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Protesters Got What They Want; General James Mattis Broke His Silence; One's Mistake, Everybody's Punishment; America In Crisis; NFL's Brees, Never Agree With Disrespecting The Flag; Protesters In San Francisco Chant No Justice, No Peace; Coronavirus Pandemic; U.S. Facing Rise In Virus Cases Due To Protests; Corporate America Responds To Floyd's Death; Softbank Launches $100 Million Fund For Entrepreneurs Of Color; Justin Trudeau Speechless Of Trump's Protest Response. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired June 04, 2020 - 03:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is CNN breaking news.

JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, and welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. I'm John Vause.

Just after 3 p.m. Central Time. It seems there was a sigh of relief across this country as Minnesota's attorney general announced the arrest of all four police officers involved in the death of George Floyd.

The attorney for the Floyd family credited the nationwide protest now into the ninth day and have marked a tipping point he says in the ongoing struggle against racial injustice in the United States.




VAUSE: Demonstrators in Minneapolis shouted we got all four as the attorney general announced charges have been upgraded to second-degree murder for the former officer whose knee was pressed down on Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes.




VAUSE: But word that all four officers had finally been charged brought some relief, it did not bring an end to the outrage. A huge crowd marched through downtown Los Angeles in defiance of a 9 p.m. curfew which the mayor says will be lifted on Thursday.

So, too, Seattle's curfew. But in Atlanta the mayor announced curfew orders had been extended through the weekend.

Three of those officers are expected in court on Thursday. But Minnesota's attorney general says getting a guilty verdict will not be easy.

CNN's Sara Sidner reports now from Minneapolis.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All the world is watching.


SARA SIDNER, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Calls for justice met with an answer.




SIDNER: Charges against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who kneeled on George Floyd's neck killing him will be increased to second-degree murder. And the three other officers involved are also being charged.


KEITH ELLISON, ATTORNEY GENERAL, MINNESOTA: George Floyd mattered. He was loved. His family was important. His life had value. And we will seek justice for him and you and we will find it.


SIDNER: The announcement came just hours after George Floyd's family paid an emotional visit to the spot where Floyd took his last breaths.


QUINCY MASON FLOYD, GEORGE FLOYD'S SON: This is for my father. No man or woman should be without their father.


SIDNER: At the center of this a family's grief.


FLOYD: My father shouldn't be killed like this. We want justice.

SIDNER: Plain and simple.

FLOYD: Plain and simple.

SIDNER: Justice.


SIDNER: The family and their attorney responded to the charges.


BENJAMIN CRUMP, ATTORNEY FOR FLOYD FAMILY: I saw I believe what everybody in the world saw a man being tortured to death while he asked for them to take the knee off of the neck because I can't breathe.


SIDNER: The mother of Floyd's young daughter said she is still struggling to explain to their child how he died.


ROXIE WASHINGTON, MOTHER OF GEORGE FLOYD'S DAUGHTER: She wants to know how he died. The only thing that I can tell her is he couldn't breathe.


SIDNER: Other signs of solidarity to today --


GOV. TIM WALZ (D-MN): I have to personally and just really feel --


SIDNER: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz paying his respects at Floyd's memorial.


WALZ: I think the biggest thing, and this is just candidly me, I don't get another chance to fix this in the country. I really don't.


SIDNER: And in New York City, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea meeting with Floyd's brother, Terrance.


DERMOT SHEA, COMMISSIONER, NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT: It should be a wake up for the country. For justice. To look in the mirror. To work together about what we can do together.


SIDNER: Sara Sidner, CNN, Minneapolis.

VAUSE: CNN law enforcement contributor and former FBI special agent Steve Moore joins us now from Los Angeles. Steve, it's been a while and the beard looks good.



MOORE: It's good to see you.

VAUSE: You too. Look, this seems to be pretty much on that case, right? But I want you to listen to the attorney general explaining why it took so long for these four officers to be charged. Here it is.


ELLISON: We gathered all the facts that we could, we reviewed the criminal statutes. We looked at case law. We consulted with each other. And we arrived at these charges.

I strongly believe that these developments are in the interest of justice for Mr. Floyd, his family, our community and our state.


