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New Day

Coronavirus Spreads Around the World; Coronavirus Deaths in Italy; Polls Ahead of Primary Contests; Winter Storm Hits U.S.; Answers after Native American Women Disappear. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired February 28, 2020 - 06:30   ET



JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: All right, that's better.

So, coming up on NEW DAY, former Vice President Joe Biden, he will join us live to talk about where his campaign is. The answer to that, South Carolina and South Carolina and South Carolina. He's got a lot at stake. We'll discuss with him coming up.

ERICA HILL, CNN ANCHOR: Global markets are plummeting as the coronavirus outbreak spreads to even more countries. We're going to speak with our correspondents around the world, next.


BERMAN: Developing overnight, the first confirmed cases of coronavirus discovered in New Zealand and Nigeria. That's African's most populist nation. That means the virus has now reached more than 50 countries and territories all outside mainland China.

We have the global resources of CNN covering this story.

We want to begin with David Culver live in Shanghai.

Obviously China, David, where this all began. But now the big story is outside that country.

DAVID CULVER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely, John. And a lot of countries are looking to China because this is where it originated and, quite frankly, they've been dealing with it for several weeks now and their containment effort has been emulated in other places. We're seeing, for example, in Japan, they are now considering and recommending to some of the local school districts that the shutdown school. They essentially close for a stretch of time. That's some 34,000 schools, public schools that would be affected there. Nearly 12 million students you're talking about. It's going to be ultimately up to the localities within those regions to determine whether or not they want to go forward with that, whereas here in China, they pretty much just determine it and it's widespread that they make that decision.

Now, in North Korea, it's interesting what's going on there, because a lot of the focus is on the lack of health care capacity and infrastructure. [06:35:04]

And there's a real concern about that because it could spread quickly if it gets out of control. We've just learned some 380 foreigners have been isolated there for medical observation. We also know that the U.N. has approved that the Doctors Without Borders group send in some diagnostic medical equipment so as to help them out within North Korea. And we're hearing that some foreign diplomats are going to be evacuated. A source telling my colleague Will Ripley that they plan to go forward with those evacuations in the coming days or weeks. They're trying to get people out of there as quickly as possible.

To the south of that, in South Korea, it's a mess there, quite frankly. They have the largest outbreak outside of here, mainland China. More than 2,300 confirmed cases. If you look at some of the images that are coming out of South Korea, you see lines of people that just wrapping around different buildings. They're lining up to get face masks. And we've just learned that the government there is now essentially going to ration some of those face masks. They're going to be delivering some 5 million a day and limiting people to five face masks per person. They're trying to prevent hoarding of some of the pharmacies and some of the individuals who might go in to do that.

And, Erica, it's really interesting because we were hearing her in China that several South Koreans were actually trying to flee South Korea and come here to where it all started. Now, the foreign ministry here in China has said that's not the case. Those are actually Chinese nationals who have been buying out the flights essentially to come here. But that in and of itself is fascinating because I can bet you a month ago they would not trying to come to mainland China, but that shows you how bad it is in South Korea.

HILL: That was exactly the opposite. You're right.

David, great reporting, as always. Thank you.

The death toll in Italy, meantime, is rising, now at 17. Seventeen deaths from coronavirus there. More than 600 people across the country have tested positive for the virus.

CNN's Melissa Bell is live at a museum in Florence with more.

Melissa, good morning.


Six hundred and fifty cases, 17 deaths. The World Health Organization saying that countries, like Italy, but also Iran and South Korea have really reached critical points in their responses. So all eyes very much on countries like this one.

And what we're seeing already, even as the country here in Italy tries to battle the spread of that virus, which already has crossed the border to a number of neighboring countries these last few days, is already taking its toll on the economy. Museums like this one, which houses the renaissance masterpiece Michelangelo's David much, much quieter than it would normally be. We've seen in Iran, those Friday prayers canceled for the first time in more than 40 years. In Saudi Arabia, pilgrimages to Mecca and to Medina have been canceled for people coming outside the country. And back here in Italy, we've seen teams like Inter Milan playing essentially to empty stadiums.

