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CNN Transcripts for November 22, 2014

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CNN Newsroom
• U.S. and Iran Approaching Deal on Iranian Nuclear Program; Historic Buffalo Snow Storm Lightens; Ferguson, Missouri, Awaits Grand Jury Decision on Police Shooting Case; Baby Born in Middle of Buffalo Snowstorm; New Report Released Profiling Sandy Hook Elementary Shooter; Republicans React Against President's Executive Action on Immigration; Interview with Senator David Vitter; CNN Preparing Annual CNN Heroes Event
• Ferguson Bracing for Grand Jury Decision; Flooding Fears in Buffalo; Anger in Ferguson over State of Emergency; Anger In Ferguson Over State Of Emergency; "The New York Times": Obama Extends Afghanistan Military Role; Three Protesters In Ferguson Arrested
• Sources: No Grand Jury Decision Reached On Friday; Melting Snow Could Create Major Flooding; GOP-Led Report No Wrongdoing In Benghazi; America The Target Of A Cyber Attack?
• No Grand Jury Decision Yet; U.S. Military Role Extended in Afghanistan; GOP-Led Report on Benghazi Released; Bill Cosby Rape Allegations; Melting Snow Could Create Major Flooding; Executive Grilled Over Airbag Incidents; Obama Tackles Immigration Head On; Mother Rescues Daughter from ISIS
• Ferguson Awaits Grand Jury Decision on Police Shooting Case; Buffalo Threatened with Possible Floods after Historic Snowstorm; Some American Military Personnel to Remain in Afghanistan; New Report Released Profiling Sandy Hook Elementary Shooter; Congress Holds Hearings on Company Making Faulty Airbags; Paralyzed American Soldier Stands with Help of Robotic Exoskeleton; Investment Via Peer-to-Peer Lending Examined
• Grand Jury In Ferguson Will Not Reconvene Until Monday; Legal Talk
• No Grand Jury Decision on Ferguson Case; Unprecedented Snow in New York; Webcams Can Be Easily Accessed
• Grand Jury to Reconvene Monday at Earliest; Grand Jury Considering Four Possible Crimes; UVA President Suspends All Fraternities; Obama Says Immigration Plan is "Middle Ground"; Is Obama's Immigration Plan Amnesty or Not; Should Obama Say More About Ferguson?

Sanjay Gupta MD

New Day Saturday


The Sixties