VAUSE: He also went on to say it could be months before this move to trial. Why? What other evidence is needed apart from the video which speaks for itself?

MOORE: Well, what' going to come down to, John, is not so much that obviously Mr. Floyd was -- died at the hands of an officer but you're going to have to prove so many things. You are going to have to prove that there was an assault going on, a legal assault. I mean, we can all have our opinions on this.


But when you go into court things that you and I understand viscerally may not be there factually. They are going to need to prove so many elements of this. And the state is not going to take any shortcuts on this. They are going to go right into the weeds. And that means the defense has to do that much work.

VAUSE: You know, one of the reasons that a lot of people say that these charges took so long in the first place is because of an overly close relationship between the police and prosecutors, which is not a problem just from Minneapolis or Minnesota, it's a problem everywhere across this country.

Just your own experience would you say how bad is it when you get or trying to prosecute a bad cop with people who are really close to that cop.

MOORE: Frequently what the FBI does because the FBI does interview or does investigate crimes committed by officers. Frequently they will even bring in agents from other locations, say, if you are in Delaware, they may bring in agents from Florida, specifically because the relationship between the FBI agent and the officers might be close. But even with prosecutors.

I mean, when I was in the FBI there were days -- there were weeks where I'd spend the entire week at the prosecutor's office. So, there is a close relationship there.

VAUSE: OK. Now we have a situation the attorney general has taken over the prosecution here. How important is it now that it seem, like I said, (Inaudible) case, but if he gets it wrong and these guys get off what happens?

MOORE: Well, you saw what happened at the end of the first Rodney King trials in Simi Valley. Where if we think the big riots have started, the big confrontation, the 1992 riots that I -- that I was present at, those happened after a non-conviction. So, they are prosecuting essentially to keep their city in one piece.

VAUSE: Explain to me this. How did someone like former police officer Derek Chauvin, the knee on the neck guy who has more than a dozen complaints on his file wasn't reassigned to, you know, a desk job or somewhere else where he is unable to put his knee on anyone's neck. You know, by complaint number 10, it's a proof that he's not going to change behavior, right?

MOORE: Right. And John, this is -- this is what we have to do. This is -- this is the work we have to do in not allowing people to go 10 and 11 complaints into this kind of stuff. Yes, there is a closeness among officers but there can't be that kind of closeness.

It's like airline pilots. You help nobody if you allow a bad airline pilot to continue flying because eventually, he is going to kill himself too. You have -- we are going to change the culture about how law enforcement deals with rogue officers. And up until now there' been not enough forceful action on them.

VAUSE: And you say how that he was rogue officer. But in this instance, there were four officers there, and all of them were rogue. Three did not thing to help.

MOORE: Well, and here's the other part of the culture. You know, we found -- they found out in airline flying that co-pilots were very reticent to tell a pilot what to do and the pilot frequently wouldn't -- wouldn't pay attention to them. It is the same thing out on the street.

If you have a senior cop or a strong personality. I mean, you heard one of the officers say twice, should we roll him on his side. Should we roll him on his side. That -- that is forceful for a police-partner relationship there but it had to go further. It had to be no, no, no, we are rolling him on his side. And that's the culture that has to change. These are the nuts and bolts.

VAUSE: This is the hard stuff. And the hard stuff, well, it doesn't get done all the time. But, Steve, thank you. Good to see you. It's been a while.

MOORE: Good to see you, John.

VAUSE: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis has kept mostly silent since resigning last year from the Trump administration. But now the retired marine general is publicly lashing out at President Trump.

He says, "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people. Does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us."

Mattis has become so distress by the events of the past week in the U.S. that his views on speaking out apparently changed. The president responded to Mattis in a series of tweets, of course, saying in part that he didn't like his leadership style or much else about him. Glad he is gone.

The current U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said to be on shaky ground with the White House after publicly breaking with the president. During news conference at the Pentagon, Esper said he did not support the president's call to use active duty troops against American protesters.

He also said he did not know ahead of time that he'd be accompanying the president on Monday to that widely criticized photo-op at a church. Here he is.



MARK ESPER, U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act. The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now.

I did know that we are going to the church. I was not aware of a photo-op was happening.