So what you're seeing is these countries that are being hit really trying to contain the virus, to contain its spread. But those very measures are leading to the sort of changes in habits and panic that are having and likely to have over the coming weeks a devastating impact on the economy as these countries try to contain a virus that you're less likely to get than the flu, but that you are more likely to die of.


BERMAN: Those images from that Inter game yesterday were stunning. This was a tournament game, a Europa League game, that normally 45,000, 50,000 people would have been there. The stands completely empty. Just think of that. Think of what the impact of that is. And then I have to say, Melissa Bell, with one of the most majestic backdrops you could have on the planet, to have David behind you, Michelangelo's David behind you. But the crowds there, not that big. I mean normally it would be mobbed, I think, at this museum to see that statue.

Melissa, thank you very much for this reporting.


BERMAN: Stock futures this morning down a couple hundred points. We're following major developments around the world in the coronavirus outbreak.

We have some other news this morning. The grieving families of Native American women who have gone missing in Montana are finally being heard. Their story and their fight for answers, next.



BERMAN: We are at a critical point in the Democratic race for president. The South Carolina, tomorrow. Super Tuesday, just three days after that.

So where exactly do things stand?

Let's get "The Forecast" with CNN's senior politics writer and analyst Harry Enten.



You know, folks, sometimes in politics you just got to learn to take a step back and realize you don't know what the voters are going to do. And this is a perfect example of it.

Look, this is the South Carolina choice of the Democratic nominee pre- Nevada, right? South Carolina was supposed to be a Biden state. Pre- Nevada, that lead had shrunk down to just four points. You would have thought that after Sanders' romp in Nevada, that he would go up.

Look at this. It didn't happen. What the heck? Thirty-five percent for Biden now. Sanders down to 19 percent. Steyer to 14 percent. So the movement, in fact, after Nevada, which should have gone towards Bernie, in fact, went towards Biden. Bizarreo land. I don't get it.

BERMAN: I like what you're taking away from that. The bottom line is, we just don't know. we just don't know.

We do have a sense, though, of where the most important voting bloc in South Carolina might be leaning, right?

ENTEN: Yes, and this might be one of the biggest reasons why Nevada is differing from South Carolina. So look at African-American voters, right? In Nevada, Biden won them, but only won them by ten.

Look at the latest Monmouth poll. Look at this margin. Instead of it being by 10, he's up by nearly 30 over Steyer and up by over -- a little bit over 30 over Sanders. So that, folks, is the key block in South Carolina. They make up the majority of voters. Last time they made up more than 60 percent of voters. And they, right now, are going for Joe Biden by a fairly large margin.

HILL: So that's the key as we're looking at that voting bloc. It's also then what happens post-South Carolina.

ENTEN: Right, right, right. And, you know, one other thing I do want to point out of one of the reasons why I think it's important to note that Biden's doing well among African-Americans is because look at 2008 and look at 2016. The final polls had Clinton by 30. She won by 48. The final polls in 2008 had Obama by 12. He won by 29. Huge differences. Nearly 20-point differences in the margin. And both Obama and Clinton led among black voters. If anything, there's a history, it's a short history, so who knows if it holds this year, of the candidate who is supported by African-Americans doing even better than their final polling suggests.


BERMAN: Outperforming the polls heading in there.


BERMAN: OK, after South Carolina, then what?

ENTEN: Right. So one of the big reasons -- look. South Carolina, not a big deal in and of itself. It really matters what might project out forward. So, keep in mind, in the southeast, Super Tuesday states where at least 25 percent of the primary voters were black in 2016, all five in the southeast, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia, and North Carolina, Alabama especially where more than 50 percent of the voting population on Super Tuesday will likely be black on the Democratic side. So if Biden is doing well among African-Americans, he may, in fact, be able to win all five of these states, or at least be very, very competitive in them. And that is one of the reasons why South Carolina matters so much.

HILL: As we look at that, you've got 2008 up next.

ENTEN: Right, so --

HILL: What are we looking at there?

ENTEN: Right, so this is another reason why South Carolina matters so much. So before Obama won in South Carolina in 2008, the national lead for Clinton was a nine-point margin. Look at that.

