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Protesters: We Won't Quit Until Rossello Does; 45 Hospitalized In Mob Attack Following Mass Rally; U.K. Struggling With How To Resolve Seizure Of Ship; Robert Mueller To Testify In Washington Wednesday; Pompeo Praises Mexico's Efforts to Reduce Flow of Migrants into U.S.; Boris Johnson Favored to Win Conservative Leadership Contest; Ireland's Shane Lowry Wins First Major. Aired 1-2a ET

Aired July 22, 2019 - 01:00   ET



[01:00:00] CYRIL VANIER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Puerto Rico's governor says he won't run for re-election but refuses to resign. That is not enough for some protesters as they promise more marches.

NATALIE ALLEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Dozens of people in Hong Kong are in hospitals after a mob forced their way into a closed train station attacking demonstrators after a night of protests. we'll have a live report about it.

VANIER: Britain's finance minister says he will quit if Boris Johnson wins the race for prime minister. Thank you so much for joining us. We're live from the CNN center here in Atlanta. I'm Cyril Vanier.

ALLEN: I'm Natalie Allen. CNN NEWSROOM starts right now.

VANIER: Some protesters in Puerto Rico or furious, that is after Governor Ricardo Rossello made an announcement on Sunday addressing the growing anger against him.


GOV. RICARDO ROSSELLO, PUERTO RICO (through translator): A significant sector of the population has been manifesting for days. I'm aware of the dissatisfaction and the discomfort they feel. Your right to express yourself will always be safeguarded by our Constitution.

I've listened to every Puerto Rican and I listen to you today. I've made mistakes and I've apologized. I admit that apologizing is not enough. Only my work will help restore the confidence of these sectors and lead to a true reconciliation.

I announced that I will not run for re-election as governor in the next year. I'm also resigning the presidency of the new Progressive Party.

(END VIDEO CLIP) VANIER: Protesters have responded they won't quit until he does. For more than a week, hundreds of thousands of people have marched to demand Rosello resign immediately.

ALLEN: They say he is hopelessly corrupt as the island suffers high poverty rates, crushing debt, and an incomplete recovery from Hurricane Maria.

VANIER: The protests started after hundreds of pages of texts between Rossello and his aides were leaked. The chats included profanity- laced homophobic and misogynistic messages. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz blames police for making the crisis worse.


CARMEN YULIN CRUZ, MAYOR, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO: I'm concerned about violence tonight on the part of the police. We have seen videos of police shooting people with rubber guns on the back, following them sort of as if they were just aiming and shooting at the people. What the governor has done today is he has added fuel to a fire.


ALLEN: CNN's Nick Paton Walsh explores the depth of the protesters' anger and why the leaked chats were enough to urge them to action.

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Extraordinary statement really Governor Ricardo Rossello saying the day ahead of mass protest expected about nearly a million strong blocking San Juan, it's some kind of gridlock but he wasn't going away.

Yes, but he wouldn't contest an election that he's probably not going to win by really just adding I think to the sense of fury admitting on the streets behind me and elsewhere in Puerto Rico. We were under the hills to talk to others angry at their governor.


WALSH: Truth to power outside Puerto Rico's Congress, but it's the truth of what the power thinks of its people. Protesters reading out loud the misogynistic, homophobic, and downright nasty chat messages of Governor Ricardo Rossello's mail in a circle, all 900 leaked pages of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He expressed a lot of contempt towards the general population. We're just about to hit the 64-page mark so --

WALSH: So he could be out of power before you get a chance to finish reading them.


WALSH: But really, these chats were just a spark that hit the dry forest floor of discontent here exposing critics say, how government has been really functioning at its heart trampling on Puerto Rico. Drive out into the hills towards the towns hit by Hurricane Maria who

feel America has almost let go of them and the decay worsens. The former education secretary is one of several officials arrested over wire fraud and theft claims that she's plead innocent to.

And whatever happened to that money, this is where $25,000 of it a year would have kept (INAUDIBLE) school open.

So what do you feel when you come in here?

Shattered she says to see something that was once so beautiful.

Do you feel angry or do you feel ashamed that you couldn't fix this.