VAUSE: Joining us now from Orlando is CNN military analyst and former lieutenant general Mark Hertling. General Hertling, good to see you.

MARK HERTLING, CNN MILITARY ANALYST: Good to see you, John. It's good to be with you.

VAUSE: Thank you. And I'm just wondering as a senior military leader first off, you served this country for almost 40 years, what was your response when you heard the president make that threat to invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy American soldiers against American civilians?

HERTLING: Well, like so many other military leaders and many of them have spoken about this. I didn't think it was a good idea. In fact, it's a horrible idea. And it's a course of action that's unnecessary. And I think primarily it actually had the opposite effect of what the president wanted to do. It stoked more fears, it probably created more violence. Because people aren't used to that. They trust their military.

And when you're talking about the Insurrection Act that's for disastrous occasion when the country is really at risk. And all of the military advisors from what's been reported were telling him that was unnecessary. So, it was probably offered by some of the folks that don't understand the military, don't know the military as much as they should if they're in government, and it was taken by a president that wanted to appear tough.

So, I was whole heartedly against the invocation or the potential for invoking the Insurrection Act, and luckily it hasn't happened yet.

VAUSE: Well, the defense secretary has blatantly joined the list of people who do not think sending American troops out to deal with American citizens is a good idea. I always thought the leadership is what you do before there is a media outcry.

HERTLING: Yes. I always thought that too. And it was interesting to hear Secretary Esper today because he was pained in his press conference, in my view. I watched the entire thing. I could sense that he was trying to not only walk back some of the things that he had said earlier but he was making excuses for others. But he was somewhat stumbling through that press conference because it appeared like he was playing for that audience of one that we're so familiar with.

But the fact of the matter was, he was one of the individuals that was reported being against the invocation of the Insurrection Act. So, he was basically stating at the podium that he was against that. He didn't think it was necessary.

And in fact, when you talk about the tactics of using active duty military against U.S. citizens, they are not trained to do that. You know, the National Guard is trained in support for civilian authority, riot control, support for law enforcement. But the active duty is not.

If you put an active duty on the street, they -- they are trained in altogether different way than the National Guard is in terms of approaching what might be an enemy. And the use of the terms dominate the battle space was also I think very unfortunate from the standpoint of the secretary.

VAUSE: We've also heard from the usually, you know, relatively silent former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis. He's accused Trump of being the first president in his lifetime who did not to try to unite the country.

Here's part of a letter which he e-mailed to a number of journalists. He wrote. "We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution. Only by adopting a new path, which means, in truth, returning to the original path of our founding ideals will we again be a country admired and respected at home and abroad.

Also, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retired Admiral Mike Mullen he reviewed Donald Trump and his threat to use the military on protesters.

This is part of what he wrote. In the midst of the carnage we are witnessing, we must endeavor to see American cities and towns as our homes and our neighborhood. They are not battle spaces to be dominated, and must never become so.

How significant is this in the big picture, you've got defense secretary breaking with the president, the former defense secretary, the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff all very vocal in their criticism of the 45th president?

HERTLING: Well, there been several others too. I'll add to that list General Dempsey, General Barry McCaffrey, General John Allen just published a piece today. So, you are seeing an increasing momentum of people saying enough is enough. This is contrary to what we take an oath to defend, the Constitution of the United States.

And whereas, you can discuss ideology and policy and strategy, when you are talking about doing things that violate the Constitution and continue to divide America and pit Americans against other Americans, it's time for those to understand these things who study the Constitution who apply it in the profession of arms to stand up and say something. And that's what I think you are seeing increasingly and it is certainly generating an increased emotional moment.


That was tough for General Mattis, Secretary Mattis today. I guarantee you it's very hard for anyone who's retired from the military or government to say those kinds of things against the sitting president. But I think you are seeing an increased in vocalization of those kinds of thoughts by a lot of the folks who have dedicated their life to the protection of the United States.

VAUSE: At the same time, though, with the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, he stood out on the streets of the capital on Monday, he's, you know, wearing camouflage and battle fatigues, he's inspecting the troops, he's looking like, you know, (Inaudible) just back from the UAE desert on Operation Desert Storm.

