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State Reuse to Allow Flu Shots for Kids in Pharmacies; Deval Patrick is Interviewed about his Campaign; Democratic Voters Weigh in on Impeachment. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired November 26, 2019 - 08:30   ET




ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Caroline hadn't had a flu shot that year.

MILLER: It just got busy. For all four of us to get vaccinated is, you know, four different phone calls to -- you have four different appointments. It's a time-consuming endeavor.

COHEN: Jennifer Miller says if her state, New Jersey, had allowed her to bring Caroline to a pharmacy to get a flu shot, perhaps she wouldn't have had to suffer.

MILLER: You're passing by those pharmacies on a regular basis. You're already there.

COHEN: Most states are like New Jersey, they have restrictions on children getting flu shots at pharmacies.

Georgia is one of the states with restrictions. That's where Kristin Neighbors lives. She says to go to the pediatrician for a flu shot means she or her husband has to take a half day off work, and she says that doesn't make any sense.

KRISTEN NEIGHBORS: These pharmacies are not only faster because you can be in and out in just a few minutes, they also offer the shots on the evenings and on the weekends. This is an easy shot to give and should be easy for us to get in a way that's convenient.

COHEN: Dr. Irwin Redlener is a pediatrician and director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University and he was a special consultant to the Clinton administration.

DR. IRWIN REDLENER, PEDIATRICIAN: This is a public health crisis that we actually have 40 or 50 percent of children not getting a flu shot. That -- that is putting children at terrible risk.

COHEN (on camera): Do we need to change these laws?

REDLENER: I think it makes sense. Pharmacists are totally capable of doing it. And that's what we should have as the law of the land. COHEN (voice over): Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says change hasn't happened in part because health authorities haven't fought for it.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: I think when you keep bringing attention to it, someone's going to wake up and say, OK, here's what we need to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So this child is --


COHEN: In the states where children can get flu shots in pharmacies, it makes a difference. Two years ago, during a terrible flu season, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a disaster emergency and allowed all children over the age of two to get flu shots at pharmacies. The result? The next year, more than 30,000 children and their parents got flu shots at pharmacies in New York, according to the State Department of Health. Last month in New York, Rebecca Mondello got her daughter Sophie a flu shot right away at this Walgreens pharmacy.

REBECCA MONDELLO, SOPHIE'S MOTHER: We came here because we know that it's convenient.

COHEN: And now Sophie's protected.

MONDELLO: Thank you.


ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: OK, so tell us about why there are still these laws in place in some states?

COHEN: You know, the folks that we talked to said that it's basically historical. That from the beginning of time, pharmacists were not allowed to give vaccines. And then, you know, decades ago they started to be allowed to give adults vaccines. And then slowly some pediatric vaccines. So Dr. Fauci and others that we talked to said it's really just a matter of sort of an evolution and that at some point someone will stand up and say, hey, guys, let's -- let's make some sense of this. Is this something that we should allow children to get? Because you can in some states. You can't in others. It's really kind of a mess out there right now.

CAMEROTA: So how do parents who are watching know if they can bring their child to the pharmacy to get a flu shot?

COHEN: Go to We've put it all together, because it was all sort of in various places. And we have a nice map of each state, and it will tell you if you can bring your child in or not. For example, the state that I live in, Georgia, you can bring your child in 13 and over. But 13 and under, you have to have a prescription. And it's -- in some states it's 10, seven, 12. It is all over the place.

CAMEROTA: OK. Go to Elizabeth, thank you very much.

COHEN: Thanks.

CAMEROTA: We really appreciate it.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: So, former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is now part of the crowded 2020 race for president. We have a lot of questions for him, next.



CAMEROTA: There are now 18 candidates running for the Democratic nomination. And that includes two recent additions, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

So what is the strategy for getting traction at this relatively late date? Let's ask former governor and 2020 Democratic Candidate Deval Patrick.

Good morning, governor.



PATRICK: Good morning, Alisyn. Thank you so much for having me this morning.

CAMEROTA: Thank you for being here.

So we've been looking forward to talking to you. Before we get to the timing of why you got in now and what the challenges are, just tell us about your motivations. What is it that the other 17 candidates in this race don't have that you think you bring to the table?

PATRICK: Well, you know, Alisyn, I get that question a lot because I think it presumes that I only made the decision that I wanted to be a part of this election cycle recently. In fact, I was ready to go more than a year ago. And about two weeks -- two and a half weeks before we were set to announce, my wife was diagnosed with uterine cancer.

We -- we did the right thing, I think, for ourselves and our family by focusing on her and on that. I'm proud to say that when we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary in the spring, she's cancer free, praise God. So that is great.

And as I've watched the field, many of them friends, develop and offer their message, I do sense that there's still space for what I offer. And, in fact, as I've gotten out and around over the course of the last ten days or so, I think that path is even wider than I imagined.

[08:40:00] CAMEROTA: And can you define that space? What is the space that you --

PATRICK: I can. I can. I can.