Nostalgia, sadness, pain she says. The governor must resign his position because he trusted some people who failed. Instead, her 200 pupils now get tossed somewhere else, a lifelong lesson for them in how the political elite handles Puerto Rico's funding.

In church, she's one of many praying for better, the need for change even in the priest's sermon. We asked the Lord, he says, to enlighten the spirit of everyone in government so they make the best decisions for the people.

And back in the capital, noisy and imaginative protesters never stop. These women eat with their own toilet representing human rights pensions, a separation of church and state, the various virtues they think the governor has well, you get the general idea.

The governor staying put just behind these police lines, his distance from his people however growing.


[01:05:54] WALSH: You got to ask where does this really lead. Governor Rossello proud of those around who defend him saying his departure could cause more constitutional chaos. It's not clear who would succeed him. And if he did step down, that's a point, but really the anger here is the bigger problem.

I think people furious about that statement saying he wasn't resigning and the issue really is given there was violence on the streets on Wednesday night with a Monday's million-strong potential March will go peacefully. Nick Paton Walsh, CNN San Juan, Puerto Rico.

ALLEN: And now to the protests in Hong Kong. 45 people are hospitalized after a mob attacked commuters in a suburban train station. Men dressed in white t-shirts violently beat those wearing the black protest shirts with poles on an escalator.

VANIER: The attack left one man in critical condition and five women in serious condition. It happened after protesters flooded the city streets for the seventh straight weekend to demand change. Police fired rounds of tear gas and rubber bullets to try and disperse the demonstrators who were calling to the formal withdrawal of a controversial expedition bill along with wider democratic reforms in Hong Kong.

ALLEN: Let's talk more about it with Anna Coren. She joins us live from Hong Kong. And Anna, this mob attack is highly disturbing. The only clashes and weeks of protests have been with police and then this apparently comes out of nowhere.

ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's Hong Kongers versus Hong Kongers, and that is what is just so tragic about what took place in Yuen Long in Hong Kong very close to the Chinese border. But these men, these mobs of men dressed in white are believed to be Triads. They're criminal gangs, thugs. That is what local media is reporting and that they were paid to attack these protesters. Protesters who were on the train making their way home and there were local journalists among them.

One of the local journalists, he was live-streaming the attacks with these triad members walked onto the train with iron bars, with wooden sticks, with batons striking protesters and any other commuters on the train. Just indiscriminately on a train, on the platform, you could hear the screams of people on those on -- at the train and at the train station. It was just so distressing to see that.

And as you say, one man is in a critical condition, five women are in a serious condition. 45 people in total were injured at this incident. Now, there are reports that police were called and it took them some 48 minutes to respond. That is extremely distressing.

There are politicians at the moment at Yuen Long police station demanding answers as to why it took police so long. We heard from the district councilor of the Democratic Party in the Yuen Long earlier this morning who is accusing police of colluding with these triad members. He says that he was there that he appealed to police officers to help and that they just drove away.

He also said that he witnessed no arrests and police have said that no one was arrested from the violence last night at Yuen Long Station. The assistant district commander there said that I didn't see anyone holding weapons.

So this is something that is certainly going to enrage and has already enraged people here in Hong Kong and certainly amongst the pro- democracy protest movement. Earlier in the evening, we saw those violent clashes between police and protesters, protesters who had taken part in a very peaceful march.

Organizers say some 430,000 people took part in that protest march. But then protesters, they moved beyond the endpoint of that protest making their way to central really defying police orders. And then as it happens, at dark, things turned nasty.

[01:10:10] Protesters throwing bricks, throwing bottles at police and then police charging those protesters firing tear gas, rubber bullets, and moving that crowd on. But just -- this is becoming the norm, Natalie, here in Hong Kong, the seventh consecutive weekend of protests. Obviously, these people are demanding that the government, they respond to their demands. Those demands being the formal withdraw of that very controversial

extradition bill, the resignation of the city's Chief Executive Carrie Lam, as well as for an independent inquire to be set up into police brutality. And obviously, police ignoring which is the claim, ignoring those attacks last night on those protesters. That is something that is going to further enraged these protesters.

