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CNN Transcripts for November 10, 2019

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CNN Newsroom
• House Impeachment Inquiry Is About To Jump-Start This Week; Republicans Continue To Move The Goalpost When It Comes To Defending Trump; Iowa Inmate And Convicted Murderer Says His Life Sentence He Was Serving Was Fulfilled When He Briefly Died. Aired 2-3p ET
• Nikki Haley: Top Aides Tried To Recruit Me To Undermine Trump; Mulvaney Tries To Join Lawsuit Fighting House Subpoena Power; Public Hearings Begin Wednesday On Capitol Hill; GOP Defends Trump's Ukraine Call Ahead Of Public Hearings; Sanders On Bloomberg's Potential Run: Arrogance Of Billionaires"; One Of The First Released Under New Law Charged With Murder. Aired 3-4p ET
• Nikki Haley Says Top Aides Tried to Recruit Her to Undermine Trump; Public Impeachment Hearings Begin Wednesday on Capitol Hill; Bolivian President Evo Morales Resigns; Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on DACA and Trump's Taxes. Aired 4-5p ET
• Nikki Haley Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Plan from former Top Officials; Democrats Not Happy with Michael Bloomberg Joining the Race; Televised Impeachment Hearings Just Three Days Away. Aired 5-6p ET
• Haley Says, Top Aides Tried To Recruit Me To Save The Country By Undermining Trump; GOP Defends Trump's Ukraine Call Ahead Of Public Hearings; Bloomberg Gears Up For Potential Presidential Run. Aired 6- 7p ET
• House Democrats to Hold Public Hearings in Impeachment Inquiry; Japan's Imperial Couple Greeted by Thousands; "Unprecedented" Fires in Australia's New South Wales; Orangutans Threatened As Borneo Rainforest Burns. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• House Democrats to Hold Public Hearings in Impeachment Inquiry; Trump's Ex-Adviser John Bolton Has Struck Book Deal; Michael Bloomberg to Run in Alabama Democratic Primary; Four Protesters Killed in Baghdad Protest; Japan's Imperial Couple Greeted by Thousands; Swing Voters Speak Out on Impeachment; Trump's "First Step" Pardoned Inmate Accused of Murder; Singles' Day Shopping Event Kicks Off. Aired 4-5a ET
• House Democrats to Hold Public Hearings in Impeachment Inquiry; "Unprecedented" Fires in Australia's New South Wales; Orangutans Threatened As Borneo Rainforest Burns; Interview with Cindy McCain, Senator John McCain's Widow, on the State of Politics; Rep. Jim Jordan Accused of Ignoring Sexual Misconduct; Supporters of Texas Inmate Seek Stay of Execution; Murdered Atlanta Student Had Filed Report against Roommate's Boyfriend; Japan's Imperial Couple Greeted by Thousands; Sierra Leone Uses Yoga to Help Soldiers. Aired 5-6a ET

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