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New Day

New Information on Dayton Massacre; Survivor of Dayton Massacre Speaks Out; Social Media Use May Harm Teens' Mental Health. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired August 14, 2019 - 08:30   ET



[08:31:55] JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Police in Dayton, Ohio, have released new information about the massacre there, including surveillance video and a detailed timeline. Authorities say the killer shot 26 people in 32 seconds.

CNN's Ryan Young live in Dayton with all of these new details.


RYAN YOUNG, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, John, we really saw from the beginning of this, Dayton Police have really had a big picture about exactly what happened here. Now we're seeing that they're going through even additional videos. Everywhere we walk along this street here, there are dozens of cameras. Now we're able to put the timeline together.


YOUNG (voice over): This new surveillance video released by Dayton Police painting a haunting timeline of how quickly a killer shot 26 people in just 32 seconds. Nine of them died.

CHIEF RICHARD BIEHL, DAYTON POLICE DEPARTMENT: This was a next big, I think, chunk of the investigation that we felt comfortable releasing because we have a high level of confidence that it's accurate in terms of timeframe and location and activity.

YOUNG: Authorities say the killer's night began shortly after 11:00 p.m., going to Blind Bob's Bar with his sister, Megan Betts (ph), and a friend. Next you can see him here at 12:14 a.m. leaving the two before heading to another bar, Ned Peppers. About 30 minutes later, the shooter leaves the venue, even walking by a police vehicle.

LT. PAUL SAUNDERS, DAYTON POLICE DEPARTMENT: He's aware of where they were or you'd think have (ph) seen them (ph).

YOUNG: At 12:46 a.m., the killer goes to his car. Authorities say he changes clothes and grabs his assault rifle. Next, waiting behind a stretch of bars for nine minutes.

BIEHL: I don't think he could have put that weapon in its fully built out state in that backpack and not have it sticking out. I think that's part of the explanation for the nine minutes, right?

SAUNDERS: Right. And that's noticing the fact that the backpack was -- appeared to be weighed down. So it's safe to say it was probably in the backpack.

YOUNG: Surveillance cameras catch the shooter then walking down an alley. Shortly after 1:00 a.m., the nightmare begins. The killer opens fire with a weapon of war. Police quickly responding to the scene, shooting and killing the gunman quickly. But in those 32 seconds, he managed to fire 41 bullets, hitting 26 people, nine of them fatally, including his sister.

BIEHL: The evidence has been debated in both directions with individuals in our organization intimately familiar with the evidence.

Whether that was intentional or not, I think it's inconclusive.

YOUNG: Authorities say the killer was communicating with his sister in the hour before the massacre through a phone call and text messages.

BIEHL: We don't see anyone assisting him in committing this horrendous crime.

Some follow-up investigation seems to strongly suggest that his companion had no idea what he was going to do, nor did he have any knowledge of the weapons that were in the trunk of that vehicle.


YOUNG: Yes, John and Alisyn, the only thing that really stands out to us, as we were just sitting out here getting ready for this live shot and a man was running by and he stopped to talk to us. He says, this has been so surreal for him because every single day he says he has to go by this path. And a lot of people have the question about why this happened.

[08:35:05] This community has really banded together. We even saw John Legend come to this community and have a surprise concert for people. But, still, a lot of folks just trying to figure out exactly what happened, why did the gunman target this place. So many unanswered questions. So much pain still left behind.


CAMEROTA: Of course, Ryan. I mean because it's so mysterious and that only adds to the pain for everyone.

YOUNG: Absolutely.

CAMEROTA: Thank you very much for all of that reporting.

Joining us now is Christina Huelsman. She was at the bar next to Ned Peppers when the gunfire broke out. She and her friends managed to escape with their lives.

Christina, thank you so much for being here. I know these past ten days have been very hard for you. I know you've been avoiding the news in general and I know that you also haven't seen that video that we just played that the police released of what was happening during those 30 seconds, but, of course, you lived it. And so just tell us what those 30 seconds -- I mean it's so stunning that it was only 30 seconds and it ruined so many people's lives. And so tell us what happened during those 30 seconds.

CHRISTINA HUELSMAN, DAYTON SHOOTING SURVIVOR: You know, one minute we go from being in the middle of this bar having a great time. I remember checking my phone actually to see the time. It was about 1:01 I believe, I remember seeing on my phone. And, you know, the next moment people are literally stampeding into the bar and pushing others down. We weren't sure what was going on at first.

Eventually, I heard the words "gun, real gun" and I realized that I had to get down. And, you know, people are crawling over each other on the ground of this floor trying to get out the back door of the bar.

I remember being near the back door and hearing multiple shots go off. So many people were frozen in fear by the back door that we were trying to push them out and yelling at them to get out because they were so scared. I had to end up diving over some people just to get out on the back patio to run out of the area. So --

CAMEROTA: I mean, obviously, everybody has their own sort innate reaction to something this horrible. But when you say people were frozen at the back door, how did you know the gunman wasn't out there?