And we've already heard that there is a protest now scheduled this Sunday for outside at Yuen Long police station, Natalie.

ALLEN: So it looks like they're emboldened, they're not intimidated from this attack. I was wondering that that would quell the numbers but it looks like they're ready to march on here until they hear from Carrie Lam something different. Anna Coren, again, thank you, Anna.

VANIER: The British flag tanker that Iran seized Friday in the Strait of Hormuz is now docked in the Iranian port of Bandar, Abbas, and it is flying, look at this, an Iranian flag. Britain has warned of a robust response if Iran continues to hold the ship.

ALLEN: Meantime, recently released audio reveals the tense moments before the tanker was seized.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you obey, you will be safe If you obey, you be -- you will be safe. Alter your course to 360 degrees immediately, over.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is British warship Foxtrot 236. I reiterate that as you are conducting transit passage in a recognized international strait, under international law, your passage must not be impaired, impeded, obstructed or hampered. Please confirm that you are conducting (INAUDIBLE) under the auspices of internationally recognized trade, over.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Foxtrot 236, this (INAUDIBLE) Navy patrol boat. No challenge is intended. No challenge is intended. I want to inspect the ship for security reasons, over.


ALLEN: Of course Britain has said there would be serious consequences if this tanker is not handed back. Well, the British government's emergency response committee is meeting again soon to discuss this crisis.

VANIER: CNN's David Culver has more on all of this from London.


DAVID CULVER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A weekend with little rest and full of stress for U.K. leaders here in London. National security officials have held at least two emergency meetings determine how to negotiate with Iran over the release of the British flag Stena Impero. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt spoke with Iranian Foreign Minister

Mohammad Javad Zarif and Hunt strongly disagrees that the seizure of the Stena Impero should be equated to the British detention of the Iranian Grace I tanker.

The British Royal Marines have detained the Grace I off the coast of Gibraltar since July 4th. Zarif has stressed that Iran wants their vessel back. They see this as a tit-for-tat situation following Grace I being detained in Gibraltar. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grace I was detained illegally in Gibraltarian waters because it was carrying oil against E.U. sanctions to Syria.

The Stena Impero was seized in Omani waters in clear contravention of international law. It was then forced to sail into Iran. This is totally and utterly unacceptable. It raises very serious questions about the security of British shipping and indeed international shipping in the Straits of Hormuz.


CULVER: So what action might we see from U.K. leadership as part of their strategy to approach this diplomatically rather than militarily? We know the UK send a letter to the U.N. Security Council calling Iran's action unacceptable and stressing that the seizure of the Stena Impero is contrary to international law portraying this as a wider issue for the international shipping community.

In an interview with Sky News on Sunday, Junior Defense Minister Tobias Ellwood was asked about putting sanctions on Tehran. He would not rule it out saying the U.K. is looking at a series of options. David Culver, CNN London.


ALLEN: This week in Washington, all eyes will be on the man at the head of the Russia investigation. We finally hear from Robert Mueller. Will his testimony reveal anything new about President Trump? We have a preview next.

[01:15:09] VANIER: Plus, Honduran migrants seeking entry into the U.S. are being sent back to their country by the busload. We'll talk to a few of them.



ALLEN: Welcome back. All eyes in Washington will be on Congress Wednesday.

VANIER: That's when former Special Counsel Robert Mueller will answer questions in two hearings before the House about his Russia investigation. Here's Jerry Nadler, a top Democrat whose committee will be questioning Mueller.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) REP. JERRY NADLER (D-NY): I think there is very substantial -- well, the report presents very substantial evidence that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, and we have to present -- or that Mueller present those facts to the American people and then see where we go from there. Because the administration must be held accountable and no president can be -- can be above the law.


ALLEN: CNN's Manu Raju has the latest from Capitol Hill.


MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Lawmakers are intensely preparing for the most anticipated hearing in decades when Special Counsel Robert Mueller testifies about the findings of his two-year investigation. Democrats and Republicans both sharpening their questions and their strategy as they hold mock hearings with top aides sitting in as Mueller.