We also heard from the White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany talking about Trump's photo-op at the church making what was an absurd comparison. Here she is.


KAYLEIGH MCENANY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Churchill we saw him inspecting the bombing damage, it sent a powerful message of leadership to the British people. And George W. Bush throwing out the ceremonial first pitch after 9/11. (END VIDEO CLIP)

VAUSE: Churchill was inspecting damage of course by German bombers. He was fighting the Nazis, you know. This is just absurd. And all of this imagery and the deceptions I think (Inaudible) war.

HERTLING: It really is quite ridiculous, isn't it? And interesting how Ms. McEnany immediately shifted from Winston Churchill to throwing out a pitch at a baseball game. I mean, even that is absurd.

And you know, it was obvious that that was not a well thought out photo-op. There was confusion. There was dysfunction in it, and there was no message other than standing in front of church with a bible. I'm not sure what to think of that but it certainly didn't imply leadership. It attempted to imply power and domination.

And when the American people are hurting that's not the kind of thing, in my view, that you want to portray to the populous.

VAUSE: Absolutely. And it's a good point (Inaudible). General Hertling, as always, so good to see you. Thank you, sir.

HERTLING: Thank you, John.

VAUSE: Former President Barak Obama has spoken for the first time about the nationwide unrest which erupted after the death of George Floyd. His message came during a virtual town hall held by My Brother's Keeper which is part of a foundation founded by Obama after the death of Treyvon Martin in 2012.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: And for those who are -- have been talking about protests. Just remember. This country was founded on protest. It is called the American Revolution.

And every step of progress in this country. Every expansion of freedom. Every expression of our deepest ideals has been won through efforts that made the status quo uncomfortable.


VAUSE: Well, Mr. Obama urge on protesters. He added that demonstration alone is not enough. He said it's vital to show up and vote in November.

Still to come, we've seen the scenes of peaceful protest across the United States, but there also been scenes of violence and directed at police at times. More on that in a moment.



VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. For the most part, the protests across the U.S. have been peaceful but there have been moments of violence often directed at police. In a moment we'll hear from CNN's Ryan Young.

But first, a warning that some of the images in his report are graphic.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Come on. I just kept his mouth with some (Inaudible).


RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Police say 77-year-old retired police captain David Dorn was shot by looters while trying to protect a Missouri pawnshop Monday night.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: May his soul in peace, bro.

BRIAN POWELL, DAVID DORN'S SON: He called me just crying and balling and like, they shot and killed Dave, they shot and killed Dave.


YOUNG: His son now pleading for peace.


POWELL: Just step back from what's your doing. Know the real reason that you are protesting. let's do it in a positive manner.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is peaceful march. A peaceful rally.


YOUNG: While the majority of protests have been non-violent. Dorn's killing is one of many vicious attacks on law enforcement and security since the death of George Floyd last week.


TERENCE MONAHAN, CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT: There are actually 800,000 law enforcement officers in this country paying the price for what happened to George Floyd. That is wrong.


YOUNG: And the price in some cases has been high.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A shot ring out and our officer went down.

(END VIDEO CLIP) YOUNG: Twenty-nine-year-old Officer Shay Mikalonis fighting for his life after being shot Monday night in Las Vegas.


JAMES SEEBOCK, DEPUTY CHIEF, LAS VEGAS METRO POLICE DEPARTMENT: The good intended and law-abiding people leave, and those that seek to break the law stay behind.


YOUNG: In Buffalo, New York officials say video shows an SUV driving directly into police leaving one with a shattered pelvis and broken leg and two others with minor injuries. And it's not just police. Protesters are also being injured some hit by an LAPD vehicle Sunday.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm getting shot.


YOUNG: And journalists have been hurt as well.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's OK. It's those pepper bullets.


YOUNG: The onslaught of physical attacks taking its toll.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My prayers are for the family and friends.


YOUNG: Including a David Dorn's former police department.


POWELL: I am trying to get them on the straight and narrow.


YOUNG: Dorn's son says his dad would have stepped up to help his killer.


POWELL: My dad he is a forgiving soul. So, he would have forgiven that person.


VAUSE: Our thanks to Ryan Young for that report.

