution to your mind? And given that we've seen reports of the Houthis now have new and advanced Yemen made weapons, how concerned are you

about the Yemen population?

AWAD: I am concerned about the Yemen population. I cannot be involved in the political side of things. Yemenis are facing horrible time. I think

it's the worst disaster of our time. Where Syria has biggest number of people, but the disaster really, if I characterize disaster, it is in


ANDERSON: Are things getting better or worse though, sir, as well in Yemen.

AWAD: There's a war going, you never know. There was no access to all foreigners. The country, you cannot know. It's a huge country. With the

number of children dying under the age of five silently, and buried, not even is cemented in the backyard or the front yard or the side of the road,

neighborhoods, this is horrible. People are facing famine. People are facing medical problems, health problems, and generation after generation

is losing education and access to anything that you could imagine is difficult, is horrible, is harsh.


ANDERSON: We connect you to a divided world this hour.

Coming up, a look at one of the major sources of division. Social media. Technology companies facing tough questions as U.S. lawmakers talk about

whether big tech should be forced to become smaller.

And the Iran nuclear agreement on shaky ground. But the countries that signed the deal that is aside from the U.S. -- are still holding out hope.

And remember this. Exactly 50 years ago, the world standing still watching this rocket blast off. But do you remember where it was heading? That's

all coming up after this.


ANDERSON: This hour we are looking at people on the move. People who are often forced to flee their homes and are increasingly finding well they're

not welcome elsewhere. You may recall images of these Rohingya refugees driven from their homes in Myanmar.

Facebook has acknowledged it bears some responsibility for the Myanmar violence there, by not doing enough to stop users from spreading hate on

the site. Well technology, global communications, social media, they were supposed to bring us together, closer together. Weren't they? Instead,

they often seem to be driving us apart. Today U.S. lawmakers are asking some tough questions at a hearing on how technology giants like Facebook,

like Google, Amazon, Apple are changing our world. CNN's Clare Sebastian joins us now live. And many asking, is this a moment of reckoning for big

tech? What do you think?


ANDERSON: OK, sorry about that. We looked as if we had it. I couldn't hear her. And apparently nor could you. So we will get back to Clare.

But I have to say, this is what's going on at present. Just on The Hill, we've been watching discussions between lawmakers, of course, and big tech.

Particularly this morning, discussions and debate about the cryptocurrency Libra, which is a digital currency that Facebook runs.

This afternoon we will be watching debate, discussion about antitrust legislation. So look, you can get this across our multi platforms on CNN,

live stream, You can get the live stream there and with business. This is live on Capitol Hill. As tech companies face top to bottom

antitrust probes. We'll see if we can get Clare back later on.

CNN "FREEDOM PROJECT" -- you know what, we've got her. Clare, questions being asked. I can hear you, so can everybody else. We are watching

pictures from Capitol Hill and questions being asked about whether this is a day of reckoning for big tech. Is it?

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, I think it is very much so. We're seeing this morning a hearing on Facebook's potential

cryptocurrency project called Libra. Later on this afternoon it's going to be a broad ranging hearing in the House on antitrust issues related to big

tech, the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple.

The House Judiciary Committee has already launched a top down investigation it says, into antitrust concerns about these companies. The real fear they

say, is that they might be stifling innovation, preventing smaller companies from entering these marketplaces. So I think expect to hear

questions on things like Facebook's dominance of social media. The fact it owns WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook and Google's dominance of online

advertising. Amazon's dominance of e-commerce. The fact that it controls about half of e-commerce sales in the U.S. And Apple, its dominance over

software sales through its app store.

There are many areas where lawmakers fear that these companies have gained too much power and we expect to see quite a lot of fireworks perhaps on

this later this afternoon. As well as, of course, in this hearing this morning.

ANDERSON: Yes. And let's talk about the hearing this morning on Libra. What have been the main takeout so far?

SEBASTIAN: Well look, I mean there's clearly a lot of scar tissue among these lawmakers about Facebook's past when it comes to data privacy. We've

heard some serious concerns from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle about how they're going to manage users' financial data. And why we should trust

Facebook who hasn't had the greatest track record when it comes to data with something as difficult as money.

[11:25:00] Take a listen, Becky, to this exchange with Senator Sherrod Brown.


SEN. SHERROD BROWN, (D-OH): Do you trust your currency so much that you and your team are willing to see 100 percent of your compensation be paid

to you in that currency? Which it could be if you decided it could.

DAVID MARCUS, HEAD OF CALIBRA, FACEBOOK: Senator, if your question is whether I would trust all of my assets in Libra, the answer is yes, I

would. Because of feedback --

BROWN: -- but my question was, do you trust this enough to make your compensation paid fully in your currency?