CNN has learned that Democrats and the House Judiciary Committee will focus on five areas of potential obstruction of justice laid out in the Mueller report including Trump order to then-White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller. His efforts to have McGahn deny that the President had ordered him to have the special counsel removed.

Also, Trump's ordered to former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to tell the then-Attorney General Jeff sessions to limit the investigation to exclude the president and later threatening to fire sessions if he did not meet with Lewandowski.

There are also episodes in the Mueller report of alleged witness tampering including Trump encouraging former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen not to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

NADLER: Just if he says what was in the report and says it to the American people so they hear it, that would be very, very important.

RAJU: Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee plan to press Mueller about the extent of Russian interference in the 2016 elections and contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign and we'll ask Mueller about his finding that Trump publicly expressed skepticism that Russia was responsible for the hacks at the same time that he and other campaign officials privately sought information about any further plan WikiLeaks releases of Clinton campaign e-0mails.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): Well, we're going to ask him questions beyond the report and we're going to expect him to answer.

RAJU: With the stakes enormous, Democrats say they are preparing carefully rereading the entire 448-page report.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is not going to be a whole bunch of numbers freelancing. This will be organized. RAJU: Republicans meanwhile, plan to press the special counsel about

whether his team was biased as well as anti-Trump text sent by FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.

REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): We got a lot of questions about how Robert Mueller's team was assembled.

RAJU: And they plan to raise questions about why the investigation started in the first place.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the basic questions of understanding a conclusion, you got to understand where it started.

RAJU: But Mueller has already indicated he won't go beyond the four corners of his report.

ANDREW MCCABE, FORMER DEPUTY DIRECTOR, FBI: Director Mueller will be impeccably prepared. He's not a verbose and dramatic witness but he knows his stuff.


RAJU: But some Democrats are trying to lower expectations including Jim Himes of Connecticut who sits on the Intelligence Committee and told me he doesn't expect much news out of this hearing because of the expectation that the special counsel will simply stick to the report.

And also -- but other Democrats are saying it could drive more people towards the impeachment camp because of the special counsel even delivering the details from the report. People will hear it for the first time. Their views could change about opening up an impeachment inquiry.

The question is will someone like Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker ultimately come down. She, of course, is opposed to opening up impeachment proceedings. She's privately told her members to approach this calmly, seriously, don't raise expectations, don't lower expectation. But at the moment, the expectation is you'll still oppose opening up an impeachment inquiry even after the special counsel testifies. Manu Raju, CNN Capitol Hill.


VANIER: Joining us is New York Times White House Correspondent and CNN Political Analyst Michael Shear. Michael, Robert Mueller already set the stage for this back in May. This is what he said.


MUELLER: The report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress.


VANIER: So we're not expecting any bombshells. So that said, what's the strategy for Democrats? MICHAEL SHEAR, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, there's sort of two different strategies. I mean, I think you're right. They're definitely playing down expectations that there's going to be some sort of humongous bombshell that it's revealed. They don't expect that. But they sort of have two different strategies.

One is that they hope that even if all they do is extract a verbal description of the report and oral description of the report by Mueller, that that is a more sensational way for the American public to digest what it was that Mueller said.

Let's face it, most people aren't going out and reading a 450-page report and so they hope that just the visual, the verbal description of it will captivate Americans and the way in a way that the written report didn't. And second, I think they --

VANIER: Hold on, Michael. Before you get to the second point then, let me interrupt you for a second because Adam Schiff, that is exactly what he said. He was on Face the Nation. He's the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. I want you to listen to him.


SCHIFF: Since most Americans you know, in their busy lives haven't had the opportunity to read that report, and it's a pretty dry prosecutorial work product, we want Bob Mueller to bring it to life, to talk about what's in that report. It's a pretty damning a set of facts.


[01:25:03] VANIER: So Michael, that is to your point. Essentially they want Robert Mueller to narrate his report for the American people on T.V. And also to your point, a CNN poll a couple of months ago showed that three percent of Americans had read the full report, only three percent. Ten percent say that they've read some. That means three-quarters haven't read any of it.

So I'm just putting the numbers to your -- to your point there that the Democrats apparently really want this to want Mueller to materialize the report for people.