After the break, it seems legendary quarterback Drew Brees has gone from hero to zero after criticizing players who take a knee during the national anthem and that's going to make for some interesting moments in the locker room.



VAUSE: Welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. I'm John Vause. Just gone 3.30, coming up at 3.30 here in Atlanta.

Well, one of the NFL's top quarterback is under fire for completely and totally missing the point of Colin Kaepernick's kneeling in protest during the national anthem.

Drew Brees says he would never agree with anybody disrespecting the U.S. flag of the country. Adding, the national anthem is not just about respecting the military but also the Civil Rights movement.



DREW BREES, QUARTERBACK, NEW ORLEANS SAINTS: And is everything right with our country right now? No. It's not. We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart is it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together. We can all do better, and that we are all part of the solution.


JOHN VAUSE, CNN ANCHOR: Reaction though has been quick and emotional. Here is Brees teammate, Malcolm Jenkins.


MALCOLM JENKINS, NFL SUPERSTAR: True, unfortunately -- unfortunately you are somebody who doesn't understand their privilege. You don't understand the potential that you have to actually be an advocate for the people that you call brothers. You don't understand the history and why people like me, people of my skin color who is grandfathers fought for this country, who served in a national protest against, not against the national anthem, but against what was happening in America, and what our country (inaudible) country is for, we stands for.

If you don't understand that other people experience something totally different than you. Then when you talk about the brotherhood, and all this other bull (BEEP), it's just lip service. Or it is only on the field. Because when we step off to this field, I take my helmet off, I'm a black man walking around America. And I'm telling you I'm dealing with these things. I'm telling you my community are dealing with this things.

And your response to me is don't talk about that here? This is not the place? Where is the place, Drew? I'm disappointed. I'm hurt because while the world tells you that you're not worthy, that your life doesn't matter, the last place you want to hear from are the guys that you go to war with, and that you consider to be allies, and to be your friends. Even though we are teammates, I can't let this slide.


VAUSE: Green bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers did not mention Brees by name, but he says a few years ago we are criticized for locking arms in solidarity before the game. It has never been about an anthem or a flag. Not then, not now. Listen with an open heart. Let's educate ourselves and then turn word and thought into action.

NBA superstar LeBron James just tweeted this, you literally still do not understand why Colin Kaepernick was kneeling on one knee? Has absolutely nothing to do with the disrespect of the flag and our soldier's men and women who keep our land free.

In an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, possible legend and commentator Kareem Abdul-Jabar has tried to explain the issues of the heart of the protest over the death of George Floyd. He says even though people write and talk about raising public and political awareness about racism, the lasting changes is yet to occur. Speaking with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Abdul-Jabar says it is time for the country to change its tactics.


KAREEM ABDUL-JABAR, NBA HALL OF FAMER: I tried to set up an analogy that people could understand. You know, there is another way of describing it, it's like the United States is this wonderful bus with great seats in the front of the bus, but as you go further to the back of the bus, the seats get worse and the fumes from the exhaust leaking and really wrecking people's health and their lives.

But the people on the front of the bus, they have no complaints. It's kind of like that. When I described the dust in the air, that dust accumulates in the lives of black Americans, and it just eliminates all the mechanics of democracy.

Democracy doesn't work for us. We are last fired, we last hired first fired. We have a different set of expectations for criminal justice system. So many ways of American life, discriminate against black Americans. And finally, I think we have come to a moment of clarity here where it can result in such a horrible incident that we saw with Mr. Floyd's death.

ANDERSON COOPER, BREAKING NEWS SHOW HOST: President Obama spoke today about, and I'm paraphrasing because his words are far more eloquent than my memory of them. But essentially channeling the energy that we are seeing, this extraordinary outpouring and sustained outpouring to real systematic change. And I'm wondering how you think that is possible? I mean, do you think it's possible? You know, marching the streets is extraordinary powerful. Where does it lead to that makes real change?


ABDUL-JABAR: I think it's possible, Anderson, if it leads to forming a political will within our country to do something. Something has to be done. It's not enough to say that was terrible, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. That is not getting anything done. We have to change the circumstances. It has been almost 30 years since Rodney King incident. Did you see that as a routine traffic stop?