HUELSMAN: We really didn't. At that moment, we didn't know where the person was, we didn't know how many people there were. You know, all I knew was people were coming from the front of that bar and going towards the back. So my gut instinct was, that's where I needed to go because that's where the majority was going.

I heard the shots coming from behind me, so I had a safe chance that that was the way to go and it was that direction where I needed to be. And that's all I knew. We didn't know too much, though. Once we were outside even, I didn't know where to go. People were hiding behind cars. People were on the phone crying and calling people for help. You know, it was -- it was a free for all and it was crazy going out into that parking lot. Everyone's running everywhere. We really didn't know what direction to go.

CAMEROTA: And so what have these past ten days since then been like for you?

HUELSMAN: Since then I've definitely been extremely grateful. I've been really lucky to be able to wake up and be with my family. I'm really thankful for the outcome my friends and I had.

It's very hard seeing the devastation that it's brought out city and the victims of this massacre. And, you know, I do have a slight guilt that I see these people and these families have been torn apart because of this person who was able to kill these lives in under 30 seconds. It's been pretty surreal replaying the timeline and things like that and knowing how fast everything happened. CAMEROTA: So the Senate is on recess this month. And Mitch McConnell

has decided -- Senator Mitch McConnell has basically implied that they're not going to come back. This isn't an emergency that needs attending this month while they're on recess.


CAMEROTA: And maybe they'll take it up when they get back, but maybe not. And so I'm just wondering what your message is to him and to the Republicans in the senate?

HUELSMAN: You know, I think the decision to put that on recess, I think it's, right now, it's failing our country. I think it's extremely necessary that this is taken into action, and it's definitely an emergency session that's needed to be happening.

I don't know why action hasn't been taken thus far. I don't know why it's taken 251 mass shootings now this year for people to start waking up and see that maybe now we need to take this into action and maybe now we should call this into action. But even then he's still pushing it off till September, because we can wait a little bit.

But I don't think we can wait. I think it needs to happen now. I think the longer we wait, he thinks people might just forget. But I'm not going to forget. And I know millions of others aren't forgetting. And who knows, we could wake up tomorrow and another thing could be happening.

[08:40:01] CAMEROTA: Yes. And I know that this whole episode and ordeal has spurred you to want to take action. Do you know what that looks like for you in the future?

HUELSMAN: I don't exactly know. You know, I hope it's more things like this. I like being able to speak out about it. I like being able to talk to others who have been through similar experiences. I want to find more ways to get involved with how I can help make that action come true for us because we need it. Our country needs it. If we don't take action, then we're going to have more massacres and I -- I don't want to wake up again to another mass shooting and I don't think anybody else does.

CAMEROTA: Yes. Christina Huelsman, thank you very much for sharing with us the trauma that you went through. Take care of yourself. And we will watch what happens next.

HUELSMAN: Thank you.


BERMAN: You can understand why she's restless and impatient for change. Waiting a month doesn't seem like a good idea.

CAMEROTA: I mean if -- if Senator McConnell is at home watching the morning news this morning, I hope that he hears Christina's plea.

BERMAN: All right, we have some video for you. This is not the kind of thing you want to see when you're on an airplane. Why the cabin filled with fog. We'll bring you the story, next.


[08:45:13] BERMAN: All right, the breaking news this morning. We're just minutes away from the opening bell on Wall Street and U.S. stock futures are down and down big, nearly 400 points.

And this sharp drop comes among new fears over a possible, possible recession. And you're going to hear a lot about the inverted yield curve today.

Also, on Tuesday, President Trump backtracked on his latest threat in the trade war with China, delaying tariffs until after the Christmas season. And the president acknowledged for the first time that tariffs had had an impact on American consumers.

CAMEROTA: OK, more breaking news. Rapper A$AP Rocky has been found guilty of assault over his role in a street brawl in Stockholm. A Swedish court has ordered Rocky to pay damages over the incident caught on video, but he will not have to serve any more jail time. Rocky and two members of his entourage pleaded not guilty saying they were acting in self-defense. Rocky returned to the U.S. earlier this month after being held in a detention center in Sweden for over a month. President Trump directly lobbied for Rocky's release and expressed disappointment when Sweden's prime minister did not get involved.

BERMAN: All right, this is not what any flier needs to see on a plane, ever. So this is before takeoff on Delta Flight 100. These passengers, they got understandably anxious Sunday night when their Jacksonville to JFK flight experienced heavy fog conditions inside.


BERMAN: Inside the cabin.

CAMEROTA: That's not what they mean when they say heavy fog conditions.

BERMAN: So this extreme condensation lasted 30 minutes as the plane sat on the tarmac. Delta says the incident was humidity related and did not have to be reported to the FAA.

Look, I don't understand how you can sit on a tarmac for half an hour while you're being misted on your airplane.