SHEAR: Right. I'm actually surprised a full three percent would have read the whole thing. I mean --

VANIER: Yes, that would be nine million people. I have my doubts about that.

SHEAR: Right. I suspect maybe not. I mean, I also -- I also think that you know, the Democrats probably have even privately some limited expectations even about this you know, sort of televised broadcast of it because let's face it, most Americans aren't you know, going to watch the whole thing. Maybe they get snippets of it on the news.

I mean, I think you know, the other piece that they're hoping for a little bit is that even though Mueller says that he won't you know, go beyond the literal written words that he put on paper, you know, there's always the kind of hope that you can push Mueller into some kind of a sound bite, some kind of you know, just a little bit further than he was willing to go in the report.

And there's some evidence in past appearances by Mueller in front of Congress that you know, that he has at times kind of gone beyond where he was initially willing to go, and I think that they hope that if they get that there might be a sound bite that can then play kind of on a continuous loop that might help them you know, sort of going forward.

VANIER: And look, that makes sense for them right, because there are some very, very gray areas in the report especially the obstruction of justice part of the report. And Mueller has this quote where he says if we could exonerate the president, if we had material, if we had the basis to exonerate the president we would exonerate him but we're not doing that.

SHEAR: Right. And you know -- and it's funny I think in some ways the irony of all of this is that if Robert Mueller gets annoyed enough in response to questioning, it maybe the questioning by the Republicans that actually gets his go, right.

You know, if the Republicans are pushing him you know, sort of challenging the reports, saying that he's just a you know, leader of a bunch of angry Democrats, I mean, you could you can sort of see a you know, a kind of guy like Mueller getting annoyed enough at that kind of -- those kinds of attacks that maybe he sort of lashes out and says something that ultimately helps the Democrats.

So it could be the Republican questioning that gets -- that gets the Democrats what they want not you know, not a bunch of Democrats pushing on him.

VANIER: All right, Michael Shear, so there will be two, three-hour sessions in front of different committees in Congress by Robert Mueller this week. We'll be watching those and airing those on CNN. Michael, thank you very much.

SHEAR: Sure. I'll talk to you soon.

ALLEN: U.S. Immigration agents have been in the spotlight as the Trump administration targets undocumented immigrants who they say present a threat to national security. Next here, CNN rides with agents in California who are making arrests of what they call a routine operation.


[01:31:48] CYRIL VANIER, CNN ANCHOR: hello and welcome back to the CNN NEWSROOM here in Atlanta. I'm Cyril Vanier.

NATALIE ALLEN, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Natalie Allen. Here are our top stories.

Puerto Rico's governor says he won't run for reelection next year but he will stay in office for the rest of his term. On Sunday, Ricardo Rossello addressed the public outrage against him. Protestors want him out now because of rampant corruption, they say, and offensive online chat between him and many of his aides.

VANIER: A peaceful march in Hong Kong turned violent. Look at this. Groups wielding wood and metal sticks began beating protestors in a transit station outside Hong Kong. The attacks sent 45 people to the hospital.

Earlier in the day, Hong Kong riot police had fired rounds of tear gas to disperse thousands of protestors. The demonstrators want a complete withdrawal of an extradition bill.

ALLEN: The U.K. government's emergency response committee is leaving soon to discuss this escalating crisis with Iran it's dealing with. The British-flagged tanker that Tehran seized on Friday in the Strait of Hormuz is now docked in the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas. And get this -- it is flying an Iranian flag. Britain has already warned of a robust response if Iran continues to hold the ship.

VANIER: Sundays snap vote in Ukraine looks be a big win for President Volodymyr Zelensky. Exit poll shows his Servant of the People Party, named after the sitcom that the comedian starred in before his shock presidential win in April with more than 40 percent of the votes. That gives it a commanding lead over the pro-Russian opposition platform. Official results are expected next month.

ALLEN: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Mexico has made significant progress reducing the flow of undocumented migrants crossing into the U.S. over the past six weeks.

VANIER: Now, he made those comments following a meeting with his Mexican counterpart on Sunday. Pompeo says that he's pleased at the commitment Mexico has made to tighten up immigration enforcement efforts.