If any white American had a relative get drunk and get stopped by the police and have that relative beaten like that? Those people would be up in arms. But yet, 30 years past, nothing has changed. There's been a lot more other dead black Americans, and they have died really for no good reasons. Misdemeanors.

Eric Gardner died because he was selling cigarettes illegally. You know, these are triple things to take someone's life over? And we have to get to the point where we have to do something about that, and I think this will cause the political will maybe to grow, and maybe we can get something done.


VAUSE: In that op-ed, Abdul-Jabbar ads as long as we keep shining a light on racism, we have a chance to stop it. Well just ahead here, health officials in the U.S. could be bracing for a jump in coronavirus infections after those huge street protests. When we comeback House state officials are trying to minimize the spread of the virus.



VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. Well, 10s of thousands are chanting, singing and yelling protesters had been marching in cities across the U.S. Individual states have been haphazardly restarting their economies. A combination we could see a surge in the number of people infected with the coronavirus. CNN's Nick Watt is reporting health officials are still holding on to hope a vaccine might be ready by the end of the year.


(CROWD CHANTING): No justice, no peace.

NICK WATT, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Keeping six feet apart in a protest is near impossible. Some masks, sure, in Oklahoma state linebackers says he tried to stay safe but tested positive after a protest in Tulsa. Georgia now trying to make covid testing available to all protesters and police.

DR. KATHLEEN TOOMEY, COMMISIONER, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Individuals have come from out of state where they may be have even higher rates of infection and maybe bring it into our state and transmitting it as well.

WATT: In Indianapolis, some recently reopened businesses hit by looters.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our windows were completely blown out.

WATT: Chicago today moving to phase 3, despite the destruction. Barbers, ride shares, childcare, and more reopen.

MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D-CHICAGO): After a lot of consultation, and yes, a lot of prayer, we will reopen.

WATT: New York City prepping to reopen Monday.

BILL DE BLASIO, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR, 2020 U.S. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As important as the issues are being addressed in the last few days are, the single most important thing happening right now in New York City is the battle against the coronavirus.

WATT: The mayor says there will be testing available to all sanitizer and subway stations and no crash in the cars. In Los Angeles, USC planning to restart in-person classes, mid-August, but stop again, before thanksgiving, before flu season, because they're likely won't be a covid vaccine by then.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALERGY AND INFECTOUS DISEASE: We may know whether it's effective (inaudible) we are not. By may be November or December which means that by that time, we hopefully would have close to hundred million doses and by the beginning of 2021, we hope to have a couple of hundred million doses.

WATT: 133 potential vaccines are now in various stages of development around the world. Moderna has apparently shown promise, so they will manufacture doses while trials roll on. Across the country, new covid cases rates are right now falling in roughly a third of states, holding steady in a third and rising in the rest.

In Texas, about a month after restaurants and retail reopened, the average daily new case count climbed 50 percent this past week. And the U.S. is still adding around 20,000 new covid cases every day each day, and the impact those protesters mingling? Well, that won't fully be felt for another week or two. Nick Watt, CNN, Los Angeles.


VAUSE: You are watching CNN Newsroom. We will take a short break. When we come back, as protest rages across the United States. One of the most largest tech giants taking actions to promote entrepreneurs of color. We will tell you how in a moment.



VAUSE: Amid the anger and outrage over the death of George Floyd. It seems Corporate America might just be stepping up to try and bring about change. So do the Japanese tech giants Softbank which is launching a new fund aim at supporting tech start-ups led by minorities. CNN's John Defterios has covered all this from Abu Dhabi. And John, the call on social media has been higher or wire? Either employ more minorities, the higher part or invest the wire. Companies such own by minorities, Softbank is choosing the latter to investing about $100 million? That's small ton of change, does it $100 billion so in its vision funds, so how does it all compare?

JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNN EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: Well, they are making the claim, John. This will be the largest fund of its kind in the United States and a $100 million is our big number for the day in terms of the financial news. This is a fund that says it will re- invest 50 percent of the profits and then wave the management fees.