MARCUS: Senator, I would. Because it is backed one for one with a reserve.


SEBASTIAN: So, Becky, Facebook's argument is that Libra is to be trusted because it's backed by reserve of stable financial assets. And that this

isn't just about trusting Facebook because the Libra association is this group of companies behind this project is who you should be trusting.

That's 28 different companies, including Facebook. But I think there's a long way to go. There's a lot of political pressure and concern about

this. We heard everything from the President tweeting about it, the chair of Federal Reserve says he has serious concerns. They don't yet know how

they're going to regulate it. And we're going to continue to see more difficult questions arise on Capitol Hill as they work through this very

thorny issue.

ANDERSON: Clare Sebastian on the story out of New York for you. Thank you, Clare. And you heard me, folks, a moment ago mention a CNN "FREEDOM

PROJECT". We will get to that later this hour with a truly barbaric story. It has to be said. So stick around for that.

First though, the world working hard to prevent another war in this region. Of course, we are in the UAE here in our Middle Eastern hub. Now could

there though be a new lifeline for the Iranian Nuclear Deal? That is next.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. It is 7:30 here in the UAE. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you. And for those were just

joining us, you are more than welcome.

A world closing in on itself, abandoning promises once made, signatures put to paperer, and shaken hands. Few places it this more clear than with the

Iran Nuclear Deal. It's an agreement now on life support. But now perhaps there's a small opening for global cooperation. Just days ago Iran's

President said his country would hold talks with the U.S. if sanctions are lifted.

[11:30:00] And speaking to the BBC earlier, Iran's foreign minister was defiant that Iran will not rehash the nuclear deal.




ZARIF: You see, this deal was the subject of 12 years of negotiations. Two years of which were intense negotiations. I spent days, months

negotiating this. We spent a lot of time with the United States negotiating this deal. It's about give and take.


ANDERSON: I want to bring in the founder of Bourse and Bazaar which tracks developments in Iran's economy and supports business diplomacy between

Europe and Iran importantly. And that's where I want to start. Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, is joining me from Washington. And let's just talk about

where things stand or certainly what your sense of where things stand is at present. The Europeans clearly trying to save this deal, it seems. The

U.S. not interested at this point, they say they'll talk, but those sanctions persist. The Iranians have said we'll talk if you lift these

sanctions. Are we getting anywhere?

ESFANDYAR BATMANGHELIDJ, FOUNDER, BOURSE AND BAZAAR: I think you've just laid it out exceedingly well. I mean over the last few weeks since we

flirted with war in the Middle East after Iran shot down that U.S. drone, I think the Europeans and Iranians have been trying to make their objectives


As we just heard on the Iranian side, they have explained what their conditions are for new negotiations. That the JCPOA has to be the bench

line. That Iran needs to see that here's capacity in the U.S. for halting the maximum pressure campaign and rolling back aspects of it. Because

otherwise, why enter into a new set of negotiations?

And meanwhile, the European foreign ministers met on Monday in Europe to come up with a new consensus about how exactly they're going to, I think to

an extent, advocate on Iran's behalf while Iran is escalating on the nuclear deal by loosening some of its commitments. Which is a gamble but

it is also something that Iran needs to do if it is going to keep this at the top of the diplomatic agenda in Washington and in the European


ANDERSON: Loosening some those commitments, not quite significant enough according to the Europeans at this point, at least to have actually broken

that deal. It is interesting, isn't it, that Brian Hook who is the Special Representative for the U.S. on Iran says there are no back channels

operating between -- on a narrative between the U.S. and Iran at present. Which is quite unusual, one would suggest in the world of diplomacy. He is

emphatic about that. Let's take that as given.

There's certainly though dialogue between the Europeans and the Iranians at present. Europe of course as we've suggested watching closely. The French

President, President Macron, does seem to be leading the charge to try at least to ease tensions. He says he'll speak to the U.S., Russia and

Iranian presidents. Can his mediation help at this point?

BATMANGHELIDJ: I think so. And I think it is for exactly the reason you described, which is that this is an unusual U.S. administration. And so,

they are unusually disjointed in their diplomatic effort. It's really not clear what the U.S. objectives are about a year and a half into this

maximum pressure campaign.

You know, Trump's instinct is to have a deal, Macron has tried to play into that instinct before. But I think the concern on the part of the French,

the Europeans more broadly and certainly the Iranians, is that there are individuals in the Trump administration who are advocating a set of

policies that will make diplomacy more difficult.

And if you look at some of the sanctions that have been recently applied, I think it is likely that those were intended to create barriers to

diplomatic negotiations. To try to create a wall that would prevent President Trump from acting on his instincts. Macron's intercession here

is largely going to be about scaling that wall, getting to Trump directly, and trying to get his attentions on this issue long enough to go around

some of the more obstinate figures in the administration. Certainly that's what Iran is hoping and that's certainly what we're going to need if a new

set of talks will avert furthering of the crisis.