CAMEROTA: Well, that -- I don't know, but I think that Lou called it right when he said, were Cheech and Chong flying that plane.

BERMAN: It's -- maybe that's why no one complained. Maybe that's why.

CAMEROTA: Maybe that's why they weren't as nervous.

BERMAN: All right, here's what else to watch today.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ON SCREEN TEXT: 12:00 p.m. EST, Buttigieg Iowa town hall.

2:00 p.m. EST, Warren New Hampshire town hall.

9:00 p.m. EST, El Paso community memorial service.


CAMEROTA: You've changed the music in my absence.

BERMAN: I know. I change everything.

CAMEROTA: Wow. A lot looks different around here.

BERMAN: Wait until you see your office.

CAMEROTA: Oh. Uh-oh.

All right, is social media hurting your kids mental health? Dr. Sanjay Gupta breaks down what a new study says about all that screen time that all parents need to hear, next.


[08:52:06] BERMAN: All right, here's to your health.

Social media, a lot of risks, right?

CAMEROTA: I -- it really makes me nervous. It makes me nervous how much time kids spend on it. And so what does the science now say?

BERMAN: Yes, right. Now there's a serious question about whether social media is making your child depressed. And a new study sheds light on the link between mental health and social media use.

Here to talk about the latest research, our chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Sanjay, I think maybe not a surprise --


BERMAN: But deeply, deeply interesting and I think compelling to parents everywhere.

GUPTA: I think so. Look, it definitely caught my attention as the father of three girls.

The reason this is interesting is because it shed some light, not only on who's most likely to be affected, but what exactly is likely to be going on here. Why could frequent social media use be linked to depressive symptoms? And there's sort of three things that the researchers really zeroed in on. We could show you them. But basically the idea that if you are on social media frequently, and I'm going to explain what I mean by that in a second, you're more likely to be exposed to cyber bullying, you're more likely to have poor sleep and less physical activity. Perhaps, again, that is obvious, but those are the three reasons they're really zeroing in on as to why the depressive symptoms occur.

Much more likely to occur in girls. Much more likely to occur in girls. Boys seem to be fairly insulated from those specific effects. Now, it doesn't -- doesn't mean that they don't have other things that are affecting boys. But with regard to poor sleep, less activity, cyber bullying, really affecting girls.

Now, we also know that girls more likely to have depressive symptoms overall once they start adolescence. So up to adolescence boys and girls, similar rates of depression. After adolescence, girls really go up. And that's an effect that stays really until around the time of menopause. So you layer social media on top of that and you could see why you have some of these problems.

You know, it's also worth pointing out, and this is a nuance, but an important nuance. This wasn't necessarily the amount of screen time, you're sitting there staring at a screen, but it was the frequency of screen time. And just think about that. That's the number of times you're picking up the device, looking at it, putting it down, picking it up, looking at it, putting it down. So it's that frequency you've got to pay attention to, not just the number of hours, the number of minutes you've been looking at social media overall.

CAMEROTA: And, Sanjay, what does it do when kids are always checking Instagram or Snap Chat or FaceBook. Like is there an attention span? Does it change your brain basically is what I'm asking?

GUPTA: Well, you know, it's interesting. We don't know the long-term impact of this, right, Alisyn? I mean we're seeing some of this unfold real time. We can look at other examples of things that cause these sort of dopamine surges. You're looking at your social media. You've gotten a bunch of attention from some sort of posts or likes or whatever it might be.

We do know that you can get these bursts of -- of these feel good hormones, neuro transmitters in your brain. What we don't know is, does that then change your brain somehow, make it more tolerant so that it's harder to get joy out of things? We don't know that that's a long-term effect. It could be, but it's just too early to say that. If I had to guess just from a neuroscience standpoint, I don't think it's necessarily a long term problem, but it -- but, you know, the short term, it obviously can lead to these depressive symptoms.

[08:55:23] BERMAN: We have 10 seconds left, Sanjay. Guide us. What are we going to do, take our kids phones away, because I'm not sure that's going to go over well?

GUPTA: This idea of frequency versus time, John, pay attention to that one. This isn't just about, hey, you know, look, you can't -- you can't possibly be on the screen for ten hours a day. It -- you shouldn't be picking it up and looking at it over and over again. Don't have enough time to read the list there, but set limits. Be engaged as a parent. It's probably one of the most important things you can do given the current culture. BERMAN: Be a good role model is so hard for me.

CAMEROTA: Be a good role model.

BERMAN: It's so hard. That's the one I've got to work on with my kids because they see me picking up my phone all the time.

CAMEROTA: Not me. I'm a great role model.

Sanjay, thank you very much.

GUPTA: You got it.

BERMAN: All right, we're just minutes away from the opening bell. And this is an important day. Dow futures are down sharply. And you're hearing people start wondering about a possible recession. Is that a real possibility? Our coverage picks up after this.