So, it is pretty big bold statement coming from a Japanese player. As you suggested here, this is a company that built this name with Masayoshi Son as the founder. Early stage investment in Alibaba, also Yahoo Japan. They made billions of dollars off that. They have the $100 billion vision fund right now, suffering some challenges with Uber which has been hit by profits and also the pandemic, and WeWork, the office space rental group which has had some charges of fraud and misappropriation in terms of accounting. So, that's been a struggle.

Now, the CEO of Softbank was suggesting, there's a great deal of opportunity. These entrepreneurs and the minority communities can do well. But they have barrier standing in the way. And this is an effort to knock down those barriers. To be clear, this is for both the African American community and also the Latino community throughout the United States.

VAUSE: Also, the wealth gap which has been a constant topic of conversation in the United States. So you have the (inaudible) which looks at the inequalities in society and countries around the world, but I think (inaudible) want to look closer at the numbers, what do they find?

DEFTERIOS: Well, John, as an American, I can say this is a sting against capitalism. We've had these wealth gaps and numbers for decades. And they haven't been closed. We had some progress on the jobless rate back in February, but that has all changed because of the crisis we are faced with right now.

But I picked out a couple of examples. One is the wealth gap itself in terms of income. Look at the disparity here, $71,000 for the average white household. Vis-a-vis 41,000 within the black community. Household wealth, the black unity has a 10th of that in the white community because they are not big investors in real estate. We know the boom that we've seen over the last 20 years in that space.

Another one, U.S. has the most expensive health care in the world, but look at the damage of black communities. Nearly 10 percent of the population lives without health insurance. That is nearly double the rate that we have seen in the white community, and we know during this pandemic John that everybody has been hit by the jobless figures that we have seen today. We are expecting more claims to be below two million. That sounds promising, but historically it's a very high number.

But look at the gap that we see here this time versus the global financial crisis of 2008. Three times the jobs lost and we are going to have the unemployment numbers coming out. The total numbers for the month of May, and they should point to unemployment rate of nearly 20 percent, John. So, this is decimating, of course, but it falls disproportionately, of course, on the African American community right now and why we see the protests on the street.

VAUSE: Yes. One of the big factors driving those protests. John, thank you. John Defterios for us in Abu Dhabi.

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was left speechless when he was asked about President Trump's threat to use military force on violent protesters. CNN's Paula Newton reports for P.M. express horror in the events in the United States, but we are not to call out the leader of Canada's largest trading partner.


PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: For several days, Canadians have shown solidarity with American protesters. Demanding justice for George Floyd, and denouncing racism in Canada too. So, it was a fair question when Canada's Prime Minister should have been expecting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have been reluctant to comment on the words and actions of the U.S. President, but we do have Donald Trump now calling for military action against protesters. We saw protesters tear gassed yesterday to make way for a presidential photo up. I like to ask you what you think about that, and if you don't want to comment, what message do you think you are sending?

NEWTON: 21 excruciating uncomfortable seconds, then finally --

JUSTIN TRUDEAU, PRIME MINISTER, CANADA: We all watched in horror and consternation of what's going on in the United States. It is a time to pull people together, but it is a time to listen. It's a time to learn what injustices continue, despite progress over years and decades. But it is a time for us as Canadians to recognize that we too have our challenges. That black Canadians and racialized Canadians faced discrimination as a lived reality every single day.

NEWTON: No direct answer, no rebuke of President Trump. Just an awkward equivocal silence that revealed so much.


Trudeau has had a difficult relationship with Donald Trump, the president called him dishonest and weak during the G7 summit in 2018, and with tariffs and threats, President Trump has treated Canada like an economic rival, not an ally.

In his silence, Trudeau seemed to squirm, knowing one word, one slight could work against Canada's best interests, and especially during these pivotal times. There is just too much to lose. One of the world's most lucrative and dependent trading relationships.

And Trudeau's ambivalence might owe much to this as well. Photos of him that surfaced last year showing him wearing blackface at a party two decades ago. Some opposition leaders said Trudeau should have had the courage to call out the president's actions. With one saying he should grow a spine, but in 21 seconds of silence, Trudeau seemed to reason with himself. The stakes were just too high. Paula Newton, CNN, Ottawa.


VAUSE: Stay with us, we will be back after the break.