So, first of all, I think, as a party, our candidates, all of our candidates represent ambitious agendas. And I think that's enormously important. I think that's exactly what the American people are hungry for right now, not just an antidote to the current president, but an agenda that is about what happens after we elect a Democratic president.

But I think some of what's missing -- or let me put it this way, what I'd like to offer is the truth that is, I have a range of life and work experience in government, in the private sector, in not for profits that is about problem solving by building bridges. And I think it is enormously important to emphasize the opportunity to unify the country as we reach for these big and broad, ambitious goals, rather than saying our way or the highway.

CAMEROTA: Obviously, there is another person from Massachusetts running. So Senator Elizabeth Warren. And are you suggesting that she is saying, my way or the highway, that she's not building bridges in that way?

PATRICK: No, that's not -- that's not my point. I'm trying to be very careful because I am enormously fond and respectful of Senator Warren, that this campaign is not a critique of her or others. It is simply that my range of problem solving experience, my life experience is broader than most of the other candidates in the race. And I think it is important to bring that to bear, not just as a point of experience, but to make this point, Alisyn.

You know, most people -- many people around the country feel unseen and unheard. And they -- even in the early states. You know, I was out in Iowa last week and they also feel very focused on right now but that sucking sound that happens the day after the caucus, when they feel again that we just fly over them, that we're not paying attention to them.

There are folks in every community who understand that they are the focus or may be the focus of a campaign during election season, but that they vanish from the agenda in between. And what I bring that is different is not just a pledge to do -- to pay attention, to keep listening and learning and making sure that the agenda policy choices that we are making are actually responsive to their needs, not just in the here and now but for over a generation that I have actually tried to do that in my public and private life.

CAMEROTA: Governor, also last week, and I'm sure this is a mild sore spot, you had this event at Morehouse College. We have a picture of the nonexistent crowd that showed up. And so what went wrong here? I mean what -- what happened?

PATRICK: Oh, my gosh. We have, you know, we had just a terrific week where I think we just tried to do one thing too many. And our team, you know, I started out in New Hampshire and gone to California and then Nevada and Iowa and South Carolina and we were turning back to Massachusetts by way of Atlanta, D.C. and New York and we just tried to do one thing too many. We had a -- we had two things, including a flight scheduled on top of one another and didn't realize it until the last possible minute.

So I owe -- I have apologized. I do owe the folks at Morehouse another opportunity to come and kick the tires on our campaign and on me, and I promise to do that before too long.

CAMEROTA: But do you think that that is, at all, indicative of the struggle to gain traction at this date and how will you make up for lost time?

PATRICK: Well, so, first of all, this was going to be hard no matter what. Ask any of the candidates who have been campaigning for months and years. It's still hard. Elections are about persuasion. And it's about talking about what your vision is and offering people that choice.

I understand that. I'm prepared to do that work. I'm very clear eyed about it.

I am also careful, by the way, not to let one picture or one experience define a campaign or define an individual. By the way, it's a bad habit we have to -- forget about elections, just in general, it's a bad habit we have trying to cram people into a box as small as possible so we can flick it off to the side.

I've had a whole life of understanding that, you know, none of us fits in a box. None of the pictures we see are as simple or as obvious as they -- as they seem. And that ought to matter to the many, many people in this country who feel like they are only seen in a single dimension, if at all.


And certainly that they aren't understood in the fullness of the challenges and opportunities they have at a policy level in Washington.

CAMEROTA: Former Governor Deval Patrick, great to talk to you. Really interesting to hear your vision.

PATRICK: Great to talk to you, Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: We'll talk again.

PATRICK: I hope so. Thank you.


BERMAN: So you often hear people ask, what do swing voters think about impeachment? Often you hear people ask, what do Trump voters think about impeachment? That's all part of the story, but there's more. How have Democratic voters been moved by impeachment?


RICHARD KASER, PHILADELPHIA VOTER: I don't think he'll be convicted, but it all needs to be laid out, and the American people need to hear the full story.


BERMAN: More from the streets of Philadelphia, next.


BERMAN: So a brand-new CNN poll out this morning finds that 50 percent of Americans want the president impeached and removed from office.


That number unchanged since last month. We've talked to Trump voters about impeachment. We've talked to swing voters. What about Democratic voters?

CNN's Vanessa Yurkevich went to Philadelphia and that is where she joins us this morning.

Vanessa, what are you hearing?


Well, you would be hard-pressed to find more Democrats in the state of Pennsylvania than right here in the heart of Philadelphia. We spoke to Democratic voters who say they want to see this impeachment process play out, but they also want it wrapped up sooner rather than later.


YURKEVICH (voice over): It's the holiday season in Philadelphia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have a nice Thanks (ph) day.

YURKEVICH: But hanging over the thought of Thanksgiving dinner, impeachment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My family is all Democrats, so I'm excited to talk about it with them because we're all on the same page.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We'll still be talking about impeachment when he's already president for a second term.

YURKEVICH: Democrats sounding off in the city, one of the bluest parts of Pennsylvania, a state President Trump won by a slim margin in 2016.