MIKE POMPEO, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: There are fewer apprehensions taking place today along our southern border. But we've got a long way to go yet. There's still much more work to do.

For the next set of actions, I will talk with the President, and the teams back in Washington. And we will decide exactly which tools and exactly how to proceed so that we can get to the shared mutual goals between President Obrador and President Trump, which is reducing the illegal migrant flow across our southern border.


ALLEN: Pompeo's meeting with Mexico's foreign minister came ahead of Monday's deadline on a deal between both countries to reduce the number of migrants traveling from Central America to the border. But as Pompeo mentioned, there is still a lot of work to do on that.

VANIER: We caught up with some Hondurans who say that they're undeterred by the Trump administration, and feel they have nothing to lose by trying to find new ways into the U.S.


PAUL VERCAMMEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: After a long journey north, they returned by the busload. This is only one of about a dozen entering Honduras each day -- carrying men, women, and children whose hopes of reaching the U.S. were cut short in Mexico where they were stopped and forced to come home.

[01:35:00] "It is really difficult, I can't lie to you. I don't recommend it. All the centers are full in the city where I was in Mexico. I was there and got deported."

These are some of the tens of thousands still desperately trying to enter the U.S. Last year caravans of Central American migrants marching towards the U.S. border began drawing worldwide attention including from the American president.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have a country that is under siege. You can actually -- you know, a lot of people don't like the word "invasion". We have a country that is being invaded.

VERCAMMEN: His administration's hardline approach to immigration has since intensified, with renewed efforts to build a wall along the border. Controversial policies separating families and putting minors into detention centers, tighter restrictions on asylum applications, and pressure on America's southern neighbor to keep migrants from reaching the border.

TRUMP: If Mexico does a great job, then you're not going to have very many people coming up. If they don't, then we have phase two. Phase two is very tough.

VERCAMMEN: With a 45-day deadline, Mexico has appeared eager to comply with Trump's commands, dramatically increasing deportations of Central Americans. In Honduras alone, nearly the 40,000 have been returned from Mexico since the start of the year, of whom 14,000 were unaccompanied minors, according to the Honduran Consular and Migration Observatory.

Among those forced return, some are warning others against attempting the same journey.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In Mexico, they don't want to give a shelter, or anything. There is no point of going there. There is no water. They don't want to give us food -- nothing. It is very difficult. I recommend people stay put.

VERCAMMEN: But many are undeterred, feeling they have little left to lose.

"The poverty here, that is why we look for a better future for our families."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are falling, but not defeated. God willing we will try it again within a couple of days. VERCAMMEN: As murder rates, gang violence and unemployment all soar

in Honduras, the choice remains a difficult one for some in this country. Stay or leave with the chance you will have to return.


VANIER: A CNN exclusive now -- we got an inside look at what a typical day is like for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in southern California.

CNN's Paul Vercammen watched as agents made three arrest in what they call a routine operation.


VERCAMMEN: The ICE field director in this sector, emphasizing to us again and again this is a routine operation, not connected to any threat raised, and they said they did not do anything special for the CNN camera.

They had four targets, they abandoned one of them due to time and distance, but they arrested all three of the other ones. And two of them sort of had a sense of resignation. One of them had reportedly been removed six times before.

They also brought in a woman who was a legal resident, had a green card, she has three children, but they said that she had a criminal conviction for drug charges. She was extremely sad. We caught up with her inside a downtown detention facility.

YESSENIA GONZALEZ, ICE DETAINEE: I have three kids born here. Ten, seven and 14. They go to school, I go to work. You know, regular life.

VERCAMMEN: In light of you're separation from your family, if you could, you know, talk to the judge or anybody right now, what would you tell them.

GONZALEZ: That my kids me. They need me. I provide for them.

VERCAMMEN: David Marin (ph), he is that ICE field director. He explained why they arrested this mother of three children.

DAVID MARIN, ICE FIELD DIRECTOR: She has been convicted of narcotic trafficking crimes, that makes here subject to removal.

VERCAMMEN: She's in tears, she has three children. What is it like for you, when you know that a family could be divided, separated?