ANDERSON: We are discussing whether there's a glimmer of hope with regard to diplomacy between the U.S. and Iran. An affront potentially, let's see,

thank you, sir.

[11:35:00] BATMANGHELIDJ: Thank you.

ANDERSON: I promised you CNN's "FREEDOM PROJECT" this hour. And this is it. Police in Britain recently dismantled the country's largest modern-day

slavery network. A gang of eight people made millions of dollars by trafficking hundreds of victims from their native country of Poland. My

colleague, Phil Black, spent some time with one of the men who brought that gang to justice.


PHIL BLACK, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Peter's retro flat cap isn't a fashion choice, it's protection, a partial disguise. We can't show his

face or mention his full name.

(on camera): There are people who want to hurt you.


BLACK (voice-over): Peter's job is freeing slaves.

PETER: I have been involved in 186 rescues.

BLACK: That made enemies and inspired threats.

PETER: They want me to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair.

BLACK: Peter is giving us a tour of Birmingham's dark underbelly in the U.K.'s second largest city on regular looking roads, inside ordinary

looking houses. He helps uncover appalling hidden crimes, building trust with victims, moving them to safety. His stories are about real people,

enslaved, exploited, controlled with unimaginable violence.

PETER: And a young female was tied up because she refused to do what the traffickers' asked her to do which is being involved in prostitution. She

was tied up with barbed wire and some parts of her body had been put on fire.

BLACK: About one case stands out for its extraordinary scale.

(on camera): This is where some of the people were rescued.

PETER: Yes. The first victims.

BLACK (voice-over): The first people Peter ever rescued eventually led police to break up the U.K.'s biggest known modern slavery operation.

These gang members all came from Poland, so did their victims. They targeted people with few options and convinced them to travel to the U.K.

for a better life. But this was the reality when they arrived. Filthy, slum like conditions. Threats, violence, forced labor for almost no pay.

The victims were put to work for unsuspecting businesses while the gang collected wages through bank accounts they controlled. Police believe they

made millions of pounds. Gang members brazenly and foolishly flaunted their wealth. One bought a Bentley.

Peter and his colleagues at the anti-slavery charity, Hope for Justice, worked the case from their secret operations room. Together, they and the

police identified 92 victims, but the gang is suspected of trafficking hundreds more.

PETER: I'm afraid there are still so many people believe that slavery was ended 250 ago and doesn't exist anymore.

BLACK: Peter takes us to a center that helps hundreds of homeless people in Birmingham every day. He says, this is where many former slaves end up

after their captors can no longer make money from them. This center has identified 45 slavery victims in this last year alone.

(on camera): So this recent prosecution of this gang, it's not a one off.

PETER: No. There are more gangs that are still operating now. We won the battle but the war is not over yet.

BLACK (voice-over): British authorities believe slavery is a booming trade across the country, likely involving tens of thousands of victims. Peter

says he will continue working to find threats, helping to free scared, vulnerable people one at a time.

PETER: More victims --

BLACK: Phil Black, CNN, Birmingham, England.


ANDERSON; Shocking story. Going to take a quick break, back after this.


ANDERSON: A record breaking liftoff celebrates an out of this world anniversary. The U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Alabama simultaneously

launched 5,000 model rockets today. That breaks the previous Guinness world record of just over 4,000, and it is all to mark the anniversary of

the Apollo 11 moon landing. The mission began 50 years ago today. And haven't we all stood looking up, awe struck at the infinite star-studded

canvas of the heavens above us. We have, of course. It is an amazing story. Have a look at this.


JOHN F. KENNEDY, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they're easy but because

they are hard.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is Apollo Center Launch Control. We passed the six-minute mark in our countdown for Apollo 11. The flight to land the

first men on the moon. Ten, nine, eight, ignition sequence starts. Six, five, four, three, two, one. Zero. All engines running. We have a


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Once the spacecraft rockets out of earth orbit, the moon is a three-day journey.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Forty-seven degrees.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We copy, get down, Eagle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tranquility base here, the eagle has landed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Roger, Tranquility, we copy you on the ground.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Through a specially made television camera, viewers in many nations on earth were able to watch the astronauts as they walked and

worked on the moon.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let us go to the new world together, not as new worlds to be conquered, but as a new adventure to be shared.


ANDERSON: Out of this world. I am Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching, wherever you are in the world. It is a

very good evening. WORLD SPORT with Rhiannon Jones is next. Stay with CNN.

[11:45:00] (WORLD SPORT)