But after Obama won South Carolina, look at the slingshot that he was able to use South Carolina for. He took a three-point lead over Clinton in the national polls before Super Tuesday. That is the type of bump that Joe Biden is hoping to get because, let's be real, if you look at the ad money that's being spent by Biden, it's basically nothing in the Super Tuesday states. He needs a bump.

And, indeed, look right here, this, I think, is all of it, right? We've been showing this map every single possible way on my segment, on a whole bunch of other segments. Thirty-four percent of the delegates are awarded on Super Tuesday. And look at the national primary polls. The Super Tuesday states are largely representative of the national electorate. Bernie Sanders is up by 12 right now. So Biden really does need that bounce out of South Carolina because otherwise on Super Tuesday, when 34 percent of the delegates are being allocated, it's going to be no bueno for him.

BERMAN: He might get a bounce. He really needs the bounce. That is what you're looking -- can I just say one thing.


BERMAN: So people are ready for this.


BERMAN: The motherlode (ph) of delegates will come from California on Super Tuesday. I'm actually going to touch the board.

ENTEN: Nice work.

BERMAN: What's the likelihood we're actually going to know the results from Carolina on Super Tuesday?

ENTEN: Right. This is something -- we'll talk about it next week as well. California has a very slow vote count because there's a lot of vote by mail. Remember, last time around, Clinton led after election night, or even a few days after the election, in the Democratic primary by 13 points. It ended up that she only won by seven. So, folks, please be patient in California. It's going to take some time, but it's better to get the vote accurate than quickly. BERMAN: Harry Enten.

HILL: Words to live by.

BERMAN: Thank you very much.

ENTEN: Thank you.

HILL: Dow futures down sharply this morning. So big questions about whether we're looking at another ugly day on Wall Street. We have a closer look at that coming up.



HILL: Blizzard warnings are in effect across upstate New York. Some areas there have already seen a foot of snow and much, much more this weekend to come.

CNN meteorologist Chad Myers has the forecast now.

Chad, good morning.


And they are still measuring because the wind is blowing 50. How do you know if you have 12 inches of snow when there's a five foot drift and you can see the ground right next to it because it's all drifted up into one spot? And 270,000 people right now in blizzard warnings around the Tug Hill Plateau and also into Watertown.

This weather is brought to you by the Ninja Foodi Deluxe pressure cooker. The pressure cooker that crisps.

So, here you go. We will see the snow continue for today, but this storm is now going to be winding down. The bigger story I think for the masses here will be the cold air that's in place at this point in time. Windchills in the teens. Windchills in Duluth, Minnesota, right now, 17 degrees below zero.

So here's this morning. The wind picks up by about 11:00 today. And so we're going to have gusts in New York City, D.C., all the way down to Albany. We're going to have gusts in the 40 mile per hour range. Watch for any kind of power lines or even trees coming down there because it will be a windy day.

But look at this, mild. Haven't been able to put that on the map in a very long time, mild for the Northeast for next week. There will be no -- a big chance of severe weather Tuesday and Wednesday in the plains. We'll keep you advised.


BERMAN: All right, Chad, thanks very much for that. So dozens of indigenous women missing or found dead in rural Montana over the last two years. Their grieving families left frustrated and looking for answers. Now three task forces may finally give them a sense of closure.

CNN's Sara Sidner explains.



SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Paula Castro Stops just found the exact spot where he daughter's body was discovered on this Cheyenne reservation.

STOPS: And I remember seeing that in the picture.

SIDNER: All the sorrow and questions flood her mind. Why did her daughter walk away from a remote house party in the dead of winter wearing no jacket? Why did it take so long to find her body, which was discovered just a couple hundred meters from that same home?

SIDNER (on camera): You do not believe this was sheer accident?

STOPS: No, I don't.

SIDNER (voice over): When she reported her daughter missing, there was no Amber Alert and no immediate, official search. In the end, it was community members, not reservation police or FBI, who found Henny Scott weeks later. The medical examiner determined she had died of exposure aided by alcohol found in her body.

STOPS: She was only 14 because she was that young and they didn't make it a priority.

SIDNER: Eight months later, another teenager from the same reservation disappeared.


Eighteen year old Kaysera Stops Pretty Places went missing in August 2019. Her family says the Big Horn County Sheriff's Office made things worse, not better.