MARIN: So that is where the human element comes in, right. Our officers, they're human beings too and they understand that. But we have a job to and we do it professionally. We do it with compassion. So understanding the challenges that there's children, that there's other family members, right, we will do everything that we can to make sure, again, that that person is treated with respect and dignity that they deserve. But again knowing that they are criminal aliens, and they have to answer for those crimes.

VERCAMMEN: Marin says a huge reason why people are seeing more ICE agents on the streets, making arrests in California, is throughout California many local authorities, do not allow ICE agents to go into jails to arrest criminal suspects.

I'm Paul Vercammen reporting from Los Angeles. Now back to you.


VANIER: 10 Downing Street is about to have a new resident but the British cabinet might have some vacancies. Who is saying that they will resign if Boris Johnson becomes prime minister -- when we come back.

[01:40:04] ALLEN: And Ireland's Shane Lowry is the newly minted British Open champ, you'll hear from him ahead here.


ALLEN: In the U.K. we still don't know for sure if Boris Johnson will be the next Prime Minister. But we do know who won't be in his cabinet.

The finance minister says he's stepping down if Johnson gets the top job. Here's what Philip Hammond said to the BBC on Sunday.


PHILIP HAMMON, BRITISH CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER: I'm sure I'm not going to be safe (ph) because I'm going to resign before we get to that point. I intend --


HAMMOND: -- assuming that Boris Johnson becomes the next prime minister, I understand that his conditions for serving in his government would include accepting a no deal exit on the 31st of October. That is not something I could ever sign up to.

It's very important that a prime minister is able to have a chancellor who's closely aligned with him in terms of policy. And I therefore intended to resign to Theresa May before she goes to the palace to tend to her own resignation on Wednesday.


VANIER: And Hammond isn't alone, Justice Secretary David Gauke says he is also out if Johnson takes over. Now, we won't actually know until Tuesday if Johnson will be the prime minister. That is when the Conservative Party announces the winner of its leadership contest.

But Johnson is heavily favored over his rival Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. If Johnson wins, he will inherit the Brexit deadline at the end of October. The former London mayor was a champion of the leave campaign, and he said he's willing to leave the E.U. without a deal.

Nick Glass has this look at Johnson on the campaign trail.


[01:44:51] NICK GLASS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Just Boris, unmistakably Boris -- the great blond ambition himself, rocking along and disheveled as ever. Boris Johnson, the most charismatic, shambolic, polarizing, and recognizable British politician of his time, but now it seems unstoppable destined to be prime minister.

Around the country, it has been pretty much the same campaign speech for some weeks now.

BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH MP: We can get Brexit done, and we can win.

There's only one way to get this country off the hamster wheel of doom, and that is to get Brexit done by October 31st.

You know what we need to do, we need to get Brexit done. And we need to come out of the European Union by October -- by October 31st.

GLASS: Photo opportunities aside, can Boris do it? Well, no one really knows. So far both Europe and the British parliament have been intransigent. In Brussels, Johnson seems to be regarded as a political lightweight, and by some even appears to be despised.

The campaign has been carefully managed to stop Boris Johnson from tripping himself up. But not always successfully.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How would you handle Paragraph 5C?

JOHNSON: I would confide entirely in Paragraph 5B because that --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- but how you get around parts of 5C.

JOHNSON: I would confide entire in Paragraph 5B which is enough for our purposes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know what's in 5C?


GLASS: Paragraph 5C features in the so-called Gap International Trade Agreement. Some commentators think that Boris Johnson should know precisely what it is as it evidently undermines his planned strategy in the event of no deal.

Parts of the print media have already crowned Boris Johnson in the "Times" cartoon. He's Churchillian. His rival Jeremy Hunt reduced to a victory cigar, to be smoked later.

The relatively small electorate to win over just a paid-up membership of the conservative party, 160,000 of them.

Why back Boris? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why back Boris? Because I think we need to do something radical man. And I think Boris is the -- is the man to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has natural leadership ability. I think he's positive, it's a positive vote (ph). I don't want more of this managerial compromise.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's a breath of fresh air and I find him really, really entertaining.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What one quality do you most admire in your opponent as a future prime minister.