MARTA LAFFERTY, PHILADELPHIA DEMOCRAT: Both Republicans and Democrats need to get this behind them.

YURKEVICH: Even a strong cup of coffee can't shake Democrat Marta Lafferty from her impeachment fatigue. LAFFERTY: I am tired. I really am.

YURKEVICH (on camera): Tired of it all.

LAFFERTY: I am tired of it all. I really am. I didn't think I'd ever say that because I'm such a political animal.

YURKEVICH (voice over): Across the breakfast diner, fellow Democrats Richard Kaser and Ret Evans (ph), who want to see the process play out.

RICHARD KASER, PHILADELPHIA DEMOCRAT: I don't think he'll be convicted, but it all needs to be laid out and the American people need to hear the full story. It's not going to affect the election. I think he's going to remain in power and the Republicans are going to remain in power and --

YURKEVICH (on camera): Well, what is the point of an impeachment inquiry that ends in the Senate where you think that he will be re- elected again?

KASER: I hear what you're saying. I'm not sure I have an answer to it, other than, we should be in search of truth.

YURKEVICH (voice over): On her morning walk, Jennifer Ryshak also in search of the truth.

JENNIFER RYSHAK, PHILADELPHIA DEMOCRAT: Would I much rather everyone's time being put towards growing the nation, making the economy better? Yes. But, you know, at the same time, you can't just have somebody in there not being accountable and conducting themselves the way that it's happening.

YURKEVICH: George Jevremovic makes furniture at his shop, Material Culture. He also makes these.

GEORGE JEVREMOVIC, SUPPORTS IMPEACHMENT: So you've got the button that says, lock him up, and you've got the shirt that says, lock him up.

YURKEVICH (on camera): What kind of a statement are you hoping that these make?

JEVREMOVIC: Iconic. Memorable. Direct.

YURKEVICH (voice over): Jevremovic, a diehard Obama supporter --

JEVREMOVIC: But, yes, here's -- this is Barack Obama.

YURKEVICH: Thinks Trump should have been out of office long before the impeachment inquiry.

YURKEVICH (on camera): Is this completely distracting from the Democrats' opportunity to find a frontrunner that could beat President Trump?

JEVREMOVIC: It's not more distracting than anything else that's been going on the last three years. It just happens to be the distraction of the moment.

YURKEVICH (voice over): But, like every Democrat we spoke to here, he doesn't think the president will be removed from office.

JEVREMOVIC: That's not going to happen. But the fact that we've done this process is in and of itself enough.


YURKEVICH: And as this impeachment process plays out, Democrats here are now turning their sights on 2020. Many of the undecided voters are still looking for a candidate that can beat President Trump. And as there's late entrants into the race, like Michael Bloomberg and Deval Patrick, Alisyn and John, it is making their decision even harder as this field is still very much wide open.

John and Alisyn.

BERMAN: So, Vanessa, my question, when it comes to impeachment and Democrats, the issue really is intensity. Does it make them feel more intensely about the issue, the hearings and whatnot? Are you picking up anything up on that front?

YURKEVICH: So sorry, guys, did you -- I couldn't hear you there. Say it again, please.

BERMAN: The issue of intensity. Do you think that Democrats are more passionate about this than they were?

YURKEVICH: They're definitely passionate about the impeachment issue as a whole. They want to see this play out. They're looking for the truth.

But as you heard from a lot of those voters there, they are fatigued by this. They think it's taking a long time and they think it's taking attention away from the 2020 race, which is when they actually think that President Trump can be removed from office with their vote.

BERMAN: And, again, maybe that's why Nancy Pelosi wants to get this done quickly and doesn't want to see it drag out.

Vanessa Yurkevich, really interesting to have you there talking to voters. Appreciate it.

It is time now for "The Good Stuff."

A military homecoming for the holidays in Appleton, Wisconsin.


MARY NIEDLAND, WIFE OF MARINE: Troy's been gone for seven months. He was deployed. And he hasn't seen our kids since April.


BERMAN: Mary Niedland says her two sons, above all, want their father home for Christmas.


He's been serving with a Marine unit in Japan. This weekend, just as they were writing letters to Santa, their wish suddenly came true.

CAMEROTA: Oh, my gosh.



SGT. TROY NIEDLAND, SURPRISED HIS TWO SONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Honestly, none of it really felt real until right in this moment when I walked in the tent.


CAMEROTA: Oh, my gosh.

BERMAN: That's amazing.

Troy Niedland says he knows everyone who serves doesn't get the chance to make it home for the holidays, so he has this message.


SGT. TROY NIEDLAND, SURPRISED HIS TWO SONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Thank you for doing what you have to do so that I can come home and -- and be with my family. And then, maybe in the future, we will reciprocate that and so that you can be home and then I'll be in your -- in your place.


CAMEROTA: That is so beautiful.

BERMAN: That was -- gets me every time.

CAMEROTA: Every time. Those are -- I love the creativity of how these soldiers show up.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department has just filed its appeal after a judge ruled that Don McGahn must testify before Congress. CNN has all of the developments covered for you, next.