SIDNER (on camera): How hard was it to get them to act?

YOLANDA FRASER, GRANDMOTHER OF KAYSERA STOOPS PRETTY PLACES: They really didn't act on it. They said she's probably just out with her friends or --

SIDNER (voice over): Kaysera had gone missing more than a half dozen times before, trying to cope with a broken family and a difficult life on the reservation.

As her grandmother and legal guardian, Yolanda Fraser wants answers.

SIDNER (on camera): What disturbs you about the investigation into Kaysera's case?

FRASER: The lack of investigation.

SIDNER (voice over): The sheriff's office did not return multiple e- mails and calls for comment. Unbeknownst to the family, her body was found just days later. Still, six months on, Kaysera's cause of death is listed as undetermined but suspicious.

Kaysera was one of 28 indigenous women or girls to go missing or be murdered in Big Horn County in recent years.

ANNITA LUCCHESI, RESEARCHER: Montana has the highest number of MMAW (ph) cases by state nationally based on our data.

SIDNER: Researcher Annnita Lucchesi says the best numbers she has show a terrible trend. The government doesn't even have a proper count of all of their cases.

LUCCHESI: There's a lot of coverage of this issue that describes it as a mystery. Like we don't know what's happening. We don't know what's going on. As if native women are kind of like a rabbit in a magic act. Like we just mysteriously disappear. And that's not real.

SIDNER: Native Americans make up 6.7 percent of Montana's population. But according to state data, between 2016 and 2018, they accounted for more than a quarter of the missing persons reports. Montana's U.S. attorney, Kurt Alme, was the only government official involved in some of these cases spoke with us on the record.

KURT ALME, MONTANA U.S. ATTORNEY: There is a serious problem with missing Native Americans, particularly Native American women.

SIDNER: Now, the families working together with activists may be having an impact. Three task forces are now being set up. At county, state, and the latest, a federal task force ordered by President Trump.

ALME: I think one of the real positive things being done by the White House task force is going to be to try to provide some standardization, like the rapid deployment teams that can be brought anywhere quickly.

SIDNER: Six months after Kaysera Stops Pretty Places was found dead, a 16-year-old Native American girl was reported missing. A van she was riding in left her behind after breaking down.

SIDNER (on camera): Authorities say Selena Not Afraid was last seen alive here at this rest stop on January 1st. It took nearly three weeks to find her body, which was three quarters of a mile to a mile away from here. And in a place like this, authorities say one of their biggest issues in trying to find missing indigenous people is the sheer vastness of the place and the limited manpower.

SIDNER (voice over): But in Selena's case, the initial response was totally different. CHERYL HORN, AUNT OF SELENA NOT AFRAID: BLM (ph) flew their big high

powered drone over here. We had a helicopter fly over. We had people walking. This was all day one.

SIDNER: The coroner determined Selena died of hypothermia and sheriff's officials intimated the case was over. But then the county attorney sent out a scathing rebuke saying the investigation was open and active.

Selena's family found themselves, like the others, mired in confusion created by officials.

In all these cases, the families have taken to the streets to express their frustration with local authorities. Horn says she's hoping President Trump's task force will finally simplify all that.

HORN: I would say you're on the right track, sir. You're on the right track.

SIDNER: Sara Sidner, CNN, Big Horn County, Montana.


BERMAN: Yes, they don't need the bureaucratic pain to go on top of the suffering and loss they're already dealing with.

Our thanks to Sara for that remarkable story.

So this morning, the coronavirus outbreak is growing. The markets worried. We're going to tell you what you need to know for your health and your financial health.

NEW DAY continues right now.

ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

BERMAN: Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is NEW DAY.

Alisyn is off. Erica Hill with me this morning.

And the breaking news, the World Health Organization is warning of a coming pandemic with coronavirus. Our Dr. Sanjay Gupta says we're basically already there.

Stock markets around the world in freefall. I want you to see the sea of red in Asia, in Europe overnight. Look at all those losses.

Here in the United States, futures are down sharply again. That's 311 points in the Dow as we sit here at this moment. It has been an awful week.


The Dow suffering its worst single day point drop ever, ever yesterday, 1,200 points. The fallout from this crisis goes beyond the markets too.