JOHNSON: I worked very well with Jeremy over many years. I think I --

GLASS: Do you think the future is clear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. No. No, I still can't see how we're going to get where we're going to get to in (INAUDIBLE).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can we get some details --

GLASS: What's been evident from the campaign is that Boris Johnson is banking on a close relationship with Donald Trump. Highly reluctant to criticize the President during the furor Kim Darroch, the former British ambassador in Washington.

JOHNSON: I have a very good relationship with the White House and I'm very proud of what I was able to build during my time as foreign secretary.

GLASS: "The Guardian" cartoonist depicts a sun-burnt Boris Johnson basking on an inflatable in a murky pool in the toilet-lid head of Donald Trump.

The "Spectator" magazine have the two men with interlacing ties, a love knot in prospect.

Boris Johnson is clearly a man in a hurry. He'll have a little more than 100 days until the end of October to show his mettle in perhaps the most challenging political crisis in Britain's post-war history.

Nick Glass, CNN -- with Boris Johnson on the campaign trail.


ALLEN: All right. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM.

And still ahead, a group fishing off Cape Cod caught a fish but what happened when they tried to reel it in, well, a great white decided he wanted it. A fish story with video to prove it, yes, next.


ALLEN: And the new British Open Champion is --

VANIER: Drumroll -- Ireland's Shane Lowry, who won the tournament which was held in Northern Ireland. He finished 15 under par and six strokes ahead of England's Tommy Fleetwood.

Alex Thomas spoke with the Open champ about winning his first major after a number of setbacks.


ALEX THOMAS, CNN WORLD SPORT: Shane Lowry -- champion golfer of the year. When you hear that, how does it make you feel?

SHANE LOWRY, BRITISH OPEN CHAMPION: I still feel like (INAUDIBLE) -- it's still quite surreal so it's going to take a few days and to do it here in Portrush is just even more special like it is really -- it is a dream come true.

I didn't know if I'd ever achieve anything like this and I have. I'm really going to enjoy it.

THOMAS: I told you this 12 months ago, you were waiting in the car park, can't even speak, crying. You used to get four successive cuts in the Open. How did you get from there to here?

LOWRY: Of course, hard work and belief and belief in myself from the people around me. I have a good team of people that are very good for me and that believe me and have done for years.

So yes, it's just I really won't be here without any of them. And it's been like a while and still they're going to be on the ground and share this with them and yes, we're going to have -- we're going to have a good time.

THOMAS: After hugging your Paddy Bo in the 18th, the next person you embraced was your young daughter, Iris. She seems like a bundle of joy, by the way.

LOWRY: Yes, she is. Yes.

THOMAS: How has becoming her dad change your perspective on life and gulf.

LOWRY: Yes. It has a lot and you know, it's things didn't go to plan today, I would have been unbelievably disappointed but at the end of the day, you know, you're going home to a warm home with a family so it could be worst.

And, you know, just to have them there was just -- I had them there in Abu Dhabi (ph) and to have them there again is, you know, it was incredible.

[01:55:00] THOMAS: You're a major champion now. What's your next big target in golf? I LOWRY: I don't know. Honestly the Ryder Cup -- really want to go.

Paddy's out there, you know, he's you know -- very kind to wait around and to meet me in the 18th green so the Ryder Cup next year is the plan.


VANIER: He did it.

ALLEN: All right. Here we go. One more.

VANIER: All right. That last thing we told you about.

A boy's fishing trip took a surprising turn in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. A group of fathers and sons were out fishing in Cape Cod Bay over the weekend when one of the boys on board hooked what seemed to be a good sized fish.

ALLEN: What they saw instead shocked everyone. A great white shark leaping right there out of the water on the other end of the fishing line after it grabbed the fish the boy caught.

One more time -- oh my. No one was hurt. That is a fish story.

VANIER: And that is too close for comfort.

ALLEN: Stay away from the edge of the boat.

One more time. We've only got 15 seconds so yes, one more time. All right.

VANIER: Thank you so much for watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Cyril Vanier.

ALLEN: I'm Natalie Allen. More stories next with Rosemary and George. See you soon.